Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Thursday 6 October 1921, page 8



Refusal to Pay Income Tax.

SYDNEY, Wedncsdoj-Ihe conference of union dtlcgitep endtd at the ludet) Hall to da> Further consideration waa gum to the proposed schtinc for the for ination of a new oigamsation to be Known '8 the Organised bollon»' Group of Nen feouth ^ ales to contest 1 edu ii nnd ^tate Pailiamcntarv ckctions V motion w i& agreed to for the tormation oí a new union 1 ne resolution *.i.t out tliat the union would be a combination of ill organised woilers of JSLW ^outh \\ iles, into one m d\ fiti ni group to bring about the over thiow of the cipitilistiL fnd pohticil state the or^ani1-ition i\ould eounUmincc pit

ticinition ni l3irlinmciitni> iction bolilv ond cxptefish fur the promotion of re\o lutionai\ propigandu, md it would idhcrc to tlie Rtd ' tnido union international

Ihc nunnie deputnuit of the Worl era Tndtifitn ii Union of Australia subrnitti d the follow ni? motion, windi WTB agreed

to -

“That the working class movement throughout Australia refuse to pay State and Federal income taxes on incomes of £500 or under that amount per annum.”

Ihe following motion. >\eie al_o agreed

to -

TI at tins conference onposo* nil scab limons but reconunen 's to ill unons to do all within their power to end the feu 1 cn the indus

tnal field In ciablinç all lojalbta who B3 ti asi re to tike up their m_mhcr_lup in unions

ab individuals

Tliat this eonfire*ce calU mon the Labour Gov eminent to rieresWer ill lo\ alist unions

and that while ruoRnkirii* the fitilitv of solUnt, unen r loi meit unter capitalism t us con'ercncp rcpriv-ters itt. piotcst ncain^t the Sute Government s action » lellhentclj illovuip tie workers of this eountrv to starve an 1 calls upon