South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Friday 19 May 1882, page 2

gTOESAl SffHCEB ? TjTRIENDS of Mrs. E3HLIE HOMX: BCHG are respectfully informed thai her EEMAINS wiUbeHemovedfromherlateBesidence, Parkade, Thi3 Day (Friday), ths 19th inst, at 3 p.m., for interment in the West-tenace Cemetery. ax * t m*Xi filHE Friendg of the late MRS. I TC3XER are respectfully informed that the FCXEHAL will Leave her late Eesiden:e, Church Kill, Gaxvler, This Afternoon, at 3 o'clock. x ? TAYIOR & FOHGIE, Cmlertakera. BELI6I0US HOHCES HIKE NEW CHUECH OF OUR A IADY OP THE E03AHY, Stirling -East, wiU l)e SOLEMNLY DEDICATED on SUNDAY, May 21, by His Lordship theBisnop of Adelaide. Ceremonies to commence at 11 o'clock. The Adelaide Choir will be in attendance. A Collection vrill be made on the occasion to liqnidate the debt dae on the sacred edifice. An Omnibus will leave St. Francis Xaviert Cathedral at S o'clock in the morning for Stirling East ? 133-40r37,9 ? PUBLIC NOTICES ? nTBE ADELAIDE, PAYKEHAM, JL AND PARADISE TRAMWAY COMPAKK (LIMITED) BILL, 1S32 (PRIVATE). NOTICE is hereby given that it ia intended to APPLY to the Legislative Council of the Parliament of South Australia during the next session thereof for a PRIVATE BILL for an Act to be inituled ' An Act to authorize The Adelaide, Payneham, and Paradise Tramway Company (Limited) to construct, Tnaintnin, and work tramways for horse, steam, atmospheric, electric, or other motive power, in and between the City of Adelaide, the Townships of Kent Town, Hackney,' College Town,' Stepney, College Park, East Adelaide, Payneham, west Maiden, Marden, Felisstow, Glynde, Hectorville, East Marden, Clarevflle, Campbelltown, Sydenham, and Paradise, and townships suburban thereto respectively, and such other townships and places as the Company may from time to time determine, and any deviations of such tramways, or any of them, and for other purposes f and that the object of the said BQ1 will be a3 stated in the title thereof. And notice is hereby given that the intended termini of the Line of Tramway proposed to be constructed are as follows, that is to say :— The termini of a lane of Tramway intended to be constructed from Adelaide to Paradise are situated in the centre of the roadway of North-terrace immediately opposite the railway terminus, Adelaide, and in the centre of the Main Lower North-E&stern-road, immediately opposite the Paradise Bridge Hotel, Paradise. And notice is hereby farther given that the points and sides of the streets or highways wh«re it is proposed that a less space than ten feet six inches shall intervene between the outside of the footpath on the side of the road and the nearest rail of the Tramway are as follows, that is to sayten feet west of Baflol-street at its junction with the Main Lower North-Eastern-road to a point two hundred and seventeen feet east of the junction of the WalkervUle-road and the Main Lower NorthEastern-road, beinz a total distance of four furlongs six chains fifty-three links. And notice is hereby farther given that the point where the Tramway line will cross the footpath in entering the land proposed to be taken by the Company as hereinafter mentioned is one and a half (11) chains west of the Government-road dividing Sections 282 and 283, in the Hnndred of Adelaide. And notice is hereby further given that the land proposed to be taken by compulsory purchase to be applied for in the Bill by the Company, comprising about two (2) acres, is in the south-eastern corner of the said Section 282, and measures as well on the south-eastern side next to the Main Lower North-Eastern-road as on the north-western side nest other part of said Section 23-2 four chains, and as well on the north-eastern side nest to Government Toad as on the south- western side next other part of said Section 2S2 five chains. And notice is hereby further given that the proposed line will ctoes the lines running to North Adelaide, the property of the Adelaide and Suburban Tramway Company (Limited), where it crosses North-terrace. And notice is hereby farther given that the proposed line wiH cross the lines authorized to be constructed on part of the Main Lower NorthEasternroad by the said Adelaide and Suburban Tramway Company (Limited) at a point on the Main Lower North-Eastern-road, onposito its junction with the 'Walkerville-road. And notice is hereby further given that in the said BUI it is intended to apply for power for the compulsory purchase of land and houses, and to levy toils, rates, and duties, and for power to sell or lease the undertaking, &c, or amalgamate with any existing or future Company or Companies competent to purchase or lease the same, and for power to enter into working agreements and traffic arrangements with any