Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Monday 9 August 1886, page 3



{From Local Papers lo 4th August.)

TUB Salvation Army at Toowoomba havo interviewed the mayor, and promisctl to discon-tinue tho use of torches in tho streets.

The latest issuo of the St. George Standard to hand is almost illegible, as it is printed on thin yellow paper. It explains that " this ia duo to the delay of tho carrier, by whom our printing paper was forwarded. He ia now over

two months loaded."

The Cunnamulla h'xprcss say« that tho in-sufficient accommodation afforded by tho local police quarters is unquestionably a disgrace to the department. During the recent race meet-ing one of tho two small cells was used for the safe keeping of fivo individuals-threo whito mon and two blackfellows, while tho second cell hatl to be utilisod for sleeping quartors for

a constable.

Quoting from the book of Exodus Joseph's advice to Pharaoh regarding the prophesied seven yoars of plenty and seven years of famine, the Charleville Timen urges the conservation of water during our ycara of plenty, and aids :" Lot tho ' officers ' coaso to quarrel over mat-ters such as kanaka coachmen, Indian cooks, and their own expenses, but set to work, aa thoy aro doing in Victoria, to devise a scheme for the proper irrigation of tho lands of the colony in order that the seven bad yoma may not in the future cat up tho seven good ones."

Warwick is going to boycott the Royal Society's show at Toowoomba, owing to what the Argus calls "a very widespread feeling of disguotat the scurvy conduct of tha naighbour

lfc j ing town in selfishly opposing Warwick in£. i tercsts."

¡1 ' What a boon would ho accorded the Central g. ; districts if our rivers could only bo dammed ia j (saya the Western Clnm¡iion), and the water now H ¡ running to waatc conserved ! If the Governi j ment would only enunciate and carry out some le r comprehensive scheme of .irrigation a far jfc ' greater good would result to the country than j0 ' ia now obtained from many of tho works now le I performed.

30 ! The late flood at Blackall was about 2in.

, lower than that in 1881. It is estimated that j" the Chinese and other gardeners around the eg j town suffered a loss of about £1000.



io- j August 2.

A LARGE and a representative meeting was

held boro on Saturday, tho 31at July, for the purposo of protesting against tho action of the Minister for Works relative to tho rescinding of the proclamation which recently constituted Kilkivan into a division for tho purposes of local government. Resolutions woro onrricd to that effect, and also for proparing a monster potition, to bo forwarded to tho Govcrnor-inOouncil, praying for relief through our repre-sentatives at the samo timo ¡soliciting the co-operation of tho members of tho Mary-borough Chambor of Ootnmorco to further the object in view. The ques-tion of n trial survoy botween hero and Esk, vitl Nanango, was introduced to tho mooting by Mr. M. Tansey, who acted as delegate from tho Railway Progress Association, Nanango, and was favourably received. A motion to that effect was cirriod unanimously, the views of the Nanango meeting on the matter being endorsed, and tho members for the Wido Bay and Burnett wero requested to givo a helping hand.

On tho samo day Mr. Tancrad, manager of what is popularly known as the Duke of Man-chester's Cinnabar Company, arrived hore, and intends to commenco operations at once. Saturday, tho 31st of July, 1SSG, was thus made a red-letter day in tho annals of Kil-


Sines writiug the above I havo been shown a letter from the Railway Department, which reids na follows:-"S:r,-I am desired to acknowledge receipt of your lottor of tho 14th instant covering copies of resolutions re trial survey between Esk and Kilkivan, via ) Nanango, and in reply to inform yo« I hi.vo

placed myself in communication with the Chief Engineer on the subject,- P. CURNOW, Commissioner for Riilways. To Mr. M. Tansey, president of tho Nanango Progress




July 31.

A SERIOUS accident has again hofalloii Mrs. Adams, who somo timo ago had her leg brokon through being charged by a cow. It appears that in trying to use her crutches sho fell, not only breaking her log again but also fracturing her left arm. During the past yctr Mrs. Ad una has htt-l much misfortune, as sim had only just rccoverod from a severo attack of typhoid fever whon sho mot with her Hist accident.

