South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Saturday 25 July 1885, page 8

H : : AUCTIONS - - , '[ ABSTRACT of SALES by AUCTION . ,. THIS DAY.' C Loirb'-fc Co.— At Kilkenny, at threes-Land. D. W. Melyin.— At his Mart, at tea— Miscellaneous Sale. : E. S. Hughes.— At his Mart, at eleven— Miscel-laneous Sale. F. J. Botxinc & Co.— At their Mart, at eleven— Poulby: . Towksbnd -& Son.— At their Mart, at twelve— Ponltry. ? ? ? ? - ? ? ? DW. M E L VI BT,: ? ATJCTIONEEB, VALUATOB.&C, SHE CENTRAL AUCTION MABT, MELrm CHAMBERS, 73 AND 75, KING WILLIAM-STREET. Stores and Cellars, Wayraouth-place, behind Mart. ? Business done in Furniture, . Merchandise, Beal Estate, Shares, Live Stock, &c, &c Prompt Account Sales. FURNITURE and SUNDRY SALE each WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 10. Other Mart or outside Sales as arranged. Furniture, Pictures, &c, for Private Disposal. Liberal advances on goods for sale ; or when desired tb.9. Auctioneer will arrange for the CASH PURCHASE of Furniture, Musical Instruments, Consignments, Stocks, Invoices, and Sundries. FIRST-CLASS Commercial or Professional OFFICES TO LET. ? ? ? ^__ . TO-DAY (Saturday), July 25, at 10. THE CENTRAL AUCTION MABT. 7S AND 75, KING-WTXU AM-STREET. THE WEEKLY FUBNITUBE AND MIoCELLANEOUS SALR D-' W. MELVIN ? = will offer— New superior Hair SUITES, 9 pieces Austrian Cane Suites. S pieces : Cedar Bookcase3. Cedar Secretaire PIANOS, GIG Couches, Sofas, Easy Chairs, Wardrobes Pictures, Mirrors, Ornaments, Overmantel^ Cheats of Drawers, Chiff onnieres, Bicycles Large Signboard, Office Division Meateafea, Sofas, Tables, Chairs Washing Furnace, Fenders, Coalvasea Curtain-pole3, Mosicstcola, Toilet-glasses Waabitands and Ware. Towelhorsea Double Breechloader, Billiard Table Electroplate, China. Crockery, Glassware Cutlery,. Clocks, Lamps, Vases, Iron Safe BEDSTEADS and BHDDING Fancy Goods, Smallwarea, Ironmongery Cooking Utensib, Tubs, Boilers, Tools GENERAL HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, and USEFUL or ORNAMENTAL SUNDRIES Brackets, Perambulator, Wall Paper, Aviary, Spooss, Musical Album. ALSO, Laree Quantity of COUNTER GOODS, comprising trade lota of Haberdashery, Fancy Soaps, Bru3hware. Tinware, Toys, Paper Collars, Siding Whip3, Pipes, Cement, Shoehorns, Marbles, Combs, &c, &c Deed-box, . Cai Glassware, Vases, Kerosine Stove, Books, Flooidoga, &c, &c MONDAY, July 27, at 11. ? WAKEFIELD-STBEET EAST, OPPOSITE FABB AND SONS' TIMBER-YARD. FOB MB. VAN KASPELEN, ARTIST. DW. MEL V IN is directed to ?? sell, as the owner is leaving — B. and G. OVERMANTSt, Pictures, Artist's Easel, Parian Figures, Elng Parrot loo. Occasional, Dining, and other Tables, Arabian Ann and Dining Chairs, Carpets, Mats, Floorcloth, Matting, Couch, Tapestry and Lace Curtains, Zither Harp Fender and Irons, Duplex Lamp, Timepiece, Hammock,, Books, Electroplate Braas-mounted H.T. Bedstead with Curtains, Palliasses, Mattresses, Bedding, Stretcher Pine 'Waahaiand, Dressing Tables, Chest of HZ. Drawers, Toilet-glaaa, and Towel-horse, Safe Office Washstand, Tubs, Boiler3, Cooking Utensila, Crockery, China, Glassware, &c. ... TUESDAY. July 23, at 11. HALIFAX-STBBET WEST. NEX I SHEPHERD'S STORE. FOB MB. W. H. FAIRLIE. D! W. MELVTN has instructions to ? .sell, because of Mr. Fairlie having taken the Foundry Hotel— ' WALNUT MIB20B SIDEBOABD Carpets, Floorcloth, Uats. Matting Cedar Sofas, Austrian aud other Chairs, Musicstool, Picturea, Ornaments. E.P. Ware, Cut-' lery, Crockery, Glassware, Vases, Clocks Garden Seat, Chairs, Chest of Drawers. Tables, Washstands, Toilet Ware and Glasses Tabular; H.T. and other Bedsteads, Palliasses, Mattresses, Bedding Meatsafe, Cooking Utensils, Tubs, Washing Furnance, and numerous Sundries. THIS DAY (Saturday), July 25, at 11 o'clock. AT THE ADELAIDE AUCTION MABT. TO POULTRY BREEDERS AND PRIVATE . FAMILIES-. «? POULTRY. -®H 43* POULTRY. ?£* Xfl J. BOTTING & 0 O. -*- * have been favoured with instructions to sen, This Day (Saturday),. July 25. at 11 o'clock— 26 (about) Pens %of t PURB-BRBD GOODLAYING FOWLS, . TUBKEYS, GBESE, and DUCKS—- ?? Black Spanish1 . Wbite-Georgja ? -French Turkeys Toulouse Geese Sucks. Without Beserve. On TUESDAY, July 28, at 12 o'clock. Al THE GRENFELtSTREET AUCTION MABT. IMPOBTANT SALE OF FBEEHOLD AND LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES. BEDS INKS. ISLINGTON. WOOLUNDUNGA. CRYSTAL BROOK. BBUCE, aLDRIDGE, & CO. are favoured with instructiona to sell by auction, as above— ? Mr. Cowan's Redbanka Estate— ' ^lO^T ACBES Magnificent Agricultural Land, with the Seven Stars Hotel and other snbrtantial Improvements. Watered- by the River light. iW' Failing, a satisfactory bid for the whole Property, it winbe offered in Lots to suit purchasers. Mr: Cowan's Islington Property— 64 ACBES, close to the ISLINGTON BaUway Station, with the Substantial and Well-built DWELLING-HOUSE of Ten Rooms, &&, Stabling, Yards' and other necessary conveniences. We can especially recommend this valuable Property to the notice] of the speculating and investing public, feeling /assured that it will double in value in less than three years' time. ? ?. — By order of the Trustee in the Insolvent Estate of t ? . Edwin Swinden— LEASE of 7,203 Acres Well-witered PASTORAL COUNTRY, with Permanent Springs, situate about 16 miles from FORT AUGUS1A, on the main road toMelrose:- Held from the Government for nearly 13yeara at an annual rental of £41 10a. Improvements— Poat-and-rail Fencing, valued by the Department at £163. By order of the Executor of the Mortgagee — TOWN SECTIONS 104, 107. and 108, CRYSTAL BROOK, with the BUTCHER'S SHOP, DWELLING-HOUSE, and Outbuildings thereon, known as Hewitts.. Fall particulars in Register of the 22nd and' Advertiser ot theEJrdinst. % On WEDNESDAY, July 29. at 11 o'clock. AT THB RESIDENCE OF MR. ALBERT HBWEB. EENSINGTON-BOAD (On the MariyatoUU Tramline, opposite Mr. Rule's, -' Oiebutcher). - - - -SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, \ EFFECTS, AND SUNDRIES. ; BRUCE, ALDRID GE, & CO. are' instructed by Mr. Albert Hewer to sell by auction, as above, in consequence of the expiry of his lease— . ; t. All bis Modern and Superior HOUSEHOLD FUBNITURE, comprising— Very superior Full-tone, Iron-frame, Overstrung, Walnut PIANO, by Ronisch S Extension Dining Tables, Archimedean screw CrU3Sal3 anl Tapestry Carpets, Hearthrugs isteel Fender and Irons, BlacK-and-gold Mirrors BUPEBIOB DEA.WINGP.0OiI SUITE in Walnut Tapestry, 9 pieces : Valuable Oil Painting3 and Engravings ? Gilt Cornice, Tapestry, Rep, and Lace Curtains - CuTtain-poles, Marbla Clock 2 Handsome Dinner Services, each 100 pieces Breakfast, Dessert, and Tea Services Glassware, Cutlery, E P. Ware ? Cedar Sideboard. Chiffonnisre, Bookcase Brass-mounted Hasf-tester Bedstead* Duchess Suite, Wardrobe, Washstand, and Dressing Tables ^Kitchen Dresser, Icechest, &c AH the Usual Requisites of a wen-appointed Gentleman's Residence. ? ' , -43T Catalogues in course of preparation. ?_ ,Oa view on Tuesday from 2 to 5 o'clock. On TUESDAY, July 28, at naif-past 2 o'clock. AT THE MILE-END YARDS. g|Q0 SPLENDID FAT OATHS. EL^GHTON & 'CO[ are In? structed by Messrs. Jones, Greene, and Sullivan to sell, as above— ''?]?' 250 Very Prime FAT CATTLE of the noted BD1 brand, fnm Bulloo Downsr-1; Also, for C. P. Han3erford,Esq.— 50 prime Eit Cattle : Buyers' attention is called' to -thi3 fine large yard of Cattle,- and to fee hour of Sale. ? 306-9^ ^ ELAUGHTOH & CO., ? — ' ADELAIDE, 8ALESMEN OF WOOL, HIDES, SHEEP, AND * OTHER SKINS, AND TALLOW. Auction Sales held every Tuesday, Thursday, and - - ? Saturday, at 10.30. PrctnDt Accounts and Cash Settlement, cva ELATJGHTON & CO., ? STOCK AxTO STATION COMMISSION AGENTS, ' ADELAIDE. Sales cf Fat and Stoie Stock of aU ktods constantly Leld, Prompt Accouata and Casn Seralemests. ??- - W6Td''

