South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Wednesday 29 May 1889, page 2

' BELKHOUS NOTICES ST. CTJTHBEET'S CHTJR'OH, FBOSFKCT.— Tbe EtSTi'i'UnON' of tbe Se». Canon DBSD7, D.D., to tbe INCUMBENCY if this Church -will ta&B placa TH13 BVKNINQ Wednesday), May 29, at kali-past 7 o'clock. s TWOBWOOD WESLEYA2T SUNDA7131 SCHOOL ANNIVBBSABY.-Continnation 'errices. By special request. Cantata. ' Under the Patois.' will be repeated THIS (WEDNESDAY) KVBN1NG. Doors open at 7.30 ; to commence at r.45. Admission, 6d. z TUCKETS FOR ANOTVERSAB^ J. AND ZKA MSBHNG3 ? AXTHB BSGISTKB, OBSKBTEB, AND JOURNAL OFFICES. PUBLIC NOTICES ATYRT.A1TYR WATER DISTRICT AND DBAINAGE ABE 4. WATEB AND SEWEB RATES IN ARBBAB. Enzineer-in-Chiefs Office, May 23, 1839. NO1ICE is hereby giten that tbe Collector of Water and Sewer Bates will proceed to recover all BATES and i*T»T»e*Tts of BATHS unpaid after Monday, June 3 next, by distress and sale of tbe de-fanners' Goods and Chattels. ALFEED CATT, Commissioner of Waterworks and Sewers. 147,9.51 THURSDAY, May 30, being Ascension Day Mrs. REUNION win NOT be AT BOMS TO VISITORS, x LOOK OUT FOR NEW DAILY, THE TOBKMS ECHO, FIRST NUMBER, On Thursday, May 30. SANTLEY* CONCERTS. JUNE 5, 6, 7, 8. UHBESEBYED SEATS, n FOUR SHILLINGS. St. Peters, May 28, 1889 TO MR. JAMES AIE, Murray Park, ^frff'. I desire to express my sincere regret for my insulting behaviour to your daughter. Entily Air, on Wednesday evening, tLe 22nd mat., while I was under the influence of drink, and I b?g yon will overlook my conduct and withdraw legal proceedings. I wQI pay whatever expenses yon have incurred, and I consent so your making what use yon Bkeofthiaapology. J0HN SSLWAY. 'Witness— W. V. Smith 149,51 P~'^ the ASSUMED ESTATE o! COWELL BBOTHKBS, of Norwood, in the Province of South Australia, Timber Merchants. 90TICB is hereby given that the Trustees in this Estate propose to pa? a FIFIH and FINAL DIVIDEND Of OUE SHIIilSG AXD SIXPENCE FARTHING (la. 6Jd.) in the Found to all creditors who have proved their rM™», signed the deed, or assented thereto in writing on and after the 13th day of June, ltE9. at the offices of Messrs. D. & J. Fowler, King WflHam-atreet, Adelaide. Dated this 22nd day of May, ISS9. GEO. S. FOWLER, ) JOHN GORDON, ^Trustees. 143v5g ? W. B. SANDO, ) ? NOTS THIS.— Australian Widows' Fund Poll idea give ABSOLUTE SECURITY, reserves against KnirfKKMM beirj LABGEB than those of any Society established In Australia during tbe la Harty-flye years. ? ific ' ytBY IMPERIAL' CHAMPAGNE. Shippe U by Moet & Chandon. 96c _ REE VACCINATION.— Dr. O'COKXELL wffl VACCINATE at Ms Residence, Stow Manse, Flinders-street, EDNESD AlSapd FRIDAYS, at 2 o'clocfc p.m. 138c TpMPLOYERS' UNION OF S.A., JGJ Victoria-square West, in affiliation with Victoria, N.S.W., and Queensland Unions. JAMES BBINSDKN. Secretary, From whom all information can be obtained. E3mwfc ROVISIOttAL PROTECTION AND LETTERS PATENT obtained in all Colonies asd Countries. fbancisIL snow, LICENSED PATENT AND TRADE MARES AGENT, (Foreign Member British Institute Patent Agents) VICTORIA BUILDINGS, GBENFELL-STBEBT. ADELAIDE, S.A. 66wfae ATENTS AND TRADE MARKS OFFICE. J. FAIBTAX CONIGBAVB, LICENSED PATENT AGENT and Foieigi Member British Institute of Patent Agants. PATENTS AND PBO VISIONAL PBOTECTIO5 AND TRADE MARKS Registered in aU Colome; and Countries. LAND and LOAN BUSINESS also transacted. Address— ? No. 3, SINTO BUILDINGS, WAYM0UTH-S1REBT (unstairal. ? 123m wfer

IN THE MATTER OF THE PATENT ACT OF 1877. I SAMUEL HODGSON, of Village Main-street, Medway, Massachusetts, United States of America, Woollen Manufacturer, hereby give NOTICE that I have APPLIED for a PATENT for ' Method of and Apparatus for Dyeing, Scouring, or Washing,' and that tte title of the same is ' Method of aud Apparatus for Dyeing. Scouring, or Washing,' and that the Specifications and Plans of such Invention oay be inspected at the Patent Office, Adelaide. SYMON, BAKEWEjJ., & CO., Selbome Chamber?, Pirie-strest, Adelaide, 118 50 Attorneys for Samuel Hodgson. P: the MATTER of the PATENT ACT, 1877.— NOTICE is hereby given that THOB WBSTBING, Melbourne, Gentleman, has APPLIED for a PATENT for 'An Artificial Bar Drum or Instrument for the Belief of Deafness,' and that tbe Specification of such Invention may be inspected at the Patent Office, Adelaide. FSANCIS H. SNOW, Patent Agent, Victoria Buildings, Greafell-staeet. 115,8 9 NOTE THIS.— 'The Directors and Manager of the AUSTRALIAN WIDOWS' FUND are to be congratulated upon the solid success wMcb they have achieved.'— Austnioiion Insurance and Banking Record. 45s ' T^RY IMPKRTAT.' CHAMPAGNE. Hupped XJ by Moa & Chandon. ? 86c npOavoIdmlfltokea aefefor WOLFE'S SCHNAPPS ' ELECTORAL NOTICES TO THE ELECTORS OF THE DISTRICT OF STANLEY. Gentlemen— It is with great regret that, owing to unforeseen circumstances, I fiad that I am unable to return to South Australia in time for tbe coming session of Parliament. I therefore feel obliged to resign the position aa one of your Members, and to' forward my resignation to the Honourable The Speaker. In thus severing my connection with yon for the present. I beg to tender you my. sincere thanks for tbe honour you conferred upon me by twice returning me as your senior member, and for tbe confidence you always placed in me, which I highly appreciated. Whatever my shortcomings may have been, I trust that you will believe that a3 f ar as lay in my power I have endeavoured to do my duty as your repzesentative, and to forward not only your interests, but those of the colony generally. Hoping that at some future time I may be able to place my services at your disposal should you require them, I remain, yours faithfully, EDWARD W. HAWKER. London, April 11,1858. ? 149T52 MISSING FRIENDS & MESSAGES UMFRESS, Deceased. — SILLS JAME3 HUMFBBSS, Gas Engineer, of 9a, Church- street. Paddisgton, London, England. WANTED, the Son of tba above, GEORGE JAMES HUMFRESS, azed about 23 ; if married, bis wife or widow, and children, if any. The said George James Humfress left England for Sydney in 1886, last heard of in September, 1885. Communications to be addressed to the Executors, at Oziord and Cambridge Mansions, Maryleboneroad, London, England. If deceased £26 will be paid for cerUBcata of OmXb. 13JnuTfS3 ?

