Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Thursday 30 September 1886, page 5




A LARGE meeting of the Anglo-Queensland Football Association was held at the Imperial Hotel last night; Mr. Arthur Forbes, vice-president of the association, in the chair. The meeting was brought together for the purpose of presenting the badges of the A.Q F A. to the St. Andrews Football Club, the winners in the late final tie match with the Rangers, played at Pineapple on the 28th August. The chairman, in presenting the badges, compli-mented the winners on their victory, which was well earned against worthy opponents. He stated that the St. Andrews had won all their matches during the past season, both first and second eleven. (Cheers ) He also com-plimented the Rangers on the manner in which they played. He hoped that next season Queensland would tackle New South Wales at the British Association game, and he had not the least doubt that Queens-land would give a good account of herself. (Great cheering ) It was his intention to take a more lively interest in the game than he had hitherto done, although he had always read the reports in the Press. (Cheers.) The chairman passed a high eulogium on the manner in which the badges were executed, and stated that they were a credit to the manufacturer, Mr. E. Reynolds. (Cheers ) He concluded by pro-senting the silver badges to the winning team ; Mr. Fowler, the St. Andrews' captain, receiv-ing the first one.

Mr. RANKIN, on behalf of the Rangers Football Club, congratulated the St Andrews on winning the badges for season 1886, which were won on their merits, but had the Rangers had their best team the result might have been closer. (Applause)

Mr. D. G. FORBES, on behalf of the Swifts Football Club, also congratulated the St. Andrews club on their victory, which was well earned. He attributed their success to their knowing the play of each other, and doing their best at practice. He hoped the Swifts would give a good account of themselves next season, as they intended to contest the badges.

(Cheers ) He hoped that some day an inter-national match would take place, but agreed with the chairman that Queensland should measure strength with New South Wales next season. (Applause) Mr FOWLER, captain of the St. Andrews Club, thanked the associa-tion for the handsone badges which they had


Mr, W. CAIRNS, after a few remarks, pro-posed the toast ot the Anglo-Queensland Foot-ball Association, which was well receivcd. Mr, DRENNAN responded, and, before sitting down, proposed the health of "our worthy chairman," which waa drunk amid great en-thusiasm and with musical honours. Mr. FORBES suitably replied, and stated what great pleasure it afforded him to be present at the meeting. Mr. CHRISTIE (St. Andrews Football Club) proposed the health of Mr. D G. Forbes, who had done so much to further the interests of the game in this colony. (Cheers ) Mr FORBES responded, and stated that he would always do his utmost to push the British Association game ahead. Songs by Messrs. Drennan, Pollock, and W. Cairns, fol-lowed. A hearty vote of thanks to the chair-man closed the proceedings.