,rj j ? AUCTIONS ; ' | THIS DAY (Saturday), July 25, at 11. ! FEDEBAL MABT, GRENFELL-STBEET. BEGULAB SATURDAY MISCELLANEOUS SALES. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND EFFECTS. REMOVED FOR EASY SALE. ES. H~~U G HE S ? (Late Bigxell & Hughes) will senVery superior Iron -frame Full TricordOrer! strung PIANO, by Zerffi & Sohn - Excellent Walnut Iroa-f rame PIANO, by Zerffi ? ; and Sohn, Berlin : ? Cedar Wardrobes, Cedar Chesfa Drawers Cedar Bookcase, Telescope Dining Table ? -. Excellent Bedroom Suite, Couches Double and Single Bedsteads and Bedding Dining, Kitchen, and Dressing Tables ' Chairs, Double Meatsafe, Carpets Toilet-glasses, Bagatelle-board Superior Centre Ottoman General Furniture and Effects. ALSO, Brooms, Spades, Buckets, Tinware Saucepans, Kettles, Tubs * Glassware, E.P. Ware, Crockery Jewellery, Pipes, Fancy Goods &c, &c, . &c On another account— 8 assorted handaom9 Curtain-poles Plush Tables, Cane Tables and Chairs Tubular Bedstead, Swing Cot Pierglaas, 3 set Fireirons, Stools, &c. And under Registered BiH of Sale— 2 Horses, Spring-Dray and Harness. ' ' ' ALSO, Quantity Furniture and Sundries. On MONDAY, July 27, at 12. CARRIAGE SHOWROOMS FEDERAL MART, GRENFELL-STBEET. : WEEKLY SALE OF VEHICLES ES. H BTU G H E S ? (Late Bignell & Hughes). ' 'r~'' On MONDAY, July 27, at 3. ' ON THE PREMISES. OFF GLEN OSMONDBO ID (near Rowe's Store). 2-H.P. WOODCUTTING MACHINERY/ COMPLETE. ES. HUGHES ? (Late Bignell & Hcghes) is instructed to absolutely sell as above. On SUESDAY, July 28, at 1L FEDEBAL MABT, GBENFELL-STBEBr. 3 BALES FLANNELS. ES. H IT G H E S ? (Late Bignkll & Hughes) is instructed to sell as above. S. -I- H U G H E S ? (Lite Bignell & Hughes), FEDEBAL AUCTION MABT, GRENFELL-STREET, AUCTIONEER, VALUATOR, AGENT. MISCELLANEOUS SALE EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY, To which please send what you don't want ' and get the ca3h for it. Sales of Merchandise, Stocks, Fumituie, Land, &c, conducted on your Premises, or at the Mart, as arranged. Definite charges fixed prior to selling, so that you know exactly what your Sale will cost. Lowest charges. Prompt settlements. Liberal Advances made on Good3 of all kinds placed for Sale or Storage. Furniture and Goods for Sale privately. 162thsc ~~ On TUESDAY, July 28, at 1 o'clock.. ~ AT VIBGINIA. JAMES LINDSAY is instructed . by : the Executors to the Will of the late 'Mr. . Samuel Smith to sell, as above— * :;lamv ?'?? '??? ?????: ^ -STOCK, . IMPLEMENTSj__ 1 , -, , t, FURNITURE, &c For particulars see placards and Observer and Chronicle. ' . ' %' , ' ' '' ' ; , ,' '? ' 20*,6 On FRIDAY, August 7, at noon. VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY IN CENTRE OF PORT ADELAIDE. LIPSON AND DIVETT STREETS. ELDER'S WOOL AND PRODUCE Company, Limited. are instructed by the Mortgagee exercising power of sale and by the Trustee of the late George Hall, M.L.C., to sell by auction, at the Company's Mart, Currie-street, on Friday, July 31 instant, at 12 o'clock noon— VALUABLE FREEHOLD LAND in LIPSON and DIVETT STREETS, PORT ADELAIDE, as under, viz.':— 95 feet FRONTAGE to LIPSON-STREET, opposite Messrs. Elder, Smith, & Co 's ofiices. 90 ft FRONTAGE to DIVETT-STREET, opposite National Bank, Bank of Australasia, . Advertiser Buildings, &c. Lot 1. 45 feet FRONTAGE to LIPSON-STREET. by depth of 60 feet, with 13 feet right-of-way at rear Carlton-Sereet. On this block are erected the offices now occupied by Messrs. W. R. Cave & Co. Lotl. Adjoining Lot 1, 50 feet FRONTAGE to LIPSONSTREET by depth of 80 feet on northerly aide and47. 47. feet on southerly side, with. 15 feet right-of-way to Carlton-street, and 6 ieet right-of-way to Janestreet: together with the Buildings thereon, one of which is occupied by Mr. H. Leicester. Lot 3. 45 feet FRONTAGE to DIVETT-STREET, by depth of 93 feet along Carlton-street to 15-feet right-of-way at back, thus having. three frontages. This Lot is adjacent to the Commercial Hotel, and opposite. the National Bank, the Bank of Austral asia, &c. Lot 4. 45 feet FRONTAGE to DIVETT-STREET, by depth of about 93 ft .7 in. on westerly side and 70 feet ion. easterly side, with 15 feet right-of-way, to Carlton-street. This Lot adjoins the premises of Messrs. H. Graves & Co , and part of it was recently occupied by Mr. R. Charlick. All these Properties are centrally situated about midway , betweea the Railway Station and the Wharfs, and in close proximity to the public and principal business offices of Port Adelaide. The present leases expire on January next, so that purchasers can obtain possession in time for next wheat season. Opportunity will be given at the Sale for ths acquiring of the whole of this valuable property in one block, in eluding the portion laid out as a 15-feet rigbt-of-way. TERMS.— Half cash and half at 6½ per cent., the buyer having the option of paying cash. For Plans and information as to Title, &c, apply to the Auctioneers ; or to Messrs. Knox, Gwynne and Hargrave, Adelaide. 206mwfi9 On FRIDAY, August 7. AT THE OFFICE OF .THE AUCTIONEER, FREARSON'S EXCHANGE, KING WILLIAMSTREET. COBUBG PENINSULA! NORTHERN TERRITORY. IN THE ASSIGNED ESTATE OF COABLES ... . ., LEVL. ? EM. BAGOT ha3 received instruc? tions to sell by auction, as above— .The Whole of ONE SIXTH INTEREST in the COBDBG CATILB PROPRIETARY. The Property consists of 1,200 Square Miles of Country situated at PORT ESSINGTON, Northern Territory, and is held under LBases from the Crown, which have about sixteen years to run, at 2s. 6d. per mile. Vast numbers of Buffalo and Timor Ponies depasture on this Property. -Also a large number of English and Sourabaya Cattle. ' The Pine Apple, Mango, Jackfrult, Cocoannt, &c, ? flourish. Cotton grown there took First Prize at the Sydney Exhibition. ? \ For further particulars apply to the Auctioneer. . j .. . 178ws213^9 .'.. EM. B A G O % m STOCK, STATION, ; AND COMMISSION AGENT, FBAABSON'S EXCHANGE, . KlNQ WILUAH-91BSET. Sales of an kinds of Stock constantly held, with, plomntiettlemftn* ? isgwuf* ; PRELIMINARY NOTICE. On FRIDAY, August 14, at 11.30 aan. AT GABNEB'S ASSEV1BLY-ROOMS, KINO WILLIAM-STBEET, ADELAIDE. IN 1HB ESTATE OF WILLIAM SHANNON, 1 ..;; ; DECEASED. BYiOBDEB OF J4MBS SHANNON, ESQ., ADMINISTRATOR TO THE SAID ESTATE. HUNDRED OF KILKEBR4N, SECTIONS 12, 13, AND 14, CONTAINING 6S3 ACRES. HUNDRED WAURALTEE, SECTION 100, CONTAINING 17 ACRES. HUNDRED T1PABA, SECTIONS 90 AND 10*. CONTAINING 25 ACRES. FRANCE, CHls~W.} is favoured with instructions from Jas. Shannon, Esj , to sell by public auction, at Garner's Assemblyrooms, as above — SECTIONS 12, 13, and 14, HUNDRED of KILKEBBAN, County of Ferguson, containing 6S3 Acres, fenced and improved; leased by Hastings Bros. SECTION 106, HUNDRED of WAUR1LTEE, containing 17 Acres ; leased to Tho3. Kenny. SECTIONS 90 and 104, HUNDRED of TIP ABA, containing 23 Acres. For full particulars apply to the Auctioneer, Chas. W. France, Central Chambers, Waymouthstreet, Adelaide. For narticulara a3 to Title Messrs. Belt & Son, Solicitors, Eagle Chambers, King. William-street. Adelaide. x CHAS. W. P E A 28' G E, LICENSED LAND BROKER AND AUCTIONEER, STOCK aNO STATION AGENT. Fa^es of nit kinds Bejictiated Valuations made. Money to Lend at 6 to 7 per cent. Address Central Chambers, Waymouth-street, Adelaide. ? 192*^ SETH FERRY, AUCTIONEER, STOCK AND STATION AGENT. Sales and Valuations undertaken m all parts of the Colony. Pritate Address-Dequettaville-terrace, Kert Ttown,

