Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1931 - 1954), Tuesday 20 March 1934, page 19



Sultan Aziz, with four camels, visited the local school, when the school children were taken for rides. The camels excited much

interest and several local people had rides on

them. Sultan Aziz formerly worked for Sir Sidney Kidman, and once possessed 200 camels. —The Mount Schank cricketers were de feated by the local team on the Aiianriji. Memorial Park. Scores:—Allandale East. 76 (B. Tibbies 25. J. L. Laslett 11, K. Winter field 11. J. Tibbies 10; E. Hood four for 21. L. Spencer two for 9. R. Ashby two for 30). Mount Schank. 53 (R. Ashby is, Vic Lae lett 17; J. L. Laslett four for IS. J. Sewart two for 7. G. Thompson three for 0). Tennis was played between the local team and the visitors, the visitors being successful by a small margin. BLACK ROCK A farewell social and dance was tendered to Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Clarke In the institute prior to their departure for Adelaide. Mr. J. J. Lane occupied the cbalr, and spoke ou the guest's efforts as secretary of the Institute. Other speakers were Mr. R. B. Kllto (cricket club). T. Gearen (tennis club). Mr. C. T. Suerschner presented Mr. and Mrs. Clam with a travelling rug. Mr. Clarke has been licensee of Black Rock Hotel for more than seven years. Music for the dance was supplied by Mr. K. Hook. Alan Waroes and W. Brock.— The local tennis team was narrowly defeated by Bullyacre by 8 games. The teams left In to compete in the finals an EniUytcre, Tar cowle A. Black Rock and Tatina. Mannan arie and Tarcowie B being eliminated.—A social evening was held in the Institute sup per room to say farewell to one gf Black Rock's oldest residents. Mr. and Mrs. W. Noble. Mr. C. T. Kuerschntr occupied the chair, and other speakers were Messrs. W. V. Crowburst. T. w. Spurting and T. Geiren. The chairman presented the guests with a travelling rug. Mr. w. V. Crowhurst took the opportunity of welcoming Mr. W. J. Crosby, who has taken over the Blade Beck Hotel.—At a dance in aid of the tennis club music was supplied by Mr. K. Book, aid Mr. J. Ross was M.C.—The local branch of tbe Agricultural Bureau held Its first meeting since the harvest recess. The president (Mr. C. T. Knersehner) occupied the chair. A paper on dairying was read by Mr. W. V. ClWburst. and harvest reports were discussed. BORDERTOWN The annual flower show in connection with the Bordertown Congregational church was held in the Institute. The show was opened by Mr. W. J. Thomson. Considering the extreme heat of the past few days, which materially affected the entries and quality of the exhibits, the display of blooms was good. Mr. D. B. Bottrill judged the cut flowers and pot plants, and Mesdames P. T. Rabone and Tresize the bouquets and makeups. Trophies were given by Mesdames D. B. Bottrill. A. E. Milne, H. A. Wilkinson, W. Tompkins, G.D. Ferguson, A. H. Guy, Misses Perry, W. Wiese, and Messrs. A. E. Virgo and A. D. Hay, Mrs. G. F. Baker, Mrs. C. A. Hawke, and Mrs. A. E. Wiese. Mrs. D. Bottrill was successful for decorated bowl of flowers, also jardiniere of flowers, vase of flowers, and vase of mixed flowers. Miss K. Smith was successful in winning trophies for bowl of mixed flowers and for basket of flowers. Other successful ex hibitors were railway garden, Miss Perry, Mrs. W. Hinge, Mrs. Rabone, Mrs. A. E. Milne, Mrs. C. A. Hawke, Mrs. A. Guy, Mrs. T. Mar shall, and Mrs. A. A. Fisher. The champion bloom was won by the railway garden with a beautiful white zinnia, the trophy for which was donated by Mrs. T. Marshall. There was a good display of vegetables and fruit, Mr. Trenorden was judge. The principal prize takers in these sections were: —Mrs. W. Hinge, Mrs. T. Marshall, Mrs. Bottrill, Mrs. A. W. Wiese, Misses D. Wiese, Perry, and Mr. E. B. Milne. Cookery was keenly contested, and the following is the prize list:—Afternoon tea cakes. Miss J. Milne. Miss Milne was also successful with biscuits and cockles. Mrs. F. Denseley won for sultana cake, orange and ribbon cake; chocolate layer