COMPANIES AND SOCIETIES '-, i SOUTH AUSTRALIAN'S AS 1 COMPANY. .,; ; « r j NOTICE is hereby give*, that a SPKCIilTot EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING of SHABBHOIJOBBS will be held at tea Offices of tbe Company, Grenfell-Btreet, Adelaide, on WED* NESDAY, May iO, 18=9, at 12 o'clock noon, to elect Two Directors in p&cd of Messis. J. Fisher and B. Bart Smith, who have resigned. The following duly qualified Shareholders have signified their intention to offer themselves as candidates for the office of Director, and their willingness to act if elected, liz.;— , . . Green, G. P. 5 Scarf e, G, Tomkinson, Hon. S. . ...' .V j All Proxies and Letters of Attorney- intended to be exercised at the meeting must be lodged with the Secretary not later than noon of Monday, May 27, 1889. Share Tramfar-booka will be dosed from May 22 to May 29, 1889, both inclusive. By order of the Board of Directors^: .^ JAMBS HVANS, Secretary. Grenfell-street, Adelaide, i . ?'-'„? May IB. 1889. ? 1W.47.9 THE FEDEBAL BANK: -OF AUSTRALIA, LIMITED. Bead Office _.. Melbourne. ? Branch Offices . London, Sidney, Adelaide. Paid-up Capital- T' _ £400,000 Beservd Fund and Undivided . . ?? :.-.,,..' [ Sroflta - .». . ... : - 105,694

IiOCU; JHrbciobst W. Longbottomr Esq., -T.£ ^Chairman), ~F.~ Basedow, Esq., 1LP., W.Blck i ? 'MAaAGKR i wmiam Neul. . liimwfc j A DELAIDE, TJNLEY, AND : Jt\. ^TfiWAM TRAMWAY CO., LIMITED. ' NOTICE is hereby given that the Directors rewmmend the payment of a DIVIDEND as follows : -One Shilling and Sixpence per share on Shares 1 io 12.500. and a proportionate rate on Shares W.B01 to 25,000. oayable on 1st June ensuing, to Registered Shareholders, JAS. S. SCOTT, Secretary. Universal Buildings, Gresfell-street, May 17,1889. ? The Transfer-books will be Closed from 22nd May to June L ? 188«OA9.St rOTY PEBMANENT BUILDING \J AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY. A SPECIAL GENERAL'MEETING of SHAREHOLDERS will be held at the Offices ol tbe Society, Victoria-square west, on WEDNESDAY EVENING, tbe 5th June, 1SS9, at 8 o'clock. Business— The Election of a President in tbe room of Mr. W. Bundey, deceased. ? F. B. H. W. KEICHAUFF, Vice-President HARRY D. CELT,, Secretary. 143.5.9,55 NOTE THIS.— CASH SURRENDER ntna O paid-up policy GUARANTEED at anytime after payment of three yean1 premiums to the Australian Widows' Fund. ific 1 TtRY IMPERIAL' CHAMPAGNE. Shipped : XJ by Moe't & Chandon. peer MONEY MONEY TO LEND. Charles N. Collison, 2, Santo BuildiDgs, Waymonthstreet. ' l^9c MONEY TO LEND on Freehold Security, whether under Real Property Act W BENNY, Solicitor. Waterbouse Chambers, 16cvd King William-street. UTUAIi LOAN AND DISCOUNT BANK, GLADSTONE CHAMBER8 1 (Opposite Bank of New Zealand), I pfftrg.8TREET. ATmT.ATTiR, LEND, ' ; In Large Small Sums, from £6 and upwards, on Personal or other Security, repayable by Instalments or otberwite. ? BILLS DISCOUNTED. I49c JOEL MOSS, Manager. MONEY TO LEND at Lowest Bates. B. B. COX, Solicitor, King WQliam-street. 292mwfo &A A A A TBUST MONEYS to dbiVVV LEND in large or small turns on Freehold Security at 5& per cent. ALFRED BONNIN, lflmwfc 14, Waymouth-street. ONEY TO LEND AT LOWEST RATES. SHTJTTLEWORTH & LETCHFOBD, Land and Loan Agents, King William-street, City. llmwfcvd HE FEDEBAL BUILDING SOCIETY AND SAVINGS INSTITUTB. HEAD OFVICeTmELBOURNB. Board of Directors— President, Hon. James Munro, J.P., M.L.A.; Vice President, John Whittingham, Esq.; John Bobb, Esq, J.P., William McLean,* Esq., J.P., Joseph M. Pratt, Esq. ADELAIDE OFFICE— 91, KING WILLIAM-STREBT. LOCAL DIRECTOR— THOMAS EYRES, ESQ. ADVANCES MADS ONFREEHOLD SECURITY. £100 for 5s. id. per week for 12 years, including Principal and Interest. THE SAVINGS INSTITUTE Receive deposits from Is. upwards, and allow interest at the late of 5 per cent, per annum halfyearly on the balance up to £500. Withdrawals as follows;— On demand up to £50, 3 days' notice, up to £250; 14 days' notice, up to £500. FIXED DEPOSITS for 12 months receive SIX PER CENT. For repayment tables and further information apply at tbe Office. Entrance through Federal Bank. 91m wf c G. R. ANNELLS, Resident Secretary. -SS TO «5OO ADVANCED ON BILLS OF SALE BONDED CERTIFICATES, PERSONAL OR OTHER SECURITY. Repayments by Weekly Instalments or otherwise. BILLS DISCOUNTED DAILY. ' ASHES & BUNG. Industrial Buildings, King William-street. S27cvd LOAN AND DISCOUNT BANK. Established 1865. ADVANCES £5 TO__£500, BILLS DISCOUNTED DAILY S. SAUNDERS, MANAGER, GAWLBR-PLACB. 88mwfe CITY LOAN OFFICE, . NO. 9, HINDLEY-STREET, p Over Messrs, Geyer & Co.'s, Chemist. The MANAGEMENT beg to announce to tbe public that IMMEDIATE CASH ADVANCES from

