Army News (Darwin, NT : 1941 - 1946), Thursday 2 November 1944, page 2

" _ i 4#1 Y our Ff M 't t IWhat appenng In ur Home State o L?·- · ,?.? • .. . - ,?

Tasmania THE .DEPUTY DIRECTOR GLNEKAL •OF .'MANPOWER, Mr. Plummer,. said several days ago that an additional 604 men and 797 women would be. required for food' processing "factories in Southern Tasmania during the coming season. Of this number, 590 men "aid '707 -women 'olpd be needed for factories in Hobart aone. THE MIN'ISTER FOR "HEALTH, Mr. :.Howroyd, has informed Mr. Spurr, MHA, ':that the 'site selected for the proposed ~Baby "Velfare Clinic at Deloraine has a.een 'dclared'mns'uitble by 'the 'Governinenrt architect and 'that a new site sug.;'ested 'by.:,the: Country Womniens Asso" clation i"wll be -:inspected :shortly. T.....H E TASMANIAN FARMERS, S?'UlCK,OWVERS "AND 'ORCHARDISTS' ASSO.'.TATION has 'applied 'to the Prices ComI'nissione'r for 'an, increase of I/. :a bushel as a ,ceiling price for all varieties "ot 'seed oats. 'H'ARbLD . NORTHCOTE PEARCE was sentenced to four years' iiiprisdnnrent"'by the 'Chief 'Justice, Sir 'John Morris. In the "Hobart Crriminal. Court . for having, on, 'e?ptember 26, "~etween Ntinamara "and iN'ewstead, ' assaulted ' Ethel Margaret Faulkner by smashing .a bottle 'of wine over her head. He pleaded guilty. 'E O SOJtI: - ' RN 'TASMANIAN T?EA'C-1'ERS' 'AS'SOCIATiON ' an'nounced at Hobart 'thait a'definite course of action to be 'ta'en" by all '?ac hers" ip the event of the' "Goverrinent's rifusal to' accede to a "'equest 'for "'an increase in 'sAlary'' had 'been decided upon. , DVE LOPMrENT OF"SECONDARY IN. DUSTRT'Y"in 'Taimniaa laWo'ild' rbsult' in a population many times the'present "·im-: 'ber, baid. the 'Federal Minister for "In-' fortAttion, 'Mr. Calwell. He has just retUFir~'d 'from Tasmrania, where he' ad dressed 15, meetings in six days' in sup. port' of the Second Victory Loan. THE "PREMIER, MR. COSGROVE, has. denied that he had any. financial Interest 'in the 'Hobart 'bridge. In a clrcular signed'by'a Hobait resident, it is 'alleged '.hat the Premier, in the name of his ':,br6ther, 'has 'shares valued at- £1000 in "the utndertaking. "The .statement is definitely untrue," said the Premier. "Neither I nor any fanily has the slightest financial interest in the bridge." :'Asked ""'whether 'he 'proposed to .take action .'against. the author, :the Premier replied that he had 'not decided. Queensland COUNCILLOR JAMES 'PARNELL "'ULLY, 'chairman of ,the Mulgrave Shire .Council, died on 'Tuesday. For' the last .1'8 years, 'he was 'the proprietor of the Stratford :Hotel and 'formerly was a 'member. of thesBarron Falls Hydro-Elec'tridity 'Board and 'Cairns 'Hospital y;.tBoard. He 'was, a" keen. follower ot sport. . MAKING THE 16th VESSEL to be `'completed at a ' Brihbane' shipbuilding yard, a naval frigate' was' launched on ':Tuesday in the "presence of 'the Admiral of, :the, Fleet,, 'Lord Keyes. "It ' shows .that Australia is setting .her future to 'ake a' part in 'the retention of command "of'} the seas," said' ,Lord Keyes, in a tribute to the part 'Australia was taking' in the war. ', T:WENTY''FOUR ' OF' '41 Australian :so6ldiei's'" in' a rmyi 'trailer were injured when a trailer," 'capsized 'after collision . with a car 'at 'Woolo6win'"on Tuesday. I or these, ten wrere admitted - to a military '-hospital' 'and the" 'others treated : by am'biilarice. '"One is in a serious condition. .'th~ree amrrbidance cars from the city and ,several rillitary ambulances were sent' to. t'?he ?'?cene; FOLLOWING A DISPUTE between the D' 0n ns 'Co-dperative Dairy 'Association -tn?d 'niembers of its "staff. three "section managers -and -general manager, Mr. R. W. VThomas, received notice of dismissal. `" As a 'result ",about 120 'other employees gave "notice "of their decision' to resign " hile' ssliilar' adtion1"'was being taken by' .,other employees at outside factories, in:.cluding Crew's' Nest "and "Jondawae. '' HENRY '<DESMOND iBUCKLEY was 'G"'"enteinced'?on' Tuesday to seven years' '""'hard labour "after being found guilty' of 'irape : at"Southport: on December 24" last. SBuckley previously 'was sentenced to' six -ygars .and on appeal, the Criminal Court .quashed .the sentence "and"ordered a new ;trial,.. The i'ihcreased "se'iatence' was "the outcome. THE'.BEAUDESERT 'TRAMWAY the .:first sectioi of .:hich was "bpened ' in 1905 and :the remainder in '!912, has been "clsed" for' lack of 'sUliport, and , been sold at the origlnrl 'cost of , £89'800' 'of which the 'Beaudesert Shire. ':"'botci"ci'6tll l"web £30:000. Sale 9f loco."mtlves "anid alls. however. Is expected] I itrn'ieallse "abiut £26,000: The rails have "been s61l to sugar mills in the Macknv. Sdistrict and the locomotives to the Isis' Cintral Sugar Mill 'and' Fatrymead. INCREASED DELIVERIES OF 'FRUI'i[ and vegetables combined with high prices to gl?i?e' the 'Committee of Direc-' .tlond of Fruit Marketing a record turnover in 1943;44. 'Consignment turnover was about £1,446,340, compared' with £1 0 18,600 for the previous year, 'This Sis :revealed In 'the Auditor ' General's annual report.' Operations resulted in a Snet profit of-£53,319, £3 1.717 more than the previous year, says the report.'Largest single item was £E37,596 profit in the cdn'mlttees 'tra'ding section, compared 'r'ith l£11,997 in 1942/43. This prpfit was after -the provision of £36.345 for ban-, uses and rebates-£21,320 more than wa'sIdatisbtited in 194243, . 'IT'WAS lIME ACTION WAS T'AKEN to provide rianpower for urgent civilian viorks 'and services which had been deferrdd for a 'long 'tlme, ,said the Co. ordriator .General of , Public Works, ;Mr. J. F. Kemp, At the *same time, Aus'tralia was still a great 'Allied base and ,'military .'requirements must take precedence. 'BRISBANE HOTELS will get 'their' full quota of ,beer this month ras the result Sa 'change ' in 'dfstHbution. "This" will imean :only a slight rise on the"Tresent 'stipply, -Until now, hbtIels have' not been setting the full qcluotas "illotted to them because 'breweries 'codld' not supply it.

