Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Saturday 28 January 1922, page 13





For Manufactured Softçoods. ' Headquarters 'Perth, and' travel whole State.

Principal in Melbourne Early in March.

s Heplj,


Care Gordon and Gotch (Aubtrulasia) Limited,'


Brisbane. If I CIÏ W~A Y'f"

JOH realise thit the sneers*» or failure of I your Hie depends upon jour choosing the ri^ht road to RO? There are two load* open lo rvirj

one. The road to PrCCtóS U uphill! It is. but ' you cannot reach the TOI* -without going uphill. ' Ooinp uphill will not tue jon if you are trained. If you are out of training >ou will ncicr reach

the top Jhenfor Matt training at once. The train* t ing jon want is that which is sound, thorough, f practical, in yourown line of work. Thit is thn j trainins that pats, becatise of the scarcity of really i technical!* trained mr», the men whom emplomen, | Demand, the men whom they |*av well.

THE WRONG WAY. j Depending on rule of thumb and out-of-ditc j

methods. I


Invent in n ennr«c of up*to-<htc training with ' ihe largest educational organisation in the world, ' in the line of work in whi_h you are Interested, l ft_d> as they^dircctiand >ou cannot /ail to reach

tlie top.



Make your decision at once and we will do the


Business Management Advertising * ' *

Commercial niustraUng

Salesmanship . ' . Bookkeeping (inc. Station)

Window Dressing j , f-Tiowcard Writing

. Commercial Correspondence Advanced Office Training Cost Accounting -Motor Engineering

( Electrical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Ciril Engineering . ' Steam Engineering

StructnrsI Engineering Concrete Enginccnng

Refrigeration Engineering


Bunding Contracting Cabinet Making

Motor-bod v Bunding

Farm Mechanics

Draughtsmanthip (all branches)


' * TOO. LATE,

Write at once for free prospectus giving de* tails of practically any subject at all, even in-


DrB?smi!cmg and Millinery. ADDRESS-Dept. 0.,


(A'sla) LTD.,

CLtiOOflQO students-30,OCO in Australia alone),


«Address. _ TT7TNDOV Display, oil branches, by lending tv* specialists; practical work in class. Brad* sha*»'-. _



Send,tor Prospectus.

GEO, B. KING. F.R.Y.I.A., Prlndpal.



A ï_w Vacantics,

Instructor in attendance Tuesday, Wednesday, «t__ TJmrwfoy YOUNG" Lady wanted for npnern.1 office work.

Apply between 10 o'clock and 12. Bedggood sod Co., Agnes st», Jolimont._ YOUTH, 17, or «rang Mau, strong, ambitious

l**arn Physical Culture, excellent proopectr* * State particnlan» athletics, height, &c. Mercury, Argus._ _

YOUNG Gentleman wanted* to act as Private

Secretan-. some opportunity «tatton experi

tee; codal credential'} rcquxsitc_A.D., Argiu.

YOUNG Lndy wanted, muit be competent IJT

typiste, stenographer, and bookkeeper; good '??, salarj for siiccesaiul applicant, refa, required. J* Steno. ArgUB ofliec^____I Çj YOUNG Man, with Force experience, would , 1 h

like position on mixed farm or station ai f jadteroo. Apply X.Y.Z., Malvern P.O._

"17*OUNO Lady, bookkeeper, knowledge of tjpe X__ writing prel._Appb_j0wn writing, Alert, Argus. YOUNG Girl"granted, for office. Apply Calton, _fog Lonsdale^ st., 10 o'clock, Saturday.

YOU can succeed tiroagh Bra&haw's. They

will advice y ou. Bradshaw'» Business College.






Well directed energy always lias it« reward in increased income ii you lind it düllcult to im prove jour position you uill lind invaluable help in this book. It chows that energy-not money is required to cet the good things of life îiû one can read its stones of the succiss of others with out seeing hoir to improve his own life It con

tains valuable information nn the outlay, steps' nercafarj and methods to follow in order to rise aboie jour prcsLit surroundings. It is abso kitüy free to earnct men and women, and



clnre Engineer

I lectrical Lngineer

Telegraph Operator . Wurla.« Lngineer

I rofessjocal Journalist. Successful Storywriter bueeessful linilder

Mechanical Drattaman Qualified Surveyor

Advertising Manager

Stationary LngMUMlriver. Kpert Correspondent.

lJegrecd Accountant. l Mall Onlcr Manager Lxpcrt Bookkeeper Shire Clerk

tiovcmincnt Servant

And how to Study fdr All Fnblic Exams

ho obligation i« incurred by sending for this emc/nc Booklet "A," whicb wm give you a fund .Í information regarding our system of tuition

a»d mctltods of «enrice



rn LTD,

100 Rnssell Street, MELBOURNE.


GIRL Could Earn 25/ Per Week


A Stodcnt; only 15 year«, ha« just Joined a Bntmcss Ronse »t 25/ per week.

Another, l8 years, is rcccivlnjr £2/5/ Another, 19 year« IB rccch irur £3.

Other« are receiving up to £4 per week,

In Good rémanent Positions




Including BANKS


F , S , and A. Union.

Australasia, Commercial, National, Royal, Celen



London and Lancashire, Colonial Mutual, T and C A1IP

Gi -rdinn. Atlas,


ssiTH_\G covPANna

Iluddait Parker,

P nnd O


Ho^ml Smith, _. A H S N IT Union ' *




Thi. Ar"'-- *


Gordon and Gotcli cor* CILS

Melbourne Millern,

r^endon . -. Srurrswitk. ^ .'Ihcote.


Molrorologlral, ___ Ou lorn« _. 11 a Hume Vfla'rs. i T Trcn»uri .*

1 rade Marks. I Ü

Cei »ii', _, | _,


It would lie lmpn«Hhlo to jrivc the complete list. ' T, Wie fe\\ given Intlicntes the «landan! of elïlelencj ^ the College nts mid the results attained bj a » P_r thorough Ininlng I r

It cosU no moie to hue the best I Ti Write er call for a n-inklet irre \fd Instmetlon Is given 1 crsomlly and by Corres .« a

róndente J.U The Principal may be interviewed at any time. 11 I»

I'M lYsttton alter position Is oTered to m dailv We -ti* »ant to fill theo and cinrdntce to tn'n y ou , V J ouieUv an I rei fimmend »on to an nppolntment _¡^ g

The College Reopens Tuesday, at 0 a m In.»

TI» T S BcciBitli FI PS LSV -tyi TNTRAL Prim ipil i", riMNFRS M5 Col'in! «treel jVI

COLLER)- Next \uditorium ntl

P»RM1 HS-"Hie Oovernment require in'ictont f iii. ill 1 to Ctñ per nnnum Fu'l particular» Ccntnl Dullness College luTi collin» street Melbourne


14 words Od ii line«, 1/, Hen 9d a Hue over all AiUUMI» Notkjrs 10 Hinrk» st. ca»T -___ oldcu estai llshed male female otlkert mar ""I "nnlM eineclally < cnt 68 )

A-MB» Merintha 11 nilmbetli St-Chcli

_ca. Cm v^ Hou3rm«lds Waitress^ Housekeeper«,. ._,_

¿""¿"»'»id«, vailing positions I ii t A-Miss McOraUi'J 11 BlliabeUi 8t-M«rrled ?»*_ r_V Couples sutlon HandH. Uroona Hotel Use- ' JVI '«la, walting position«, i I Je7



Men, ploughmen 3 experienced walting I

T.-. nu «era, 1 oodcutters Chinese gardener others, Ur-Jtctb s 113 Queen sr.

A A -.Hanson B Sf7 I onsdale st best agency _ÇV . I loncbmcu Milkers Lotcl Farn Sutton

Hands. 1

Ac -Ilanaoo s Old-islabllslieil Agency 187 1-on«- I

ulled "" -"*441 "~ V" e,UK' L-bcnt R1l>

AA -At F jell s _- King st «11 class» I si onr

mipplicl luteryletvs amu cod «.lections

Eliorantceir ( j A \-I 11 ulm era Note- We guarantee all labour

« mi full 1 articulara. Licll s V Míe- «u I J

A A.-IIanpori s -5ST Lonsdale r_ host rp-ioy 1 , , iA''1* ' ".', J v" S oopo n (hirdcniTS. Cooks J of liakcrs I rultplrkcia

ht A A -At I nll> Mavne 0 i-f) Queen nt (Cent

i }X\ 3f*olI ti« class Lohour always on hand l ut A A A A -At RlinBcn s l8.! Queen st (-Î82) cicry " <"!;,", "J oltr hhn nnmoroua iloinestlcs. I

IJiAKl R excellent tradisrian t M1 at «mal s J-> J 3. s nuit lumTT «¿¡Unir Keilli

reiiajnv. r-ltcratloj». Join »nywhere 103

Tß IKFIfi -I 1 axe goo I men v siting so anywhere B' RIClSÄYMl «Ml"stCívÍrf0t",<'n"*:c:ou1itlT Job

f Uni. A.c. 40 Webb st, HUroj

1 i-iUI1 UJ R .requires c arpontenne new or repair

» JJ vvurs with or wicbout materials anyvTlicrc

I ¡" "crierai kill .hop, cart wishes jx>«l

'?[.. tc. -,ls g"> «nyrthere Kully Marne 1~0

t^i cen «t f cnt iori

|/f iMtl'fNTl It want« rxwitlon caretaker night ^ I V. v nie iman general 1 rk. 3 Ilcattj av Arma

i lARFfNT>RS x>iii- . cirpcr

Vy repairs, rltcrattoj», joli« «, C .""".. A"-*"11. ,'ermirma Snath Melb

lUUUUntlN W.ther ic anu caretasers . ¡ir"""/ ',',. '^"Apnlj 1 1 ants <l aanisatlon Society

i 'UAliHf CR t anlrnçr (marr eil) good ümer V-; ticollut riñeren r- ountry preferred «lisa .Alines1 «_ln little Collins «.

/-IHADl'lrUlt Oanlc-ier able milk mlddlffaged \J oircl.ort rrfercuc-is all urti«, ill's AUina» 411 little Collin« st

CnAlFFEUR experienced late chief tcctcr car-

un: Mollieroi- li-uxel rs anea* 1 rench HUCOLII

S"eral vears driving Ijitucc during war P9 lora CIHAUIl-FTJR o_ "ll)r__, toCTn.aitT non .mon

, Í. "g^st Urlrrr, cxrcilct t reis, go anywhere. _.''""',_ If I astleu alni

. -irmtNEV 'icc-p A io 7 tonn or country W CViT, «-«»bill. \llwrt »t, Windsor

.°ÎS.Iv wunc excellent rolerencea Ht- Kilda or .' .T»-»-"! lisemaaml Wcelnesda) Mia» All|iri

440 Little Collin« st

.H°?.U .Second took, DmuimH three earcellcnt "V Mauli coll - . little (HIIIIC« rt

COOK (woman) Hut, or Farm Hand» prête-d , _" thnniuctilj reliable. Miss ADl IM» «0 tittle

Maadi_callega, preferred MLs AUprou, «0

,- thOTDI Cnlluis st

COOK Iraan) «.arion, honira.cad thoroughly re I Ittlo r ni cxcc',cnt raereucca. Miss Mlptvaa ^1 /^OOK linker good bread Inker cicellcnt station

"fereic-u. Min Allpnss 4m laale collin« Kt,

h-a (men anl women} hotels, pay guest« ri~_"Stl.o*18. norkcib re-coramcndccl

Ojjro» 117 InMrm »t _-«- , ^JOOk good reis C'Vlu/pi-intc homo prrferrel

BRI-SSfS mado from 8/U costum», Coats froai ' Aï

VI reaoracluas rtaaoiuible 10Ö llrunswick st , -i

DIUSRMAMMS hlch cl-eas work, renovating -IT

,1. í,0í,»!hnt; 1 rices naaonable Mr» Colin li D^i.WJfT.i'J*'« ". »t- Kilda. lint class llltcr culler tailor

t|_wtl¡'o»'« sicciallty 10/ dall) " Ilarkcr's nt


Accnt s "(tT Mina.

"TjItrSSllAK jil fret-clan cut and evening

.n»«"'.^^ in*«fi2". ieT^frodc, coal» KK^SÍÍ^U^USÍ1 rullCr" ¿"¡"^^ÎÎS

ULI- ISCCM aiplojmtnt OLS lcntiol

t-c d viar o. MLVT Trusts Ar_ux 1U dilryinff on -fiar«- p to 50 J----T.-.-'- liaJrjTnai CHU Iwrftell 1 O

j-OHD ten tnuk M3t\ driver for Jure firm s wo*

?¡-ÏRFN0Î. PoAr'alíd 'AC«1* Mr.