note of band, os furniture (without removal), deposit of deeds, mortgages, bills of sale, bonded certificates trade bills, &c,at LOW BATES of INTEREST. BOh discounted dailii all transactions strictly confidential. No extra chargea, fines, or f eea. Office hours 9 to 6. No hnstnnss traa ted ob Saturdays. lS7mwfe SALPH 'RAVTTATtT., Manager. NOTS tH|-* — All persona who may nave opportunities of introducing new assurance business will do well to communicate with tbe Secretary Australian WIDOWS' FUND, Grenfell-street. 74c ' T\BY IMPKRTAT.' CHAMPAGNE. Snipped * U by Moet & Chandan. 96cv flOEflES, CATTLE, VEHICLES. AWHITE HO E YARDS. Carrie-street, Adelaide. H. B. NATHAN, CONTRiCTOB FOB H.M. MAILS. Horses- and TeMdes.of all descriptions bought, , sold, or exchanged. Reliable Hones and Turnouts of all descriptions ; supplied on the shortest notice. - -3i9mwfe : UN OAK & IBA8IB, VBANKLIN-STBSBI, ADSLAIDJ. ONSALH New;1 1 LIGHT AMEBICANBUGGY BUGGIJB 8 SPIDER BUGGIES CAHfilAGES 1 GIG BUCKBOABOS S BUSES IB0LLHS S WAGONETTES DRAYS 1 KXPBK88, &c, Ac 8 Sets New Am. Harness, Cheap. 460 WANTED, Becondhand low PONY PHAETON, also Pony and Harness. State price to W. 8., Post-Office, TJnfey. alO'ol FOB SALE, cheap, New and Second hand TRAPS, Phaetons. Wagonette, Bupgies Spring-Drays. Peters & Fuller, Pirie-street, Ade laide. SUmwfc ADELAIDE AND SUBURBAN TRAMWAY COMPANY, LIMITED. HORSBS BOUGHT, SOLD, or EXCHANGED. Apply to the Manager, Mr. Jones, Kensington StablS. , 78mwfe NOTE THIS.— Australian WIDOWS' FUND Policies are unconditional. Premiums MODERATE. Security ABSOLUTS. Call or write for prospectus. Offices, Grenfell-Btreet 7*o ' T^RY IMPERIAL' CHAMPAGNE Shipped

,--, ^PBOFESBIOITAL FBEPI^ WRICHT jiANP, Xffmtm FIN.4NCJUUi 4G1NT.; On Freehcld Securities at current rates, with option if payireat by instalments and corresponding re luction in interest. _ . ; Offices— ii, '25, Exchsnge Buildings, ^Adelaide' ' ? ; 580cvd 'JP K A A A TO LEND'AT'6 *PEa Stock and Sharebrokerg, Estate Agents, AceountcmXg, General Commission and Land Agent*. Money to Lend at & per cent SO LET, PROSPECT, HOUSE, Six Rooms, Bath and Washhouse, papered throughout. Apply G. G. Newman, Goier-atreet, N. A., or as abofe. '. ^^ FOR SALE, ; 1 CITY and SUBURBAN PROPERTIES. ' H and 6, Pirie Chambers, Pirie-strtet, AdOaidt. J ? . ? 887WBBM ; LYONS ifc LEADER, ' IMPERIAL CHAMBERS, ADE L AIDE. LAND, ESTATE, AND FINANCIAL AGENTS,

j PROPERTY-ACT. i ; MONEY TO LEND. £ Lowest Current Rates on Freehold Secarity, (Sty, Surbarban, or.Country. . , All business under the Real Property Act EBnsacted, Loans Negotiated, Government and therLand Sales attended. ? 8aBmwfcvd ; 10DFREY & DAVIES, LICENSED LAND BROKERS, SHARE BROKERS, C0.16.ACSTIULCHA1IBEBS, i CUBRIE-STREET. MONEY TO LENJ^; A. Q. SOHRODEF?, LAND AND ESTATE AGENT, JCBNSED LAND BROKER AND VALUATOBf MONEY TO LEND '! ? On Fieehold Security. i. TBANSFEES, MOttTGAGES, LEASES, nd ULLS OF SALE PREPARED. Offices: - ? VATERHOU8E CHAMBERS, BJNGWILLIAM.:,.- STREET, ADELAIDE, 128awfcv GEO. S. ALD1UDGE, Stock and ShareBroker (Member Adelaide Stock Exshange), rALUAlOB, MINING. AND GENEBAL COMMISSION AGENT,CO CO WR A CHAMBERS, ? GBENFELL-STRBBT. 103thsc jt& LICENSED /C6^V LAND BROKERS, VA* ^^ - LAND, LOAN, --A ^'V' 90VBE, iSD ESTATE AGENTS, '^J) *O Waiezhouse -H'»''twT«J King Wm. SL .» . ZWKOZO'E'Sr TO LEND. Hortgices, Leases, Tnmifen, te, prepared under B-P. Act, All bustneas with Government Land Office attended to punctually. Sale and PmrnMt of Land and House Property negotiated. HORN & OO. ft S. HOBH) , (P. A. HOBIf) (C. A. HOBN) (Telephone No. 344), SHAHEBROKKRS AND MINING AGENTS, COMSIOCK CHAMBERS (Ground Floor), KING WILLIAM ? STREET, ADELAIDE. ? -. ? ? 29thsc 'T'\RY TMPTFRTAT.' CBAMPGANB. Shipped ±f ' by Moet & Chandon. _^_jjBg_ INSTJEANCB NOTICES L. A. -J'«'oir-INSUBANCB AND GENERAL AGENT, UNIVERSAL BUILDINGS, GRENFELL-STREET, ADELAIDE. XH1 UNIVERSAL MARINE IN3UBANCI COMPANY, LIMITED. Head Office, 86, Combin, London. IHS AUSTBAiJAN ALLIANCE ASSUBANC1 COMPANY, ? FIRE, MARINE, and GUARANTEE. THE CANTON IN8URANCE OFFICE, LIMITED. 20c VICTORIA INSURANCE COMPANY, Ld. CAPITAL. £1,000.000 STERLING. FIRE and MARINE BISKS accepted at Lowest CurrentRates. . ? CLAIMS promptly settled in lonies or n London, at option of Assured. WOOL Insured, with Average on each Bale. FBSDK WRIGHT, Agent for South Australia. 24, Exchange, Adelaide 61c XJlQUITABLE FLUE INSUBAffGE r»J COMPANY, T.TMTTKp. DmECTOES. F. J. Botttng, Esq., J.P., Chairman. F.W.BnUock, Alderman. 1 Mr. D. Bower, HP. Hon.W.K.Simms,M.L.C. | Hon. T. Playford, M.P Bi3ks taken at the Lowest Current Rates. Office— NO. 9, HlNDLET-STBEET, ADBLAISB, !47mwc ABRAHAM ABRAHAMS, 6ec SOUTH AUSTBALIAN INSUBANOE COMPANY, LIMITED. CAPITAL, 'Fl,OOO,OOO. Reserve Fund, £60,000. BOARD OF'DIRECIORS. George Scarfe, Esq., Chairman. Luther Scammell, Esq , Deputy-CbabinaB. Charles M. Mulrhead, Esq., J.P. Hon. Alexander Hay, M.L C. Hon. J.C. Bray, M.P. FIRE AND MARINE 'RISKS at Current Bates MONEY LENT ON MORTGAGE. Insurance Chambers, Adelaide, and at every Township in the Colony. tanwfcvd ? THOS. D. DsCBAN. Secretary. mEE STBATTS INSUBANOE COMJL PANY, TfTMT't^. SINGAPORE. SnTismnuui ffaniffli .CMM/IM! PiMnn £19n IUM