existing or - future Company or Companies competent to enter into the same. And notice is hereby further given that the said piece of land containing about two acres corner of said Section 232 is proposed to be compulsorflypnrcbased from the South Australian Company as the freeholders, and from Edward Bowels as the lessee thereof, and that it is intended to apply for power to enter into working agreements and traffic arrangements with the said Adelaide and Suburban Tramway Company (Limited). And notice is hereby further given that the names of the districts, townships, and counties, or reputed districts, townships, and counties, from, in, through, or into which the said line of Tramway is intended to be made, and in which the lands and honses intented to be taken are sitnated,are in theDistricts of Adelaide, East Torrens, and the City of Adelaide; the Municipal Corporation of Kensington and Norwood ; and the Townships of Kent Town, Hackney, College Town, College Park, Stepney, East Adelaide, West Marden, Marden, Payneham, Feiixstow, Glynde, Heetorville, East Marden, Clareville, Campbelltown, Sydenham, and Paradise. And notice is hereby ; farther given that copies of the said Bill -will be deposited in the office of the Examiner of Private Bills at Parliament House, North-terrace, Adelaide, aforesaid, on the third day of June next, and that the plans, sections, and books of reference, and copies of the Government Gazette notices will, on the twenty-second day of May next, be deposited at the said office, and at the office of the SnrveyorGeneral at the Government Offices, Adelaide, and at the office of the Town Clerk of the Corporation of Adelaide, at Adelaide, and at the office of the Town ? Clerk of the Municipal Corporation of Kensington and Norwood, at Charles-street, Norwood, aforesaid, and at the office of the Clerk of the District Council ofEastTdrrens aforesaid,' and at the office of the Central District Road Board, King William-street, Adelaide, and at the office of the South Australian , Company, Uorth-terrace, Adelaide, aforesaid, and at, tfie iouse_of_ the said Edward BDwels on said Section No. 2S2, and at the office of the Adelaide and Suburban Tramway Company, Limited, at their office, situate in Currie-street, Adelaide, aforesaid. Dated this second day of May, ISSi 1 - ? W.R. WIGLEY, . .._ ? ? Parliamentary Agent for the said Bill; - 'Exchange Offices, Pirie-street, Adelaide. 125139 ?: A DELAIDE RACING CLYUB. ii.''~ ~'' — -=-^-~-.-~r~ - ? . QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY MEETING. _ JTBST DAY, . TO-MORROW (SATURDAY), I . , . MAY 20. ' .-. ...... ? Start at 1 o'clock x 'OESEKVE Trill be PAH) on SATURA\) DAY, 20th inst, at the Staff Office, at 3 p.m. x ? SERGEANT-MAJOR PINE. ?VACCINATION. — On TUESDAYS 1 and FRIDAYS, 2 to i p.m. Drs. GETHING and TOLL, Port Adelaide. ? 133D ?\7ACCIKATIO]tf .— At Messrs. MAEN ¥ ' and GEYER'S, King William-street; TUESDAY and -FRIDAY, at -3-p.m. ; North Adelaide, THURSDAY, at 11 a.m. I3Sc W. PEEL NESBTTT. QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY. The WAREHOUSES of the undersigned will be CLOSED on WEDNESDAY, 24th May :-- - doxaldsox, axdeews, & slurlasd. goode Bros. Good, Toms, & Co. D. -s W. Muibay. G. & R. W1I.LS & CO. - 137-J3V pUBLIO NOTICE, On and after Monday, 1st May' the ? ADVERTISING AGENCY OF MR. G. H. CAHGEEG will be condnrted at 87, KING WILLIA5I-STBEET, next Scrynsgouf s (late Colonial Mutual Offices). A SHARE EXCHANGE will also be conducted in the above Offices at a reasonable rate of brokerage. ? llSmwfc IN the Matter of the PATENT ACT, 1S77.— NOTICE is hereby given that FRANCIS RAYMOND WELLS, of Antwerp, in the Kingdom of BelginnijTeleii-nph Engineer, has APPLIED FOR a PATENT for 'IniDrovemeats in Contrivances used in Telephony and Telegraphy,' aad tint the Specification of 'such Invention maybe inspected at the Pat»nt Office in Adelaide. CONIGRAVE & COLLISON, intent AoSsts, 329*42 Santo Buildings, 'Waymonth-street. IN the Matter of the PATENT.ACT, 1S77.-NOTICE is hereby oven that FRANCIS EDWARDS DE LACYE RICHARDS, R.N., of St lecnar.Ts, North Shore, near Sydney,' in the Colony of New South Wales, has APPLIED FOR a PATENT for' Portable Gas Flaid aad Automaton Gas-burner,' and that the Specification of such Invention may be inspected at the Patent Office in Adelaide. ' F. E. DE L. RICHARDS, R.N., S3, Kins VTimam-street, Adelaide. Care of G. T. lane, Esq. ? 132ft6z T ALFRED HENRY. PARKER, 'late of Port Lincoln, but now of Mount Gambier, Medical Practitioner, have this day appointed EDWIN BARTLETT, of Port Lincoln. Agent, my ATTORNEY for the purpose of collestmg all Debts dae to me. Dated this 16th day of May, 1SSA ALFRED HfiNRY PiBKER, By his Solicitors, 137-9 LNGLEBY, GBCNDY, & NESBIT. RE WILLIAM FREDERICK SMYTHE. late of Sonth-terrace, Agent, Deceased-All ACCOUNTS dne by the above to bs sent to the undersigned on or before the ISth day of June nest. . K. ST. BARBE-MILLER, lg).J2,Jv 12, Cnrrie-street, Adelaide. T)E ELIZABETH PEAKE, of Nor_LV wood, ATidow, Deceased.