Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1861 - 1864), Friday 14 February 1862, page 3


The past month has been barren of any information likely to interest the general public, no new works of any importance having .been'commenced since the date of our last Summary. With regard tb'those previously commenced, we; can only repeat the remark made"on":"former occasions, namely, that in, most cases they are pro-gressing favorably. The new government, house will probably be completed in the course of the next month; and will most likely admit pf vice-regal occupancy in time for the ball in celebration of her Majesty's birthday on the 24th May next.

The Normal School, which will be one of the largest and most substantial stone buildings in Brisbane, is also rapidly ap-

proaching completion, but we think it will be three or four months before it will be ready for use.

The new government printing office may be regarded as completed, and is even now occupied by the government printer (Mr. W. C. Belbridge.) The alterations to tho Post-office buildings may also, be regarded as complete.

' In reference to VYbrks carried on under the Engineer of Roads:Department; we have merely to, report that the wharf at Rock-hampton has been .finished,' and 'that the bridges over, the Mondure and Baramba <th'e Northern; districts have been commenced. They are both important works, and, when completed; -will greatly facilitate traffic betweentho interior and the sea-ports.

- -Mr. Roberts, the Engineer of Roads, is at present on'a tour of inspection through the Northern districts, and it is very likely that, when'he returns, we may receive some im-portant information with regard to public .works and, improvements 'both going on' and required in those districts, i '"

r- In the southern districts we findthat Gat ton'hridge, a very important work,.is likely to be completed in three or four weeks.' I

": Tho Warwick bridge, which' has been delayed for some'time from want of suitable timber, has also been commenced, arid it is believed..that the.,,work, will, henceforth be proceeded with vigorously. ;. ? ,:

. In. regard to 'private buildings,' we imay ,remark that although a great dealis'being done in this line, no hew buildings bf any consequence have'b'een undertaken since tbe' date, of our last Sumniary. Several of the old dirty-looking shops in Brisbane, have been madeto present a very;, handsome and comfortable appearance; by the. substitution of plate-glass fronts, and by sundry .other alterations in accordance with the disposition of the Mmes. , As, instances, we might men-tion the shops, pf Mr.; ^Buxton; draper, arid Mr. Fegan,.grocer, recently occupied By Mr. Costin and Mr.: Martin, respectively. Both .these establishments, in point of improve; :ment,present"quite a neW; aspect;..;