Besetve Fund, £35,000 CHIS COMPANY PAYSa BONTJi ail Contributors ol business, whether Shareholders or not. Che Bonus returned as per Balance-sheet of Decem ber 31, 1884, was 25 per cent, of the Premium. WOOL covered from tbe Sheep's bacS to Londoa MABINK BISKS taken to aU parta of the World kt the Lowest Current Batea, ~ GIBBS, BRIGHT. 6 CO., Agents. Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, an Brisbane. 822mwfc OLONIAL MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Capitai, _ _ £260,000. fiee, marine, GACttDENTf- Brnployers^ered avd ajKunst Loss under PLATKGLASS Employers' J^bttity Act, INSURANCES - M8** IX LOWEST BATES Office- 71, King WfHiam-itreet. ? 859mwfc W. BURNET. Resident Secretary. IMPERIAL EKE jWnCR, Subscribed and Inverted Capital „ £2^18.400 Losses paid upwards of .. .. -. £11,000,000 DmKCiOHS— S. R. Wakefleld (Chairman), Geo. S. Fowler, B. E. Harrold. .; : Property and Merchandise of every description Insured at LOWEST BATES. Losses settled PROMPTLY andAJBEB ALLY. OFFICES: EACLE CHAMBERS, 'KING WILLIAM-STREBT, . ? And at erery township throughout taecolony. gflmwfcvd ? J. R. FERGUSON, Manager ONION FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NBT* ' ZEALAND. Capital £2,000,000. LOCAL DnuEcxoE— W. Leslie Whyte, Ksq. Dwellings, Bents, Haystacks Iiwitot agalBK Fire a& LowenRates. Marine Bisks to aU parts of tbe World covered. Weal covered from Sheep's back. W. BEBBKET FHUUFFS, Manager. glSthse Greafell-Htrees. ; GUARDIAN ASSUBAN0E COMPANY. HEAD OPTIC*. 11, LOMBAHD-STBEOT, LOMDOH. SubBcribedCapital- - .£2,000,000 CipitalPaidup ... 1,000,000 Tofil Funds, upwards ol . . J.999,000 Total Annual Income . . 800,000 The undersigned having been appointed Aganb tne above Company at Adelaide are prepared t-Issue Policies of Insurance against HBs on ttu usual terms. the QIBB8, BRIGHT, a CO.. Grenfen-street 'T\BT IMPIBIAL- CHAMPAGNE. Sbippec U byMo*t#QawJ-m. «Ocr

- GOLD-MINING COMPANY, i ^=^:: „. noliabiuty. , ^^^ TO BE nJCOBPOBATED IN SOUTH AUSTBALIA UNDEBTHE MININa ^,. '^ COMPANIES AOT,;51881, AND AMENDING, AOXS. ft CAPITAL— ^00,000, m 90,000 Shares of £1 Each, , Of which 35,000 ShareB axe now offered to the public as paid up to 153., on the -following terms, viz. : — 2s. 6d. on application and 2a. 6d. on allotment, and t 65,000 Shares, paid up to 15s., with the sum of £3,000 in cash, will be , allotted and paid to the Syndicate Proprietora in full payment for the -Property hereinafter mentioned and. the Machinery thereon. .-.;-. The ram of £3,000 cash will be appropriated aa follows, viz.:— £2,300 to the , Proprietors of 'Foley's Claim,' and £700 to the Proprietors of the 'John Boll Claim.' The balance, £5,750, will be placed to the credit of the i Company, less uaual floating expenses, and brokerage of rixpeiice^per, Bharg. ; ] i) After payment- of application and allotment. -fees on Shares appUed.forigcl ,\ '; ; allotted to the public all Shares will ranfaalxke.- Calls (if :reqtdr6d-not±o | exceed Id. per Share per month. : i i. i ?- -...?--. , Peoyisiokal Dibectobs: . i HON* .JW. K. SIMMS^, JfcLP.,' 1 ^H.lBBAGLEHOLE, Eaq, J;P.i Adelaide. e^J^i'^i - u ;?, ^ North, Adelaide i G. W. BUDHOLZ, Esq., Adblaide. . i JAMES BOBBRTSOU, Esq.; 01^ Council, Adelaide. . ; * ,, HENRY , JOHES, EBq.,,Kotfli.terrace, Adelaide^^Irgnfounder. ; BANK OF KEW^SQUTH WALE?. | SoiicnoEs: Messrs. WADEY & E. J. COXJ King William-street, Adelaide. | Bboeebs : : ARTHUR CHAPMAN & CO., Gladstone Ohambera, Pirie-atreet. j J. F. SCRYMGOUR, King William-street. ! Sbcbeiabt : -J. F. SORYMGOUBr %? .; f j This-Sanpany la formed for the purpose ot acquiring from the Syndicate ; Proprietors (and if deemed desirable) amalgamating, and extending those ! Properties situated at Bowling Alley Point, on the Peel River, about thirtyfour miles from Tamworth, N.S.W., comprising about twenty-four Acres, and \ Known as ' Foley's' and ' John Buff Claims' respectively, together with all the i machinery thereon, and to work the reefs and other deposits on the said Claims -for Gold and other Minerals. ; The Claims consist of about 24 acres, and are held respectivaly under Lease : No. 353, and Extended Miners' Bights, No. 244, 190, 215. - *i. ] Work is being actively carried on at present at Foley's Claim, and the Syndi- ; cate Proprietors have received from Mr. Wilton Hack (who vinted the property ! on their behalf) a most complete report of the work done, and the strongest as- ! Burancea of his faith in the richness of the lode. 1 The report of Mr. Wilton Hack being too lengthy to publish in extenso, the Proprietors have thought it advisable to publish extracts only in this Prospectus, ' and would intimate to intending Shareholders that the full report in manuBcript can be seen by them at the Office of the Secretary, Jas. F. Scrymgour. ! Mr. Wm. Coupland, a resident of Tamworth, and a gentleman of considerable ? mining experience, has also forwarded hi? report on the property, extracts of ? ?which are given at foot ~ ; ' i!t W. H. Beaglehole, Esq., one of the Provisional Directors, has also visited ? the property, and expresses himself as greatly impressed with the extent of reef exposed. He fully endorses all the statements made by Mr. Hack and Mr. Coupland in their reports, and