cake, Mrs. J. Creaser; cream puffs. Miss Robinson: walnut cake, Mrs. C. A. Hawke. Mrs. D. Low was successful with iced cake, butter sponge, lamingtons. Miss Bottrill won with chocolate roll and nutties. Mrs. Noble won the prize for shortbread. The special prize for most points in this section was won by Mrs. F. Dense ley. The stalls were managed by:—Afternoon tea. Mrs. A. A. Fisher, Mrs. D. Smith, and Mesdames F. B. and E. B. Milne: icecream and sweets. Mrs. J. Creaser and Miss J. Milne: cakes, Mesdames V. Noble and F. Dense ley; flowers, Mesdames D. B. Bottrill and G. F. Baker; vegetables and fruit. Miss A. Robinson, D. Wiese, and K. Smith. The trophies were presented by Mr. A. A. Fisher at the close. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilkinson left by motor for Adelaide. Mr. Wilkinson has been transferred from manager of Bordertown Commercial Bank to a similar position at Brighton. Owing to short notice, a public farewell could not be arranged for Mr. Wil kinson, who has been a zealous officer and a personal friend to clients. Prior to his leav ing, clients and townsmen met at an informal gathering at the bank to bid him farewell. Messrs. W. J. Thomson, P. H. Fisher, W. Flower, and H. Pilgrim spoke for the gather ing, and wished both the manager and his wife health and happiness. A presentation from clients and friends will be forwarded later.—The annual concert given by members of the Royal Institution for the Blind and other visiting artists was given in the Bordertown In stitute. Despite the great heat, there was a large audience, who thoroughly enjoyed the different items. Mr. A. A. Fisher presided. Miss G. Sales was the winner of a seagrass chair, which was given as a prize for a com petition. The proceeds were satisfactory.— The annual rifle course for members of the 3rd Light horse (No. 1 Troop. A Squadron) was held on the Bordertown rifle ranges. Warrant-Officer Une, of Mount Gambier, was in charge. Trooper A. E. Bywater scored 96 points, which entitles him to wear a marks man's badge. Results:—Lieutenant F. B. Milne. 86., Sergeant Jolly, 81: Lance-Sergeant H. Paul. 79; Corporal F. Fisher. 73: Corporal A Skinner 72; Lange-Corporal A. H. Woods. 73: Trooper A. Bywater, 96: Trooper J. Collis. 72: Trooper Preeee. 67; Trooper W. Faul. 80; Trooper C. G. Manton. 71: Trooper H. L. Jarrett. 76'. Trooper I. A. King. 65 ; Trooper Anderson. 65: Trooper J. W. Merrett, 72: Trooper A. W. Werner. 63: Trooper W. Dur bridge. 72; Trooper J. D. Higginson. 77: Trooper R. Dowdy 86: Trooper F. England. 74: Trooper A. E. Faul. 74: Trooper W. Jolly, 73: Trooper E. L. Thomson. 62. Trooper R.G. Ferguson, 76; Trooper W. R. Merrett. 59.— The annual meeting of the Border Hunt Club was held in the old institute committee room. Officers elected: —President. Mr. E. O. Gros ser: vice-presidents Messrs. J.J. Hefferman and H. C. Williams: patrons. Messrs. J. Hay, W. Copeman, S. D. Stoddart, W. Tompkins, W. H. Hay, and E. Miles: master. Mr. V. D. McGrice: deputy master. Mr. T. J. Alexan der: whips. Messrs. J. Lehilff and D.King drag committee. Messrs. W. Tompkins, H. C. Willams, V. D. McGrice, U. B. Patterson, and C. Cherry; committee. Messrs. M. Hunt, E.H. Fisher, A. C. Saxon, C. Cherry, T. J. Makin, H. Farrow, H. Rabone, W. Tompkins, A. H. Truman, G. Truman, H. G. Hewitt, S. Staude, G. McLennan, V. Martlew, C. W. Toy, H. C. Williams. J.Lahiff, D. King, I.H.King, W. Copeman. hon. secretary. C. W. Toy. A vote of thanks and appreciation was moved to Mr. E. H. Fisher, who has been president since the inception of the club, and also to Mr. A. C. Saxon for his past services as sec retary. It is expected that the Adelaide Hunt Club will make another representative visit to the Tatiara district again this year and the annual ball, which is one of the best dances of the year, will be held. Mr. J. J. Heffer man donated £3 3/ to the club. Mr. F. N. McKenzie, who has been on the staff of the Bank of Adelaide here for several years bas been transferred to Woodside, and left by the Quona with his family. He will be succeeded here by Mr. Mason, from Angas