South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Monday 16 January 1888, page 7


We have been Bhown by Mr. G. Leake, the Solicitor-General of Western Australia, some excellent specimens of quartz from the reoentlv discovered Vifoarn Hill reefs. The

quartz, which ta of a dark colour, is taken from the leader discovered recently by Mr. Harry Anatey, C.E.. at various depths from the surface to 14 feet It shows ooarse gold permeating the Btone in a welldefined line and ia considerable quantity. There are also some specimens of burnt ironstone which show gold and has a very likely appearance. The YiJgarn Hills are about 200 miles by road from Newcastle, the railway terminus in a direct line for Eucla and the Hampton Plains, and near Lake Deborah. The discoverer, Mr. Anstey, is the son of an old and well-known South Australian, and was Best out last year by a number of gentlemen to prospect for gold. He discovered indications in one or two places, and in September last, knowing that there was water near the Tilgarn Hills, he proceeded to that district. Almost immediately on his arrival the leader from which the specimens referred to were taken was struck, Mr, Anstey immediately returned to Perth, and the Company has applied for about 100 acres of land, which, owing to a defect in the Goldfields Act and Regulations, has not yet been granted. Daring Mr. Antsey's absence in Perth the other members of the party inspected the country for. some miles, and reported to him very favopxably on the prospects. The ironstone specimens are taken from a hill of considerable size, with a lode formation varying in width from 20 feet to 20 yards, and the last news which Mr. Leake had was that the men were going down on this. Owing to the difficulty about water work will have to be ? discontinued for some time. This will be the great drawback in the development of the field. The lakes in the vicinity are Bait, and somewhat similar to those in the interior of this colony. Mr. Lukin, on whose station the reefs are* has no wells, and depends entirely on dams and tanks for water for his Btock. _ It iB very likely that from the formation of the country, says Mr. Leake, that water can be obtaiaed by Binking. Dams hold water well. The chief rains in this country fall about May or June, and daring the summer time there are occasional thunderstorms. Should this discovery lead to the development of a reefing field, it will be a grand thing for the sister colony, as all the trade must go through Perth and Fremantle. Thin, as Mr. Leake points out, is very different from Kimberley, whioh fa so far distant that the settlers in the south hardly receive any benefit fiom the find.