West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Saturday 7 June 1947, page 15

CROPPING AND LAMBING A Good Opening RAIN WANTED IN SOME AREAS Crop and stock reports for May just received by the Weather Bureau confirm advices received from country correspondents earlier in the month that for many parts of the State the season opened auspiciously. The reports indicate further that in the eastern wheatbelt, the central north and the Great Southern areas of the State conditions almost generally have been ideal for cropping, that feed has come away well and that lambing so far has been good. Many Weather Bureau recorders state that prospects for thel season are bright. The following extracts have been made from Weather Bureau observers' reports, the total rainfall for the month in each instance being! shown in parentheses after the name of the station: Crops and Lambing Good. AMELUP, Borden district (251 points). --Conditions this season for seeding, growth of crops and pastures have been as near as possible to perfect. Lambing is progressing well and foxes have not given as much trouble as they did last r QUELLINGTON, York district (360 points).--Early sown crops are proressing very well and seeding operations are still in progress. Lambing has com1menced. BULYEE (337 points).--Seeding is nearly finished and all crops are lookring well. There are prospects of an excellent lambing.ARNEEN, ARNEEN, Tambellup district (351 points)a .-garly crops are good and stock are in good condition. NARBOGIN (335 points).--Prospects for the season are very bright. Al crops and particularly those early sown, are in excellent condition. Stock are showing the benefit of a plentaful supply of green feed. IPINGELLY (395 points).-Sowing and fallowing are in full swing after the recent rains. Feed is plentiful in all parts of the district and a good iambIngr is expected. DTL[ABING. East Katanning (251 Ipoints).--Grasses have come through Swell and are a good deal ahead of most years. Seeding is going on well. ST. ALBANS. Kondinin district (196 points).-Most farmers are nearing the end of wheat planting. Crops have been put in under unusually good conditions. Probably a. good lambing will result. H RAVENSTHORIPE (181 points).-Seed.ing is almost finished and some oat ,crops are looking good. Stock are in excellent condition. EULIN (288 points).-The best opening rains for years have been experienced. Seeding is almost finished and there are prospects for a good season. ARUNDEL. Mt. Barker district (558 points).--Owing to heavy rain, cropping has been erratic. Such excellent pastures as are now evident have not been seen at this time of the year for many seasons. FOMBY SIDING. G'nowangerup district (258 points).-Early oats and selfsown crops are growing vigorously and wheat seeding should be soon finished. Lambing percentages will be above those of the last few years, and lambs will be much better grown. Wool will be sounder and more bulky. Under present pasture conditions the district is underIstocked. t More Rain Needed. NORTH MUKINBUDIN (119 points). Seeding is almost finished. Crops showing through are patchy. Green feed is scarce and some sheep are being band fed. COIR?IGIN (248 points).-Crops sown have germinated well, but more rain is needed. NORTH BULLFINCH (57 points).ISome oats are in but they seem to be i a failure. 8tock are in fair to medium condition, but pastures are still very STr?AYNING (199 points).-Early seeded crops are coming away nicely. Fat stock -are Dutting on conditton and natural feed Is growing well. NORTH BAANDEE (221 points).--Excellent conditions have prevaIled for seeding which is just about completed. Earlier sown crops are through. Some nice lambs are to be seen, but t.ed is short. With good rains it should be plentiful. GABBIN (196 points).-Lambing has commenced with fair percentages. Early sown crops require rain. Seeding is BTH WALGOOLAN (85 points).Crops are being sown under adverse eonitions, the ground being too hard. tain is badly needed. Stock are Just holding their own, ewes being poor. SNUNG AIN (149 points).-Seeding is still in progress With a little more rain crops should be in good condition. BUNKETCH, Kalanhib district (208 points).--Generally May has been a good month for seeding operations, and cropping is almlst completed. Feed has gone back owing to the dry spell. asmbins is general and foxes are killing a few sheep and lambs. BENGWC BIN. (159 points).--Cropping is nearly completed. Pastures are in good condition. DOWERIN (226 points).-Seeding is not yet geneally completed. Those farmers who have finished 'have experenced a good opening to the wason. PasSPures are generally agooe. AI (35 (346 0 polnts).-Seedlns i prtcall u completed nder ideal cond.ting. toed we nlentfdul lacd ell forWYlALKATCEE.M (207 pointe).Seeing has been eomplet ed and prospects for the season are good, Stock are in Iood condition and patures are fair. i ing is well advanced and crops are makin e.oodprora.Pastures need furMLBANA (350 plits).-.-Sedn g is well on the wy to comlstton. but more rain Is-needed. Some stock have died owing to weakness and tac of green GLeNVAl. Wongn Hills district (234 oin --s-Seeding is in full swing and some crops are up although the ground in recent days has become bard. Other.ise the e sn h~aa befen ideal. Stock are still being hand fed as the feed is hort and lacks substance. PITHAR& (219 polnts).--Earlv crops are showing through hut are patchy.i Seeding is nearing ompletion. but rainl Swanted to ontne ploughina. MELsBOSE (e93 toints).-CroslS are coming throh exceeltly and farmers have almost finished seeding. BINLIDU (219 points..-seedins ioperations are almost completed, stock are in excellent condition and ambng is in progre. • MOORA (357 points).The seueson.has begun well and some farmers are still. the tingr 5aer is plentdu aul growing FbNGERPsT Selmon Gums district. -'-Thls Is sa good a commencement Ior, the season as the mallee has ever ex-. plerenced. Crops have made an excellent start, seeding is almost over and stochk mae in forward condition. Then ewes have adequate milk iald lambs are o TBe ~lethe'West. nORa0t CIFe (9o0 peonts).--Stock are in ar condition and pastoures are fiIARNRA (786 lpoints).--Pasture halve made slow growath due to the cold weather. Stock are in fair to good coneditondi Uonnts).---eO raG n has occurrea, but dug potato crops have farad badl from continuous falls of rain. All classes of pastures are at their best and feed is ahead of anything experienced for a lone while. WILSON'S INLET (459 wolnts).--?l. the late summer potato crops have been harvested and very fair fields have been obtained. This is the best start pastures have had for a number of seasons. U3D gDUIP. Augusta district (950 nointet.-The rain for the month is the heaviest for nine wears. Pastures are green but not veryhigh. knd stock are most?lpy n fair condition. fL.LI[AM BAT (780 points).-Nearly all potato crops have been spoiled by rain. Stock and pastures are in fair condition,