Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Monday 8 February 1886, page 5



Shortly after noon on Saturday, the Muni-cipal Council assembledat thoTownHall for the purpose of electing the mayor for the present year. There wcro present his worship the mayor and Aldermen M'Mastcr, Heal

Hocker, Sinclair, Galloway, Watson, Hipwood, Forrester, Soutball, Warry, and Duncan. There wero also about twenty ratepayers


The Mayor, as roturning-officer, announced the election of the various aldermen for the different wards of tho city. He thou an-nounced the business of tho present mooting, after which ho vacated the ohair.

On the motion of Alderman M'Mastkb, seconded by Alderman Galloway, tho town

clerk was voted to tho chair.

Alderman M'MASTER said ho rose with great pleasure to propose an alderman to take tho chair to presido over tho deliberations of tho council during tho ensuing year. Ho would propose that Alderman Hipwood bo elected mayor, and in doing so he felt sure that from his knowledge of Alderman Hipwood's business capabilities ho would carry out his position to the best of his ability in the interests of the city, and likewise to tho credit of tho Council. He admitted that perhaps Alderman Hipwood had not had as much experience as many of those present. Alderman Hipwood had only been two years in the council, but he felt satisfied from his knowledge of that gentleman, both as a business man and a citizen, that he would do honour to the city. He was suro ho would never regret the step he had taken in proposing Alderman Hipwood to fill tho position of mayor. (Applause.)

Alderman Galloway said he had great pleasure in seconding the motion. He had come into the council with Alderman Hipwood, and he had carefully watched tho actions of each alderman during that time, and had studied their positions as compared ono with the other. It behoved thom te take care whom they appointed as mayor, but from his ex-perience of Alderman Hipwood as a tradesman and a commercial man ho waa sure ho would fill the position creditably. It was the duty of the council to assist the mayor out of many difficulties which naturally ariae from time to time. Rulings were sometimes very abruptly required, and the assistance of tho council would only be due to the mayor. Ho thought Alderman Hipwood as mayor would be a good representative of the city.

The Town Clerk then put the question, which was carried unanimously, and Alder-man Hipwood waa declared duly elected mayor,

and took his scat in the chair.

Alderman M'Master congratulated tho mayor on bia assuming office. He was suro that officer would not disappoint those who had supported him. No doubt ho would have many difficulties to contend with, but from the ability displayed by the mayor in his business affairs, he would, ho was sure, bo equal to the occasion. Every assistance ho (Alderman M'Master) could give would be gladly given, and he was sure the other aldermen would echo bis sentiments. (Hear, hear. ) Ho hoped the mayor would have a aucceaaful year, and when ho would leavo the chair they could say they had done well by appointing him to the


His worship tho Mayor, in reply, said ho thanked them sincerely for the high honour they had conferred on him. He could assure them he would do all in his power-assisted by the eouncil-in conducting the affaird of the city. This time two years ago he had not the remotest idea that ho would in this short space of time be placed in that honourable position. He was glad to think ho had gained tho confidence of tho council, and be would do hia utmost to retain that con-fidence. He felt honoured to think that ho was the first Australian who had occupied that chair. (Hear, hear.) If he stood for half-an hour ho could not explain his feelings at that moment, and he would, therefore, conclude by again thanking them for having elected him to that honourable position. (Hear, hear.)

Alderman Sinclair said ho took that oppor-tunity of paying a mark of respect to tho late mayor, Alderman Babbidgc, who was an intimate friend of his. Ho bad not yet had the pleasure of sitting with him ni this council, but he had watched his career care-fully, and that gentleman had displayed more than tho usual amount of energy in carrying out the works of tho council during his term of office just expired. He had been successful in every instance. He thought it would be wanton discourtesy on their part to allow the late mayor to leave the chair without marking their opinion of his services. He moved a cordial voto of thanks to Alderman Babbidge for the manner in which he had conducted the business of mayor during the last year.

Alderman M'Master said that had been done at tho last meeting.

Alderman Sinclair said they could not do wrong by again recording their appreciation of his services, and ho therefore proposed a vote of thanks to Alderman Babbidgc.

Alderman Hooker seconded the motion.

Tho Mayor (Alderman Hipwood), in putting the motion, aaid he was auro they were all pleased to know that the lato mayor had car-ried out the duties of the council in an upright and honest manner. He only hoped that that day next year they would have the same opinion of him (the mayor) as they now bore to Alderman Babbidge.

