Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Monday 4 July 1932, page 11






The north wind on Saturday upset football teams bail mms even mole th in the wet proun lo ot the previous week The bill vv tv swept cul et ils com e ind the in,, mull n pla ei- in pni2ii (, it« Ihght was ftilh te«LeeI ¡Ihe pliv vvis rennrl ible toi the ¡cl toi ni Keen disappointment vv is lett ¡bl- tsscn Ion ind 1 cot in> sut potters who Ahrtil hoped foi the Aletori vv hielt would

|ha-e mide tlieni ntmidiible contenders toi

ntl t* ttur laelt liovvevei failed mi^ci


>sfeLMJUN which lud ov ei vv helmed

jcrtcloiig on the Conn Ov il a week befóte p a*ed 10oi b dgiin«-t Rielimond 1 ssuidon ti as beaten evetjivheie ind extent toi a ponod of ibout 10 mu tites m tltc thud quarter level leokcd likell to win Rich ii ord plryed magmfioentlv but it wia ¿«Bandon s mistikes lack ol sjstent and « neral inefheiencv which ciusod it lo ijic temi will have a chance o£ lcdecmmg tsell neTt Saturdiv when it will meet


rOOT'îCK v. Y .« hich finished last seison io «eil an 1 on papet begin this season with ¡Jinnees second to none seemed to hive Jounci it elf when it defcilcd Melbourne on ¡faturdav week Faults m attack ippeued io hive beiu corrected and the tenm and Its sitppottera went to Punces Titk on -fit rdiv full ot confidence i rom the fust bounce Ciilton vvas the master In svs "'em in marking and in penen! pin*. Carl

on ra« RUpenoi ind the result lett no Itrtrbt of the rebpectiv e merits of the tcims -on latutdny at le ist

KW! 11 MLLBOLUNr iftcr tmimphiug

rcr all the lcndets and winning eight latches m succession nanowie csnpod de feat at tile hands ot litrloe «Inch lind

«ton onh two of ith eight nntehes the raid hi«l lull plaj it bouth Alclboumc but Jin« Hi piee and gencnl plaj of 1 uzicv ivlirii i tomshed the South Melbourne Jaras ind officials and dtcvv fiom the louth Mclbouinc captim (T Icouaid) the

omnrni I cannot undeistand how thesi 'ela s Im. nil won mote matches

}Ii_I>fXP\r won its first game foi be «elson 1 \ defeiting St Kilda 'J hcsi

vtJ ilubs aie having a lean time, ind must | íeahae tint there is something more thin itwd felloe» ship lud sportsmanship re

Itwcd now id ae s to develop a high clasB GTELONG phved Aery fine football nt ¡lenferric where its skill md general plaj atl? Ila» thorn ippeir to be A er> w elk

COL!TNI"MOOD won fiom the lmprov

"$ \orth Melbourne in n game in which 'tcur-icv in kiel ing for go«) was a featuie PoHinirvood ts improving even week and "s 1 t>) ing torw arti to its test nett Satin jal CIajden jiliving his first game foi 1 sei on loi Collingwood stood the stiam atisnçtoi ih Ile should mein*'niuch ti)

be team


J. Titus's Skull Fractured.

Jack Titus, the leading Richmond player

is a patient at the Melbourne Hospital suffering from a fractured base of the skull. Titus was injured in an accidental collision with an opponent at Essendon on Saturday. He played for a time after being injured and he became ill at his home in Swan Street, Richmond, and was taken to the hospital yesterday. His condition is said

to be serious.

j Vftti lmv ing been out of the game foi i few mitthcs because of injuries V\ ave Foot»« iv ) had the misfoitune again to be itirt on Sitmdn«, An opponent fell on inn heiv ilv and he li id to leiv e the field »hen it w is found that one iib and possiblj vi o Ind bt cn broken Illa phce av as taken iv Aked 0 linen (rool=ciaj) receiAOd a i)ow on the head mid aftci the game liai

ifîeting from concussion

Uovlc (Collingwood) twisted an ankle on i turiliv ind will probable ht out of the earn foi a few weeks luekei whoieplaced

jv le injured his knee

M Lamb the Geelong defender lind both his thighs bruised in the gime agunsc a« thorn IT Alaskell had hu. binn ¡e *el.v hiernted Vcithei plaj el was for ed to leive the field

M ot ih 1 cloie the end of the lust emitter ni fe game between Alelboume nul H Ki! h al the Melbourne gioitnd S Tung the ciptnm oi SI iNild i went down hcavilv in e tish jnd sevcrel« biutsed his shoulder A't he Ind retened nltention from the trailers he continued to jlij but ti halt tile he reta ed md was iephecd bj


'!) Gtecve«e, the C ecloiu e ntieplijei ia stiff led i leeuriencc if his knee in ;J| ind ii its hkelv tint be will be out «I t o gome 1 ir the rest ot the season

| Praft <SoUth Melbourne) Roportod

jiPr tt (South Melbourne) vv istepoiteil on Jaturlav bv i goal umpiic ind i boundiiv

«opire nftor the ti itch bet vc n «sutilh Mel j loiitne n d Iilriov t *-oii' 1 Mel >oin ne J pachai,, of living sfttiil «.Uten (1 itz

f») m th thud quartet

137th Succosslvo Game

McPh rson the trtuti ft Bilhril live! his 137th sute Mio prttmeishlp

leon Situidav Ibis is chimed to be Vu ti dun ice ntl

D McNamnra Reippcars

_Intérêt in the Oinionl (tothill tenn thich i pi lying in tile I) scetion ol the

(trojolitnn nmatcu competition w is in ¿eased on Siturdie bv the appen ance of

Mc\ ninia the foinict Leifctie and \s nat on champion goal kickei Ile was tenth reinstated i» in amnttui Hu, son I McNimati is also a mr-mboi ot the te un «cNimiii who fit st phjed scnioi tool

ill m 190 is now 40 A ears ot at. On iturdaj h showed some if lus old tint king iilitv it hilf foiw ird ecntio md s oietl fcur goals ill wttb plie lils anl one ft ti em ft on TO vai d cut "scvenl otheis fcfii« shots weie Horn neath 00 jir l" The prmonl club is ilso m niqing to have the Boni bhin 'hire Boni ) liv at the hilf fUiie mt rvals when the club is plijuig It herne lor ne\t bahndij cffoils ne Seing m i Je to piss the c1 ib mc ord ot 1000 "itctitors nho saw the opening g une e*

" casni)

Umpires on Saturdny uji'«l I m mue« on *-iturcli\ um

j I V Ino, la PaiTt rilli g i Moll o im ] Ijel

"in l^c lor Cell Carlton 1-nt Ha ti in

Vur. -, util Alelb ui e le ¡

Receipts ind Attendances

Joatbjll ihv n s suflois when tin Giand

«iona! n eclmgh come i minti ind it was Pit ume on '-ituidiv Du iltcnclinecs

Siturd iv in line weatha diO] peel to



1-2 1-0

2-11 G-1G

"-Ö 11-6

o-2 I 1-5 |1S-O

SOUTH MELB , Ï-1 1 O-| ¡11-7 12-1( FITZROY l-o Î-I1 S-14 10-1?

