Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Thursday 18 July 1850, page 2

flrjmrßtie íiUfHíjjcnrc.

Family Colonisation Loan Society. We have received a prospectus of a new proposal under the above appellation, from the pen of the indefatigable Mrs Chisholm, which we shall notice more at length when we have had a little

time to examine it.

K*-"¡y- Wo direct attention to Uio unroscrvod salo of 2,(100 sheep with station, on tho How. qua and Upper Goulburn, to bo hold by Mettra. V««r and Stn, at their offices Uni da>,

I .1 I */

Mounted Police. - Provision is made in the Estimates of Expenditure for 1851, for a vote of £2000 for the maintenance of a Mounted Police force in this Province, should the Legislative Council determine upon the re organization of that force

SUPERINTENDENT of Bridges.-We perceive by the Estimates of Expenditure for 1851

that it is proposed to make an addition of £50 to the salary of Mr. Lennox, the Superintendent of Bridges. An Assistant Superintendent is to be appointed with a salary of £150 per annum, and the clerk is to have an addition to his salary of

£10 10s.

The Colonial Architect. - Mr. Henry Ginn the Clerk ol Works, gains a step in rank during tin. ensum,* »ear. l|c ia, m future, to be styled tin Colonial Architect. An addition of £30 is proposed to he mado to the satur) of tbe Foreman of Works, and a draftsman is lo be added to the Deportment at a salury of eight »billings perday.

Warnambool Police -The Police establishment at Warnambool, as propped in the Estimates of expenditure for 1851, is to consist of n Clerk at £100 per annum, a Chief constable at £70 , and three ordinary constables at half.n-i.rown each per diem.

CHARITABLE ALLOWANCES.—Provision is mede in the Estimates of Expenditure for 1851, for a grant of £500 towards the erection of the Melbourne Benevolent Asylum, of £500 towards the outfit of the same and of £1000 towards its maintenance, being a total of £2000 granted in aid of the Institution. There is also provision made for grants of £500 towards the erection and £300 towards the outfit of the Benevolent Asylum at Geelong. There is also provision made for a grant of £600 in aid of the Hospital at Melbourne, on condition of sums to an equal amount being raised by private sub-


Education.--The estimated cost of the Denominational Schools of the province during 1851, is £3,406, of which the Church of Eng- land is to have £1181, the Presbyterians, £411, the Free Church, £88 the Wesleyans, £366, the Independents, £170, and the Roman Catholics, £840. The Inspector of the Board Is to have a salary of £250 per annum, and the Secretary of £50. For the support of the Na- tional Schools of the Province £1500 is p'opnscd for the Settled Districts, and £1000 beyond the

Settled Districts.

The Rural Police-No change is

proposed in the Lstimatcs of Lxpendilure for 1851 in the police esmbliahmcnls of the Province beyond the Settled D s nels cxr< pt ni the addi-tion of the four new fleucht s re'eried lo in ihe Governor's Financial Minute vis-the Loddon, Bacchus Marsh, the Hopkins, mil ibu Ovens, at each of which thero is to be a Clerk, with a salary of £100, a Chief Constable with £70, and three ordinary constable with half a crown each

a dav.

Colonial Glue.-The advocate of the manufacture of colonial glue, thus expresses his opiuion of ihe article produced by Messrs. Dennys. " Judging by the clearness lind bril hancy of fracture, one specimen of gluu sent to tour oflii.e by Mtssrs. Dennys and Co. is evidently superior to tbe best English glue I have seen here. Another test, and perhaps the best, is its power of absorption. Applying this to a fair specimen of imported glue, and comparing it with that of Messrs Dennys, I find the ratio of the former to its weight as 1 to 2-15 ; that of the la'ter as 1 to 2-3, showing a superiority in this respect also. 1 he workman would not perhaps, consider lins sufllolent, and I would therefore suggest that a pound, us a simple be sent by Messrs Dennys and Co to me principal con-sumers for t-tal. ! hoy would, I feel sure, g1» Hy pnrchase it, seeing that on its success they will obtain the article at ao reduced a cost "

