Melbourne Argus (Vic. : 1846 - 1848), Tuesday 28 July 1846, page 2

Domestic Intelligence.

THF TWELFTH JULY IN SYDNEY.—It seems from the .Sentinel of the 16th instant, that the Orange Festival on the 13th was not, after all, allowed to pass off quietly, and that, in fact, but for the highly praiseworthy exertions of the Rev Dr. Gregory, the Roman Catholic Vicar-General, an attempt at a massacre of the Protes-

tants, like that which was happiy frustrated here would have been made in Sydney. We learn from the Sentinel, that after the fruitless attempt of the morning to get up a "hurling match," which we have already chronicled "in the evening great numbers of the Hurlers congregated in King street East, surrounding the Lodge Room No 1, while the members were peacably assembled in con-

vivial conclave, doing honor to their vocation by manifesting their devotion and loyalty to the Queen and Constitution, whom they assailed with "curses not loud but deep," denouncing them as b——y Orangemen, b——y Protest-ants, &c. , with the most horrid threats and ex-ecrations. Dr. Gregory and another Roman Catholic priest, mounted guard over the Lodge-room, and, in the most praiseworthy manner, dispersed the infuriated mob after considerable dithculty, and not without some personal risk. And afterwards presented himself in the Lodge room for the pur-pose of complimenting the members for their for-bearance towards his deluded countrymen, and disclaimed any religious or political animosity towards the Orangemen. Notwithstanding, a riotous and bloodthirsty mob, after their dispersion at Lodge No 1, rushed down furiously to a pub-lic house at the foot ot Brickfield Hill, where they supposed another Lodge was assembled to mas-sacre the b——y Orangemen and the b——y Protestant dogs with the formidable weapons of destruction nicknamed 'hurling sticks,' which had been manufactured for that sanguinary pur-pose.—But so quietly, and in so orderly a manner were the proceedings conducted in this Lodge, as well as in those of Nos. 3 and 4, that they were unable to discover even the places where they were held. Therefore, the meditated butchery was, thus, providentially prevented."

CAPTAIN ROCK.—Another of the "illigant" epistles of Captain Rock passed through the Postoffice yesterday, the party ad-dressed on this occasion being the Rev. Mr. Geoghegan. The valorous Captain is obviously no hand at mystification, and those of Daniel O'Connel's tenantry must be rather difficult of suffocation. So clumsy a ruse would choke an Irish pig.

CONTRACT FOR SALT BEEF.— We learn that the contract for supplying the Commissariat at Van Diemen's Land with 150 tons salt beef, the tenders for which were opened on the 15th instant, has been taken by the agent of a Sydney grazier, at a fraction under 2¼d. per lb.—Hobart Town Courier, July 18.

THE DEBATEABLE LAND.—The Adelaide Observer of the 9th May, says—"The Commis-sioner of Waste Lands (Charles Bonney, Esq.) has taken his departure for Guichen and Rivoli Bays, and the debateable lands upon the south-eastern boundary. It is said the absence of the much respected Commissioner may possibly ex-tend to a year, the object of his visitation being the adjustment of existing differences amongst

the lawful squatters and the warning off, or en-franchisement, as the case may be, of those un-witting interlopers from the Port Phillip side, who may be unwilling or desirous to become a-mendable to our laws and regulations."

ORANGEISM.—The Honorable Somerset Maxwell, brother of Lord Farnham, has been elected Grand Master of the Orangemen of Ire-land, vice the Earl of Roden. The Earl of En-niskillen is the Grand Master for England.

LOAM AND GRAVEL.—The master-builders are getting at loggerheads with the Corporation on the subject of a charge of one shilling, which is made in the Town Surveyor's office, for li-censes to obtain loam and gravel, which only remain in force for three days, and, it seems, in-clude in their operation only a single cart. It appears to us, from an impartial examination of the merits of the question, that there is some de-gree of error on both sides. That the Corporation should make a small charge, to cover the expense of printing, licenses, painting notice boards, &c., is, we think, only fair, and we cannot imagine would be objected to by any reasonable man. But the Corporation, we think, is in error in try-ing to make a revenue out of the matter, for as the loam is not sold, the only object of rendering permission necessary being to prevent the break-ing up the surface in other than the proper places, it becomes an act of extortion to render a separate license necessary for every cart. We would strongly recommend to the town authorities such a modification of the offensive regulation as will render the fee what it ought to be, viz. : a fee for the license to remove loam, &c., without reference to the number of carts employed, and we do not think they will find that it will then give cause for any further dissatisfaction.

