Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1931 - 1954), Wednesday 8 October 1941, page 7


First Empire Trainees With Fighter Command LONDON, October 6.

The first Empire Air Scheme trainees attached to the Fighter Command have just been honored for sterling services in combat

against the Luftwaffe. They are Fiight-Lieutenant Keith Truscott. of Melbourne, who has been awarded the DFC. and Sergeant-Pilot Keith Chisholm. of Sydney. ! who has been awarded the DFM " night-Lieutenant Truscott is a well-known Melbourne sportsman.) who has had a notable week. He skipped the rank of flying-officer! to become a flight-lieutenant on! iOctober 1, and was notified of thei j DFC award three days later. Trus-1 ! cott has shot down six German air-! I craft, and probablv two others. | He shares with Sergeant-Pilot! Chisholm the honor of being thei First RAAF Fighter Squadron's) leading Australian killer. , Sergeant-Pilot Chisholm. who' was formerly an interstate and university athlete, also has had six victories, plus one German machine damaged. The Fighter Squadron now has three decorated Australian pilots. Squadron-Leader Robert Bungey. of Adelaide, having won the DFC a fortnight ago. In addition, the Irish-born Flight - Lieutenant Paddy Finucane has won the DFCI and two bars.