Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1861 - 1864), Friday 7 June 1861, page 1



D A I L Y.

Subscription per Quarter :—


During the current quarter no charge will be made to present Subscribers for the

additional papers supplied.

Steam to Sydney.


the A. S. N. Co.'s New

Wharf, on SATURDAY, 8th instant, at 6 p.m.

Steerage Fares Reduced to £3.



For London.

THE brig- BESSIE, A1 at Lloyd's, 600 tons burthen, Benjamin Davies, Commander, having a por-tion of her cargo engaged will meet with quick dispatch. Woof'ld per lb, 1 ?1(t!,?,?.,

:Tnl!6w'70sperton t fflt^fJ/? ^V' HjdeRSOs per ton of 40 J PrmmSet;. ? mi ¦¦/Eye freight or Passage,apply to :i , ;

;''""'"v, WALTER GRAY,&.CO., :' ':,

''' '¦'"" ., ". Ipswich'; or to .,' r.,b r;i::-:;i.-M.'jr;!& g. -harris; :;"j ? ;;";;;;;. .¦jf'ifi'if! ;» i, ¦'.'? ¦'¦¦¦:¦¦ Brisbane,' ' ''"'

'6thMay.;1861Al .,., , ,,. .-.; ',-. ; ''.y1


THE undersigned hereby notifies that he will

not be responsible for any DEBTS con-tracted by his crew.


?vj ii Brisbane, Juno 1st, 18Q1. -.'¦''"'¦¦'¦:> ""¦ j '"'.//

'Notice,;;to Steamers > aud.<; Coasters'

i ifvibound to Brisbane,''Queensland.'

iJTJlEOM' tho late' incessant rainHlie sand from. the beach on MORETON ISLAND, has washed out into FREEMAN'S CHANNEL, to the Red Buoy placed near the Venus Shoal, and quite altered the channel. '',,.'Thnt.Buoy which formerly was kept on tho

STARBOARD SIDE on entering.the; Bay, must,. ' .bow" hi kept on . tho TORT, SI DE.;,. ThereibroJ?

an'nponsequcnce of tho, chango in.thochannel/it

!!Wvas'considered necessary to abandon ithe Irih'ei;' -i channel, and" femovei the Su'6yB.itp'ibe'lMiil(tiec ! channel* bbth: painted black,' to be ke'pt'oii'the'1 NTort'Sideencoring th'efiay. : J ' ;"'',J^"; i ""'i'l" .lin :The Bearings of tboBuoys from thef Island: are"

!? aa follows:-- ¦ "?:.¦¦'¦¦< -¦'¦?'¦¦ ''?'?'¦',>'-'-¦' "i" | ¦ ?j 'mu

i>i.-.The Outer Buoy~U' Vi^ir-n m^iI ' j

\i ;.:?.,?). Lighthouse j'E..-4 N; '»!?> ¦"¦'¦ soi I:<j ;. x.:if\.Si-\f. Sugar Lo'af.-SiE.-!j.'S. MiivjX tV,,(:;.. ,i"1; :";..'.. :-) Cqmbogiiro Point, S.A Wili'i : .,.,¦,) ,\ '.....'..'.'.^In 5J,fathpmB,ntlpw,wftter. >,¦.:¦¦,a '. ,._[', j, "[ .TbeInner.B'qoy-;; . ¦/.?i.--:.;... ¦..¦! '..',,, '';,.'' Lighthouse, E. ;4N. in a line, with" tba " ;'T ',?;:'."¦ :.Qutei; Buoy.,,.'..:'.., ,.'.',;, 7'''""l\1.' ('Sliip-patcli.S.byE. . ,, |

'"'''i:!" ''In'5J fatuomslow waterl;

v-:r.-.n !' W, H. 'GEARY; Hrirboiir Master. '



£100 REWARD.

WE, the undersigned, hereby offer a Reward

''' of One Hundred Pounds to any person whVmay'givQ suoh information, as will convitit' 'any party or parties of having stolen any horses '?'ot oattleuelonp^ng to us from cither of tho under-mentioned nir.s, or elsowliere. : ,. : ;?:.;; A.:WF.INHOLT, Maryvale.

, i- , G. & "tV. DAVIDSON, Canning Downs. .

MAP.SHALL & DEUCHAR; Glengallon. i,, :¦:.,. J. W. BUCKLAND, Rosenthal. .?:

.;¦;:;.,-, v,': £2 reward,

STRAYED, a dark, hay HpRSE,Vbranded--CM

on near shoulder, A on off shoulder, and small star on face, switch tail ; last seen near Boggo. Whoever will return the some to Mr. J.

STRONG, Boggo, or at Mr. MOONEY'S, South

Brisbane, will receive £2 reward.


LOST a CHEQUE for £16, drawn by George

Edmondstone in favour of Mr. Slack, upon the Joint Stock Bank. The public is hereby

cautioned against negociating same, as payment has been stopped. WILLIAM SLACK.

Q U E E N S L A N D .


TO BE DISPOSED OF, ,'The " Norjih A"astralianM Newspaper,

', '.'! ,'.,, !, . Established'in 1855 ; ..!¦'? i'1 ipbM.PRISING'Presses, Plant, &o. Published

'\J.: in the Town of Ipswioh, in : tho Colony of Queensland j togethor, with a highly remunera-' i tiye Job' Printing Business connected tborowith,.

tlieyiyholo forming an oxtensive trude. The 'NoKTii Austkaman is published twice a-week,: Tuesday and Friday?enjoys a valuable and ?lucrative share ^''advertisements, and hap an

extensive (ind increasing circulation throughout tho colonies of Queensland, Now South Wales, ; Viotoria; and the United Kingdom,

ii./rhqonly reason for tho proprietors wishing to d^ispbseof the above most eligible business is in . consequenco of their continued ill-hoallh. j

','; 'This.isia splendid opportunity to printers and

"capitalist's ot purchasing a fjrst-rute inveslmont,

seldom to be met. with io the AustraiiancolohieB,

and one which must, to an enterprising party,

lead .to a sure and rapid fortune?Queensland. ^'becoming '6he of the most prominent 'and

i promising of tho Australian colonies. '? .

:'.;-:';NB,?None but principals will bo treated

with. Further particulars may be obtained on .. application to

E. J. and A. C. BAYS.

Proprietors, Ipswich, Queensland. The North Australian Office, Ipswich,

April 22nd, 1861.

Drew's Queensland Drug Store,

"'"(Under'the "Distinguished Patronage, of tho "¦¦ ''?' "" "People.") . , ', .: .'':':'. QUEEN-STREET, BRISBANE.

Til' O. DREW would call special attontion to JL.'i his now renowned "TOOTH-ACNE .; DROPS," propavod by himself, and whioh have

: beeiv tho meaiia of curing many sufferers and giving immodiate relief to all who have unod



The Mosquito Lotion has given the greatest satisfaction, nnd is worthy the attention of nil

?' new urrWals. ?

Drew's Antibillous Pills

Drew's Dugong and Castor Oil Pomstum

Drew's Seiulitz Powders

rresoriptions carefully and promptly made up, M'orvoscout Drinks suitable to tue olimnto.