'An 'official 'of the Queensland 'Breweries Ltd., said 'on Tuesday night that 'there had' not been 'ithy' Increase in 'production *as breweries `had been working at; full - capa'dty all the time. SOON AFTER 'HE HA'D "PAID' £280 Sfor 16 diamonds recently, 'a 'Bundaberg pdciltry farmer was told by a jeweller that they" were not genuine. He informed the Bundaberg police and a description of tw'o men in a m6tor car was 'sent' to .Gynipie, "Whe're two .men were detained by"'the Gympie police. FLYING OFFICER LOYAL FRANCIS McINNES, son of Mrs. and the late Mr. W. Mclnnes. of 40 Victoria Street, East Bundaberg, has been awarded the Dis tinguished Flying Cross. He has since been promoted' to Flight Lieutenant. The official citation accompanying the award state's: "Flying Officer McInnes was navigator of an aircraft' when in the Bayof of Biscay, an enemy submarine was -sighted. By displaying great coolness in the face of heavy opposition and co operating closely with his captain, this officer succeeded in straddling the U-boat with depth charges, thereby causing its destruction. Throughdut many long and arduous patrols, Flying Officer Mclnnes skill, determination and fortitude have been worthy of the highest praise." L 0U'fADRON LEADER J; D, 'GLEESUNo ' ori"'of Mr."'ahd' Mrs. :J. D. -Gleeson, Bolcsover 'Street, Rockhampton, is commanding an RAAF Kittyhawk fighte'rbomber 's'quadron"in Italy. "Eighth: Army News." an i'i?i"fjdurral'lPtiblished"a story of-an,. attack by'i'DCert ' Air' 'Force ' pilots. lect by Squadron 'Lender 'Cleeson on an en emny 'fuel dump near Florence, during the vfsit 6f'"the King to- Italy. His Majesty. "ttBpped his car to watch as' the 12 'plhines Swept 'into' the air in pairs at the start "of their mission. 'There was good news for the' King 'when he asked 'how they fared. 'The- Kittyhawk, pilots, led 'by' Scuadron Leader Gleeson, scored 12 dllrecthits 'on 'their target. Anti-aircraft fire ttirried 'onn them from the target area. 'but all the planes returned undamaged. New Southi Wales : 'FIVE"'POLICE 'OFFICERS missed death hy seconds on Tuesday when a 'fourroomed" house which' they had. searched at' Menal '(near: Sutherland) ''was blown to pieces just after they had left it. A man,' armed with a service 'rifle and shot gun; .was later :sought 'by. large 'squads In' 'the 'suirrounding dense bush. 'Shortly' 'after '"thd house blew up there was a second explosion some distance away in a 'sebret 'dump of explosives. Railway Officers raided a house shortly after 8' a.m. and recovered property valued at hundreds of pounds. Later, police arrested a man in the bush. L'ESLIE'"FROST, 15; of Earlwood, fell from a stationary train at 'Sydenham on to the' line in'front of another oncoming train on Monday night. His head struck the line' and-he "was knocked unconscious.' Herbert Mitchell. railway foundryman, dragged Frost clear, only a :few seconds b'efore another' train 'reached' the spot. SYDNEY WHARF LABOURERS are to get' next month two btunces' of tobacco through the" Union- headquarters, "'I he scheme was initiated -through the Fed'eral Government. :In future, there will be a re'gular issue' of two 'ounces per month. The men will pay the Union tor. the tobacco arid the money will be for' 'warded to the suppliers. LATE ON MONDAY 'NIGHT,': Miss Mary CecilIa Comerford. of Ashfield, fell from a trairfi' ' Wrynyard'ttunnel.' - Her. body' was 'fou'nd " by' a fettler whilst working in 'the' tunnel. MERVYN ACHISON, 22, single, musician, -was arrested on Monday night and I charged with having shot at Pilot Officer 'r 'Kelvin ,Smith at ' statioi' 2KY' .Swing n' and Jazz Club with intent to murder. ' CUNNER KEITH: DIETRICH, 23, AMF, ' was' serjdusly' 'injured-on Monday after- '1 rinon' heri"he 'fell under na moving 'ele-'"B

