Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Monday 2 June 1851, page 2


BUTTFR -The Foi Hand Guai dian siys that buttot m non selling in that town at tío shillings

a pound

BENEV OLENT ASYLUM -A public meeting has leen convened at Wiuniimboul, for the pul pose ol consideim0 the propuetj of forming a lionevo

lent Asijum in that town

ANOTULR IMIOI TATIOV-As ne weio going topless, the distm0usliiug Red lilaa, niiiioniic mg the aruval ot aiiothoi living caigo ol Mee 'and liumoialit), ivis displuicd - Col Times,

Alay 27

COCKNEY SPORTSMEN.-Some of the many sporting young men who are so often perambu lating with their guns in search of game about the Merri Creek, last week, in the absence of more legitimate game, shot a fine cow, the pro perty of Mr Evans, a respectable freeholder of


THE POLICE COURT-His Worship the Mayor, and Mr Heape, disposed of the business before the Court on Saturday. The only case on the watch-house list was that of John Kelly, supposed to be a prisoner of the Crown illegally at large, who was further remanded.

THE WEATHER-Such was the excess of rain in the neighbourhood of Mr Picketts Inn, Salt Water River, that tho giouud becauio so sbppi iy as to muko it nccessaij to joko up a team ot 14 bullocks to drag up a loaded dray, and to have four

men to drive them

A MISTAKE. -A Mr Grant who is about to

proceed to tho Bathurst diggings, ordered a number ot shovels, and like viso directed that a dozen ci tidies shoul 1 bo m ii lo toi lum What nits his astonishment, on Ins leceiiiug fir his

oidei a dozen of childi en s eradles '

HIGHWAY ROBBERY.-A farmer, named Binns, was stopped on tho io id, a little w iy past I lem-ington, when pioeeedmg hoinewauls, bj til o mined men, nho veiy coolly eased his pool els of the amount of c i->h thej eont uued 1 his con sistcd of X2" in notes, and is a serious loss to tho poor m in

THE ELECTORAL DISTRICTS.-The following persons have been appointed collectors of the electoral lists of the electoral Districts of North and South Bourke, under the Victorian Electoral Act: - North Bourke, Charles Brodie, Chief Con stable; Thomas Isaac Wall, John Breen, and John Price; South Bourke, John James, and

Emanuel Green.

A AN DILMKNS LIAD-\\u have received

p ipers to tho 28th ult 1 ho Legislative Connell had resumed its sittings, and wcio pioeeedmg with the I locloial Bill lar) Grey s Desp itch on tho subject of reputing the £24,000 lo ni had also been mudo tim huhject of n motion, but it had been deemed moio advisable to leavo the matter to be enquired into bv a eoninittco of the lust leprcsentittvo Council

HIGHWAY ROBBERY. -Is Mr Barrow quite as watchful of his Pentridge pets as he ought to be ? Or do they iclicve the eniuu ot tho day's wotl ola ' Government niau,' with a littlo um item bush lunging m tho nei3hl>out hood ' Lite 1 ist evening an attempt was made to stop Mr Foxton, of the customs, who was riding along the Sydney Road, within one mile of the Stockade. Tie lo it pad lushed sud lonly from behind a stump, and mado a dait nt tho horses head, giving noll oto an accomplice m lim siuiu instant hi ti loud whistle, when n lucky shj of tho horse prevented the bndlo horn being seized, und a ahm p application ot tho spin dcteatc 1 the ann

able intention of the loblicrs

CLAIM FOR WAGES-A young man, named William Heeley, on Saturday sued his employer, Mr Mooney, of Western Port, for a balance of wages due, amounting to £2 8s It appeared that the young man had been engaged at the weekly wages of 12s to shear, shepherd, and hut keep, and to drive sheep on the road with another man ; the defendant had given him orders to drive a flock of sheep to Western Port, and carry his "swag" himself; this the young man refused to do, as being almost impossible in the present state of the roads; and he was then told to go about his business, or he would be sent to the watch house at once ; he then went and got a summons out for his employer. The amount was decreed for with costs. Notice of appeal was then given by Mr F. Stephen, who defended

the case.