¦''A superior stock;'.of'Hats, trimin'tid'and untrinirajcd vrtVf a° '?? ?-*hp newest shapesl;i'" ¦";¦¦?"' '?' . ?rW^j'Gl'aceV.a .large lot, and very 'cheap1 -''Shaded.Yplyots^inalliwidtlis ;' :f '¦

?71*/OIU !.1J«»JIV .l»iw, ~~- . . ..

atrimWd,:,in Garibaldi,. SM^tafeBb' !" '.'.'i'.si mit :j\{ 1XM 'Vj'13 j- ¦i«l!& Oli

¦?¦"-' ¦¦ ¦ ??? :- I ..:' ....(..-ui

It .n.,'i'v ,. ?? ,i,: .'.a?d .yai'ious Others j just received per "Great Britain;'^ -: - ^'f' '¦''


.',','1', ^.4, .p,ei»> M«l solectiou of Harr, Nets, ;in purse silk, Lbraid, i-ara'diojieneilld.0 in,pcbTc%r8

-.'«,?''?,.!? ^Wfj^-WMtfR3--' ¦ ¦ ':;'/? ' ';/?¦.". ¦.. ,,;.;.¦,?;(?¦¦ v,),a,;cid | ^ir.KWSsf

.'''"?-"'ik'V '"¦'" v" : ^ST DECEIVED . EX BESSIE, .as-in'rfainuij U lo «oM

Blaukpjs, Hannels; Longclotb, and a cas.el.of thelJ:eweBt-Shapcs-in-Ma:niles'>"-'iV^!''" ^-^,."A'?if^?'<0'?rPwn,Str»w'Hots/quitenow .. . .,. .,,.? ,.?/. fm/, r | iM 'io 8 ,^u-i!:"k^ '««»'>-¦'> ?¦'? ¦}?¦:'?' &c-. .¦fte.,-- ^&c:'^J''!x x^lXjLya ; |-.-.. .:

nOFFEE^Superidr Plantation, ita 3 lb., C lb.

'?.?innVTiifl ll- lilia.' ! ¦''' ¦' ¦'¦ ' ¦'

!U:-and IO lb. lins,

j Finest Souchong.and-..Congou' T.EAS, in'i'otiests! iii i.ivr,'<[. Half dittp/and Qtfartor/dittol


^^VMGS^PJEtUNESi :'MUSbATELS,'mnd ,.'-.'¦ 'yy[' lW; ¦¦'¦?¦AXM'^lpSl'l^l " "\

NORTH':;^iu:S1'and:'G6ui)A CHEESE;101'

;|;W,,,^^H^^^OLT^EiEl;i: j M'»J-» ¦''

.';;¦: ''¦'' .'.liiV;.'! (Wholesale and Retail'St'ore'v.'''' j .vjid-VW ).'.-''!.' .Mr.m '''-''ElizahethUtreet,

NEW'SEEDS.;!^^ j t.Jcr'si!

>'.:> .'u'

JUST-''OPENEp,",per-iBessie,'n large'arid1

weiLseleoted.'stooKof, rieiy/LVEGETABLE' FL'OAVER; -'arid .GfRASS^SlBEDS. On^Saieiat the most reasonable rates, ,^.,-i ..jj]' i i;o .;y[,ii

;,',/!, 'i'.'i -ioaoii jmU bfiri "lii'-A'-tJ.- BOOKINGS.

Tl p:i?ART ; TOWN VPOTATOES,., by ^tori(or

'/jtJL.w,'r bag;-.,- ,,¦;?.?,-j «i,.iu-.-.'l 'J.';'J j .-..:?!.:;:.'

/J,{' ,AFPLES (keeping)-,by, theioase',cheap ;-f "'-';-,;SEKD?.OATS,,andjBARLEYi'7 j

¦¦¦">?¦¦ ,.l'fADEL"AIDE'.FLO,UR1.very:ifinb'.! ;.-; ¦ ¦ ''^''Cdmiiany's, fTne'SUGAR and.CONGOU ifjiLiii ^ -TEW'""-'AW, -j Vii .-,( i .,'..?,.-, ,.f» -lOr-tOH Vf:.'' Tl fi'l'IK.'/?«..<? 'ill V'-1 j '!)il«'-'"



Palm;1 Rose'iA'pple,' Slur Apple, Flacourtio, Grana dillo;:Pumplenose, Loquat, Pineapple, Pomegran-ate, Banana, Grape-vine, Medlar, Quince. Rasp-berry, Filbert; and other Fruit Trees, from which can be selected fruits adapted either to the tropi-cal climate of Rockhampton, or the lower tempera-ture of the Downs.

Ornamental Trees and Flowering Plantain great variety.


.¦''..'.'V^'.TheXprQBiDie-iiffht;!''- j ! !J

The CHEAPEST and BEST LIGHT now in use;

iriAHEi-Publioore'r'ospeotiully invited toinspect

JL '¦ our, S|'.lendid Stock of LAMPS, bf all de-scriptions, either or private use.

¦--. Country- orders attended to' with despatch.

.' ¦:' ;¦?- Jv arid'C..PHILLIPS, Quee'nrstreet,-.

Suburban Allotment's."' ;,'^,'yi

BUILDERS "of "inexpensive houses can" be

,S!,»uite.df.-with;-:their: IRONMONGERY 'hy *"" WiLLiAMrand BENJAMIN BROOKES^ ,

i.-t .t-<-i'-"?¦': ?''¦'"- -"'-Brisbane. ? '


1X"lA.1,GRlOU;LTURISTS>going on the'Warwick

IeL','. or any other Agricultural Reserve, before1 ''.doT^jf^.'.; should', select: their IMPLEMENTS,

&c., from the Stores of


Ironmongers, Brisbane.

t ¦¦(¦v.


'...101.1 *

'VV For Positive Sale.


hlHIS STATION is situated attheconfluence I'JL.vbfthe AVeir Rivbi" and Western'Crook,,in ,,the .district of Darling Downs. It is very oom , pact, well, watered ond grassed. Tho timbers predominating are ironbark and box. Distance from. Drayton 94 miles. Tho surrounding sta-tions aro Dunmore, Western Creek,.Rotreat,ond Wernnga. Estimated capabilities, 4000 cattle.

With this. Station will he sold the present stock, consisting of?

700 Head of Horses'! ,?? ¦ = ,??

' , .'900 Head of Cattle} mo",.-^,^ y

. Terms :r?One-third CaBb, the residuo in 'Bills, at, 1 and 2 years, with interest added, seburedon the station in ;the usuul way; -: ¦' ;

; Ifjlhis properly is not sold privately before the '23rd Jtine.noxt, it will be tubmitted for sale by publlo'.auctibtj. '¦-,:¦ ,? i

Intending. purchasers are requested to inspect tho station and stock prior to tale. ' - .j

Fbr'further particulars apply to . . i?¦; |

; ": ' ' ' . :W1LLIAM CBAIES, i 'V| jV,

¦-.. Stook and Station Agent.-'-' 'Ip'swioh, 18th April, 1861. "¦¦()

land at Eagle Farm.

FOR. SALE. ?Thirly-sevon acies LAND, bi.

tuate at Eoglo Farnii having frontngo to the thain rond, nnurlv opposito tho house built by the lato Mr. Eldridge Apply to Mr. CHARLES TRUNDLE, Auctioneer.

Grass Paddock. '''.'.', ' ' w

rpiIE undersignod having now onolosed his J. PADDOCK of 2S0 acres, nt Euglo Form, with a secure three.rail foneo is prepared to take iu horses at ls (id per week, or 15s per quarter. Every caro taken but no responsibility incurred. -



Bremer Steam Flour Mills.']] ,

fjllIIE undersienod begs to 'intimate' that;tho JL abovuMills aro now in '-ftilP wciflting b'rtle'r V and, having just -receiveda1 ea t-ttl ol''wiheut-'drrcol from South Australia, ho is p'repaied to supplj Flour of a si^uiior quality In miy quantity,

Ipawioh, Maroh 7, lSGlj


Q":'-'N .',' S A L.^'E-j

Nails,Ewbank's, wire, horse ,.:. ",' ,e,;". ; .?) Composition; igolvaniaed,-wrbnght '-'';. -''¦'

.,. ; .Iron, bar,'.rod,:sheet . ' '"¦'¦' ; ',',f'-':'"\ <

Galvanised iron, corrugated ditto } ..i.ihviiii ,. Sheotbrass, braBs and iron wire ' ,',-\j:, i; " " ^Y Copper wire, galvanised ironwire ' : \ < ,.¦

" Murifz metal, boilerplate ; , '' . '"' 'Iron blocks with brass sheaves . ;'!;' V>"!