GEELONG ' 4-1 I 0-7 'li--) ¡14-11

HAWTHORN I 0-2 I '-7 I V-121 7-1S


M itchr« Util

= 24

south Mtlbi urne J I 14 041 SO 7-, l Carllm O 7 J Mi fj ">" tt 2!, Colling« oo I ') 7 J SÍ-0 --,0 Si'IO 2S ltlcllinond ) b J 7(i(, oil 60 71 2G Geelong 0 ( 2 Hi GSj 72 4S 2t> Essendon II 1 S07 700 87 S3 24 ïootscn* 9 I 1 «¡ 192 13 32 l8 North Melbourne. 'I G S07 807 110 »0 12 Htzioj !) 2 7 700 00b 127 7S S Melbourne !) 1 S GH S40 117 47 4 St hilda .) 1 S G4G o il 1711 I

?thorn i 1 S Ml SU lol S7 4




C MOLONIA (Geelong) f3 II I'ltVTT (South Melbourne) CO II \ MIENCL (Carlton) 4S

J Count i (Collingwood) 47 Moriartj (Fitz rot) 4G I«itziiaurlce (North Melbourne), 31, Mar giticta (Mellourne), Mohr (st kilda), 20 eich Titus (R dimond) 1-rcacr (Ftsondon), 27 each, rothes (ruendon) 2a Dijmiin (Foot craj), 23

S3 000 ind tilt" leceipts to C1 741 Ihe lïgiues foi the toiie-pomling dav last von weie- \ (tendance*- S2 oUO leeeipts

.JOH Hie netnd on Sttmdiv mu -

Mitcli Uícwlanct Receipts milton i l-iotsri-aa 22 n0» 14*.' 1 senden a melun ii 20 000 TO south Melbotmi« i I Krroi lb 00,) ,t> CiUingmolN loob-cras 10 000 1 ." Mellourne i s( hiltln I 00 1 h I law tim n i ( eclon"- 3 nt IJ

S3 000 £1711

Matches for Saturday

, I lit. |ii«|,i tmmc foi ueNt Salurclav cou [tams one g inn of supteme importance Collingwood it ill meet Richmond at Vic tona Taik J be defeat of Lssendon has robbed its meeting -ruth Cirltou of much mietest Hie piogiamme is -

I Colllnowood v Richmond at "Victoria Park.

Carlton v Euendoo at Carlton

Molbournc v Fitzroy at M C C ground

North Melbourne v Hawthorn, at NoitU ilel

bou mc

St Kilda v South Mclbourno at Pt Willa Foohcray v Geelong at rooucra*


Essendon's Remaikable Failuie.

£\cept foi tbout 10 minute-, in the third quartet in the gime at i ssendon wheie Richmond w is the \i«itoi, theie was no con-tent Richmond tiefe tied bj Carlton bj one pont b\ ¡south Melbourne bj two points and hiving tied with Geelong, found itself out of the hist i otu and another defeat would have boen disistious 'Iho Rieh niontl selcctotb finallv put an l8 into the held which tiiej conhdcntH expected would woitluly uphold the topiitation of the club there had been i weakne-s in attack a lack of undet ht Hiding among the big men, and, moico\ei «.onie of the men on «a horn rtlnuie wot, pi iced lind not slmck foim Iho cottell (' Cliei kci ' Hughes) and tap tam (P Bcntlc) ) spoko to (he men and the side took the held confident ind deter-mined and imbued with the team spinl Irom the ltrst bounce Richmond «as at its veij bo-,t tnd the most imaging thing was that it seemed to excel in pace Even one had been told la-slick close to his man and never to let him get a lend up to the ball 'Jins instiuction was obejed to the ¡ettct but the men did better, thet took the lead -md it was J'saendoii which hud to do the chi-mg lu the in Rich mond som cd fett lughti than its oppon-ents and, mot eos ei when a Richmond pair of hand» clutched the ball theie was no hope ioi Lssendon In st stem also Rich-mond was supierne its defence wis is solid is a lock, and its shott passing bcwildeied JLssendon Jf was Kichmond at its best

r».¡,ciidon lftcr ils triumph at Geelong, hid no doubt tint it would succeed It itlied on pace, onh to find itself checked bj Richmorid methods and although its men ti ltd to run aw iv thev found Rich mond alwlis tcadj and ahead It was n case of steadiness and skill, of detenmna tion aud tugged force opposed lo speed not ihnvs used to advantage-lo «resolute and bndlj dnected passing, and to weak md jiioilectiv e position plat md kicking I he onl\ consolation to 3 -sendon support leis was that the loi m of then men was too bad lo be ti ne J he lack of form vvas is suipiiKing as it was disippointing and i fcanie which had been awiited with keen expectation sank to the commonplace, in which one side did eveijthmg-oi almost pt ei> thing-tight and the othei did evett

thing wiong On that foi-m Richmond would have deftited im team 'lhat Lssendon is (ipalala of doing ten much bettci is gener

ilh tontcded

Tho Play

1h<- wind at 1 ^eildon was iltuoit ett uthl icio s the erounl though «¡llglith faiourliig tlio rail

w u goal to which Illelunond kicked fln,t. The erouutl was In spleidid oialcr and liut for the wind the condition*, were lertect rsaendon lilies ccnttcd on the idea (hit tlio wind would affect the high mntklng of Itlelimond and would nnllifi It' supeiloiitv there It was Btirprlsln-r, therefore to Aid Ijisendoti ptintinir Hie ball high and thus iln'ing lulo Kichmond s luinik while lä-t-ndon plavers IhemseUcK weie misjudging it« flight missing marks und constant]* running into trouble When liseiKlon detclopod slab kicking in Hie lttem-it to keep the ball down It«; ctforts at | awing were feeble The further the punt plot-ceded the mole w is the «uperionh of Itlch

mon I ciiiltnt

Iii I mond hil all the b. ltd of the opining quirto plating billlliiitl* while ts-endon s eliot t weie nmM-d and spa-riic-clu Goidon M run*, mil D Hrni g etch se arc I betöre a beau Illili drop kick bj Cami bell nftei n good pti-8 bj I othes liruu.hl Le-i tulon s first gi '1 a'»' ior the ret of the term Kiehinond pre* tiled Onl* one goal wai added (.ol Ion strang kicking It ihe bill rolling through the un(,iLard(d posts The qu irter cn let! Ititliniouil u-4 1 Eseudon 1-2 ile «^econl temi waa e\en more in fmour of Iticlnnond who«e min won all oiet the field lhere wau 1 lcnlj of (.o in the plia, but Itichmotid wa nilli the bel ter s !e. Hunter and Tlttu scoi»d lot llichinonl wlueli might have had seic ni nlhci goals while 1-.«.eildon tliou-,11 faaoitrfd In th li euc uldcl tnlj thiee behind* M hilf time Kichmmid led o-7 to 1-3