A CONTRAST-Hie Itcliof Committco of our

siilei city Geelong publishes tho following i put of the lib« iii ulm! fund niised in that neigh bom hool Hie toutlast with tho stnto of all ins nearer homo is not MI y comphmontnij to

Melbourne -

SUtcinont sliowlu» distribution or ltollef lund from

l'Hit Jolraii) to . til Ma) 1851 -

£ s (1 £ H il

Tot il amount sul «.rilied Zboj 10 "¡I

Dlhl mm. I

lu hums ] i! 1 foi temporal)

tcliof i loi i l18 to el iii is

1 oin» nett! I 20 0 0 On 2R c uti* tllxtli ii (.a I vi itli

on ill minis 00 10 0

Still not} ant nliortlsing lfi l8 0 Allnwauro to Seoiotni),

| st iH « te 25 2 7 Itullil air rlr-l In l8 CHICK

In tliu i roj onion of 1TJ.<¡ jil omi na 1 sacs as

e »uni I y ( on mlttuo 2&M 15 8 Ann nut still duo (ii three

e mis 125 14 6 2841 1 3

¡bliowln" nlion paid a Stir

j lim to Mi« f und of £14 1(1 8

Hil moe In Bank to orctllt of lund this eli«

£'. ins 7d

Am nutt of uiipal 1 Bubnorlplh tis £11113s 7(1

Hy order ot the ltollef Omnmlltro



Geelong, 27th May, 1851.

JLLDWBAWD MA<ump-flie May "umba ot thupe loili^d has been isuiol Wellard bai eli glanced at the contents but a tin thor notice ot tho Melbourne Press horn friend Her-cules nppeus, to whom wo shall piv ourresnects ni a day 01 two l

PiiOMOTK»-\. contemporary has pio-notod Penning, tho iciy nctuo detectno constable, to be"&erjcint Mapi ' of police On inquiry II

the proppr qu irter, wo find that the " Serjeant Majors" commission is likely toarme with tlio letters patent making his Honor n Knight

DRUNKARDS - Jane Rowe and Eliza Smith, charged with drunkenness, on Wednesday, were discharged, the happy state they were in being owing rather to the unusual strength of the ale, than the quantity they had taken. Char lotte Robinson charged with a similar offence was also discharged, the constable having taken her out of a house, and thereby exceeded his duty. William Sullivan was fined 5s. A very tall and very thin young man, who gave his name as Augustus Jackson, had been, ac cording to the constable's statement, " hollow ing out" in Elizabeth-street, between twelve and one on the previous night, and on being asked what was the matter, " he said there was a divil on the lamp post," the constable could not see the "divil" and therefore took Mr Jackson to the watchhouse ; he was fined five shillings.

Disputed Right of Road - A case of dis-puted right of road, occupied the bench for a long time on Thursday, Mr Wight, of the firm of Watson and Wight, merchants, was the com plainant, and two men named David Connor, and David Colcahy, being tho defendants. It ap-peared from the evidence, that a fence had been erected by Mr Wight, across a certain track or road on his station known as Mount Ararat, licensed by him from the Crown, about twelve months since. A few days ago, the defendants broke down this fence, and they now stood charged with the malicious injury of the same, and pleaded in extenuation, that it was a public road, and had been used as such. It was decided ultimately that the case should be dismissed, the plaintiff to pay costs of court.

HAVING A " LARK " - A respectable looking young man named Thompson, was on Thursday charged by Constable Brown with having been on the previous night about twelve o'clock amus

ing himself with knocking at every door he passed in Spring-street, with a large stick he had in his hand; he proceeded down Gieat "Bourke, street amusing himself in the same «ni, and on the constable objecting to tho -young gentleman stiikmg tho docus he at once stiiick. tho constable, and was tal en to the watch houso to prcient him sl'il nig anj one olse Considoitng that tho "laik' had alroidy oost him only a night's lodging m the natch house, he was fined 40s oi four days imprison


Siovs or THE 1 mrs-CiroumsfanccB effect wondrous transmutations Pick-axo3 and shoicls nre no longer mere vulgni instrument« of toil

but liiio become mineialogically i espectable' The stone brcikeii in tho Squire liai o risen seieial degiees in estimation, mid seem tobo connected remoteh with the diggings, by coito ine\|ilioihlo metaphysical pioccs» Henceforth thei arc opcritno geologists frullcs too, aro spoken of nith solemnity, nnd dialed into tho pi cviiilmg topic, th* delicacy of allusion to the prevailing topic being entuely got rid of Ilia uatchhouso is desi0nited n "imp" formation, and heal i fines " nuiileious dcpouls " Public houses mo full of " quat tr," and hot brandy and water is termed an "amalgam" A reply is n "icloit,' a bed "a b'ratum," and a bali) 'lecent foi mutton " Li en tin ig is gcologicnlli stricken, ci on to Holloways ointment, «hicli is ptonouneed to he eme a foi * volcimc oiuptions '-Geelong



