Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1931 - 1954), Saturday 28 October 1950, page 7

Hollywood Insists On Kangaroos

Inside ? ., lfoIEutcocfd

Ru lion Jones

HOLLYWOOD. October 27.

If you'vey^ot^r^jtoow^bj^niy kangaroos who would like to become movie actors, send them to Director Lewis Milestone. Port Auausta. South Australia. Ha

needs them to play themselves in the 20th Century-Fox production , 'Kangaroo,' which is now getting ready to face the cameras.

This is ho joke. Three mndred kangaroos are leedpd desperately, aclordinjr to Producer Robert Gassier in Hollywood, who told us that if he fails to get Ms 'roos, the picture will lose its most thrilling scene, as well is the Australian touch hes attempting to give it for American audiences. Bassler admits that he first thought it would be a simple thing to round up any number of the marsupials for his picture, but he has since run into iifncultles. . In fact, many of_ his advisers In Anrtmlto b«e taM him that he should eliminate the kangaroo sequences, claiming that what he wants to do with them (even if he can get that many) is virtually impossible.

Anyway, Bassler is going ihead on the assumption that ne will eventually round up several hundred kangaroos. In fact, he's made an appeal o the various Governments in Australia to come to his assistance and help him gather aninals and ship them to Port ^ffier is .bo wonderinr if he couldn't borrow ?»«£'«* from every 100 in Anst»U», providing he cannot get them front other sources. Naturally, his company would pay all expenses for shipping and looking after them. ( If he had his way, he would use at least 1,000 kangaroos in the film, but he believes that Milestone can get by with a minimum of 300, using special trick photography to make the number look twice as many. He points out that it would be to Australia's advantage to see that he gets his kangaroos. 'They couldn't buy the kind of publicity this wilUive Australia,' he said. This scene, if we get to shoot it, should be one of the most sensational ever filmed, and will *ring Australia to the attention of every American. 'Imagine what that's likely to do to the tourist business Uone. Why, everyone wiU want to visit the country to see ;he kangaroos in their natural state/' t m , Without the kangaroo seluences, Bassler feels that the picture1 will lose much of its ippeal for Americans. As the script now stands, mndreds of thirst-crazed Tpos ire supposed to descend on the ast remaining water hole and 3ut up a terrific battle for the .vater with the station hands ;uarding it. The script calls [or actual hand-to-hand flghtng between the 'roos and the nen. ... Just how this is going to be iccomplished Bassler. does not mow, but he has complete fcith in his special effects experts to see that it is thrilling is well as realistic. 'This sequence,' said Bassler enthusiastically, 'will compare with any of the crcat cattle and horse stampedes filmed. It will be the most unique thing ever put on the screen. It could become the most talked-about

scene in the history of movies. 'I hate the thought of giving it up and only hope the various Australian Governments will come to my rescue and see that we get our kangaroos.' It seems a pity to me that the producer didn't decide to use rabbits. We're sure he could have rounded up 3m. of those pests. ? ^ ? * * While substitutes are used

for: most aleohollebeyeraies in movies, beer happes* to be one drink that e»n\telaked, since no palatable substitute has been found for its natural foam. Tea, the beer was free. ? . .. ; ?? ' ? .. ?»? ? » ?? ? ? » 4 Jennife'r Jones, now costarring with Sir Laurence Olivier in 'Carrie,' has had to turn down all film engagements for the next six months or bo. She discloses that she is an expectant mother. Miss Jones -is the wife of Producer David v, Selznick. She has two sons -by her former husband, actor Robert Walker. - ? ' .* Gene Tierriey is having tele- -phone trouble. The moment her phone rings her twoyearold daughter Tina gets there ' first and answers it by yelling , 'Goo'-bye!' and immediately hangs up. . -