tric train at Cabramatta Station. I ls right leg was fractured, and his left leg severely lacerated, '-WHEN? THE-,WOODEN- JIB :of a crane .of; a WVater "Board ,building 'snapped' on 'Monday,. a heavy crate btropped to `the end of the cable, and then swung in and -shattered. a large window. Flying glass caused clerks inside the building to run for safety. As the crate was suspended for some "time, police :stopped all traffit in'`"VilmotlStreet -until- it was removed. 'Vic.0oria , MANPOWR,. OFFICIALS. believe that single 'worien; betwben 18 -end 35', are ,opening or, acquiring luxury businesses .such as nriilllriery;, flower, 'aand beauty' shops to -'escape .divtersion to food pro"duction where ' thousands more women are urgently7 needed. !Accordingly, .these. businesses will be combed -out -immedi,tely in an -endeavour to provide- at least 1500 women needed for 'Metropolitan cannerles between January- and April next ear. LATEST `"FACTS - 'AND . E IGURES" 3OOKL T issued .by the Information- De-. -parttrient -shows what 42.600 men, . dis-Tharged from services between, '-1943. i -and :June 'this year, are doing. ' :Sixty- -per cent have returned , to their former employment, and of the otal, 3845 entered dairying, and 10,955 other rural Industries. Most of these men were , especially '.discharged for trrgent . rural • work; The remaining '21,700 are distributed as .follows:-F1ood Factories '3523, other factories 7404, Building 2099, Transport 3779, Comn merce -3878, other industries 5725, not requiring work or doing training course, etc., 1426. DUMMY VIOLINS will be sold -side by side with violins made by old masters at a strange auction to be held in Melbourne this week.' The instruments were the property of the late C; J, Manby, who-. invented the patent finger system with dummies for young violinists and taught the violin at the Melbourne Conservatorium. The Manby system Is forgotten today, and most' musicians will go to the -sale to admlie a 150-yehr-old instrument which -once was.used to accompany Dame -Nellie Melba, AUSTRALIA'S NEW SHORT-WAVE 'STATION ln"-the Goulburn Valley, which will be officialy opened soon, will conicentrate 'for the time being on political -warfare 'broadcasts to "Jap-occupied -ter' ritory. .!External Affairs and Information SDepartments are collaborating in -this work. ' After-.the -war, the station --will be 'devoted to National propaganda, and 'publicity . for overseas conrjumptlon which will be mingled with entertainment and special broadcasts such as. Melbourne. Cup and Test matches.- Experi-merits with "station's transmitting units 'already in operation, 'show that the .. station is beiring heard by US; UK and. other' c6untries better 'thin any ,previous short-wave from'--Australia. In Britainn . 'It- :should - be :heard as. - clearly . as the BBC " is :heard here.

s VICTORIAN CHILDREN tend to lack medical care after,, infancy, according., to Health Minister, Mr. Macfarlan, T'he Minister told 'a deputation :asking' for ~more Government 'iaidfor kinrdergarten teachers ,that 'of Aihe .122,000 '"-hildren between two and -Six years old..1in' YVic. toria, about 20,000 get medical attention. -apart ,from ...private treatment. This :figure was 'most unsatisfactory; and the :Government was establishing a teachers' 'training building. Properly 'trained ,"statt 'was the next, essential, The,.',Free Kindergarten Union President, 'Miss, F. Luch, .said. that .,salaries 'ranged from, £150 to '£225 for the .senioro' director of ;training ,students.. The., community was exploiting .teachers' enthusiasm, and 4lev?tion, -`WHEN :ROY 'MARLEY,,35, of Richmond, appeared .in the .City Court on Tuesday' on 'a charge 'of hiurdering lyvann: P trick' Laidlaw' at Richmond on October 2,. his? counsel announced tha't.he' was'approaching the Supreme .Court for an order to allow 