Uti gime I 11 been null tere ling e-xopt for the fine foim of llithiuond m I when pim wai re si ii c1 tie -i-linri allot) nnntlitt punit Then 1 -*,rndon plaiiig tiMllint!* uni rcgniiiing the in isle \ lu the in t> k a land and theie wis

loud cheering viven after nee neu pissing between Campbell, Forbes ind Ilearn, Jlearn cored vvllh -i nice Mik Fur a time Lsstndou prevailed bul its attack was weale and ord} be ninia rime In tint «nrtie "pondon might have made up much of its lecwa« but the Uich mini defence ne«er faltfred and beating off tile ti josition Iliclimond again resumed the offensive . t-wendon ha 1 6ho««n whit it could do hut its mis ni s «i i exasperating and Wchmond, turning them to advantage prevnlel and added t««o goats (HellTnor and Altrttn) Ihouth r. «endon in a spasmofIic rush carne again, the term ended Itlch moni 7-12 F«.tndon. --11

Alt interest in tile game hod frone and Itlch mond still plavins fmelv, established a long Jead Hunter (twice) river -ind O Strang each seo Ing Es cndoii pla) Ing rageedlv managed to add two goals (Foil c9 aid Irovcr), and the game ended

Richmond, 11 gls. 14 bhds. (80 pts.). Essendon, 4 gls. 18 bhds. (42 pts.).


RICHMOND. - Hunter (3), Gordon Strang (3), Titus, Heiffner, Dyer, Martin, Douglas Strang.

ESSENDON. - Campbell, Hearn, Forbes, Freyer.

Best Players.

RICHMOND had a well-balanced side, in which practically every man played well. Bolger, who made no mistake, half-back: Zschech, for cool, brainy, unobtrusive centre work; and Dyer, for his wonderful marking, might be mentioned as the best three; but special praise should be given to Bentley, D. Strang, and Hunter, each of whom has been out of form but found it just when it was wanted. Hunter's performance was specially good, for he was "nursing" his leg all day. O Neill, Baggott (until he collided with an opponent and had a lump on his forehead),

Judkins, and the rest all played well. Murdoch was lame early in the game, and Titus collided head-on with an opponent and left the field in the last quarter. it was an accident, but Titus is in hospital with a fractured skull and a broken nose. Benton replaced him.

Fasts DON bid so man« men much I dow form that it is difficult to pick amone as plavitig really well Forbes Oki« and lord certainlv had plenty of opportunities but threw them awav Williamson and Avalsh (bick and follow Ing.

Madden Anderson (after half time) and Carman (in defence) Campbell (centre) M ll«on (ruck)

though handicapped 1} a eut over the eje anl Johnson, who worked verv hird forward, might be picked as the best o the side


Footscray's Reversal of Form

The large iittcndancc at the Cirlton ground saw 1 verv disappointing display, for. except In the third quarter, the game fell far below expectations lootstrav's form seemed too poor to be true Us plavcrs gave a wretcied exhibition Miking

marking feeble, licking their usual dish md nltnosl devoid of the fine si «tem seen m carin r milche» V few men plajci well Indivlliiillv but team work ins absent M ith such weil, oi

position Carlton vus niver full« exton led Al list dash «ililli uni cohesion was shown was ali on th* Ciijtnn side it« phvets specialising hi ^in» hub marking However the kicking of tin tom ard div Won was «.cry fault v, as the total of 21 behlnds to 9 goals Indicates Alans eis} shots wete missed liiioughout the game the decisions of the umpire (Batt) nonplussed spectators and platers illke lhere was much spite in the game In the last few minutes when a bunch of pli}eis exchanged blows fieelv It was surprising that no plavcrs viere reported

PIn> in tlio first quarter was more fast and rugged than scientific Carlton mido good use of weicht end passed and marked well Footscray's good centre and wing work broke down forward, where its men filled to combine and found Gill too stcadi Carlton adopted straight aliead method«; but its kicking- for goal was erratic, and its lead of 1-G to 1-1 at the end of the quarter should have been much greater AAavc left the Held with a biokcn rib, and waa leploecd bv \ked Carltons eil) criorltv In the air and its dish were ro marked in the «econd quartet that the plav was most one sided lootscru} pli}cd vcr« poor football It had no svstem stood oft biidlv, passed and kicked umlrsslv anl genenllv licked purpose in Its work Ihe gime was disipjioiiitlug for Carl ton although much suueilor igaln ktkod poorlj forward It led t>} 4-1" to ¿-i it half time

Tlic game improved Immeasurable in the third quat ter lootscnv infused more vigour into its plav and meeting their opponents better, its men move than licld their own It was far better foot tall, being fast, ojien and with pleut) of tire Improving its kicking, passing ticlter, and idopl ing the wiso tactics of spoiling Carlton in tlio ilr footscray went ahead tn gund «tile There were inanv (lue exchanges, and the large crowd becjme vuldlj excited lootscra} took the honour«! of the quitter but at the list change Carltm had a handv lead, G-16 to 4-7 narlv til tile last term the plav was failli even and fast with Footsrjrav maintaining its pace in good «lyle How ever when Carlton rallied desperate!}, using weight frcelv ind falrlv, loolscrav seemed unalle to withstand the shock tattles and it "pelcrel out" badlv Caitton thcu had very weak oppc-,1

tlon In the last few minutes the tempers of some of the plavcrs became fwived Two men enmc to blows and then punche» were exchanged freeh bj a bunch of plavcri, A poor g-tnio ended with the

scores -

Carlton, 9 gls, 21 bhds (75 pts) Footscray, 7 gls. 9 bhds. (51 pts )

Goal kickers-Carlton-A illence (0) Cusp (2) Egan lootscra}- Rodwell (3), Aflnoguc, A\ aller man, Penberthv Alare