ton. Rev. N. White, minister in charge of the Methodist Church here, has also been transferred to Wallaroo, and will be suc ceeded by Rev. L. Menadue. CRYSTAL BROOK The Crvstal Brook district tennis tourna ment will'be held on Easter Friday, Saturday and Monday. The programme comprises eleven sections, handicaps and championshlDs. Profits from tournaments will be given to the TO. committee. Nominations will close with the secretary. Mr. T. French, on March 23 The annual social of tbe Methodist Tcnnts Club was held 'n the Methodist Sunday school hall Trophies won during the tournaments were presented. Rev. Norman Lade occupied the chair. Those who contributed items were Misses G. and A. Story, O. Lucas, Messrs. W. Tvlor and W. Whlsson. Competitions were won by Rev. Norman Lade and Mr. E. Butler. 34r. A. H. Feake. patron of the club, pre sented the following trophies:—Handicap singles (Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Pcake's trophy, men's singles, D. Wilson; women's. Mrs. R. Combe; mixed doubles (Mr. W. Tylor's trophyt. Mr. and Mrs. W. Whi&son: men's doubles. I-', bde and L. Townsend. As an appreciation of the good work done by Miss M. Wilkra as secretary. Mr. Tylor. on behalf of the club presented her with a cut glass powder boil. The opportunity was also taken tc make a presentation to Rev. and Mrs. Lade prior to their departure for Payneham. Mr. Tylor. on behalf of tbe club, presented them with a silver teapot, and wished them every happi ness in their new sphere. Mr. Lade responded. Mr. Whlsson prcposed a vote ot thanks to their patron, Mr. A. H. Peake. and his remarks were supported by Mr. R. H. Combe. ELLISTON The Minda Home concert party held a well patronised sacred concert. A collection of £3 15/9 was taken.—Elliston cricketers visited Colton and defeated the latter by about 20 runs.—Before Messrs. E. Ives and W. Packer, C. H. Tree and C. Riggs were charged with breaches of the bush fire regulations. Fines of £5 and £2 respectively were imposed, with LIPSON Lipson cricket team secured a win igamtt Tumby B;iv last Saturday, scores bring 134 to 78 runs.—A tennis match was played be tv.ecn teams representing Tumby Bay and Lipson. which resulted in a win to the fcimcr by 1 set. MILLICENT PfaUlls, 16-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Mitchell, narrowly escaped drown ing when she fell into shallow water in a drain at Tcmtanoola. The child, who is barely able to walk was found by her mother in about two feet of WAter. Site had swallowed a fair amount, but lerovered rapidly.—Les sons have begun in the ly-xly established school at Mount Burr, where Mr. F. Beaton Is the teacher in charge of 25 children. The new sclioolhouse. which is t> weatherboard structure, removes the need for Mount Burr children to travel long distances to Mount Muirhcad and Mount Graham. —Only six names were handed in to the district coun cil office in connection with tbe bureau estab lished by the local youth occupational com mittee. This body sought to ascertain the extent ol unemployment among young people of this locality with the object of assisting them.—ln the Millicent Court, before Messrs. J. B. Mitchell and J. MfUone. J.P.'s. Rose Towrrs proceeded against John William Towers, alleging that defendant unlawfully im pounded some of her cattle. The judgment was for the complainant, costs following the verdict, but no damages being assessed. — The Bcachport Council hns beep npnror.ched bv the Commissioner of Public Works, who. at the request of the four departments re sponsible, sought the council's attitude as to meeting portion of maintenance and interest costs for road communications with Beach port in the event of the EIO.^OO undertaking