Mr. Ross, inspector of State schools, arrived hero on Wednesday evening after a tiresome trip from Yeulba, the last five or six miles of which was accomplished in a boat kindly placed at tho disposal of Wobhor, tho driver for Cobb and Co., by Mr. P. E. Devine, of Springgrovo. Mr. Ross, thinking that ho could procoed to St. Gcorgo on Thursday morning, detei mined to cvimino tho school children on the night of his arrival, and had tho boll ruug in order lo get the youngsters together, which created quito a panic in tho township, and tho poíico and others wont rushing t owards tho school buildings, which they naturally thought wero on lire. When tho real causo became known there was somo fun at the ex-penso of tho amateur fire biigade, but parents strougly objected to allow their childron to go into a cold schoolroom at such an hour. IIo.vovcr, the inspector on iuquiry found that as no couch would sturt for St. George ho would havo to romain in Surat, and const qucntly havo full timo to cxamiuo tho pupils.

On every side tho country is looking woll, and ¡tis years sinco herbage was so plenti-ful. The selectors uro gottiuc homo their sheep, which have been away for months on country rentod for grass, as a good and oarly sprint; is now u cortainty. Flour is still senrco, as the otorckoepors canuot got their supplies from tho railway, and aro unwilling to give tho exorbitant prico-i asked by carriers, as it would morely bo offering a premium to teamstors to load, and then camp till tho roads wero fit to travel on. With fine weather prices will nguiu como to their proper lovel.

Two thousand (ivo hundred sheep, Mr. P. M'Cormack, owner, in charge, will cross the reserve as soon asthoy'can get over tho Balonne, returning to Merino Downs, near Surat.



August 4.

Tnii Municipal Council last night discussod the question that baa recently cropped up be-tween tho Lands Department and the council respecting the proprietorship of timber on tho watorwoiks reservo. Mr. Tooth, it uppears, having hoard from tho resident engineer ut tho waterworks that a Mr. Clarke was cutting sleopors on the reservo by permission of tho Miniater for Works at onco wired for infor-mation and received the reply that the départmont know all about it, and that tho Minister claimed tho right to tho timber on the land, Thereupon a proteHt was sont down, and on tho following day Mr. It. B. Sheridan wired that the Minister had revoked the liconso. The mayor in referring to the foregoing last night said that it was somewhat singular that tho party removing tho timber had applied to him a few weeks ago and was refused, und tho next thing thoy heard was that ho waa cutting down trees night and day for sleepers. It was also singular that Mr. Annnear, M.L, A,, was generally under-stood to bo a partner of Clarko's. lu tho local

Proas be noticed it was denied that Mr. Anncar had anything to do with tho transaction, but ho know, novortholoss, that Mr. Anncar waa a fiartner of Clarke's in a saw-mill. The question,

lowovor, for tho council waB whether tho Government had tho right to interfere with their watcrwoiks reserve, and the question was an important one. They might just aa woll claim to take what water they might want aa to remove their timber. If tho council hud only a paper control over tho waterworks property tho sooner thoy know it tho bettor. Alderman Miller thought tho town was indebted to the mayor for the stops taken, but in reference to Mr. Annear's numo having been mixed up with the transactions, ho had if from a partner of Mr, Clarke that Mr. Anncar was not connected with tho firm. Alderman Hockley then read nn extract from a letter from Mr. Anncar, stating that ho had not even niado an applica-tion for the permit to cut timber, Iel alone boing a sharer in the business. Other alder-men having spoken, a resolution was adopted that tho Waterworks Committco should asHcrt their claim to undisturbed possession of tho reservo, and tho matter dropped.

In laying the half-yearly balance-shoot beforo tho council, tho mayor said tho financial posi-tion was that the council had promised or undertaken wor>.u which, with current expenses to tin- ,'ltst December, would involve au outlay of £5922, Tho expected income was £4698 Thcro was a bank overdraft of £2686 ; tho deficiency at tho end of tho year would, there-fore, reach nearly £4000 But ho thought thero would bo nothing-to complain of if tho Works Committee brought up a report showing that tho work intended to bo dono was necessary and foirly distributed.

The Maryborough Club was formally oponed by the mayor on Monday cvoninir, with eightyfive member«, und in most suitable promises.