In Kelli the fast and dashing wmginnn Carlton had tile best man on the ground He handled the bill clever!« was elusive In turning in either direction and plnved well to position GHI (full back) was alvnjs reliable, marking and kicking with good judgment A alienee (forward) made his opportunities well but uil-sed some casv shots Martin reappeared after a long absence through iiijun and did well in the centre Other good men weie Bullen (following nnd forward) Oprev (wluir), Davev (for high marking) Crisp (for

ward) and Johnron (follower)

lootscnj s best men were Allnoguo (forward), Finelier (rover) Pcnbertb} (follower) Spurling (half forward). Baker (halfback) and Koduell a cool forward from Oakleigh, who was plav ing hin first game Alave plaicd well until hurt


Fitzioy Makes Fine Effort

Even the keenest judges of football know ins the torni of League teams could scarcely have ptedictcd i clos» and «.citing contest between bouth Melbourne undefeated during the season and head or the premiership list, and ritzrov which lias had onlv two Bucceseea this year "Act di\ even and exciting gamo it undoubted!} vvss the result being in doubt until the last minute On the plaj generallv lhere w ts little between the teams. Uotli were admirable in the uti, fist, coungeous, and resourceful, and although the gruelling contest tired both sldfs it could no1 be said that the stamina of cither liad filled to stand the feet. s-outh Melbourne established n comfortable lead In the first quarter, but there after Fitzroy s spoed and earnestness ocne«i the garni, and when, in the third quarter, the «isltot«, gained the lead their supiortera weie conti lent if success Putting ever« ounce of i.t!oti"tli Into the contest, however, South manage I bv a desperate effort to avert defeit It wan a thrill

lug game, in which South Melbourne 9 slight superiorlt} forwird turned the tables lu its tiv our The game was plav el it'?ciitli Mctbcum»

Good ruck and wing j I iv distlmriiished South Welbourne s pla} in the first ipi irlet md straight driving kicks gave the home f i-wards the opt or tunlties the} needed 1 lli-ro} w is not fist enough, and IU attacks ma le little impression upon Souths powerful dei nee In th s*cond quarter Ht7rov madi ger»! use ti the ticrthrrn

wind, ind its repelled strong itticls weie marred

only by sonicwhit unstcad) nse I efforts foi ward, which list « vet ii ¡,o 1 fhiinces of scor ing Loth sid s who 1 leklutr ml marking well

anl the pune ins t nidi At hilf time sCJth Melbourne led bi 1 j oint

1 Itrrov nude til lae id lairicd the game to South during ni < veiling li Ird qinrter Its attacks In whlili Hinton and Bou! «u o m tit luir mun opi oitunltlis for tin Ion ardí were well organised and «| ce Ii anl Sotilh v is mostb °n tlio d frnsiu I ilzro« toik I! 1 id al ul half wa tliroueh the temi au I ti« cvciv ti lint lot

of iemi¡nin" in the isttnlinii Its i je n I team wirk «ide exi Ililli its ni k i« is str jug und ctiteiiiisitin nul in the su ii was rreiail

ing agaln«t S nth v hich 1 id to veil cien oui ce of ils htreiicth t ire, un the lal 1 el io tin o quarter limo Ils d srerato cffirls rugpostid tint its men realised the tori u lies, ot lltzr«« s cb xllcngc

lu the Ii t quill r s mt, ti ough licung th st* l Une s ltd irei 1 linn which u ualh chai ic

teilse i piPinleiTtnp team pro« d a little too strong for the via» r Thi sj e-e 1 ot the i, in was n= gieut as o i ml th« im! w is creath evcitcd is the« 1 ni I tmvelltd rapillv up and down the ground llrst s. uh md then 1 Ilrro« seeming to hive th iii un ige N-,,,,1, U1fl j i|tuc (ile 1 « t ter in the air anl the superiority of tlip tie tics ti tie itriiij» va» mirk d Tlio Dual

scores wir -

South Mell), 12 gls IO bhds (82 pts)

Fitzroy IO gls lo bhds (75 pts).

( ni ki k r -e nth Alellotirn Irait (7) leo i uri (_), llialn < 1 Beal I I itzruv - Aloriait} til Cuirle (-) C Ila I uuton C'nimin. Stolt

1 oi s nth vieil irn IH'O-U md ülgtnns weir con«! ieuous for t-olid mik ««ilk anl thev did mm li lo hold (he si |< togcth i in the tcnsf»t ni mients Pratt vi is ko n uni îciurate frrwarl I -oiinrd the cipniu and c leh I milled the side cipubli and plav ti with irreit astuteness AIcKav, Jlobcitsoii an J AfcUughlln who able defenders In Bunton HUiov lind the iHft min on the ground lie was tjie spiirh ad jf mist of tho ntturks Ind w is ihnvs In the best position to assist his side AMIInms and Nu m were the mum strengtli ff tin I imov detenéis ind otlcr good men ftt th I islntr temi were Roberts, Iircve, boyd, Ken, anl (hiptnan


St Kilda Defeated ni Close Finish

Mell, um c Ubi li I i tu li to it« o vii g ound 1 i deleillii" M Kildi nit i i do eh eel

?ti uni iviilme gimo Ihe siaidirl of loot was n t paull iilailv hmh lui the time leid list thnu"liotit tnd in Ihe 1 al quart«r wh n , tiain w-is stil« li g li ni tun ti« lei 1 the pin mo't exciting vielbDuriie v on ] nncipallv ... its <,U) Mimili iii lb ail md leiiuse o «H Kilrli h, lack of m eli iii Ih pluvers ol nelthet

kicked acini iiclv

c llrst quiirl i uincd v ith i AJelt ou-n it

. which failiel I ut M Kilda quick.} te ok eli n,o ml tlitrciftor did most it the HI icklni, Alillouinc mis stipuler acres« the rentr« but the I rwi 1 vioik w is veri po r Ihr portions of the (,1-fund i hich lia« leen legradel were sott and plains w re Hilling li d Ihclilt to keep their feet It quarter time "«I Klldi led bv S~¿ to 1-2

Hie «.uri ii -midird if |!nv impuned In Ih second qu-iiicr rowcilng maiks, ling kicks, mci ripil I indi lilli g d llfchtc 1 the onlookcrie s0on aflor pin} vins risuniHl the bill Dished nut of i ciiish ol ihvers in the mouth of the St, Klldu goil Hooper (Melbourm) liandballisl to Itllev

who snapped it across to Margltleh, and he »cored with a neil snapshot Shortly afterward Riley (ivho was plas ing Ins first Leie,uo gunn.) wns aj

ilaudi 1 fir i magnificent mark with one hand .ugh ni ove lin hei U of u pack Melbourne wa« di Unit li in i p throughout the quarter adding

