Barrier Miner (Broken Hill, NSW : 1888 - 1954), Wednesday 20 December 1922, page 2


(By M. BBJkTTHWAirk) , - ... ' I

- « 7" "'*. ' <Gopjri¿ht Beaerved) * j

Dryden en an early"-horning. rid foond ina land pulled Tip' by .toe sid gate opening into the' ono chain roac Un the opposite side-waa a new hold jng in which he was deeply interestet Up-till just recently \it\.had beca use .': for- a travelling stöcK-; reserve, tb ? " Government being à'damant;' agáins a'hating'ii'- thrown opeii-'ior'any- othe

? purpose/ But at last ibV oracle" hn>

been worked. Someone, high tiC'.jbau .fotmd the right sort öf .ml-VfitK'.'svhic! ; . to'work1 the lock. ' '^". '., i

. Ont'olÇ one hundrcd-and eigh^. ap

plicants that "poured, » into' .the 'Land _' Office one. Josephus Addison, came bu .1 successful. " .," ".. . " '.'.""'

;.; Aa ; Dryden. froia. "tte, ; back ^ ? - hi " horse sat admiring' the^gently,slopini l.\ ¿ills, and clean grassed faoüow3.witíi tal ¿ gums sheltering: the", Iagöon;'frou ' -whenceithe placé, took';its name,. th» ~ «núid- pf , an' ase ' came to his ears ~Distant but distinct on'tho '.clear ai: 1 «ame tho soft regular blows fállin!

into the green sapped , wood.v . .

Addison was at work, ."the' lucky mai who had got Swan Lagoon away fron ' close on two hundred.paira of"covetóui ' .grasping hands. Dryden felt ño shan* ". tthat he-at the back of the'dummy',.had been one^of them, '.being ;unaSh

again- to selectfróia the Crown havinj : once done SQ . . , ... Addison was. tb '..lucky man who had topped the score the early morning.was fel. '" ling, trees, and splitting posts. "Jusl

"la «im bit of a chao with a little ole "toother" someone had told Dryden . . , :Looking"., across . to where a thir " "?fflni oi' blue smoke melted into the dis-

tant tree tops, he muttered "Just a t.slim.hit of a chap with a little.old ^"mother." Hefll jiever. do. it: Never. iTfiö task'.is too gigantic for the meagre '?"^trengti: Later on he will be glad of

terms. It will be mine . yet. Yes.

Some dav."

And yet Dryden was a fair man to deal with. Not too hard at driving a bargain. A man trusted and well liked ...... his company sought after for ita cheerful optimism. "But n beggar for land," Dummy Ling was . ^always assurine people. Dummy wa8

one of Dryden's oldest farm Lèands, and known as Dunüny by reason of having dummied more than one block, of land, an un-scrupulously obliging man when there caine a chance of a silver lining to his pocket. It was he who had found Dry-den a perfectly reliable dummy ¡a the event of Swan Lagoon. The men who increased their acreage by dummying did not look upon it as a shady busi. ness, as the dummy had to he paid

da well aa the Crown. Dryden already possessed more land than anyone for many miles around, and was still on the iutlook for more. As Dummy Ling had odd "He waa à beggar for land."

. After a little deliberation with him-

self he rode up to where his new neigh. ber was felling timber. The "slim bit

of a chap" was'swinging his axe with amazing dexterity. .

ltGood morning, mata. Getting into . the swing of things?" said Dryden dis-

mounting and coming pp with the rein

over his ann.

"Good morning. trying to," and Joe Addison Bhpwed aa' even set of white teeth and a "pair/of grey, eyes. - Dryden's eyes were1;greyltoo, hnt they

lacked the changin£;-sb^des:i)f expresjion that lay in Jo-a^eUiag-.p? aCkeener, > more ^passionate ná*ur¿ ¿¿o''r"4""*'i

, . ''There is nothing JukeotaTring' time

" ly the forelock," rsaz£##&ñ: "Tho . . man who turns out.^rc^bfeak";lia3 a

big purchase ott thelman" wÉoïcrawls . out: at seven." . './.-('! . : . '

? -v. '.Tes, I've watched; every sunrise

since. I carno here. -. ¿ , . .'Where is your place?" asked Jo.

"A mile further oh," with a wave of his hand. "The Ranch ia my place.

I'm Dryden."

ltOh, I've heard George Flannigan speak of yon." 1

"So you've met that crawler, Have you? Beware of him, Jie'd shake hands with one hand and itab you with the other." .

"Indeed. I'v0 found him verv oblig-ing so far." said Jo a trifle stiffly.

"Just giving you a friendly word of .warning," said Dryden pleasanfly. "I fjresume you are Mr. Addison?"