JU roan town or cixnitry ol I furrilurc n sde nirv lu jour onn home Mod charges. < h >V Argua.

i;'I A! OlvNB rcLoTstesl kei i in niler ty lay or,'íí?l-t la''"t. out a special!« LB 4a GMo|osSjrth st Armidale;

ARDLN> It (umlcrl milli good wo ker, meei

,.n iV.Î ,,n,?.tc »ervico n/cancca. JUss Allpn-»,

G440 Little Collins Bt.

.".RDbMn mik useful thoremghb; reliable

J-JARUÏJÎH uftLfjl innn ftower Tcpetable ^ . ,Kiww «HMI »mik r C U I*-t»n ?» 1 riunafci

itjtcl Snann^on at,

GAKDIMlt iroftrwi.nal sardeca InJit out, ronn

"VHi«i rti_ odeilni town or coiiutry Oollin.1,

GAItríÍNMt tíinoú-libr cn>er gool rcf«. vmnt-n

penn ptcitiun I \\ i<0 jJaJo at. Nth

i"^AJil)lSMNG laying ou - rcrioTi-tiiig ranodt

\\JX ho« Mule) contract ntt -inknir Uornicriy \haxLoy Oardm») UwIUlt. s" K tlimon 1 t-cnu

C^AKnrNKIt hele**-! lawns flowers TcsetAlI~t.

7f roio.itint, C1IR_L-Ï mod J n3 Horn tv st, \Hnoior _ ___

irpctt beaten rea Itlßü -«L FL Kilda '

unte Grey i

_, AKI>J NEU -rtant« 2 dajo \ rcklj tard-unc 13T ) e fl TOW, and Uwna near to city J \v

GArDPNER «per uay coii-ict, «li bnmclica

rta rallona i¡u Ittcat o ^p^.*(.t»iíty uotltT-tt« It -ovr^ i » uKcnt Llattriiwiüt «tation

ÔAHDI \Mt vants 1 day it * tat r fo-tnipht

VX refs. 12 Weilte (¡t. Rlcluiood.

.pi ARDÍ-\M* aita snol! lath- Iietlmv. daj or (»ii IjT UJct letter Mlllianuoi 10- Madeline st

«p* UiDhNEItS and I'wini Men

(.liant Ortfat isation Societ> louTDi Tel. (.cr tri. SOO.

AKEil INFIt practical keep rardens. dal.

_ ._ _ _._ .upnliea Appn \jc (.liant Ortfat isation Societ> 4. Collins place " '* Tel. (.cr tri. SOO.

any district I Hlun, S Yaxra,

«OTM KAL or Hunsckecptr capable TOUOÏ V3t widutt pwd child. _4 bmith st Collins

vood G 6ÍT5

GL.NLHM younir good plain cook experienced

maid hotel neur city prcl reis Ougt a, 11" UÍIIÍDS st. 2"'**

C^KNFIHI exper or wort-fng nou>ȍ_;i?eT)cr wanta

X UJS tion ilnll&rst Mr«. Iones care Hush neus cprnc). Junction St Kilda

_nKNHUl % ants u («-nine midday sleep in or ,VT ont bt Kilda UamtToo .«eucy ¡st hilda

^ 3T26>

GhiNi-H VI coo 1 rcfa. open for engagement 60

filcnferio rd M ah em

GHtr sma^t,,, Tasmanian nutenor Oirli, wa t

. Ing. MMme \_rue 54 duiitU bt. Co.lin__ fcood tj ßo~ö

íjlljtl >ouüß, like poaitino aftemoonn, 2 till 6 VJT nunn,»- -irl li_,ht d iticn no Sunnas work LJS$& 38 Clifton st I rahran

/illtl ¿l. TMrtlicti position ( cneral all dtitiri Vjt adult family «ood rUa Kcnslrcton prtíerrcd.

GOt ISUMVSS. ,15 di_en._i_.c-i country prrf

juill)., thiUIrui pia In subjects no extras r «li Mian ( liöa ArgiiB

X.T .* D\ Man rcquiri-i ttltuatinn, any capacity XX o*.ccl chara/ter autre and nilli _r stitt store ac-TKr fo sun! clerical work Optimist 4"* H Clarendon st Wet ( ohurr

Al Waitress, erfcel reis, superior .Maids oTcry

capnrit) ¿I dru o \ erne 14 Smith st Col linio nod. t fiO o

nOtl* I a-Boots useful sounc man excellent

references Con.nH.rcul flute! Misa Aüpress i Lilt II Collins.,

HOTELS-I orter, useful Hotels tinta cdty sub-

urb«, sober reliable Misa Allprtrf 4.0 J-itt£ü

Mi nu st

OT* LS -Kitchentnan Rood lmowletlae cookinp

.-.íotcl, ruhurb or country Mina A li press 410

lulo ( oliins st

OTi-LH-I'antomiui, youns ttdv capable lad H

I lui

_. .._. ... ...

Kuud tefe-unccs Muu Atti ress 440 Little Col-

lu« st

HOUSEMAID tall neat nell tialnod lanje»

or bute) Ulta AllpleM <40 Little Collina M

JTOCSHIAID, hlehcst iiSRra -C4355 _ HOtiSbhJTPElt' capable, ris! wishes position

ciuntry pivferrcd. Ut äailth st,, Coüitiimood

U G0<5

HUl SI Kr LIM It rw d cool inan.svr reliable

mid H(,ed i oman IOLÍ, rvl». UIIBL s 117 Col

OCSLtri-1 1 It child school aire mints pos!

ti i Hawthorn line ptcf Mia. Craut Cam


HOUSLhJ FI Fit rrflncd all dutic», another

11th child no mistress Hatting- Dodd a 233 1 Itlle I ors hie st (CSS1I

HOUSbkr r 1 Lil cdnroteil musical douicitl

i-alert. v. altino positim bousekeep putttleinan ,,.,,T.. ,, », \_ _u j {no

ilddlo-aKC I «î»hHi position, uiilc ( r > kinta coud cook rein .-, Mid

OUSfcKBri 11! or Matmn arailablt iuot irmi! Iru i ^cotlniU «ide «xitnellcu Ad irt-w RroUa. Algllfl olllcc

TJ OUSLKIvLI r It mrkii« irl*es position own

HOLHEKbî I lit ci|>c-. KOcatTimiK. prcf 12>

Cotluauc sL Llstcmnick

HUT Cook flrst-clftwi baker cluin. «ober man.

\pf)b/ Cook ¿i Albert s Ilrunsi ick \\

J\CIvLICO(i Mont» iiositlon 01 sheep station, rel.

nuklitr lrlth dairr and liheat txper I Ight

nonn tina.

KIltiij-N or lantry Uclil (dallï) Cafe Hitj.1

CID s wrt rtfu-ci n_ Mun \luiu» i io Little


LAUS (2). 10. bur. strong chap»,1' anxious leam

fnnnlrK, 1V" "then V!/û: Halting. Dndd's, 2M Little Lonsdale «t. (0SS3).

I' AUa (J), l8, uiuiitir bom. milk, plollsh. real J BOCK! -api: "/¡'vaitlug. Dodd'», 2K1 LiUle

i^i'iadulu st. (ül'fi.1).

IADS, bin, atroné, used milking;, fanrlrir, no-re

J drivimt. Malting; 20/, 26/. 30/. Hannon'», 3S7 I unhnale st. ' '

LADS, experienced fruit and berry picker». Kcuulnd

wo-kiri, supplied shortest notlca Alfa» bcott.

440 Flinders st.

LAD, t-trorç, l8. Rood horse diircr, farm hft'd,

> cltliiii, _/; good«.' ty. Hanson's, 3ii

Ijipwlalc st,

T Al), eountn born, good worker, any farm work,

JU able swing are; ii/. Mt» Scott, 440 riln

dirs St.

3 AD, thoroughly etpeiienccd dalry farm, quirk, J eton imkcr. 2 seam last pUce! 23/. .Miss ? cot»! MO b'llrder» «. . . .1

Al), experienced, rhcep and wheat fnrmiug, ruo 1/

__., worth inquiry ; LO«! lèfcrenccH. Mit«

K-olt. 4-ÎO i'lir tiers bt

T AD, biji. strong, country chap, wed nil farm JLi rurk, able drue trmin: SO/. Misa Scott, 440 L"'An. áió MÏ_.

.inc. smut i Kin«, fit,

"¡f AD, rllllrc. anxious leam mixed LAD. 10, able milk, plisigh. tirad team work, cooil

i Pi» II; "V. b-c-ii'*, !>>7 'Kin* at ,

I ADV desires undertake household <iuJ"tf. lady,

j. Hat. Hiiiall .illa, u.|jenciced; cs i>e-r reis.;

__.,-_v., « ,. ,, I>0» iralrern.

* t\ork Webb

' ADV makes 'exchwi.e underwear. troti-snuT, XJ frutk*. J.a:id un broidery, »miena li made; mod.

iii«' Mrdn ht Kilda Hiutli l\(>

f AD\, .voting, reliable, l-ke portalón, reined adult JU family; wicca _0A Mina McKwnn. HUi. Yarra L" Any, .U.C., middle .Igel, o*n bedroom ftinil

\ ture. fcivfL- coinpiinioiiehip, light -crriccs, cpnif.

Imme Vi.timl, Argua

LADY, tvustworlhj, vouli Tfou»-.c<n> o'c or two

1 usinent ladles. Jlupeful, Sulomoti's Aireoc},

í antiThirj*.

LADY, reliable, »111 care family, parents on

I ho ida>. (iuardlan. Solomon J Agency. Can

"~J"\ vDiimr. luce no«.._..

I _!?., Argus

XJ. thit, small .iib. u.|jenciced; es tier rt rcTiunirUion. O.M.K.. P.O. Main IADi Irishes position. House Plants, House \\t

j .iaif-wi-i.t. ii* lum** dall.. Cheerful, Wei ? - llirb al, I'ml

ADV. carctake home, "while m.ncn nrny; reis. ¡ líh-ce I'd. sltsih V/illlaniHtortTi

ADY iknircs orden f.*r lingerie only bra. ard t T AD^ Lints tngnftmicnt,

\i p*>,\ (or>k. Marion. j.rgus ouicc.

' ADY-HJ.LI' to Aimlu; moderate «alary

chi'Hit" «i.rk tnvie. Lince _ _. Lints tnenfemen1 ' " XJ F**.\ took. Murir T -. 9 J wit

JADY-Iini.1» or llDUBCKcepiT, rrllnral. c&jnb'c

_ UKI], well, adult-, AM., Camberwell V.O.

LAL'NiHIIOsS, juuiitf, tlmroupSI) cipeilcjeeJ, c-I

Hi,e, reír city «rerun«.!. Miss AH Mi 't» Killie -ulina st

VN\ station hand. cTpereiced sheep, cattle, , «niUUc oiti-s-er, Hít.n.ta. Mío Allprcca, 4ÍÜ Mill» Collin'- 'k

"AN, ten

,iM.". .,.

, Alp-cs-i JUt Little Collitn s_.

I TV'S AN. finn hrnl, expeilenucfl, ntl cropiiinc and

_ll »ttck; 40/, 43/. lil« Allpios3, 4i0 Utile Col-,

llLS st

IVTAN, iiloiiRÍiinar, thm-nußbly experienced, all, iii. farm matlii-eJ-), finnlcinents, any district , >ti-* AUpn-M, til Little Conti» st

"itùTAN, [^oiytlim-iu. disc, muiiltlbiiard, uiwtl imr

' ITX U ims, Oipiwland; 40/, 48/. Mia* Auprès*. 440 ' 1 J itllP f'olliT S It 1 MAN -Milken 3 expert men, htind' omi machine». I

anj ciistna. Mint All_»r«iS. 440 Wttïe OftltíMf

MAN, ftneloß, handy tools, milk, peneral farm I **}

voik: «ty Min AUprc-n. Ail) UUlo Collins st | (_ MAN, ana SO, ploußhmnn, militer; reis.; »fAti<m; ,

inl1!.nai\ Mil; .Married Couple*), He_keUi'a, >i V5 ^Mtcn it 1 V MAN, lifted 1'. plotiRhman, any machinery, nny 1 t

trtu; hlphly rrif,m ; *tj/. Another. SO/.'A ^MtH«, lmiltl'B «3 Little Loncdalo st (08831. J / Til AN, CTPom, milk, urcfnl, hotel; annthiT good1 I

, lfl fiUUun hand, cm kill; tiaitlng. Dodd's, 343, 1.