Hu ««ind «vis me > the grounl but usslsled the nu kicking ti the niilw tv cul und lu the thllil inter with ils i ss|,tan et Klldi iidueed the ii in 1 i i el lh< Veil unie kcoie Phillips hit the i es1 \ Ith n Ivnr shot but ilmost ltnmcdl nil} kiekil i ¡.oil Hie pin was vIl,oioim and ast li time piirt i Hine the secas were -Melliourno S-N St Kilda í-**

AA lib on point sepal itlng them Iho teams begin i stun Btiugglu in Iho last quartci. Height was

usçd freely though general!} not uniiirij A little Licking and punching paw^d unnotictd by the umpires St Kilda added a gonl to ita lead a fe« minutes if ter phi\ Kgan. when Roberts pissel neath to M h teh< id Mnrfcitlch replied almost at once for Mi_lbou.iit Melbourne s *-uptr.nrlt> in the air h«.!pe<l it to another nttick, when Hooper aftf-r he had fallen in n cni*h lu flat on tht.

prouiid and himlbilkd through thr fc^s ot ee^erul opponents to Wann. Mint h «ho turned quickh and snapped a pr ii \ len Fécond* Jit* r thn pimj 11 iv i Pet red jfciln with a ntnillir »»hol Hut m Midi i**ilied ligorou'h agiin ptcsed Melbourne

«?cote, inJ hd b\ a joint with t fen minute^, lett for i lax "Mohi (M Kilda) had i clune lo i-cuit when he Ind a clear run to on o\rn jroil

but in his esçitem-^nt he nu«*-1 ickf-d, ind stoic 1 enh a behind Melbourne returned to the atttck and in a series of hreslM-ilita tuches nor d t\\ ) coals and se\eral behind* Tlax end d ini d priât

excitement with the scores -

Melbourne, (2 nts. (3 bhds (85 pts J. St Kilda, IO gls. 14 bhds. (74 pts).

Ior the \ inner* the t*>*t rd it cr mií Hoopci- i tall \oulh aged 1" \eir« who w pla\ing hi-* fir-H season in the lojgue He marked nuipnfieentU kicked accurately (not a p nrral ira<tice in the Melbourne team) and mad*1 position well Bet mc

as usual, va* faet and \içorou<<, md Name Smith did much useful work \ me wis good, and Conolc placed well on the back Une Hijo, the new forward made a prcmininc iippurance lie is n fine mark ind intif tpatoi splcndidh«, but In« kick mc on t-atmdti\ wat» FerlousI} iiMrvj Hu bo-it oi the other« were Kinnear Dicken« and Pemberton

On the losing Fide Benoe, Vii then und W Roberts were perhaps the bert three plater

Ho'd«u and Hindun on the back Une dil murh useful woik, and Whitehead Steuart, anio Neil

wete freqiienth «<.tn Phillip« wjs u"»ful on th" , forward line, but gencrnlh the temi whs weik in attack be^cral ih\ers were ol«ioitsh below

form |

Goal kickers-Melbourne-Mirgitidi O, Wain«' I Smith (**), RUe> (2) Hooper (2), Ulm-, Dicken

St Kilda-Kenna (2) Mohr (2) Unit h id Í21 \ndei-on, toni ii, Phillips Beme


Some Excellent Goal-kicking i

1 \rellent goal Me* lu» Va both sides a-ab the

redeeming foatuie of the Collingwood North Mc) j

bourne -ramo ut \ictorii 1'ark, np fe tri than "21 froils being* 1 icked, and onli 21 bollinda In nibci j

ri«.peela the play was not so satlsfacton, the high |

wind handle tpplng Hie plat ern, and qati-mg nitich

? running and fumbling Although North Mol j bourne made a good showing. Collingwood alua

med to lute a little tu tc-cr-e, and pim ed betUt together, the wings being strongci

Horn the outset there were one or two mtrked diiteitnces between the tenmst Collingwood beliu stronger In the air, and ita hand ph), used willi fine discretion, helped It out of main dltllcultle« The »Ind ble» across the ground, slighlh Utour Ing the giandstand goal, and North Mclbourt e kicking to that end had «omenhat the bctte- ot Ute Ilrst quirter First goal time to Colling«ool owing to Uaker'ß cle'ernfcss in holding two op ponente oa while Fdmonds scored, but North carne along al Ith two goals In quick sucoes«ion It maintained its load until the first chant;«', whin the «corea were 3-2 to 2-I

lu the second (¡titrier Collingwood went to tlio attack with Un*» \ Igour. and with 1. Murph* prac-tical!} monopolising the ruck work, did prctti well as it liked Its hand-balling wai. almost pei

feet, and the outcome of the quarter s pla- wa« peten goala for Collingwood, willie North added two goala bart, and at half time Collingwood led bi 27 points lining 1-5 to 5-2

Hoyle, «ho had injured ¡tia ankle dunn:- th" second quarter, did not roappcat a'ter the inter «al, his place being taken hi Tucker, who * a* alio nubeequcntly injured Huggins had lieeu con spicuoUB for Vorth all da*, hut he had two ea-.i chance" carlv in Hie third quarter that went «Ide

North Melbourne: showed Its beti form in this lenn, and had Collingwood on the defensive for mott of the time Fach erlde stored a goal early, that bj Lewis 'being a particularly fine effort North then played e Igorousl*, Lewis dam lnating the ruck, and lince goals in quiet -.ucce sloti again put It wtthlng striking dl-tancc \i three quarter time there weie onlj 13 poiuts b> tween them, the «core? being -Collingwood, li-b North Melbourne, ..-j

The wind dropped In the last quartet, and Col

llnguood m the ilrst few minuten intrttced it lead bj two goils Llajdon ea-lly punttd the 12th and Halloran gol the 131 li, but a In \llen i-jln gaac North hope When howei-r Hei eridge hooted Collingwood s 14th, find Hake the 13th, all hope for North had gone lltket

¿oal cime in a peculiar waa Hie umpire hid slopped the plat foi n free kick, and while the plater*, were waiting for the ball to be it-turned llakei coilh united it through the "-oil To Hi« surptise ot ei cr* one the pi mrs ttitluaod the go ii was allowed It was i Kid tlciislon ColltngwOei I kejt up It* sirona; attack to Hie tinihh «oring eight goals lo it-î opponent « fiui and th*

final «.tor«s «. «re

Collingwood, 19 gls. 12 bhds (126 pts.). North Melb , 13 gis. 0 bhds. (07 pts ).