"Jo Addison at your service.*' And . iha' grey eyes darkened with a look

bf studied reserve as they swept again over the free and easy new comer. Jo's work was colossal and he hated to be hindered, but Dryden very coolly sat down on a freshly felled tree and commenced to fill his pipe, keeping his eye' on Jo with a half amused expression. It may have been the corduroy . riding breeches and leather leggings wliich he liked to work in, or it may have been the be-buttoned shirt the color of the breeches which perhaps looked a bit foppish. He looked down at himself with. a flash of' annoyance and back at the exasperating expression on Dryden's face, and forthwith began to dislike


"Do you smoke?" asked Dryden.

"No." .

"Good lad." Jo worked doggedly on while the other cheerfully bore the burden of conversation.

"it seems to me," he laughed, "that our names are quite historic brought together in this way. . Dryden and Ad-dison living within coo-ee of each other in the twentieth century."

'1 see nothing remarkable about it," ¿aswírsd Jo S3 he fixed a wedge in place.

. "No! now I find it quite a coincid-ence^ Supposing that we should hap-pen to he the descendants of the historic men who handed their, names" down to posterity. Let me.sea.. ....';. . .. have you an idea of the" year, or century in which those two great eonteinporaries lived ?_M '.

The feeling of dislike in Jo's, mind deepened as he answered. ""Addison passed out in seventeen nineteen. . I hadn't enough interest in Dryden to remember." v;¡-.". >.??:?-:.????:

"I see . . . . still you know more about those great men than I do. Just a word of advice lad ".' . . . those posta are split to^ thin, they , won't

stand any lèngtK of time in, the groin» ' Make them twice the. aise of those an

they will Inst for years," and .risin said, 'TU he going now . . ... Gae you werejucky to get, the JLogoon^ ^

"Yes, there wera, ¿ good' nuihy'ig plieapts in besides myself '... . /-an dummies.''*t}.- . .: . '. .'

"ôir.nniiésî . Who told you thatt^' "Gcoriie-ltläiinaßftn fbr. one/'*.'

'.Ofl.'.ínui(éin.;Jjií1t 'sí>: That*? ïclv way; false . impressions feet about, To* want ito; takec. OJ y thing voa hear r. itl a grain ; ot "fialtV" .,..'.«<.. . ??$:*;??}

"t^ellr .Slr'..'"Dryden, iif£ ; bptriioi i about dummying r ia:: that'the" -WÎÎQI ¡ business snQnld/.bV.ferrets&' Siut".:'^ j the dunmiy^ rémpîoyers ' ^nisneàY'.-- Thi I fair thing is to let every* rana fcüVe :

chance, which^ ho can't while tho dum I raying system.'csists. Many, a mr.n hai

' to go to the wall through" them." >, i "My word. Addison,-you're keen.' I "I feel keet$rcn it."

; "Ah. well, don't let's quarrel/.' > I laughed. ,"::r

! "I'm not quarrelling, just.-ttefforden

ing my mind a bit;" .

. "Well keep going and you will aooi get your' fence- no. So long."

"So. long."

Jo watched^ him' out of sight, anc then sat,dûwn"tô consider over his burs of temper;V!;- :.."'. #.'. *

"It won't do'/Jo," said his mother as shé "Served dirner and poured hi; tea. "It won't do des:-. Iou kno>n how we came here ' and'how it still must go on. . The struggle has gdne on ever since father died. Eyerythiha j on your-shonlders, : but God is good. We may have help by next ploughing . . .... we .must have help by/then, but don't quârrèl. Friends are bet-ter than enemies, so curb your temper.


. "All right mammy ...... I'm a beast I know, but I just had to hit out at Bryden the way ho looked me up and down, as if there was something to amuse lum that I couldn't see."

"What nonsense."

"Sure!" he laughed as he went off with his wall-eyed collie at his heels.

Their cattle at this time began to wander as their land was unfenced, which caused Jo ni.iny a weary ride. On getting np on,» morning not a head was to bo sdfen, and Jo. after n hasty breakfast, went in Fearch of them, but no trace was found of;them till late next day when, word came- out tant they pound.. Qeôrgé yiannir gan was seen .driviric-them up nnd wns heard to say "they? belong to that miserable little wlupper snapper.'.'

Dryden was right after all.-and Jo registered: up the debt he owed Flanni-gan. But that was not the last of the stock trouble. -

GliiriociB soft spring dnys merged into hot summer ones while Jo toiled through them all early and late, his mother watching him grow lean and muscular .and tanned. The fence grew apace, but not fast^ enough to keep the stock from breaking into neighbor-, ing paddocks. Dummy Ling told Dryden that ;f he drove them out once he drove them out fifty times, an¿ Dry-den's temper rose accordingly.

