Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Tuesday 12 May 1925, page 15


A j)'i'isin^ reunion :ook place un Saturday when a number of t!ie old 6.-)k'!h:s <-?:" Mr. .1. L. Young's echwjl wet .ni Helen's, Prospoct, to Ave'co:sie JlirH

Kdith. Young, daughter of the Idle Jli\ ?lohn L. Young, ou her return to the Stile alter several year.>* absenc.?. 3l.iny of our iia?t and present leading c:tizeus wo cdiu-atnl at Mr. Yoims'e scliool, wTr;h KTi-. in its day. the cnief educat'oni! institution in the <*ity, -turf: 'wusj r'osfif V> years ago, and the namb?r of suvviriiig "M scholars is rapidly bocjjining ]es>. M;t?y p'.casins and mtercsliuj iuf-tanr-c-^ ..if w:hool life were recalled at the nicotine: on Saturday, and Tjic old b:>y^. in -i-irapanjr Trith. in^ Xouis?, speut k |>:oajant afiernoon. Those invited iucliideii:—Sir J-Kieph Verco. Mes-rs. John ftirl^r. W. Herbert Phillips. K. B. Rojin, F. AY. BuHoek. W. B. Carr. J. P. E.iJ)o> t=. K. S. Hi-ghes, \V. H. Wadey, E. Sabir.e, 5. WiJlcos. F. Howard Ciark r H. M. Martin. H. F. Peacock. E. L?flris. J. JI. sf. Ha.nkes. a. ft. Wripht, j. H. Reid. F. A. Chapman, \V. A. Hiiriiet, C. W. Wren, O. 6. Le?of T F. B. Hughes A- .Tolin<=on. J. X. T. Smith, H. K. Gnerih. J. .Johnt=on. A. H. Hill, S. J. Jacobs l'<- W. Smith. F. C Scammell, S. Kidd. F. \Y. Sims. TT. Somervflle John Vprcn. A. Somervi'le. J. P. H.Aerts, C T \\. Sim-. A. Schramm. R. H. SAnll, D. Gordon. H. P. Ire. -T. H. B. .Tones. C. J. La-.iglcv, J. Hodgson. C. William.*.