— All CLADIS against this Estate are to be sent to the undersigned on or before the ISth day of June nextK. ST. BARBE-MILLER, 133.-j2.4v 12, Cnrrie-street, Adelaide, Executor. ?VTOTICE.— I have appointed 03KAR _Ll Z1EGLER, ESQ., of Adelaide, Agent, to act ss my ATTORNEY during my absence from the colony. R. ZTEGESR. May 17, isa, ? -133-3 -ftrOTICE.— J. H. MENZ, PLUMBER, -Ll sc, of WYATT-STREET, Adelaide, is how prepart?:t to undertake all necessary work with regard to the CONNECTING of ESTABLISHMENTS with tie NEW SYSTEM c; DEEP DRAINAGE. P-rsons who nay entrust their work to his care may reiy en hiring it performed in a srientifc and satisfactory ic-jmer, and at a cost that will be based on economical charges. Es&e&tes ia all C25c3 oven. ?? ? Cdinxfc

PUBLIC TJ0TICE8 ? TVTOTICE is hereby given that I intend J3I to APPLY TOR LEASE of 40 Acres of Land at COCKRUarS CREEK, east of Ulooloo, for GOLp-MTNING PURPOSES, as is marked on the Grgnnd by »e-*t* and trenches. ' ? r ?'? PATRICK MURPHY. Kooringa, Slav 18.1653. , 139'*2 I Hereby rive NOTICE thai I InteiiJ APPLYING FOR a GOLD MINING LEASE of about 30 Acres of ground, about 2J miles sonthwestof Echnnga, in the HUNDRED of KUTTPO, immediately south and adjoining Claim applied for by W. Cavenasb, and pr jperiy denned at each anile bypostsaaatrcnehes. ^^n^-Adelaide May 4, 18S£ ? 125f39 I Hereby give NOTICE that I intend APPLYING FOR a GOLD-MINING LEASE of about 30 Acres of Ground, about 2$ miles sonthwest of Echunga, in the HUNDRED of KUTTPO, immediately north and adjoining Claim applied for by L. A. Withall, and properly defined b- posts and trenches at each angle. ? ? ? W. CAYENAGH. Adelaide, May 4, 1832. ? . I25f39 , XT O T I C E .—All PERSONS having -Ll CLAIMS apiinst the ESTATE of L. D. CHAPMAN, late of Gawler, Deceased, are requested to forward particulars of the same to the under- ? signed forthwith. ' A. J. CHAPMAN, Gawler. 139,42,4 'Executrix for the said Estate. ' ELECTORAL NOTICES ELECTION LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. i MONDAY,'mAY 29, 1882. | ELECTION OF SIX MEMBERS. CANDIDATES FOR ELECTION— i COGLLN, PATRICK BOYCE, Brompton Park, , Gentleman. ? COTTON, GEORGE WUHERAGE, Adelaide, Gentleman. ' ENGLISH, THOMAS, Parkside, Architect , GLYDE, WILLIAM DENLNG, N. Kensington, ? Gentleman. GRALNGER, HENRY ALLERDALE, Glenelg,. Gentleman. HARVEY, ARTHUR. Adelaide, Gentleman. ?. HAY, ALEXANDER, Linden, Gentleman. ! MADGE, MATTHEW HENRY, Gonger-street, Adelaide, Gentleman. MILLER, JOHN, J.P., Merriton. MURRAY, DAVID, J.P., Adelaide. RIDWGAY, WILLIAM ROADS, Brighton, Gentleman. SALOM, MAURICE, Auctioneer, Broughamplace, N.A.SIMMS, SIMMS, WILLIAM KNOX, Adelaide, Brewer. WIGLEY, JAMES FRANCIS, North Adelaide, Gentleman. WILLM. R. BOOTHBY, . Returning Officer for the Province. Sheriffs Office, Adelaide, May 15. 1882. 138-49v EGISLATIVE COUNCIL ELECTIONS. TO THE MEMBERS OF THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN FARMERS' MUTUAL ASSOCIATION AND THE FARMERS GENERALLY. The Central Committee of the above Association have chosen from the list of Candidates for the Legislative Council the following, as being the most FIT and PROPER PERSONS to represent the FARMING INTERESTS in Parliament, viz. :— JOHN MILLER, J.P., Merriton, Farmer. MAURICE SALOM, J.P., North Adelaide, Auctioneer. PATRICK BOYCE COGLIN, Brompton Park, Gentleman. , . WM. ROADS RIDGWAY, Brighton, Gentleman. DAVID MURRAY, J.P., Adelaide. Merchant, i THOS. ENGLISH, Parkside, Architect. '?? All Members of the# S.A.F.M.A. and others favourable to the Agricultural Interests are respectfully requested to use their VOTE and INTEREST to secure the return of the abovementioned Candidates.And And it is earnestly hoped that every Branch will use its utmost endeavours to influence the Votes not only of the Members but also of the Electors generally in favour of the above, so as to make certain the election of the Candidates chosen by the Association. - ? By order of the Central Committee, H. A. MUGG, General Secretary. Georgetown, May 17, 1882. 