"You watch out Dummy, and if they break in again I'll send them a lawyer's bill for damages. Til; take some of the conceit out of that young cub with his high flown .talk on*

dummied land." "" 11 I Addison and. Dryden had jnot spoken

' since. their, first meeting '"with' " the"1 j exception of, a cool "Good-day" ns (they passed each other on the road Jo had . to ride weekly, to the I town for stores, and as Dryden was

nearly always in the saddle they often ¡ j met, but never felt friendly enough to !

talk. What Jo had snid of dummies, j ¡and dummying still rankled, while Jp,

for some occult reason he could not

define, continued t0 hate Dryden with ; increased bitterness. j

At the end of October, the lawyer's ', letter .came-a pretentious ' looking j document, in blue official envelope. ' Setting out to claim on behalf on his client. John Dryden, the sum of £10 for damages caused- by the cattle of

Josephus Addison, fanner of Swan ¡ Lagoon,; The aforesaid, etc. " j

Jo "laughed, tossed tho document in ;

i the air and kicked it as it came down, i

"Notnvorth the paper it's written on I Straighten your face mammy, it's as long-as if you were looking into the' scrawny angle of a convex mirror. There is no Josephus' Addison, as yon very well know."' and Jo laughed and stood on tho blue paper, . - r . %

"Jo. are you mad?"

"No, but I would be if I accepted this without proving the fallacy of it. The cattle haven't done ten bobs' worth of damage."

"Oh. Ï know that."

"Then why am I mad?" .

"You must settle it out of court 1" .

"Whv! roollv pav down a tenner io !

that Dryden fellow."

"I don't know, you must see the lawyer, but you know you can't appear

in court."

They stood facing each oh'er, Jo's foot still on the paper,' looking all at once so young, amazed and helpless. "Can you now?" repeated'the mother, and Jo sat down on the sawn gum block by the kitchen door wnere he

washed before each meal.

I "You have never been in oourt¿ yon ¡would hare to answer to your name

and take the oath."

: *How about you going to the lawyer, i motKèrP» aiiT Jo=Äin«y;^ ^- H ; ctYe>, -I'll go." - !

"How much money have we. left?" "Ohl not much, my dear, not much." :and ,JQ could have cried when she I walked quietly away to hide the tears.

. "It seems to me, Jo," she began again, "a great pity that you wera so

disagreeable to Mr. "Dryden when ho . was so friendly to you.*'. '

"Now, please mother don't start | that. You know I hate Dryden." j

"But why .... .1 mean why did "Jfdu first hate*"himP You' are usually .nice to .people",

". J/Catf.t'-hèlp it: in this case, mammy;

^sinipl^liWte'''him. Too much-of thelatïpérïor| full/lilown gentleman amiling ;dow^roà^rà\v bud callow youth trying

ifcrhan"dtft¿farming. Resides, he hates'1 riVeT**" ":. ..'?' v " I

'.'Vo'ir A-.vliiouïht everything on your"-j sr-'f. Jo.?'/ £l . V«

"Oli, yeâ Ê know, and aren't I paying

for ifcP'VY ? . " . . .'> " '

: Tho lawyer,wns a very wise and wily lawyer, lt only took him a very, short, time to prove fo Mrs! Addison* that when the damages she valued'and the damages Mr. Dryden* Valued were ad-

judged by the Valuators-evidence for' the prosecution tho £10 was more., than likely to be increased bycourt'^ expenses, all of which resulted in tho '

j assessed value of damages being paid .

out of court. '

¡ After thai the Dryden-Addison fend

burnt on steadily. Dryden may have felt shame when he met the vanquish-ed Jo , riding home with the week's ¡ supply, looking, unutterably boyish and ¡.young, soaked through with rain, and ! with nb overcoat on. Perhaps ho had

none, lt vas mid November und a ; heavy rain.had beaten down the crops, } though none so badly as Dryden's that

was now flat to the ground. Jo re- ! joiced in the fact all unconscious of the ' . covert pity of £ne enemy whont he par-

sed without a glance. Pity is often a ' mis-pláccd virtue as Dryden proved. Ho rode home with the image1 Of , the rain soaked Jo before him, toiling bravely for a little white mother, who in turn

toiled bravely for him. Poor Jo, he ¡

was up against it: No overcoat, and j

raining! Tho rain had lashed his

cheeks red through the tan, making !

him look like a boy of sixteen. Dryden

began to think of the £10. ¡

What a struggle it must have been for \ them to pay. Tt rose before him like . an incubus. It haunted his bed like

a nightmare. All'that he had got ont ¡

of tho crops had been from th» sweat 1

of a young boy and an .old mother. He

turned and twisted on his bed and cursed himself, and when morning came he'rode over, to Addison's before his

courage c-bbed. and offered back to ?airs,. Addison tho new cursed £10, if she - would do him the kindness

to take it. as after thinkinz it all ov(^¡» : he regretted the whole affair. j

Mrs. Addison was a woman possessed o¿ much grace and dignity of manner added to fine tact. She saw that Dry-den was seeking to repair a wrong, and

respected him for it, though , she ; steadily refused the note. He was still | lit the door with it in his hand when j Jo came up. The sight of the money : with 3. word of explanation set his

temper in a blaze. !