Involving the extension of the seawall then, being proceeded with. The council tesotoed to Intimate that, althongh it will reasonably maintain the work referred to. It cannot ac : cept the liability of interest charges.—lnspec . tor Traynor, of the radio section of the Post ' master-General's Department, bag spent some ; dan in toe town testing the effects of elec , tries! motors and other sources of lnter ; ference with local wireless reception- Bis , visit was brought about a* the result of nu-CQerous complaints from Mllllcent listeners—in. MOUNT GAMBIER The new and up-to-date lighting m-anse . meet* at VansltUrt Park were switched on by > the president of the Citizens' Band (Mr. ; Hngh UarJcs) at a concert given ny the band i from the new rotunda. He said the decora tive effect of the new lamp pillars and the new type at Illumination greatly enhanced the appearance of the gardens. A collection for band funds realised £8 3/. MURRAY BRIDGE The District Councils Boundaries' Com mission will sit at Murray Bridge to hear evidence from councillors and others inte rested.—A meeting of the Parents' Associa-tion elected the following committee:—Pri-? mary school. Mr. Cowan, ILL.C. i chairmen I, > Mr. A. B. Noltenius. secretary and treasurer; ' Drs. F. Wicks and N. H. Monday, Mfsdftmes -A. 8. George and R. H. 6. Tapp. I Keen interest is being manifested by the > residents of Murrey Bridge and the district -of MobUong In the carnival to be held on June '1. 2. 3. and 4 in connection with the Jubilee ? celebrations of the district of MobUong, of - which Murray Bridge formed a part prior to : Incorporation. A committee has been lormed ? with the Mayor of Murray Bridge (Mr. Keir ? C E McLean) as president, and the chairman ?of the district of MobUong (Mr. J. L. Cowanl : ?bs vice-president. With a view to extending .an Invitation to all former residents to attend i : toe carnival, the secretary (Mr. R. W. T. j . oborn) is preparing an old residents roll and : would be pleased to near from anyone ln i Wrested. Mr. F. W. Brooks has been ap pointed transport and accommodation officer. > and Messrs. A- C. WeUer and C. Georffe pub i Ilclty officer and assistant respectively. A . button bearing a reproduction of a photo > graph of the Start Reserve has been prepared Jn connection with the carnival. Various committees have been set up to prepare a programme of sports anil a series ol popular attractions for visitors. The District Conn- { cU of MnbUone will hold a jubilee dinner on the Saturday night, which all former oem bers of the council will be invited to attend. OLARY The Olary Memorial Ball was crowded when a lire-well social was tendered to Mr. and lire. Cook and family, who are leaving the town after a residence of nearly 20 yean. Mr. Coot n&s been transferred to Goodwood. Eulogistic speeches were made by Messrs. Doubtnre. Daniels, and Glenn. Mr. Cook was presented with a leather kltbag. and Mrs. Cook with a silver cake dish and cake forks. Supper was provided. Mr. Prout was M.C.. and music was provided by Mrs. MoKeuzie dmith and string band—Messrs. H. Linely. K. MrTntinn. H. Grosser, D. McK.-Smith.—Camel and faorse teams are finding plenty of em ployment in repairing dams and drains, which were silted up by the heavy rains. Extra men are also employed on the railway line. PINNAROO At a meeting of the captains of the five teams In the Plnnaroo Tennis Association it was decided to Abandon the annual Easter tennis tournament, owing to the unsuitable condition of tbe courts. The necessary re pjira, however, are to be maae.—Miss A. Fun, of the Port Pitie High School, has succeeded Miss BlacfcweU at Pinnaroo, Miss BlackweU having been transferred to Balaldava.—The Deputy Director or Posts and Telegraphs (Mr. E. P. Ramsay* was met by members of the Pinnaroo District Council and townspeople of , Pmcano. Hie was welcomed by Pram^y^* Dewhlrat. A request was made for a seat to be placed on the western aide of tbe pest offlce. Reference was made to group masters ; becoming liable for non-payment of a sub scriber's telephone account and also the cut ting off of- 8 group if the account were not paid. A complaint was made regarding tbe ! poor telephonic communication between Pln ; naroo and Melbourne, via Ouyen. Residents in . tbe country complained that they had to pay : 10/ a year for the use of private post-office [ boxes, whereas in tbe metropolitan area de ; liveries were made free by postmen. It was , thought that the