Referring once again to the filling in of the claims of voters, tho committee report that several hundred persons qualified havo not responded to tho request of tho electoral registrar. Steps aro being taken to make declarations on behalf of tho known defaulters, after which it is probablo tho number of 2000 as on the roll last year will bo moro than main-


Mr. R. M. Hyne ia being congratulated on all hands on his sucees>ful rescue of the schooner Mayflower from the Lady Elliott Island reef, on which she was "wrecked." On Friday last, after several days' anxious endea-vour, during which a boat's crew very nearly lost their lives on tho reef, tho stranded vessel was gallantly hauled into deep water, and on the following day in tow of the Sylvan was brought to Mr. Hyne's wharf. The May-flower is 148 tons register, with a hold 95ft, long, and is 28ft. iu the beam. Sho is, with tho exception of a fow sheets of copper dis-placed, as sound as tho day sho was built. It is understood that Mr. Hyne clears £2000 by hiB plucky venture.

A combined Gympie and Maryborough foot-ball team is finally selected to play matches at Brisbano (IStb), Ipswich (20th), and such other contests as may be arranged hy confrères in tho capital. The team consista of Barber, Heusler?, Lukin, Robinson, Tozer, Wilday (Gympie) ; Hunter, Mongomery, Maitland, McDowall,

Corser, Eckersley, Adair, Booker, Nicholas,

King. Stafford, Trivett, Waterston, Woodrow, and Young ( Maryborough).

The barque Scottish Hero, with 279 immi-grants, arrived off Woody Island on Monday, and was towed to town yesterday afternoon.

The immigrants are described as domestic servants, 61 ; farm labourers, 145 ; and families, 35, of whom two-thirds are English ; and it is understood a large proportion of these are from the agricultural counties.

(From the Local Press.)

Messrs. Andy Paterson and Dot Watson walked, on 3rd August, to the Bay mid back, a distance of fifty miles, in fifteen hours, in-cluding stoppages,

The committco who havo worked so dili-gently to help and persuade eligible vote» to place their names on tho roll closed their work on Saturday (31»t July), after having boon the means of assisting nearly 1000 persons to scud in applications.

Captain Foulis has now about 1000 logs of ced-ir ready for shipment to his firm in Mol bourn«, trie lato freshes in the river iuvmg brought timber elown which has lam for several ye ira in tho uppoi Mar). The French barque Louis IX, Captain Labour ia now at Mary-borough taking on board 200 000ft, of cudal, and tho brigantino fliyia, under tho command of Captan Nicolson, w inch nrnvcd at Mary- borough on Friday (JOth luly), will begin at one" taking in i caigo of 100,000ft A bil que is i xpocte el i rom Rockhampton bhortly to load with a similar cargo.



_ August 3

THE waters from tho tributaries of the Fitzroy River having emptied theniaclvea into tho mum ahearn, tho lattei Ima i laonsevural feut abo\u the oiehimry le\el Today one of tho uppoi whiuveswu aubmeiged, mid yestoulay The Rockhampton Rowing Club pontoon was earned a va>

On I nday a telegrim w is lcccned from tlio Clerk of tho Etceutno Gumlell, Mr A V Drury, asking tho aictctvry of our eoinmittco of the Queensland Provnieiul Connella bLa"uo to foi ward twelve copies of the lettci miel roso lutions issued by it lo the Actuit,3Gü\ iinoi

and tho i quest was complied with 1 amy mention thal at a meeting of the Gogango Di/tatonel Boaid today tho documents emanating fiom the cnnimittoo weiro consi I iud and f vvourably eommeiited on, and a motion pa sed exprossing sympathy w ith tho move-


The rainfall hei u hist muiitli waagicitoi than it his been foi somo mouths bringo 17in lu July t £ 1SS5 it waa onl> OOltn lin yi ai a îocoidsofji is a good one-namely, 2a 71in , oi neal 1 j threo tunca as much as dilling tho « bolo of 16SJ

A pnmile of all our Defence Force eompamos was li 11 on fc> ituulay uuilei the eoniiiiaii I of Majoi Robinson lho mon of AOunpanv, Ü Company, Queensland Scottish Rifle Corps (ho Naval Brigade, and the Naval Artillery Coi ps must led in fan force eaily inthcaftei

noon at tho dull »hod, and mai ched tin nee to a vaeant allotment oil William-street. There thoy wore dulled for a fow moments in tho picseuu.) of scvoial prominent residents, who wore so ploaseei with their appoaraneo tint they dotoimmod on giving puzos foi competition at tho rillo butts At tho conclusion the Major thanked tliu uflicsra and mon for tho attention tlioj lud p'ud to tho dull, and oxpioaacd a hopo that tho aftoi noon would bo too pieeuraoi ot many othors spent profitably in tho same m uiuor, anel tint olheors wouk1 poifecb thumjohes in thou dull, so that each could tako a hand at drilling tho wholo foi co Hu also an nounced that Mr. W McIlwraith had offered a pri/o to becoino tlio piopeity of lho best drilled and best turned out company of tho Rockhampton contingent.

