Later Start On Film In S.A. Ukelv

It might not be possible, to start shooting the techni-l color film 'Kangaroo' in the Iiower Flinders Ranees as

early as uctODer it- — ine originally planned date — Mr. Robert Snody, associate produ:er and production manager for 20th Century-Fox Film Corporation, admitted while changing aircraft at Parafleld yesterday on a flying visit from Sydney to Port Augusta. 'I have come to see what progress is being made, and to have a look at any problems that have arisen.' he said. 'Although the local people have been very co-operative, we have to realise that shortages of materials are real here. These do not exisfin the US.' One problem the production unit faces in SA is to make a rainstorm. The Engineering and Water Supply Department has promised to supply a booster pump

a produce the necessary force of water, but a wind-making machine is required. Search is being made throughout South Australia for a radial aircraf t engine of 350 to 400 h.p. Mr. Snody was accompanied to Port Augusta by the first assistant director (Mr. Saul Wurtzel), art director (Mr. Mark Lee Kirk) and Fox Movietone editor (Mr. Colin Hall). Also in the party from Adelaide to Port Augusta was a 'very special type of painter'-r-an American film technician named Lawless. He is able to paint the newest building so that it looks as many centuries, or tens of years old as .necessary. Mr. Snody expects that the director (Mr. Lewis Milestone) and the screen play writer (Mr. Harry Kleiner), now in Sydney revising the original script to suit local conditions, will visit the Lower Flinders Ranges soon — possibly in about a fortnight.