The Harbour Master'S Department -We observe by the Estimates of LxpenBaubury, Baubury, in addition to his salary of £¿.01) a* Harbour Master, another £10* as Water Police Magistrate. Why this sum is prrtcised lo be given this year and not in foinitr years, seems scarcely intelligib't, for so far ns wo have been able to discover, this is about the only duty the gallant ofilier has ever di charged in person, the dunes of the Harbour Mastership being discharged by n deputy, niaitituuit-d at the cost of the pilois. The officer who is to be appointed at Geelong is styled Harbour Master and Water Police Officer, with a salary of £200, ard his rstsblishmi ni is to consist of a coxswain, who is to officiate as clerk, with a salary of five shillings per day, and a boat's crew of four a*. £4 each pir month I lie Assis, tam Harbour Master Ht Melbourne ia to bave a salary of £150 per annum, und lu« establishment

is to consist of a boat's ciew of tivo men at £4 each per month 1 he only oilier alteration in the department is n proposed addition of £.7 7a (¡J to the salary ol tbe Ligbt-house Keeper at

Williams' lown.

The PnoroErD Church Bill.-A meetiug numerously and respectably attende I 6y member» dis eiiiing from tho principle* of the K-tati'isheJ < hu iii of England, met last even-ing utiho Priuceof Walis Holt', o t'u pu pose of pe itioning against n Hill Intro lu el into lbs Le^i'liiive Council, by.Mr. Moor, Chain tllnr o' the Ill-hop ol Mill nunn, rel*tirg to the building ol Churches and Chapel* tn Ptrt Phil ip, und tor iht fovcinme >t ol the samo ivith re>pct.t to their temporal aflatrs; and anuiher Rill for enforring Chun h itisiipline in the (Jmud Chinch o' I ugluud and Ireland »ti bin the OtstitC eil Port Phillip. Mr. Inglis was voted intu the thair.

Alur cooMilirulilc disi u.Mon which »va* t uri lid

on willi soma »viirmih, tho fol'i wing resolution hy Mr. Gilbert Robinson whs | iii, and cirntd unlnimously . Resolved-"iliat ibu ntitmg have htatd with considerable alarm ibni ti Bul or Hills »van, or »ure in bt brought before (ht II inorabie laudative Council for New South H iles, fo' rejiultiiint* the hull ling c1 Chun his uni C empois in Port Phillip, und tu neuste their timpora) iifluirs, and unuihcr Rill for uifjri my Church ti s | lu t in the Uti te I Chun h of Lnjund and Irtluud, iviiniii tbe Dist» t of Port Phillip, and do now pe itiun the LegtBlatnc Counti1, lint all prut i tilings in the mutter of limo IS Ms be suspendí I until the inlinbii'nts of Port Phillip nro kcquuinttd willi Ibu obj-nu of tin prop arl Rill, ami li s ve had nn opportunity vi t*tptisring their opinion thereon to tho Honorable, iho legis-lative Council.'" A (cuuou wini b had bien iliavvn up by lim chairman previously to his coining to the Hireling, Imviog been revised, ard put in propi r form for presentation lo the Legislative Council by Mr. Robertson, was then real, and iilaooinlid tiiiui Iiik ut>ly. Ihe lalloniiig ii tbt drifi of it -''lo 'he Honorable the Ligislatlvn Council of New South Wales, 1'lie Pallion of the under-signed numbers of the various Religious Di no mutations in the '1 omi of Get'imp. in public, meeting assembled Humbly blieivetb. lhat your Petitioners have ht mil tilth great oolitern and alarm, that Hills lino 1(0) Intro tilted uno your honorable house to rrgulato tin) Buildings of OhurchcH and Chapels tit I'urt Phillip, and to regúlalo III ir temporal allulra and also for regu

lailng the discipline of the Uni tod Churoh of England and Iicland in Hie aotnt* ptoviiitft. lhat your Petitioners being entirely ignoronl of the ffh ct which theso Hills may have upon their elvll or riliijous rights, and deprecating nil legislation on the subject in ibu present Iusume, humbly pray that your Honorahlo House will liol entertain any of those Bills in any stage, or that tin ir piogrtsa may bo suspended until your Petitionen! have bad opportunity of fully ann »¡dering their comenta, and submitting to your Honorable House the grounds of their orjeulinna lu their being passed." Several gentlemen bating been appointed to obtain slgnatum io the petition, and Mr Hodge having undertaken to engross ii gratuitously, tin nuning ierar»tei),-GtiUmg Âd**(tlnr,

Odd Fellowship.-Mr. William Clarke of tlio Waterman s Arms Little Collins

Sticot, has been appointed provinotal Grand master of tho Australian Independnut order of


Portland Police -Provision is made in til** tstimatoa of I xpenditure for next year

for ihe iiarease of ihe police force at Portland' to one Chief, one District, and seven ordinary


Alberton Police-We perceive hy tin I slim Hen of 1 xpenditure for lito 1, that it is proj used to appoint n C lerk to the Bench at Albtrton Gipps Land with a salary of £100 per annum Ihe police force ia to consist of a Chief, and four ordinary consiables.