1 ifle LmwUlo tt ffiSRil. |T j IVf^^*' uevr »rrival, rood milker, nishca ixisitlon, X

-IXL nnywhere. IILIIIJ, Mayne, 170 Qu«a at ¡^

IltTAN. reliable, -tation, groom, milker, kill; alto T

ilXvUcncrnl Htatlon Ilatuls, u altin a. Uaaaono, -* ¡S&7 LonaiUlo st 14,


AN good n ilker teucral farm hand nal tin«

ali/ JO/ BcTcritl other*, bauson a 387 Low

fe1 M

una ,


*"" . __--».y¡cUi3 ArRiw offirc âtl

"?i* Ti,TAlV expele ccd gardener flower or tcçetablo "M^t-l-1.11-- «Plendld references ¿a/ M IM Stott

I yo ninden at.

onr (IT AN Uioi-otytbly cspcrirncnl teamster oblo "".».J-J,."-* driil drire aiiy team 4J/ Mi« Scott

( "i_f_. * íiotíerB fl_

ur AT-AN, Uiorouchly experienced farm anio fonce aU £~*-. T.ioatii.n ft 10 ycun. cxier'ciicc 40/ Miss

«f tt j«) Mindora st.

.icy j\l Aft flret-claM cook -_aod hotel farm or station

nora ¿fcCady «'»»-Me man Mku ScoO, 440 Vii*

MAN experienced orchard han 1 mod to horses _ 36 __, Mira 8c U 440 .Min lera t*.


M»'-* CI u «euine- *// «r B3 DCOIC ««U r ICTtCiro ne.

A N ixpenci ccd ploughman laed big team«, all

jiachiu TI nut »lallc 4a,Inells, Kin»:«.

AN nugh carpenter, use«! to fftrai or fetation M rork ¡tv Miss Seo« 440 I II dem at

AN good m tker, general farm hal d vic 1 rccom -_ . .tíT1-«' «nd relKble *¡J KeeU s, ¿ 7 King st Maa age $>. good ploichman «nd a« cralla ITX hand re Uni le ai/ l£ccll s it. King «t

[Vf AN good j leugtu an horae dr ver lar n 1 and .i'-i- .IC'1 h . sV <0/ Manson a. Jh Ixmsdalo it.

|\ I AN reliable gardener flowers vegetable« good ¿4-.? "'cr' »a ting Hanson a a«- (arndale at.

Jil AN useful good reis., tinta positio-i vii h pri M?"-"-.??&.i?.n*1! £1 **"' '"»n- ^ind 6s*)

ANAOKK farm or station ret noklier wants M position _cxcet reí« th Argus

AN vants en ploymcnu milk H cows uouse work. - _ ."""eiiHe 1_ Um «_ Northcote

TV-a ARRIKU Couple woman cook laurrdrem man -LIX cxpe -leuce*! ganlener good refcrvnecs. Mun ÍU_T, 4M little Colins st

14TAI KIfc.D Couilc (child) new arrivals, cook XIX houscn aid n an groom gardener Miss All

prisa, 4<0 lillie Collina at.

TlfAIIlllID Conpli cook, or II P mill man ?t'A milk ktll excellent rcfcrcnoM. MUM Allpreas lill f iUle Collins al

MAltaiFD Couple, station hand milk kill wife

conk 1" noitha excellent references, atlas «.Upreaa, 44Q Little Collin« u.

Tl/f Vltf IM) Conn Uardner Drst clara Wile -ITX II 1 a indmja si?) .ndid couple ex rula tiltia n Collins« J*"

MAltKIM) Connies (Jarciesers Hutton farm

Hand« v fe cjok laund. li keep ex. reía, cn uo a, 11 Collina rt 2727

MARRIFU Toupie, wife cook laumlrv

gcne-nl farm thrco vtaers hut place. "«.Ott 4J0 I lindera at

MARRI-1 Cou] le« serení -wnitimr, «nit 1 ntela,

guest house station«, farms rvmatc Berrica I <id n 2«1 I ttle lansdale at. (6SKII

- s, ifi7 Lon dale st

t-CilAJsK station married «ed to oil «lean

clcctno plant cars w n Imlll» shMcnng mo c1 or?, ntato warrca Ä.C Meeba le I O Fieri rllle Mell


?CT «t. r*it inn"

T14TFN wood cntteni own tent, tool« erper encrel

iVL a -cn, »aitlng Dodd's. _3 I Ulo Col



t-N 4 nrpenwicra

ne port aplitltaff 4 fl Klindcï at.

My N (20) I icK ana PDOTM rowi nm *-nop un--n

conu-et KO mjnhrre waiting Dodd* 2S3 I ti ir Urudi-Jp U- lß)-K»)

MEN -îpjiblo mi Uteri plonf-hmen fnrm Biatlon

thnrtl ln_ mncl ino cha/Tcuttcr hindfi. Un-cu a l8 I anuíale st.

Mt N road laboarBW, ecoopmen plclc f-horel

?unod cuttci-s unpiiilcl Hanson a 38*" Lorw

drjc sL

TL J"lvN , plouchmen.

Jil "" Hindcya ¡Jíi) lío rVe _..

MA ° matcfc, want feni rutting vr&gr% or con

m t (couJ morktr- Fxell s 2°7 Kins st,

MILIvFRB rriiable m-n lad« rarcfnlly aelei-tod

a piled ny d-îlrict. Haï BOU, 3^ I ona Ule n Tent, ?Ç44

MU KiR« ir-i or lad*, »o erml cood reliaMo

rtapn paiUn« 9ft t< £/ t iril e. 2.T Kin* gt MilavKllEN ra (£l both ino up ly ex

i nn cod t-xct» lent utition rcfen. cts. Mina Minn*« 440 little (c1 r A.

MOIIIFU ? Duufihtcm. good, cápate worker»

«"-arti autioca go immed li Us Hancock 300

.VTlIIUb Inralid,

"X n-'nvn C-TL a. _

OHGTIARDIBT >nunr man-wd lií<*lonr oiper

ítt¿ s potlli m c* Sïaafljcr ccco.'L rafa

PAINTING ï ajvr*iaca1i c llouan Repairs loiretrt

ru tea bent refetrauca. PaLnUr j Larch at. < AUlflf ) 1

*|>AI\*rii,P_-Paî-crins. calciroininß rarpenterir-tr 1 own toola to^n or coin try «anU nork.

' S l-r 9 \alrtta, at. UalTorn

Aï 1 KIM Calen nimnir I M t mr all ITmiso

lie ra rai ted ohrap. ilttléilelil, 48 Aber

r J _____ f nihrwL



SAWMAKTR peck» K tuation In repaHnjr Ehop

nr i»-in 11 A Id -w SR Annia ofl ce

TOM W 1 ne. thoroii-hlj erper win H pos

«t linen bnnm*coping WOV^N


el îîdrcn s home insti

" I reference« woul 1 as hour anything Miss Martin

Washing Wednesday munday v T i noa) sirs \ndcrscn. .M Crown st iturn

WOMTN walting work pera, reta was! clean

or iron fares Windsor 46'6

YB_TOMAN wnntfl housenvnnr mnrnlna« irood refer V» <-nia. MR. 4 TV after st I rahran.

VirOifAN yonng w nts s o k !TV l«y vo«hinA; W" «w.'V'-''« I' 'In* Irahnn

OMA-4 wiut« nashlDi. or clea-ilng II farra " ,. F ref«. Hind. 5FD0

01f\N want« vrork la ly Tv ed e«rf«rs Thura ^__".'«" F-i lav« 4 Lils at S «.tira

VPOMtV young rilli 1 kc »It otlon go «ny W* ' «..""T' "andy t r » li li SmiU larra Pa

OMAN wanta hoimew rk dully wecklj sleep _home Sa Perth st I ral na

CHIír, naman. 70/; Kitchen, BO/, Flats, St. Kilda. (JIB', £3, kitchcnmun kept, Itcsart, »aylesford. COOK, 30/; laundress, 30/, Hotel, N.S.W.

PARLOURMAID, 32/0; HoiiOTiiald, SO/, kt Kilda. H.P. MAIDS,'2, 3j/, 32/0, Station, N.S.W.

JIOUSIJMAIDS, 2, t/«ether, pnv. service, country. HUUfeEafAID Jlendinir, 31/, 1 adult«, full staff. 11.51. WAITnEBSKS, 3, Healesville, Olinda, Yea. WA [TRUSSES, dally, 2, 32/0, Cafe, St. Kilda. NURSE, 33/, some training;. Infants' Home.

Miss AtiLPRlSS, Chancery Housei over Queen U., 140 r.lttle Collina st. T__s._CcnU __03-7<¡D|__ A A.A.-Miss HANCOCK, Cromwell Buildin-s,

300 Bourke St., 3rd Door from Elizabeth St COOK, 35/; Laund. H. Maid, 30/, prlv., Portland. COOK LA UND, 40/, hotels, B. Marsh, Yan Yean. KJTCHK.N-AWS, 32/0, 30/, golf clubs, prlv., guest

houses. ' ' . LAUNDIthSSKS, 35/, SO/, hotels, plain laund. only. H.P. MAID, 33/, station; others, 32/0, 30/, reconi.


WAITRESSES, House Walts., subs.', country, sea-


COLLKOE VACANCIES, good hours, wages, holi

dajs paid, i

HOUSEKEEPER, 3 adults, Ballarat dist, seldom

change._ mötie Ae/ency.-Nurse, children, Äfacedon, 1 baby, 30/; Nurse, children, sub,, 30/; Nurse, staff, 30/; Cooks, 86/, excellent place; Lady-Hclpi, 27/0; Housekeeper, 30/.


10th FEDRUAriY to MAY.

GIRLS required, piece work, board available; picvlcus experience apple packing, or similar fac-tory work, preferred. Also, Girls for sorting; table. 30/ neck-, with board.

Apply, with references. Ac



A PPRRNT1CES.-For Urenrmaklnc; and Ladies' -fia. lallorinir. O. II. V. Thomas, 1S3-JS7 Col. st.

B.HCKSM1THING Apprentices,- Improvers,

Coach, Engine, General. Widen your experi-ence by Course at WORKING MEN'S COLLECK. 3Iodrro equipment Inspection invited. .Tcnns btart« Cth Febniary.

BOOKBINDING. - Useful Girl, and Learners.

Swinrcrton Bros, and Co., 220 L. Lonsdale st. BOY, for racine; stable, must be able lo ride

work; liirht weicht. Apply hy letter, Stal-ine experience and »aura required, to J.E.O., 'arc Mercantile ExUiansc. 350 Collins st.

I>OY, rood re-idcr; alao Ilov for incafafrcs.

* McCnrron, Hird, and Co , 470 Collins st.

T>.OY, leam inolnr and coach smithing;. Slevem ?x-r anil Son, 127 Victoria parade, Collirswood. BOY wanted, for Apply Peacock

Bros., a William street

BOIMIKMAKKUS.-Join Clara at The Working;

Mon's Colleirei-Ilirli-frradc Instruction.

1JOOT HEl'AUIK.i, man, experienced

?> buying; and tolling, to lake iliarge temporarily Hoot department' country HLoro, wnires Jti/ir>/; j.tiirle roan preferred. Ctist ami Son, Beulah. In luíiirs till Tuesday, 'Phone .Y'JSCO.

BRASS Finishers.-First-class plant used at Tile

Worklnc Men's Col'cge Classes.

BRICKLAYERS.-Chimney« and rlcrs; price.

BruiiLl Bt., Mähern, nettr'Ilurke rd,- Le\cy and

Marah. .

BUTTONHOLE Mnchlnst, rompaient, permanent,

Kucnl »tilmy, no Satinday- work. Ilnnlop Rub-ber Company, lïellly street, Ahboti.ioi'd.

/I A R F H N" T B II . W ANTED, \J ? For Erection. Outbuildings,

? *. Bindi anil Sawn Timber, J ' - * Xorch-Kattcrn district.

' ' - Good wages to llrst-elsks man.

- About three months' Job. * Applv 0. W. BRUCE, Arcountant, î 4P3 Collins street, ilclborrno,

. After 0 a.m. Tuesday. Tel. SKIS. '



Classes (or Preparation, -

Full Day. F.vory Day.


Starting Oth Febniarv.

CARPENTERS.-Take a Course ut Working; Men's

-J- Colleae, Ilandrailing, Stiireaslnrr, llooBns.

CïHAUFFEUlt, Mechanic, tliorourrhlv experienced,

' Kood place for married u.on, Protestant. Hy le-lter, with reis- 415 High at., Kew._






f-W.MPOSITORR.-Claïsc!, fir jou~ut The"*Wo"rk"

in-r Men's Colleg.«; alto for Apprentices. De


C400K, cooli plain, i

> 0 noels. Jowett. Ardo, ne, tai

rd bryond Toonil, temi., 1st villa rlftlit.hancii Biti"c7


"lOO'K General, rclieíiiitr, for 3 weeks in Fob!,

goal »agc*. Applv Tucsiiy liomin,:, or by* letu-r, Mrs. Sam JlcKa., The

I omer. Sunshine,

i / -00K, Genera1, -emporiry, one month, no wash.

V. ¡n» or bedrooms. Windsor 114. 601 Toorak

lit. üfi/. .. -

¡ /""lOOK Laundress wanted, 4 adults, warre« 35/ ,l «.-. «eck. Applj Mrs. Cupper Webb, Glcndoxcy,

¡ Seymour. l I/-4U0K General, smill adult fomilv, no liundry t\-/ housemaid kept. 3.1;. i mi Alma ni L\

it Kilda. Iel. W.nd. 1S6.