139,43,9v ; TpLECTORAL DISTRICT OF ONKAXU PABTNGA. . To James Johnston, Esq., J.P., J. C. F. Lanterbach, Esq., J.Py David Chapman, Esq., J.P., Henry Jackson, Esq;, J:P., John Clezy, Esq., J:P.;-William Tucker, Esq., G. H. Theobald, Esq., Robert Hunter Esq., John Fenton, Esq., Jos. Fountain Esq., Charles Dunn, Esq., Thos. Pugh, Esq., Hugh Kerr, Esq., H. Timmins, Esq., R. W. Klemschmidt, Esq., Chas. E. Kumnick, Esq., W. H. Addison, Esq., A. G. Johnston, Esq., Thos. H. Pinches, Esq., John Halstead, Esq., J. H. Disher, Esq., and the other gentlemen signing the requisition asking me to become a Candidate for the District of Onkaparinga. Gentlemen— I am in receipt of your flattering Requisition of the 15th inst, asking me to become a Candidate for the District in the event of my friend and former colleaaue (Mr. Krichauff) resigning hfa seat. Allow me Erst to thank yon for your congratulations on my return to the colony in improved health, and for the exceedingly kind and complimentary terms in which yon refer to my past efforts on behalf of the district, it is ratifying to find those amongst whom I resided upwards of a quarter of a century ago still wishing to give further proof of their friendship. Certainly if anything could influence me to re-enter public life, it would be to prove how much I appreciate such kindness. , When the electors induced me tore-enter theHqnse of Assembly in 1878, the colony, hi my opinion, owe-l a great debt of justice to the residents in the Hill districts, and I thought they had a claim on whatever energy or influence they could obtain in furthering and supporting the construction of :n Central line of Railway. It was no new policy so far as I was concerned. Yon are aware what strenuous efforts the Blyth Government (of which! ?WE3 at the time a Minister) made for the same object in 1S74, and by what a narrow majority the Bill was thrown out. But for the determined opposition then experienced the line misht now possibly have been completed to the Victorian boundary Be that as it may, Parliament recognised your just claims, and Onkaparinga, Mount Barker, and the surrounding districts are now placed on an equal footing with other parts of the colony. I am sincerely pleased to hear that the old activity is in consequence prevailing amongst you ; that new homesteaila are rapidly springing up, property rising-in value, and that the prognostications of those who advocated the railway, as to the great increase of residents to support it, &c, are being so satisfactorily verified. I heartily concur m the views expressed by yon »3 tc the great advantage it will be to Sonth Australia, to have the line continned from the pre38nt terminus across the Murray Bridge to the Victorian boundary, and have never altered the opinion I -expressed on the subject when before yon flr3t a3 a Candidate in 1SH. Naturally I should like to participate in carrying a measure of such importance, but, however regretfully, must put aside the wish A railway from one great centre of population ito another — at the same time forcing our rightful geographical position— is bound to be right eventually; but I cannot refrain from expressing anxiety at some of the— to my mind— astounding and wild propositions now being mooted. I fear South Australia will He leaping and boundinc into debt and difficulties, unless great care is exercised by her thoughtful public men. Your District has ino more interest in.extehding the line to Victoria than any other in the Colony, so far as I can see. I hive always looked upon such extension as a matter for the consideration and welfare of the whole Golony, and as such have advocated its construction ; it has no local bearing whatever. ' ' ?? ' Yon are pleased to state that yon believe the District fs of one mind in wishing me to come forward, and that I need fear no opposition ; but I am reluctantly compelled to say that in the event of the. contemplated vacancy occurring I shall not be a candidate for the electors' suffrages, anil hasten to apprise yon and them of such determination, so that no efforts may be made by other friends on my behalf. It is true my health is much improved, but past experience forbids me to attempt to carry [on the duties of an arduous profession and the excitement of political work at the same time. I cannot bia farewell to the Electors and retire from taking part in the lestislation of the country, and from the society and companionship of so many warm 'friends and supporters in the House of Assembly, from whom I always received so 'much courtesy, without a pang of disappointment; I live! amongst you all, and received great kindness for six years ; in return I have given six of the best years of my life to your representation— you have been kind enough to say with advantage to your interests ; thus, I trust, we part as we commenced— with mutual goodwill. . - - lam, Gentlemen, Yours very sincerely, 139-40V W. H. BUNDEY. VOTES ALL ROUND - . : FOR - W. R, RIDGWAY, TEE RIGHT MAN. ONE VOTE FOB BIDGWAY, W. B. - - PQ . ... ? ? . 139-49z LEGISLATIVE COUXCIL~ ELECTION. ELECTORS, give one of tour Votes ' ? TO ??? ? ???'? ??''-C. % COTTON, WHOSE VIEWS ARE BEFORE YOU. Mark your Voting-paper thus— COTTON, G. W. ? [X] Day of Election- MONDAY^ MAY 29.