County of Bourke Police -We perceive by the Estimates of I xpendituro for 1851 that Mr Cadden the Clerk of the District Hinch, is to have an adltiion made to Ins salary of £20, and Mr Brodie, ihn District Chief Con-stable, an addition of .£50. A clcik to the Super ntendact is to be appointed with a salary of £80, nnd lhere aro lo be three Berjeants of police, and thirty ordinary constables.

Criticism-In an elaborate critique upon the Ethiopians who have come down upon us in such crowds by the Shamrock, our en-lightened friend of the Gazette thus delivers him- self -" Mr Holmes bass has never been excelled in these colonies, indeed it is almost invidious to praise one more thon tho other, as the whole four afforded as rich au entertainment in its peculiar style as could bt wished by the most nrdent urfmirer, of lerpsicnore ' lu our day Terpsichore used to preside over dancing matters , it remained for tim fort Phillip Gui'tte to show that the lady with the proverbial incon-stancy of her sex had deserted the votaries of the " fantastic toe, ' and bestowed her patronage upon Ethiopian serenaders.

Belfast -The only alteration in the Belfast Police propo ed in the I somates of Expenditure for 1851 is the appointment of a Pi lice Magistrate for Belfast and tim neighbour-ing Benches, willi a salary of £250 per annum Ii is pnisble to think of a wea thy and important district like Belfast, not affording sufficient maicnals for an unpaid Magistracy adeq late to the discharge of the Bench dunes , but so Mr. La Trobe nerms to consider it aud we must confias not altogether without cause. A vole of £20 is proptscd as the rent of a Police Oülie

in Belfast.

Charge of Maintenance-Daniel M'Millan wa» brought all ihe way from Geelong, an I placed before the pcli-o bench yesterday to answer a charRo rf maintenance preferred against bim hy his wife, who, according to her statement, had been turned out of doors, and denied the means of support by her hnsbanl. It appeared however on the case hung investigated, that the parues bad separated by mutual censeut, on thi 17ih June last, when the husband had bound himself to pay into the hands of Mr. Dunlop a shopkeeper in Geelong, the sum of 7s per week for the maintenance of his wife which had been accordingly regularly paid, but never called for by the wie and under these circumstances, the case was dismissed, with a reprimand to the wife for putting her husband to so much unnecessary trouble and expense.

Melbourne Police.-We perceive

by the Estimates of Expenditure for next year that it is proposed to make an addition of £50 to the salary of Mr Sturt the Superintendent of Police, and of £20 to the salary of Mr Belcher the Clerk to tbe Bench. It is proposed also to appoint a sub inspector and a detective Serjeant, at 4s 3d per diem each, four detective constables at 4s each, and there are to be fifty ordinary con-stables, being a considerable addition to the present number.

Lamentable Effects of Drunkenness. A poor emaciated creature, named Mary Moran who has been repeatedly of late before the police bench for drunkeness, but always leniently dealt with, in consequence of her miserable appearance having strongly excited the sympathy of the Bench, together with her promises of amendment and representations that she had a husband and four childIren residing at Kilmore-was again arraigned upon the old charge yesterday, and notwithstanding her prayers and entreaties, urged upon her knees in Court, was sentenced to im-prisonment for three months, the bench having informed her that they had been well assured that her children were better provided for than if they had been permitted to reman under her control.