/"tOOK Oeneral, elderly prcf., no washlnc: 30" 1 X- X4435, Argus. '

i /"SOOIÍ, jounrr woman, «anted at once. Club

1 V- Hotel, Dandenong. 'Phone £9 11

i g^OOK Laundress, or (¡enenl, small (anilly. »j ' J ¡ «. Sussex ct., Middle lïrlrihton. Tel. X122-' I "1 | /"«.OOK, Laundress, Hou«enuld, wanted, sisters. I J

y J 'neild«, to Mt. Albeit rd., Bulwjn. Cantv 143 ' n DOMESTIC Help »anted, 2 hours mor lill' 3 1

ibis wcskly; 10/; reis. 4 Toshinny rd., near "I Hawksburn stn. I J "p^)MI"ijl ICI Help wanted, 3 adulta, evenings (ree, ' 1 X- no washing;, plain cooking-, 'Pfcooe Bent Hill J 14, 10 Nelson st., Mt. Albert. 1,



Hrst class BODICr HANDS

Must be Acci stomed to ( ood Clan of Trade

Apply Costume Department


318 SO Colli s Street Melbourne




Also SHrt Hauls Mist ha\c Best City

I xperience

G H 1 1 MOMAS 1S3 IS" C0IH113 streit

DRFSSM\rlt.C- Apircntlces wante 1 Misses

Paton aid Do»cr Clampions Brdgs 5

öwaniton et

DRESSMAKER experienced also 3rd 4th yrar

no wer* Sati rdiy Mr«. Carey 113 ^ ictorli r <n e Albert Park . _

ENGINfcl-BS-\arancies in Advanced Classes,

Tac Working Men« College Tool aJaking Milling Gr nding Machinery Lrecting kc

E\ AMIVlill -vcrluiced, for hosiery «l«o Boy

Oibout IO) Apsley Mills Limite f Richmond

station , _ , , .

FORFMAN (Working) experienced Required to

Act as Stxton at the Necropolis Springvale luther parte lara at office 1 ai d G Building

cor Swannton and Little Collin« st«.

JJ10R.LMA}. wanted for Printing; office Apply

? Merrer ami Co Malop st Geelong

f-IAKDENFR pror da» or contract an» Balmrl

jr Plants 4c supplied De l_cj 131 ilaliem

_. co rt bt, Auburn mono Vi> naw

/"3.KMBAI light or Uly Help «aniel small "X fal ily si nil cottage capable minding baby girl sonetimn reis re mired Al ply till« after tuon 30 Mona plice South }arra

GENKRAI or Lady I clp 2 adult« light place

liberal outing, every com on tram route

George s roa I rietcrnwlck

GTNFHAI young; adult family liberal «-tings,

» illa Pcforc _ p ni 2ft> Dandenong rd cr

Clomlei st Winlsor

OrNKRAI da I) 0 till " capable plain cook

11 all family 30 week 84 Martin at <iir denva o- Iel XÍ3I4

G I'M-RAL, vo ng for 2 adults good horne

eve y t onvei ence no washing, close to tram, peisonal «ppli ation Tel U3T12.

G J. NI RAI capable middle-age no objection

liberal nltüus personal reference« 10 "\ic

' Caml ci-wull Thone Cant) C08


. .. 85/

I irle rd. Kasl hen

GTV7 RAI experienced «mall family villa no

laundry good wagen. 110 Anderson «t South


GLNKRAr small lorne, 2 adult« and 2 crhool

girl« »ages 20/ 15 Mountain grove E Kew

Haw 08

GI-.M-HAI capable refined wanted 3 ad lit.

»7/0 refs Ircnclla, 20S Drummond st Carl

/"XKM'RAI small family liberal ontmgn, no vT «jsl ln,r 35/ week 7 Cole st Elcatcrnwick

near bearl X160

GPNKRAL, good plain rook pera refs. evenings

free. In Adelaide st Malvern.

__.ENFRAL, «lally from 2pm per rcfa \X Glenferrie rd Malvern U3463

_ IrNFRAL or Uly Help experience 1 two VT a lutta "2 Tntcrn av Toorak Win C018 GIRLS-Good opportunity for two smart roung

Girls straigl t from school preferred to leam

WJSCS to start 1 0 work S-turdays Joyce Bro»

111 24 1 rai k1 n st

(^.IRI rennell 1 iee light general no washing X c\en!ngs free business people 25/ Warrawee 113 Balaclava rl l_d section Balaclava station (How tt rd (top)

Gilli co ntry house duties small family

recomí emla! on requited Write TroyrHIle \inrr t ftrrt, hai-t Malvern

GIRI reside- t Malvern j

child dallr slee[ hoi.

Sherman lj comían st Malvern

G1KL8 young v* ulled for pi king room Ap

nly I imons Bros M2 Hilder, las* west Mom np; tea provided

C1 HIL 30 ng to train hmne work 3 in family

f jl Mum) «t rlstrmwkk IH941

i^IR! vount, co miry to train Lood homo ¿1 1 T 1 »son grove Hiwtl ora

IRI 15/ cúrame ce to lean feather-diea-iing

?o work Sjt inlais 07 Chapel st Prahran

GIRL, al out 10 help I 0 rework sleep home 2

alls, aid Sit lay bee a lorne cr Camberwell

(^inJ yo ng for coi ntry uptcndl 1 home

-1 lamil A| ply 46 Copp n st E. Malvern

/^.IllLS lo/ con me ce to learn feathrr re~ln» VT 10 Hork S« Tisis JO C1 apel st windsor GIRLS for acse n) ling small metal parts.

McLean » FI rabcth House 1 Ilobetl st

Gillie assist all duties small family good

i luzea 44 hooyongkoot rd nawthorn

CiBFUiKEFI Fit -Wanted for Golf Club cfil

J c ent Grcenkeeper pa} £4 and use of cottage A ipi) ( reenkcepcr care Cordon and Gotcli Melb. HILT wanted w th young chu Iren aftcrnoon

Breit ! arle gil gr off Park «t Mill

F r ghton

HrLI lo vchold wanted Iii family Apply

Bennan 0 Ontario st Caulfield

HOUSf JirlourMaid temporary »cek or 10

days, llicn eUu Mrs 1 angwell cor cf Ii hHell st and Glenferrie rd Malvern op State

Co t House

OLS1- 1 arlour Mai I vo ng Protestant good

ages, reis Cor c nterbury rd and The lanfemcl! 'Iel 7 Cai to-bury

OUSL I arlo r Maid small family 25 Sussex

it Middle Brighton Telephone X1 22

OUSlKllPrR Working )oung child no ob jeet 1 gentleman 20 miles Melb Campbell

- office

1SLIÏÉ.LI Fit wanted elderly and youns ait terms credent als required Ii ne Argui ÜUSI Kid-PIK (working) competent wanted

jr Cei ral good wages Iel Dandenong 74

OUSFKiHER (working) or Lidy Help nil - d itief I roteslai t £1 reta. Tldells Martin s Agency Mali cn

TrOlbMiFEl Ht or Ccneral ill duties. 4 -Uililu too I lorne week« Is off A ** trgns HOU<tIM\IDS () wanted beginning 1-cb

rcfe Cromarty Cirls School SandHam st 1 Istcrnwick. W u 2 31

HT, H«! m

HOUSEMAID, hlshen wages. X4365. 20 Bar

st., Brighton.

HnUSFJIAID Waitress« (2). Merton n«l!

C'.E.G.O.S , Andel «on st., S. Yarra. V. 3313. HOUSEMAID; highest w-igcs. 20 Bay st.,

Brighton. X4355. . ' KITCIIENMAIt), wanted Immediately. Apply

Seaside Mansions, Middle Brighton, op. pier. KITCHEN Maid, relies Ing, 2 weeks from .Inn.

' .10 Garden Court. Domain rd., S. Yarn.

KNITTERS, (or outdoor work, constant, good

prices. Brand and Co., 15G Flinders lane.

KMTTING, Sen-Ins Machinist 210 Malvern rd.,

L. Mähern.

LADY offers another comfortable home return

light duties. II.U.K., Argus.

LADY, young, refined, assist house and shop; :

wanning; 1.1/5/ and keep.

LADY-ÎIELP or Cenerol, capable, no washing,

treated n« one of family, Protestant; ncrson-il rcf«. * Currie, li! Atholstan rd., Camberwell. 'Phone Canty. SI. .

LADY-HELP wanted, immediately, or working

Housekeeper, 4 Broadway Camberwell. 'Phone

BO-1 Cuntv. - i

J' ADY-nELP wanted, country experience, must J cal preferred; adult family; social home. Moulden, op. Rc-«enolr rtntlon. 'Pilone lfl.

LADY-HELP, domesticated, willing assist shop

occasionally; good salary. 4IÍ Dickens st.,- St.


1" ADY-nELP. all duties, good wages, evenings

J (lee. 1 Canberra _T., off Coonell cres., Mai«

!-n. 112208.

LADY-HELP, all duties but washing. 3 adults,

l-raser, Banksia st. Heidelberg. 'Phone 5.

LADY-HELP, no msliinc-, 2 adult«, cooking,

light dalles. 3 Marlborough street, Caulfletd.

LADY-HELP, fmall silla, no «ashing:. Apply

bat evening', 137 Cotham rd.. Kew. Haw. 2034. I* ADY-IIEI.P, desirable position, 2 adult«, Rood

À home. lib. outincs.o 06 \\ anhoe pde-, Ivanhoe, I ADY-nELP, capable, family 3, liberal outing.

I 591) Burke rd, cor. Seymour grove, Camberwell. LAUNDRESS Housemaid wanted, for 2 or 3

week«. Apply Lady Fraser, Irving rd., Toorak.

114105. '

LAUNDRESS Ilouscmald wanted. Mrs. Chris,

turn, M)oora, Alma, Hawthorn Tua., Caulfield,

nr. Maliern stn. U4143.







Constant Employment

Best Working Conditions. No Saturday Work

Huntly to 'tithmond Stttion. Apply Tuesday, or any week day,

HENRY BUCK PTY. LTD., , Opposite Station, Richmond.


MX c il P N i s r s

t ».SII10N anl TFNNIS SlIlifIS

Highest l'icccwoik Rate« and Bonus.

Also GUUS to Leam

BlUCIN "00 Oltnlion road Brunswick,

Near Lleclric Tiam

MACHINISTS- «pplv lupsday for work at

1110s LROilAN b ¡.ACTORS 24 Flinders st lint fiocr Cirls wanted (or "'lulcwork, Shirts Mens Caps and Stllehed Hats and Canva« Food* Modern Iictorv No work ^iturdays None hut nils ol unrioul ted c1 ar-ictrr need apph

MVGMMoTS "MNlrD, for douhle-necdlc

i lachincF must be experienced (or shirts. AIFO ftiniirt, joung Girls to leam shirt and collar

miku g

\VHCH MARtFTON AND CO PT1 LID cornir Latrobe aid Sw inston sts citj

MAID exerienecd oflcred good Home liberal

wage- light duties 3 idult« Oat near eil}

-" dus Irgus

AU) II P 4 adnlts in (amil. Apply morn

Oi Mvoo 1 45 Studley Pirk ni hew

clderh good milker groom ganlcn

rally useful reis Miss V, cstmorelanil,

li ilr5iille

M\N wanlel to mike set and burn GO OCO

11 ick» 1 urthT | ni ileiilars app y Secretar} t aim Riler Butter and Produce Co

MAN pensioner temperate help garden and

house 0/ corni 1 ome other help employed

Lol Ballina I O





MILI IVFR1 - Lxperienced Fir « (or millinery

workroom N t Sheppard and Co, TO!

Hinders lone Mollourno

MOTOR Mechanic capable turner must be tho

lo igh. btatc experience hy letter Motormcc,

\iaii« ellice r

MOUI.D1 RS -Join Working Men s College

Classe« Become, proficient


Become j roflelent «ith aid oí technical ex penene I ccture and blow pips instruction Term beings 6th February

VI l list (I hil Iren s) must be esperleneetl with -«.« soiing infant tnistwa thy, rtflncd personal ele Apjlv hy lette!, Mrs 1 ckcrsall l-orrcl,

lied-reles as la-it Mähern

"YTURSk (or 2 children 0 and 2J years must ie -i-N experienced 10/ Mrs. Masav Greene Yarra vale Crw"c ni Toorak Wind 4a01

-\rlI>Sr ladj experienced reis voung rhl! -IA dren Mrs Dewez Tarella Lansell rd Too

ruk UlCZfl

XTXItSrR'lMIN - «Amte«! 2 good Duddcr« -L> émulant work li suitable Tom Mchce,

Ermington NSW

^LItSMt\ Cosiness 22/0 week per reis

1 nnirn Imsellrl Toorak ITI0OO

I_»\TTI RNSUkFRS- The lilcst at The Hork

lug Mens College CliSres.