? EEECTOBAL NOTICES UPPER HOUSE_ ELECTIONS. FELLOW-ELECTORS, When you go to the Poll on ... . ftQKDAY, the 39th, Don't forget to record ONE OF YOUR SIX VOTES for the Legislative Council Election in favour of P. B. COGLIN, WHO HAS SERVED US Honestly & Fearlessly & Well! FOR . i SEVENTEEN YEARS IN THE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. xvl40v AN ELECTOR, i TO THE ELECTORS J OF THE LEGISLATIVE^ COUNCIL Gentlemen— In response to the solicitations of many friends, I have resolved to offer myself as a Candidate for your suffrages at the ensuing election. The increase of the number of members in the Legislative Council from eighteen to twenty-four was a measure demanded by the growing population of the colony, while the other provisions ? of the Amended Constitution Act of last year, dividing the colony into electoral districts and curtailing the term of membership, are measures which must draw the Council into closer rela- . tionship with the electors, and impart a higher ; interest to their proceedings. It shall be my aim, if elected, to promote the harmony of Parliament, to watch the interests of the colony so that nothing should be left . undone which tends to advance its welfare, and at the same time to guard against hasty legislation which would unnecessarily tax its re- , 'sources. j I would advocate some amendment in the ' Land Laws so as to enable those who have selected in the northern districts to maintain -their holdings. A hydraulic survey of the colony should be made, with a view to a general system of water ' conservation. - . , I approve of the extension of the Great . Northern Line of Railway, and the carrying out ' of an intercolonial system. . I think the colony is now ripe for a penny ? postage. ...'.;'? I consider it unnecessary to refer to all the questions which may come before Parliament in the approaching session, but would base my claims to your suffrages on my previous Parlia- ' mentary experience, on my known political ; opinions, and on my interest in the leading i industries of the colony. ? I am, Gentlemen, ; 138czv . Yours obediently, DAVID MURRAY. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE: council. ; ? ' . . ?? .. , . i ? ?? ?? ? ! GIVEONEVOTE ??' ' T°. ??'? ' ! --.??' . ?? ?. ? ~ i ' i MURRAY,; ' f THE TRUE FRIEND OP . ! PROGRESS^ POLLING DAY: j MONDAY, MAY 29. ? 13Sczv LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL ELECTIONS, i In response to a large and influential Deputation, and a Requisition signed by' 749 Electors, i ? MAUBICESALOTO.J.P. is now a : CANDIDATE ! for a . . ' j SEAT IN THE LEGISLATIVE : COUNCIL. ' All Electors throughout the Province desiring the Return of an ' ESDEPENDEIJT and THOROUGHLY RELIABLE REPRESENTATIVE Are requested to use their influence and best efforts to SECURE MR, SALOM'S RETURN. R. BIRR SMITH, Chairman; 1. J. DIAMOND, : al32cv Hon. Seo. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL ELECTIONS. POLLING DAT, MONDAY MAY 29. TO ALL THE ELECTORS OF THE PROVINCE. . BECOBD YOUR FIRST VOTE FOB MAURICE SALOM, The Independent Candidate. ? ENGLISH, IRISH, AND SCOTCH, KEEP ONE VOTE FOR MAURICE^ SALOM. WEI^H ELECTORS, PLEIDLLISIVaCU DROS MAURICE SALOM, GERMAN' ELECTORS, GEBEN SXE EIXE STLMME FUR MAURICE^ SALOJI. FRENCH ELECTORS, GARDEZ UX VOTE POUR MAURICE SALO3I. ITALIAN ELECTORS. TENETE UN VOTO PER MAURICE SALOM, .... 135nvwfcY .

ELECTORAL NOTICES VOTE FOB WIGLEY, .JAMES FRANCIS, Who will Legislate to make the . . -pobk 'MANliticiEH I '''' andmaSetheOpipnyso£ttractivB' ! j THAT the RICII WOSTP lEAV^IT! ? YOTEFOR ' 'I HONEST iM | WORKING MEN! VOTE FOR HARVEY. ? ??? ?? ? ; i GOOD WAGES AND ? LIGHT TAXATION. : ??? ?????? ? ?????? : ? ? ? . ??' al37czv . TO THE ELECTORS OF THE COLONY. In compliance with the invitation of nume- , ' rous Electors, I beg to offer myself as a Cahdi- ? date at the approaching Elections, and to state ; briefly my views on the various important questions which affect the future of the colony. Taking into consideration the dis- ' tressing effect of the drought on many of the farmers, I would advocate the establishment of a Court of Enquiry, with the view of affording relief to those who have purchased their land at an excessive price from the Government, by revaluation and remission of back interest ; in fact, doing for the . fanners here what ? the British Parliament ia doing in Ireland. I would assist them and the pastoral lessees, as well as townships generally, with means to conserve water, and would give ail the support in my power to the establish? -ment of a department which would have control over and develop the water supply of the colony. I regret to aee that scarcely any 'reference is made to the mining industry by ? many of the candidates. It'ia an interest which has been in the past much neglected by the Legislature. With millions of acres showing strong indications of mineral wealth no .? organized