bourne Presbytery, in connection with the Synod of the United Presbyterian Church of Victor's, met on Wednesday last. Among other matters

the state of ícli^ion ni Collingwood, wasbron,ht under its notice, anti after maturodchboi ilun,it was mi uiimously resolved to attempt the foima lion of n church, to meet the nnnts of thatrr» pid'v mci ea mg dish let, under the pistoral care

of the Rev A Ross. We understand that a public meeting of those friendly to the oause, takes place in the Rev Mr Ramsay's Church on luesilny eiciimg Hie Prcsbvtery had also mulei considorRtion thedostitnto slate of \ 1 burr and baie deputed ono oe thon niimbei, th» Reverend David Ballantyne, to visit that town ship

THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND IN V. D. LAND Notwithstanding the refusal of the Lord Bishop of Tasmania to coin one a meeting of the Lay membeisof his Church, thee mernie» ¿ni« themselves called a meeting wlnc/i naj to Im held on the 23ul ult " to consi 1er the minutes of confeicncoof tho bishops it Sidney, an I tie questions connected therewith " flio Colonial 1 tines m mentioning tho subject siis, ' Why so much delay has taken place, wo uro not aware hut it suems leitnin tho bishops lime stolen« mm eh on tho lny members, and tho proceedings of their conference will have opertted at home long before the opinions of the latter can reach riighmd Tho clergy hal o already expressed then MOWS upon tho proceedings of tho Bishops, and ive ti Hit tho laiti w ill p iss a similar " iota

of censnie " Tho Hobart Town Courier of tlio

28th ult contains n full report ot the proceed-ings at this meeting, when some powerful speeches wcto made, and some strong resolutions

can led -

PORT OFFICE REGULATIONS. -By the new Port Regulations, independently of hilborn- dues, n penny a ton is inipisi d on ovei v ship not ex

omptcil by tho Act of Council 10th Victoria No

I, 1st On aiiohoring or mooring cithei inside oi outside the harboui maslei's limits, which is a line di awn fiom Battery Point to Maoqunris Point This is called a remove 2nd Any lemoial m tho port, unmooring or moving to tho wharf, to bo co-sidered ns a loniove rim is remove tho second unmooring and preparing foi sea to bo temoio the thud but it fre-

quently linppens, owing to press of room, that a partial lemova from the wharf takes place, so that this, wo suppose, would be reckoned nnothei remove, «lth others m rotation A icssel of COO tons nould thus lune to pay £12 or £15, in addition to harbour dues I Ins is dancing to a pretty time Another regulation oii|Oius all yessels in port to tig their flying jib booms and not to run thom out again with-out p i mission ' Pilots in churgo aro forbidden to allow any l>o it to come alongsiilo excopt tho Pott Ofhiei's boat, the Customs* boat, or tho Health Ofheoi, hoforo the vessel is properly seciuo I in lu r iinohoi i_,o I his appear» a lory uimecessuy îestuetion It is tho opinion of tlio mercantile coinmuiuti that tho penny a-ton moio is nnvtlmig hut turning nu honest penny -Hobart Doun Colmer, May 17

Poiui tnoN, Lfcinus»STATION, AND TRAÎIB» loiiTATios-Iho fillowing lomniks from ti«

Colonial Innes of the lGth ultimo toles very

clem new of tho «ii j m which those subjects aro mixed up together, and shows how mat« nilly the one iiflccts tho other -"By tho re« cut census returns, wo tin 1 that in tho four eolomosol Sydney, Victoria, Adelaide, and Van Diemen's Land, theto aro 403224 inhabitants, distributed thus -Sydney, 192 000, Victoria, 77,360; Adelaide, 63,700, Van Diemen's Land, 70,104 taking tho cntiio population of each colony, and including nominees, it appears

thit nt Sydney ona moinber is appointed for

i,r)r)5 indu ninnis , in "\ letona, foi 2J78 II Adelaide, for 2uîr> mid it. Van Diemen's Land, foi 2923 inhabitants Whilst the re< turns show a sliiriing incienso in the popu lation ol the other colonies, that of Van Die niiuiH Lund has lenuuned almost stationary, » result which we oiv to tho continuance of tranr«