. Single'nnd double wood blooks : >s.l.T 'io

? -'¦ "Tfriplate,lc,lx,'lxx .'.', '; ,,,! «,.-.

/'.?'-! .^Kettle ears, grain lin, Solder;.; '. ;?,,,., .-,

Floor, horse, painters' bradies j1""' " th ,.Whitewash brushes, hairbrushes ', °'!,; nfrl i .i,'Clothes brushes; tooth, riiiil, plate ditto) '-'¦'¦'* ,..) fl Axle.nrms, and boxes, coil chain. ; .<ij> tiJi -.' ial|,j Bullock chains, and bells.'horse ballsy: 'jC!

j,,, .Sheepibells, table bells, church'bolls ;'.. ,,; ','''.'j 'Leading, shaft, and body harness j *''*;* jj

''",.Wbod and galvanised buckets' : ? i'tsi' '{"

!;1!'JEurope rope. Atuiulln ropo ^ : ; \im; ?,<i >'-''! Clothes lines, fishing lines, twine ! >j'jh-:io* ;""?':'Single'anil double iron bedsteads; '. ''¦,'.'. , ¦ --Iftii stretchers, tnaUrasscs, pilloivB1 *" '[ .'?ii ipaljidsses',' horse-hair, coconut; fibre| -'>'( J'fi

;: J Oakum, pitch, rosin, coal tar' .,. \ >i ^['j?.!

Stockholm tar, white and red.lead ' .*.,j(|j. -DO [Bushel arid Imlf-bnshel iron measures r. ,.., ivj : Copper spirit 4 end 1 gallon'measures' ' {l .."

i: .patent meat-mincing machines'".' ; v/s'i.l'.'''?

,,,; Baw and. boiled linsefd oil '' v ' i -fi'tOfOi' '? Colza oil, kerosine, turpentine ; ? .ftinJJal , -Brown umber, -.yellow-oobro :':¦¦?> ! ',|('i;rj/c r! ' ° Siigitr'of lead, Venetian: red ¦< ¦?¦ \' ' '

;;,'(''Chalk^wbiti.DgIglueIipuUy,;!ij.lj,;;. s lo °"°

/'i^indow'glass, all sizes,.ruddie..;;¦-. ; wi ita '¦"?'?-'Pockelj'tatole/fdrri'eitf .knives ;M | .rtuilW

Palette knives, castrating knives ; ({j oiid *f. .{Spaying needles,, pocket compasses I ,. ' i!j ri,Scythes; with mounting's complete., i

,)!¦ iHayknives, garden shears ' ['? ; ti°" fv .:; (Avery!scounter and platform shales; morl) i; ,.;-,". Poster ¦'.'¦ and" Lyndoh "spades' ni'lio'i

,:,,Bound and fqimro-mouth shovols ' ';/ -

Bbad and miners'picks ¦' covers, B. M. dish cavers'. ,v;': (i jUuiilel-piecos, rogistei-grates ¦ '? ' ¦ ir.tfj *>¦ "'Office stoves, American stoves v/i-U-Jr '¦"?' Parlour grates, door scrapers,. .. i '¦ ..,',..,".<; . ''' Ziho mirrors, toilet glassos ,,;?,- , f ',.1, ?? i!' '' Singloand donble-barrel guns , . ": '{¦'?'¦''"*

i Single-and double-barrel carbines.. : i'.'.""-'

Kevolvers, by beat makers ;, ¦'ii,..'i: - "Hall," "Curtis; & Harvey;'' and " Kames,'." ,, ,;;.-.',* .powder '¦' ¦.''..'? ".'' '?,

.niasting powder, percussion1 caps*,' ; ,"' '''}'

1, Gun WiuIh, in boxes; ball cartridge ; ' v-iii fl.-.¦?,," Key's" yellow cartridges ; ; -'I"-;

?'.Elpj's", fireen wire cartridges' <¦ ] ',,.,(. ; ' ' Powder-dusks, pistol flasks > : iii '.,-,i,,ii

Shot-bo^ta, single and double ; ''" ' '.

Shot, swan-drops and bullets ¦', ''' .¦""

Tarlour and kitchen fenders ' :'i!l 1' ,-.!./[ Ditto ditto fire-irons. :P|, \ .,;-, m ,>,, ,Camp-ovens, iron pots . ! ; . : ....j ,J(

,,..,! G*lvanised boilers and wash-lubs ",',J " ,"

j', ; .j,Chipping, broaking-up, grubbing b'oes ?''"'''.'

, j Mortice, falling, running-put axes ,! ' il s .'; c Ameri9au axes, tomabnwks,' shin'gle-.' :.' ,\''\ "hammers ¦ ,,. ? ?'?¦ii :.uli': ¦> ! J,jj , '?': '"Dbo'r-mats, door-porters, door-springs' / . ?

:,!i,Sn']o.bthiiie, trying, andjack planes I J; ."' ,

Mortice, urinor, and turning chisels j 'llv " Joiners cramps, sash crampa j oin'iv ¦'-¦' Blaok'smiths' vycas,anvils, , ,."i' ! mJJ y i:j ?''Horie-shoM.iii setSjiroii siove8,.r!l| ,n I ? u"j.

.) -Brais sieveSj'frying-pans,,gridirons. \"

i . E, P. spoons, table, dessert, tea,' and solt

, , ,E. P. forks, tivblo and'dessert" ' ' ¦ ii!' i

... E.. Pi; fish knives and forks :: ' ' ; I .y.n <n ,,. " E.-.P.i candlesticks, table,:: chamber,, apdj ".'I;-,i.,',,piano ...¦¦:.¦. ¦ i' .- ''"¦ ?¦''? ! "'j*., ,

'E. P. cake baskets, butter/coolers '¦'¦ ?'-'?' j

E. P. salvers, wine and spirit labels «'?¦ ?'" . El P. kniferests^lifjueur oorks: v i ' -j-,'ifnl '' AVickcr and oilqlo'th table-mats ; .. <¦', ' Hii|

" ! Blocked-tin aiid Britannia metal soup-'

, tureens , .,.,,.,, ...: [' i .. ¦; 'Nickel silver spool's, forks,, knife-rests ^"'"

¦ Britannia metal tea-pots, coffee-pots j ¦>i!.!

Tin-ware of nil kinds I ¦?!¦;:! ...Glass-ware, tumblers, wine-glasses ¦ ,j?,,.:

Glass dishes, decanters,'claiet jugs

'"' Engraved glass water jugs, centre-stands"

''' Cups and saucers, plates, dishos, jugs !j '

V'Toilet services in white and gold ¦..'¦ . ¦/;';

'¦¦¦ 'Lamp globes and chimneys .? ?¦,.;¦. i .,., .

Tea services, dinner services ¦¦ ,, ? : '.

.' ? Dessert servictis, couiuotioner's show-glasses .:: ?¦ Porous water bottles,filters "' ¦ . ¦'¦'¦?'

American coru-shcllerB, ditto ploughs , .1:1 ,,?. American-ivheat-elouning-maouines ' . i , .

American oliaff-eutling maohines .V Ainericun eom-oraoking machines

Patent knifc-elcftiiing machine.!,, ''

,.,. ?'/Elkingfon'a" platepowdei' .ih ^¦^.^.i.'.'.Oakey's" knife powder I . r,

India-rubber knife-boards '...