attempt 'on the part of any Government has been made to get a geological survey of the colony. I would strongly urge npon the 'Parliament the necessity of having such! a^inrvey ' made, and of the establishment of a School of' Mines, where certificates could be obtained by those -already qualified to taka charge , o^ mines, and where pupils could be educated for the position ; by that means a re; liable class of men would be brought forward ' and -would give confidence to capitalists ; it would promote the mining interest by bringing ?''knowledge', ^telligerice, and' 'capital ti bear on, it. To the- pastoral lessees of the Crown I, would give long leases and fixity of tenure with* a 'view of encouraging permanent improvements, and in the - -event of the land being required for fanning or ' other public purposes I would advocate the payment to the squatter of the market value of the lease as a run. ? j I. am, in favour of the establishment of a penny postage rate for aU' letters throughout ? ? ?'. the colony,' and of repealing the Act for postage on newspapers. . . . , t j I am also In favour of establishing direct . ' ; ' ' 'steam communication with England on our own accouit7oiloining buFrai way lineT withfthbse of Victoria, and jiving effect to our geographical position., . . ?. ? ???-'* j I would not support any Government proposing to make the Outer Harbour, but would be willing to spend the cost of such an undertaking in making Port Adelaide one of the most commodious, ia one of the safest harbours in the world. - j As regards the construction of railways, I am strongly in favour of developing the country through their agency, and would support allline? which would connect a producing district with 'a port, either direct or by branch to existing trunk lines. To compete with other countries we must economise the cost of the production of our exports, and the construction of railways is the chief agent in effecting this economy, 'whether the freight be wool, corn, or minerals. Taxation for the purposes of revenue as against protection of industries should be made t to fall as lightly as possible on the working classes, not only as an act of justice to them, bnt in the interest of the colony'itself, as good wages and light taxation are the chief induce. ments to attract population — our great want. Should I nave the honour to be returned a member of the Legislative Council, my efforts will be directed to the advancement of the colony. j36cv ARTHUR HARVEY. A- MEETING OF THE SUPPORTERS OP MR. ARTHUR HARVEY ?WILL BE HELD AT THE ' ; Squatters' Arms, Thebarrton, ' SATURDAY NEXT, MAY 20, at7-3o'p.m. *z J- 3IARLES, JUN., Chairman. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL ELECTION. VOTE FOR YOUR OLD FRIEND THOMAS ENGLISH, who has consented to Stand in response to a Requisition signed by J,SC9 Elector*. 137mwf49

COMPANIES AlH) SOCIETIES FTTHE ADELAIDE, UNLEY, AND X MITCHAM TRAMWAY COMPANY, LIMITED. NOTICE is hereby riven that the ORDINARY GENERALTJALFYEARLYMEETIXGofSHARE TV-ill beheld on MONDAY, the 29th May inst, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Arbitration-room, Exchange, Pirie-street, Adelaide, to receive Reports and Bolance-sheet, and to transact such other Business as may be broueht forward. JAS. S. SCOTT, Secretary Alfred Chambers, Currie-street, May 1C, ISSi 'P.S.— The Books of Transfer will be Closed from the 22nd to 29th May instant. 137,Smwf4DviO CITY OF ADELAIDE LAND -AND INVESTMENT CO., s .-., LIMITED. Biwctors: ? William Everard, Esq., J.P., Chairman. T. Graves, Esq., J.P. I S. Newland, Esq., M.P. , Hon. John Crazier, J.P. 1 Walter BeyneU, Esq., J.P. ] DEPOSITS RECEIVED AT CALL OR FIXED -L' * ?' ; -PERIODS. fiATES OF INTERESFVN APPLICATION,' .;.. 5 7J H. VTSPARKS, Secretary, '': ;'.*, .,?'''','? No. 10, Exchange. FT1HE. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN COAL JL; COMPANY, LIMITED. The REGISTERED OFFICE of the above Company is REMOVED to 85, KING WILLIAMSTREET, next door to late Offices. THOS. E. BUfcY, Secretary, ?May 1,1882. ? lac MIKING NOTICES LOBETHAL FREEHOLD GOLDMINING COMPANY, NO LIABILITY. NOTICE is hereby riven that the Brst HALFYEARLY GENERAL MEETING of the above Company will be held at the Arbitration-room, Marlborough Chambers, Waymouth-street, Adelaide, on FRIDAY, the 26th inst., at 11.15 a.m., to receive and pass Accounts ; to elect Five Directors in place of the present who retire, but are eligible for re-election, and offer themselves accordingly; appoint Auditors, and transact such other business as shall then be brought forward. H. D. O'HALLORAN, Legal Manager. Mayl8,18S2. 130-42 CLARE SILVER - MINING COMPANY, NO LIABILITY. The PRELIMINARY MEETING of the SHAREHOLDERS herein will be held at my Office on FRIDAY, the 19* day May, 1SS2, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of settling the Rules and Regulations of the Company, appointing Directors, and taking steps for the Incorporation of the Company. GRANVILLE S. PRICE, Gilbert place, Adelaide. May 17, 1832. 