Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Thursday 13 May 1886, page 3



(From Local Papers to 11th May)

It is said that at no time during the past ten years has the building trade being so brisk in

the town

The Warwick flour-mill, belonging to Messr . Horwitz and Co , is about to bo sold by auc-


Additions are proposed to be made to the

Warwick School of Arts

The Warwick Football Club have decided to give the Rugby game a month's trial, at the expiration of which time they will decide which game - Rugby Union or Melbourne--shall be played during the remainder of the




May 8

THE Circuit Court sittings opened on Thurs-day, before Judge Harding, (the Attorney General prosecuting Six criminal cases were set down for hearing. Wong Tong, a China-man charged with the wilful murder of a countryman named Cock Tow, pleaded not guilty, and was defended by Mr J M Staf-ford. The evidence was briefly as follows : -On the 25th April last Cock Tow was in the company of several Chinese employed at a plantation near Bundaberg, when the prisoner came to the hut in which the men were, and demanded payment from Cock Tow of a debt alleged to be due. A reply was made, post-

poning payment when Wong Tong said, "If you don't pay I'll murder you." Cock Tow attempted to run away, when Wong Tong fol-lowed him with a gun and fired a heavy charge of shot into his head, causing death in about fifteen minutes. When arrested the prisoner said, " All right; me no care; I shoot him, sup-pose he die, I go 'long Brisbane and die too." After twenty minutes' delberation the jury returned a verdict of "Guilty." In reply to the usual inquiry whether he had anything to say why sentence of death should not be pro-nounced the prisoner made a lengthy state-ment to the effect that he had shot Cock Tow, who was his brother, because he had written home to their mother in China saying he (Wong Tong) had got the leprosy and that the

information had caused the mother's death. His Honour, in passing sentence of death, said no other verdict than that recorded by the jury was possible from the evidence. The prisoner received the sentence without the slightest appearance of perturbation, and was then removed from the dock.

Michael O'Dwyer, on bail, was charged with unlawfully killing otto Thomas Harriison, at Gympie, on tho lbtli of Maich last Mi JM" J Power appeared for tho pnsoncr Tho evt ilenco revealed that O Dwyor and Uni rison m io di inking together on the evening of the alleged offence, when a quarre 1 took place, re suiting in a detoi nunation to decido dilfe ronces by a ' fan tight " buvoral rounds wcro subse (jin ntlv fought in the picscnco of a numb, i of sieetators, and at the end of tin tlinel lound Ilarusm failed to got up from lho ground on which he had fallen ind was found to bo diad Medical fislimony showed Hint tho dcceaseel wus suikrnig from fatty degeneia tion of thi lu mt The violcnci dining tho fight accelerated death Foi the defttico it was at nu ti that the fight waB a friendly one und that death insulted from beait diaeast I'ho jiny loturned a vordict of "Not j'inity "

I ho nott case was a terribly painful uno Alexander D Small, late third mato of the Killawarra, anel a most intelligent mau, was placed in the dock in company with Cornelius Pereirr (C?galese), both mm I« ing milicteel foi committing an unniituial «IFtiic Two policemen deposed to having detectcel tho pi moncra in tho commission of the cunio m the Maryborough public ¡'ardeos on the nif,bt of Iii lOib Oclobci hst Di O Connor, who i \aniitied the mi ti shortly aftci thurapprehui

sion, gave evidence which eli arly subit an tluti d tin thai gc rill pnsoiK i Small aildiessed tho jury at coustdii ible length, and picul need niiniciotis cu tilintes of Inch character which he lind biouc.hl with lum fiom hi f,land only a month befoto his appic lu liston His defi nee was i rinarkably in LI i i us and tho speech throughout was pt i hups equal to tho best illort of a 1IIL.II ilaas advocate S n til iiii,i <1 that ho was wholly innocent of I lu olióme Ho ashed the jury to lieu title befoto tiny brandid lum as a dis"rncc to liiiniiiiutj, and in a fi ( ling and powerful manner besought tlitii consideration of tho ciimiiistanin of his excellent oh u net el, placing it against the net work of uviduiLu which seemed to convict him

I« j onel possibility of doubt II< (Inland that ho felt moiallv inciipablo of the t embie olïoi cc with which he wai dial gul, he was drunk at the time, ami linew nothing of tho alleged enmo His Honour Hummed up, and the jtnv returned a voidict of "Guilty of attempt ' I'nsonui bmall thin handed to his Honour niiiiuious duiuments an to his elim ni toi, and pkaelid foi me re iful consideration on at count of Ins wifi and ilultlrin, who wt re now on tin way fiom longland to this lolony His Honour thin referred to the hciiiousness of the cunio, and sentenced both convicted nun to penal s foi the term of aoven and a half year».

Susan Jane Walwood, a young unmarried woman, was indicted for shooting at John Robinson at Tewantin with intent to do

em vous bodily harm lho pnsonu pleaded not guilty, mid WIIH defendíd hy Mr W J M'Grath. The evidence of Robinson was that op the 27th Siptcmbir last tho prisoner attempted foprivint his i (moving two piece i i f scantltng from off a wagon nour the pi «oner's residince Some wot ds otisuid, tin pnsoiiLr saying, ' You old wrolih, I'll have your life " Whiloho waa leaving tho acini of tho quarrel ho heaid tho discharge of a gun, and then saw tho pi moiler running away IVo othci witnesses depotlul to seeing tho prisonoi Ino in the direction of tho protccutor Foi lho defence, three witnesses gave evidence that tho pnsoner only fired into the air with tho gun in an almost perpt ndicular position, and that although present they did not hear any threats of taking hfi Tho juiy returned u vtrdicf of "Notgudly," and the prisoner was discharged.

