Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Saturday 17 April 1886, page 4




April 13.

In stock movements, I have to report as follows - Arrived in Toowoomba for sale during the last fourteen days, 250 head of mixed store cattle from Callitris, F. Robinson in chorge, 190 bullocks from Maraby, J Lindsay, owner, in charge, and 220 mixed cattle from Tinowan, T. O'Brian in charge, 120 head of fat bullocks from Cooroora, B. South, owner, in charge,600 crossbred sheep from Overton, M'Dougal and Turner, owners, 60 head of mixed horses from Overton, M'Dougall and Turner, owners, 35 head of draught horses from Wyaga, S. Holmes, owner, in charge, 10 heavy draught mares from Coo loora, J. H. Johnstone in charge. The above mentioned stock were all consigned to T. G. Robinson and Co for sale. To arrive during this week: 40 head of coach and van horses fiom Tartha, the property of W. Docknell, Esq, and 10 head of saddle horses from Liddell Dale, D. M'Donald owner, in charge, 100 head of steers from Callitris, F. Robinson in charge, these to arrive in ten days. The weather has Doon showery these last two days. A fine rain fell in Toowoomba last night, how far it has extended I am unable to say. Many of tho stations on the Downs aro well off for grass for the coming winter, while others which have not been favoured by the storms have but a gloomy prospect before them, unless we have a dropping winter. Stock on the average are in good condition.



April 14

THE Municipal Council held its usual fort-

nightly meeting this week in the evening, instead of the afternoon as heretofore. An hour was devoted to a discussion as to whether a " new industry " should be stifled, the in-dustry being a soap factory for which permis-sion was asked for erection in a somewhat populous part of the town. The question was handed over to the Health Committee for report. An application from Mr. J. M. Stafford, solicitor for the Salvation Army leaders, asking the mayors permission, in terms of a by-law, for musical instruments to be played in the streets, occasioned another indeterminate discussion. It was resolved to refer the applicants once again to the by-laws, Alderman Dawson was nominated as a member of the Licensing Board in place of the mayor, struck off by the Government on account of his being a director of a building society. A code of by-laws to restrict hawking without licenses in the municipality was adopted. With respect to the proposed municipal conference to be held in Brisbane,

a copy of a letter to all the mayors and councils in the colony was read, inviting attendance on tho 26th May next. The prin-cipal subjects for discussion are formulated, Mr. R. B. Sheridan, M. L. A., accompanied by members of the hospital committee visited the new hospital buildings yesterday. The party were much gratified with the progress of the


Mr Hodgkinson's intention of visiting the Isis district yesterday with reference to the choice of central sugar mill sites was made known on Monday, and Messrs. Mellor and Bailey, MM. L. A., came to town for the purpose of accompanying the inspector to the scene of inspection. The Wide Bay members, how-ever, discovered that Mr Hodgkinson had gone to the Isis via Bundaberg, whereupon they returned home. The presence of three members of Parliament in Maryborough at one time is regarded as quite a novelty.

Last year the Tiaro people requested that their little township, with 150 ratepayers, should have a local government of its own, and the Government granted it. Now peti-tions are being numerously signed, asking for the Shire Council to be disbanded. Whilst the Tiaro folk are thus wishing to undo what has been done in this matter, the Pialba com-munity are actually proposing to fall into the same folly. There is no doubt the Burrum Divísion might be broken into two more compact and workable divisions, but general opinion favours the view that the Government may well hesitate before granting a Shire Council to such an infant and sparsely populated locality.

The Eight Hours' Association having applied to the several drapery establishments for shortened hours of labour for the girls employed therein, and the communication to the local branch of Finney, Isles, and Co having been forwarded to the head of the firm in Brisbane, Mr. Thomas Finney writes a thoroughly common sense reply which is published in one of our papers. Mr. Finney expresses his hearty sympathy with the movement, and then proceeds to tap one of the real sources of the prevailing system of late business hours. He says: " I hope the eight hours' men in other cities will follow the good example of the Maryborough men, and that they and then families will do their shopping early in the day instead of leaving it for Saturday nights. I regret to say the shopkeepers who keep open on Saturday nights m Brisbane all say they would like to close, but the eight hours' men and their families aro the people who persist in coming out on Saturday nights to do their buying, thereby keeping the shops open and young people (male and female) working unreasonably long hours. One of the best aids the Eight hours' Association might begin with, is for them to try and induce all large employers to pay wages on some other day of the week instead of Saturday, as is done in other cities, where it has proved the greatest help to early closing on Saturdays. My sentiments on Saturday nights' work are

-That it is a relic of the slavish times of the past, and it lies with the masses of the people

to put an end to it.