"So! ... » . Yon are just the kind ! of man I reckoned you up to be the first day I saw you. Yon assessed the dam-age of my ea tile at £10 when you know well that 10/ would covered it. Not satisfied with ; that you now add insult tn injury: We ': don't crawl , Sir." Jo was pointing to- ; wards the sliprails. Dryden with his : hat iii his hand-looked at Mrs. Addison ;

and-bowed,, and without another word . turned and walked away.

-,ïor. a whole , week after that Jo did :. no' work. and the" little white motfier ' forgave him for the shame he lind

caused her, and was vcry^pitiful. High- j

strung sensitive natures cari sometimes ; put in more, suffering menially than ;

nhysicnllv weak ones can do bodily. ... j

It was that way with Jo!

By the end of March 3 cloud of de- , pression and-worry lay on the two in-mates of Swan Lagoon. Dryden was never seen. He might have left tho

place for all they knew to the con- ; trary.' _ i

One morning Jo opened the wire .

netted gate of tho rabbit proof fence, j

and passed through to the scrub with his dogs.' Ho might' chance on a kangaroo as the dogs were in need of

a feed, if not they coud run down some , rabbits. ' After a long ride round with- i ont seeing- big game hP came hack to

the netted fenoe *and pulley up by a ' patch of sand honey-combeô" with rab

I i. , . , ? 11 i egjggggp i

i bit burrows. The dogs had caught tw I n.ud-4iB-was-abouMo dismount when 1 ! horse took sudden fright at a horsemi apo earing suddenly from a clump i saplings. His hone turned sharp! lost his footing in the treacheroi "ground*'and foiled over with his rid

under him."Now, my dei hoy bjj'-^porfectly 'StilL . Don'* move . you citó help -it.- -There ij'-iio- nse'aun

ing matters, your , leg is broken. I Very tenderly he carried Jo as far ! j the clump of saplings, making him coi

fortable and bending over him wi) much concern.. .. ^ . .

"..'Jo's.eyes fluttered open 'njud he mn to'r^.'^t your^ am If f^pijdon ; knelt down beMdefj him au .. RôîàVr;;. íf.Can'-t;.-$oa'Vbury ;vhV haiche

V3o??>:'-^D*7iV''.in'. cyçs:-i-eniai.neiîi closed, i- v'lb'u:^ f'V

i^t-íev.w|hj)¿ '- .qiI" OI^'«*'*«iîii '.X". i¡,ai loj> )V H^^'jTSHv.'. .""V. 2li&*kffîoû stay fa

.>-aii."'V ;. *'.' ' Cy.' $?{ h^m right." ' ? ????

, '"I^as" dark'f1wfér^g^»-'-J&nnerina drove^np jn his buggy^lsind[ ÂL-B. Add son said^she had-not-had someone t stand, by kVrr-¿s Drydéa;.had; done ali must have died,- When t-j}|.'-J$ct<>r carn she asked Dryden1*!) go .ouisjli

1 --"I-inay call-von Jn^ di?íi<jtly," sh

.said, abd he went tiut wondering, know Ving that he would'-havei 'to .help th 1 doctor ju the setting ....

ir. After a¿ iW" nimutésr thc ¡doctor cam ï.tb the doof and,'called.; .''Aré you ihcr Dryden ft"'-¿pd, drawixii;]«{m «aside, said '-Vif«'<ypijt4*"ery wetí áóquaiuted wit! those people?.'.' -,

- "Oh,' 'vffîjfmy-. ? : iave beei lier* over,-* "year. l'm';jcofc.:up abou this accident as I blanie. myself, m

horse 'stepping: out'swld^Tyj from :tb

: .timber :fri»lîtehcd tho boy 's1 horse." i "H'm. ail veiy strange itadeed, am

n¡osf. unfortunate."-'

; "What's strang^ about it, doctor?' ' asked Dryden, puzzled the doctor'

manner. .

i "Well. I don't exactly..;mean strange I should say remarkable'fór a younj lad'to do so much.'in a year, and thei so unfortunate'tb meet with;.thi8 ai th( beginning of ploughing."

"Oh, he's a grafter aU right, Noi toó muscélar, but game.-'

"So I should say." '.'

"They must not worry over the crop ping*.The neighbors will see U

that for them."

"Indeed.-,that would be fine. Now 1 want your assistance^ ? Mr. Dryden; please. The little mother jfiaa just aboui collapsed." ' : - _ . ;

After the painful, operation Of set iinji and bandaging up. Dryden made his' escape into the fresh air. The win^ had calmed, leaving a starlit night soft and balmy. A bull frog from a small puddle in tile lagoon left from Novem'ber -rains.'Was booming .forth his im-portance to. the night while from be-yond the rabbit proof fence the dingoes were seeking;prey in short yapping howi3. A curlew gave a wailing cry a3 .it ran past the stable, and Dryden shivered and laughed and the German collie came up ond licked his hands. With, thc responsiveness of a kind nature he stooped and petted the dófr.