'Marley 'to 'go -to.' the ; funieral .of. ,.'his friend, Laidlaw" , Marley, who apa -arecd'with his right armi in a sling, was. rermande'd to November 7. Later,., Mr:. Jedn ' Evans, '25, 'of Richmond, . was' charged with having been an accessory after the fact -in' Laidlaw's 'murder. .De.' tective C. Currer said 'that police 'alleged that Laidlaw. was shot' by Marley who was alleged to have been living in the' house occupied by- Mrs. Evans. It 'was 'alleged that Evans 'knew 'Marley' had :shot Laidlaw and had Afterwards assisted, and haiboured. him, GROSS' RETURNS from Geelong's 'gala In aid of" Geelong 'Hospital a' few days ago were £5200.' 'The committee, which will also collect £1000 rain 'insurance, hopes to net about £5000. ONLY, DEFENCE ,OR OTHER ESSENTIAL WORKERS will be entitled to pen. alty rates if they work on 'November 7, nominally Melbourne "Cup 'day. This -provision is to be made'by a special amendment of the' National Security Regulations to be issued by the Department of Labour. No other employee will be 'entitled 'to extra payments, even .though. provision is made for it in his"'State award,. because of. the, decision of .the Victorian Government' not' to proclaim 'November 7 'a holiday,' FACTORY LAY-OUTS AND AMENITIES which will assist in maintaining efficiency and welfare of employdes ' In canneries and dehydration' and' food-preserving factories, are 'given In a booklet ,Issued by the Commonwealth Department , of Labour and .National Service. Prepared with the assistance f ' leading manufacturers, the ',booklet says 'new wa'-time 'techniques of food-processing 'have opened the way Ifor a continuance - of the industry above pro-war levels. THE "EGG SURPLUS of 8000 dozen in Melbourne, reported 'early last week, 'has not been reduced much, according to Food 'Control. 'Egg' pulping and drying plants were' working to capacity "'and more cold storage space' had 'been found ,but the record supplies reaching! the city could not" be absorbed. INQUIRIES 'FOR 'ITEMS ' ranging from a pair of- boots 'to an "ocean-going steamer, 'were constantly being addressed to the 'Comnionwealth ' Disposals '.Commis. sion, -said the'.chairnmaii, Mr. A, .V.: Smith,' The Commission was not 'aa retail store,' he protested. General policy, after Covc;ernnient requirements had ':been , met, would 'be to 'sell on' a 'wholesale, basis through normal trade channels; West Australia A SPECIAL MEETINGC.OF THE EXECU. TIVE COMMITTEE of"the 'tVitern 'Aus. tralian 'Nationalist Party on Tuesday night 'adopted a report of 'the Party's delegat'ion to 'the recent 'Canberra"'Non-' Labour 'Conference,' 'nd unanimously de-. cided to convene a special conference of the National Party at whichi. it would be proposed that all National 'Party memb. ers should give t?heir' adherence to the

k proposed Liberal Party of Australia, :0 ie THE DISPUTE which has arisen be)r tween bulk, andling 'workers and Co-op. n erativg'Bulk'? an'dling .Ltd., will be heard n by ithe:'Arbitration' Court uinext Friday. 'UNDER ,COMMONWEALTH regulat. * ions this State is allowed to train eight iS dental students each year. This was announced b6., the principal of" the Dental a Hospital and College, i- A:LASCAR SEAMAN jumped overboard' 1, f' n a 'ilp iri"P"'eninatle -laibour sevo eral days ago, but was 'soon rescued by ' the crew,of a ,?ug. :.The dearman"'h'ad been g in hospital,'but was escotted' b'iicl to his " shlip, and had' only ,got on it 'when .he dived off -and swam arodnd uintil: a rope wivas 'thrown from . the .tug and ' he 'was v hauled on board. k '* .s THE-CHIEF'"JUSTICE, 'Sir John North. i- more,- has :donated 'his personal library' a to "the, British: Sailors' Sbci6ty, Fireman. .f tle, for ,use of seafarers. '.:,Th'e, library, - comprises betwee'n '500 and '600' books, s among ",which :are biographies, 'autobo.