Complaint is made that the facilities for passenger traffic on the railway line to Howard are inadeqate for ordinary comfort. On Mon-day, owing somewhat to the circumstance that District Court officials occupied the small first class apartment in the one carriage provided, several persons were compelled to take second class, and crowd among forty-two people, of whom more than a dozen kanakas were smoking during the whole journey. The female travellers complained of sickness.

On Monday the police magistrate, as chair-man of tho Polynesian Hospital Committee, received a wire from the Chief Secretary order-ing the immediate suspension of Dr. Joseph, the modical superintendent of the hospital, and authorising the committee to appoint another medical man to the temporary management of the institution. Dr O'Connor has accepted the appointment. It being generally antici-pated, in view of the grave irregularities ex-posed at the recent inquiry, that Dr. Joseph's cessation of duties at the hospital will be per-manent, a good deal of interest is taken as to the course which the Government will pursue in respect to future management. The planters have proposed that a competent head-wards- man, with certain stated visits from a town doctor, would be ample, but I may say the general public hardly agrees with the scheme, behov ing that 1500 or more islanders demand the whole ttention of a medical man.

The Ellidge inquiry pursues its weary way, but the police magistrate, positively tired out by tho mass of evidence as to petty squabbling between the manager and his subordinate, in timates that he v> ill close proceedings to day without fail The only item of public interest evolved at the sitting yesterday was the in ference that errors m shipping information, which have troubled the Chamber of Commerce for ajear or moro past must bo laid at tho door of the manager himself, whose special duty it was to obtain and supply it.

Some interesting information is forthcoming respecting the Vernon Coal and Railway Com-pany's movements in connection with their project to build a railway to Urangan Point. As a matter of fact, the failure to float the company in the colonies has resulted in an appeal to British capitalist', and it is reported that a prospectus at home is finding most en-couraging favour. It will be remembered the embryo company have £2000 lodged with the Government to be forfeited if the line is not constructed by the end of next year.

The Dan Barry Dramatic Company closed a four nights' season yesterday. Fryer's circus opens on the 20th.

At the Howard Police Court a farmer named William Brown was charged with shoot-ing down a neighbouring farmer's pigs on the complainant's land. The evidence sustained the charge, and the defendant was fined £10, with the value of one pig and substantial costs, in default three months in gaol. James R. Jardine, landlord of the Blue Bell Inn, was charged on Monday with an aggravated assault on a man named Hunton, committed during a melee with the prosecutor, in which the wives of both belligerents joined. The license of Jardine was postponed for twenty eight days last week for needed improvements to his house. A publican at Dickabram has been fined for Sunday selling.

Ellen Ellis, on a charge of arson, was fully committed for trial yesterday after further evidence had been taken. The fire occurred on the 18th January. Policies of insurance in the sums of ¿450 and £150 expired on 20th


Parades and drills every evening this week in preparation for the camp furnish full occu-pation for the spare hours of the members of the Q.D F. It is understood the Government steamer Otter will take all the troops she can carry to camp. Embarkation is fixed for Sunday.

The census collectors for the district have been told off, and some of the forms to be filled in are already in circulation.

Mr. N. E. N. Tooth was the only candidate for the Burrum Divisional Board yesterday for

which there were two vacancies.

Not half an inch of rain fell during the very promising weather of the early part of the week. It ia now distressingly fine.


(From Local Papers to the 9th April. )

THE Star advocates an elective Upper House,

and says the present Legialative Council has always hindered the cauao of the small settlers.

Two football clubs are about to be formed and already over thirty persons have given in

their names.

Twelve new names were added to the elec-toral list at the recent revision.

The Mail says the town contains more firstclass hotels in proportion to its population than any other place in the colony.

Tenders are invited for the erection of the new Catholic Church in Bundaberg. The building is to be 70ft. long by 50ft. wide.

Considerable disturbance has been caused in Bundaberg by drunken kanakas, and the Mail indignantly demands to know who supplies

them with intoxicants.


(From Local Papers to the 10th April. )

THE Bulletin advocates associated immigra-tion and the selection of land in large blocks by associated immigrants at so many acres each.

Mr Olsen has refused an offer of £3000 for his caves, which still attract a great deal of attention, and has also declined a proposal to lease them for ten years at a liberal rental.

Petty thefts seem to be on the increase in Rockhampton, a number of cases having occurred within the past few days.

A correspondent of the Bulletin describes Yatton goldfield as essentially a field for small companies and corresponding batteries, and deprecates a rush of working miners until

rain sets in.

