Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Monday 27 July 1925, page 10


From "Parcoureur." Paris, June 18, 1925.

Mr. Palnleve's journey to Morocco evoked more comment than the incident merited. It gave rise to all sorts of rumors of which it may be said at once that they

wore grossly exaggerated, and for the mo=t put without the smille^t foundation. Cortiin commentators but fit to interpret the ?visit as a. definite and ominous sign that tiie situation was much more critical ilnii was admitted in official circles. Others went ?> far as to imply that the Government desired to discus the terms of a precipitate pesce. Peace With Honor. France certainly desires peace; but as 3f. Painleve bus himself repeated on several occasions, it must be a peace that thill be comfortable with her dignity, and tint shall ensure the definite liberation of the whole of the territory in her care. The flood of speculative comment is doubtless inspired by the fact that M. Painlero is perpetually visualised as the president of the Chamber, and rarely an the Minister for War. It was in this latter capacity that he went to Morocco to sum up the situation on his own account, and to ensure the natives who arc still loyal to France that France will not abandon them. Government's Good Week. ; The Government have not lacked encouragement this week. TII2 conculsion of the Security Pact with England was very favorably received; the first ballot for the election of forty councillors-general for the Seine region clearly indicates an orientation to the Left; and M. Cafllaux, despite the fact that he was bold enough to appeal in unequivocal terms io the spirit of sacrifice and discipline of the taxpayers, received a really remarkable ovation at Beauvaw. On the other hand—is it a sign oE the times?—the administrative council of the Socialist Federation of Northern France, whose influence in the party councils it would be futile io deny, had just adopted Jtn attitude far from reassuring io^.tbe Cartel of the Left. The Socialists of the north demand the inauguration of a speedy peace in Morocco, and charge the Socialist group in Parliament to combat M. CaJUanx's financial projects and to defend the Socialist counter-project of a capita! levy. A Students' Row. Our reader* may recall the recent uproar at the Faculty of Law which terminated in a strike of the student*. Though the Cabinet crisis facilitated peace measures, these young gentlemen hive not yet pardoned M. Fnncois Albert, the ex-Minister of Education.,'Lost Thursday night, with two of his friends, 3L Albert had -engaged a table-on the terrace of a cafe situated at the angle of the Rue Soufflot and the Boulevard Si. Michel, ? where he was immediately recognised by ?* group of students. They made a. dead eet at him forthwith, and the cafe —not to mention the crowd which speedily collected—was entertained to a typical University "row." -. The upshot was devoid of tragedy, however, other than the loss of JL Albert's perfectly good hat, which some of the'spectators surmised would be held aloft as a triumphant trophy in the next . students' rag. But it seems that honor was satisfied with the impromptu sparring bout, for the ex-MinisterV headgear was subsequently restored to him, almost intact. '.Lord Lord Derby Entertained. Some few days ago the association of France and. Great Britain pave a lunch in Lord Derby 1* honor at which many political celebrities were present. The tenor of the speeches.left no--doubt in the minds of the ariHifnre of the popularity of the former .British Ambassador. As one speaker Aappily expressed it, "this is a personal.friendship most precious to us." France still gives its unanimous homage to the statesman who -both in the tragic hours of .the Great War, and later, in those horns when -we were assailed with calumnies even by .our Allies, Tnade unwearying .efforts to ?maintain the spirit as well aa the letter of the entente rordiale. Anwric& in Paris. The Americans cannot resist the charms of our capital.. Every year, and,notably, of course, every simmer, they succumb to its lure in increasing numbers. But the Americans love comfort, and their ideas of comfort differ radically from ours. Briefly and in transatlantic phraseology, our French hotels get the Yankee goat. And, Jike the practical people they cie, they have, found the solution of the problem. They are going to erect great blocks of unfurnished fiats to be. ran in the manner of the American menage. The necessary capital, it -appears, is' ready and waiting-, and work on die new project is to begin just as soon as suitable sites can be f ou-ad., The vital question which the good Frenchman is askmg himself-^together with certain of our less prigeant -visitors who arc content with the Paris of the Parisians— is whether our American friends intend to disfigure our city with skyscraper monstrosities. Let .the artists and'others be re-assured. One of the promoters of the scheme assured me a day or -two ago that his compatriots had too much admiration! and reverence for Paris to risk mining- the harmony of its contour*. American ideas arc -to be solely—so io speak-jfor internal application. ""?? . Feminist Banquet. A great feminist banquet took place this week at a well-known restaurant -in the | Bois de Boulogne. A hundred guests— most of whom were candidates at the recent 1 municipal elections—entertained themselves and each other; and though the masculine] element was less in evidence, it was sot wholly eliminated. ' Curiously enough, indeed, those ladies of ardent feminist aspi, rations had persuaded a. member of the {

Senate, If. giouis Danssct, to preside at the feast, io.whfch .they had brought sm excellent appetite for the admirable wine as well as the food. Smoke-rings circled freeljr as animated speeches and good humor reigned supreme. From -which last it is apparent that the ladies had Jetermined to prove they could, on occasion, comport themselves like men. And with that, apparently, our French feminisLs— not at all avid of originality—arc content. At Chantilly. The ChantUly "Derby"—as we now call the great Frency Jockey Club event—was a most brilliant affair. The glorious weather suited the book of the dressmakers—and their clients—very well indeed. Diapha.nously picturesque toilettes rivalled the smart silk tailored suits of the "garco-inc" types, bat eren the masculine eye noted that the small cloche li?t despite the blazing sunshine, had repulsed, without difficulty, the hesitant assaults on feminine favor of the wide-brimmed millinery one used to associate with Chantilly chiffons. Animation touched top-note with the victory of Belfouds, ridden by Semblat, who is the "Steve" of our French racecourses. . Gallic Gallantry. Ko matter what our pessimists and detractors jnay have to say on the subject, it is evident that Gallic traditions of gallantry are not yet put to shame. Charming proof was afforded us on Wednesday fast at the Exhibition of Decorative Arts which Queen Elizabeth of Belgium was ?raning incognito. She had just entered the Belgian pavilion when two Parisian workmen begged permission to speak to her. As there appeared to be some hesitation on the part of officialdom to this unforeseen request, the Queen herself advanced towards the men with that v ( ay sweet and gracious smile that has endeared her to nations other than her own. This was good enough for the spokesman of the pair, who told with what ardor he and his ?'mate" had worked at the erection of the pavilion, "since it was for "your country, your Jlajesty!" So saying, he presented the Queen with a magnificent bunch of. roses, begging that i-hc would accept, from his comrade and himself, this modest homage. Still smiling, though obviously affected by the sincere little tribute, the charming visitor thanked him and held out her hand. The frank and spontaneous gesture was not interpreted as her Majesty had intended. The chivalry of the gallant workman was beyond a handshake! With a gesture worthy of our preux chevaliers of old. he lifted the royal hand to his lips and kissed it with reverent grace.