New Magistrate.-His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint W. C. Haines, Esq., of the Barwon, near Geelong, a magistrate of the territory and its dependenciea.

The Sub-Treasury.-It gives us plea-sure to learn that Captain Lonsdale, the Sub Treasurer, on his return from his leave of absence has addressed a letter to Mr. Reeves, late a clerk in bis department, certifying that Mr. R's. re-

tirement from his official appointment was per-. fectly voluntary, and that no complaint what-ever existed against him on the part of tba


THE NAUGHTY ORANGEMEN.—Yesterday his Worship the Mayor had up before him a couple of the best men in his Police force, who were accused on anonymous authority, of being tainted with the odious" principles of Orangeism, which were the indirect means of his Worship getting such a terrible fright that day fortnight. His Worship administered a severe reprimand to the two unfortunates for daring to have an opinion of their own,—and after directing the Chief Constable to put their names last on the list, warned them that if they attended any future meetings of Orangemen dur-

ing his Mayoralty they should at once be dis-missed the Police force. [We wonder what course his Worship would pursue, if he had the present Premier Sir Robert Peel, and a few other Orangemen of his standing brought before him. If admissible to tihe councils of their Queen, and

to guide the reins of Government, we do think the Orangemen might be considered eligible members of the Police force of Melbourne even under its present Mayoralty. At all events even though they are Orangemen, the men referred to

are surely preferable to the ???less trash of Ribbon-men and Van Diemen's Land expires convicts with whom the force has lately been re-inforced.—Ed. M.A.]

Legerdemain-By the cutter William, which arrived on Saturday, from Launceston, a Mr. Powell Courtier, a distinguished professor of the arts of necromancy and legerdemain has arrived in the province. Mr. C has been for 6ome months, back lessee of the Olympic Theatra at Launceston, and is well known on the Van Dieincn's Land stage by the appellation of the Fire King and Necromancer. Air. C. purposes performing here for a few nights after which ha will proceed to Sydney.

Theatricals. - The company at the Queen's Theatre Royal has received an accession of strergth during the past week in the person of Mrs. Washington Wallace, a native of the colony,

of very passable acquirements at an actress, and a' very pleasing singer. A Mrs. Douglass, wife of the present manager of the Queen's Theatre, has also reached Melbourne by one of the late arrivals from Sydney, and it is said will prove a very useful addition to the company. Mrs. Wallace made her first appearance last night.

John Porter, Esq.-We are happy to announce the safe return to the Colony, yesterday,. of our respected fellow-colonist and zealous advo-cate with the British public, John Porter, Esq., of the firm of Pullar, Porter & Co. Mr. Porter has returned in excellent health and spirits. We hope no time will be lost in the preparations for the public welcome to which Mr. Porter's ser-vices to this whole community so justly entitla


RIBBON OUTRAGES.—Melbourne bids very fair to be in a short time in an equally dis-

turbed state with the worst counties of Munster and Connaught. The streets are patrolled al-most nightly by bands of ruffians, armed with bludgeons, swearing blood and murder against Orangemen or Protestants, the terms being used synonymously. On Saturday evening not fewer than four individuals, not one of them Orangemen, were brutally abused in this way on the open street. Of a verity, if his Worship the Mayor does not use some more effective means for protecting the public peace than he has hi-therto done, he will soon have more cause to shake

in his shoes than ever he had.

Fox Hunt.-On Thursday 'the Corn-wall Hounds met near the township of Oatlands to run a bagged Port Phillippian fox, which, af-ter a sharp run, was taken in Lake Dulverton.