PAINT! I!S wantcn to attend auction sale North

I lliroi, Tueslnv and Weilneaias next Builders 'uni l"uiiiishing Inngniongcm stock J W "Met

un 1 Sou Auctioneers.

. T^RlNltRS- Litho reeders experienced, perma X ncnt Trordel s, Bank place

1-pINGMAKHt and Mounter, high chu» wanted,

J V permanent position to right man Apply kgr lettcr to Mounter. Argua office


SLATE Splitters Wanted, immediately, good

wage-i nnd working conditions, constant em plorment .1 li. Mois «nd Co., «0 70 Queen «t.

QTRAW Hat Trade.-Machinists and Improver«, K7 first-clan« work; bonus rate«, conv. Adib/ess Bruce MeColl, 1S7 Little Collins st.

-TTfNNKR, accustomed to black sheet iron work. | X Apply A. Jovcc and Co- Pty. Ltd , 567 Elira-1

beth st. Melbourne. * frtrNSMITH wanted, accustomed to tanks, baths, -«- end ffrcplacr«. Apply A. Joyce and Co, 637 Elttabeth ft, Melb.

TOURIST House Man wanted, milk Í cows, useful,

25/. reis : alto a goori plain Cook, Apply E. Harton. The Bungalow, «.«ryaville.

ri'WAlNrJ) Nurse wanted, ladles' school. Address J- Il.n , Argil« office.

U_BREI.L\ trade-Machinist», Tippera, Girli

lo learn trade Apply, Tuesday, Grant Bar-

nett 362 Latrobe st

TI^AITRESS, experienced. Apply St. Leonard's, W_Churin nTuare. St Kilda_


By Leading Sydney Straw Hat



To lake change of Straw Machine Section. To lb. right person the highest «alary will be paid. Tare paid from Melbourne to Sydlwy; also return fare in the event of successful apsdlesift staying twelve month, or over. Applications coaooerrtiaL Call or write in the first instance to


Fir»t noor, Cornmrrry Hot's». 32* runder» St


To take Charge of Timber Mill;

«fast be experienced in tcol letting and mass


Application« in writing, «talma; age, qualin tiona, and «alary required, to

11. V. McKAY PTY. LTD.', '


Wi K; tf- ",T~-;E

For a Large Gippsland Town;

, MILLINER,;" ' " , ' . To Take Charge of Department.

Apply ll'O'docaf.Täefday, 31st.


' For Large Gippsland Town,

M A N, \

For Dress Department

Must bo Able to Dress Windows.

Apply li O'Clock Tuesday,' fust. PATERSON, LAING, and BRUCE.



For Haberdashery and Handkerchief Department,

For Large Provincial Town.

By Letter,


Care, Paterron, Laing, and Bruce,

Flinders Lane.

WANTED, Help, dany, 8 till 2, general hoose

liold duties. Tel. 2207 Haw. 64 Charles

>t, Kew.

WANTED, exp. General,'2 «dull«. Apply Mrs.

Mailer, 418 Sjdney rd.. Coburg. Tel. M. Bk.






' '?* Apply Factory,



WORK on FRESH FRUIT, AUSTRALASIAN JAM CO , 1 Garden street South Yarra

WOMAN, elderly, domestic help, wsnted for

country; good nage«, no laundry* Hotel Windsor, Spring st. Room 105.

WOMAN, able cook, light place, two adnlts, no

washing or scrubbing, state wages. 70 Lilli-mur road. Ormond. Tel U4000.

\7_70MAN, washing. Monda)«, permanently; refs, >» Cornwell, 5 Drysdale «t. Malvern

W'OMAN, )onng. Wanted, cook, immediately.

Club Hotel, Dandenong


Applications are calls! for an np co-date BOOT REPAIRER, au.rd rates. Appllcatioua close, with reference-?, Feb. 2.

W. B. PATERSON, Manigrr.

YOUTHS (2), smart, active, wanted. Apply 521

Latrobe st,, Melbourne.


Od a line, Saturday, 1/ a line

AFTI li the expiration of 14 dava appllcatior

will be made to the Supreme Court of Vic lona, in its Probate jurisdiction, that PROBAT! oí the IAST WILL and TISTAMENT of J4.N1 SW1NDALE, late of Railway place east, FJmore, in the bute of Victoria, widow, deceased, may be granted to Thomas Mathew Trewlck, semor, and Thomas Shotton, both of Plmorc afores-iid, fanner«, the executors named in and appointed by

the said will

Dated tim 24 th day of January, 1022.


street, Melbourne, proctors (or the appll _cants

AFTER the expiration of 14 days from the pub-lication hereof application will be made to the Supreme Court of the State of Victoria, in its Probate jurisdiction that PROBATE of the WILL of WILLIAM PARSONS, late of Yarrawonga, in the said State, agent, deceased, may be granted to Jane Elizabeth Parsons, of Yarrawonga afore-said, widow, and Lucy Parsons, of 33 Airlie avenue, Armadale, in the said State, spinster, the executors named in and appointed by the said will.

Dated this 26th day of January, 1922.

J. ADDISON HARGRAVE, Yarrawonga, proctor for the applicants.

AFTFR the expiration of fourteen*~davs from

publication hereof application will be made to the Supreme Court (Probate jurisdiction), that PROBATE of the LAST W11 J. or HI-RBhtiT JAMFS «.USTIN, late of No ii Toorak road, South larra, fishmonger, deceased, may be granted to Annie Elizabeth Austin, of the same place, widow, tile sole executrix appointed bv the said will

Dated this twenty aes-rnth dav of Januars, 1822, JAMLS BlRTWIbTLK 300 Rourke «treet, Mel

liournc, proctor for the applicant

ment oneil person are required to SI ND PAIÍTICU URS thereof to Ml-in'e I tilth Treen, ot No 105 Church street, Middle Urifchton, spinster, the executrix of the will of the said deceased, on or before the first dar ol Jhrch, 1022, otherwise they may bt txcludcd when the assets are being des.



Usual Resident c - So 105 Church street,

Middle Brighton

Occupation -Art worker

I Date oí Death o( Deceased -21st dav ot Sep-

tember, 1021

Dated til» 2Tth ilav ol lanuary, 1022.

II W C SIMPbON Collins House, No 300 I Collina street, Melbourne, proctor for the _ said executi ix_ """"TOTICr, to CRFDITORS-Notice is hereby i"l given, that HAROLD ALGLWUS GFOBGfc, of Leongatha and I- ester, in the State of \ letona, draper, has hv deed dated 25th day of January, 1022, conveyed and assigned all hlB estate, pro pcrty and effects, whatsoever ami wheresoever, to Jame* Moffitt Griham, of 28-20 Fink « llulld Ings, Klirabeth street Melbourne, registered tnis tee, upon trust for rc-illsation or otherwise for the benefit of the creditors of the said Harold Augustus Grollte, as In the deni mentioned Ml persons having anv CLxlM against the estate are horeb» required lo FORWARD nine and PARU CUL«.RS hereof, accompanied bs a nworn rrooi of debt, to the sahl lames Morfitt Gnham cart of Messrs. Edward Cnham and Sons, 28 K> Fink'i Buildings, Flitabeth street Melbourne, on or be fore the lath February, 1822 after which the trustee will distribute the funds nmonçst tho i persona only of whose claims he «hall hase hac1


I MOI-FiTT OR «.IHM, Tnistee

Datée! thin Iwents eighth das oí January, 1022 l^iwnrrl Graham and Qnn« public accountants, £6 20 rink's Buildings, Hizabeth street, Mc' bourne,

NOTICE Is hcrobs gil cn that alter the cxplrt

tlon o( (ourtecn days from the publication hereof Ileura Walter Courtenay Simpson (In the power of atlorues hcreimfter referred to called

Henrv Walter ( ourdies Slmpi-on) of Collin« ] notise. No 100 Collins street, Melbourne, solicitor,

the dulv authorised minnies under nouer of pt ( tornry dated the 23rd dav oí November, 102I, oí Séptimo« Tipper Soilleux, oí Tile landon Stock Exchange, anl 00 \rngask road, Carter I

london I nrland the eseculor of the will of MARTHA BROOKS, late of Number 2 Weardale road Lee, in Ihe County of Kent Fnglanl «Won, deceased, will ».PIM/1 to the Begistrir oí Pro listes of the supreme Court of the State of \ le torla thnt the SI- 4L ol the paid Supreme Court mav bo \FFI\r» to the probate ol the sal.] will tit the «aid Martha Brook«, deceased, grinteu" bv Illa Majesty s High Court of lustlcc, Principal Prohatc Heglstrs, on the "Mil di» ol lune, 1021, to the «aid Septimus Tipprr Solllcux

Dated this 27th dis o( laninr» 10"2

li W C .SIMP°ON, proctor Collins House, No

300 Collina street, Mellwume

AJOTIC* to CRFDITORR -Notice in lierehv i> (.l\en that ADl'll-M- M1IÏMI of Ferrtnl nw rond Healesville In the Stat*? of \ ic*om murrin! vromiii han 1» dwd chid the KthVimmr. 10 2. cam eyed and aiwifjned all lier estate propertr, in I effects Tehattnoevir ami where never to Tolfrxy lion tapie lFo**berr of (K> Queer street Mrlhournf piblic accountant upon trust for rcul.nat.ort nnd otherwise for ti e Ï twfit of the creditors of the A.1 Id Adeline Miller as in the siUl dc*d menttoied Ml perron* having nnv Cr AIMS apiinit thr r^tn-e jrre hereto requested to SFVD the rame anl I» Mt

TICUI.ARS thereof, accompanied by a sworn proof of debt tn the cain GotUrej Montague to"»h_r\ on or bifore Uie 14th da> of Fel rjarv W2f> after which date the trustee will f] the tnirt fund« amonput those pensons oniv of whose claims notice "hnll have been ffiven

IHtod the 27th dav of Tonuarv 1022

f M FOSni n\ TrwaVe*

O M Foshery incorporated accountant ami re> frlatrrcd trustee 60 Quetn Urcet Melbourne Tele-phone **&_

NOTICE is hereby given, that after the expira-tion of fourteen days from the publication hereof, application will be made to the Supreme Court of the State of Victoria, in its Probate juris-diction, that PROBATE of the WILL of MAR-JORIE MARKS, late of number 32 North road, Brighton, in the said State, married woman, de-ceased, may be granted to Ernest Norman Marks, of number 12 North road, Brighton aforesaid, mer-chant, and husband of the said deceased, the sole executor named and appointed by the said will.

Dated this 27th day of January 1922.

LESLIE L. BENJAMIN, 101 Queen street, Mel-

bourne, proctor for the applicant. NOTICE TO CltEDITORS.-HOBEHTS AND

SONS PROPHIETAKY LISllTED.-Xotfce ia hereby (riven, that all partir* having- any claims i^'j_r£.«!Iíí«,?hov? «tnp^oy "re ^4JL«£Í1U.Í^

JITDICIAI AW» IA-' ItOTICES. I XTOTICE lj hereby given, that alter the explra J-«i Uon oí fourteen dajs (rom the publication liereof replication will be made to the Supremo Court of the State of Victoria, in the Probate A*",'iî?ictîon- '"" LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA-TION oí the Estate o( PATRICK SHEEHAN, , formerly oí Mansfield. In the State of Victorlui I but late of Dandenong, in the «aid State, groom, . deceased, intestate, may be granted lo Kdmofid 1 Sheehan, of .Valhalla, in tlie said State, labourer,

a brother, and one of the next of kin o( the said deceased.

Dated the 20th day o( Januars-, 1022.

MAL. RYAN, LL.B., Mansfield (successor to

M. r. Bourke. Mansfield), proctor (or the _«pnllcant,_?___ .

"VTOTICE is hereby given, that alter the expira -e-« tlon o( fourteen days from the publication hereof application will be made to the Supreme Court o( Victona, in its ITobatc junsdlctlon, that PROBATE of the LAST WILL mid TESTA-MENT of NANCY SMITH, late ol Buffalo River, in the State of Victoria, widow, deceased, may be S ranted to Euther Macaulay, oí Buffalo River,

yrtlefonl, In tlie said Sute, married »vornan, the executnx named in and appoint«! by the said will, John Smith, of Myrtleford aforesaid, graxicr, the executor named therein, ha» Ing renounced probate thereof.

Dated thla twenty-aixtli day oí January, 1022.

MACKAY and NORMAN, Beechworth and Mjrtlc ._ford, proctor« for_thej_pplicant. _ "NTOTICE if hereby "given, that after" Uic"*>x"p!ïT -c.« tim oí fourteen days from the publication hereof application will be made to the Supreme Court of the State of Victoria, in Its Probate juri«. diction, that PROBATE of the LAST WILL and 'fKSTAMBNT of WILLIAM CHARLES MARSH, formerly of SO Hambleton street, Albert Park, In the aald State, late of 58 Loch »treet, Coburg, in the said State, formerly labourer, late confectioner, deceased, be granted to Mary Ann Marsh, ol 68 Loch' street. Coburg aforesaid, widow of the said deceased, anil sole executrix tbcrebv appointai.