Steel pons,'rpiill pens; quills _ ' ' lted and bluck iuk, copying ink ;

¦ Peirholilors, foolscap, note and letter poper1 n ¦,:?! Brown paper,' wood-seat chairs ,¦ ' . :i

.,?... Cnneiseat chairs, rocking chairs ,,

. iVotandiib chairs, shower baths '; ' ' ,

. bliuper baths, sponge baths j'"

! Ctntdren's perambulators, &o., &o. ,:'


? ¦ i Brisbane.,


6ij"nod:? ¦ ' '¦'' ???'' '¦' '""¦, '

FLOUU?Adelaide.and Allandale' "^"

BICK?Patna \ ¦-.... v;>t: ,',:.:k.'; ¦?.;.- | ?'! Jam's,ni)d jellies. ; .....j.^iU: vi;iu vi¦:.i< I j. 1 ' 'Datosi alino.iids,_nud,\v.aln'it8^!i::i'.7 ri!) j ,,

' Currants nilli raisins .'¦,iii>-!::;i!! '",

Small sound onions, fit for pickling /.,

' A'liglit bullubk dray' '"",'..,'.'' , .,--, 0 j, i ;

:Hardwood, C x 2, and 3 x 2:' .1,1^'' !

.'.:',. ! .'.';.'? i .;? ::¦.'¦ A ll.SO --? i! .' i '.'?' ,' ¦¦ " ' .'¦?'' ' '

A Two-roomed OO'l'TA'GE,' willi ail allotment' of Land, containing IO perohes, situated at the 'book of Windmill Hill, commanding a beautiful vioW^ ,.'.,'¦..- .: ..'¦'.:'.' ?' -: ' ; "'" " ' ' THOMAS BOWDRN, -

j.,.,, -n.ii'/.'f '¦'?" '-Auiitibnebr, &o,, &o. ,; 'Oeorg'e-strae'ti'is^ June, ,1.801, ;.¦¦'¦'-'¦'



[ LAR'S, Booksellor, Edward-Btrcot,

: ,/¦¦;:'..?::JOSHUA JEN'TNS, ! "

^^^FA'M'ltY/GSaOO,:;,^;-';! I'-1'''"' 4 ¦ |l!'''1H''rOETiTOi)E yiliET, ; . ...,, -i:l'Jli ,.,,-, j.f!;All,order's promptly dttendedto..:- ?!'. i

¦¦,, j..?, ,^i FIRST-GLASS i..' -


. Tpnjis.:?Two Guineas a week.

«<"o' ./osi'^jJl.^y.'-.CUMING, proprietor.



"'. SJiipjping supplied on reasonable, terms._j

JdHRONO.METiBRSj WATCHES'/'iAND'1' ,Sa «^'a^qQK8I..ii..i .,,,,, , '

?/'ul) 0115 -*-00154TKIiT:i.DJDSTEDr.B? *- ,jj)-,!

,Sa oi;^f jBt.A.Y; Nu-E- !&V"^"

! i>:)t((oy;'. Neaiithe School of Arts. ..,,, l(,.

¦Every-article;in the'.trade. ,j6 .per. cenk' uricter,'

JjlJltjo^ii'i """u:lSydiiey;prices,,: 0, | "ff,','[,'

< ;,j rc !^x&feC^op£.

'^^P^.ft^-'S-T^E-E.T-- BRMSBA'NE'i '".P^iHTE^, :'PAEEBHAN.GEBj' tc; GLAZKB... vd f>.i ba i-R^irbiland Color Store. V'.t ?ii» MAf^lEXAMDMfKraSTYBE,: : = ¦ nar.- 3i 1;'''-,BOTAIi:HiQTElii;'( ; 1 i

."/ci O' S'6'UTH B R IS is A Kt' BiH

.,; ??' .--n,.-- - ¦ ?¦?'.¦¦ IM-.-1.; . '>m ' ' - ?-t



ff:tHSlSTOPHEE iEOBiTEEp .! -j,; ^?'''.fI'-AEbHITECTi.i&c.,'' j ;; -I^A'Q'We E',N;> Sv.TR'E/E T,' s~ ,'ff \ff'I,,/BRISBANE.-/ -. :j .



? il!-/ u:' /Near-thoA.S.N^ Co.'s Wharf, /


.¦>., ho-i:-.-:.. BRISBANE," .'


j,;iy:f^ ''ROCKHAMPTON; .': '


iBy.Mrsil'E. -Harrison'and Mr^Genery

; v-f' BaiTliBslou <& Webb,

¦duSTOM'HbuisE, & '.COMMISSION AGENTS :,/,(Kt / ?¦?';J'A2JD SHIP BROKERS,. _ '"?,',"''> J'"1';,; BRISBANE.

!.vu-..i' eHARLES'SHALLEHN, ,,,i(i,. '"House Sign, and, Ornamental Painter i:!' DECORATOR, AND PAPERHANGER, ?;

'>*'"]' ¦'' ELIZABETH STREET. ..,,";

ii:>i;All''conntry orders piinotually attended to.

¦<r:,:r.'.< '-fc 'ii.: j. EBENSTON, '. , .':. f ? it-m 'io ¦-'(LATE A. SLAUGHTER),,' .."f 'UNDERTAKER, CABINET-MAKER, f'' f:-'AND. TURNER,.:- .,: ¦? ''^.?¦?f0! ALB E'RT-STRE ET. j.,;-, .,

fG';cfloniai-'Sugar Refining Company;,

1,7 -"'f f f^ Sydney f ., .;.,.

?].,j!cAgont;fpr.Queensland, :¦?¦?¦?? ¦¦' :

)r:),'.)'-i,',i;..:£DWARD'B. FORREST,. ' ,'; '"¦''

i .,.?¦'?'!?' .Queen's Wharf, North Brisbane^ i; Jr<-'il . I' - -¦ - " ¦ ¦ ¦_¦ ..itl

2IJJl"f if^LD.',BRISBANE .STORE: '¦ ;'¦<:!)?' ;;.," P^TSRSOBf .AND. ¦ YODNGERi '.' .','.*, .'?l'j^WjHOLESALE AND-RETAIL'"'' ' .iP^^PERS,;,;,GROCERS,'; ,AND''> IRON?-1

,. { ??,., ..MONGERS.; ..-,.,¦,, '!" "' Stanley-street,-'

irijll.jVlll STANLEY ;QUAY,:t

I 3MJ.UiM.JB01[jTH BBI3BAKE. ,... .1 ni vtnr'niii' ¦¦¦>:? ¦¦ '¦¦ ? ¦¦.

llfKlilll rrii I I! '? ¦' ¦,¦ ? *

,,.,,.?7 (mu; ^CRITERION HOTEL, '.' :' ,. jLiiM.m.o.F., WARWICK.

.Iiii'»:»ii:;Wool-and Sheepskins.7'

T\ ,,B.,,STEP,HENStsacash pnrohsserof f7obi

', 'and.Sheepskins at fullmarket prices; .1 ?.

'¦'' 'Greasy Wool washed pr scoured, and Sheepskins 1 ellnion'gered,! on groworV aooount, at Sydney,

ates, andiin the best manner.

...Brisbane, 1st Oct 1859. .

NOTICE to Employers?Hands always open

'to engagements and uo fee rfltjuired.'

DAT'8 Temperance Hotel, Mary-street, Brisbane',

..-. i j. w. roach, ;; ,i rPnopntETOB ol' Petty's Familt Hotel,


BEGS respectfully to acquaint thosquattera,

.,. morohanis, traders, and their families who may,visit Sydney, and tho public generally, that hi has; TAKEN and RE-OPENED the above well-known Establishment, in which all the ad-vantages of a first-rate Hotel, with the comfort and retirement of a private residence, are judi-ciously combined.

i Every^Hention for the enjoyment and rentii-o

satisfaction of all those who limy favour the pro-' prietor with their support, will bo inoBt assidu-ously attended to and promoted.

Tablo d'Hote from 1 to 3 p.m.


Pure Bugong Oil.

T( Q. DREW has. much pleasure in nnnounc

m" irig.thai he has,for salo a limited quantity 'of p'n're'Dugong Oil. In the process of clariiioa :tion'muob of tho virtue of this oil is gonorally lost. Tho present suroplo offered to the public, is unclaiified, and T. 0, DREW oan vouch lor its purity and freedom ot'adulteration. Tho wonder-' hil properties ol'this oil, and iis superiority over

the Cod Liver Oil aro so well known and so

generally recognised, that any recommendation ol' it would bo superfluous. Tho oil can bo obtained iii quantities to snit purchasers, from T. 0. Drew; Chemist, &c, Qnuaii-stroot, North Brisbane, or from thu agents, a.t under:?Mr. ll. Oliver, Family Grncur, North liiisbuno, and Messrs.