THIS DAY (Saturday^ Jal^26, ^ 12 o'clock. ? AT THE SOUTH AUSTHALLUT AUCTION A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF WELL-BBED POULTRY. TO POULTBY BREEDERS AND FANCIERS, PRIVATE FAMILIES, AND OTHERS. T:owusEii & son .will seH, as above — A Choice Assortment of WeU-bred POULTRY. On MONDAY, July 27, at 12 o'clock. 9N THE PREMISES (BOARDING-HOUSE). FREEMAN-STREET (Opposite Messrs. John Dunn & Co.'a). UNDER INSTRUCTIONS FROM THE PROPRIETRESS, WHO IS LEAVING THE COLONY. ALL THE FIRST-CLASS AND NEARLY NEW HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND EFFECTS. TO PARTIES FURNISHING, PRIVATE FAMILIES, PROPRIETORS OF BOARDINGHOUSES, FURNITURE DEALERS, AND OTHERS. TOWNSOD & SON are favoured with instructions to sell by public auction, as above — All the First-class- and. Nearly New HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and EFFECTS. t3T Without any Reserve whatever. *6-On TUESDAY, July 2S, at 11 o'clock sharp. AT THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN AUCTION MART. . tar the i£» Q- USUAL *S1 t3' TUESDAY *§* IS' WEEKLY IS* tar GENERAL '« IS- UNRESERVED 'S» -£3' SALE'S* . . , BY TOWNSEND & SON. i Further particulars in Monday's issue. . ,t On TUESDAY, July 23, at 2 o'clock. &.T THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN AUCTION MART. UNDER INSTRUCTIONS FROM THE AREAS MARKET GARDEN COMPANY. 1 /*/*/* BEALLY SPLENDID PEACH, PLUM, JLUUV ALMOND, AND APPLE TREES. CO MARKET GARDENERS, PRIVATE FAMILIES, GENTLEMEN PLANTING, AND OTHERS. TO W N S E N~D & SON are favoured with instructions from the Areas Market Garden Company to sell by public auction 13 above. Without any Beserve. Note.— The Trees will be on view at the Mart on Monday afternoon ? ' On FRIDAY, July 31, at 11 o'clock. r ii 1HE SOUTH- ATJSTBALIAN AUCTION ' MABT. T - f/ LAEGE AND FmPOSTANT SALE , . ;.:,.. ( of ^ ' ~-! GLASSWARE. CHINA, CROCKERY, AND EARTHENWABE. h r ; -: TO PRIVATE FAMILIES AND OTHERS^ ~ TO W N S 'b~N D & SON are 'favoured 'with instructions to sell by public auction as above. - ^ ? *'-;' ?: , Without any Reserve. - Further particulars in due course. , On MONDAY, August S, at 12 o'clock. ' ? ' - AT THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN AUCTION -' i* MART. QSNEBAL SALE OF LANDED PROPERTIES.1 10 CAPITALISTS,SPECULATOBS,INVEST0BS, ANDOTHEBS. TOWNS END & SON will sell, as above— ' Several VALUABLE LANDED PBOPEBTIES. Full particulars in due course. :Jfote.— Parties having Properties to dispose of, md desirous of taking advantage of thisoppo.tulity, will kindly oblige by furnishing particulars as loon as possible, to enable same being included-in idvance alip?. On TUESDAY, July 28, at 11 o'clock. AT 1HE BOOMS, CUBRIE-STREET. 3DPEBIOB HOUSEHOLD FfJRNITUBE AND EFFECTS. SPLENDID PIANO. &c. REMOVED FOR CONVENIENCE OF SALE. ON ACCOUNT OF DEPABTURE FOB H0N0? LULU.WITHOUT WITHOUT THE LEAST RESERVE. /'iHABIiES TIDEMANN is instructed vy to sell by auction, as above, without teserve-r An the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and EFFECTS of a well-furnished residence, consisting of—Several Several Suites in Horsehair, Austrian Bentwood Suites Bound and Square Cedar and other Tables Carpets, Brussels and others, Floorcloths Curtain-poles and Curtains, Venetian Blinds Gilt-framed Oleographs, Chiffonnieres Chests of Drawers, Fenders and Fireirons Glassware, Crockery, Cutlery All kinds of Nicknara Very excellent Double Half -tester (partly brass) Bedstead and Beading Single Iron Bedstead and Bedding Choral and other Toilet Glasses Toilet Tables, Waahstands with China Toilet Sets And all usual Bedroom and other useful Household RequirementsKitchen Kitchen Utensils, and' a great variety of other . necessaries - AND One Splendid Hapsburg Piano, with Muaicstool Ac, -Sc, &c. Without the least Beserve. On View, on Monday. 206'9 On WEDNESDAY, July 29, at 2 o'clock. ' AT THE TOWN HALL. ADELAIDE. A CHANCE FOB WORKING MEN. SPECULATORS, AND INVESTORS. ~ -DETACHED COTTAGES, SUBSTANTIAL' DWELLING-HOUSES, ALLOTMENTS NEAR THE CITY. ' ( , JAMES MANNING is instructed 'by the Trustees in an Assigned Estate to seU by ; auction— COTTAGES of Three Boom«. COTTAGES of Four Rooms DWELLING-HOUSE of Eight Booms and Cellar, Henley Beach-road, WEST. ADELAIDE^ WeU-sitnated COTIAGE, Five Booms, , MILE- . END. Splendid ALLOTMENT fronting Tramline,, MILE-END. K™ ' Main-road and other Frontages, WEST ADELAIDE. ALLOTMENTS at NEW PARKSEDE. And other. Properties .as per full particulars in daily papers. ? 'Hi - WTTHOUT^BBS BBVE beyond the Mortgagees* Claims. On Wednesday, July 29, at 2 o'clock. , .,. ? ? ? 201.5-6z6 AT THE TOWN HALL, ADELAIDE. On WEDNESDAY, July 29, at 2 o'clock. VALUABLE LAND AT PORT ADELAIDE, POST AUGUSTA, AND WEST HINDMABSH. JAS. MANNING is instructed to sell by auction, as above — POBT ADELAIDE.— Allotment No. 238. having 50 feet frontage to Commercial-road by a depth of 170 feet. A. valuable business site. POBT AUGUSTA.— Allotments Nos. 32, 33. and 34, each having 32 ft. 6 in. frontage to Jervoisstreet WEST HINDMARSH.— Allotments Nos. 32, 63. 72, 73, 74, 75, and 76. each having E0 feet frontage. A chance to secure a bargain. All particulars from the Auctioneer, Temple Chamber?, Currie-street. 205,9,10zC,9 PRELIMINARY. LAURA. ABOUT THE MIDDLE OF AUGUST. \ * JA&. S P I~C~E R & ' G 6. inU hold- ' ' ..,..-'. A GREAT CLEARING SALE' '? ' of MESSBS. FOBSATIH & CO.'S STOCK, PLANT, AND MACHINERY, . - absolutely without any reserve. Also, the Whole of the PR0PEB£Y. Particulars in future advertisements. ' 206,10 AURICE SALOM & COMPY;y - ? ?? ? LIMITED, CTTY AUCTION MABT, ADELAIDR. Caphal— £100,000. .'.. . :; SALES Of CARGOES and GENERAL MEBCHANDLSE, HOUSEHOLD FUBNITUBE, LAND, SHARES. &c undertaken both by Dublic auction and private contract in any part of the colony, and Valuations made. Sales of Gioceries, Wines and Spirits held weekly. M. S. & Co., Ld., are prepared to act as Agents for Absentee Proprietors, Collect Rents, Negotiate Loans on Mortgage. &e. STORAGE for 3,000 tons of Goods at very moderate rates, all goods being insured against risk of loss by fire immediately on being received. QARLILE & I R W I N, AUCTIONEERS, STOCK AND STATION AGENTS ALFRED CHAMBERS, CUBRIE-STREET, ADELAIDE. Sales held or Stock inspect in any part ot the Colour I33cv ILLIAM DEAN & SON, STOCK AND STATION SALESMEN, AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION AGENTS, 65, KING WILLIAM-STREET, ADELAIDE, Hold Weekly Sales of Fat and Store Stock at the Corporation Yards, Adelaide. Ac^imt Sales promptly rendered, with Cash Settlement. 8CTd