. "Miss your ' boss, old. man ? You'll have to shepherd the rows off Dryden's now 'that he's crook-ay?"

The doctor, and Mrs.. Addison had come to the door and walked a few steps into the darkness, speaking earn-estly. ' Dryden, all unconscious that it was not the broken limb1 under discus-sion, stood where he ffas.

"Don't nllow .it to continue any longer," said the doctor¿¿"Take my ad-vice and make lief 'drop-Xi Mrs. Addi-son. I quito' understand 'the spirit in which she etartcd it. You had nothing left.'JtUt thc farming" plant. aud ho ono to work it, and she decided to <Jn ft.Why, I'm sure she was very .braye. But iv. will now derelop'/m

ii she continues to keepit;/Up."

'/'You see it was this way. doctor," said Mrs. Addison brokenly, "when her name oppeared in the paper as success-ful applicant it read Josephus instead of Josephine. Of course it was a mis-print and she laughed at it and let it go. But now that she is helpless and in bed I don't want anything said about it. I know ber so well doctor that this must be handled' by herself in her own woy. and in the meantim» she will look on you. as hér father confessor."

"You may trust me, Mrs. Addison." As she left the doctor a strangely agitated - voice- said "Doctor, come


"Great heavens! have you been listen-ing!" >. - :

"Yes, forgive, moj-but I'll be a father confessor.too.. Jt was too. late to move when-1 grasped the thingC. For God's sake don't tell Mrs. Addison.".

"Then you won't speak?" "Speak!"..'..',

"Anyhow,. I'm glad tha^i somebody ela» knows... Look. after./-those two women, Dryden,"... said-; the doctor kindly.

"So help me* God;'* ralbe th6 solemn answer as they shook harinas.

The cropping bee took place on " fine day in April. The contingent arrived at 7 o'clock sharp. Dryden said "he wasn't quite sure how many -teams

would muster." But Mrs. Addison and i Jo knew he had a shrewd guess as he

was Generalissimo, hut it was a most I delightfully animated scene for. Jo's ' eyes when she was wheeled out in front. .

A small army of women had come in

, drays with, cooking apparatus and I edibles enough for a small armjv-aiid alively time followed for willing workers. Before tho sun had set 75 acres of land »was ploughed, sowed,'" and harrowed.

That night John Dryden drovo his team home feeling tired, but blissfully happy by reason 0f th«, happiness he had.caught reflected on Jo's face. Jo .-. Was it Jo? .... No, Josephine


The Jo that had hated him had gone leaving behiud for him a friendly for-giving. Josephine, but still masquerad-ing. Did anyone but the doctor and hirasejf. know? It wasn't fair to the genojjoiis nciiihbora, but what could ho

do i si*:-ihn matter.? Ho guessed--, tia* . tin ifto'ilW was as wax in the hands of. tim 4jfron¿ minded daughter:; -- -

\Ytyieh th©., winter had passed- and Sprigg'came .gracious awl shiiling with the burden Of liffiavyerops inkier arms, Jo tpók. her first ride. The-.plaçe was

lookb^gtrim and in order for a* relir able pÄn hed tim management of affairs an,- jo's mind, was at rest-as 6ho set

out.:\ .

During lier short period pf enforced : inaction she had become much falter' acquainted with Dryden than ske~'wouidhavoi'-been in years oi bickering and

hate . . . . .At times the mother would feel inwardly anxious that Dry-den ¡knew, but Th0 suspicion never crossed'Jo?ff mind for he had-been very guarded'* in the warm interés^ he now' felt for her. As she came cantering

j towájrds him with every nerve in her {bodyjf tingling with the joy of life,

her ¡face fresh as a dew kissed ross. ¡ho felt à sudden shock, for she was still

I the ibby 1 CC V*. ... Tan-hoots nnd. leg-: I ging^.. corduroy/, riding pants;, arid the be-bl^toned khaki shirt and "soft- felt . hat-.!'?'. Jo:..Yes Miss Addison was

still ¡-in limbo and here was .To talking ; nboúít harvest prospects, the fatness OÍ

the ¿tock, tlie ducks on the lagoon that she jjgeanfcto have a bang at. Jo Ad-dison'! his wonder-boy-girl, and he -[pde . beside her palpitating like a boy lú of - 20, hi-r nearness per-meating him like quick-silver ' as her corduroy knees bumped against his.

. "Going. tn put him in the show?" she asked, eyeing his horse admiringly.

"I've been/ thinking about it¿ but- I wouldn't stand a chance."

"Not stand a chance with a horse like that 1 Why there's nothing' in the district to beat him. Were yon tf3nking of -entering him for the gentle-

men's hacks?"