is equally sanguine- as to results obtainable with . proper machinery on the ground for treating. the pyrites. Mr. Baaglehole brought back with him about 40 lb. weight' of stone taken from the last blast at bottom of winze in tunnel. From this stone Mr. James haB taken about one* third, the bulk assay of which yieldei at the rate of ' 12 oz. 5 dwt. to the ton, '. Fide his certificate. ;. Past operations have been confined to the free gold in iJie quartz only, and no machinery suitable for treating the pyrites has been ereoted on the property. : The Proprietors are, therefore, convinced that the richness of the pyrites reef, : as now proven by the various aaaays given at foot, fully warrant tne outlay for machinery, whicn it is the intention of this Company to immediately provide. The Directors would call attention to the fact that this property is most favourably situated, having wood and water in abundance and good macadamized roads. It will also be seen by the reports and the assays of stone, &&, that the Syndicate Proprietors have done all in their power to prove the value of this property before offering it to the public, and the work already done on the property has been of such a nature aa to fully develop its capabilities to yield large results under proper treatment, and as the reef in sight has been variously estimated aB likely to yield from 30,000 to 40,000 tons of stone similar to that already treated and reported upon, the Directors have the greafceat confidence in bringing this before the public as a thoroughly boua-fide investment likely to yield handsome dividends as soon as the necessary machinery is on the ground. Special attention is called to the fact (hit after payment of application and allotment fees on Shares applied for and allotted, Shares allotted to the Vendors rank alike in liability with thote issued to the public, The Company will be considered formed on 25,000 Shares being applied for. After ailotmentofSharesameetingof the Shareholders will beheldf or the purpose of settling rules of the Company and appointing Directors and officers. At thiB meeting each Shareholder present shall be entitled to one vote for every Share held by him, and all matters at such, meeting shall be decided by a majority of votes. ? Dated this tenth day of May, 1889. EXTBACT FROM MR. COUPLAND'3 REPORT ON FOLEY'S REitF ASSOCIATION. 1 have carfully and thoroughly examined the property belonging to the Foley Reef Association, situate at Bowling Alley Point, and report that I have no hesitation in Baying that it is really a good property, and with labour and gold-saving appliances erected on a claim, lam quite sure will pay good dividends. The present Foley's Reef Association consist of several working, miners and a few outside shareholders. They commenced with a determination to drive the tunnel until they cut a Bhoot of gold-bearing quartz that was previously worked overhead. After eeveral montbB1 work the reef opened out showing good gold. This Association his completed the tunnel in diorite country, and laid rails about 960 feet, and have a good: reef 14 to 20 incheB in thickness for a length of over 600 feet About 700 feet from the month of the tunnel they have sank a shaft on the underlay 80 feet, carrying payable gold all the way down. To-day (Friday, February 8) they commenced to drive at the 75-feet level, and have a grand reef about 24 inches thick. I saw a large block knocked out before I left, which, on being broken up, Bhowed gold in almost every piece, and estimate tha quality at 3 to. 4 ouncee. In my opinion they are now coming to the shoot formerly worked overhead: by Gillard and Party, which was very rich, ??'..??-. i The extent of Foley 'a Reef Property is right of tunnel 700 feet, gold claim oh the line' of reef 800 feet, and a 2-acre block on the other side or fall of the hill to the north, tha rf ef running through the whole claim, and also Borne two or three leaders carrying gold that dip into the main reef. The John Bull Company consists of five working miners and two gentlemen to book them. The mine haa been idle |for 14 months, but during .the time it was working five (5) men, with the assistance of two engineers (who had to keep the mine clear of water), recovered in 25 months 774 ounces of gold, which was Bold to the Bank of New South Wales at £3 13s. 6d. per ounce, This claim is down on the underlay 110 feet, and the Company has & portable engine of twelve-horsepower and a 4^-inoh Cornish pump, with a Btock of 300 feet of 4&-inch wrought pipe, bo with a second working barrel, which they have incomplete, and which will cost about £70 to put in proper order, they could sink to 300 feet without any extra machinery. I can safely Bay that Bowling Alley Point, for the extent of the ground, was the richest alluvial diggings in Australia. EXTRACT FROM MR. WILTON HACK'S REPORT ON JOHN BULL AND FOLEY'S BEEFS. Bowling Alley Point. Tbe John Bull has an underlay shaft 106 feet, having a vertical depth of 80 feefc Stopes each side of the shaft have been taken out 80 feet each way, and the charaoter of this reef is the same, and has the Bame underlay as the Lord Uarrington, and runs parallel with it. This gave a return from 353 tons, yielding by the ordinary battery process 774 oz. of gold, valued at £3 13s. 6d. per oz. There is a good engine, twelve-horsepower (Marshall's), and a 4J-inch Cornish pump, 300 feet of piping for the pump, with half-ton of flanges. Foley's Reef.