! On TUESDAY, July eSiatiao'clock. . : EOBE-TERRACKr MEDINDIE. HOUSEHOLD FUBNTTUBS AND BFFECT3. I FOB PROFESSOR1 LAMB, M.A. PARRj JAMES H., haa received ! instructions from 'Professor Lamb, M.A. (who ntends visiting England tor a short time), to sell by ,uction. asabove-^-, A .? : ; ; ....... All his GENUINE HOUSEHOLD FUBNITUBE i and EFFECTS, comprising— Oilcloth, ~ Brussels and Kidderminster Carpets, Mats, Fender and Fireirons ' PIANOFORTE (ROSEWOOD. b» BBO AD-WOOD -fe SONS), a-superior 'instrument, specially imported : Couch, covered with tapestry, spring-seated Easy Chair, do. do. Lounge, Austrian bentwood, with mattress and antimacassar Booking Chair, do., Walnut Cane-seated Chairs Occasional Table, tripod, black-and-gold stand Table, with revolving book-stand (walnut) Pedestal Writing Table, handsome walnut Table-top, marble inlaid. Brackets and Lace Vases, Timepiece, marble (by Bennett), Ormolu Figure under glass shade DINING TABLE, cedar, Archimedean telescope, 2 spare leaves Gentleman's Chair, Lady's Chair and 6 Chairs, mahogany, covered morocco, on castors Cedar Sideboard BOOKCASE (MAHOGANY), set Cupboards and Curtain ? Beading-desk, Cambridge oak ?.. . : Pedestal Writing Table, oak . Armchairs, Cambridge Wall Cabinet, bookshelves and cupboards (by Cain) Curtains, Bronze Ornaments, Glass, China, and . ; Platedware Bedsteads, double and single, Child's Cot . Spring Mattress, Horsehair Mattresses ? ; Dressing Table with glass, mahogany, fitted up with drawers ? Feather Pillows. Bolsters and Blankets Wash stands, marble top, mahogany, fitted up : with drawers Wardrobe, pine inlaid, Chest Drawers, pine inlaid, -tc. Kitchen Utensils and Sundries. Catalogues now ready. On view Monday, July 27. Ihe HOUSE is TO LET. ? On WEDNESDAY, July 29, at 2 o'clock. N THB OLD EXCHANGE AUCTION MABT, . ADELAIDE. VALUABLE FBEEHOLD PBOPiSBTr, MALLALA. tY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEE, AND WITH THE CONSENT OF THE EQUITABLE MORTGAGEE. PARR, JAMES H., is instructed by ? Mr. G. H. Dean, Trustee of the Insolvent Estate of Michael Farrelly, to sell by auction, as bove— AU that triangular Corner BLOCK of Land, Part lection 59, TOWNSHIP of MALLALA, with the lADDLER'S SHOP, in the occupation of Mr. jaurance, and other Buildings thereon. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneers, ir Messrs. W. & T. Pope, Solicitors, Eagle Jhambers. . On THURSDAY, July 30. BOASE'S BAZAAR, AT 2 O'CLOCK. 3LYDESDALE COLTS; BROOD MARES, and GELDINGS . . . : FROM THE : BEEFACRES STUD. ? , , (i ENTIRE COLTS by WAVERLEY ^ 14 BBOOD MABES, 2 GELDINGS. , PARR, JAMES H., has received instructions from Messrs. Hart Brothers .to ell by auction, as above, on . . THUBSDAT, JULY 30The following ENTIRE COLTS by WAVEBLEY - (imported) :— ? . jot 1. HUDSON, brown, rising 3 years, dam Maid of Glasgow 2. IVANHOE, bay, rising 2 years, dam Phcebe 3. IRONMASTER, bay, rising 2 years, dam BmniSj 4. IBISHMAN. bay, rising 2 years, dam Betty 5- INKERMAN, bay, rising 2 years, dam Victor's Beauty 6. INDIAN CHIEF, chesnut, rising 2 years, dam Miss Gaylad. MARES. 7. BETTY, brown, T-y Victor, g.d. Jess 8. VICTOB'S BEAUTY, bay, by Victor.Idam Poppet 9. GSM, brown, by Waverley, dam Miss Algie 10. DARLING, bay, by Victor, dam Kate 11. BONNIE JEAN, bay, by The General, dam Darby . 12. KATE MCDONALD, bay, by Scotchman, dam Flora 13. BLACK VIOLET, black, by Champion, dam by Cromwell 14. FLORA, bay, by Glancer, dam by Bedmond 15. SUSAN, grey, by Reformer, dam a Leo Mare 16. BLOSSOM, bay, by Prince Charley, dam by Cowden Lad 17. PATCHY, bay. bred by C. B. Fisher, Esq., pedigree unknown 18. BEAUTY, grey ; pedigree unknown 19. VIOLET, bay, by Victor, dam Fan 20. GUESS, grey, by Waverley, dam Countess. OELDINGS. 21. EABL, bay, 6 years, by Lord Redesdale, dam Blossom 22. EBSKINE, grey, 6 years, by Lord Redesdale, . dam Laura. On view at the Bazaar on Wednesday, July 29- .. -Catalogues on application. On THURSDAY, July 30, at 2 o'clock. AT BOASE'S BAZAAR. [HOBOUGHBRED AND DB4.UGHI EN1IRES. PARR, JAMES H., will sell, as above, at 2 o'clock— For Mr. G. W. Harris, Mount Gambier— Lot 23. SOBCEBEB, Black Entire Thoroughbred, aged, by Athos (imp.), dam Stella by Jersey, dam Tempest by King Alfred, dam Mother Scott by Cornborongh, dam a mare by Peter Finn ; Athos by Prime Minister, dam Peasant Girl, &c Lot 24. ICONOCLAST, Chesnut Entire Thoroughbred, aged, by Manuka, dam Mayday by Lieutenant, dam Misde (sister to Miss Saxon), &c. ; Manuka (New Zealand's best horse) by The Peer (imp.) (sire of Darebin), dam Waimea (dam of Totara, Papapa, Ac.). These Horses are guaranteed sure foal setters. Now on view. For Mr. Jas. McCord, Strathalbyn— Lot 25. ROYAL ROBIN, Bay Entire Draught, 8 yrs., by Bantin Robin, dam Maggie HI., her dam the celebrated London Maggie by Sir Walter Scott; Bantin Bobin dj Bergamie, dam Peggy, &c A sure foalgetter, and can be recommended to my one. - For Messrs. Walker & SwanLot 26.HECTOB, HECTOB, Grey Entire (Draught), foaled .August . 3, 1832, by Waverley (imp.), C.S.B., 1,347, dam Polly, bred by late P. Kelly, Evanston, Gawler. ? ...... For Mr. Thomas Dodd, Glen Osmond— ? Lot27. ... EMPEEOR, Boan Entire (draught), rising 4 years, ' byMatchem, Matchem by Briton (imported by C. B. Fisher. Esq.), dam by Cromwell (imported); grand worker. . For Mr. James Price, Noarlunga — Lot28. YOUNG ABAB, Grey Entire (roadster), by Bustoon, out of a Sydney draught mare ; a good worker and sure foalgetter. _ _ i On FRIDAY, August 7, 1885, in tlie ' . - -OLD EXCHANGE AUCTION MABT, TWO O'CLOCK. FARM OF 475 ACBES. HUNDBED OF DUBLIN. By order of the Administratrix of John Francis, late of Dublin, Farmer, deceased. PARR, JAMES H., has received. in-structions to sell, as above— IMPROVED FARM of ^.^g ACRES, livided into 4 PaddockB, with Farmhouse and Sheds, being Sections NosuSil and 342, HUNDRED )f DUBLIN, County of Gawler, having 200 Acies in 3rop, and known as Francis's. Title— Beal Property Act. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneer, sr to W. M. Sandford, Esq., Solicitor, No. 17, SVaymouth-street, Adelaide. - vr206 On TUESDAY, July 23, at 11 o'clock. AT JOHNSON'S SALEROOMS, INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS. IMPORTANT SALE~OF IMPORTED AND COLONIAL MANUFACTURED BOOTS. CO WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SHOE DEALERS, COUNTRY STOREKEEPERS, HAWKERS, AND OTHERS. JiOHNSON~&~ COMPANY win offer— -30 Trunks Women's and Children's IMPORTED ' BOOTS a ^ - Colonial Manufactured Boots, in Men's Bush and Hungarians Men's and Women's E.S. Tweed Girls' Kip and Tweed Laceups. ' . Slips at the Mart Goods on view Monday. - . filOBGE LAD6HTON, VJT LIVE 'JTOCK AUCnONBEB. 5W00L, HIDE, SKIN,. AND TALLOW '? SALESMAN, CUBBIE-STREET, ADELAIDE, Holds Sales by Auction at the Corporation xaraa as f ollnws :— Monday— Cattle; Tuesday Afternoon— Sheep and Lambs : and Wednesday— Dairr Cows, Calves, Pigs, Sheep. Lambs, Ponltry, &c. An live Stock Sold by Auction. Commission, 5 per cant. Immediate settlement in Cvih ? Mg* SHEEPSKIN SALES. In addition to my Begular Auction Sales of SHEEPSKINS, HIDES, KANGAROO, and other SKINS, TALLOW, &c, on TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, and SATURDAYS at the HIDE and SKLN MARKET, I now hold a WEEKLY SALE at my MABT, CUBBIE-STBEET. ^^^r 194c GEORGE LAUGHTON. EM. COLLEY & 0 0. ? (B. N. CoHey and E. M. CoDey), STOCK AHD GENERAL STATION AGENTS, MORIALTA CHAMBERS, YICTOBIA-SQUARB, ADELAIDE. Balaa of Station Properties and Store Stock negotiated. Correspondents in all the Colonies. 3tcv W. G L E E S O N, ? AUCTIONEEB, &c., 22, EXCHANGE, PIBIE-STREET. Sales held every second and fourth Thursday in the month at Boase's Bazaar. Next Sale wOI tase place THURSDAY, Augusta , I65cv