The evening Mercury, referring to the sepa- lation project, says it will be a matter for grave consideration whether the inhabitants of the Central district will not object to form the extreme outskirts of the two colonies.

The Argus says that there is no doubt that   there is far more enterprise exhibited by the residents of Townsville than by those of Rockhampton, and they succeed in getting much more out of the Government by political


Several complaints have been made as to the way in which corpses are buried at the local cemetery. One gentleman states that he could push his stick through the earth that had been shovelled into the grave and touch the coffin.

The ruthless manner in which dogs are being poisoned in and around Rockhampton is causing great dissatisfaction among the resi- dents.


(From Local Papers to 8th April. )

A FUND has been started for the proposed band for the Naval Corps, and is progressing


The Bulletin although differing with Mr. Griffith on most points, feels sure that in his hands the interests of Australasia as a whole will never lack an able exponent and a patriotic


The Bulletin wants to know " who will manage New Guinea when the separation of North Queensland is occomplished, supposing that the Premier's propoaal is then in force?"

Mr Auguste Deschamps, powder magazine keeper, writes concerning the tree kangaroo, that eighteen months ago he shot an animal resemoling a kangaroo, but of a dark brown colour, in a tree at least 35ft .in height. The animal weighed about 601b , and was examined curiously by three persons beside Mr Des-champs. It was shot in the hills in the vicinity of the powder magazine.

When the passengers vvere going on board the steamer Palmer, shortly before S o'clock on the evening of the 7th instant, a young man named Norman, a saloon passenger, while on the point of stopping on the gangway fell overboard, having in his arms a box of plants which baulked his sight Captain Griffths, who waa standing near the platform, immediately gave the alarm, and lowered himself by a rope to the water's edge to the rescue, the watchman, Frederick Martin, throwing over a life buoy. Both means were unsuccessful, and the man sank three times before a lumper named Matchett, who arrived on the scene in time, dropped down between the vessel and the wharf, a space of a little over 10ft, and caught hold of Norman, placed him in the life buoy,   and had him hauled up on deck, where he re-

covered consciousness.


(From Local Papers to the 6th April)

WATER conservation according to the Miner is by far the most important question in Queensland, it recommends as the best scheme the conversion of our rivers into


While on the black labour question the Miner wants to know why "newspaper proprietors, instead of paying from £3 to £4 a week for compositors, should not be allowed to get coolie compositors, who would work for 10s. a

week or less ' '

The Herald, referring to the suggestion that North Queensland should be made a Crown colony before separation ia granted, says that " the Prime Mimster'a malicious mault to the North should be thrown back with the scorn it merits by every man who has not had a gaol bird's education, or a Moreton Bay con-vict's lineage. "

The Mimater for Instruction has granted the use of the boys' school reserve to the De-fence Force for the purpose of drill.

Thady O'Kane took advantage of his recent   trip to this city to write a long "Briabane letter," which appears in the Northern Miner with his signature in large capitals attached.

The Miner alleges that the skin of a carpet snake 12ft long was brought to its office the other day, and 2ft had been previously cut off. The snake was killed at Homestead.

The Miner sys that the Brisbane depart-ments look at Northern affairs through a thousand mile long telescope and most usually


From the appearance of the remains of George the Greek, found between the Billy Goat Mountains and the Rollstone Range, it

l appears that the unfortunate man must have

been torn to pieces by native dogs.

The Miner declined to pay 19s 6d for a col-lect telegram with the full account of the troubles of the Cairns Chronicle with Mr. Chester. It sjmpathisea with the Chronicle

man but does not feel justified in going to such an expense to air his grievances.


(From Local Papers to 3rd April )

THE Palmer Chronicle has received a pam-

phlet addressed to "The Proprietor of the Palmer Goldfield, Queensland," from a firm of engine makers of London.

A local company on the Normanby have purchased the five head battery there for

£1000, and expect to keep the stamps going daily from the Monte Christo alone.  

"There can be no doubt," says the Cook-town Courier, "that Cooktown stinks in the Ministry's nostrils," and adds that in support-ing the Government " we gave ourselves away too cheaply."

The volley firing of the Cooktown members

of the Defence Force, according to the Independent, would not disgrace " a crack regiment

of the line "

The sale of the Hap Wah Company's sugar plantation on the Mulgrave road, about four miles fiom town which has been under nego- tiation for some time past, is now completed. The terms of the sale are that the purchaser, Mr. Mills, of Charters Towers, takes the whole of the land 12o0 acres, belonging to the com-pany for £15,000, the company to be allowed one year a possession in which to take off the standing crop, and remove all buildings, machinery, &c , except fencing.