'» House, 300 Collin« itrcet, Melbourne, proctor« __*"__s. applicant._ ?"\TOTICE ¡»"hereby given, tliat after the expira -*-«. -turn of fourteen days (rom the publication hereof application will be made to the Supreme SSfiTi. ?Urlotori,,'< in ". Frobato jurisdiction, that PROBATE o( the WILL of BRIDGET LORD, late ol Wandilla, Moant Gambler, in Son'h Aicstra "_-_ widow, deceased, moy ho granted to Edwanl

John Turner, of Robe, In tlie State of South Au«-.

". '." executor appointed by the said .- ...ed -Ihiâ 25tli day ol Januarr, 1072.

._ ? E. J. TURNER.

"VrOTICE i. hereby gnen that liter the e-cpira -i-s lion of H da>« from the publication hereof application ivlll be made to the Supreme Court of the State of Urtoiia, in it« Probate jurlsdic tion that PnOBAIf. "f the W1IX. with tno codicils thereto, of 1AMFS SMITH I» ID laic of ' Duneln," Mount Macedon, in the raid State, gentleman deiciscd may he granted to Martha, rumbul! Reid, widow, «nd lim»! Smith Held gentleman both of Duneira Mount Macedon aforesaid. William Riggall, of 120 William s'rect Melbourne, In the said State solicitor and Cus tjvc Leon (keir De»_ (In the second codicil to the said will called GusUivus leonard Dcwez) ol Srdnej, In tlie Slate of New South Wales mer chnnt, fhe executors named In and appointed hy the »aid will and codluls savins lie rights of Harold William Merni! raecntor named after the ueith of the nil William Rfinrs.ll, to come lu and prore the said will and cod lula

Dated this 27th day of January 1022

BLVhE and RIOOAII. 120 William street, Mel

bourne proctors for the applicants


Pursuant to the Trusts Act IMj notice is

I crrby irlien thit all peroni having claims against the estate of James Robertson Clayton la r ot Lindfield lo Donald street, Prahran, in the State of Tictorla, gentleman dcce-ised wlio died on the 11th day of November 19-'l, and probate of whose will was granted hy the Supieme Court of Hie raid S'ate In its Probate jurisdiction on the fJxlh day of December 1921 to Kustace Menottl rlanmuriin. of 3C0 rollins street Melbourne in the «aid State solicitor are nerclv required to SFND PVHTICUI ARS in writing of such CLMMS to the «aid Ivustare Menottl Klannagin at his aborementioned address on or before the sccon I day of Mardi 192S afler which date the mid Kustace Menottl Klsnnngan will proceed to dis tribute the assets of the said James Robertson Clayton, deceased, which shall hale come to bli hands amongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have hail notice and notice is lierebv further given that the said Fur>tflcc Menottl Hannagnn will not be liable for the assets KI distributed or any part thereof, to any person of whose claim he shall not have had notice as nforet-ald

Dated thi» Sith da) of January 1922

TAVrY, W11 SON anl GOIIr\ of 300 Collins

street Melbourne proctors for the said _Fnstace Menottl rlannagan ___ _

G-Wlf LI VU 1IAI1DY, late of 11 Plant street, Mihern in \icforla gardener, deceased who died intestate on twenty acron I tiigusl, 1021, and letter« of administration of who«e estate were «ranted on il-ith lanuarv 102» to Till- UNION TRUSm rOMPANI Ol AUSTRAU V MMITrü, of 133 Collins street Melbourne in Victoria the administrator thereof TaVe notice pursuant to section 11 of Hie Trust» Act 1915 that persons harms C1 AIMS a(rnh*t the stale of said deceased nrc required to SIND written I'ARTKTHnS thereor to the said administrator, at its saul address on or before the eighteenth day of March 1922 stier which date the sa'd «dmimstrilor will distribute the assets among Hie parties entitled having regard onlv to claims so notified, and withont liability In regari to unnotifled claims, pursuant to thi said section

Dated thi. twenli scienth dav of Januarr 1022

SNOWRALI, and KVIKWVSN t7 Queen street,

Melbourne solicitors for the CFlate


-I Isadorc Rosenberg the holder of a »le tualler a license for Metropole Hotel nt Bourke fttreet Mell oume in the I ensílale licensing dis trlct anl I Tames Moore Watson oí 112 Inker min street Fast ^t hil l-l herebv give notice that we will APPI li to the Licensing Court at Melbourne on Monda» Oth rcbruir», 19->2 (or the TRANSFUt of the L1CEVS1 to the said James

Moore Watson

Dated 20th January 1022



CFA lone« 4" Queen street, Melbourne, I

solicitor (or transicrrer

Hedlcrwlek hookes anti Alston 103 William street Mell ourne solicitors for transferee

Percj Henry Hotel Broker and Auctioneer, 54 Queen street Melbourne _


-I Catherine Uren the holder of a vic-tualler a license for Main Point Hotel at Moray street South Melbourne In the Imcrald Hill 1 leeming Difltrlct and I Adelaide Luxmoore Me»cr oí 5 Henry street Windsor hereby give notice ti at we «ill APPLY to the Licensing Court at Milbourne on Mondav fith rebruary 1922 (or TK4NSI-F1! ol (le LIC1-NSI to the said Ade-la de Luxmoore Meyer

Dated 27th Januar. 1D°2.



Paie» Wilson an I Cohen 3C0 Collins street Melbourne solicitors for both parties

Percy Henry Hotel Broker and Auctioneer, 54 Queen street Melbourne _


-I I-mest loin Hellier the holler of a victualler s license (or Hotel Mansions (onnerlv known as the Cran 1 Hotel at Q leensolilT in the Geelong I Icenslng District and I \ndre»v lohn llano» of 107 H»ncoiiauf] I parale Albert Park rnansger herebv give notice ti ni sec will APPLY to the Licensing Court, at Melbourne on Mon div 'the «lath d-iy of Frhninr» li" for the TRANSFFR of the LICFNSt to the said Andrew John Ilancy

Dated 27th January 1025

(<-f,d) IRNI-sr I HULIER (=gi! ) 4 I HYRVFY

Raynes Dick on and Kid Ile of 413 Collin« street Melbourne, solicitors (or the said Andrew John Harvey_ _

sfter of

I louis William Slgel the holder of a ... tualler s license for Ihe Cltv Club Hotel sltnatcd at Bath Corner Ben ligo, Y Ictoria m the Golden Rnmre îlceneincr dístrfrt ind I Frank Pa» oi iarra Family Hotel Flmlers street Melbourne Mclnris hcreb» gi»e notice that we will APPI Y lo ti e Licensing Court at Meltmurne oi Mlonda»

«li lehrunn Vf2 tor the TRVNShFIt o( the 11CFNSI- to the said Frank Pay

Dated Zolh January, 1322


"Utchell Dunlop Smallev and Balmcr William son street RendIe.o solicitor« for transferee

H D Bonk 3'- Collin« street Milbourne an 1 Mccoll iipnkin on I SUnistreet Charing Cross llcndlgo I otcl brokers in conjunction _

ing Court for the licensing district of Castle main-I Jostph r-udall the holder oí -i vic tualler s licence for the house anl ironise« kno\n a« Red Hill Hotel sitíate at Chewton lo I ereb» give notl c th-it it I« in» intention to \PPI \ to the licensing magistrates hoi lin<r the licensing meting it Melbourne on Mond-iv the nth la» of februar» ll)i2 to TIMNSI-rR the «aid IICfNSl to losoph Stepnoll ot llobtrt C1» nil nn 1er mr hxnd tins ?'nth da» of lanur» AD »." -JOS-FPU EUDAII And I the t Id los«ph stcpnell do hereby An IY for the 6ald transfer Clven un 1er nv I «IT el II « Wh day oí Januan


III 1 L ind GRPFV hlrk s Binar Bourke street, Mell ourne n*-cnts for the- al o»e

APPLICATION for TIIAN«FFR o( IICI-NSF --c3. I Clan le Da»ev the liol 1er of a victuallers lit also (or hirl patrick s Hotel at Mornlncton In the Mornington liceiw-inff district an 1 I Slary llolvoak oí Lerder krg street Hacchus Marah hore!» give notice that »ve will APPLY to the

icenslng Court at Melbourne on Monda» Fehniary

Iff» (or the TRANSrHt of the L1C1 NSr to the said Man Holvoak

Dated 27th Januar» 19°2.


W m Tohnstone and Co Ptv 111 Hotel brokers idvahoters 125 Collin» street Mell ourne


-I (.rare Certnule Chilcott the holder of a ictiiallcr-« license (or the Roval Hotel at Drouin In the r/ronln licensing district lind I Roi ert Peirson Moorhouse oí Samntdn corner of Bent s a-scmie nn 1 Atkinson street Konth Northcote hi-rebj gue I ot re that we will APPI \ to the licensing Co irt nt Melbourne on Monia» the fith doy of Ichruin (or the 1RANSFHÎ ol the I lCFNSr to the «aid Robert Pi-arson Moorhouse

Dated 25th da} of Januan luff



Mr r J Hamilton, Drouin solicitor for tile.


Messrs Snowden \ca\e awl Dpmiine ,3.1 Chin ten lane Mellionrne policitor for the transferee

lohn McCee «nd Miller hotel agents. St MjrLct

street Mell otirne


-1 lohn Ilo^g 11 e holder of a rlctuiller s license for the Town Hall Hotel stawell |n the I Iccnaing District of Stawell and I Dina! I Boss Ca-nerou of 104 Powlett street last Melbourne hereby gi\e notice that we will APPM lo the I leeming Court nt Melhoun e on Monriii the Cth day of Tel marr irr" for the THWSFPrt of tie LICFNSU to the faild Donnld Ros ( imeron

Datei this Iffth day of Jttnuarv \<f>

iso none



Ham Eduards the holder of a Ililli tri Tibie license for premies situate nt (otlnm roil Kew in the Licensing District of Ivtw nn I I lohn * rancis Johl sion of las Princes street

North Carlton herein -he lotice that we will APPI "> to the J leciwing Court tor the Licencing Dlstrct of hew. at McHoume on, the «li di» of Febroarj 10_ for the TIIANhFKR of the mia LICENSE to the said John Francis fohnston

Dated till« 20th da) of January 10


Od a lire, Saturday, 1/ a line


Nine Miles G P O Mellioiirne


Brick Slabling. Gunge, Hot and Cold Water

Service Klcctnc light


Ideal Position tor Heut Home

bedrooms - wide icr und bale, tiled kit, bathroom gas Bli, hot shower, FI», power point* excellent maid would remain term, offer I ST KILDA -S * W B House 3 room« and kitchenette bathroom and convs , L.L, gas stove nice gnidcn 2i/0 Bastings and Co , 7 Chapel st W minor SOST

As -Mincha COO ac, goal buildine,«, all im

gable dairying or cultivation, 10/ per ne

Maxwell next Agi.

AV -t entlcm-in a Home 17 rs 12S ac , Dande

nong Creel £~0 ann , option to purchase to probable buyer Maxwell, next Age

AClths (Iba), vacant land, near Dunn)brook

A K Gibson, loo Queen st.