cost of rental should be re- j . duced. Mr. Ramsay said that members of a telephone group system were charged much If ss than those with an individual service. With ! this lower charge the group master was made ' responsible for collecting fees. The depart ment would not be able to give them such low : rentals If it bad to deal with them as in , dividual cases. However, he would discuss i the matter with the director-general. The , provision of a seat. Mr. Ramsay suggested : was a matter for the district council. For private boxes the amount of revenue received was far more in the city than In the country, therefore deliveries were given. Those with private boxes in the city were charged at the rate of £1. £2. and £3. Mr. Ramsay pro mised to enquire Into the Pinnaroo-Mel bourne telephone system. 1934 20 03 PORT ELLIOT The annual meeting of the town and foreshore improvement committee was held in the institute. Mr. B. P. Paech presiding. In the annual report, Mr. Les M. Duffield referred to the continued good work of Mr. W. D. Macdonald in and around the camp-ing ground, the caretaker, Mr. T. K. Barnes, and the octogenarian, Mr. James Dodd, who planted and attends to the flower patch on terraced side of the cliffs surrounding Horseshoe Bay. The chairman endorsed the remarks of the secretary, and Messrs. Handby, G. Carnegie-Smith, F. C. Barton, and W. J. Dodd also spoke. The proposals to place tennis courts on the foreshore and raise a loan for improvements in Horseshoe Bay were discussed. Councillors Hendby and Dodd reported that the Government Town Planner had surveyed the whole of the fore shore, and when his plan and suggestions came to hand a public meeting would be called. Officers elected:—President, Mr. P. L. Bannon; vice-president, Mr B. P. Paech; secretary , Mr. L. M. R. Duffleld; treasurer, Mr. J. C. Barton; committee , Messrs W. D. Macdonald, A. C. Gibbons, R. Deed, with Councillors Handby and Dodd ex-officio; auditors, Messrs W. J. Dodd and F. Page. PORT NOARLUNGA „A* tjjt annual meeting of the Congrega tional Women's Guild, the treasurer (Miss A. Perry) reported a credit of £1 16/ after about £21 had been paid Into church funds. Assistance had also been given to other in stitutions. Officers elected:-Presldent. Mrs. J. Douglas; vice-presidents. Uesdames Drake and Broadbent; secretary. Miss D. M Newland; treasurer, Mrs. Bice; auditor Mrs Mills: committee. Mesdames Holten and Wood' —Mrs. A. B. linn left by the Manunda ona holiday visit to Melbourne and Sydn>y^— In the A grade semi-final tennis matin of the Southern Tennis Association, Port; Jtosrlanga S£? P^^Sarlun^ ?**- S PORT PIRIE The St. Patrick's annual concert took OUce at the town ban. A varied proSammV arranged by Miss Madeline Bmittiwascar riadl out. the foUowine taking part^— Mrs. *? r Ma"y?*a. Mrs. F. J. McMahoSTMrs j: Carlson. G. Gummow. H. fiymonds. Mrs. C. A fc B¥ EJi iratal *? McNanSra m! Sle?rWe, N. Mc?ride, K. Ijre. E. Richard son. G. Biggs I May. L. Biggs. 1. Gray? K. Bee. F. Bee, C. laddie. C. Griffiths E Con^ nor. K. Tucker. N. Firajrerald. H Retdr M Bassanl. D. Meade. Messrs. J. MaScha W Malyefca. ? Hogg. E. Carter. T. u2y* i. J. Haekett. F. P. Hackett. T. Anderson Hi Symonds. A. Kltson. J. Hackett. T. Madigan IP. WUson. L. Reams. St. Mark's brassband I Ptayed seeetlons on the town hallbalcSSy I prior to the concert. For the llghtlne and . stage effects Messrs. J. EUIs and GTpicfchaver : E2S_ reS on£ B>le' the stEge ?>anagers were Messrs. F. Flinn and J. Stokes, and Mr. F fKI^i 1 .£ arrted - put the duties! During the evening the result of the "most popular hoy" competition w*s announced by Mr. J J Madigan as foUows:—p. Mc?ride (St. Mark's school). 7.248 votes; J. Curran "St. Mark's). 5.496: W. Wauchone (St ? Anthony's). 3.028. The amount raised bvl ;*- S"!* 51 w?5. £65 I</4- competitors] p and their committees were accorded a be&rty ? vote of thanks on the motion of the Rev i Father O'Bynre. seconded by Mr. J. C Flti > geralfi.—4 collection taken up on behalf of the local branch of the District Trained Nursing Society at the smelters and In the S^S etlo/ calis^ i, £33 17/5 tTom tne *ormer S2? ,^?