(oWngt'ood vi-; stronç-i-Bt. acro-i the centre hitherto its weakM spot I ibbis on one witt-, pla«i 1 over Cameron ind when th« latter wah hlnlted did just as well aininst hi" othei op| *nuit

llakei played with Jil the old dash th it nude him so useful to Collingwood a few seasons n*,a, and sho «ed him eil i mister of position pi tv Ho and I Murpli* who workrl har 1 either following or pi-oil wer the tlo 1 e«t piners on the side C. Coa entra tild good tei nee in scoring neien treal»- anl th b «t of the olheis were Retail II Collin, Llmondrt and Rea cri ige

North Melbourne hal fewer players doing well but up to Iiulf time Huggins lind no superior on the ground Ile, hot eior, faded out to-wards the llnish Lewis worked hard and untlr in-rh all «la« and rr-tel-ul imple assistance from Jernni Others who caine under notice weie \lhn, "Hilen, Carroll, Peirce, and Matthews

G ii kickos - Cilllngwood-G co\entn (7)

rimonds (>), TI -crldire (2), Hallaban (2) Ilaker (-'> Vndrew, S Coaentn and Clatdon North Melbourne-Mien (»), Lewis (ii, 1-lUiuatmce (")

"" ? on (2)


Hawthorn Defeated Easily.

«hil the opposition olTered bl Hiwlhort t

O elong ti t,l'Merrit was utidoubttsjh «eak the fonn shown In Creiloiij* was ilnl-hid in t-tn branch It handled the ball in a deiner, fin) orior manner o^s tactics were eleeirK ctnsliitred and tarch tllrla pln\er attempt an« thing without beni', assured of the nece«-«-arv support Irom the tirst bounce it was apparent that Hawthorn posae-s-d nelth.i the crnlldence nor the ability to i,!«,. it uni hore of success Its plaaers were always b

hind th Ir men were continually with ci h einer, and ihelr haihU7aid manner of getting nil

of the ball was ofUn costh

Geilong aeon had its oi poiients riltleil ml nu steath, and tintble to coie with the -.tiMg cleln miiud luslie,. the quick cone« ried motements 1 lut Molouei usually brought to fruition \\hen opprr tunite olteted Dennett repelled mane sorties b*

brilliant marking, and thf-i \\tit» one of the featun«« of the flret quarter Moloney s cleier scuotlng, ^felhcrells marking and his working long kick ing vere other characteristics Hawthorn na- un

föitunate In loílng Ware, who wa» forceel lol retire owing to o sprained ankle The s-rnni quarler was a reflection of the first Geelong ? re ?ailing eierywhcre Htwlhorn tried a reorrange mont of forctp hut it w is of no aiail ?uil!i"r

| mlst-rttine befell it when Pol was accHentulh

kicked in the face hi inopjoneiit in I hud ti retire 'tit i lime I'll* Ing d<tp«raleli, llawtli i i

Itunehe I a series of attacks toward the eui cf tie quinn two el width brouglil -.oil- The hilt tun» Hcoies-«-ï (o --"-i fleet I the dispult«

b (ween the tenn»

IHokci wa- the -.tiong ¡eint in t, elm.;-, dei ice when plat wasrtsutned Hat thom how«\ir ein tinned to press, but with little tangible ic-tilt o ling to the faet thal Hade was -o often eil (he target One of his shots was considcud by the go ii umpire fo hate tven touched but the decision di 1 not appear to meei with approa ii Geelong omi

again toward the close of tin third quarter, and gratis by Troughton and Moloney (from a wonder fully clciei murk) made Ihe scores 11-t to ¿I-12 I Iho merits of the final quatiei were also with Gi

long, not altogether on the seoies, but be aus« lu pinion- handled Ihe ball bilttr, were In front of then men «topp 1 more forcllih ml coiredh,

[uni helped i ich otlur bath m trtiBiic-i and In Die

open Ilavtihnin foiighL it out t} the ind, bit. It« attacks were for th* mr«! part r-iulod out with

ou ma sfinblinic of coinbitiatian \ one miU 11 game cudi 1 - '

Geelong, 14 gls. II bhds. (95 pts.)

Hawthorn, 7 gls 12 bhds. (54 pts,).

It Is hard to «na who did most fer Geelong I Molontv was elusl«-«» and c1 «ter In marking nnd scouting Metherell's inlluence on the game w is

of Importante Ile took no riska with his Ince f but he plated gi tndli, his kicking Icing the nu -t | In tho nutih Collins lancaster, tor unohtnts \e but effective roilng uni Hlckei foi lils gi i it d« fence weie other fine pla-ers Hawking siicie«*« fulh nutplo'cd his aurions opponents while Troughton dil persistí tilly gaod \utk in ittatk

loi Hawthorn Iii nnett was raslli Hie mot ton splitious [Inn und his mailing ititi kltkln" were um >ng the llne«t in the mntih lill« teni« who eanie on us u substitute wus eai^lstentlj good in attack Ih the others, Utting, Milla and Chandler

(Continued on Next Page.)



(for his hard work in the ruck) wore somewhat

above their teammates

Goal kiekcrs -Molonev (S), Metlvroll (2). «c1

wood (2), Troughton, Collins Hawthorn-II}de ' (3), Bucknel, iharplev, J/insdile, and Pool



COBURG DEFEATS POET MELB. Brunswick and Brighton Draw.


?Williamstown was unfortunate to loso its match at Preston on Saturdiv lut It i aid the penalti o' poor kicking for proal The gJmf wau not of as high etandird as ""peeled although it impro\ed in th«« last half Williamstown rugged but Blow struggled hard lo mike up ÍU arreara in thi» last quarter, lut raiM »Uaí m front» added to desperat« defence \\ Prr«¡ton kept it three points behind Coburg waa too B-.ntcmaii«-' and ittrong for Port Melbourne in i *,ood frame fit North Port Sandringham, blwwiiiir bettor tactics and being morí, at linne on it*- an ground, dcicated Oakleigh Cam! rv, U win min>n»d at the fine form (shown ! *\ina\ille an^ had to plaj at ita top to win Northcote \ as much too good for Prahran whi<-h Ik we fr pave indication of ecttlwg down now ti at it has its coach Brun» wirk and Brighton rld\c J a »Ira An p-rm- Brighton scoring it« Isht t w go Is in idded time

Camberwell is «till the baJing team and is In the happy position of being two gamea ahead of the next club It has a stiff programme, how e^cr, for it travels to Coburg and ¿Northcote on the next two Saturdaj«, und on th-- third is at home to Samlrint,h m which wau the onlj team to lower its colours this severn Northcote, Sand-ringham, au! Pre** on are level for second, Coburg lu four point* further lack and Port Melbourne (with three Fmtcwnp de ii its) and Williamstown are let eli with one mon defeat each These «seven clubs neem eertiin tr c>mprise the teams from which the semi final four will bo drawn, und all have thanccs of inclusion

Umpires on «aMirdn-At Preston Glover

Port M Ibourne, Gregory, at larniiillc, McKIu non, at Bright on wtuirt, at Prahran, Llßon, at

Sandringham Ilafcßett


Policy May Cause Trouble.