porlation This colony lins non boon established l8 yenis and Victotm IC.nnd jet the inhabitants of tho lnfctoi exceed those of the foi mer by sei end thousand I ho conti list thus exhibited between the i ipil powthof the one, awl Mt« slow ptogiess of the olhei, cannot bo explained solely hy tim admitted dilloiciico in then capa-bilities mid tcsouiees \ letona stilltedlioo anil lint» ainmelled , Van Diemens I »ml n is beon and is striemig linda tho low of conuotism Iho dobite ni the Sidney Conn, eil i gardmg tho inteiests «Inch shuuld bo icpiosiiitcd, unlolds i iv cleat!} the two clomonf« ii huh CM it theio ns in nil sow* tim, the-clements, nameli.of conseriatisni ana domoei ney 1 ho ii lends ot the foi mer con tenue« foi the olaims of pi opa li, the latter exolusiieiy for population i ho conscriatiits cm ned tie day lhore is so much ti nth mixed up with tua theonoa ol both, that cooli will always comm«» able mid conscientious adiocntes 'Jiie leelinf which dictates tho solo consideration of popular tion to tho exclusion of property, in very m and humane on i, and will e^ontually tnump», wo anticipate, in oicy community cnjoyinfin» blessings of represontutivu goiouiment '

PARRAMATTA- Dr Jackson, the Bishop of

Lyttleton, has been astonishing Parramatta

Ty «eton, mi ^ ,,ove,3thing'

"th Ilä,meITce Bishop preached in St

K0? 'T once m A 1 S ..nts, and it is said that john's, and ono "^, ^^ '"""'T lo fennHS sermon ... the evenropairing'e forme, congregat.on, is

¡25 «o Set^excellent ° His stylo is rather

I d i i ity is evidently ot the evangel c .1 school

th Church of Lngiand f he people.>t Pa. -n,. f,. who are opposed to oin thing that

II cms of Cy-sm. Hld -ather have seen the Sp prenol. m a Mach gown than in a stn X< J he Bishop is the son of a distinguished Wesleyan Minister, formerly President 0f the Conference. Dr Jackson, has gained golden opinions in Paramatta, and when he preached in All Saints Church, the Wesleyan Minister Li Inspecte Unit up the clmp4 and went to hear linn Tt nould pi ovo a li tppv c.icumslanco for the colonies, oppiessod as they havo been bv Mióos ot the High Chuieh oi liactaiian School, if the Wosleyans would ti am a fovv moi o Bishops hko Dr Jackson - The Press

TnE PROsrKCTs OF VAV DIFMEN S LAND -The Hobart lown Papers jiuhlish au ofhcial cor. remondence between Earl Gi ey and fcir William Denison, relative to the £00,000 loan fiom the Imperial lieasmy lho following remarks on tiesubject aie horn the Hobart Town Courte) of the 17th ult -" IheLoidsot the lreasuiy insist on the repayment of the debt of £GO,000 drawn from the Commissauiit chest dilling the (dramistiation of Sir Lardloj - Wilmot, but havo consented to charge it upon tho I and lund at the rate of £r»,000 a jear lhoso loans wem made from the Commis ariat in order to enable the Goiernmont to bo coined on during » period ot great embarrassment, caused by the undue projioi lion ot the cost ot Police and Gaols imposed on the colony foi the conti ol and coei ciou of British malefactors IheBntibh Goieinment stibspqiicnllj admitted this grievance, and consented to pav annually the sum of £24,0U() in com) citation ot tho in-justice , but it it nas n0ht to giant it at tho time they did, it was also ri"ht lo gno it a ictrospcctive eflect at least to the amount of this loan hour the Commisstriat, beeiusB a colonial dobt «as also contracted ot £3¿,0ü0, when the Commissariat i of used to make anj tiiithei ad-vances Hie Lords ot the Irtisurj excuse thomselies on the ground that the giant of £24,000n jeal, was nude on condition of tho Land lund being guon up nhen the icceipls of that In"' weio meiclj nominal , but that, as it lias non in some degree recovered itself, and hits been given back to the colonv, it is only ronsonablo to mako the debt a cbaige upon it under the modified conditions pioposed ot £i000 a je i, which is a concession mado to

lio penal condition of the colon v, and the con

vémonos afforded to Gicnt Britain h> thoiolony being mado the recoptaelo for Butish convicts . ] rerj argument is ba«ed on the assumption that 1 HU Diemen s Lund should continuo a penal colonv, and Lord Giej, who gavo a distinct pledge that trauspoi t/ition should be discontinued to tins island, torn aids all these documents, adding, that he lins no ohjo tion to one halt ot the I and I mid hoing devoted to internal im-provements, (of com so bv convict labour, in the nbsonco of omigiation, which ho assumes is not requited here, owing to an adequate supply of labour being yielded by tinnsportation

