Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Tuesday 12 January 1886, page 5


AT the invitation of the British-India and Queensland Agency Company, who are the managing agents for the Queensland Steam Shipping Company, between 350 and 400 ladies and gentlemen assembled on board the newly-arrived steamer Barcoo yesterday afternoon. Since her arrival from London last

week, when she was fully described in our shipping columns, the Barcoo has been docked and cleaned inside and out, from stem to stern. The efforts of the officers and crew to make their vessel as presentable as possible were highly successful. The crowd which thronged the social hall and saloon deck of the steamer included numerous ladies, but the sterner sex predominated. Among them the following were noticed The Hon. Sir Arthur Palmer, President of the Legislative Council; Sir Charles Lilley, Chief Justice j Hon. E. B. Forrest, M.L.O.; Hon. A. Raff, ML.O.J Mr. W. Brookes, M.L.A.; Colonel French, Captain Wright, Captain Heath, Lieutenant Richards, Paluma: Lieutenant Pike, H.M.S. Har-per ; Lieutenants Drake and Heakcth, Major Mellish, Captain J. S. Lyster, Drs. Thomson, Purcell, Cannan, Hill, S. Browne, and E. M. Owens, Revs. C. G Robinson and W. Kildahl, Captains T. F. Dye, Burns, W. B. Brown, and B. B. Williams, the Mayor of Brisbane, Aldermen Heal, Porter, Hopwood, Hocker, Brydon, Southall, Galloway, Duncan, Warry, and Forrester, Messrs. E, K. Drury, J. Macdonnell, Under Secretary to the Post and Telegraph Department ; W. Hume, Under Secretary for Lands ; W. H. Ryder, Acting Under Colonial Secretary; W. D. Nisbet, Chief Engineer for Harbours and Rivers; D. T. Seymour, Commissioner of Police ; J. H. Daniells, Engineer for Bridges ; W. T. Blakeney, Registrar-General ; W. H. Day, P.M. J. C. Beal, Government Printer; W. Williams (A.S.N. Company), Walter S. Smith (W. Howard Smith and Sons, (Limited) ; T. Finney, E. MacDonnell, J. W. Sutton, J. Hardgrave, R. D. Neilson, Th, Unmack, C. H, Buzacott, E. W. Walker, 0. Warde, John Sinclair, W. H. Snelling, E.H Webb, J. Balbirnie-Vans; B. L. Barnett, W. H. G. Marshall, G. Shaw, J. Fenwick, J. Stodart, W. D. Grimes, J. H. Adams, M B. Gannon, J. Wilson, and many others. The guests were received by Mr. T. B. Robinson and Mr. Elliott Bland, of the B.I. and Q.A. Company; Captain A. A. Hansard, marine superintendent of the B.I.S.N. and Q.S.S. Companies and Captain Ingram, who brought out the Barcoo from London These were assisted by Mr. Lorcsche, jun., Mr. Morris, and Mr. WilsonLe Couteur, of the B.L and Q.A. Company, and the officers of the ship. The hour appointed for the start was 2.30 p.m., but it was not until nearly 3 o'clock that Captain F. W. Morris, of the s.s. Archer, who will temporarily command the Barcoo, gave orders to cast off from the wharf. The very warm weather was tempered by a pleasant breeze which shook out the bunting that gaily decorated the steamer. While the Barcoo was steaming down the river, her accommodation and decorations were inspected minutely, and in some instances very critically, by both ladies and gentlemen. The adornment of the saloon, the luxuriant case of the social hall, the rather limited space for promenade on the saloon deck forward, the comforts of the sleeping apartments, and especially the superior and wellventilated second-class cabins, all came in for notice. The spacious and elegant saloon was yesterday rendered even more attractive by the sumptuous dejeuner set forth on the tables. The chief steward (Mr. H. W. Berry) ' had laid before the guests a feast fit for a king." From half-past three until five, there was a constant stream of persons passing into and out of the saloon, partaking of the dainties, and drinking success to the Barcoo in choicest champagne. ices and light refreshments were served all the afternoon to ladies on deck, while gentlemen were supplied in the second-class cabin with liquors of all kind. The trip was undoubtedly one of pleasure, and none seemed disposed to make it otherwise. On the way down the river, the Kate was passed as she returned to town with Dr. O'Doherty on board, His brother medicos on the Barcoo led some very hearty cheering as the tall figure of the " genial doctor" appeared on the deck of the old Kate. The Barcoo steamed out into the Bay, and returned after having passed about a mile or so beyond the Pile Lighthouse. Bo particular time trial was made, but the Pile Lighthouse was reached in an hour and three-quarters from the Boundary-street wharf, and the fine steaming powers of the vessel and the noticeable absence of vibration were the constant theme of remark. About 5, the home turn was taken, and shortly before 6 o'clock the gentlemen were summoned into the saloon to take part in ceremonials presided over by his Honour the Chief Justice, From the gallery round the well-hole of the social hall a crowd of ladies looked and listened with evident interest

Sir CHARLES LILLEY, having ascertained that bumpers of champagne were filled, rose to propose "SUCCess to the Q.S.S. Company and to the noble ship Barcoo." He said that two years ago, at the other end of the world, he met a large body of colonists on board the Maranoa, which had since voyaged to the colony under the command of their friend Captain Hampton. On that occasion he much enjoyed the pleasure of drinking BUCCCBS to the company and the ship, and he was willing that that success might be continued until they had a larger and nobler fleet than even their present steamers. Those who remembered the discomforts which they suffered under the old companies would appreciate the fine vessels of the Queensland steam Shipping Company. He did not wish harm to any company, but he claimed that it was a great advantage to this colony to have a strong company like the Q.S.S. Company established among them and competing with the other strong companies. The recent competition which they had witnessed was certainly not much to the profit of the companies, although it was undoubtedly to the public advantage. If the company brought trade to them they would all, he was sure, heartily

wish them success. It was their business at that time to drink success to the Q.S.S. Company and the steamer Barcoo. At the same time, he was quite a free-trader in these as in other matters, for competition would, he believed, result not only in advantage to the companies themselves, but to the colony generally. (Cheers.)