The Assochtion decision to ascertain if certain League ground* would be available for semifinal and final games ha«: created rerentment imong \ irloufl grounds ininapem nt bodies Councillor Dunstan, representing the Brunswick ground Mil jetrterdav tint at a Tcrent conference between the two bodies it was jointed out tint the muni

cipalUies had ppent larc turns of mont-* on the Association ground did U considered that it thould hive the ihinngc d rued from haning the osmi finals and fini b cn thetv» grounds The AB-^o-ciatlon agreed and i* a t buU those matthew were pla)M nt Brunswick Pon Melbourne, and Coburg la*-t jear If ili_ Uweiatlon plaja iwaj from Its grounds this ve-ir added Councillor Dunalan, I will tv» the tiret to take stepö io have municipal football pla* «rd, an sugge6ted «eve ral \eiiT& ago I am nure it would be conducted for better than under the t resent bj stem "

The assistant decretan of tho Af_oclation (Mr 0, Evar^ wild j'-stordiy that the qucßtion of grounds would prolnbh, he discussed at the meeting this evening Melbourne, Carlton, and Richmond ground« v.«re not available, and th" Exhibition could Ix; Unrd on onH one d*n, but tho Motordrome ^ai bailable

Confusion in Scores.

In the witch I ft ween Prahran and ^rthcoto there wjb conmderabl con iKiin in regird to th official scores the g)al ump res d ¿agreeing with the timekoepi-rs fíe fml w.o*cí according to thi timekeepers were 17-21 t> 11-8 while the t,oal ump'res totals were 1U-21 to 13-8 The time keepers* ecori s werf Fupportel bv the fact that 17 goals were ßij,nilled for Northcote and the name« of 17 goa) klekeri were recorded The mistake *ippearh to hue been made in the Fécond quarter when the goil unii ires ereditcd North cote wiih f>-2 while fix t,oa\* ind a behind were signalled Howcv r, the cr ii umpires are the official Bcoirrf«, uni their I giires munt be ac

ccpted Thire is a lOMbililv tint the mittcr will

be dlscuB^d to night

Injured Players

Dellar (Williamtown) >1 itrî t concussion, re placed in thirl quirt tr tv Bolitho

W Tem tt, Port M M ouin (injure 1 ankle)

replaced bj Birne* in tit htcuid quirtcr Brooker (injured ankU) repl c<d Iv Durant at half time

end Plumridge (Injured Finev, jf knee) repl iced by Bills in the third qtnncr

At the conclusion of Die ^ linville Camr erwrll match 0 Neill, of Camberwell collapsed, and ?*an foun I to be Miff rinj, from conçu sion

C Lilburne (Br ghton) bro e his nofie in a collision In the h st quirtcr but lie continued placing until the match titi "-lied Hunt (Lngh ton) injure 1 grin n plated \\ Jo\nson Campbell (Brighton), Kick in the thigh, re¡ lacd bv Connelh Biri (Bruns itk) dislócale 1 his elbow after the Hine lim t for rephectnents had exp'ied and Mr loam fni«hed with 17 men

"Umm (Oikl igh) injui d ililli and Mill urn

_tmlt*cd right «shoulder

Bania (Pra ¡ran), concurs! n, replaced b, ttlg


Player Reported.

After the match tetwecn Gobui-g ind Tort Mel tourne the field umpire (Oregon) etnted that he Intended to rrpoit Murphv (lort Melbourne) on a charge of lining Ftrucl Mirtin (Coburg) In

the flr_t quartfr

Matches for Saturday.

The Associât on will I egm its second round oí matches on Sitmdn whin the teams which met on June IS will again nu t The draw

Is -

Northcote v Oakleigh, at Ut st truth

Williamstown v Prahran, at WillnniMcwn Sandringham v Preston at llimiton

Port Melbourne v Brighton it North Port Cob uro v Camberwell, at Coburg

Brunswick v Yarraville nt Brunswick

Reduced Crowds.

There vere fewer tf-oj le than usual at the Snatches on baturJa\ Ihe f gin et were

Utcndance Takings


m v OuJiJciçh .


40 Prcnton v


4 MU


J'ort Melbourne v Coburg

2 .00

IS rralirjn v



30 ?Varravlllo

v Catnlirrvicll

2 000


v Brunsw ick






Williamstown Loses Chances.

A'ter o dull first Inlf, the Rime at proton, bp tween Ihe Imme temi um! V ill im town, ¡m<

pniveil tremeinloupl«, ind di-veloped into a prcnt ntniRçle Wllllinistovvn (tnilinlh mail up itp Ve ^av in the last ijunrli r until in Ihe last fiv. mlnutui a poii would lime mihi It ihe victor) Two rimaiknhh eau chinees \i,re miwud, how

ever, ind J'rofton Mirj ri«-1 and nlieved at its

good fortune, won by three points Play In tlie | first half wa* much below standard, the wind Interfering with the Judgment of the players who were also handicapped b} the uncertain bounce of the Jail, winch often plaj ed queer tricks On the ¿hole Williamstown liad the better of tie plav, but iU kicking all through vu-, atrecious It threw awav chance after chalice, in a winner tliat nnddened its supporters who missel the fore and accuniv of the eaptiln (Helwig) Hard bumph g and solid, Williamsto-Mi s d rect methods « onied the lighter Preston plavers who also made Bim mistake, in -lttack Hie dash and v igour of the vUv m tlie s cond half gleit « aipreela t«l In the crowd which quieklv lost it' bortdom and roared its approval of the improiemcnt in the pliv lhere was too much riowdei plav for cooa football, but the ruck battles (in which Preston hid i i-I pnt advantage) and the good de once nt cich end were feature*