AKMADAL* -Modern bk >. ¡Ila 7 large rs , all

conva, good order, £3 wk Cairnes op Maliern station «

ARMADVL* -1 large unfnrn It« and Ut, S min.

tram 5 train 10 Wuttletreo ni

ASCOTWi*-7 Ii*, renovated, to Let easy

rent purchase terms f) Bank st C 71S3

B* \liMARlS MinnU Lovely Reach and Store

turn Vila i rs , convs. bathing box £3/3/ HIUTCV anl Roberts 352 Collins t,t

Bli Gil Vii 3 Mjn Station -New mod Bunga

low, well furn , 0 large rs ballroom sculler), Ac everv ino!, convs. aft, verandahs, acre land, tfl/0/ Hurrey «nd Roberts 3o2 Collins bt

BLACK ROC!,-furn Cottage 3 rs 2 sleep

outs, * L , _/ weekh Johnston lot Queen

s rcet

BLACK ROCK -rum Cottage, . rs , conv«., B

box L.L. 34 Dalgety st,, St Kilda

BOV 1IILI - V. B \illa 7 rs bandy «tation,

io/ other» ¿o' ind 35/' Lllingworth, agent BRIGHTON N , Close Beach - Superior ViUa,

1 large romns, sleep out, 60/ Robert Hodges.


jJHIGHTON -*ine Brick Bungalow, 5 n , L.L, ?X* gas, moderate reut, careful tenant Avlwin


BRIGHTON -Brick, mod, 5 n, close beach,

station good rosmon 50/ Costello, Br ton BniCUTON >. -1 um., ß Rs, month or longer,

i mm stn 21 Asling st A192'

( t J and T HAM (Est 1H5J) have large and s-'. comprehensivo register of lum «nd unfurn HouFfs and Hats, City Shops, tactories, Stores, Sample and Show Rooms, Warehouses, Offices, Ac

"YMBHlWiri -prd Brick Villa, near station 1 and tram sehet part, suitable guest house

US2 ycart) MeLcllan and Cust, Junction, Cam

beru eil

/ 1AMBFRWH I, -0 rd Timber A Illa, good house,

y-> good laluc, ¿1200 McLelUn and Cust,

lunctlon '

C1 VNTMiBURY-Furnished House 0 rooms and

- conteuiences, £2/15/ week >V A Towler, Auctioneer toa Collins Bt, Cent. 3720

puULFIliLI), Main Rd -Attnctlte mod Villa s-' Residence, 9 exception-ill) large ra , extensive grounds, garden garage, specially suitable hospital

docor dentist ¿3/10/, long lease Ham, 281

Collins st,

pFNTRAL City Office, also 2 furn Rs, splendid

light, turlongs. Royal Arcade


FACTORY- or YY'arehousc, door In new build-ing, close Flinders lane; pass 100 hands; possession eaily in March; every convenience,

FACTORY, floor or hall floor; 80 or 40 hands; suit wblteworkcr, knitting, Ac; handy position.

lT.INDERS LANE.-Warehouse, large ground floor and basement, about 5000 si|. feet in all.

OFFICES.-Suite of t»vo rooms or more, ground floor; Chancery lane; £2 per »veek.

STORE, off Flinders lane, 4 floors ot 30 x CO, electric hoist; also, large ground floor Store, oí about 12,000 sq. feet, for 0 months.

GEORGE C. HENDERSON 'PTY-. LTD., _Equitable Building, Collins Street.

Ci I T Y.-Warehouses, Showrooms, &c. YVAREHOUSE, .1 Floors, 20ft. X 57ft,; £5 wk, rates. WAREHOUSE, 8 Floors, 11,000 sq. (t.; £750 p.a. OARAGE, FACTORY-, or STORE, 29,000 sq. ft. MIOYVROOM, new blclg., 775 rn. (t.; £200 p.a. SHOWROOM, new bldg., 350 sq. (t., £91 p.a.

FACTORY-, new bldg., 6500 sq. It.; £000 p.a.


SYDNEY ARNOLD, (BEST, and Co., _10 Queen Street. '

Splendid Position handy Spencer st,, 4000 sq. (t.;

í.3 per week.

FACTORY', Central, 2000 sq. ff. ; £1/15/ per wk. FACTORY, new, suit whltework, about 1730 sq. (t.; £4/15/ per week, and half rates,


Available about Easter lime,

MODERN FACTORY, 2 floors, each 45 x 05; all

factories' requirement«. ' . Perfect light, ventilation, right-of.wav at rear. ABERCROMBY and DOBSON, CO Queen street.

CITY", Spring St., Op. Treasury Gardens.-Mag

1 nlllcent Residential Flat. IO rooms, 2 bath-rooms, hot and cold water, kitchen, laundry, flat root, lift; suitable club, offices. . O. J. and T.

Ham. 2« Collins st.

01TY.-Spacious GROUND FLOOR, Flinders st,

£500 sq. It., suitable softgooda showroom, in-surance, or skipping office.

ABERCROMBY and DOBSON, 00 Queen street

CITY'.-Large Block, oí Land In Exhibition st

to Let an Building Lease; 30 years' terms; ground rent 23/ pe*r foot. Geo. G. Henderson, Equitable Uulldlng.

CITY', Little Collins St.-Floor, lo x 03, goods

lift, £104; EHralhcth 6t" 2700ft, £150; Flin-ders st, Showroom, £108. Vale, 2S5 Collins st.

CITY- Ornee and Store, ? ground floors also-* large

Store, well lighted, goods lift, comer Collins and King st«. Apply Henry Cave and Co.

CITY'.-Ord. Fir. Office, YVorkroom, l8 x 12, rear

' 303 L. Collins st. Ii. Pullyn and Co., CO

Queen st.

i -SJTY-.-Central Store, 2 floors, suitable small x... factory; la»-atorles, &c, 70/. Gudgeon and

Grace, 90 William street,

CITY, Bourke St.-Shop; lease. Utting», floor-

ings, 4c.: £325. Tynan, 07 Elisabeth st

r-UTY, W'cst End.-YY'areliouse, offices, goods lilt; yJ £730. Y'alc, 2S3 Collina st- ,

CITY.-Factory or YY'areliouse Floor,- 55O0(L;

£000 year. Y'alc, 2S5 Collins st

CITY-.-Room, 33 X 12, op. Town Hall, two

windows; 35/. Kcmpster, 220 Lt. Collins st

anti Clayton,

DENTISTS' Chambers. - Surgery, waiting-room,

and workroom, in heart oí city. Floor co»-cr iligs, ¿te, can he bought; £100 ingoing; £3/10/ week. Ravboiild, Cent. 9219.

17WST MELBOURNE. - Balcony House, S rs., J-j partly (urn.; rent £3/10/.- Waugh and Camc

220 Collins st. ST tra;

lins st .

EAST MELBOURNE.-Two-storv «csldence, 0 rs.,

sell furniture. Olovcr," YVllllams. Equitable Hld-, Collins st. ? '

EAST SI'. KILDA, Host Position, Off Balaclava

Rd.-Nc»v Brick Bungalo«-, 0 M., every ap-pointment, liest finish, garage; land, CO x* loo; £2100; easy terms. Macarthur and Macleod. C.


ELSTERNWICK.-Mod. hk. Bungalow, 0 rs..

nicely furn., D.H., ko., situated in goori locality; »»111 let to appro»-cd tenant. Address, in first instance, to J.C.T., Arijus effl-e,

ELSTERNWICK.-Furn. Bungalow, ó good rs.,

cons-s.s nice position, 418 Kooyong rd., Elstern »vick; cheap rent approved tenant, £2/10/ xveck. ELSTERNWICK, Glenhuntly Rd.-New bk. Shop,

and 5-rd. Dwelling, good position; £3/15/.

Lillie, opp. station.

ELSTERNWICK. - Carnet, op. stn., (or fum.

Villa, 0 rs.; also Rs., S.C. Flats, (uro., uniurn. FACTORY, KJOO sq. ft.. South Melbourne, new

tivo-story building, ni'ailablc in about 3 month«. Abercromby and Dobson, GO Queen st.

FACTORY", lint floor close Flinders lane, ncar

ing completion,'5000 sq. ft., accom, loo hands; lions, middle of March. Hum, 281 Collins st.

;7lACTORY, city, modern, 2-story, bk. building,

1 in course of construction; compile« with act; acccun. about 170 lund*. Ham, 2S1 Collins st.

J.-ACTORY.-1 min. Sydney rd., central position,

" suitable knitting or white»vork, »veil lighted. Malshc and Whttclock, 700 Sydney rd., Brunswk. FACTORY', SO«, x "Oft, excellent- position.

J. .1. Brenan, Grattan st, Carlton.

17UCTOHY, Carlton, cor. premises, 2 fiats, U x

70. tac-nnt possession. Simpson, Cent. lOttill. 171ARM, 310 acres, suitable city milk, mixed

} (arming; good district. A. E. Gibson, 150

iriEHNY CREEK.-Furn.,

" Buncalow, luthioom,

Apply Robertson1« Slu

-llUINDERS STREET EXTENSION, Adjoining -I1 «tinncs.-Upstairs orllce, «soft; 22/0; lease. Gudgeon und Grace, 00 William siren!.

I7i00THlLI.S.-5-rd. (urn. Cottage: £2/10/ »veck.

Sinnot, tel. S, Bayswater.


II rooms, cvciy possible cons-cnicnce; garage;

XS/S/ YVeek.

C. J. ami T. HAM, 281 Collins st.

I71URNISHEI) Houses, Brighton sea iront, 10 rs.,

" 3 bathrooms, double garuge, tennis-court. South Y'an-a.-Heuutlfully appointes! 10-rd. House, full-sired hilliard room. Toorak and South Yarra.

FROM £4/4/ to £12/12/.

ANDERSON, NANKIVELL, 2-»3 Collins st.


St. KiWa, Close Station,

3 Rooms; £3/3/. BUTCHER, auctioneer.


St. Kilda. Close Beach and Tram,

0 Rooms; £3/15/. BUTCHER, auctioneer.


ht. Kilda, on Tram Tine.

8 Rooms, 2 Balconies, 'phone, garage,

£3/5/. BUTCHER, auctioneer.


' Ucst Part of Studley Park.

GENTLEMAN'S RESIDENCE, 3 reception, 1 bed-rooms, nursery, garage, large garden, 1 acre; about 0 months-; early noascsslon.


XTxUHNISHKI).-The charming country HOME of

Mrs. Geo. Watson, "Murrnc-a-Boo," Dande-

nong, is available (or 2 years, 9 large rooms, hot I O' And cold water, lennls-court, every modern com- ^* (ort. telephone, 5 acres land. Apply on premises,'

or agonts.

-...UltNISIIED,. Brighton Rd., Ripponlea, 5 Min. X1 station, or Coble Tram.-New- bk. ATTIO VILLA, anil ne»v furnishings, 0 rs.; £5/5/, term 3

or fi months. .

KNIGHT anl IIARYY'OOD, 313 Collin« Street.

-rj»a;RNlSIlEI\ St Kilda, Splendid Hosltlon. X1 Modern lartck Y'illa, containing S laige rooms, also cxternul laundry, channing garden, billiard table, hot water, nil coins.; o»vncr leaving State for 12 month». Tel. YY'Inil. 281."

sleeping haUonics, hot-water service throughout, guiare. Geo. G. Ilctidcison Pty. Ltd., Equitable


JTVUIINISHFD modem Residence. St. Kilda, 3 re-

ception, ( bed rs., garage, lounge, flat roof, tel.; rcusoiialile offer accepted, npproied tenant Mis« Sllliil-1, 220 Collins Bt.

motor-gar., bathing-box; £3/5/. (1 lo 12 months. Hiirtnian's, Hampton. i ,

IjiUIINIEllKI). Kc»v, Highest Part Colbam Rd.

Motlrni Milu. 8 rooms, E.L., power, gas Una, stove, bath-heater, .pianola, telephone, gar-age, iintnrd. possession. Ring Ila»»'. 2038.

IjYURNISHED House, 7 rs., piano, billian!», 1

. nilu. tram, 4 Glenferrie Matlon. ,£3/10/; on 1 year's lease. Dew and Cooper, Glenferrie

ütation. Hawthorn' 2CO0.

42' mod. O

;n, 2 C5


near SC elcctndty, tel, grounds Glover, Williams Suitable Bldgs

J^LRNlSIItD St Kilda -Channing: Villa, 8 rs.,

bathroo-u clectricitv, tel Glover, Williams,

Fquitablc Bids»

TjYJRMSIll I) Houses, Maliern Bnghton, Black J.1 Hock Mount Martha, Macedon alow, W11

liams rnuitable Bldgs. Collins st.

"T-IRNISiHFD Allert Park.-- rd "Villa, pisno

-L tel K L term ideal position Machin

uni Covctt

Fl/RMSIUD Croydon term, near station, 6 rd

Villa bathroom heater washhouse, fisrave, K U, water couvs Prichard Rangeview Croydon JTVJRMalUD Villa, Upwey, beautiful «ituation, 6

min stn ' 5 ra bathroom, wide verandah, * h. piano £3/3/ wl , 0 mths. DailUeu Allard IfURNISHLD Cro)don two choice Bungalow«

landy elation 45/, 70 Hams, Croydon

Tel 14

I71ÜRMSHFD S Yarro -Superior attic Vii!«, 10

? rs garage kc tennis-court £10 wreck Arnold Best, and Co , 16 Queen st,

IriLRMbllFD House Albert Park, On 3 bed

roomB piano close sUUon beach, 70/

Stevens 317 Collins streit

IjTUIlMSHID I erny Creek 5 rs and floored

Bungalow pisno bathroom 03/, another, 5 rs 4o/ Applv Robertson s Store

PLRNISIILD- VVB Villa j rs »nd 2 «leep

outs ¿3/3/ also others £4/4/, £4/10/ Strandgard hew

iJIURSISIftD Glenferrie-Modern 'Villa, 6 rs , J £3/3/ " rs £J/O/ good positions close Scotch lollege Batten and Percy, Hawthorn.

JTIURMSIUD Home 6 rs . sculler», till Dec Cr

North rd and \oungerav Gardenvale.