133-9 TJ10UNTAIN HEAD GOLD-MINING JL? COMPANY, NO LIABILITY. NOTICE is hereby given that a MEETING of SHAREHOLDERS in above Company will be held at my Office, No. 2, Pirie-street, Adelaide, on TUESDAY next, the 23rd inst., at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, for the purposes of settling Articles of Association, Electing Directors, &c. 138-42 A, F. SCAMMELL, Acting-Secretary. JOHNSTON'S FREEHOLD GOLDO MINING COMPANY. A SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING of SHAREHOLDERS will be held at my Office, Commercial Chambers, Gilbert-place, Adelaide, on MONDAY, May 22, at half-past 2 o'clock p.m., to consider Mining Captain's report, and to decide on the future operations of the Company. 137-42 G. EGREMONT, Legal Manager. KITKICIPAI COUNCILS rjITY OF ADELAIDE. UNPAID CITY RATES. NOTICE Is hereby given that the COLLECTORS of City Rates will proceed to RECOVER all RATES now unpaid BY DISTRESS of the Defaulters' Goods and Chattels, unless the amounts due are forthwith paid. The Collectors attend at the Rate Collectors' Office, Town Hall, every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, between 11 and 1 o'clock. By order, THOS. WORSNOP, Town Clerk. Town Clerk's Office, Town Hall, Adelaide, Hay 12, 18S2. 135,7,9 MASONIC, ODDFELLOWSHIP, &e. 'VICTORIA LODGE, No. 3, M.U.,. T PORT ADELAIDE.-Members will take notice that NEXT LODGE NIGHT will be MOXDAY, May 22, in place of Wednesday, May 24, the latter day being a Public Holiday. x W. E. MATTINSON, Sec. MISSINGFRIENPSAND MESSAGES WANTED to know the whereabouts of RICHARD PENGILLY, whe left Aldinga on the evening of the 15th inst. He was seen travelling towards Adelaide on the 16th inst. Age, 26 years; about five feet eight high. No whiskers. Wore drab felt hat, elastic-side boots, light tweed trousers, black dress colt. Any person having seen or knowing his whereabouts would confer a great favour by writing to Thomas Pengilly, Aldinga, or William Pengilly, Redhill 118cv ? EDUCATION ? !_ LESSONS given in PHONOGRAPHY. Address Pitman, this office. ? 138-40] ERR VON SANDEN.— EVENING CLASSES for Gentlemen desirous of learning . French and German, on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at 2, Pulteney-street, G.30 p.m. Students prepared for Matriculation Examination; also Music and Singing taught. 133-49 ARNHAM HOUSE, BUXTONSTREET, NORTH ADELAIDE. ? ' ? Miss CAJniLA HAMMOND, lately resident in the family of the Rev. W. B. Stanford, [is prepared to receive Yonng Ladie3 as Boarders and Day Pupils at the half-term beginning 29th of May Application before 4 p.m. 115'51 ANCING. CALISTHENICS. Naxntxen et it bonne Unue. ' . Messieurs ROBERTS receive Pupils daily, Albert Hall (German Club). Classes meet Tuesday and Friday Afternoons, 4.15 ; Evening, 7.30 IIS'47 ^ LAND AND HOUSES ' .~ : TO BE LET. -'' .: OFFICES. OFFICES. j ;, Suites of Offices In YORK CHAMBERS) Franklin-street, opposite General Post-Office. Bent moderate. Immediate possession. ONSLOW, BUILDINGS— Commodious SHOP and DWELLING of Seven Rooms, Pirie.street,_ near Freeman-street . ' ' ' ' ,. ' PARADE, NORWOOD, nice HOUSE, Six Rooms, 4c, 20s. . . ._ j : ,-FOR SALE. ! j NORWOOD, on the Parade, HOUSE, Six Booing near Institute. Cheap. ? ! ..' ,. | CHILDERS-STREET — Valuable BUILDING LAND. Two frontages and right-of-way. 100 x 130,— 3ASTW00D-L0IS 20, 21, and 22, John-street. ? UNLE* PARK— LOT No. 11, Macklin-street. j EAST. ADELAIDE— Part LOTS 210 and 211. j MONEY to LEND at current rates. , , F. W. BULLOCK, YORK CHAMBERS, Franklin-street, Adelaide. 40c - DBAPEEY AND CLOTHING FICKLING & CO. Invite special attention to the fact that they are offering every possible advantage to GASH CUSTOMERS by a reduction in prices. FICKLING AND CO. have a large and well-selected Stock of Tweeds, ngolas, and other Goods for Winter wear ; also Shuts, Hats, Hosiery, Gloves, and every requisite for a Gentleman's Wardrobe, all purchased in the best markets. FICKLING AND CO. -employ none bet the best hands, thereby ensuring good workmanship. FICKLING AND CO. are satisfied with the smallest remunerative profit. FICKLING AND CO. trust by adopting this method of business to ensure the continued support of their numerous Friends, and also to attract others who know the rue economy of ? CASH PAYMENTS. FICKLING 8c CO., Tailors, Batters, & Outfitters, 4, BUNDLE-STREET. 2mwfc HALL & McLEAN DRAPERS, SILKMERCERS AND OUTFITTERS, 12, HIXDLEY-STREET, AND 87, RTINDLE-STIIEET, ADELAIDE. Tailoring Ordera Executed with Dispatch. ? HSmyfc [MEAN'S CLOTHING FACTORY REMOVED TO RUNDLE-STREET 1 lane next to Hall 4 McLean's). .' 253nnrfc