— This has all the appearance of a true fissure load, having distinct walla, hanging and foot. In its broadeBt part it is about 2 feet 6 inches, but where the .reef pinches I noticed large quantities of pyrites in the hanging- wall, samples of which I have brought for testing. The workings consist of a tunnel in the aide of the spar 968 feet. Along this tunnel the Btoping has been carried on pretty well to the surface ; 650 feet from mouth of tnnnel an underlay shaft, 85 feet, has been sunk. At the bottom of this underlay shaft the reef is clearly defined, aud looks well, a little gold being visible and large quantities of pyrites. The reef is plainly traceable along the whole length of Foley's Claim. The whole of Bowling Alley Point appears to be intersected by reefs and leaders, some of which are exceedingly rich, The forward charaoter of the Foley Mine makes the amount of dead work necessary for effective operations a mere trifle. . . : Before a battery could be placed on the ground enough stone could be raised to keep it going for months. It would also be possible to simultaneously raise ore from the John Bull Mine. Owing to the large quantities of pyrites in all the auriferous stone at Bowling Alley Point it would be requisite to have concentrators to Bave the pyrites, bo that it could te treated separately, and from what is known of the gold contained there can be no doubt but that such treatment would be highly remunerative. . ; In my judgment thiB property is a good one, and should pay handsomely under proper management and effective machinery. ASSAYS OF STONE BY J. JAMES. ....'. . Ofc'dwt, grV Maroh20,lS89— No. 1. Gold per ton, casing of reef ... ...... ^i O;16. s; ?? 20 No. 2. ' ' ' ' ? 0 19 14 m 20 No. 3. '?? '? reef atone ? 220 10 0 « 22 ~No.4.-M ?-.---?- '?— ? 10 4 * ' -28 No.5. « * * '. ? ? 12 5 0 ' 30 Crystal Quartz ... ... ;... ... ... . ? 36 15 0 April 12 From No. 2Stope ,'.. { ? - ... ... -85 15 0 May 2' Stone brought by Mr. Beaglehole ? 12 5 0 - ,' ASSAYS OF STONE BY J. a FEASER. 1 i oz, dwt. gr, Nal. No Gold, casing of reef. ' :| '3.' Gold per ton, reef stone ... ... ... '... ... ' ? ., 83 12 12' it a « »? .... ... : ? ^. ? 30- 18 16 ?15. : ..??-? C' ' v-,,,.. v. j.-: '.s. ? ...24-8 8 FORM OF APPLICATION FOB SHARES. TO THE PROVISIONAL DIRECTORS OF THE PEEL RIVER PRO? PRIETARY GOLD-MINING COMPANY, NONLIABILITY. To bo ? incorporated In South Australia under the Mining Companies Act, 1881, and Amending Acts. ' ; -v Gentlemen — Herewith I hand you the sum of £ : : being Applica* tlon-fee of 2s. 6d. per Share, and request you to allot me Shares in the; above Company. And I agree to accept the same, or any less number you 33087 allot me, in terms of the Prospectus of the Company issued by yon and dated , the tenth day of May, 1889; and I agree to be bound by the decision of the majority of the Shareholders*preseht at the Meeting to be called for settling the Rules of the Company in terms of the Prospectus, and I authorize yon to pay all necessary expenses out of the funds of the Oompany, and upon the Company being Incorporated under the Mining Companies Act, 1881, to place my name on I the Register of Members of the said Company, for the number of Shares allotted Dated the ,dayof 1889. i ' ; Name in full ? .........................,.; ? Address ........... .»??-??«.?»??-?«. ?????????»..t.t,.i ! ' ? Occupation... ? ....r..^....... ? .« - Please forward Application andi Cheque to J. F. Scrymgour, King William* 1 etreet, or Arthur Chapnian& Co., :Ghv3stoneCJhambers, Pine-street. ' APPLICATION.ttiS* WILL- POSITIVELY CLOSE TO-MORROW 1 (THURSDAY) BVENlfiG AT SJO'CLQCK. . .... ? .; A x

X } «s c q 'i7^ r?! J . NOVELTFY DOOR SCRAPERS : METAL DOORMATS May be bad of the principal Ironmongers and ' i -* ? X. Storekeepers, or of the Makers, A. SIlBPSOiY & S0\, GAWLER-PLACE. ., j ? . ? lOOcTd e.*.FllLTON&CO.Lt(l. 3-i - ? COKfiULTntQ BNGINKimS, -^.j'-i ?'.j MANUFAOTUEEK-AND IMPOBTKBrf^ of Mining, Mill, Punping, aud Smelting Machinery^ - ' Ornamental and General Ironwork. \ CnntTactors.ta8.A-.GoTeTDment fox Waterpfpea and v'i -*?? Fittings. -. -J .Head Office— PBEL-STfiEET. ADELAIDE. f Woblks— KILKEUNT. .'?k\ N-mcilcoinNma'cosiPANiEaAND ? :/ ???