In the case of of Goverron, a Polynesian, charged with tho murdor of a ft How islander, at Bundaberg, the Attorney G. ncral stated hu was not in a position to go on with tho caso at tho present sittings of tho court, owing to inability to proturc a competent interpreter The prisoner was therefore removed m custody to await his trial at tho next sittings of the court This concluded tho criminal sittings

Ono of the mrymm on bobalf «f the whole panel attending tho court brought under notice the ltisiiihcicntnccomniodiiiionprovidt d, there being no waiting room within the pre clnts of tho court. Judge Harding promised to forward tho complaint to the propir authorities.

Tho Unite! Municipality Boards of Gran-ville and Maryborough havo nutiatid a moví

mont for a budge over the Mary River to connect Granville with Marylnrough A petition to tho Lxoeutivo Council, which, of course, will be signed willingly by every resi dent io the diutriU, s. tu forth that the rapidly mci easing population in the Granville suburb, together with the largo ana of settled and unsettled country beyond, warrants tho eric tion of a bridle AH indicative of the present ixti nt of trafile across the rivor, it is shown that Rrry dues amount to 11100 per annum lho proposal IK lo ask tin Covuminnt to viat such portion of 58 000 acres of unahenatcd land m the Granville division as may provide funds to defrav the cost of erection, and it is esti mated that tho ncupt from bndgo tolls would more than pay interest on construction It «as resolví 1 to forward the petition to the Municipal Council and Divisional Board for aduption, and a hearty voto of thanks to Mr Christie, the originator of the scheme, was adopted.

The Tiaro Divisional Board at its last meet-

ing resolved to take up a movement of the Bellyando Divisional Board for a memorial to the Government asking a reduction in pastoral rents. In reply to a request for cerain infor-mation from the Registrar of Titles, a curt answer was given that the board must employ au agint in lîrisbam to hunt up such muttir It was riBolvul to call the attention of th Premier to the subject Tin board is aho at isnuc with iii Atturucy General on the same point Mr Rutledge having n ferred the m to local sollen or« for advice on the same hubjects r quiringcluudation A petition from eiuhtv

i lullt risidents withm the limits of the Tiaro Shin, askinj, for assistante to break up the i-hiri was reeoivtd by hvo votes to four

Weighing the Tiato Shire Council in the neales of a lui go body of tho ratepayers, it may b consider! d moribund , yet at a meeting on Thursday U wts resolví! to take sups to ho row £750 from the Government, £500 of "hich is coi tcmplatcd for a council chamber The support IB carried it on the principle nf snowing a linn stand ugamst noisy latepajeis

With reference to tbo appointment of a successes i Dr Joseph at the Polynesian Hospital the Under Colonial Secretary re oo in io inda Dr Overend, hut has asked tin loul couinuttie to approve lhat body ata m« eui g vmurday resolved to support Dr Bowc's application Thrco other suitors for

the position aro considered eligible, but jntist be passed over Dr. Bowe haj since been hp. pointed -En B C ]

Disintegration has apparently set in m re-gard to the committee of tho Agricultural Society resignations bi ng the ordei of tho diy The rock on which the committee ia splitting is tho signing of a I ond for an oter diaft In view of this stato of things tho faithful fow remaining on the committee havo wisoly determined to postpone, at least fora time, tho contemplated improvements to tho show buildings

thirty two immigrants per tho Duke of Sutherland arrived at tho depot on Thursday, and aro now nearly all clean d

At au adjourned meeting of tho annual Licensing Board fite adjjuinul applications were dealt with Two wera refusid and turee gi anted upon stringent condition.) that tho terms ot tho Act with respect to accommoda-tion are complied with The necc ni y number of signatures havo been obtained to a petition for a poll to decide whethi r any new hcinsoa should be granted in Maryborough The mayor will piobably tako a poll on the 5th

June next.

Captain H Walker, of the Volunteer Rifle Corps, at tho îeqinst of a number of dissatis-fied members, h»j intimated his intention oE resigning command so soon as communication with the brigade oflico render J the step agrieablo with tho usual formalities

It is generally conkidorcd we «re on the evo of an activa îevivat in mining moiominta throughout tho district In all directions indinda of substantial yields in antimony, coal, silver, and gold i xist

A fatal mining accident is reputed from Howard William Snedden, an ( lderly rann, neglected to put tho usual propi under a sholvo whero he was working in a drtvo in No 2 pit of the Q O Company's mine, lho íoof weighing otei a ton, sudd nly gavo waj and fill upon Sniddoii, braking hi.3 neck and bick lho unhappy man's death must havo been lnstantunootis Ho leaves a wife and live children

At Isistown abundant water has been pro-cured by boring to a depth of 71ft

Woodyear s Circus opened last night to j» d nsely i row dod house M Mahon "mil Leitch s tiempo ia nntie unccd with the Silver King and Lights o' London.

Cane crushing has commenced. The Yengarie refinery will probably opin open» Horn on Oueciis Bnthday We hal arrant! rain on Thin sday which natur Hi d tin landa, md has chou ed tho firméis excoe hn¡dy


{I mm Local Papers to 6Hi May )

A (ll'Nll VMAN who ncently travelled from Townsville to Hughendon describes the condi-tion of the country between those two phceaas simply wretclud

Got d progress is hemp; made with the Ross

Island lino.

It has hoon decidid by the Literary and Di bating Club that ile gyraen should not bo admitted to tho Ligisl nure.

Hu ¡lullttin lunts Ih it a debate of the Bris-bane School of Arts on the separation question has been invented by tho Bimbam ( ouru,r tor the purpisc of "pointing a moral,"as it wa» d( uded that siputation ought not to be granted _