HARROLD BROTHERS, HAKDWARE; MACHINERY, ; and METAL MERCHANTS, .ADELAIDE^. : ' POET ADELAIDE,: and LGipON; ~ MAQHJNERY. Horizontal * y^PHj^k Robey l^UffiilPS! jwtBilJ-Q'T* jy'* ^fee?'^!?j|i^^g*!-^!?^-J.jS.x«t, _^ if 11111111 |j. ROBEY & COMPANY'S MACHINERY of all kinds always on hand. ESTLMATESgiven on application. INSPECTION invited. SCOTT BROTHERS' Lathes of various sizes, Drilling Machines, Planing. Machines, Steam Hammers, &c, in Stock and to Arrive. THOMAS ROBINSON & SON'S SPLENDID WOODWORKING. MACHINERY of every description on Sale. Many of these magnificent ? MACHINES can he seen WORKING IN ADELAIDE. Catalogues of same and Price-list on application. MILLING MACHINERY, comprising Excelsior Purifiers, Bran Dusters,. Roller Mills, Eureka Smutters, Excelsior Smutters, Penney'a Wheat and' Corn Screens, Portable Flour Mills. SELF-BLOWING PORTABLE FORGES, a great saving of time andv labour. HtJLME & LUND'S PATENT STEAM PUMPS-the best Steam Pump made. . ? We particularly invite the inspection of above by SQUATTERS, FARMERS, ENGINEERS, TIMBER MERCHANTS, and others at our MACHINERT WAREHOUSE, NORTH-TERRACE, OPPOSITE RAILWAY G00D& SHED. harrol'd'°brothers, ; SOLE AGENTS. IS. W. GREEtfEH'S PRIZE GUM '?-')'.. ^a Dr. Carver made Championship ^^^-K^^^^^B Grandcst.S^6 irthe-Wortd for^pS^^^S^^^^^ tilling 93 Birds. THREE GOLD MEDALS during 1881. H A R R O L D~~B¥O T H E R Ss, SOLE AGENTS. — J. C. GOSTLING & CO. (Limited),: -MANUFACTURERS OF - PORTLAND CEMENT, ' LONDON. THE ONLY FIRST AWARD given for Cement, MELBOURNE EXHIBITION, 1881 ; and GOLD MEDAL, ADELAIDE -EXHIBITION, 1881. ; ' ' ' * Q . . * We have been appointed SOLE AGENTS for the sale of the above Tvell-knowa Cement in South and Western Australia. HARROLD BROTHERS. THE CELEBRATED SILICATE PAINTS IN ALL COLOURS. BEST and CHEAPEST, there being a SAVING OP 30 PER CENT, in using these Faints. . -OIL PAINTS, in 8 Ift. Tins, 14 and 38 lb. Kegs. . : --:_- ? ENAMEL PAINTS, in Half and One Gallon Tins. ':'?'[? . MARINE PAINTS, in Two-Gallon Drums. ' BVRESCO, in all Shades* 'A Written Guarantee given with each Order executed, if required., l'? ? ?????- 'Samples, Prices, and Circulars on ajyplieation. ? --£i.vli-j S A^ROLdTrO TH^ItE ?v 'SOLE AGENTS. -^ LITH OFR ACTE U R, 1As now manufactured under Kreb's orirfnal Letters Patent, is the best explosive-in* the market, combining the strength of Dynamite with the bursting effect of ordinaryBlasting 'Powder, and the tmoke ia no more offensive than that of Powder.1 -!: DYNAMITE, ^ Also manufactured by the undersigned, is stronger, fresher, and purer than any imported. -The Australian Lithofracteur Company, Kreb's Patent (Limited), Melbourne. _, , COPY. Ihave pleasure in certifying that the Nitro-Glycerine explosives made ; at the Australian Lithofracteur Company's Works, Braybrook, are made under supervision and in. -?? accordance with the licence granted under the Explosives Act, 1877. ? '' The ingredients used are constantly tested, and the purity of the Nitro-Glycerine ; ' ascertained before it is used. ' ? ?''.m .. In quality your explosives, Lithofracteur and Dynamite, are fully equal to the best -r imported, and may be nandlca and otored with perfect safety if ordinary care is used. J. COSMO NEWBERY, Melbourne, October 13, 1S81. . Government Inspector of Explosives. HARROLD BROTHERS, Sole Agents for South and Western Australia. NIcCOMAS'S PATENT PRIZE WATERLIFTERS,, FOR IRRIGATION, STOCK- WATERING, AND SHEEP WASHING, ' Can be seen working in all parts of the colony. Purchasers who are using them admit their vast superiority, over Steam Pumps or Lift and Force Pumps. AQ lother makes are imitations of above. HARROLD BROTHERS,. Sole Agents for Sonlh Australia and Western Australia. MINING MATERIALS OH SALE, Comprising— . Quicksilver, Quicksilver Buckets, Quicksilver Retorts, Steel, Oils, Cotton Waste, American Shovels, Fuse, D.T. Powder, Blasting, Picks and Pickhandles, Contractors' Bails. '.?;.'.?. ? ? o ? English, Americaii, & Continental Hardware, . , Consisting of— Fencing Wire, drawn and rolled, all numbers ; Galvanized Iron, 24 and 26 yr.g., best brands : Gas, Water, and Boiler Tubes and Fittings ; Bar, Sheet, Plate, Angle, and Tee Iron ; Katcnen Ranges, Register Stoves, Fenders, and Fire Irons : Lamps, Stand and Hanging, 'Hinks,' 'Silber's,' and ''Anucapnic'-a splendid selection; Marble Clocks, Electroplatedware, Bedsteads, Cots, Spring Mattresses. INSPECTION INVITED. . . SO1L.E A.O-EJI^TS for ' The Crossley Telephone Company. ! The Bicycle and Tricycle Supply Association of London,. 'The Matchless' Bicycle. ' George Cheavin's' Unrivalled Filters. ' 'Wright & Edwards'' Patent Water Augers. : 'The Bunhnry Jarrah Timber Company,' Limited, West. Australia. CONTRACTORS TO THE GOVERNMENT OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA, HARROLD^BROTHERS,, AGENTS FOR THE HARR0LD LESTE OF CLIPPER SHIPS. -'? THE COLONIAL LINE OP STEAMERS. WOOL, GRAM, MB GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. HEAD OFFICEADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTKALIA. Agencies throughout the World, uemwfc