- ? \PBOSPECTOBS. ? „ Hafing secured tbe SOLE BIGHT in SOUTH .AI7STBALIA of MANUFACI'UHING the CBLEBBATEO HUNTINQTON CENTBIFUGAL BOLLBB QUAETZ MILL, we are prepared to supply complete plants for same on tbe sbortest This Mm undeniably holds tbe first place over aU present inventions as a cheap and effective Machine, giting the best results st a minimum of cost. As a proof we would point to their almost unanimous adoption throughout America, and tbe large and Increasing demand for them in Queensland and ? elsewhere. ?A complete B-ft Plant Is now erected %n& a woTk at obt Establishment, Eukenny. The fullest information as to coit o Plant witt schedule of prices for the treatment of Gold or Tin Ores, is any quantity, can be obtained on applicatips1 to our Head Office, Peel-street, or at Kilkenny, where the Mill can be seen in operation. We cordially invite the inspection of those interested in mtntnp. 80mwf C ; ' TiBY TMPmtTAT.' CHAMPAGNE. Bhlpned XJ MoEt& Chandon. 00 SKATES (Raymond's) (HALF-CLAMP EXTENSION), Lady's and Gent's, 17a. 6d. A. V/1 6 OB B I E, GAWLES-PLACE, ADELAIDE. , 147mwf7av OYG USHER A CO being the LARGEST HOLDERS of SCOTCH WHISKY guarantee a thoroughly matured at tide. Agents— HILN£ & CO., GrenfeU-street. ' ? 67mwfc , BARLOW BROS. COACHBUILDEBS, ; FLINDERS-STREET, CITY. AND PARADE, NORWOOD. . ? 238mwfc SALT. SALT. SALT. TBADB JQXjMMjLf MASK. THE FAMOUS 'BLACK HORSE' BRAND IS TBE BEST FOR EVERYTHING. I HBNBY BBBBY & CO., 1 Adelaide andPoit, Sole Agents. 140mwfc FLETCHER'S INSTANTANEOUS WATER HEATERS ? '^'- ? ; i (TOE BATHS, &C). CHEAPEST AND BEST IN THE MABKEI. . AGENTS: GEO. P. HARRIS, SCARFE, & CO., GAWLBB-PLACE, ADELAIDE. ? 147mwf58 'army revolver, 48 SUPPLIED TO H.M. WAR DEPARTMENT. Colt's Single-aetion Army Revolver, Am adopted By the United State* Government. COLTS ?? FRONTIER » PISTOL takes &? Oo» and ?Winchester Maguine Bifl* Osrtridg ?, U CaL COLT'S DOUBLE-ACTION '38 CAl*. EXPRESS REVOLVERS for TnTttom. COLT'S HOUSE REVOLVER, POCKET REVOLVER, mnd DERINGER, for tti. V«l Pocket; beat quUty only. Gotfl KtrolTtn SN naed all orer til* world. COLT'S DOUBLE-BARRELLED SHOT GUNS LI6HTH1NQ MAGAZINE RIFLES, Uodel 1887, Cal. '22, -32, *S8, '44, tlst '40-60, sad '50-95 for ?porting purposes. COLTS FIREABMS COMPANY, 14j Fall 3SIall. London. S.W. THE OTTOMAN REGIE GIGftRETTE, REAL TURKISH. R. O. WILSON NOW 0FFEE3 FOB 8ALEPlower, Vegetable, Agricultural Seeds, Bulbs, Seed Wheat, Cape Oats, Barley, Tares, Maize, ? Lucerne (a first-class sample), Manures of all kinds, Garden Tools of an descriptions, and Gardening Gloves, Bulphur and Keroaine Soap, Sulphur and Sulphur Bellows, Giahursf s Compound, Thorley'a ' and other Cattle Food, Mushroom Spawn, Garden '? Tiles, Pots and Saucers, all sizes. ? ? - : - Orders ktaken for Truit- trees, ange and Lemon Trees, Boaes, Shrubs of all kinds. Carefully packed and forwarded with dispatch. CORH MERCHANT & SEEDSMAN, . 166 & 1699 Bundle-street, OPPOSITE FOBD^S YOBK HOTEL. llSQUC BUY ONLY STOREB'S'EACLE' MIX ED PAIMTS. Storeys Enamel Paints. ' THEY ARE THE BEST. c BOLD BVKBYWHEBB. 99tbso ? MT\BT IMPWCTAT^ CHAMPAGNE. 8Wppod, ^ -Jj| ^= ^MoltACnwloo.1 ?--?/inSi]

$&, Madle-street (Telephone BTo. ^42), 'GENERAL IRONMONGER AND IMPORTER, GLASSi LEAD, OH, AND COLOUR, MERCHANT. PLATE, SHEET,' COLOURED, FLUTED, ORNAMENTAL. GROUND, 'and' . CATHEDKAL GLASS. MIRRORS MANUFACTURED. ? j DIAPHAtflES; or ^VJKDOW DECORATIONS of SPLENDID MBDI^EVALh' ?; r ? \ i '?. r'v JPAPERHANGINQS, Splendid AMortmant. ' K ' S£ * ,' i 43C. !- » * y ??'* MOTJLDINtffi, BRUSHWARE. .. ; . TOOLS OF ALL D£-iC&IPTIONS. PUMPS^BBtLS, GAS. STEAM, AND WATER PIPES AND FirriNG3 - _ SfWITARY TT^IlRE : ARTISTS1 COLOURS, TOOLS, AND MATERIALS. CHANDELIERS. BRACKETS, HALL LAMPS, and GLOBES in great Variety. PAINTS, OILS. TURPS, VARNISH, GOLDLE A F, BRONZE, PQTT5T, CEtfENr PLASTER, CONCENTRATED SIZE, 8PIRITS WINE. . , ; -' «^^U8SIAN' GERMAN, and COMMON GLUE. ?.,... .-, MIXED PAINTS in 1, 2, and 4 lb. tins, ' Diamond' Brand. ?./-?-'--/— SOLE AGENT FOR— .;., . .,, ..' \'V ''Jenron & Nicholson, Painta, Leads, Colours, and Vftcnlsh. Grimme & Hempel, Window Decorations. * . - . Fr. von Schoenfeld& Co., Artist ColoarB and' Material. * .. j , ,'T'-- U, A. Luvteens, German Glue, / ' -; G. BendasGoldIeaf ard Bronzes. .. I 52mwfo R A C frj A R O G JC A SAFE'and very POWERFUL. EXPLOSIVE, equally effective in Wet or Dry Holea r prodnces nolininrions fames.* Stored and transported like ordinary merchandise; notnagarinereqnired. ; ?'? f ''harrold kRoa, i ADELAIDE A1SD BKOKBN HILL. Sole Agents fob Sotrra Australia ahd the 'RAKturnt, 109mwfo HARROLD BROTHERS, ADELAIDE AND LONDON, WHOLESALE HARDWARE MERCHANTS. o IMPORTEBS of SPECIALITIES of Every Description in STORE* KEEPERS', BUILDERS', BLACKSMITHS', MILLING, MINING. SQUATTERS', and GENERAL IRONMONGERY and MACHINERY. - INDENTS for all classes of goods executed on moat favourable terms by , a Special and Experienced Staff. lOOmwfo SCHWEITZER'S CO GOAT IN A. Anti-Dgspeptio Cocoa or Cfmaoiate Powder. GUARANTEED PURE SOLUBLE COCOA; ' Consisting solely of the Finest Cocoa Beans, with the excess of fat extracted. The FACULTY pronounce It 'The most nutritions, perfectly digestible Beverage, and Invaluable for Invalids and Young Children.' Made Instantaneously with BeiUng Watef. Palatable without Milk. A Teatpoonful to ? Breakfast Cup i muting leu than One Halfpenny. Retailed In J lb., 1 lb., and 1 lb. tins at Is., la, lid., and 3s. 8d. COCOATINA is the best COCOA for EXPORT to INDIA, and the COLONIES.1 SONTAG FRENCH KID GLOVES (REGISTERED) Are made of thin Kid, Accwrately Cut, ' Securely Sewn,' and are, for all practical purposes, the Best Gloves Paris Produces. EVERY PAIR IS STAMPED - - - I jgO^^J&Cj, J 103WBCT ? -; / -?