Pete-rawi und, Voun^er, Faaiily Grbcorsi South'''


SINGLE copies of the Moreton Bay Courier may be obtained Mr. JAMES MILLARS'S Bookselling and Stationery Store, Edward-street,


Moreton Bay Tramroad Company


^CapitaljiflSO.OOO, in ,30,0001 Shares, of £5. ea'oh ;.?,.,'',,I--;.,-Deposit, 2s. edi per share, ¦'' >'a .'" ' ;, ,.';'[,- 'Payable.on applicau'omforsharck. ':¦'' '¦'''¦'¦' '¦'ff',, j -. £ ]i". <; PBOVISIQN.Al CoMM'ITTJEe':--,-:' 1!'¦''-' " j! -j jB,nckley,Henry,;Bsq., Auditor-!General -r ,1 ;.,, Coxen, Charles, Esq.-, Mil/.A.-'i j :."i'i"h ' ¦"' ?;:',.. .Coote, Wm-i Esq..... ,¦:-¦- -. ¦ .',< ; ' ¦¦'¦?¦ "'."J '-'!

. i (Edmondstone, Goorg6j-:Esq.i"M.L;'Aj1;>ii<I','> Wherrett;. John, Esq., M.L.A. I "'-':'"' ''¦ '

; .Harris,,Tbo Hon. George,1) M.L.C;'' ¦'>»''¦*>¦> ' y Kennedy, AV.F., Esq. ;<.!.i<.;: ( uyK.«¦<'¦¦'¦ o ;iriTPelr!e,[JolinjiEsqi,>J,P-., Mayor of Brisbane. ---.Raff, George, Esq..-M.L:-A;? ! ¦¦?'¦¦ ,'''"¦'?'' ?

. . Biohards, Hepry(lEsq., M.L.A. i '¦'¦- '" ";!i "''''' Stophensi'T. B.?Esq.,, Aid., J-.P. '""¦'! >M r

Taylor, James, Esq., M.L.A.

Warry, Thomas S.,.Esq., M.L.A. Watts, John, Esq., M.L.A. Bankers : The Union Bank of Australia.


0. Lilley, Esq., .Brisbane; -. ':

I 'IllT M;t

THIS Company has been formed for the pur-pose of constructing a Tramroad from Ipswich, via Toowoomba, to Dalby. Detailed Prospectuses can be obtained at the Company's Office, Brisbane ; J. A. Wehr, Condamine;: T, Alford, Toowoomba ; nnd J. Kingsford, Warwick. Deposits are recejved by the Company's Bankers, Brisbane, the several agents and by the directors.

"Fire Insurance.


Office?Corner of Pitt and Hunter Streets,

Sydney. i, Incorporated bv Act bf CounoiIi-18th yiot.,1855

,; Subscribed capital.. ..£.250,000.' : ? ]



R. Jones, Esq., M.L.A.

Deputy Chairman.

T. C. Breillat, Esqi;

M. E. Mumin, Esq.', John Fairfax, Esq.,,; Thomas Holt, Esq. Snrveyor?James Hume, Esq;

Secretary?Mr. Joseph Dyer, .,,.;,:..,.

TI7"ITHIN the last four years this company ha-; VV. paid for losses by fire the sum of £19,508: 5s.od. . ; V -;W: ¦¦_'.- y': _ W. .,,;.:

"The direotors would pbjnt ont the public .advon tages. derived, from the establishment ot*this truly, colonial institution. -The rates of premium.on fire insurance ;hare been reduced 75: per cent below- the rates chorded by the English com-: panies some fewyoars back?arid they are; now as loir as those charged by the English companies established here. .The liability of; a large body of wealthy shareholders is unlimited, iso that a security-equal to; the largest subscribed, capital of the English companies is assured, with; the great advantage of the security being in the-colonyi and lastly; the profits of the company are retained in the colony, instead of being transmitted! to England. :.r:r- ."'i ¦? '¦ ,:;* "'".,' '',.:.'-? ii- "':'' ??! i Buildings?metal or slated .rbaf,sto no ior brick from-2s:Sd.'to"Bs'.'6d. por cent.

Buildings?Shingled ditto'ditto ditto', from 3s. 9d .itb'libs. '6d. per cent.' W ?'

Wooden Buildings?metalor slated roof, 8d ' ind upwards. 'W'nonsK ditto, shingled, faom 7» 6d to 21spor' cent.

Agents are appointed in every considerable town in the colony.

N.B. There is no exemption made in the above company from payment of losses occurring through bush fires, country properties being insured against uch casualities.

\ USTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT S0 jbX!' CIETY.?Prinoipal Office?Sydney, New South Wales.' Tho Director's havo thesatisfactipn to drqw tho attention'of intending assurors to tho important and peculiar privileges accoried io the'Society by its -Act. of Incorporation, among wliiclroro the followirig:? :, ',,,. . ii

? lj-Tbo: protcctioii to'a gradually, increasing amount of ull its policies' iifter-ah pndtirance pf twp. years, against tho operation of :|aws relating; to Insolvency. . i - ¦¦¦:¦¦

? 2: Tho protection of policies of married women against the debt* or control of their husbands.

; 3, For. ;tbe encouragement of small assurers, their,polipiesrnro relieved ;from tho'hbavy tax in-volved in toking oiit letters of.;ndministration, &C. 'V '' " '-'' " ' ¦ ? ' -..-I i;:,! ! '..',, -.. ¦¦ 11 Atinu'al' Promirims for Aksuriarioe of £100 with ¦ Bonus Additions.' ?¦'' '¦'' '"""-''-.,..,!..

?¦Asm'-''V ¦¦ ^F^l ¦

1'fBinium, 1 j £a -ii 8 )'£2 16 ' 4 | £3 lt) '0r\ -ZO la77^

Coriiparatiyo view of''Boil uses' hec'r'uipglto^a po.l.icviof, lifp; asfeurarice of '£500,' ell'eoled at.ilio, age of 40 indifferent offices. ^¦:¦:,-', ¦.¦'-¦-¦'¦ '-, |' "'' ??'"-, . '. ,. ".'.j.-'i i !i ni ¦¦¦'¦ i--: '?''' '; Bonus,. An English Proprietary IT en pre* , /; V . .

.Ctoriipariyi'.'.'L-i.'l^i.Xmirimsrjaid. £50 16 8 Scottish,VVidows'Fund\8eueh'pro- ', ;

. ,(Mutual Society) ./miums paid 'Wo.i.O 0 Australian ..AIittt(ql\,Five-t pre- iv

' Provident'Society..) miums paid,.:i80.,Jl3 7 v'For full table's see prospectuses. ,, '¦ ,,'. .;.< .;? General conditiorisia's to Surrenders, Voyaging, Residence abroad, Loans to Memborn', Payment of Claims, &o., Ac.,,will, befound to belmore 'than

usually liberalV ;,,;,!.,, -,--,: mjii ¦ >; i I ?¦, i.-:.

ProBpeotuses, prjnted forms, andi all*informs '¦'tion, may heL obtained ¦ frpm.any of, the Agents

-Robbrt Thomson;'Actuary and Secretary. ' ; ' Brisbank.... Henry Buckley, Esq., Agent, ,; ...

-Charles Trundle, Esq., Acting Agent;' -,,; .. ,0fBeer j jiext to Inspeotpr-General's, V ,,,', Albert-street, North Brisbane'.1 ;

'' ' Kearsey Cannan, Esq.; M.D.Referee Irswidn.;;.'Btiqkley & Hassall,.Agents. ,

..¦¦¦, .¦¦;?:?¦¦ Henry Challinor, Esq., Rbforeo'.