THIS (Saturday) ArTBRNOON, ;Joly 25, ? ' . ?' at S p.m. '?- ?'-' AT THE HALFWAY-HOUSE HOTEL, POBTROAD, KILKENNY.Jg Jg ALLOTMENTS, KILKENNY. %* Reserves, 7s. 6d. and 10s. per foot. *»* 'erms— £110s. per .block paid down, balance at S percent. . CHAS. LONG & CO. wUl seU by auction, as aboveThat BLOCK of LAND. No. 84, in KILKENNY. seing on the corner of Torrena-road and Governoent-road, leading to Railway Station, and sublivided into 16 Allotments. Ihe situation, of this .and in the highest part of Kilkenny speaks for tselt The numerous and extensive factories now tarting in the district will bring a large resident â–ºopulation, which will rapidly increase the value of iroperty. The price and terms defy competition, and we wil1 tssist buyers to build. Plans can be sent anywhere post free. 202,4-6 On MONDAY, July 27, at 12 o'clock sharp. AT THE CORPORATION CATTLE YARDS. P BENNETT & CO. have received UT« instructions to sell bv auction— ? On account of E. RusseU, Esq. — 60 Head Kime FAT CATTLE, from Mundowdna. ALSO. On account of Messrs. Tennant & Love— 60 head prime Fat Cattle from the North. ? ; ? 206-8 MONDAY'S BEGULAR SALE, at 10.3a LTTHE SPACIOUS AND FAVOURITE AUCTION-ROOMS, PROPERTY EXCHANGE, 31, GBENFELL-STBEET. TtHE AUCTIONEERING COMPANY J. win sell, as above— An Excellent PAGNELL, Spring- Cart, General Furniture, and Sundries. F. BRADLY & CO., Auctioneers, 31, GrenfeU-st. Persons having property to dispose of should try he Auctioneering Company. LABD AND HOUSES WANTED to Purchase, a Piece o£ LAND near Carrington-street and King Villiam-street south, not less than 30 feet frontage. ?ull particulars in writiDgto . .. _x ? J. H. RAINES, 15, Curriestreet WANTED to Purchase, for Cash, in City, COTTAGE of Three or Four Rooms ; oust be cheap. W. Paddock, Victoria-square, east ide. ? 2O8zc [j -A N D WANTED. The Advertiser wishes to EXCHANGE a Wellinilt and Finished SUBURBAN RESIDENCE, nost conveniently situated, containing Seven looms, btoreroom, Bath, &c, with Flower Garden, Stable, and Coachhouse, for Country Land within iwenty miles of town ; Hills preferred. Apply to iV. R., Register Office. 202thsc WANTED to EXCHANGE, RESIDENCE of Six Rooms, Bath, Pantry, Stable, Outhouses, and 4 Acres, close to Aldgate Sailway Station, for Suburban Cottage Property. S. GULLY, JUN., 197c Melvin Chambers, King William-street. FOR SALE or TO LET, 12s. per week, Five-Boomed HOUSE at EAST ADEr-AIDE. Stables, Garden, &c Apply James Harvey, Sailsworth. x TWTALLSWORTe, California - street, 1.1 Five-Boomed HOUSE TO LET, known as 3eorge Morgan's. Knox, Gwynne, & Hargrave, Victoria-square. 208,9,11 : ORTH ADELAIDE.— TO be LET or SOLD, HOUSE, Ten Booms, Stabling, fee Knox, Gwynne, & Hargrave, Victoria-square. ? ? ? ? 206,9,11 MAESBURY HOUSE, KENSINGTON, Seven Rooms and Outoffices; £52 a year. Moulden & Sons, King William-street ; ? ? ? 2oa,fl.ii TO LET, Margaret-street, off Parade, NOBWOOD, FUBNISHED COTTAGE, Dbree Booms, Verandahs, Bath. B. Paterson, next toor. ? a206-9 TO LET, a Five-Room HOUSE, with Fruit Garden, KENSINGTON ; tram passes ; ?ent9s. P. Bay, East Adelaide. ? 205-8 TO LET, a COTTAGE of Four Rooms, No. 46, WASD-STBEET, North Adelaide. £ey at Mrs. Atkinson's. SOS'S 4M £ AAft T~O LEND MlU V W AT SIX PEB CENT. FOB SALE. HOUSE, Six Booms, Bath, and Stable HALIFAX5TREBT. i FOB SALE or TO LET. SECTION No. 60, SOUTH-ROAD, containing 80 Lcrea. ; . ' ...,:?. : GAVnTiT GARDNER, .; ? ? fl, Exchange, IMc ^fojtreet EO R S A L E, EAST ADELAIDE. . .; ? BLOCKS of from 4 to 8 Acres, with River Frontiges; also ALLOTMENTS on Hi vct, within a few lundred yards of North Park Lands. GRANGE AND HENLEY BEACH. Sea Frontages. Military-road Frontages. 100 Acres adjoining Grange, fronting River, suit* ible for Lucerne Paddocks. ALLOTMENTS on PORT-ROAD, in ALBERT PARK, and WOODVILLE WEST. PBOSPECT NOBTH. 355 Acres near MOUNT PLEASANT, adjoining Scott's Gold Section. Also GEBMAN BEEF PROPERTY, 160 Acres, -n Torrens, with good HOUSE. , Terms easy, with Discount for Cash. Apply * . '. '. 143WSCZSC JOHN B. SPENCE. TO LET, for a term, at a low rental, TYNE BANK, BUBNSIDE, comprising good House of Eight Booms, Stable, Coachhouse, &c, with Paddock of 5 acres, and excellent Garden, stocked with Orange -and other Fruit trees. This Property commands excellent news of the Gulf and Plains, and has all advantages )f a residence in the Hills. Gas and water laid on. Cards to view. o BALLANTYNE -fc SMITH, 204c ? 89, King William street. A GREAT BARGAIN.— FOR SALE, HOUSE of Six Booms, situated at PARKSIDE, frontage to the Glen Osmond-road. Terms ?ery easy. Apply to CHAS. W. FRANCE, 196mwsc Waymonth-street, Adelaide. AST ADELAIDE INVESTMENT COMPANY, LIMITED. TO LET or SELL. Superior VILLA BE8IDENCEb, Seven and Eight Rooms. 168c ABTBUB HARVEY', Cilbert-place. CJTANLEY -STREET, NORTH ADEO; LAIDE.— TO TET, Six-Boomed HOUSK. Leonard Barringer Marshall A Co.'i, Stephensplace. ? 99c TO MEDICAL MEN and Others.— TO LET, BELLEVUE HOUSE, North-torrace, iext Wills & Co. Apply to L. N. Blackmore. al67c rt/lS. WEEKLY, SLX-R00MED &\J HOUSE, GLENELG. near Jetty. ?I W. G. COOMBS, [96c Licensed Land Broker. Melvin Chambers. O be LET, in Five to Twenty Acre Blocks, for Market Garden purposes, SECTION So. 960, in the immediate vicinity of MOUNT LOFTY, containing 135 Acres, and known as Mount Lofty West. Apply to William Puplett, Banter's Chambers, Grenfell-street. I92msc Q AFE PROPERTY IN THE HILLS.— O; Buy Before the Bise.— VILLA HOME, small leposit, easy terms ; Blocks of Land suitable for mltivation, Blackwood, Mount Lofty, or Aldgate. CONIGBAVE & COLLISON, 124msc : Santo Buildings, Waymonth-street. PROSPECT HILL, near Railway Workshops.— TO LET, HOUSES. Four Booms, 12s. 6d. per week. J. Rogers, Prospect Bill. ? 195ths2O6 OST CENTRAL and FINEST SITE in the CITY. Fifty yeara' Lease. B. M. Addison, Surveyor, Waterhouse Cnambers. 183thsc /GLENELG.— TO LET, FURNISHED KJ[ HOUSE, Nine Booms ; three minutes from trains and Baths. JAS. S. SCOTT, 196,8,9,203,4,6 Alfred Chambers. Cnrrie-street. TO LET, superior COTTAGE, Four Boom?, Bath, and Verandahs. Minute from Tram, near COLLEGE PARK ; 14s. weekly. Apply G. Sanders. Rngby-street, College Park. a202,4,6 TO LET, in best position, GLENELG, GENTLEMAN'S RESIDENCE, Eleven Rooms, Pantry, Bathroom, Washhouse, Garden, Lawn, &c. W. J. S. Stacy, Agent, Alfred Chambers, Currie-street. 199thsc OR SALE, MILE-END^ a great BARGAIN, ALLOTMENTS Nos. 77 and 73, tach 60 x 194. Best position, Henley Beach-road frontage. Apply Johnson James, Crimp's Coach Factory. ? ISSthsc FOR SALE or LET, UPPER KENSIS GTON, Six-Roomed HOUSE, Batb, Pantry, Cellar, &c ; Land 180 x 212. Splendid position and view. W. Ludlow, care of Cowell Bros., Norwood. ? 195th3213 FOR SALE or LET, a nice FARM of 157 Acres at REYNELLA. Apply to J. Jaffrey, Glenelg. ? I88thsc AMILY RESIDENCE, Twelve Booms, Stabling, 5 Acres Land, fronts City, South Park Lands, TO LET. EL M. Addison, Surveyor, Waterhouse Chambers. ISSthsc £t/\ A CASH, Balance 6 per Cent. d&ttVf New COTTAGE ; half-minute from Tram. J. Hogg, Eastwood (Parkside). 809thsc ORANGE TO SEASIDK— Charming \J Suite of APABTMENTS TO LET, Furnished or Unfurnished, large Booms, separate Kitchen ; large Garden, Paddock, -£c; close to sea and tram, Brighton. Apply A. Marval, Santo Buildings, Waymonth-stieet. ? 108sc TO LET, VAUGHAN'S MANSION, HACKNEY, containing 24 Booms and Outbuildings. For terms, &c, apply E.S. & A.C. Bank, Bundle-street east. 164sc O LET, HOUSE at GLENELG. Bentlow . . ? 45c JOSS CHAMBERS, Currie-stree*.