* Sl* from tbe latter, a toUl of ? ESB 1/9. Those who were responsible for the I ; work of collecting were:—Mesdames L. G I . Tassie (ronvener). R. L. Forean A X ? Jeanes. Sister Watts, and Miss L. Afford ' S tra££ collectors—Mesdames v Threlfall. G. .T. WiUiams. H. Galway. S. J. Warren. J. ? lns- D" Tat*s- W" X- Mallyon. A. H. . Williams. F. lUmcn. M. M. B. Mlddleton I ,H. R. MalcDlm. A. Dungey. J. S. Geddes J. G ' [ Sweeney. C. Woodroffe. Misses Beryl Samp ! son. L. Forrester, and M. Mllnes. The amount i collected at the works Is subsidised pound i . for pound by the Associated Smelters Pro prietary. Limited. REDHILL About 80 friends met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Steele to tender an even-ing to their daughter Jean, on the eve of her marriage. Dancing games, and com petitions were conducted. Items were given by Mr. Harry Johns. Miss Joan Siviour. and Mr. Claude Pengilly. Supper was served after which Messrs. Dunsford. Wiltshire, and J. A. McAvenaney wished the guest every happiness. Mr. Lionel Dennis responded on behalf of Miss Steele. SEDAN ' A farewell social was tendered Mr. snd Mrs >L. A. Marshman in the Sedan Instiiute Mr 1 Marshman has been on the staff ot '.he Sedan > branch of the Bank of Adelaide lorjhc oast 1 four and a half years, and has now been ? transferred to Angaston. Mr. J. c. C Mur doch presided, and Mr. Langp spoke or. be half of the tennis club Mr. Murdoch for the institute, and Mr. R. D. Kernich for i.he poll ' club. A letter of appreciation from a^-v. G. :A. Cooper iwho was unable to aUtnd> on bf -1 half of the Congregational Church, was read. 'At the time when Mr. Marshman rcce'ved notification of his transfer, he was treasurer of the Sedan Congregational Church, frrre -1 tary of the Sedan Institute, and captain of " the polf club. For two years he cap*.alned the tennis club, and was besides one of the ' and most willing townsman S?dan las } known. Mrs. Marsbman was presented with a 1 silver cake dish on stand, and Mr. Mirsh : man a beautiful wristlet watch. Peter W.l ----1 Ham Marsbman (aged four months I received a 1 silver mutt. Mr. Marshmsn responded on be ? half of his wife and child and liimielf. Dur -1 ins the evening items were contributed by r Mesdames L. B. Lanpe and R. E. Kernlch end 1 Miss M. Cooper. Miss A. Payne crovided U c ! music for dancing.—Mr. G. Macklin has been " transferred from the Blyth branch of *.ue Bank 'of Adelaide to Sedan. SPALDING - A farewell was tendered to Mr. Rnd Mrs. !W. A. Toop, Master Eric and Miss Merle ' Toop. at the Methodist Church. Mrs. O. F. ? Johnson presented Mrs. W. A. Toop with a - silver cake disli on behalf of the Ladies' Ouild. ' Mr. Milton Trengove. on behalf of "ocnl ? nreachcrs. made a presentation to Tlr. W. A. 1 Toop. and Mr. F. Bayflpld to Mast?r I'vic 5 end Miss Melre Toop. The Rev. G. F. John - ion uished the departing EuestF rviry loy !on their return to their old town. Orroroo. ? Mr. and Mrs. Toon responded.—Dalg?tv and ? Co. conducted a successful sale on Mr. Toop's ) nronerty. Good prices were realised for nr.ic : tically all lines, and poultry sold vs!l. Lun cheon was provided by th-? Conrtrv W<rarn's ; Association. The cool drink stall was uopuini

STRATHALBYN A most enjoyable evening was spent in the Institute at the <?""???' St. Patrick's mgnt social and dance, organised by the Catholic Church. Miss A. M. Eckert was the secretary. Music for tinnf'TlE was supplied by the local Paragon Orchestra of live players. Mr. CiiiX Allen was M.C. Those in charge of tne doors and ticket sales were Mesrs. J. MiUies. J. G. McDonald, and J. Bagley. A euchre tourna ment for the non-dancers was conducted by Mr. £. E. 8. Maldment, the winners being Miss Barenden, ladies' prize, and Mr. J. T. Kerslake. Bent's prize. Two Uonte Carlo cUacez were won by Mr. C. Hoare. partners being Miss C. Oill and Miss H. Hay. The suppsr tables were decorated with roses providea by Mr. R. P. Johnston, and the decorations and pro visionsn of supper were attended to by a com mittee consisting of Mesdames R. F. ilcEaen, J. Milnes. J. T.'Kerslake, E. Robinson, J. G. McDonald. H. Allen and T. Moore, snd Misses E. and M. Walsh. M. and *J. Krrslak?. and R. Bagley.