THE COMING ELECTIONS -We lately cautioned

those who possess the elective trincluse from pledging themselves to any aspirant to legislativolio ois until thoj shall have seon AIL who aro intending to como forward as cindidates, but taking even n casual glance at the list which »ogive below of those as jet in the field, there

does not seem to be much I eui that sensible and

rational men will be in a hurrj to pledge thom.elics, not hut that ninny of the gentlemen mo respectablo enough, in their omi spheics, but tho public has failed to discoicrauj qualitn ntion in tho mijouti ot them foi the ottico to which they aspno as legis'ators. and that, too, m tho first Council of the province lho opinions of somo of the gentlemen, so fir as tin j nie at nil 1 non n, me perfect y antidiliiiian,

and thoio ot othcis mc so fat advinccd in the trinsitiou stato that, like tho old gentleman n ho once lcpicsonted Hull they Mould lequue to 1 copa private seorotarj to icmiud them occasionnllj ot tho political opinions thev IUIYO piotessed Tierj constttu ency should ben m mind ihntthoy have not now tosend men to au alien lo^islatui e, but toa legislature alreielv ililli, initiated, and one hkelj io contain some very able men, thev. want men to represent them, and men »ho shall li ive timo and talent to devote to that pu. pose lleasaut as it muj be to unto M L C at tho end of one's name, it should ho clearlj undci stood tint any gentloman who mnj put up loi an M L C -ship, is not to bo a " dumb do0' ill, oi altogether an nbsenteo memboi, of the Legislative Council

There has been a suflieiont ntnount of tricket \, jobbery, and bundling m tho imliiitoiy stops already taken, and it is non the duty ol tho nholo holy of electors, both collectively and in-dividu dij, to show that thev have been calum-niated hy those who havo declared thom unworthy of reptesontativo institutions, mid »ho would sell them, and then lights and puuloges any day, ^fortho smile ot a superior in power Howcvei, wo nt onco mtroduco the inuous candidates now m the field, premising that, beyond

the hint ne had the other daj from ttio Heiald, \ that some mischief «as browing m tho way ol

¡berat candidates, no one is jet spol on of for Melbourne, with any degree of credibility, except Mr Westgarth. For North Bourke, John Bear, Esq Dr Macarthur, and Thomas Wills, Esq. are reported to be in the field; and for South Bourke, J B Were, Esq and Edward Eyre Wil liams, Esq are named as candidates, and are actively canvassing. Kilmore, Kyneton, and Seymour promise a sharp contest. Messrs P Snodgrass and John Hunter Patterson are in the field, and other candidates, including Mr O'Shan nassey, are spoken of. Geelong seems to be quietly handed over to Dr Thomson, in consideiation ot lils campaign at Sjdney, and wo do not hear who is likely to be his colleague Perhaps thoj will allow Captain Fyans to put in Mr Macaithm. on tim same terms as before. Mr John Alison, of the firm of Alison and Knight, and Mr T.H. Osborne, editor of tho Belfast Gazette, mo claimnnts for the honoi of representing Bi Ifast

and Warnambool , and theio seems somo lil chliood ot tho contest being rendel ed moie ener-getic by fin ther candidates *lor Portland, An-drew Rose Cruikshank, Esq is the only candi-date yet in the field. Redmond Barry, Esq, Commissioner of the Court of Requests, is men-tioned as likely to stand for Dalhousie and Follett in the Government interest; Mr Wil-liam Ruthledge, for Villiers and Heytesbury ; Mr Robert Turnbull, for Gipps Land; Mr John Highett, for Grant; D C Simpson, Esq , for the Loddon , and for Ripon, Hampden, Gren ville, and Polworth, Adolphus Goldsmith, Esq , are the only candidates whose names have as yet transpired. The Wimmera is to be contested by Major Firebrace and Colin Campbell, Esq

83" Wo aro roguosted to o ill the attention of the public to Messrs Stibbs mid ¡son's snlo of allotments ot land, situate near tho Botanical Gordons , salo to tako plaeo at their Now Mart, lins Day, at half-past twolvo o'clock