A FIRST-FLEETER.—We have to-day to

record the now unusual occurrence of the death

of "a First-fleeter," an old man named McCarthy, upwards of 100 years of age, who arrived in the colony in the capacity of a sergeant of marines, with the first detachment sent out from England, for the purpose of establishing a settlement at Botany Bay. McCarthy removed from Sydney

to Norfolk Island on the formation of a settle-

ment there, and on its being broken up he ac-companied the other settlers to Van Diemen's Land, and had, consequently, the rare distinction of being among the first settlers of both colonies. The old man passed his 100th year at Christmas last, but up to the time of his death he betrayed few of the failings of age, being able to read the smallest print without the use of spectacles, and retaining the full possession of his faculties until within ten minutes of his death, which did not take him by surprise, for he remarked, on going to his bed a short time before, that he was going to lie down and die. McCarthy died on Friday last, at the residence of Mr. W. H. Budd, Kin-lochewe, who married his great grand daughter, and with whom he has been living for nearly eight years.

Belfast.-Mr. Atkinson's steam mill at Belfast, under the superintendence of that talented engineer, Mr. Struth, will be in full operation in about one month from the present date. It will be a fine stone building, fitted up with three pair of stones.-Portland , Gazette, July 21.

Masonic-Steps are being taken for the establishment ot a .Masonic Lodge at Gee-long. A meeting of the fraternity is convened with that view to be holden on the evening of

the 31st instant.

Private Mails.-The Wardyalloclt and Lake Timboon mails continue to run regularly and «atisfactorily. The mail from Langhorne'« (late Hardie's) Inn, arrives in' Geelong on Tuesday «vening, at 4 o'clock, and starts on Wednesday morning, at 8 o'clock. ' The mail from Story's Hill's, and Beat's, on the Western Road, arrives in Geelong on Wednesday morning, at 9 o'clock, and Staats on the sanie day, at 1 o'clock after-

noon. On the fermer road the contractor has started a car for the conveyance of passengers and parcels, and we trust the plan will succeed so well as to encourage the opening up of other lines of conveyance.-Geelong Advertiser.

Portland.-The long projected estab-lishment of a branch of the Union Bank, at Portland, has at length been effected, and the bank opened for the transaction of business, on

the 20th instant. Mr. C. Robertson is the ma-,

nager, and the Director (for it seems there is one in addition to the Manager) is Mr. Blair, who, the Guardian says-" is tha Police Magis-trate of Portland, the owner of two or three di-lapidated houses in Gawler street, the holder of a grazing license, the Government agent for the district, Commissioner of Crown Lands, Commislioner of the Court of Requests,, Commissioner «f the Supreme Court for the District of Port .Phillip, Deputy-Commissioner of the Insolvent Court, Deputy Returning Officer for Portlandthe sum total; the All-in-all of whatever was, whatever is, and whatever will be in Portland," Certes, what with all these offices, and his Bank Directorship into the bargain, Mr. Blair must have his hands pretty full.



27th July, 1846.

For triar.4 Remanded. .. .. 3

Other stations. 2 Transportation.2' Hard labour.17 ? Fines and confines» .. .. ..26

Lunatics.. .. .. .* .» ..10

Total... 66

INSOLVENT COURT. Wednesday, July 22, 1846.

Before the Chief Commissioner.

In re Alexander Thomson.-Special meeting.The official assignee sought the opinion ot the creditors as to the disposal of the profits on the sale of the insolvent's wool in London, which he had intended dividing pro rata on the claims proved, but was debarred from doing so in con-sequence of Mr. Yuille, one of the creditorn, ob-jecting to rank on the estate, and eommencing an action in the Supreme Court, as to the defending of which the assignee sought the instructions of

the creditors.

No creditors appearing, the meeting was ad-journed until the 29th instant.

lu re J. P. Smith.-Second meeting. No cre-ditors appeared,


Edward Moger Lyne Smith, Newspaper Re-porter: Liabilities, £67 15s. 3d.; assetspersonal property, £9 ; outstanding debts, £30 Balance deficiency, £28 15s. 3d.