Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Monday 8 September 1851, page 2


MELBOURNE BUILDING SOCIETY.—The monthly meeting of this society was hold on Friday evening last, when the sum of £244 6s 2d was paid in. No shares were sold.

THE ELECTIONS.—This day is appointed for the nomination at Richmond of the candidate for the representation of the district of North Bourke. The nomination takes place at noon.

INQUEST.—An inquest was held on Saturday at the Sydney Hotel, on the body of a child named Mary Anne Kindle, who was accidentally killed by being struck by a piece of timber projecting from a dray. Verdict—Accidental Death.

LITERARY.—We beg to acknowledge the August number of our old friend the Illustrated Magazine. We will endeavour to glance through it shortly, but these, political times are sadly inimical to literary review.

THE PRESS—A new weekly paper was issued on Saturday, entitled the Banner of Victoria,

It professes to be a people's paper, and as such we believe there is a good field open for it, the Weekly Despatch scarcely coming up, we honestly confess, to our conceptions of what a weekly paper might be.

NEW GOLD FIELD.—We have received the following letter announcing the discovery of a new gold field at Western Port :—

DEAR SIR.—I wish you to publish these few lines in your valuable paper, that the public may know that there is gold found in these ranges, about four miles from Doctor Barker's home station, and about a mile from the Melbourne road; at the southernmost point of Mount Alexander, where three men and myself are working. I do this to prevent parties from getting us into trouble, as we have been threatened to have the Constables fetched for being on the ground. If you will have the kindness to insert this in your paper, that we are prepared to pay anything that is just when the Commissioner in the name of the party comes.

JOHN WORLEY. Mount Alexander Ranges,

Sept. 1st, 1851..

OBITUARY.—We had the melancholy duty of

announcing, in our last issne, the sudden death of Mr Gilbert Robertson, the Editor of the Victoria Colonist, while on his way to Cuba, for the purpose of making arrangements for the nomination ot candidates to serve in the Legis-lative Council for the united counties of Ripon, Hampden, Grenville, and Polworth, Mr Ro-bertson's untimely death has shed a gloom over Geelong, the scene of his later luboiir*, «id till not fail to cxi ne dicp re"ttt throughout thi Australian Colonies, in the whole of which, fiom his long connection with the Prosa, ho nu very generally known, mid wo may add hithljf íespected, foi not alwuys the roost p-itdent ot pu'.lio wrtteis, nor in ninny respects in kei ping with tho pngreii of the times, ho »as nu st iiiiiiiistahcaU) sincere in his disue to set ve the public and moat nde luti"able in following up the courts windi hu pidg nent dictated as the bist cilculaied topro inote the prosperity of Ins adopted country Mr Hobt i tsou was by birth a West Indian, bat he was (nought up in S otlaiid, where le scried, regular apprenticeship to a Lothian farmer, und thus inquired tlu kuonledgoot «¿uctl'lnrs which g unid fui lim tlio roputatlffl beim nhvnvs possessed, of being one ol the bo« prie-

ta al n¿ricu!tuii-ts in the southern liuiiispW

His uitivul in Van Diemen's Land, hu lint locus in quo on Uns side the line, dato nearly thiityjtais bao't, und fo-somo years alter hu arm ii, ho was in th siivneot the Colonial Government, lindel Culoirl (ti)» Sir G3or0'9) Arthur, tot uoino tiinu us Siipciuiteiident of Agiiiiiitme, and luttirlv in connection with tkB Police foi te About the liai 1332 be bennie conntcltd with tho Hobart Town IVi-U, and for a long peí toil otuipied u vci) prüinniint pojitioii in aiimetioii with pub'it ultiirsin Van Denen» Li d, indei going time li parmcntioii and pe «otuil suiluing from bis o| positun to Ihn des-pinte Guvuiinicnt of (hit p«nod, lits position in that íesptet, in tatt, bealing a marked Binn lnnt) to the liiatnient ex|>eiicnceJ by Mr DI watti S nith Hal', ot th v Monitor, in th* older colony 0 N S Unies DiuingbirJ I rankin.'« admmistiatioii of ti o Govcinmoiit of V D Lind, Mr Robertson's conn (lion with the Tren of the sistor colon) ccasod, and ho was appointed Sa pecintendeiit of AgucultuiB at Norlolk Island, thon traus'erred to the Government of Van Diomeii's Lind. In this position ho spent fe-ver il very happy ) nts, till his nncieut enemy, Mr Puce, tho piesont Commandant of tho Sit tleuiuit, «..sttnied tho command, and a ruptme ensued, which Kd to Mr Robertson's resigretion ofofhio under the Government, und oïcntually to his settlement m this colouv The ogncnltt nil interests of the toloi y have 1 st a di »led friend in Mi I'oioitjon, und in Geelong hil death must cause u blank which will not loon

oroistl) be supplied lie lisa lift a widow,and on intttestiiig I milly, ne fear but very slenderly provided tor, but ne lui näsnrtd that thepeoplo ot Geelong will fool tho caro of (lie »idow and orph ins of then departed friend, to

bo a solemn trust eommittid to tliuir charge, ard that tho ti nst will not bo neglected

DARING BURGLARY—Between the hours of two and three o'clock yesterday morning a burglary was committed, which for the atrocity with which it was accompanied, is

almost without a parallel in the annals of crime.