LAlfD AJD H0TJ8E8 rp o w n MAI* l, '?;;; b ri s b a » e. The Council of the Municipality of Brisbane lereby invite TENDERS until noon of Wednesday, September SO next, for the PURCHASE of the TOWN HALL BUILDINGS and SITE, situated in Queen street, BRISBANE. The site has an area of 1 Rood 7£ Perches, more or less, with, a Froatsre of H2± Links to Queenstreet and to Burnett-lane at the rear. The Buildings are constructed of Brick and Stone, the From being of cut stone, with polished Bed Granite Columns. The Queen-utreet elevation consists of Three Stories, the- basement comprising Four commodious Suites of Offices, at present let at a weekly rental of £5 each. The first floor is occupied by the Municipal Chambers and Offices, and the second floor by thelaige Public Hall and Ante-rooms. The rear of the Building is also Three Stories in height, and in addition to the Caretaker's Room3 and conveniences contains some Forty Offices. The main entrance is from Queen-street by a handsome vestibule opening into a spacious Hall, admirably suited to the purposes of an Exchange. There is also an entrance from Burnett-lane at the rear. The present Rental from the Building exceeds £2,000 per annum, in addition to which the rent obtainable for »he present Municipal Chambers must be considered. The Terms of Sale are— One-quarter cash; balance, if desired, extending over a number of years at 7 per cent, interest ; possession as may be arranged. Tenderers will please state what terms they desire, on what data they will require possession of the whole building, or that portion of it excluding the Municipal Chambers and Office'?, and on what terms the Council may have the use of such portion of the building for such time as may be agreed upon. Title— Crown Grant. Tenders to be endorsed 'Tender for Purchase of Town Hall,' and addressed to the care of the Town Clerk, Brisbane. The Council do not bind themselves to accept the highest or any Tender. BENJAMIN H. BABBIDGE, Mayor. W. HENBY G. MABSHALL, 206327 Town Clerk. MARKET GARDEN AND FARM, known as HIGHAM, equidistant from Mount Lofty and Aldgate Stations, TO LET. Securely fenced. Apple, Cherry, and Walnut Trees, Gooseberries, Raspberries, and Strawberries are planted ; Ground is quite ready for Cabbage, Onions, Potatoes, Rhubarb, 4c. There -are Stone Cottage, Fruit-bouse, Stabling, Piggeries, Men's Hut, Fowlyard, and Beeshed. |_-£@ ACBES, part sandy loam, with shallow Wells ; some is rich black soil, with bubbling springs of Water. Apply to ? B. KIEKEBUSCH, Stepney. 204,6z6v C. SABINE, Grenfell-street. W. B U L L O O K ? HASTOLST— SHOPS. &c. SHOP, Y.M.C. A., GAWLEB-PLACE. Low rent. SHOP and Three Booms, GOUGE3-STREKT, close to Central Market, 17s. ? SHOP and Two Booms. HINDLEY-STRT5ET. SHOP, FBANKLIN-STREEr, and Seven Rooms, Bakehouse, &c , close to G.P.O. OFFICES, YORK CHAMBERS. FBANKLINSTREET, fronting street, upstairs; rent, 6s. each. DWELLINGS. PARKSIDE, Douglas-street— Argyle Cottage, Five Booms, Batb, Verandah back and front. PARKSIDE, St. Ann's-place— COTTAGE, Four Booms. NOBTH KENSINGTON, Margaret street— Nice HOUSE. Four Booms, Passage, and Bathroom, Verandah back and front. YOUNG-STREET, City— HOUSE, Five Booms, Stabling, &c. KENT TOWN, Bundle-street-Seven Booms, nice House, detached. ELIZA-STREET— Three Booms, 9s. 6d. LIVERPOOL-STREET. o9 North-terrace— Cot* tage, Three Booms, 9s. In good order. IMMIGRANTS' LAND ORDERS PURCHASED. FOB SALE— FREW VTLLE— LAND, GO x 100, Jane-street WOODVILLE— STORE aad DWKLLINGof Seven Booms, let for five years at £75 clear. Price, £850. MONEY ~T*O LEND. F. W. BULLOCK, LAND AND ESTATE AGKNT, 61c York Chambers, Franklin-street. Til A R M S.— STRATHALBYN, 800 JD Acres. DUBLIN, MALLALA, &c RESIDENCES. — NOBTH ADELAIDE and NOBWOOD. BUILDING SITES.— MEDINDIE, GILBEBTON, NOBTH NOBWOOD, and other Suburbs. W. J. MAGAREY, . 823tsc 17, Waymoutb-sfcreet HO U S E S, LA N D, S H O P S, STABLES, Ac. \ ?'??';'. tobTlet. NOBTH ADELAIDE— Superior new Houses, i Bedpced Rentals, in Barnard and Molesworth streets. KINO WILLIAM AND WAYMOUTH STREETS —Shops, Land, Houses, &c CUBBIE-STBEET— Stores and Storage Boom. GBOTE-STBEET-Stebles. CCTY and SUBURBAN LAND PURCHASED] . Apply at No. 10, EXCHANGE BUILDINGS Pibie-stbeet. SGSthse TjIOR SALE, ALLOTMENTS In X? BOSE PARK and all Suburbs. HOUSES in almost every Subuib. PARKSIDE, fronting Park Lands, HOUSE, Eight Booms, Cellar, Batb, Pantry, and Outhouse ; fine Block of Land. Good position for a Doctor. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. Wanted, good Securities for the following Amounts:— £50, £200, £360, £400, £500, and npwards. JOHNSTON & DA VIES, 157thsc Land Brokers, Gilbert-place. mo LET OR FOR SALE, PROSPECT^ JL Three-Boomed HOUSE, Stables, &c. FOR SALE. MARKET GABDENS in the Hills. . BUSINESS, good Baker, Restaurant, small ingoing; satisfactory reasons for present owner leaving. Cheap. Terms easy. -HOUSES, North and South Adelaide. MOlxEY to LEND in large or small sums, at Lowest Current Rates. WALTEB D. REED, 6, Mutual Chambers, King William-street. ? 134thse A LL Persons desirous of Purchasing t\- HOUSES or LAND in the City, Suburbs, or Country are requested to call and Inspect our Lists of Properties of all sizes and descriptions, on terms to suit every class of purchaser. Sellers will find it to their aavantage to place their Properties in our hand*!. GENERAL AGENCY COMPANY, 87, King William-street. 8thsc L. H. SAVRINI, Manager. HE A P RENT. S. CHEAP BENTS. TO LET, HOUSES, Four, Five, and Six Booms near Geneiai Post-Office, and at North Adelaide; in close proximity to Tram, . F. W. BULLOCK, Laid and Estate Agent, 199thsc Franklin-street, Adelaide. A RARE CHANCE for any one with small capital.— £5 deposit, balance £25, 2s. 6d. weekly (about half its value), COBNEB ALLOTMENT (0 x 115, beautifully situated at Mitcham, dose to Tram Station; S. GULLY, JUN., 168c Melvin Chambers, King William-street. SHOPS, STORES, OFFICES, &c. WANTED, Small SHOP, Suburbs ; Unstocked. Good Tenant. Widow, Register Office. ? ? ? 205-8 LEASE, FOR SALE or TO LET, LAEGE PREMISES, centrally situated. Address Grey, Register Office. x OFFICES TO LET, PIRIE-STREET. Apply to GAVIN F. GABDNEB, 118-299 ? No. 21, Exchange. Pirie-street. O LET, in GRESHAM-STREET, from October 1, the STORE at present occupied by Smart, Webb, & Co.; Four Floors, 50 feet by 25 feet. For particulars enquire at JOHNSON & COMPANY'S, 192wsc Industrial Buildings, Adelaide. O LET, STORE, OFFICES, and CELLAB, lately occupied by Wicksteed Bros., CURRIE-STREET, next Whyte, Counsel!, & Co. Apply John Whyte. . 203-9 . OFFICES TO LET, SANTO BUILDINGS, WAYMOUTH-STREET ; . large and spacious, with Strong-room. 191c PHTT.TP SANTO. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY — In consequence of Removal.— FOB SALS, or TO be LET on LEASE, the very eligible BUSINESS PREMISES in William-street, PEBTH, WESIERN AUSTRALIA, now occupied by Messrs. Bason and Co. These Premises are suitable for almost any trade, and owing to their central position will rapidly increase in value in this rising colony. The first-class Counters and Shelvings recently fitted caa be purchaeed at a fair valuation. Early application necessary. Apply to 31c BASON & CO., Perth, Western Australia. ^~3Er~0~~P~i T O LET. HTNDLEY STREET. O'CONNELL-STEEET, North Adelaide. GOODWOOD PARK and WALKERVILLB. Apply to l&Othsc J. S. SANDERS & CO., Hindley-street TO LET, Four Commodious. SHOPS in HINDLEY-STREET. For particular* apply McLean Bros., Bigg, & Co. S40s mo LET, PREMISES at HOWELL'S J COBNEB, suitable for Photographic Studio or other business where space is required. Harry D. Gell, Victoria-square west. 176thsc