Mr U S Lucas, who now owns tho pro pi-ity of tho Rockhampton and North Side Tramway Company, and had all its rights and puviliges tin own into his arms by tlio Supreme Court, Isnowoneleavounng to arrange tin the foi nuuion of a company to completo tlio constiuction of tho line fiom the point whcio tho woik was stopped to tho Rockhampton terminus of the Central Railway Ha ia not olli ung tho shares to tho publie oponly, but is sookmg to induce capitalists to invest thuir money in the venturo

lho ticatment oin councils havo received

rcgai ding the íepaiis to tho Fitzroy Bridge is rogatded as not vol y et editable to tim Ministut foi Woiks, who, it now seems, ueior intended tho work, foi wlneli tonelois woro invited, should be carried out by tlio Govcrinnont, anil avcis tho Cngincoi of Undges should not havo atlcmptod moto than tompoiaiy upuiia All aloi g wo ha\o boen lod to expect the Go\crnînont woitltl placo tho strucluio in athoroughly sound Loiidition au I paint it, and then hand it o\er to tho caía of tho local authorities Tint, however, was not thoir intention, but wo ha\o only just becumo aware of tho fact Tho oioction of a footway on cither anio lu, wo aro t ilil, a niattci for tho attention of tim councils, and in that evont it is likely to lomani in aboyanco for somo timo

lhowoiksof tlio Oi ntl al Queensland Meat E\poit Company wore otîoroel foi silo by auetion yesteidiy at Mi It Foulkes's rooms, m the pi eseuce of a large assembly of influí ntml and moneyed mon lho company's possessions wotoolteieel m one lot, anel on tho eonclitiou that tlio purchaser was to pay iv deposit of onethird on tho fall of tho liamtiiot, and tho hdiuieo in piomissoiy notes of equal amountj extending over tin ce, six, nine, twelve lift eon, and eighteen inoiillu lcspectivoly As noon »s Mr. Foulkes had read the condition», a Mr Craig, a representative of Messrs. J Ba??e Johnson, of Sydney, attorneys foi tho late London agents of tho company (Messrs Law, Sons, anel Co), ii ad u protest against the sala of any portion of tho eompuny's piopeity on the gioiind that tho salo had not been advoi tiaed sufficiently long oi oxtolisivoly lila liqmrlators, howovei, dixidod to proeced with the auction, and tho woika plant, iVc woro offered in one lot JCho Hist bul-that of the liquidaron), ¿28 01)0-was thoiaat, and th« pioporty was passed in I am mforiiiod a pnvito salo is being auanged lhoieseivo (L28 000) would havo covoied the bink ovci

draft, nnd all other expenses connected with tho liquidation

Tho You Yangs, ii, on her second trip to Sydney only lost two bullocks Sho loft on Saturday night with a third mob, numbcrinp 20J, which was embarked in tho short time of

lue houis

{I tom Pic Looal Press )

Constable M'Kenna and n black tracker wont out on 30th July in scatcli of a girl named Lynch, who was roportcd to havo been lost from tho Six mile, on tho Gladstone road They found hei in tho houso of a man named Strandquest, a married man, who states ho took the girl in through charity Sho was diesscd in moleskin trousers, a blue shirt and a black hat, the crown of which was stulfed with paper lho girl, who seomed to bo a littlo silly, said sho had boen looking for horses

Ono thousand head of cattlo aie being mustered at Princhester, anel will start for Now South Wales ina fow flays 1 wo hundred hoad of fat cattlo ai o tiavelling from Glenroy to Bertram's paddock, Lakes Creek. Mr

Steele is in charge.

A gentleman who has just arrived from St Lawrence informs us (Argus) that work ia home rapidly pushed forwarel on tho Yatton goldfield, all the claims aro on good loaders, and aro sinking on them Grass and water are m abundance It is expected that a ciusbing plant will shortly bo placed on tlio ground, as tho Yatton Company aro in treaty for one lho General Gordon is turning out somo pood looking stone Altogether there is nearly 1000 lons of stone awaiting crushing on the