—Tne ?t"?"?i social ot the Belvidere branch of the Agricultural Bureau was held in the Memorial Sail. Mr. John Vivian, jun., presided. Delegates attended Tram many branches in the district: the Mt. Barker repre sentatives were unable to be present as they were fire-fighting in the hills. Mr. A. J. Cook, chairman of the Advisory Board of Agri culture, addressed the gathering on "The Dairy Industry and the Butter Question." Mr. Apps. the Government tester, spoke on the "Cure of Cream," and Mr. Richards, the Board's c£sisi ant secretary, also spoke on Agricultural Bureau matetrs. A musical programme was given by Misses P. Read, D. Falloo, J. Pearce. and J. Matheson and Messrs. E. Pitt. M. and E Pearce, and El. P. Johnston. Mr. J. Collett proposed a vote of thanks to the spelters and performers, which was seconded by Mr. B. A Eckert.—The Rev. Dr. R. B. Knox, of the Church of Scotland Guild Mision in Ncrtn Bengal, India, gave an illustrated lecture on his work In the Himalayas and on the bor ders of Tibet, in the St. Andrew's Church. Dr. Knox, who served in the A.I.F. during the war. graduated in arts, medicine, surgery, and theology at the Melbourne University.—the annual meeting of the Football Club was held in the Institute. In the absence of ?.he pre sident. Mr. c. M. Letchford. who is on his annual holidays, the chair was taken by Mr. L. E. Stirling. The secretary. Mr. W. Nisli-it. presented th? balance-sheet, which showed ? credit of £5 17/. Supporters present con gratulated the team on winning the associa tion premiership last season. Mr. Stirling offered to donate a medal thus season to the best Junior player. Officials elected ?rerf— Patron, Mr. L. E. Stirling: Tice-patroi. Mr. W. H. Gilbert: president. Mr. Geo. Semple; secretary and treasurer, Mr. L. J. Allison; com mittee, captain, vicc-eaptain, secretary, and Messrs. C. M. I^tchford, E. Harley, L. Wat son, and N. Kerslake: delegate to Agricultural Society. Mr. Oeo. Semple; delegates to the association, Messrs. H. Allen ard L. J. A'.liscm: trainers. Messrs. H and W. Hisbett. W. E?mple, M. E. Thomas and W. Dreuer; auditor, K. O. Montgomery.—A bush fire on Mr. G. R. Donaldson's property burnt about 600 acres of scrub land. A call was made for is££sU:nce. and Sergeant Kite and M.C. Gulev quiCK.y organised a band of nre-figbters. About 100 men checked the fire when it reached the rail-Ray line to Victor Harbor. Much fencing was burnt, and sleepers on the railway line were charred.—The first load of new season's cur rants was sent to the McLaren vale Fruit paefcers Ltd.. by Mr. Geo. Cleggett. of Lang horne's Creek. The sample was very good. —Mr. J. W. Elliott has celebrated his 75th birthday. Born in North Adelaide fee came to Strathalbyn at the age of 14. He was edu cated at Pultcncy street Grammar School and afterwards at J. L. Youngs Academy, irhere he passed the Civil Service exam. He studied medicine, but gave it up on the death of his father and took over his printing business and has published the -Southern Argus'* week!" ever since. He has been a J.P. for over half a century, and for 47 years was a member of the Strathalbyn Town Council, for ro or which he was mayor. He is a life member ol the Agricultural Society and the Institute. STANLEY FLAT Showers delayed prape pickine. and the pro longed and excessive heat shrivelled ti be grapes, scorched j.ultanas. and dried ci.r rants on the vines. Great care has to be taken in picking crrrants. Buckets have ?o ing berries. In some cases bersian is spread under thp vines.—There is a aro?!:;s waier shortage. Springs are shrinkiv- ilarin::icly. I ar.d as dams arr do", the problem nf <? iter-

Ins stock is becoming certoas.—Roma Py croft. who broke her wrist thrones tailing tr m a fence, has recovered. WEETULTA An evening arranged by Miss Jessie Pn (ruson was tendered to Miss Isa Adams Id the local hall. Games and competitions ??re conducted, and supper was provided.