AVabwiOE .. F. 0. Saohse, M.D., Referee. Esq.'

riAHORLEY'S FOOD FOR CATTLE, as used X. in her Majesty's stables, his Ro.val High-

ness the Prince Consort's farm, AVindsor; and throughout the Royal Military Stables of Prussia,! shy order bf his Excellency Lieutenant-General Willissen, Hoad Master of the Horse- " '. '. !

For,.horses it is.indispensable in promoting and sustaining all tho animal .functions in lioalth and'vigour. For milch, cows,it is:'.invaluable', increasing ''the quantity", und improving'' the quslitV of milki For boasts'riothing cnn com paro with it for feeding quickly. For Bhebp and pigs, the elleots produced in- ono month'will ex-ceed all expectation.

It is ii compound of tho purest vegetable in-gredients^ It promotes the heal thy action of the digesttvo organs. It converts tho oonimonost provender into good food. It'.fattens quicker thun any known diet. , It produces Bosh firmer arid hatter flavoured, lt is free from injurious or" mineral ingredients. Its continued uso strengthens tho constitution. It 'is adapted for

all kinds of stook. " "'

. ALFRED BURT, 129, York-streot. Sydney, solo n^'ent for Now South.,Wales, for tho siile'of Thorlov's Food for .Ca'ttlo, bogs to inform tho public generally, ;thnt'!ho hus now landing, ex: Akbir, a fresh -supply. Parties' wishing tb secure any of tho uboye, had bettor, send thoir

orders nt once. ,'.;'.

In portable water light casks, containing 448 feeds, 60s each. ' .'.. , i

Ditto ditto, half casks, containing 224 foods

30s enoli. ,, ¦ .' .'¦ ? Vi.'.';¦) '-V '¦?';; | : j;

Sumpk's, testijuonials,_,n,nil; directiohs fbyriso;! Hiliyi lji''illificiiied"oii iipiilieatiiin.

Ayints iruiiti-d.

IjNOI.K Copii>ii nf il.p Mo:utan tiny Courier

uro ubUiuubltt at tho establishment of Mr.

C. G.OAMPEN, Tobaoooiiist Quoon-street, oppo-

site tho Union Bank.

,. A UGTRAMAN-i.MUTUAL PROVIDENT :u6aL'> SOCIETY.?Established; 'January lstVl.849,' and i Jnoof porated by ?'. Act of yParliaraerit of .'New,'. !Southi Wales;.for Grantin'gyyAss'uranceS/ioh^.iiive'j'; Present,' 'Deferred;' an'd Reversionary', Annuities,' land'Eridowment for children and'old agey..,,(' t ! > .1 .Ori; the'principle bf iMdtual 'Assurance, and an-' '. .'equitable ^division'of 'the' whole; pf tbV'profits

.amdng'st all the'membelrs,',' ,:y: ' .¦¦¦>-" ;:--;',:

:>;il:jii -''dT - ?;?'¦Directors." j '.... ', '.';:u'¦'. ;,'"i'

,11 ;ii;id Chairman?Mi'E.'Murmn, Esq'^'"''.;,' ¦';' , ;;i( I Do'pnty-Ch'airman^Thdma3;H6lt,yEsq.';."'.'.'.;' yAJ T.,:Hblrby.d,'Esq'i" -llT.iY'WvH'i Ch|ristie;Esq. I '&atn,e's(Mitohell',Ijsq'.M.L.C.r| John Fairfax j'Esq.,"

-M'eSi'cal.'Refere'e^-A., M. a'Bcokett, iEsq;-; M;LiO ' .^'-'CWhsuIting'Actuary^Morris.Birbeok Pelly' - ?' ' "" ;"'!'VEsq.iB.A.', Sydney: University.''11,1" ',', :;

Mrmv'SpiioitbrJ? M^psetfc, Stephen,) Esq,1'' '"¦'"l"

'aisteM^itlijgu^tswnr^y, AtHpr^foa each j'tirapsaeMod reverts to the individnal concerned.

. :_.!? ."^Extracts from' Life Assurance Tables.,'.' ? ?'> J"i.Preminins to Assure£100| with- Bonus '.Addi. . tidna; payableat death. . -.:?, ¦>,¦¦:¦¦ > > ¦,':';'''¦';["',

Annual I'romlum payable .,'..'?'?. '¦ .'?'lttrlng.I<lfB.i Agu

117 6

Age I l'rem.

Ago I'X'rom,

I 814 10,

Ul3 8,,

For the fates-'for' other ages, (So., see the Pros-pectuses of the Society. Polioioa effooted under these tables, which were then entitled to partici-pate received at last investigation bonus additions of more than 3 per cont, per; annum on;the sum' assured.

Tables for deferred and reversionary,annuities, for endowments for children,.for; joint'lives,as-, surnnces, and, for endowment, assurance's,; will be the prospectuses of the.Society. -?.' w.

'.Tho direotors invite intending assurers to com-pare these tables and tho genenil.faoilitios of thiB Bociety with thoBe of other, offices.. ? '?, ,l j> }

.The,directors beg, attention tb'tn^'im portant privileges acoorded to the society by'par-; liament, among which are--

1st. The protection of all its policies against the operation of the insolvent laws,:after. a certain'. duration, to, a,gradual!y.increasing amount.:. <'. :

'i 2nd.. The. protection ' of 'polices of married women against the debts or control of their hus-'


' "3rd. Small; assurers, being saved the'expense of lettersr of administration.

Prospectuses, forms of proposal,, and every in'-,

formation,, may bo obtained, at, any of thea^enqios'i in this and in the other colonies.

,. Robert;Tiiomso.v, aetuary«nd !seeretaryv Brisbane.. Henry'Buokley, Esq., Agent.- ..,;.ii;i ',¦

: Charles, Trundle,. JJsqV/. Acting- Agent.?

' '..Officeijiiext to Jnspeotpr-General'B,'Al .'.. bertrstreot, North.Brisbane. \ '.¦'"'¦ '!'-' , ,i, Kearsey Cannan; Esq.,;H.D.,'Referee.'

;L?swicn..Buckley & Hassell, Agents, j \'-i]''" ;'

... Henry, Oballinor, Esq.,'Referee."','':''1,

Warwick .'.Fl 0. Sachse, EBq? M.D. Referee.'..''....

i' ? ..? HOMCEOPATHIO'.'GOppS.'yi;^' y ?;"' ?''?!:;' ''FRESH.''c6NSIGNMENfS.I !:,""^.

:'¦'*'BTHUB', CUMTT,', Bridge-street; Sydney,. i_£X: has'just'received a Shipments of. LEATB' & ROSS'S' JUSTLY CELEBRATED HOMCEO* PATHIO ' PREPARATIONS.,; The consignment 'being ni Ismail''one,, families or'the, profession'

requiring supplies will; do :well, lo, communibrito!

with the undersigned.

LIST OF PRICES. Globules.^.Tubes containing,.double,the; quantity,

of tlibse!ih morocco, pases, ls eaoh, j :> ,.;,,, Medicine cases, containing medicines prepared in London by Lentil and Ross, at/following prioes:?? MahbgAhy cases, containing. Dr.. Laurie'kiHbm,' '" ,; Med.', with .all tlie1; taediohies proscribed in'

¦"" globiiles and tinctures ,1'or.extei'nal and in-'

, ternaf nse,'£6,i8s 6d . ,;,; ;'"''.'.':.'¦',, Ditto, 'with' forty-eight raodioines and tiniitures

; for external use, £3,103 .,; ,¦. i-,<.' i , ,:

'.Morocco case, with eighty-four,medioines, £3 ,'.-..,? Ditto ditto, forty-five ditto, £2 ; ¦; , .,'.'.'.-,i Guide for family use,,with inetlioines in globules,

prescribed in same, £1 7s 6d , ,'.;,.¦? 1 , Case containing;remedies, for general complaints,

":" ,l3s'6d. ¦ ,;',-:.' .¦;.;. '; ¦"'!-"'''.'¦,', '

'. ACCIDENT OASES;.... , ; ; ;: ;' . Particularly: recommended.lo,.parties iii theinr,'

. ferior, beyond the reach of; a medical man. j ' These contain sixitinotures for external use,

iyith direction, £ I 13s. '.'if \

Medicine chests refitted, ls per tube.- I,...., t,

'' ' ": MOTHER TINCTURES."i j ;;'..;,!;. All the mother tinctures, in bottles^ fron^ls'Sd,

each Empty,'tu.bos for Salo, and,.-various'works.ion Homoeopathy.

