Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1931 - 1954), Saturday 20 December 1952, page 7

Warm Story Of Samuel Forsvth

'H« Cam* ' fmm Iratafttf,' fcy Ma Fwtytfc. (MiWi Central Mini**, 1Z/-). A warm and .most interesting' picture of the lovable, ktintr Triehmnn ftifnlinl ITnrovt.h- fWlpnrps in this hio

graphy by his wife. . . ? The Rev. Samuel Forsyth has done a great deal for South Australia and his name is known to everybody— so much 'so .that it needs a simple, straightforward story like; this to brine home the facts of what he really has done, j

RS. FORsyth does not x bring in many dramatics, but 'the chief's' work in itself indicates the great heart, and the great love of people, that have dominated his life. Impatient of idle talk, he set about getting a job done. Kuitpo Colony was one of his greatest works, and successes, despite much early criticism. - 'The Irish were always fighters and he cared nothing for himself and all for the cause. In his mind was his own backgroun d — six children brousht up on 20 acres of ground — and here was lustralia with all her millions of undeveloped acres. These men must be taught to work on the land, and at any rate to raise their own foodstuffs, develop their muscles and their characters, and be fit to send out to jobs when they again offered.' The young unemployed in these depression years kept him awake at night, but did not Himjn-«h his daytime energy in raising funds to start Kuitpo and give the men a chance. Appreciation by the men concerned is shown in this story of the official opening:— 'In the centre of the quadrangle round which the huts are built a garden was made with a cieverly constructed monument in the centre. This bore the name 'Forsyth Gardens,' which shone out when the light was turned on. The colonists' ram iripa it was

a happy tribute to their founder; and they worked up till midnight to have it ready for the official opening.' During his record 23 years' term as ' superintendent ol the Adelaide Central Mis

The Rev. Somael Fenyrii, 1930.— rhaMflraph raprodncaal in 'Ha Came

The Rev. Somael Fenyrii, 1930.— rhaMflraph raprodncaal in 'Ha Came

sion, the Rev. Samuel Forsyth undertook some big projects— Kuitpo, the purchase of 5KA, the Old Polks' Home' being the greatest— but perhaps they are not the major monuments to this indefatigable Irishman.Perhaps Perhaps this is:— 'In a busy mission in the heart of Adelaide, his vestry becomes his clinic.' The reader cannot help feeling that Mrs. Forsyth has done an admirable job. The temptation of a wife to be partisan is obvious, but it is a trap she has avoided. She has written simply and with restraint and allowed ' Sam Forsyth's cheerful optimism to speak for itself. . The book, published this week, is available from Miss Dorothy Elms, Old Folks' Home Office, Central Mission, Adelaide. All proceeds from the book will go to the Home. - Price is 12/6, or £ for a special autographed copy, numbers of which are limited. ?