Mr. T. B. ROBINSON, who rose to respond, after the toast had been drunk most heartily, said he was very glad to be afforded the pleasure of bidding welcome to so many on board the Barcoo, not only because they felt a pleasure in displaying their treasures to an appreciative audience, but to be thoroughly honest, because they had an ulterior motivethey wished to advertise the ship. They intended to have the best boats on the coast, and they intended that people should know it In some respects the Barcoo was not unlike their other vessels. Like them she was built

of steel, but she was the first vessel in which they had tried what could be done in the way of berthing saloon passengers forward. Then the Barcoo had triple expansion engines, and in many minor details who differed from the other vessels of the Q.S.S. Company. They intended to keep on, and hoped that after a few years they would be as far advanced beyond the present as they were now beyond the past He would, however, remind them that the path of the Q.S.S. Company was not all roses. It was beset with many difficulties. Difficulties in shallow rivers and navigation which made the construction of steamers a serious consideration. Among other difficulties were medical inspectors (laughter, and hear, hear-and inspectors of all kinds. He would like to see as a curiosity the medical inspector at Newcastle, who refused to pass the Duke of Argyll because of two cases of diarrhoea on board. Even the Spanish in their worst days would have been ashamed of such a business. Then there were the health officers in Brisbane sending steamers up and down the river in a most extraordinary fashion. (Hear.) Again they had to contend with trades unions. He was afraid there would be trouble with them yet, judging by what they were then witnessing in Melbourne. It was extraordinary to what lengths men would go in order to attain their objects. He need only refer to the late strike at Newcastle when the wharf labourers were followed by the coal trimmers, and the men who hoisted the coal from the waggons to the ships' hold. Indeed, the whole shipping interest was threatened, and it is doubtful what would really have come about if some of the heads of the unions had not disagreed among themselves. He was satisfied that a great deal of sympathy existed in the public mind for those men to which they were not entitled. He had no objection to the men combining for objects in themselves justifiable, but he did think there was a danger of too much power falling into the hands of their officials, who would not be able to use it wisely or well. (Hear.) They might be surprised to hear that when a ship like the Barcoo came out they had to go almost "hat in hand and ask the union what kind of crow they should put on board her.' When the public saw these difficulties more clearly they would probably not be so ready to cavil at the steam shipping companies. He for one sincerely wished success to the Q.S.S. Company, because they would then have the power to be merciful to their opponents. (Laughter.) He next referred to the recent ruinous competition now happily suspended, if not terminated, and stated that the 1 loss to the companies concerned was

not far short of £200,000. He did not believe the public were the better for it by that amount. (Hear, hear.) They hoped for an increase of traffic, because it would enable them to pay for better boats. Speaking of the improvement in rates and freights of late years, he said the rates were 25 per cent less than they were two years ago. (Mr. Finney : "And quite right too." He was sorry the freight for some time past had not been so profitable as they would have liked. In consequence of the want of rain they had brought large quantities of chaff and hay to the colony at low rates. He hoped, however, that the improved season meant good, not only to the Q.S.S. Company, but to all Queensland. In the meantime, if any persons thought the steamship companies were doing well let them become shareholders-a suggestion which he begged to offer to the writer of an article in one of the Brisbane papers recently. (Hear, and cries of Court again,"] He thanked them for their heartiness in drinking the toast, and asked them to give practical effect to their good wishes. (Cheers.)

The Hon. E. B. FoitUKSr, M.L.C., briefly proposed the health of the " Managing Agents,

and referred in terms of eulogy to both Mr. T B. Robinson and Mr. Elliott Bland.

The toast having been honoured enthusiastically,

Mr. BLAND responded, and in doing so humorously referred to the trials of managing agents. When he was in the B.I.S.N. Company's service he thought managers had a fine time of it At home people did not want to see

the manager. They preferred to deal with the

assistant. In Brisbane it was very different People entered the office and insisted on seeing the manager. Then the managing agents had to deal with the directors of a

company. They would be very glad to give free trips to everybody up and down the coast, but that would not satisfy the company. People liked free trips. One man would come along and say, " Give me a free passage and I will write you up." (Great laughter.) Another man says, " I will get you lots of passengers." (Laughter.) So that between the public and the company which demanded remittances they had enough to do, He did not intend to weary them with statistics to shew how great concern was the Q. S.S. Company, orheniighttcll howmanythousandsof people passed the office door daily, how many tons of steel were needed to manufacture the pens for their clerks, or how many 400-gallon tanks were needed to contain the ink they used. (Laughter.) They did not desire their guests should go away and wish they had never been on board the Barcoo, and as it was not one of the duties of managing agents to quote statistics he would thank them and so shut up. (Prolonged cheering.)

Mr. ROBINSON having briefly responded, the proceedings terminated.

The remaining half-hour was spent in various ways, including a good deal of toast drinking in the second saloon, where civic and municipal dignitaries did honour to the occasion and

their "noble selves."

The trial trip of the Barcoo-the pleasantest

of all the Q.S.S. Company's trial trips came

to an end about 7.15 when the steamer once more berthed alongside the Boundary-street wharf.