West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Thursday 28 November 1895, page 5









Cvfc, November 27.

The perseverance of toe Lady Mary Amal-gamated Company in sinking for Water baa at last bean rewarded. Beautifully olear and fresh water has been met with, and is now making at the rate of 7,000 gallons per day. Hssd granite country has been pierced, and af er a litt'e moto sinkirg and driving has been done, the supply will probably be foand equal to all requirements. Everything is now ready for an early Btart, and m another day or two a fine battery will join the noisy ohoma of stampers at toe north end of toe town.

News bas been received indveetly of the sala of the Cn« No. 1 Proprietary toa Loudon company. Tits price named ia ¿846,000, and as the present capital is naram illy ¿630,000, of which lees than one-third has been callad up, toa shareholders should be wall satisfied.

Act.on ia being toben to prevent people ocoapying Crown lands within toe boaadaités of the munieipaljtiea. Two asían cam* before toe Coe police eoart oa Monday, the d fendanta being charged with botog ia illegal oceopatroa. The defendsaai negieeted te remove their oampe whea given notieo. The Warden, Mr. D?wiey, ruled toa* a ml-l'a right was not sufficient title f<-r oaoapaHan of Crown landa. The defendants wen deed ¿810 and costs,

A largo number of nie« apeohueas are to hand from Lawltra properties, all of which are reported to be looking well. Fresh leases are being taken np almost every day. Julias Anderson's parto axe s*iH oa goed gold. Lawler and parly have talma ap another prospecting area, l8 mik« aorta of


The natives still eoatinoa tobatroaMe. some. Only a few days ace they spearad a mare and foal and ato toeau ïb»y abo speared another horse. An interaction waa laid at the Warden's Ofitoe arad »parir/ef mea weat eat to nsarah of the danby oolprite.


-», ..1




RISING btoí.


KaJbaooBsxa, November 97k

A sphadtd And baa Wea made ia the Boulder Soato Bxtar.ded raías, which waa sold by Mr. H. G Parsons ead bia partner, { Mr. Wiltoo, to an Engtith company. It is

understood that tbe atone; ia as rieh ae any-thing eve* struck in toe Great BiuM**, and aa toe find baa been tomad nene the «eather« boundary of tow Doe, it adds very ooaeiderably to toe vafee of toe Geeat Boaldac, wUah haa several haaáfdíeei of ground under-worked an the santa boundary. It ta in. Undid to sink a abaft Bear the new dad ia toa Boulder gtoand sod to eoaneetdt witt {toa maia wadonga.

The Rising Sun mine h) «paning np weft. A stott baa been made ia'sink to oat tbe oontoroation of toe Kalgoorlie Propriataiy. lode aa weB as the BrowB Sill Corteéis Ha« of reef. It is expects«? thai toe Brown Hill lode wiß be struck in toe ne* abaft ea Block

^4S wJQda »few day«.

A big party of Adelaxto mea, indading Mr. Charlas Goode, Mr. Knight (of Fawk* and Co.), Mr. Mackey, ani otuece, is inspect-ing toe Great Boulder to day.

Sptecdld gold ia being won ia sinking tbe shaft on toe east sida of toe M*ritan» rain*.

Tto shaft is being sunk on the lode, the width of whiea ia u»kncnn beyond the fact that the abaft baa been carried down over 60ft., aad IB in ore all toe way.



The legal manager of the No. 1 Central Extended G.M. Company haa »cerrad ''be following telegram, giving the sonnt of toe last ornshtog at toe miss h^-Cntsaed Wa toa« of stone, .yJ&xuog 98,a. el gold.


The legal manager of toe Central G.M. Company tua reeeived toe following telegram, which gives the result of toa mat cruthing at tbe company's mine :-Crushed 391 tons of stone, yielding 224 us. of gold.


Mine manager's repott for forteifbt ending Friday, 15th November, 1895T-Min«

New make of atone at No. 3 leveL I have four mea working hera, but lode is very small and poor. It ia from here that we get all the base metals. Unless stone improves I shall remove men from working here. Fraser'a N. w Lode, No. 2 Level- I bete ara four men underhand ttoping this lode, taking oat all payable atone above toe break. Stone does not look as good as above tha level. Old Lode No. 2 Level-Have two men working out block of ground between No. 1 winze north aad toe slide. This .tone may prove payable. I shall abo toke oat blocks left between Ne». 3 and 4 wmaes at No. 2 level. No. 1 Level South-The »gat of meo are stopingout block Mt at toa south end of tato level, which waa left in by former manager. Gold can be seen at tbttce'wheu breaking down lode. New Lode to Shaft-I take this to be between M't. and 12ft. wide, and good geld toroagboot the wb«la reef. .Main Shaft -Have been timbering up shaft, opting Mtchse, and patting ia bearers for pump. This work ia now finished and abddag resumed. I am putting toa* mea in enan

Bbifs to sink shaft in order to get it dowtk.j Aa wired yon, bars eat tbe footwaB. lode in shaft» and sinking will be eattsr r making little more water. I shall open oat whea down 75ft, leaving lO.t for well. Shaft sank 4ft*, total 53, t. Machinery weeba* well. Battery ruoning 16 hoars pet day.