IrtlltNlSHl-D beautifully. Toorak, gentlemans

Home 8 rs garage 8 guineas. Tel 114123 FUKNISHLD Villa, Hampton, 6 rs near beach,

¿3/1/ (lemmcll Tuckett, 301 Collins «t

FURNISHED Villa St hilda, close beach, 4 bed

rooms tel £5 Mltlicxrs 3j Fitzroy st

FURNISH*D Villa, Malvern fine poa., mod bk ,

Ors tel * L F and It Swum Armáosle FURNISH* l> H St hilda, mod Villa, 5 rs,

£3/3/, term Gowenlock, auctioneer, «Tbom



hvery Convealence


St Kilda R1 . Melbourne Windsor 28o__

AltAGL, private cars, lockup. WlndT36u8. 84

1-1_I -1 Ol. 1'IIJ.


Acland si St Kilda.

GENTLFMAN S Home in the bill«, {um t £2

ueck. Coghill and lisugbton 79 Swanston ct. HALF IIOUbE unfoni kitchenette separate

gan meter r I credentials. 61 GhaUworth

Ka st Prahran

'AL. furn House. 7 ra. piano every c__tr,

pood locality Refinement, Argus.

IWXHORS ~ Gentleman s Ileaitienee, 9 rs., ?tabling- parade 1± acroa. £4 week. Geo Ü HeD-ermu. Equitable Hide

HAW riiOKV-furn 5-7 rd Villas. Flit*.

piano« £3/10/ £.Afi¡t XG/C/, 35/. Yertley, Me I hour ne. Glenferrie

XTAWTlIpKN -Couiprehennto List Brick »ntl

Ji Tirol er Villatî Mclellan anil Cust. Junction,

t tmbtrwell

HAHhSÜURX-íVrd new bk Yilla, ino atn.,

all convs , 45/ »she and Horey asento,.


HJUDbLBFRO Digt -6-r mod Home, 27/6 wk

___ Cophi.l_j.iiil Haughton 0 Swanston st


-.- -J-«T. Convenient Shops. CHARMING MODERN HARDWOOD VILLA, ?

Containing 5 looms, bathroom, kitchen, kc., . Electric light, sewered: rent 35/ per week.

K. GARDNER and LANG, SO Swanston, «ticet.

Central OOO" or C. fl2~:t._- , KEW". - Furn, sitting-room, bedroom, use kit.,

convs., suit 2 business girl«. 07 Cothara.rd.

MACEDON UPPER.-Furn. House, 10 rs" mod. 1

»nvs.; vacant Feb. 14. Apply Mis« Cogger, Woodend. Tel. 73.

MAIA URN.-5-rd. Brick, all convs., approved

tenants, 40/ weekly. Haynes and Co.,- Toor

M" ALVERN', Best Position.-Beautiful bit. Villa,

8 rs., all convs.; £100 p.a. Baillleu Allard, 300 Collins st. '

MALVERN.-Two-story family Residence, 10 rs.

(2 kits, and 2 bathrooms), large allot., main * road; £200 year. Cairnes, agent. Malvern.

MALVERN.-Mod. Villa, 0 ra. and convs.; 50/.

C. J. and T. Ham, 251 Collin« st.

MALVERN, VVattletreo Rd.-Residencc, IO rs.;

£200 p.a and ratT. Hum, 281 Collin« st.

.\,CALVEHN E.-Mod. bk. tiled Villa, 5 rs.; E.L., -t'J- B.H., Uno allot.; 40/. K. and R. Swann, Mulv. MT. DANDENONG.-Comf. furn, 5-r. Cottage,

garage, beautiful pos.,__vacant__Ascot 1318.

MORDIALLOC-, Beach.-Good' homes, lôîFprice's,

easy terms, Bench Villa, 4 rs., S.O., gas, H.L. ; £550, Corner Villa, 5 rs., large yard-; £«25. Esplanade, Ore., £100 dep., £7/10/ monthly. New Villa, 4 rs., washhouse, min. stn.; £475. Beach Villa, 7 rs., convs.; gift, £750. Allots. Besch rd., £6; others, £5 den., 20/ monthly.

SMALL_and EDWARDS, Mordialloc.

?¡V/TOHDIALLÖC.-Villa, 5 r«.; 25/. Shops, 12/0", JLVL 20/. Thone 33 Mon!. Small and Edwards.

MORNINGTON.-Orri. House, best position, lo

Let for term. Barrett, agent.

?VTORTH MELBOURNE.-Shop ami 1 rm.,' i-> Quecnsbcrry St.; 30/; near town ball. Crockett. Errol EL

OAKLEIGH.-11 'Ac, all under grass, 4-r. House,

close stole, _c. Maxwell, next Ago.

OCEAN CROVE, Facing Beach.-Furn. Villa, 5

rs. sleep-out, convs., glorious views; Vacant 11th Feb.; £2/10/. Hurrey and Roberts, 352 Col-

lins st.

OFFICES.-A Suite or Bingle Office, CHOUND


Facing King Street.

Terfcct Natural Light. THE SECRETARY,

Wool Exchange, King Street.

OFFICE, city, to Let, Collins st.,between Swan-

ston and Ell7abeth its. Apply Chenoweth, 3rd floor, Albany Chambers, Room No. 5, 230 Col-lins «I. Lift, ko.

OFFICE fo Let, 12 months, comf. furn., well

lighted, central, William st.; rental £100. ' Tenant, Argus, i

OFFICES. Molesworth Chambers, Little Collina

St.-Singly, or en suite; 20/ upward«. Ham,

28t Collins st.

Í~IFF1CE/I Collins St., partly furn., l8 x ? 13.

hone; 30/. Arnold, Best, and Coi, IS Queen



ply Ferrando and Co., 308 Flinders lane.

_ tFFlCES, scierai in quiet positions; singly or V7 cn suite. Ham, 281 Collins st.

RIPPONLEA.-Modern Brick, 0 rs. No. 0

Nyora grove, near corner of Orrong and tilcnclru roads.

"RIVERSDALE ROAD, Right on Tram Route J-«> Magnificent self-contained FLAT, .4 rs., kitchen, pantry, cellar, gas stove and bath-heater, E.L., gsruge, every conv., nil on ground floor; rent, £2/15/ per week. Langridge. 30 Market st. SANDRINGHAM.-Furn, neat VV.B. Villa, « rs.,

and bungalow, all corns.; £2/10/ week, from Feb. 15. for .1 or 4 weeks. Godlngand Co. X6161. SANDRINGHAM.-2 Flat« or 1 large House, fac-

ing the beach; £3/10/. Coghill and Haugh-ton, 70 Swanston st. . t . v

C.OUTII YARRA. - Cottage, 4 rs" kit., and bath 'O room; 141 Domain si.; £2. Apply 51

Mnrpliv st.

SAMPLE-ROOMS to Let, suit manufacturers'

agents, good light. Gudgeon and Grace, 00 William st 'Phone 1512 Central. . .> r .' y

SHOP. - Heart of Prahran.

Special front, modern, and up-to-date.

Shop and Dwelling, suitable good boot shop, cake shop, iV.c; MUST BE GOOD TENANT; £3 per week. Prahran Hodge«, 307 Chapel it., Sth. Yarra. Win. 21S. . .'/

SHOPS, suit 'ailles' toilet saloon, general draper,

furniture, jeweller, ¿re- Rerafry's Bldgs., Burke, Wattlctrce rds., Malvern E.

,2¡,H0P, St. Kilda, modern Dwelling, worth 60/; '»o' the lot, 70/ a week. Owner; 58 Addison1 »t.,

St. Kilda, Windsor 4010.

SHOP and Dwelling, best part sfalvcrn road, - ready occupation: also lock-up shops* n.ynes and Co., Tooronga. U3770.

SHOP. MALVERN ROAD, good business position,

suit anv tradesman; 35'.

KNIGHT and HARWOOD, 315 Collins Street.

SHOP and Dwelling, Balaclava Junction; rent,

00/, T. Taylor, 220 Balaclava rd., Caulfield.


¡^JHOPS, Armadale, op. station* lock-up, suit O dalry pioduce, grocer; 20/; lease. '¿Cranny, Sambell, Caulfield.

SHOP, lock up, Caulfield, splendid opening dress-

making, millinery. 34 Dalgety st., St. Kilda. C3HOP, Lit. Collins «t., bet Swanston and Russell

£5 week. Balllleu Allard,

SHOP and Dwelling, King st., near Bourke st. !

F. O. Richardson; .1» ()ncen st. ' SHOP and 5-rd. Dwelling, excellent position; 53/.

Tonks, nudi'mcer. Glenhuntly. l"«730.

SHOPS to Let, St. Kilda, best bus. centre, latest

windows; 35/, 05/. Hutchens, 221 Barkly .!.

SHOP, Ripponlea, new, lock-up, goori position,

adjoining station; 37/0. Lillie, opp. stn.

(a^IIOP, 1 room, suit dressmaker, tenant buy »O Uno., little stock. 2211 Brunswick st.. Fits. SOUTH Y A It It A HIL L.

Well Furnished Modern RESIDENCE,

3 reception. 4 bedrooms, 2 ulecp-ouls,

Il.W. service. Kiirace: 12 months'.

ABHRC'ROMHY ami DOBSON, GI) Queen Street.

CJOUTII YARRA HIL'L.-Furn. Villa, 7 ri., tel., (5 heater, K. light; lerms, £4/4/. Joh» Buchan

and Co., 4:1 One-en st.


e'Ollip. .1 ri., kit. a

anile. Ham. 281 Collins st.

SOUTH YARRA.-Furn, brick Villa, 9 rs., everv

conv.; £1/4/ week. Ham, SSI Collins st. ?

ST. K I L D A,

PARKVIEW FLATS, llerhert street . Cloie bcacli, facing St. Kilda Gardens.

BEAUCHAMP HIIÔS., 319-321 Collins street.

ST. KILDA, Close Toun Hall, &c.~Modern brick

Villa, 0 rooiin, all conveniences; 00/ week; adjoining Greenmcadow Garden«. > Pretty Bunga-low, 0 rooms, conveniences, lcu«e, 52/6.

. LEONARD BRIDGEFOIil) and Co., cor. High and Carlisle streets. sol windsor.


suitable Lit el.ifs Boarding-house, 25 r.., in perfect condition throughout; 8 bathrooms, lint water service, 1 garages, beautiful grounds; £21 weekly.

ANDERSON, NANKIVELL. 225 Collins st.

ST. KILDA.-Villa, 0 r.»., suitable apartment«, '

choice position; rent £2; incoming tenant buv furniture, or will Let, furn. Mrs. M. Jones, Rail wnv P.O.. St, Kilda.

,;_JT. KILDA.-Completely furn., mod. 8-rd. Attie V7V Villa, grand piano, hilliards, garage; bes.t street; for 12 months; moderate, O'Hanlan Co.,

next A"f.

ST. KILDA HEACH.-Furn., morl. Iik. Villa, 6

rs., 3 bedroom«, pnrden. piano; 9 months, , or more; 70/ per week. King Central 48; or Wcll furniiJied, Argus ofllcc. - .

QT. KILDA EAST.-Fivc-n!. .Jarrah Bungalow, IO' all modem convenleiiec«, side drive, perfect order; 50/. Henry Gibson Pty. Ltd., 243 Col-

lin« »tract.

Lxr. KILDA. Close Alma ltd.-Fum.. Modern k1 Hi ¡ck Villa, 5 r«., £4. Johnston, 1W ijuem

si reel.

ST. KILDA. "Shasta," 11 Gurner St.-Malero

Brick Villa, in perfect order; ' £4. BuxM-s

42' Collin« Ftrrct.

ST. KILDA EAST, Kent Grove.-Nlce VIH«, i

is., convs,, goori order; lease, 50/. Gudgeon mid Grace. HO William st., elly.

(¿T. Kil.DA.-Furn. morl. Ord. Residence, latest io Improvement«; reasonable offer. Davis*,

mid Co.. 3.*5 Collins «I.

ST. KILDA.-Sclf-cont. Flat, good position,'S rs.

mid t.lei'11-out. Baragwanath and Co., 17 drei* l-l.. St. Kilda. 'Phone Win. 50S2.

ST. KILDA.-Ilk. Villa, new, 5 rs., «II-convs.,

garage, 3 min. trams and bcuok; ~ £3/3/. Hutchens. 22.1 Barkly'st. ' v

,-JT. KILDA, Grey Sl.-Brlck Rrtlilciice,-8 te., . / "c; imnierl. nos., £5 week. O'Rourkc, HU 11 gil «I., St. Kilda.

ST. KILDA,-Handsome iur. balcony Residence;

£5/5/. Symon«, S49 Collins ft. Tel. 72«.

ST. KILDA, Dickens St.-2 sitting, 3 bed, sleep .- out; kit,; £4/4/. Vale, 2S5 Colllm ra.

ST. KILDA, Mozort St.-Double-fronted Villa, 3

rs. ; 00/. Peryman, 81 Fittroy st.