Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Thursday 13 May 1886, page 6



May 12.

The Brisbane exponents of the British Association   game of football will no doubt be pleased to hear that a club which will play under the Association rules, has been started at Bundanba. A preliminary meeting was held at that place on Monday evening last when there was a very fair attendance. Mr W. Hastie in the chair. The club was duly formed, and thirteen members were enrolled at the meeting, while it was announced that several good players from Dinmore and Blackstone intend to join. Mr. James Glasgow was appointed as secretary, and it was decided that the club should be known as the Bundanba Rovers. I am informed that the Rovers intend to try conclusions with one of the Brisbane clubs shortly

At the Police Ccuit yesterday, John Sccney, for having assaulted his wife, Mary Sccncy, at Moggill on tho 3rd instant, waa lined 10s , with £2 5s Gd costs, in default fourteen days in the cells According to the complainant, the defendant carno to her son's house, where sho waa living, and on her deny nig bis right to take away a box of hers, ho struck her with Ins fist on tho head To day, Thomas Tollctt applied to have William Broom bound over to keep the peace towards him on the ground that ho had, on the 6th instant at Booval, unlawfully threatened him. After hearing evidence the bench ordered the de fendant to enter into recognisances in the sum of £10, and to find a surety in a similar amount to keep tho peace towards the complainant for

six months

The regular monthly meeting of tho Tarampa Divisional Board was held on the 3rd instant 1 petition was received from John M Garngal and others, at Laidley, protesting against tho contémplate I loan of £500 for building a bndgt over Blackfellow^ Creek at the Hessenhof Hotel Mr Philp moved, according to notice, that the bo-rd take the necessity steps to borrow £500 from the Government for that purpose, but there being no seconder, tho motion lapsed On the motion of Mr Philp it was decided that the plans and specifications of a Divisional Board Hall be laid on tho table, and that the necessary advertisement bo inserted of the mtenion to apply to the Go v eminent for a loan of £500, also that each subdivision bo debited wtthaniqual propor tion of thu cost, and that all moneys derived by lettinf, tht same for any purposo be equally

diutributi d

Of course then ia to be a squabble about the Laidley Valley branch railway among the rest lenta of that district As is usual before the point of deviition is finally decided upon, various positions are put forward as the most suitabli A meeting is announced to be held at Blenheim icbool on Friday evening to con aider the alilsablt ness of aiiiociting a devitt tion of Hi' branch vi 1 I orest Hill instead of by way of Liidley township

A meeting! of ,the| Ipswich branch of the Local Option L ague was held last nicht, at ilucti there wus a good attendance of mem1 era It waa ibcidid, in order to test thi fcphng of the rat« payi rs in r< fere nee to the local option rlaiises of the Licensing Act, that lints should be f rwarded to each church, con taming columns for i-ignaturcs for theicduc non of publie hotisiH or acnitiat L ran ling an) new licence» und that ( ach | (mon bert que ate 1 to sign in ÍMuiir of the clause he conoideri I I c*t for th community it »as also resolví 1 to hold mtctit (,s in connect K n with the matter in various parts of lb« surround ne district.

A ip is reported te» have occurred to tliL gooda tiuiti which left here on Monday ni^hi on a j uitiev i p the line Winn between Ludl > an I (»aiton, and whili travelling over alevd pute of country, a coupling snapped, ¿nd tbe ci"ini mid m K tal tru(ks c,ot as far ua Gatton lu lore it waa uoticd that the remain ing portion of tin tram 1 ¡id bien left behind Notliiiu. mort serious than a few hours' delay
