Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1931 - 1954), Monday 31 July 1933, page 4


Interstate Match Chief Event Of Week

Wednesday will be the opening day of a jubilee lacrosse week in South Australia. The celebrations will be-gin with the annual match between

teams representing St. Peter's andi Prince Alfred Old Ooliegians, which! will be played on the St. Peter's Coi]ege Oral at 3 pjn. on that day. On Thursday evening there will be a ball! at the Palais Royal, when box lacrosse will be played. The Victorian players are expected to arrive on Thursday, and there will be a reception to them at the Victoria Hotel at 5.15 pjn. pn| Friday. That evening a bridge tirive will take place at the Weatworth Cafe, i Added interest to the week will be! caused by an old-timers' match, in which the participants will be players; of 10 or more years ago. The match will take place on the Neutral Ground en Friday afternoon, and the referee will be Mr. William Fide, the Mayor of GZenelg. On Saturday afternoon, starting at 1 pjn.. a match will be played on the Unlcy Oval, between an Adelaide team and a side representing Port Pirie. At 3 p.m.. the interstate match. South Australia v. Victoria, will take place on the came ground. The Governor <Sir Alexander How-Ruthven) will be present. On Saturday evening there will be a dinner at the Napoleon Hotel, anc it will take the form of a reunion between old players and associates of lacrosse. On Sunday the visiting Victorian players wiU be taken to Kuitpo Colony, aid they will return to Melbourne on Monday. Established In S.A. In 1883 For many years lacrosse has been the national same of Canada. It has a bie hold in America, is playeo extensively in England, and was established in Australia about 60 yeais ago. Victoria being the first State in which the game was played. In 1883 the Adelaide Lacrosse Club was formed, and five years later the first inter-colonip.l match took place between Victoria and South Australia. Lacrosse has been played regularly since then. For many years after the war South Australia was the out/standing State in lacrosse, but durint; the last four or five years the Victorians have held the position of champions of Australia. Lacrosse Buffered a relapse during the war, but since that time has made remarkable progress, and in 1932 a record number took part in the game in South Australia. The names of many old champions at the game are recalled, among them being Dashwood Connor. Dick Evans (who threw the first goal in the first interstate match with Victoria). J. L. Wainwright (first Dresident of the association). F. W. Belt. Pat Goode. S. A. Davenport, and W. D. Henderson and H. B. Adamson. both of whom are vice-wesidents of the association at present. Old Collegians' Match Teams to play in the old collegians' match on Wednesday are:—St. Peter's College—J. Lee. W. Laughton. M. Lee. M. Bonnin. C. Davis. J. Muecke. J. L. Parsons. L. Ewens. J. Adoock, G. A. Tumbull. K. A. Brock. J. Pedter: emergencies. M. Blythe (forward). B. C. Beauchamp (back). J. Grose (centre). Prince Aifred—A. L. DawkinF. P. E. Clark. B. Dawson. E. J. Harvey. E. W. Hasken. C. H. Shimmin. W. D. Verco. H. C. McCormac. J. Martin. B. D. Mc-Kay. D. Gcudie. and J. Glover.