"No, for the ladies' hacks." "Who-would ride bim?" "I have no rider."

"Is that Why yon think you wouldn't stand a chance, Mr. Dryden?"

"Yes. Jo, that is the reason."

"Couldn't yon get Miss Craig,, or Jn Poster,- . ftr perhaps Winnie Berg?" Dryden looked down at her and smiled..


"Can't you suggest anything better than that, Jo?"

"No, I can't, I know of no others,"

"Neither do I, if I can't get the hç^t I shall hove none. I was sending him for the ladies' hurdles and high jumps, hut shall have tA watch' some other nag take the blue ribbon."

They rodo on in silence for-a space. Just ' the quick' ambling step of their horses and thè jingle of bits and rings, and the creaking newness of Dryden's saddle broke the stillness .....

She was looking fixedly ahead, and he, watching, wondered what was seeth-ing in her brain. That wonderful brain that ánade her turn ink a man for the sake of a little mother.

"Have you been schooling him?" she asked suddenly. '

"Over th«, jumps? Oh, yes-, be hard-ly needs schooling. He's always ready. Clicks the hurdles like anâ artist."

"Oh, and tho high jumps?" ,

"Skims . them." ^ He coWd riëar the ouick intake of Jo's breath as she glanced nt tho fine leàn hoad and arched n<?ck of. his horso. '

"Would you like to see him go over?*» "Yes.but how could IP'*, "Hero we are inst at my place

will you como in ?" ...

"Yes:" Jo followed to the line of jumps, and drawing her horse aside watched the finest exhibition , sha had ever seen. ' The horse waa .apero, "his performance' magnificent. Dryden was very modest about it, putting him over each line only once, and, riding up tc her.'said. .

"Well?" . - -

"He'll do, ,we most get a rider for


"Would you like fr,, try him?"' She flushed to the roQtè of her abort bjrir, saying sharply'.

"I beg y'ohr pardon 1"

"I mean would you like, to take him over just for a. decided opinión-on bis

merits?" . .

"Oh. all. right," and changing sad-dles, she felt as if she was riding thc . wind as he swept her over ..... sure

. . ... easy .... light. Dryden wat beside her as she pulled up after the j last jumpy and as he held $>e' reins

while.she dismounted neither spoke Joi

, a few seconds

i "Easy?".he asked as she began re placing the saddle..

"Easy ! Glorious, wonderful; "Whj don't you blow a bit about bimP"

"I would if I had a rider, do yoi think one of those you mentioned might ^manage him?"

"No, I don't" she almost snapped,

She seemed still inclined "ia 1% snappy aa she said a curtu".Good_ morning," at the gate and rode off.

Time -seemed to, almost fly for Jo in those days. The announcement of the show, was ou*, in the local paper in large headers, and in each issue men-tion was made bf big entries in all sections, especially in horses and cattle. A record ring was expected for ladies' hacks, löst, and 14st., and jumpers. The latter section was to be keenly contested. Jo was eery anxiously wait-ing to see - if ' Dryden, was entering Beeswing. Dryden waP anxiously watcliing Jo, while Mrs. Addison was watch-ing both of them. Some intuition warned her. that Dryden ^new, and that Jo's niind was working-'.iii that mysterious way that ia ^iistVtindiriK ont. ' ' </"":' :..

Sho waa right about Jo's* nnnd. >lt was working at an amazing raté: Der eyes were unusually bright and her cheek,; flushed; appetite, and sleep had fled to leave the fever.. %9 sap her vitality. It was within .four.days'c-f the show, and all horses: with any 'preten-sions to exhibition merits were entered except Beeswing, tho only hoFee that tho rast ai tile exhrbitora were 'afraid of. Dryden had rot been io Addison's since Jo rodo hi« horse over the .iumps. add the amazing bay-girl puzzled over tho reason till her head ached.^ . . .

Trousers and headache were a ridiculous combination, and . she turned and

twisted on her little hard sofa, hating herself and the whole world. '

"What ever is the matter with vou. Jo?" , '

"Trousers! 1'JM .sick of them 1"

-".Oh. thank goodness, Jo,Tam glad tóV;nt^";ybo/;-^---that;;:-,I. bave yonr dresses ali ready. deaY." ; -..

"Oh, it's not any permanent sickness

j I feel against them ; but tho fact is .

I want to scoop thc pool at tho show, I and while 1 wear them, I can't. If

I--. She sat straight up, eyca sparkling. : cheeks flushed. "If I ride Beeswine you can bef 'your last bob on him for ladies' hack, hurdles, and high tump."

"Oh. I'm sure Mr. Dryden will be delighted. Jo." --. . -

"lt doesn't matter about bim. I'm not troubling on his account. . . .