The motion was put and carried with accla-


Alderman Babbidge said it waa likewise gratifying to him to know that he had really succeeded as well as ho had. There waa some difference between the fact of taking the chair at the present time and that of doing so twenty years ago. He waa pleased that such an old resident as Alderman Sinclair should have moved the vote of thanks in his favour. Ho had derived considerable pleasure in occupying the position of mayor-tho work

had been to him a labour of love. Many of his

actions may have appeared harsh, especially in regard to the enforcement of certain by-laws, but his actions had been as far as he was con-cerned entirely in the interests of the city. It had been one of the moat pleasurable years of his life in presiding over the council. There were moro meetinga last year than during any previous year, and all

the business had been conducted in a "swim-ming" manner. He was sure it waa owing to the manner in which the council had backed him up that the arduous duties which devolved on him had been carried out so satisfactorily. He thanked them for the hearty vote of thanks they had accorded him.

This terminated the proceedings.

The majority of the aldermen retired to the mayor's room, where the health of " The Mayor of Brisbane for 188G " was proposed by the ex-mayor and heartily drunk. Several speeches were subsequently made, but though containing occasional references to municipal affaira, they were generally of a private



The monthly meeting of the Toombul Divi-sional Board waa held at the office, Breakfast Creek, on Saturday afternoon. Present Messrs. Widdop, Childs, Wagner, Gcrlcr, and Robinson. The returning-officer, Mr. Widdop, announced the return of Messrs. Buckland and Gerler at the recent election. Mr. Widdop was unanimously appointed chairman for the ensuing year, after which the minutes of the previous meeting wcro road and confirmed. Sub-committess were appointed to conduct the works und finance business during the coming year. Thesalary of the clerk (Mr. Carmichael) was increased by £25, bringing it up to £230 per annum with house free. It waa decided that Mr. Carmichael should also act as valua-tor. The assistant clerk's salary was increased to £70 a year. On the motion of Mr. Wagner, seconded by Mr. Robinson, and supported by the Chairman, the sum of £50 was granted to Mr. Buckland to recoup him for his personal expenses as chairman of the board during the past twelve months. Mr. GEnLElt objected to granting sums annually to chairmen, and Mr. Childs moved, as an amendment on the original motion, that £20 bo voted to Mr. Buckland. The amendment was not seronded. On the motion of Mr. Wagner, the chairman was appointed the board's representative at the Joint Board and Licensing Board. The principal correspondence read consisted of a long letter from J. Hen-nessy making claim for compensation for wrongs extending over four years by the board issuing distress warrants ; also claiming £507 10ä. öd. for removal of certain buildings. It waa agreed to hold the matter over until next meeting, when Mr. Buckland would pro-bably be present to give bis assistance in settling Henncsay's alleged wrongs. The Under Colonial Treasurer informed the board by letter that the sum of £3539 Ila. 2d. endow-ment was now at their disposal. Letters re-lating to roads requiringattcntion were referred to the Improvement Committee. A petition presented by Mr. Wagner from several rate-payers, with reference to the state of the Sugar Mill-road, was referred to the Improvement

Committee. A petition from A. Rode, asking 1 the board to repair tho road to Heidelberg, was presented by Mr. Wagner, and similarly dealt with. The report of the Finance Committee was read and adopted, and accounts to the amount of £472 5s. 4d. wero passed for pay-ment. Thcquestton of the river bank improve-ments was allowed to stand over until noxt meeting. A number of notices of motion wero referred to the Improvement Committe, after which the meeting adjourned.


A special meeting of the Shire Council of Toowong, in accordance with tho provisions of the Local Government Act, for the election of a president for tho ensuing year, was held at the office, Toowong, at noon on Saturday, when there were present - Councillors Cribb. Finney, Gregory, Payne, Sweatman, and Valentine. The returning-officer's report on the election held on the 2nd instant, stating that Messrs. W. Frederick Wilson, Thomas Mathewson, and Henry Sweatman had been elected councillors, and Messrs. William

Arthy and John G. Cribb auditors (unop-posed), was read. A letter was road from Mr, W. Frederick Wilson, stating that, owing to

their recent bereavement, he and his father would not bo present at tho meeting. On the motion of Councillor Finney, seconded by Councillor Gregory, Councillor Cribb was

re-elected president ; and Councillor Gregory was appointed tho council's representative on

the Traffic Board.