GEELONG GAOL- The establishment of the Geelong Gaol for which provision is made for the first time in the Estimates of Expenditure for next year is proposed io consist of a gaoler at £!.'5, n surgeon at £4(1 n visiting justice at £40, two ehapliins at £20 each, a matron at £2 ), a clerk at £44 a su ermtendtnt of tread

mill al 3i t>l | er diem, four turnkeys at 3s fil ¡er diem, aud a female turnkey at 2s 3d per di-m

Breach of the Peace. -Robert Armstrong, was charged at the Police Office, on Monday, with having committed a breach of the peace in the public street, on the previous day A constable stated that he had seen Arm- strong knock down an aged man in the street and follow tug lum uno a shop Armstrong drove lum out of n with tiepadc threatening to cut bim in two Mr J M. Smith appeiredfor ilie de. I fendant, and e intended the constable overatepptd ' his duly in f illoivtng Armstrong into the «hop,

and called fir »vitness tn prove thal the ni in kntiiki-d down had b en txtremely otiirsgeots in

Ins cou luct toward» a fmiti, the st« et-tti law ' of the defeiuUiii Jim bench from tht naturi I of the charge ciuld not d i otherwise with ihe case than tint the defrn ant ovtr to keep the

peace wlne'i they »< did f r tinco '

imntlis himself in £10 eui uo «tírelos in £5

each »lid highly oi mi t dnl the constable , for acting as ho li «J done un the occasion


We perceive by the Estimates of Expenditure for 1851, that it is proposed to make an addition of £82 2s 6d to the salary of Dr Sullivan the

medical officer of the Yarra Bend Lunatic Asylum. The superintendant is also to have an addition

made to his income of £50.

THE MEDICAL BOARD. -Provision is . male in the I minutes ni expenditure for next iisr for a salary of £.0 per annum for the Secre-

tary of the Melita! Hoard Mr Gilbert, »ho has |

hithtrio ulli laird tn that ispsiiiy disoharg J the, dmii s gratuitously, '

The Scots Church.-The interior flttluifH up und imorovci arrangements of the Hcol.s Church, Culliiis-slrert, have benn nearly completed by the oiiulritcor, Mr Barrie. They consist of n new gallery at the «oulh «ide of the Chiiruh, and iiuinedinipjy faoing the pulpit, new pew», precentor's desk, and choriil box, all com-posed of cedar, neatly varnished with appropriate oruatiimiul devices to correspond. But (bo,.gh ihe skill and good taste of the mechanist in effect-ing these Improved) nts Jio diverting of the bight st pruiiie, li» auch meed can Le jtiatly «Hiirdtd tu thone who designed them; for the galltry htiiig dtiproporiiuiiately deep, and ap-proaching by firmo closely to the pu pit, asombro and heavy shade ia thereby thrown over the of the church, which doe« not well har-monise willi thai attempt at ornamental display wh oh hat been evidently aimed at, It is in-tended to stucco Immediately the outside of the Chursh, and lo build a strong lower at the western end facing the street, to serve as a «raMon home, and library,and to he surmounted by a steeple reaching furiy feet above the roof of Ihe Church, When these and other eutitemplattd Improvement» have becji made, the Scutch Church trow ita central and commanding position, will lu ona or the most etrlkliiff ptibllo buildings joiuieily. . vi .

Geelong Police, - Mr. Eyre Clerk to the Bench, and Mr Carman

Chief Constable, are each to lmv-) an m?.

bis salary of £30. Tho police «,,-, ! ooosist of two Serjeants, and, ".j"

constables. *"

Melbourne Gaol-Provision is made in the Estimates of Expenditure for 1851 for addition of £2'» to the salary of Mr. Wintle, «soler al Melbourne, and or £10 for McM'Tit ihocltrk. The number of turnkeys ii tot,

creased to eight.

Williams Town Water Police Besides the salary of £100 pet ,JÎ proposed to bo given to Captain Bunbury Woter Pohco Magistrate, Mr Lovell is to \JM addition lu his salary of £73 as Deputy htfM and a coxsivotn is to be appointed with a itUrfE £73 per annum. ^""

Penal Establishment.- The penal establishment at the Pentridge Stockade, which provision is made for the first time in Estimates of Expenditure for next year, proposed to consist of an overseer at £150 annum, two overseers and two constables

3s 6d each per diem, and two chaplains at

each. ra

The Native Police_Captain

Dana and his two subalterns are to

have an advance of salary of £50 [each?] and the force under their command is to [con?] sist of a scrjeaiit-majur, two serjeititi til corporals, four troopers at three peo« tua J]

sixty-five at three halfpence each ¡itiiittjj tailor, a bullock driver, and a drummer, tS " playiue at soldiers" is getting to Unlm I expeiiiivc, the cosí of the establishment tal

estimated at £40UO 8s Id. ff