Couutry orders carefully packed.

A CUBITT, Bridge-street, Sydney.

,',;';.[';' The;Song:,the,Old Cow Sung:.'"' "

I SIGH for these days which have vanished,

alas ! When I roain'd free as air amidst {thistles and grass,

,,(A handsome, young heifer)'1 o'er rnoontaib

and dale, .--' ' > '-'? j

.,,.,, With my,hoart!free from dread of the stqbk

;,i';1i:.j; yard;pribail;.' ?! ¦ r ¦<!« ?' ? "",'' I i ,'¦,'';',',.', ,| ;,i A.tpthe smack, of;the;whip, ? to the b'ushyl):

would hie, -/":'": "' ' ¦.nj.i ii.With.mylong.tufted tail pointed1 up:to.itho '.',..,,¦, Misky^.jo .-I.-. ?>¦.?¦"'¦ >«:- '¦¦¦'¦'" j ,:?.,?:!

And there with young Durham '(ai short ,!..j(... ,:hornod)my lover¦¦ '"yl<! . j ,,;';; '

., l!d moo and he',' and we'd revel in clover:

But care attacks cows just as well''ai tbeir,^ ..,,.,I . ?;¦ masters, ;-..:«i-'; :,'"-'\ | ,';!::'^''

,, jQnly, cows don'tiTepinb quite as¦ mnon' at

.; , ,, disasters.;--i ¦!¦?¦! ':'' ', ' ' i ..:.¦.,.;?... , :My;troublos ? began; ¦ for I soon-was a'mptheri

I had a .young calf (I've bot' had-such

. ,. ... ...another),,.-, :.¦?:,ii: ,: )?-¦¦¦¦ '. -M ; ."' Oh inilk-cnrdling grief! for bis fato I' still " ,",,,: feol, ... i. ; ¦?. f ?? ¦.?;¦¦ ¦; ¦ -¦:¦'''

. He was sold lo. a butcher and turned into

-, ' '. veal j . ¦ , i ' ¦¦ , ;.'.;' y Next day I was dragged ? by '¦- the neck to a

.' bail, ' ,: :.i ? ¦ '< ' > '¦-''¦) . And milked by ¦ a hairy-faoed man with a

Pail, .. :¦:'¦ ¦¦¦ ' I ' '! ¦?'¦ j

... .Who drained! me as drylas a basket of chips,

;,. And then with his stool! he belaboured ;,my' '?'.; hips.' '¦ i ?'' y ¦-' ' ' ';

Long years-have rolled by, ;I have1'grand

calves a score,

Still I'm .oalled a good milker,': though; , wretchedly poor ; ¦ ,'' ' ' ' ! !' ',

. But look at my teats (and you'll see why I'm'


Like a bunch of beef eausagos bursting the

skin. ; ' ;

I've complained to my master?a stingy old


Buthewo'ut understand me beoausoI don't

-., .kick; ? ¦ ''',''/'' I'll try: him once more?I vyHI' make appli-

cation ?¦?.¦'!¦" ? .

. TOj havo my yiQunds' rubbed ivtih famed ',"' '' Row'SjEaDaooATioN? ;. ¦: ;M ;,

(Thatmagiqal, .mixture raro virtue possesses ;

,! And ROW, riohly merit* our thanks laiid ,

caresses.), ,?,'':. ??¦'.'' If master .begrudges tho price bf my'euro,

. I'll,rovonge, though it's wicked,[I'rii

'..'.'sure, y ;! ;y , .' And, tho, next time ho calls me tb como to

.' ;, tho ;buil, ; . ¦ .,,:-¦ ?

lytlphBgoesin tho air. with his stool and ibis

./ "i .';i .P'V'1?,;, i . ?- "? '¦'"¦>¦ ;' ' ,'¦""-.' ",'.. j, r I'll m^ke him ;dapco hornpipes dose up to 'tho'

And when he comos down, p'rbaps he'll feol

for my sours.

ROW'S EMBROCATION, OR 'FARMERS' FiUliND, prepared by J. A E. HOW, Bank Court, Sydney, and sold . by all reapoctablo Storekeepers.

Bowaro pf Countorfoits.)

mHE '.QUEENSLAND''MEETING- will take .'I' at'-Gayndah,-Bnrabtfc'i-District, on TUES .DAY) .WEDNESDAYrimd THURSDAY, tho 2Sth;:2GthI_ aiid'27 th.; JUNE'.gejtt;,A! r. -,-.-f 1 S : ri'iho-jr,''! -><¦ ft^/f'f' ' "'". ^Jr'-'i" , .Gilbert Elliott,-Esq*;ic,

;*S k;; t;f f /-*--?' -!! f "¦»

,v,V >,,.f [ !;.i ; rSlBWAEDS!" ^"¦'~>

' /../, ./W-jH^Stevensoni. Esq1;, MjDVJ.P. «(!(¦< t-.-i'.Jbhn'Brbadbent,-tEsq.,,:'JvP> ¦'}

,>?> lulu Osmond de Prior.'Brook^Ei^J.P.

¦i.-i'i *¦ Alpin' Cameron,' Esq;' fjf _

t /wr-'AlexWderlvo^jlsq.'^-"- 1'a

?'!!!'' ?'. ;!r^'-:''CLEEK,dF'iTJl'E'.Cb0B8Bi^ . ;/,, j/',; /Erancisl,0iynn .Connolly,'Escx.

% iFIKST- BAY^UESD^OpNE 2*. ¦ .

'If'i'-,':''!!.(/i:'!"if FjnV%opf j£vi

,The,,MAI]DEN|P^AT;E.of;;£60,i;for> all horses .';','/ hexer :^ having.' * won;; an,-i advbrtised prue. , ',,andf a half. I One eveiit^fWeight for -' ol age.n,.'Second horse to save hiV'atake. I,,.! »; ,;:.ui.; '.; , .'SKOORD Ba'OE'1'1 I

The GAYNDAH,PLATE'bf £75; for all horses.

?- TwiceVburidthebbnrse.',One'event. Weigh! ' ' forage.'" Secqhd'horse to savejbis stake. .-" ''""'":I;. ;".".' 'iTniBn'RibE V.i/.i.'

The iWELTERRACE, of,'£50, ,ior all horses. ".'¦ ;.'Three times round tte .Coarse*- 'One Exeat.

li' Welter weight;, ¦'_¦¦¦! ?-:"-'¦' ',-'!'!" ;*'','

,:-.i, i!- :: _.- .- -¦ ?FbijhTH'Ri'OK!'.,/i'

The SACK SELLING, STAKES; of £15, for all

untrained' horses ;' 'Heats.,,..Qnce ronnd. '<¦¦¦¦ Carrying 10st./The.winner,.tOibe sold for

£25 imraediatelyiafter the race.tany surplua ,'*.tb go to theiBaee;Fnnd. 'The owner of

the seoond horse being first entitled to claim V,i../the;winning.hbrsej arid'such' dUim must ba

-.'. -made. within a 'quarterbf [$n War after th*

race/either to one bf'the Stewards present, or 'i.:? i tb the Secretary.'1 PostjEntrasqei.

'; ¦'",' second, .day^wednesdat, u. ",.,!i..-- !' ,->-''.'juNE:20;'i;"i!-; ...