-'. g. graphies of famous peiop6e, some fine is refeerence books, set 'of Dickens' works, Y a valuable dictionary aid no nels' by some " of, the world's'best ,writers. o ARTHUR SYDNEY , SUTHERLAND, of ,108 :.Loftus .Street, Leederville, commers cial traveller, was. 'fatally injured and d his "'1'9-year.-dli dflughter, Shirley, was severely hurt when -'i motor-car he was driving collided with a tram in H1-1ghstreet, Fremantle, about'. 1'0.30 a.m., *on a Tuesday. S AN' ENGINE 'AND THREE COACHES cif the crowded Kalgdorlie Express which left 'Perth at: 4 ,p.m. on Monday,..-were derailed early Tuesday morning at I- Noongaar (216 miles from ,Perth). No, - one was 'injured, but there wnas' damage to some rolling stock 'and 'the perman-. ent way. A breakdown train left Perth - later, 'and 'repair gangs "are to build a deviation, te South Australia .REPEATING THE SUCCESS which he has .achieved for "'several successive 5 years, 'E.;' Hannr, 'on Tuesday' won first ,prizefor 'the -bests'horse in harness at. Sthe ainniial show :for 'the' Adelaide Corp. oration "employees: f ALEX GURNEY, creator of the comic strip "Bluey and Curley," is on- his way to Alice Springs, and then td"Northern Austlralia and forward battle "areas col. :. lecting atmos'`here for hlis strip of two hard.-boiled' 'diggers.' ' . THE COMMITTEE of the 'South Aus. tralian...Trotting Club decided on Tues. day 'night to " conduct .a 1,000 Trotting 'Cup at Wayvlille. SALTHOUGH THE RESUMPTION of competitive' golf' in 'n'dlvidual "clubs is a S'probability. In South 'Australia.' there is small 'chance of championship 'title matiches. being "resuri'ed- until' some. time after hostilites?'nhave ; ceased; :FILGHT - LIEUTENANT GEORGE S. : HODGES. of Berri, who was recently re-.. ported' to have had-? narrows?ecape from crashing into" the sen. when' one of the two engines failed bn the alicriaft he was. flying in 'recent. strikes by Australian. manned. 'Mitchell 'bombers against Japanese' ta'rgets north of Australia, is the elder son of Mr. and 'Mrs. 'l-lodges of Berri. .MR. NIEASS, MP, who is suffering from' a 'strained heart relinquished . all duties associated 'wiith ' the " Government ' Workers' Association 'for the Iremainder of the"year. MR.. AND 'MRS T. J. 'McGOVERN, of Victor 'Harbour,' have received from the Air Board'a copy 'of the'citation of the recent: award 'of 'the DFC to their son. Flying-Offic6r T. 14. McGovern, which rends: "Flying-Officer "MEGovern has been 'in operations since Sepiternber, 1942, and. has carried out many, attacks in :support of the 2nd Army 'in France, often in the face of the fiercest opposit. Ion, This officer's' coolness' in till circum. stances 'has :been an excellent example to the flight he has led," THE LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR, Sir •Mellis Napier, has -receiveld 'advice that flags on Government 'buildings are tobe halfmasted tomorrow for the funeral of Princess 'Beatrice. PLANS FOR ESTABLISHING a cotton , growing industry near Renmark will be placed 'before 'the 'Director of Public Re'lations -of the Department of Post.War Recdnstruction during his visit to River 'Murray settlements 'this week. -.THE PREMIER, MR, PLAYFORD sala. on Tuesday that if South Australians did not obtain an Australian motor car building industry after the war, It 'would ultimately 'lose the body-building industry, which in pre-war diys, provid. ed employment for more than 8,000 men. 'FLYING-OFFICER Keith Freeman, of 'Wattle Avenue,'rFullarton, has been, report-' ted missing. believed killed, WarrantOfficer 'K, 'L.'Killen, of Brompton, is also .rpogrted mssilng. FROST. RELIEF GRANTS are to be . -:sohibht :by. Clare 'vine anu d fruit growers. on loss occasioned by'iecent frosts, 'The- . damage 'Is assessed at''£35,000. 'Army ' News, 2:11,44-PAGE 2