MERCHANDISE AEE O'Jii'ri.'itWlBBS HAVE ON BALK- ' . ALES.-Baas's, bottled by T. P. Griffin & Co.; also the Anglo-Bavarian Brewing Com* pany*s. ? LAGER BEER.— Ehrh&rdt Frirea. STOUT.— Guinness'e, bottled by T. P. Griffin and Co, BBANDIES.-N. Barriasuon & Co.'e. Vve Emile Segain & Co.'s, Luden Foucauld and Co/a, Le fiis de M. G. Nadaud's, and Robertbob, Bothschild, & Co.'fl. WEISKIES.-Scotch-John Graham & Son's famous ' Old Trossachs Blend' and Cook's 'Glen Tukeit.' Irish— Parneli & Co.'s ' Donegal.' BUM.— Francis Higgta's ' Anchor' brand. CHAMPAGNE.— Lefoomier, Jne.'s, 'Dry' and ' Ex. Dry.' BUBGUNDY WINES, Still and Sparkling.— Shipped direct by the well-known vignexon Portron Ba^sot CLARETS.— Jolea Lafcnt & Cie.'?, in quart and pint bottles, of different qualities. CORDIALS.— Francis Biggin's Limejuice and Raspberry. PORT WINE.— 'Stewart S. Hutcheson's.' TOBACCO.— W. D. & H. O. Wills's celebrated ' Birdseye' and other brands CIGARETTES.—' Our Soldiers' brand. iESCULAP NATURAL MINERAL WATEK. EAU DE COLOGNE.— Johann Maria Farina's. COFFEE AND MILK » ' W. P. Branson COFFEE EXTRACT { and Co.'s. QUEENSLAND SUGAR, in parcels. CEMENT.— J. C. Goatling & Co.'s Portland and Keene's Coarse. BLASTING POWDER.— Kames brand. INDENTS of all Classes of Goods Executed on the most Favourable Terms. ADVANCES made on all kinds of Prodnce consigned to us for Sale in the Home, Foreign, or Colonial Markets. 851thac N SALE— ' Woolpacks, Branbag3, Orebagi. Wire— 6 and 8 Drawn. Do.— 7 x 9 and 9 x 11 Steel. Cement. Galvanized Iron, 24 and ?6 Gauge. Corrimony Fencing, Patent Steel Standard! and Droppers. Wrought-iron Standards. Ground Rice, Glacialine, Pianos. Graham's Carbon Block Filters. Indents for aU classes of Manufactures executed on lowest terms in all parts of the world. -Apply for Circulars, &c. GEO. WILLS & CO., 174thsc Cavendish Chambers, GrenfeH-street. GIBBS, BRIGHT, & CO., GRENFELL-STREET, Have ON SALE and to Arrive— Whisky— Jno. Walker & Sons' Kllmarnock, in case. Do.— Teacher's Old Highland, in bulk. Brandy— Grand Marque, bulk and cue Do.— Jule3 Rousse, flask. Geneva— Eagle, 16 or 20 bottle. Hunt's celebrated Old Port Wines. Champagne— St. Marceanx. Claret— Dubos Freres* celebrated brands, Chateau de I'lsle, St. Julien, and La Bose. Do. — Gaden & Klipsch Maison Blanche. - ?'???' Friedricshall Mineral Water. .' Corks— Soda Water, Ale, and Wine. .. Milk— Alpine Swiss, in bottles, unsweetened ? Mflner*s Fireproof Safes. Cdnvas, Hogsklna. ' - ' Water-meters. Oils (Boiled and Raw), Paints, &c INDENTS executed for all deacrlpttoni ot doodl from every part of the world on special terma. ADVANCES made on Wool, Wheat, and allHndi of Produce consigned to their Home or Colonial Houses. 812c VANITY FAIR CIGARETTES CANNOT BE SURPASSED For PUBITY AND EXCELLENCE. If you do not use them A TRIAL Will Convince yon that they have NO EQUAL. THB BEST TOBACCO THE BEST FRENCH PAPER. 110 THE BEST WORKMANSHIP. GERMAN IMPORT COMPANY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA, 65, CURRIE-STREET, have ON SALE— Champagne— S. Verdelot & Co., Reims. Claret— Flouch Frere's celebrated Wines, Medoc (superior), Chateau Citran, Chateau Vireland, Pontel Canet, Chateau Lepville. Lager Beer— Pilsener and Vienna. Mineral Water— Harzer Sauerbrunnen. Bitters— Lithaner Stomach Bitter. Liqueurs — Genuine Dutch and French Liqueur Cigars— From 65s. to £25 per thousand. Cement— Henry Fawcus's Patent Portland. BruBhware— E. Flemming & Co.'s. Chinaware— Dresden. Sewing Machines — Frister & Eossmann's Berlin and Brunonia Sewing Machine. Indents executed on most favourable terms. ^ ? 267wse RARE OLD HAVANNAH CIGARS. NEWEST FASHIONS IN MEEBCHAUM, BRIAR, and CHERRY PIPES. CIGAR and CIGARETTE HOLDERS and CASES. POUCHES, KNIVES, and MATCH BOXES. CLAY PIPES, TOBACCONISTS' SUNDRIES. CUT TOBACCO, SNUFF, GERMAN CMARS. The Celebrated CONQUEROR and AMERICAN EAGLE TWIST and FLAT TOBACCOES. ROBERT DIXSON & CO., Light-square. To arrive-Large variety Cigar Leaf. 66tsc O R R O C K S & C 0., INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS, KING WILLIAM-STBEET, ADELAIDE, SOLE WHOLESALE AGENTS for— THWATTES BROS., f|tSSf.-Hffi!K ESrnd&Tn0^d iBlowe^PoS Bradford, England. { Forges. &c. HUDSWELL.CLABKE, &CO.. (Kftr.aEpttt MhBy iS6 W°rkSl 1 wXht^n Leeds- ( Pulleys, &c. STEEL & GARLAND, (.Stoves, Dog . Wharncliffe Works, - Grates, Fender*, Sheffield. ( &c. SUTCLIFFE & CO., (Tiles, Hearths, Broughton Works sand Artistic Manchester. ( Panels. I Patent Influx InHOLDEN & BROOKE, Hectors and SelfManchester. } acting Drilling V. Machine. E. H. TWEDDELL, (Hydraulic Hydraulic Engineer, - MachineToolsand London. ( Rivetters, &c HOBBOCKS & CO., ADELAIDE, and at SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE. lS9thsc BLACK HORSE SALT, both COARSE and FINE, has been proved by the principal ; Curers in South Australia and all the other Colonies to be THE BEST, being perfectly reliable and always good alike. ;?- ,; HENRY BERRY & CO., '- 85, Currie-street and Port, 1 ? 66thsc Sole Agents for Manufacturer. TNDENTS.— The undersigned, having -*- made arrangements with their Agents in London and New York, are prepared to execute INDENTS for all descptions of Goods on MOST FAVOURABLE TERMS. LOEIMEB, BOME, & C O., WiYMOUTH-STREET, AGENTS for the KANGAROO LINE of SAILING SHIPS between NEW YORK and ADELAIDE. 281c ON SALE BY THE UNDERSIGNED— WHISKY.— Slater, Bodger & Co.'s Thistle Blend Brand, in Bulk and Case. BRANDY.-E. Bemy, Martin, & Co.'s », **, ♦' Centaur and Squirrel Brands, in Bulk and Case. A Special Line of 1858 vintage. ALE.— Bass's, Bottled by Patterson & Hibbert, quarts and pinto, Kangaroo Brand. STOUtf.— Guinness's Stout bottled by Pat-S tersen and Hibbert, quarts and pints. Kangaroo Brand. -CLABET AND PORT.— Companla Vlnlcola's Celebrated Bioja Spanish Wines, in Bulk and Case. SUGAR.— Sole Agents China Sugar Refining Company, Hongkong. CALCUTTA GOODS.— Cornsacka, Woolpscks, BranbagB, Linseed, Grain, Oilcake, Kaipok, Chutnee, and other Condiments. CAMELS.— Pack or Dark Riding to order. CIGARS.— Trichinopoly Cheroots. CIGARETTES.— Zachero's Turkish Cigarettes and Tobaccos. OATS.— Prime New Zealand Feed and Tartarian : Seed. . OATS.— A Special Line of Prime Cape Seed direct from Cape Town. . FLOUR.— Town and Country Brands always on hand. W. B. CAVE -£ CO., 276thsc Grenfell-street and Port Adelaide. BISQUIT, DUB0U0HE, & 00. S SUPERIOR BRANDY. ON SALE by tho undersigned— Hogsheads Dark and Pals Qr.-Casks do. do. Cases One, Two, and Four Star Flasks and Half -Flasks Glass Barrels and Crystal Tats. ELDER, SMITH, & CO., S53thscvd Adelaide Agents. 7) N S A^ L E^ ^'^ Marshall's Engines - . Hall's Blasting Powder Davis Sewing Machines Bicycles and Tricycles Mantelpieces and Grates. McLEAN BEOS.. BIGG, 4 CO., 203-43v 41 and 43, Hindley-street. rjtJINNESS'S STOUT. rPHB CELEBRATED 'FALCON' BRAND. TfcT MAE WOOD & CO., Sole Agents. WHEBEVEB WOLFE'S SCHNAPPS has been introduced it has by force of merit obtained public confidence. ?