Masara. H. J. Saunders ead Company in-fera us that numerous applications are being resolved dairy for shires in the Davis Calyx Boring Company, Limited. The inventor, Mr.F. Harley Davis, whs has just returned from Coolgardie, eomüders that toe drill pro. mises to ba extensive'y nsed on the finid«. The Coolgardie Chamber Of Mines and Cam* meroe let their hall rent free to Mr. Davis for the purpose of hie leeters on to« drill, and ovary assistance baa been anVrdtd Messrs. Davis and Hart in their eftortB to bring the objects of the eoerpsny aad tile merits of toe Calyx drill prominently before those interested and eugood in maring j&tsarta to Western AawtoaKa. As elsewhere, toe drill is to be adapted by toe Gmeament, Sir John Foroat haviag, la ha «peach,at Coolgardie on toe wants, «te^ef toa fields, informed Ida hearers that he beQofed toey weald ha*e a plentiful sapgry of/wafer sS soon as tony got the Calyx'drill. Oaiog to .the aerioas aaeas,e| mt&myV&BthÊUxka

Calyx drill, whioh la boring for ocal near Albany, that gentleman baa bom suddenly callad away from the finida, leaving the work

of his mission to Mr. Fra&eia Hart.


The property known as the Callion is a 30 acre lease situate about 70 miies N.W. of Coolgardie ia the locality known as Ullartint; The find was made some months ago by Messrs J. Speakman, Cooke and Lukin, 0r Fremantle. Amongst some cf tbe experts who have visited the property waa the repre-sentative of Messrs. Bewick, Moreing & Co who, it ia stated, pronounced it one of the best and most consistent battery shows in the colony. There are three reefs on the pro. perry, the principal of which has an average width of 15ft and bulk sample* taken all over tile reef gave a return of 5ozs.to the ton. The second reef has an average width of Sft. Oin. aad gives a return of over 1 1/2 ozs. to the ton. The prioe that has bean agreed apon for tha sale of the property is, it ia stated, the largest that has been paid for any ens show outside the Londonderry, bat the anvtant ha» not been diseased. Mr. E. G. Price is the secretary to the eyndioate.



Tbe foBowisg »tha report of Mr. NieholU late manager of Fraaer'a mite, on the Eureka property-better koowa in tas early days of Soathern Cross as the Exchange minehanded ia to Mr. Lawson, teeretaxy of the Eureka Co. :-.Acting under your instruction« I thoa day made aa inspection of yunr pro-perty sad beg to hand yoa my report thereon. the alaka eoasiati of two bktsks, the aorth eootainmg 14 asses, the south 10 aerea, aad an ackdag leases No. M7, 258 and having a length atong the Une of lode of 28 chains sad adfrssing the Golden Pig Extended, wtaob fa a highly valaabU ptepsrty, and ia ia excel-lant ooaditkm, with a good ladder way from top to bottom and a aabctaatial whip frame aad walk constructed. The 40ft. level has been opened np and a driva not in 10ft to west and south 15ft. The country consists of mica schists on the eastern side, tha (ootwaH and h-iaging wail being composed of dione«. Tua lode strikes aorth 8S4t sod underlays slightly to the watt Tbe Iode here ia divided by a hone of mallock, but the tods formatmn is from 8ft. to Wt in width ; tho ora body ia of a must proausing ?atora, being kindly and vary easily feaatvd. Sample Na. 1 ia balk assayed by myself gave árstarnof 3cx. adwt.totheton. Na »level baa baan opened 70ft fsoai the aarfaoa, a dtiTS has been pat in UOtt to the noch, the lode asea has antfnrm width and a crosscut pot in vary presniaicg lookiag atom. Tbe whole

ftassaticn shows a awes aaarao^'istío aari«jcaas appaaraae«. Ko. 2 taken from hate ssaaytd gave a retara of Uos. 3dwt Ifigrs. to the ton assayed by aijaalt Bottom level -this lads opened 1291s. fsom the aatfoea, .sail having been ooaüaoad to 130it^ and KM«, being allowed to oontsrve the water dmrawg from ins looa. At th» level the lade presenta an excellent swpaannea $ 20ft aorta of the shaft, I was shown a pocket where 82os of gold bad basa taken from. A erassoot bare has been oat scrota the lode which prevea to be 20ft in width, the lode matter eoaskas of a highly ôasompoaad añasaasasd foaaatisn. Tb re i« a aroènate ?kearn of water coming from tas lode, watch aUegd'her basa aast sassUotery «pstarance. The »oath driva, whian baa beso sxtsadad 25ft presenta a face of stone osar 6ft ia Width. Iks lope ha« a moateaoallsnt appear-ance, the walls being clearly äauaed sad the ?teas tatas ore body nicely laminated and regular. A apeeuaea taken by atrasa! lit ahead of the face sad ia entirely virgin eoantry abowsd gold st the rate of llos to the toa ; tina of comae ia unuanal, bat gives high proof of the richness of the lode. A atnshiBg taken from the bottom of tha aval, which ieclnded au the country takes from the oréaseos of the lode, gave a return of IStdwta. to the ton, the crashing was pot tbrostfh Frasar'a Soath battery. South B oek No. 25 : Tkts leda hera bra boan proved by opeo crosscut and tranches and cmtfaaes right thtoogh the block. One shaft sank to a depth of Toft, and a drive north has baan put in 25is. tbe lode here proves to be 20ft. in width. The lode mutter oonsists of a goaeany hoawoae sad qaariaand ia actually the most promising formation I have seen in the Yilgarn Goldfield. Sample No. », taken by mysof, assayed by fire test gave 4os. îôdwis. p<r 'oo, bat I consider the fn>l avetage cf k»¡íe would be wouh 2os. par ton. In ooceluition, I may state tr_t the property is very promiaiag and a mont valu.bte one. Th« lode exists in highly auriferous country aad ia most regal IT aod persistent and has been proved at a good dapto and maintains ita Sisa aad improve» ia quality. Thara at« over 150 tons st grass wbioh I vahu at los per toa, aodlhavc no basiuiioa is seating that 1 consider this jaropee ty a most valnabis one and have no hesitatioa in rsoommsadiog its purchase.