A1'?. j\s.t the glory.of lifting Beeswing over the jumps, and watching the dis, gusted amazement and disappointment

of some of those young hayseeds who have annoyed me on many occasions.''

"Dear me. Jo, and yon never said a word. Do yon think they

know?" ?

"Can't say," and Jo slid back on the sofa ¿nd became silent. .

Jo had ridden into town and was re-turning along the timbered track as darkness fell. She had wanted this ride to be alone and think after tho talk with her mother. She had seen so much of Dryden since her accident and found him to be completely the reverse of what she had hitherto .thought him that she had almost decided to "shame the devil and speak tho truth." But the more she thought the harder it seemed for hw to" go to Dryden and

say "I'll ride Beeswing in tho ladies' I hacks for you." She had alway» been I proud of her strong will. It was that indomitable will of hers that had car-ried her through aa far as she had come in the battle,lor. mother and for self, but at the, thought of saying to Dryden. "I'll ride Beeswing" her will melted. _ Dryden had been instrumental in having more done for her since her acci-dent than she could have done in two years. . . . Still she hesi-tated: She felt that the story must

come out sooner or later, and the ^ sooner the better.' She had heard that i George Flannigan had backed his horse 1 a hundred to one that his horse would ; win the -high jump, on the strength i that Beeswing was not «nteríng. .

OnJ jr two rnróre flairs tot the' show; and

to-night the entries ' closed for hacks and hunters. ? What was to prevent her from - riding Dryden's horse in the Hunters? "' She'd* let Flannigan see

what a miserable little whipper-snapper could db.' ' Her norse, going along with loose reins at an easy amble, pricked his ears as a horseman came swiftly up, saying .with hearty cheeriness as he reined in-r.

"Hulloa Jo, late for you to be out, isn't it?'' '

"Same to you'with the liberties you are taking with Beeswing," she an-swered almost; abruptly. >

"What does it matter?. -I'm not

showing him," he said, with a sound of soreness in hi3 voice. .' '.

"I think you áré¿" she. ' answered, | coolly. v . !

"Don't yon know the'entries close to-night, Jo?" .

. "Not till 10." . - . -,

. "Granted; bot'the hors© tonst have a rider." ;. .

' "If I can' get yod a'rider that can send him "through bis-paces ' aa you

for tb© Hunters P" 1

'«Vea." . .

"Thank you. - « ? I'm riding him!" ^

"JÓ!" ' . '. ; . "It'B all right. Don't say any more, please." ;

"But, Jo, that's very fine of you.',', . They pulled np and his big figure on the handsome horse loomed large beside Hie boyish one. The pads of their saddles and knees touched, and. leaning towards her, he closed his hand over thc back of hers. it

"Who told youf" sho asked, sharp-ly

"I unintentionally. overheard the doctor and vour mother speak the night or -.our accident.'"/ . ?'//* -'-,.

' "Doe- tho doctor know that you

kaavr'r' '

"Yes.'' A little sigh of relief escaped hci a.s .she gathered up her reins and they started. When.-they, came to the corner where .iieir. roada diverged hesaid somewhat dimdrótfy.~; <?

"Shall I ride t'o the house with you*. Jo?" '" '.' '"

'Now I for heaven's sake!" she pro« tested. "If 3 have to confess to beingII girl, I feel'-like, a boy, and don't forget it I, You are not riding Beeswing

bael", to town?" - .

"No, I'm going- home to rub him. down and rug him. I'll ride the chestnut." r

.fThat'a right. I'll be >t tho ranch

at 9 o'clock to-morrow-George Flan- ¡ nigan is going ;to.gat a Wether medal, instead of a.;'bio*' ribbon. Good-night." . -.':::?; ^v;

"Good-níghS, iJoí and many thanks. I'm' hot going, to forget this."

It would be - difficult -to say which created moré sutprisfc on; /the show-

ground'- Dryden's beautiful bay, horse or the neatly-tailored young lady on its back, who rode with the supple ease of. one born to the saddle. Dryden liad a . feeling that he wasn't wanted near, and with à palpitation at his heart that pestered and annoyed him,he kent amongst-the-crowd drinking in with a personal pride the praises ..bestowed on the pair. * -

When the bel] rang for the Hunters' contest and Jo rode up, a lively and angry discussion followed by most of the competitors. Dryden's horse would have to be ridden by a man, but' the secretary and stewards proved that there was nothing in the .rules to pre-vent it. Jo's number was 5, and wnen it was called Dryden, now -near the horses, felt himself go cold, but the brightness and confidence of her face gave him heart. What right had he to let this girl risk her neck over such cruelly stiff jumps? But she iras tak-ing off, measuring the. centre of it and distance between bis eara as she gath-

ered in the reins leaning forward J ready to ease , and lift him; a light-

ening conductor, as they swept for-ward together to tho roar of'the crowd, followed by another . roar as they soared over as light as a swallow . , and landed as light. '? Just two more i jumps as her turns came, and she rode

up smiling tq Dryden, with the blue I ribbon [round ¿he bay neck, the fourth

for the' dayJ She was the admiration as well as the scandal of hundreds. The story was getting '.around, " and was like nectar on their gossiping tongues. Dryden was aching to take her home out of it, but Jo's pride and matchless will defied them as she rode smilingly around. She had done noth-ing she was ashamed of. ' As she sat on the horse alone for a. few minutes watcbine the events George Flanni-gan came "np, and, looking insolently , at her,' /spat on her. horse'« .hoof, Bay-

ing: "'?

