In looking over our files of English papers, which are very heavy, we find the following additional items of intelligence:

On the 22nd July, Sir William Molesworth presented petitions from Van Diemen's land ngniiitt tho (ontmuniiei of trinsjiortntion to that island, and paie nome oflns intuition to bring tin »ub|tttot transportation to Van D muiis 1 and undi r the notnrof the House m \t S Minn On tin saint .lax, li 1,7.1(1 xxus xotid tor tin j ullin st nu i <>f A. ix /inland

the Ft (omi minimi .lunar of tin ( olonial

Iii H i ti» Sotutx took platt at tho Tialalyir, (.riunxiih on tin 17th «Iulx, lord Monimail m

tin (hair

Ilium diatiix after the I'm ti r Agricultural muting nnand I'mtutitmist Humant xxiii luid, though tilt ]iapirs do not spink in the bight st tirm« of the pr<iciidinns, and tin Duki of IlithiiKiiid, prt sub lit ol the fvnutx, mid n tinnii iirott ( lionist, tin lund to prisidi.list bo should

lit uinimittttl as on tht lust i < ui»nm

Ol (Ii l xt ^Al xni' s - Wo b luxi it ma) mux

hi stutul xxltliotit mix In i ai li ot uiitfithiiit uti

tin pin lit go of Piirlinmtnt,that lin vi Ii ( t ( i ni. mittii of tin I lou ii» ( f ( ominous on S ilitii. sims »"Kid to r.mmim nil sixi ml ¡tupultutu udut

nulli, ni son c ol tlio hiL'lur ( lllurt of stiiti mid

to pro min mir) i-iiir. lung and ixtitisixt rifirm to tin tb| 1 iinntii sir»ici Hie (..tirninuit inn) not think it i!f buiind, ns ixe liuti mu ni tit iieu of tim Afin un riipiadroii, to iiirrv into munt thule ill.it all Iii« n u inniiiidntiniis ti a ( munnin i ol tht Houx of ( ( unuoiiH, but xxn x i uluru to idhi iii that tin gr.at.r pint of tin ipi. mnns sind tu bo ni irdul lix this (iiiumittu nie iiitututlx m m(urdnmoutfit tin tln-posittoii of tie tutu s, nu<I flin trim inten «'s of tht (oimlr), that mix relui linn o on the put of Miiusii it to (imijilx xvith tin so ru (num. tidal um i would ho mjiiiioiis to tin um lu s mid .xintiiullx ubi rino

J\in\i.Juli/ i!0

I UK IIiiim»iiw Pnu iiKii-MII I « -On Wril. i en luv . v nine, ni alniiii n (pi ir . i lo G t ' li 11, »nntlirr r»|iloi»ion link |lun^ m M.wri Giru» md llmw.y'n pmJrr mil», lloi i »lou« uuh.

Iba connu motion excited waa not allav d until it was ascertained that no person xvns ! îlled ni injurtd During the I ilfr pari of the afternoon the lightning won exlrcmcly uvid, mi I tho men, women und children of »»bom ibtre arc tiemly 20 ) eu | b te I in ti in ii macrons icctipttllon kit

tbtir mik much inihcr ihnn ne ml in coin

(¡ii nu. In n sh irt urne lifter«onlB ihc li(,h tiing Htruol one of the hull lind«, til roof of ttliuh wns hlown eff sn I Licrythirig in the hu Idmg do «(in)td -ïimct, Jill) 20

Tun Uisn Vk mtox Aiiv - V unm rons and mil lent! ii m'cling if lns-li mctnlu s mid Boine Irlsn Peera look |iln o hi Mo'dc nLhs lions-» the rmiduici of ilit iliiiijins of L indoiid. try jtftrrda» morning fir (lu purpn e of adop ing mon iirm for p tilinning uuil ori,mnz ng every |I0HS| ile lic,nl b(|iisluon i urn g ti r us lill

net «a njainat any renewal ni x1 »e sun ol the b II for ti i \linh ion of tht \ ctroxr.lt) of Irr

1 ii ti ' Amorirth m.inli rs of the I mil* Hois, pruuit »cr - "»ir lltiry \\ us on lUirou tin Oljormtn \'iihon, Coloitl Cbrtterion, Mr (Jims v (lore Mr Lltviril G o^nn, Mr I i imoihcn I lench, Co onel Durne, Mr Dicks in &» sCTert| m¡, "h r, 8enl txciises-, but the iii hi p0 te' ii mm ni y whs stand to | r. vul ninoi l ill us lo the mc moly of the mo t xigoroua . x "Ho I« on til» ¡uri of nil the oppomnls of the nj-nsuro of Ireland nnii CBjie nil v o' ii i«e real lent in the li y ol U ib'in-Ïi'mc«, Jiyli)

Tut Ni* ( ANrpiiBunv buTd tie»T-li lino bren del mund Unit the chitf luwn of iho nitv Scttltm nt of Cant rbcry in tin n iddl. idmi! of Nr-xi /-uUnd abai! 11 nil i I "Ixitlc

ti n,' in li ii or of the noble lord «bj is elim in in of the committee

lu* Nlxx House of Comxiois -It ha« been decided by the committee to try the eff ot of lowering die roof of the lie* Hojbc of Commons Mr Barry Ins undertaken to haxe a trinpirtrj inner roof of light liinh»r ended the eos ol which «ii not ixe.ed £100 mid xtlicu this

altera inn shull be male it is proposed to list the acoustic pm edits of the i bamber in another anting 1 efore tim end ol lim «cs»ion We IilIilvp thal on Monday »eck ihe 29 li ins ant tho n-w expriment Kill lie put lo the proof

I he American pa|ers mention dint the »mount of foreign immigration into \cit York Ii.hixpenrnced n audd.u an I unexpected decretar not more than one third the umikI mimi ur I ating

nrritc 1 li llie first uro necks cf Juut

I wo toung la iles, iiho«e i ames ure Riten ns M us Almirn l-rnlin mid Miss Mary Ward, baie 1 coorin regular students li ihe mci es1 di partme ii of die Vcnnhii. Inati ii e, Uniiel "<tntc«.

A new religious sect has arisen in Persia, in consequence of the preachings of a man named

Bab, who has written a new book to take the

place of the Koran. He is said to have already made several thousand proselytes; and eighteen of these Babees as his followers are called, have

been publicly beheaded by order of the Shah.

lill C no11 lt\ -It is xxitli much regret that xxe haxe to announce tint three eases of decidid Asiatic chokri haxe been admitted into St liir

tholomexx s Hospital Hence the hopes xxlnch the Registrar Ocncnl holds out in his list re-port tint the deaths there recorded an not attributable to that form of the ipidcmic must non gixo place to serious apprehension tint an-other visitation mix be axxnting us, though doubtless in not so virulent a form as that expe-rienced in 1810 Many nicks ago xxe pre-dicted this, and a«kcd, ns xxe do again, What Ins been done b) the authorities in the removal

of fitnl influences since the list outbreak 'Mtdicnl 'Jillili

I ord John lluescll, in Ins place in the House of Commons, on the 22nd »litlx, intimated his intention of, on the following 1 hursda), the 20tb .lui), proposing to iho House the considiration

of the I ords inn ndments on the Australia-i Colonies Hill