MERCHANDISE ___ 'pHE Undersigned have FOR SALE, -*- on the spot and to arrive- ? °6KS SS 0th6C bran^' B to e «* ShlltKnf'™'1 St6el Fendnfi Wire' Noa- 8 K- M. Caustic Soda, 60 to 76 per cent Portland Cement. Genuine Dry Red Lead. -Cornsacka, Woolp&cka, Orebags. &c &e ALSO, Clarets, direct from Bordeaux. Sherries, Ports. Export Lager Bier. U.V.C. Brandy, in bulk and case. Prime K.Z. Chesse, &c, &c. Indents executed on most favourable terms, sod Advances made againBt Wool, Wheat, and Orw consigned to care of our London or Continental Agents. CKARLEg HAET & CO.. Grenfell-street, Adelaide, and gsc St. Vincent-street, Port. ? BUSINESS HQTICES ALEXR. MURRAY & SONS' CEAIGLBE BISCUITS were AWAEDED THE FIRST ORDER OF MERIT AND THE ONLY GOLD MEDAL at ? ? ' ? THE ADELAIDE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, THE CALCUTTA EXHIBITION they were awarded the ONLY FIRST-CL/ISS CE&TIPICiVTE OF MERIT WITH SILVER MEDAL. THE CBAIGLEB JAMS WEBS AT ADELAIDE AWARDED a PRIZE FOE GOOD QUALITY, and AT CALCUTTA RECEIVED a BRONZE MEDAL. AU our Exhibits were taken from Stock — not ?pecially prepared for Exhibition. TO BE HAD 01' ALL GUOCERS IN TOWN AND COUNTRY ALEXR. MURRAY & SONS, CBAIGLEK, COROMANDEL VALLEY. ? Uwuci TIT E M O BAND U M. From C. J. Coates, Adelaide, Feb. 9, 1886 Register Chamber*. To Alexr. Murray A Son, Adelaidb, Craiglee. In answer to your enquiry of the 5th inst., I beg to certify that YOUR FI&M was the ONLY ONE In South Australia to whom an AWARD of FIRST ORDER OF MERIT and SILVER MEDAL wa« given at the CALCUTTA INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION for Biscuita, and that your Firm alone received the ONLY SPECIAL CERTIFICATB forwarded by the Government of India. I am, Sir, yourn, Secretary to the S.A. Committee for th» 4SwBcv Calcutta Exhibition. FRUIT-TREES, VINES, ORNAMENTAL TEEES AlTO SHRUBS, EOSES, &c, Ac. C. P I T T la now offering his numerous Customers and other* planting an Immense Stock of the above, in excel' lent condition, including a oplendid collection of ? Double and Single Dahlias, Gladiolus, Cyclamen, dee. Nearly all the Fruit-trees are worked from stock proved true to name at my Felizstow and Oakbank Orchards. FELIXSTOW NURSERY, PAYNEHAM. Agent— A Mills, so, King William-street, Adelaide. Fruit Catalogues on application. U8tha2S7v HENRY S E W K L L, PAYNEHAM NUBSEBY, AND 77, BUNDLE-STREET. SEND FOB PRICED CATALOGUE of VEGETABLE AND FLOWEB SEEDS. 17NoveItte« in Vegetable Seeds, and ) AllmrfMtly SI Novelties in Flower Seeds. j Frwb. ALSO, 200,000 POT-PLANTS and 100,000 FROTT- TREES, VINES, Ac, r .' . . \ to be seen growing in the most Exposed Situations possible. Special Quotation for Quantlt7 of any line ot Stock. ? lOflthio , ' r\ R E T A C O A L^f GRETA COAL. In consequence of numerous enquiries THE SOUTH AUSTBALIAN COAL COMPANY, LIMITED, have arranged to keep ttd» FAVOCBITE HOUSE AND STEAM COAL always in stock. Addres8*86, King' William-Btreet, Adelaide; or ? North-parade, Port. 109ths227 THOS. E. BUEY, Secretary. O BARTON ? (Late Dumas), SOUTH ADELAIDE DISPENSARY, Opposite Glenelg Railway Station, KING WILLIAM-STRKET SOUTH. Prescriptions prepared with Pure Drugs at Lowest Prices for Cosh. Telephonic communication with aU the leading Medical Men. Manager— C. FRYER, 167ths255 Pharmaceutical Chemist (London). ARBLE MANTELPIECES, GRATES. GASFITTINaS, MINTON'S HEARTH TILES, -fec. &a. The Best Asaortment in Adelaido at the very Lowest Prices. PATENT INSTANTANEOUS WATER-HEATER FOE BATHS. A Hot Bath in Ten MInutws. OAS STOVES, with &!1 the Latest Improvement:;, Including Patent Se'.f-actiog Burner, which entirely prevents tho Waste of Gas. DOUGLAS & SONS, LIMITED. IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTUEEBS, LEIGH-STREET. Note— Plumbing and Gasfitting by highly skilled workmen at J/oive.'Jt Eomuuerative Charges. 184c JOHN BENNETT, SHIP AND GENERAL SMITH, WHEELWRIGHT, &c. MUNDY AND ST. V£N CENT STREETS, PORT ADELAIDE. The following always kept in Stock :— All descriptions of Kailway Doghead Spikes, Masons' Hammers and Chisels, Pile-shoes, Wharf Bolts, and Contractors' Iroinvork of every description. Prices forwarded on application, and Goods sent promptly to any part of ttie colony. OStas QSTING AND HANDBILLS in any quantity got out on the shortest notice by steam. STEREOTYPING equal to London IIousos. FANCY PRINTING iu Gold, Silver, and Bronze in Inks or Paper of any and every Colour. BEGLSTEE GBNEEAL PRINTING OFFICE LL MEN of BUSINESS will find RnEINQOLD CIGARS WORTH SMOKING. ? blfttevd SMOKERS whose indulgence in the weed is continuous should use bucu a cordial as WOLFE'S SCHNAPPS. ? HOESEB, CATTLE, VEHICLES, ftp. 17 OR SALE, the following THOJSj houghbrf.d mares :-Troy, in foal to Imported Horse Highlander. Pride of Troy, do. do. do. Pride of the Vale, do. do. do. ; Miss Pride, For further particulars of Pedigree see Studbook, Apply 2C6,9,11 CABLILE & IUWIN, Carrie-street. FOR SALE, HORSES, Oarts, Brays, Vena, Irollies, Express Wagona. Smalt deposit, balance weekly payments ~R, Spencer, Union-Btrect, o-f Bnndlo-strcet. ? x SECONDHAND TRAPS, HOODED ABBOTT BUGGY. Two EXPBESS WAGONS (one canoe front). Two SPIDER BUGGIES (one kjekundor). Light BUS and DOG-CAET. Four Lieht BUGGIES (one hooded, with horse and harness). VAh, suitable for town delivery. Every description of NEW VEHICLES at REDUCED PRICES. Call before purchasing else* where at 160-iwsc MORCOMBE & CO., Franklin-street. U G G I 5 S EXPRESSES, P H A E T O » 9. Colonial Made, All Guaranteed. rifty to choose from. Prices low. J. A. HOLDBN & CO., tOflc Carriage Showroom, Grenfell-street. FOR SALE, Two TRAPS, one nearly new ; also One Spring-Cart. Apply Coxellu Hotel, Cnrrlestreet. gOi.B.a WANTED, Kood MILCH COW, not long calved. G. & W. Shierlaw, Glasgow House, mndley-street. ? WZ,i,0_ LADY'S PONY PHAETON, Donbla Harness; also Gent's »'»8--?1r*'l5'llSJ%**' BacriSce. Apply W. H. Bay, Cuftohlnilder. w^ FOR SALE, firat-claBB M^0?^