West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Tuesday 10 December 1940, page 13

SEASONAL CONDITIONS Harvesting Delays. BALKULING. Dec. 4.-The rainfall up to the end of November was 931 points, against last year's total of 2,400. On the afternoon of December 1 a heavy thunderstorm broke over the district and up to this morning 202 points of rain were registered. The storm did some damage to fences and some of the crops felt the strain of wind and rain, while rosds had the surface washed out in places. The question of water is Dow not so serious, as dams and soaks are overflowing. BALLIDU. Dec. 6.-Owing to thoe er steady nature of the rain errller in th week there was not a great run Off of water Into most dams , he town dam only benefited to the extent of one ioot. No hail or dam age to crops in the district has been reported, although much inconvenience has been caused to some farmers through harving to move heir bagged wheat because of white ants.-?he bulk wheat bins which were to open last Tuesday are not being oen until December 9 because of excessive moisture caused by the rain.-Very little or no barvesting has been done since the rain, owing to cool and cloudy conditions. BURAKIN. Dec. 6.-A thunderstorm started here on the afternoon of December 1 and continued till the morning of December 3. On the night of December 2 heavy rain set in and 150 points were registered. Light showers are still faLng.--harvesting operations are held up indefinitely and the bulk wheat bin will not be opened till December 9. KUNUNOPPIN, Dec. 6.-Ater a very trying heat wave last week-end thunderstorms brought 186 points of rain, This unprecedented rain in December was disastrous d dry feed and harvesting, but for water supplies of all kinds was Just wonderful.-The opening of the bulk silos has been postponed until such time as the wheat dries out. SHACKLETON. Dec. 4.-?arvesting operations have been completely stopped by the rain which fell during Monday night. The registration ranged from 100 to 150 points. This will temporarily relieve the water problem, which was becoming acute on many proltrtles.-Where there is bagged wheat standing in the paddocks some attention will be necessary, not alone on account of contact with the damp soil. but owing to the possible ravages of white ants, which riddle the bottoms of the bags and render them useless for further service. This is an important item with bags at their present price.-The wellsoaked ground has changed the work on farms from summer. with its heat and dust, to winter operations. All the tractors and teams are now pulling cariflers and other cultivating ImPlements. Many tractors are doing night and day service. It is a wonderful opportunity to improve some of that fallow which, owing to the Poor winter and spring rains, was not up to the usual standard of the district. l