The house where the outrage was performed is in Lonsdale Street, West, and is known as the Robert Burns Hotel, kept by Mr Kennedy. The thieves (of whom there are two,) effected an entrance by means of skeleton keys, and having ransacked the lower portion of the home proceded up stairs to the sleeping apart-ment of the landlord Mrs Kennedy,who

was disturbed by the strong glare of the light,

which one of the robbers carried, immediately raised the alarm, when the cowardly miscreants in order to drown her cries and effect their own

escape, applied the candle to the bed curtains,

and in a few moments the room was filled with smoke and flame. Most providently, Con -stables Gardner and Hockey were on duty near the spot, and hearing the cries of Mrs Kennedy, immediately proceeded to the house, where one of the scamps was arrested by Gardner, who found on his person a quantity of the stolen pro-perty and a bunch of skeleton keys. The other man succeeded in getting away for the time, but was arrested about an hour afterwards.

In the meantime the other constable rushed upstairs and rescued Mr and Mrs Kennedy from their dangerous situation; the flames were ex-tinguised after considerable exertion and it is satisfactory to add that no material injury has been sustained by the inmates beyond the agita-tion and alarm consequent on this deliberate attempt to burn them in their beds. On the two

prisoners being taken to the watchouse, one was recognised as a notorious brothel-keeper and receiver of stolen goods, named John West; the other is a stranger, and is supposed to be a

recent arrival from Van Diemen's Land. This is by no means the only outrage, which was committed during the night, it having been reported to the Police that a horse was stolen from the premises of Mr.Beurtreaux, dentist in Elizabeth-street and that the shop of Mr ???, grocer, in Little Bourke-street was burgled and entered and a cash-box stolen. An attempt was also made on the office of Mr. F. Stephen in Swanston-street, but as it is generally believed that the only personage who is clever enough to rob a lawyer, is a certain gentleman who is said

to be by no means so black as he painted, it turned out in this case that the thieves, although they succeeded in entering the premises, found

nothing they considered worth taking. [After(?) the above was in type, we have been informed

that the thieves entered Mr. Kennedy's house by cutting through the door with a bit-and-brace and that Mrs Kennedy who courageously grappled with one of the ruffians received a severe wound on the head, from the effects of which

she is confined to her bed.]

We are requested by Messrs Francis and Cohen, to call public attention to their sale of

cheeses, rice, fireworks, matches, &c., to take place at their Mart, this day, at eleven o'clock.

^o7wAY ROBBERT.-On Saturday iii-ibt, «, taaksfreet, nearly opposite the ¡wacei.'*

^Ldyt^nlÄrnt1. will be brought np foi

examination this morning.

.'Hf"nn rtrmvivos.-Our contomporareis are

vervangr? wHb «s for hinting at Mr Moor's

I L upon the Speakenhip, and pretend to Srtdirtther. is no foundation for the report Time will «ho» on which side truth exists ¡ but 3 ^ «uro our contemporaries that wo rank ZTo ree of information rather above the mere

^rdof oittrof them, or, if the truth must bo

¿old tlmt of both of them put together.

TUB DRUNKARDS' LrsT.-On Saturday, Cathe-rina Lynch, Samuel Barker, John Lovel, and Jervis Thomas, were charged with being drunk alibe previous night, and fined five shillings

T>' n WOOD-Daniel Hickey was charged on Saturday, by constable Clarke, with removing a Quantity of'dead wood from Crown property near S g1 ton. Tho defendant, who admitted the dan, was fined ten shillings, together with the «lie of the wood and the cost of the summons, "r," defaulter pa.vment one week's imprisonInt. 'fliomas Halloran was charged with a similar offence, and fined one Blulling and costs.

DmECiATED VAI.UK OF a OLD.-Advices havo been ícccived in Sydney, to tho effect that Messrs Thacker and Go's last returns from home, on account ol' several thousand ounces of Cali-fornia gold, showed a depreciation nt the mint of about 'Jd un ounce undor their previous sales, effeoted only a few weeks before. This account is to some extent corrobot ativo of the news con-tained in a former number of our paper.

Bui-rASf.-Mr. Stewart, who has for se-veral years held the office of Police Ma-gistrate, at Alberton, Gipps Land, is

lo receive Hie appointment of Police JaVistrnto at Tlelfast and Warnambool, in Hie room of Captain Mair. Mr Stewart has long served tho Government in this capacity ; ho was originally stationed in Campbelltown, so long ngo as 1834, and subsequently at Goulburn,

before his appointment lo Gipps Land. It will , be recollected also that he was the Commissioner sent donn to Port Phillip in 1836, by Sir Richard Ilourke, then Governor of Now South Wales, to see what the " invaders" from Van Dienie'n's Land were doing in this portion of his dominions. Mr Stewart is succeeded at Al-berton by A .drew Muriion M'Cruo, Esq., bro-ther of ilio Postmnster-Qonernl, but no provision basas .vet been made for Captain Mair