'¦'''.' ".'./'. , !". ¦Fl'lisT'BAOE'"......'i I ':'

The -HURDLE RACE of, £45, for'all hones; ''," ll .Twiceiround -.then course, over ' eigbt«leapa ,'.'..' ..each :3. feet :9 inches." 'OneBveht. jilter // weight. -Second'librae, tosave his stake. .'-,.: ',!« ' ,"-¦'¦¦¦? Se'cosd'-RIoS:"' ""J

;The HACK* HURDLE RAGE bfl£20, for Korsea '''-'?/?'not/eritbfed'/ih. the';Hurdle Baije. Heats. '¦"" '¦ Oneer;rbund,l!pve'rrthreei''leapsllejaoh 3 feet 9

?' ,v:iuoues.,. Woight, list.;; (Post,Entrance. ':' ;.' 1;;,I,',.';,1| Third,lBAc«.'1iir>;a!(

Tho PRODUCE .PLATE.' of ,£80, f (given bj 'll Messrs. Holtan'd.Haly);' opbiV'to all maiden ,,.,,','i jhorses under 5 years' oldj.bred'bV any of tba ¦li' ( .subscriber* or the get bf any bf tfyeir entires ; )/! ¦ onemiIep and la-half j] o'neleyeijfc';> weight for age ; certificate of pedigree to be produced '? '??¦'¦'?tp'.tne stewards"if' required ?-.'np-, maiden al

': '.'.lowaijc'e','and rio entire to ostry extra weight; entrance, £3.


The CORINTHIAN'STAKBlS'ofleSi each with ?¦'¦' ! '£15' added, for all ^rses. : Twice rannd^tha ( ; '"' cbursbl1 'O'n.deye'iit.,. Welter weight forage.

' 'Vjfo bari.dderi by, members ;bf theQueenslaai '"",.. Jockey Club... .'li .,-. .!. .!?-'¦'?'??..' ?"/ ¦",:.) !.\ : 1, ¦'? -.'FlfTirBA'CB."''''''' "' *'

The HACK RACE'of '£10i,yfbr(.;;aH untrained !? ,"¦ horses. -Heats;'-1 Qneo'lround; .the course, ?'', Oarrj'ing lOsti" ;Post^Entrance.),!

\ Private .iiatohes tb be ruh;for, b'n.this day.

THIRD DAY?THURSDAY,;,JONE 27. ¦' '?¦¦' ' ".""'?IibstP.aob.',,,"?¦.."', !

The PUBLICANSV' £5p;for all horses.

' .Mile; abd ,a' half!,.. ' Heats.' i Weight for age. ,,' /.Second horse tb save hisstake." ?

Second Race.

The LADIES'-PURSB of £35i/fbr,,all horses.

%Heatsi',,-''d^e,!,r6hlnd',the'.6oursft Weight - ' for^ge/!r':l,"/'".,l/ '. '. 1,/,.;¦]

¦ ¦; ; ; I'"",' ?'; TnmD Race.-.,i.'. {<¦¦¦¦

Tbb.,CONSiC>t>TIdN,STAICE,:of i£20, for all

''!; 'horses.bea'ten-during',theimeeting'. Heats,

'Once" round tboicoiirse; .'Weight forage.

... Post entrance..

,i ,-.??/ ,,:, '-,:!?- Fourth'¦'BA'os/ "4"'

iTho-.FORCED HANDICAP of :£^,,eacb, with.

'¦¦¦'¦¦¦£ 16'added, fbr'all'winners'during,'tbe meet

Btewar^s. op; any rje^sqn, i vney mi

I^efttsi'.' O^ca round. thpiCOdrsei'i'

.., l',l',|. iX'.'.-i) l/l |V,iflVTH,!RA'OBiuf O'.-.iJiir

Tho HACK RACK-;of:£lO,":for al! "untrained ,,,,,;. horses.-/ ?Hea(s.!""OiioS"roun'd,.'the oourse.

' Ganyihg'lOa't.' Pbst'etttranc'i.',',!''' ^--'-'-'?'-''/Ix^r.ffoi

( , ..iU (ii(i.i!-':;,;;l;;:.',RULE.Si;i-.T-.ii'L'i

"Tho Queen'sla'ndi Jbokey^Club'Ttiles will ba strictly!adheiedfo'." ?'.i'1"' 'V,?l(

. , That'the'entranbe for'iiirraces (except Hacks) shall be IO per cent, on the.priae j ,'fpr Hacks, fe per cent.

; l.'.AJl^idwii to appeaVin jockey? costutfle.

' Tbat'rio'pers;'orf.!iiri)es'sk;iniem^erpf,the Queens-land 'Jb'ckey "Club, or,' a"$ibsor"!ber tblhiB amount '*f-;ii3: ,?s,".'sh'a)j en'ter.'a torse, iexceptlfor Haok ;tabbs;,;f6t,'whioh,!one guinea'will qualify'.

'^Thafc.tiia'winneriiof /.the: Gayndah Plate shall cirry.ih all races-at Ifeast'i7 lbSi'-eitralJIJ!

¦' lThatthe';first:'race 'of 'ieach'^daylsjiaii start afr 11 a.m.

'That all entrancos for first ,'a'n'd seoond days ,sl»nH-bo made under cover'to tbe'Sfeoretary, stat j^ig, namei'-age,:and'' pedigree"of 'h'ori'^'so far as known,'and the colbur ot'rider,'at,Pcjw'e^8 Hotel,

on >Mbnd«y;''Jiirie the 24th,' belweeri'theihonra of ? 7 and balt-pa'sto p.nvj'and.for third,day's raoes, with- tame .'particulars ',tp.'.';the,.Seoretary, at the Gayndah,Hotel,'on.U'ednesdny, tho 2Gth, at samo hours'.''!. lEritrii (ice /ee/lq .be enclosed.';' "¦'

That the winner of ono Haok race isjiofe'allowed ¦to run for a second dUriiig the meeting.

.^rTbatftbe1 prizei^slil>n':berpnid'lat the Royal Hotel," on Friday,-Juno 29th, at 8 o^cleck.p.m. ,,;,!.,. -.-'.! ¦>» ?',O"0H]^'AIJteRB,AOH, "-' "'"''' 'ffn,/fl i'.','iff?K^':ii

.?.,,/ iv. J. .MACDONALD, 'll

,. ciutbbion: liioTE'r,, ¦' ips^ioi^ ,j\ , ?;.. i'1' Opposite Court ¦ House. /,.,.!

J' MACDONALD/ .'(Jato -of cQueen's'.> Arma

.Hotel), begs ^o.,inform: the "'numerous 'friends who'forroerly favoured him^with their custom, that lie has now.completed bis/accora raodations for tho reception ot' visitor's, who will find at the CRITERION HOTEL every comfort that long' experienoo in business, and olose^atton tibri lo their wishes, oan nttbrd. lu this establish-ment the,sleeping accommodations;-areb'iuexcep tibiiable; tho. wliqib,.of tho :\Viubs,.iSniritg", &o., aro 8iipi)Hed|,by|],tho.fn;»t houses, and purchased with judgment.

fjunche6n,< always''rand^,;fr6'ni 1 tjno, 1 Molock ta three, p.m.

Thbro' is,also oicolloiit Stabling' Aefibrdtnoda tib'n, a seouro IWdook within a, few yardli bf the hbiise, iylicro.horses can bo secured, and'fed'with bush tmy.iit-tlio lalo of ls. per night/;1 arid one of ¦tbo'i'bp'jt Paildooks -in.tho district'^iUhin'a'^hort

distance, well gi'aised, with nbiindnnco of water, and where homos will bo kept at tho rato of 2s. Cd. per week, or aucnrding to arrungoBieut.'

. SMi-LKT. a woll-stnnding PUfiLIC IIOUSK,' 1 doing u good Ira Jo, in Brisbane. Particu-lars of rent and terni!', for stock uud furniture, may bu obtained at tho ofiice of CHARLES TRUNDLE, House Agout,