"Well. I'll be damned!'»

il "Have yöu just dis:overed the fact;

George? I take it that jori are tba sort the devil always docs^damu." He looked as though be could have killed her, unable to tind words, "ls it the hundred quid ypn^ dropped ?*' she laughed. He was îust in a mood to openly insult her when he saw Dryden ride up, and, muttering something,

rode off.

. "What! Are you going?" ,

"Yes. good-bye.'»

"BuC Jo. I'm coining with you.?'

"Thank you, I don't require aa es-cort, and I am due at home before dark, as mother is anxious.".. » .

*"\6ut I must come."

"But.- vou . must not." And - he watched her uneasily. as ,£lie;Tpde from the grounds.',,_ '-. '~

, - jAbout 20 minutes after that, hey dis-covered that Flannigan had;i left: just after Jo, and, leaving Beeswing to be .brought home by Dummy, ho set furieíisiy olí on the chestnut, fearful that .the enraged Irishman might do harm .to Jo." that amazing .boy-girl-.that ho

l'h^ might discover a rare pearl, and tho one word on hu'Jips taa'ihe tore along waa "Jo. io."'"-.""? ? f About. halfway home on the, ectub? biest-part .of the track he saw.;.tliem, hand' his Very, heart, eeemed tb stand i still. / 'flannigan ,.wa3 Btrugglb^' like

'sofrió wild maniac with'the lithe limber.

I though how exhausted Jo. Hër .horse j was standing with the reins on the ground. Flannigan'8 horse., which ;had J been in the pink of condition for" the j show, was now^howhero tobe.eeeny"

Jo Ioôkéd at; him and add, 'H)h, God I" as'"he? came up and '^rippled I with Flannigan." fdr Flannigan's^his rhands round Dryden's body,' and seejmed

rbeöf; on* tearing the 'clothes ïrûta-'-his i back. .He bit and tore, 'while Dryden ¡ tried "to roin hjóws" on binY. without ¡effect.1 v. 1 . ' -

I "He~*8 gone: mad 1"! Dryden* éálléd to I Jo. "Get on to your horse ^find gallop

for help." Big and powerful as-Dryden I was. he felt no match for the infuriated i madman, who had.already iitten him I severely on . thé shouî^ers." "Before^ Jo

got 'back help' had come from another .direction. ' 'George Fknnigan w£""fâng in a dray, bound, wifhl"rope,'1 while Dry-den With 'his coat off" was' .h'avidpTlua wounded shoulders', examined -^bv ; friendly Samaritans", Who had chanced

along. Jo .helped Dryden oh with" his coat as the dray was driven off.; "Her eye» were moist attesting to bet" &on» cern for her one-time enemy;" "! '.'?.'*.

. "Which way am I to go, jô?;."Ypnr way pr mine ?" he asked, with" aü ex-pression -unmistakable. ' . -'*. .

"Oh. any way," she laughed." looking ruefully at her torn coat. . '

- "How did it ail háppten?" "

'"He just came tearing Up without any warning, plucked me off my horse cs if I had been a sparrow, then-God gave me strength till He Bent yotf," ; "Pm. glad it was I.H ' - . v

'fSo am f/»

"Thank yon. Was it to pay back th« debt of the cropping bee that yon rode Beeswing for me to-day, Jo?" wist, .folly. . "

"No," flushing rosy. "It was thaï ; I realised what a big man yon really

.are. making me feel mean and small i with my secret, and then to find that

you had known for sb long. '. . . Oh!" / And she put her head, ia against her horse's neck.

"And to have been loving yon. all the time as I have. Jo." He laughed as he drew her to hi3 sore and aching

[ arms.

I "You haven't answered me.properly.' [Is it your road or my road . -;- », « ! for-life?" ,",

! "it present it's Mammy's road. . . , Come home for tea," she laughed, as for the first time ne helped & into the. saddle. , .-;

"Didn't I tell you,"' said Dummy Ling, with a glass of beer aloft in his hand as he shouted the bar, "he'd get Swan Lagoon if it took him a lifetime? But I never guessed he'd do the trick so simply or so soon, by turning a boy into a girl and then marrying her! Fill 'em up again! Here's to Swan Lagoon and Jo! The gamest selector who ever drove a peg!"

(The End.)