- ^ — iS Hm BjTheOnlyFlaxlhnbrolderyThMadanBedatthBBoyal ? m ScSckjI of Art Needlework, Soutli KenslnstOJJ. sf% MMI 0^T For ttio Bedroom, Drawing-room, Panda.. Curtains, Screens, f*Wo ?J WPWrm ILr Cloths, Indies1 and Quldrcn'* Dresses, EcdeaiasUcalMr.aU Higb^W II 1^^ dass Needlework. ? W«fl 1 IV AST SHADES AND BRILLIANT COLOURS. Exceeding in Artistic Effect the Finest Silk at OM-Ihird the Cost of Filoselle. WILL WOBK on any MATERIAL. Ooloubb Tjw» to 8ha» Exact Maiohino Quabaktekd. iltdutthat EVERT SKBM heart the Signature, J. HARRIS & SONS. & Thread Cards ol 250 Shades (Fast Dyed Washing Colours) inJ4 sizes ; and washing instruction* Frea Keptin stock, in every size and shade, by the Manufacturers, MM B B fromtheheaTdestCOUCHlKG&BOPEPLAXtotheFINEST . B H _ . I ^ ETCHING. If you cannot obtain the sizes and shades you H IA HA^^ ^% AB ^^ J. HARRIS & SQHS, COGKERMOUTH. QiGLAND. ? 111 UUW 11 This is not thy Home. —Chaucer. « This life is a problem! the next the sclntion.'— Victor Eugo. THE DISCORDANCES OF THIS LIFE. When one by one our ties are torn, And friend from friend is snatch'd forlorn When man is left alone to mourn— Tis Nature's kindest boon to die. LONGEVITY, or a life complete in all its stages, is. on the whole, deairable, but extremely rare. Bnt a j wise observance of the simple laws of nsfture will redeem the observers from the M« many ailmentB to the paradise of a pleasurable existence, and conduct them through liie ^ silently, gently, and serenely to its far-off termination. Is ibis Death? Dreaded thing, How beautiful thou art . ; I HAVE A GREEN OLD AGE-I USE ENO'S FRUIT SALT. An unsolicited Testimonial from a gentleman, an F.S.A., who Is now above 80 years of ( age, writes:— 'I have for a long time UBed ? ENO'S FRUIT SALT; I have f onnd it an effective yet gentle aperient, very beneficial to persons of sedentary habits, especially such as exercise not the lla*s but the brain, and frequently require to assist nature without hazardous force. It acts, according to the quantity token, either as a relieving medicine or as a cool and refreshing drink; and I am convinced it does not weaken when ifetstimulates.' -*; \^^. ?????? a '. ^ggrfjSTMPOBTAOT TO TRAVELLERS AND1!* A JB JwSeS*- ATT' MOVING HOMB FOR A[ -' '' . . : jft Hl&B w&tttr CHAKQB.— 'We naTe for the tort lonrj ?- .-. L i :^fl^SBS|^te sUb!/ '':'i8&£^__^ toportant Surrey expeditions in the Malay ' ?-. / WM&R^^ 11^^ -/^^%J*A Peninsula, Siasn, and Cambodia, and have r .-:--_-i,'-^iJPi^i^^. *m&4/^ ?^wanndonbtedly dexiTod Tery great benefit from it In CtinKS& 2 y^^Sai BI one instance only was one of our party attacked ' ? yftBB&Bl!AJms ^mb r ^^ feTer onrinK that period, and that nappened-. 'hW^^ ^ffi/ ' Bibei our saPPly oi FEUTT SALT had ran out ~SH6w3F3*r2x_i-^ tB?* 'When tna-Wng long marches under ttie powerful '&ESru5&M&es£r rays of a vertical sud, or trareUiag through swampy ff^mWi, 7~3&^'- ? * districts, we haie ussd the FEUIT SALT two and MSsIJMf Jaw '* - - three times a day. The FHUTT SALT acts as aflL Wr^Wj^LQ^L ^ ^' '-^'^'-* Rentle aperient, keeps the blood cool and healthy,Mut^ag^|l^ ' - , ~ \ tnd wards off f erer. We hate pleaanre in Tohm- j imlwtff tBJ^^R^^ .*' '*-\ taxily tesUffing to tha value of your preparation, j q^ffi J^^Sf^^SP^^^B^^ Sad «ir firm belief in its efneacy. We nerer RO-f I^BrJW^/^^ ^^^ ^S ^° ^e i0^0 without it, and have also tecom-i V/nK^^^&Sfss&i'm ^^^^^s 'Hi mended it to others.— Yours truly, Commander A. -/|^WggB|^^^§5^^ We J. Loftos, F.E.Q.S., His Siamese Majesty's Hydro-4 f ' ?^'fi^^K M '' grapher ; E. C. Datidsos, Superintendent Siamese | JT ^BSm II' M -|^^ WHS Government Telegraphs. Bangkok, Siam, May, ? BBr \fi$l %/ 5 QUCCKS JS LIFE.-' A new tafenHon Iflf . . ^BfaHg- M I 2| // i ^CTJj __, ^ brought before tha public and commands i ^-— JS«^,^^g|^^^^^^ 'flueeeas. A score of abominable imitations are. ^^^^^H^Mj^^^^^yf1' ~1^iE^^¥' -* ? immediately introduced by tha unscrupulous, wb* F IlffiKEBP^vir I I 4*1 I %£ h» copying the original closely enough to deceJTB t ? wnHfl^S^S' n *S»c k5^ : the public and yet not so exactly as to InfriagB on.. ... '1^8BEHi^&5 I ^p [t\ ' legal lights, eserdse an Icgenuity that, employed - - _ I@S^|8|K^ | ffll |? ' -In an original channel, could not fail to Becuro-. . r ^ -M£^'*JHk J 1 ?'?- - OATJTION.— Stamina each Bottle, and SM thai/ '--_ '/ijiiiiiii' Hpff' I . J ? V lJ pi— ~^ Ks the Capsule Is markod 'KNOB. SBCTXt fcr'/y / / (M/TW II W^vX-Nl SALT.' Witaoat it you have been Imposed? f=SS5EaSS=grapfe=fe fHBKffiiAa^1 on by a worthleaa imitation. Sold by all^^Bg^S^ trSJy^-^wSC^« Chemists. Directions in Sixteen laagiaiei.i '^ggjg-^^^y^^^^^^^^ HowtoPmentKaea»«. KotocOonlamtr roSPABBD ONLY AH ^ . ENO'S Fruit Salt Worksi Hatcham, London, S.E.,,