Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Friday 13 August 1886, page 6


A VERY large meeting of the ratepayers of No 1 subdivision, Ithaca, was held in the Tem perance Hotel on Wednesday evening, to con-sider the adoption of the programme laid be-fore it by a committee previously appointed to consider the advisableneas of separating entirely from the Ithaca Division, and what should be the new form of local government. There were representatives from the different parts of the divísion present, the utmost enthusiasm prevailed, and great interest was taken in the proceedings. The president of the Ratepayers' Association, Mr. Birkbeck, in stating the ob-ject of the meeting, congratulated those present on the large attendance, and the evident intereat the ratepayers were now taking in their proper business, he thanked the evening Prcas for tho assistance rendered, and more notably the author of tho " Albion Letters," as thcae had very much assisted the committee. The pioposcd diviaion followed the boundaries of a former division in 1SS0. Whether it was owing to the death of the late Mr, Justice Lutwyche or not he could not say, "but it was maoifeat that tho interest taken in the movement in 18S0 bad died out. The divi sion had increased enormously in wealth and population, and the people began to realise that they were in a position to manage their own mumcipalbusinessintheirownway. Thomattcr bad been mentioned to Mr Ryder, Acting Under Colonial Secretary, who recommended that, lnitcad of relying on the petition used in 1880 and the boundaries mentioned in it, a new petition should be adopted, pointing out the boundaries of the proposed shire

A map of the shire was then exhibited by the president Tho map showed an area of about four and a half square miles.

The secretary then read tho following petition -

" The humble petition of inhabitants, house holders, and residents within the district of Ithaca, No 1 subdivision, in the parish of Enoggera, colony of Queensland, respectfully ahoweth, prajmg to be constituted a mum cipahty, and bo called a shire. That your petitioners are desirous that portions of Ithaca Ko. I subdivision, compriaed within the boundaries mentioned, may for the purposes of local government be constituted a municiSahty and be called a shire, as provided for

i the 9th aection of the Local Government Act of 1878 That the style or titleof such shire be the Shire of Windsor. That the follow-ing be the boundaries of such shire -Com-mencing on Breakfast Creek at the south east corner of portion 150, pariBh of Enoggcia, and bounded thence by the east and north cast boundaries of portions 101 and 102 in the same parish ; thenc by the east boundaries of por tiona 193 to 193 and 202 to Kedron Brook, thence by that brook upwards to the north west ?corner of portion 0, parish of Enoggera ; thenco by tho caat side of tho road from Kedron Brook to Brisbane to Breakfast Creek, at the south-west corner of portion 25, thenco by Breakfast Creek downwards to the point of commencement, containing about four and a ¿alf square miles. That such shire of Windsor be presided over by a council consisting of twelve councillors, in pursuance of clauses 11 and 13 of the Local Government Act of 1878. Dated this 11th day of August, 1880 "

Mr. M'NISH FltASEH proposed tho first iso-lation,-" That the report of the Committee of Management re the proposed new shire, in-cluding the form of petition as submitted, be

adopted "

Mr. EDK seconded the resolution.

Mr. R J. COTTFLL heartily approved of tho ' resolution, as ono well versed in municipal and divisional board matters, having been mayor, chairman, and member in many parts of tho colony and elsowhcrc. Whilst he had nothing to say against anj one in particular, ho cer-tainly did think tho division had so grown as to be both largo and competent enough tomanago its own aff-iirs Ho particularly referred to the Shire of Toowong, which he, as a professional man, whose business led him all round tho district, considered waa very well managed. Toowong derived great advantages from being a shire On the Ithaca Board thoy, in No 1 subdivision, were handicapped by having only threo representatives out of nine raembois. In a shue all wire engaged for tho benefit of tho wholo district

Mr. M'LENNAN, a member of the Ithaca Divisional Board, objected to tho subdivision being brought under tho Local Government Act, aud asked the ratepayers to wait until the provisions of tho new bill were known Ho thought the present movement was inspired by the vanity of the people who desired to becomo members, mayors, or councillois of tho new municipality.

Mr. COTTILL said, after experience under the Divisional Boards and the Local Govern-ment Acts, be had a decided preference for tho


Mr. FLOID, secrotary of the association, in reply to Mr. M'Lennan, stated that the com-mittee which had prepared tho petition con-sisted of twenty gentlemen, all îatepaycrs, who had been sclccttd at public meetings held in that hall. They had airivcd at their decision after a full aud careful discussion, and ho had every conhdenco in them

Mr. J. Scon declined to believe in the paternal caro of tho Divisional Board, as represented by Mr. M'Lennan. The members of tho board bad shown neither wisdom nor ability in the conduct of tho board's business

Iho crowded state of tho meeting was a proof that tho residents of No 1 subdivision agreed with lum, for they had come determined to scparato themselves entirely from tho Ithaca


The PRESIDENT then i ut tho resolution, which was carried unanimously. He also an-nounced that the Hon J. M. Macrossan, M L A , had signed the petition.

Mr. TUTTON proposed, and Mr. KNIGHT seconded the next lcsolution, which em-powered the couiiuitteo to take tho uecessary steps to obtain signatures to the petition

On tho motion of Mi R J. CoirbLL and Mr M'Nlsii FRibLit, a subscription list waa opened for the purposo of defiaymg tho neces-

sary expenses.

A vote of thanks to tho president and coramitteo terminated the proceedings. A largo number of ratepayers attached their signatures to tho petition, and several subscriptions were paid and promised.