Pla) in the first quirtcr wa*, scrambling and uninteresting -ind waa crammed with mistakes The bjll bounced iwkuardlv, and frequcntlj pulled the pinera Williamstown began slug gishlv, but improved an the quarter lirogre-ssed Preston forwards wire frequently out of portion, but both team« missed easy cJiances Preston led at the Hrst change bv %- 5 to 1-1, but should have had a g cater lead, because it liad the us* of a (airly strone breeze

Keeping I're«tun doun to one behind In the second quarter, Williamstown attacked persistence with the wind, but its forward work waB ex traordinarily weak, for It kicked nine behinds in 11 scoring shots Some of the fihotn were from easy ringe «Ailllamstown should have had a commanding lead, but the score was onie "J-12 to 1-6 at the change Preston strengthened its defences, the plav in consequence being crowded The wind plajed tricks with the ball, making liaising and marking- extremely difficult. It vris again an uninspiring quarter

Plaj in the third quarter improved tremendously, the apathetic supporters finding much about whieh to enthuse Preston laced into attack at once, and In eight minutes had added 1-1. one goal being from n tremendous punt b., Smith Troni that «tage 'V Illlamstown, «tung to retaliation bj Preston s b-illiance, had the better of the play, but It was a great straggle Coed bj stem bj John«, Cahill, and Hjnn gaie a good goal, and Hvnn kicked another one immediate!« after wurds Williamstown had dfsplaicd much greater pace and dish, but. Just when it seemed to be

gaining the upper hand. It lo»t Dellar (one of Ita strongest plavcrs), who vent down in 3 crush, and was taken off suffering 'rom concussion Près ton puked up ngiin at the finish, and a good quarter ended in Preston leading 1 v £-10 to


Hie wind had died down i llttl in th hist quarter, in which the plaj was «olid and exe t

mg For somi minutes the defc leo it each end stood the strain, but goid hind ia!I gue JJvrne a gni] Pre-ten retail itrd ilmo t at once Wil-liamstown iidvmcel a/un vihen Sinclair dash Ing out of a crush, Í und 11} me in front, and another goal followed Uugh«on marked well, but twice missed casv shot« then when Williams town scored another goal the d fieri nee wa onlv four points Magnificent defence by Preston turned att-ick after attack, hut Cahill, mirking In a crush, missed an easy chance He mirkid again, and had a second opportumtv to win the game, but igim an eipv chance wat, ml «? I W illiims town wai fighting biri v> n tie I 1 rug with

the scores -

Preston, 9 gls. 12 bhds (66 pts )

Williamstown, 8 gls 13 bhds (63 pts ).

Go.,1 kickers- Presto) - War- (.) Unie (2), «.mitti (2) Hu?li«cn I oultt Mcminn Williams 1 wn-Bvrnc (2) femc'air (./, rhni (2). Cahill,

Mil Je

VI one«, m defcnie vías .mt. of tie reasons whi Willi imslown failed He was ri'clv out of posf tie ti showed good dish, and hindlrd the bill well V handsome silve- cup, the gift of Mr H Porter, of Thomburv, was awarded to him as the best pla) er on th. side Monohan, used as a utilu« plaver, but upending mo«t of h's time in defincc, gave exeeljent sen ice, with forceful dashes and good kicking Spargo was also a dash-ing and determined defender, who handled the ball well Underbill was n fast and clever wing man Uineen give good Bcrvice on the half forward vv ng IIUKhsoii was at hi« best m the second half, his high mirkinj and wo I In the ruck hting invalu able but lila kicking was e-ttremelv weak I'oulter imrked splendidlv, on 1 iloo was i valuable foi

lowe- Summers ami Warr roe ni, ard ferwaid,

vere not as conspiclous as usual bit were fre ( quint!} under notice for dashing ills and the r !

neior sav die spirit

Ljnch, JjOnergan, and Sjkea ver p«clnbl> the ( mont serviceable plavcrs for W llllamstov n, ni though Svkes was quia until after half time Ul played in defend, v here their tcnacitv ant'

dish weie a source of vvorrj to the oj i ositie n « Lntil hurt tli«rc was no bette- plajer in the s de than Dellar, who plijeil a strong gim* |n the ruck, and vus equallv at horn in a place Sinclair and Shade, roi ing and forvvird, vere

dogged in! phyid a gre it pa't in their teams ( fight for suprcniaej Barms in the snond hilf jirticuhrlj mide m inj orcnings be diver plav lu the ccntr , and Johns (lollower ind forw ird)

and Wllllunuon (who showed considerable lace f di«h eil the wlig) were «»«-viceable

COBURG TOO EVEN. ' With J convincing win bv m jioints o cr Po-t Melbourne, Coburg greatl« improved its pros jects of entering and remilniiig in the 'four" Marked'} even, with a souiieL balince between solid, heavy plajers capable of out bumping most oi pound*, and clever small men Coburg possesses a happ} rombimtion of dish, svslem and vigour In ill these qualities It vin e-Uarlj superior to Port Coburg s d fence was solid, it was brilliant across the cintre, and its even lorward division missed eerv few chances V feature of the game was Cobu g s rcnnrkallv ne urale pjsmg and Mering for goal against a strong wind Port aijeircd to be Completel« disorginisd Im JI ivers fumble 1 censi lcriblv mel spoil x1 each other, anl wer«, inferior m tie ground pliv Port v as wabli to match Coburg s dus,!i uni vigour,and us Fvstein was Then were man} rio nts of weakness and, pirticuhrl} in thi. tirst half, the ferwarl work was markeellv incompetent Gar butt (abscess m nose), whose, presence at full

bick was serlouslv missed, w is repliced before the game commenced bv \V Perrett Ward, the new full forvvird, arrived late, and Proudfoot lock his place in the Coburg team

With sjeetieular dashes Coburg ti rust attack after attack into the teeth of the win 1 Port, iii certain and inaccurjte, w is out bumped and outrun, and at quarter time Coburg led bv S-1 to 1-f Coburg overwhelmed Port in the seeoi d quarter Port waB Completel} disorganised and it hilf time Coburg led In 10-d to i-o During helf time a complete re shuffle of Port s te-am was made, including the transfer of H«de from «entre half back to centre half forward 1 rilorei from fullback te full forward, Buckle}, from forw mi to back, and Crompton from forward to half bul

The changes were immedlatelv successful Pilling with new dish and svstem, Port hld the better of the general plav during the quarter, out its kicking forward was iniccurate and at three-quarter time Coburg led bj 11-5 to b-«J The general plav in the list quarter was fairl« even hut Coburg, as in previous quarters, ilwavs lui i man bcoi ting round the crushes, and its swift thrusts gave the Port defenders little leisure Iinji scores -

Coburg, 13 gls. IO buds. (88 pts). Port Molb, 7 gls 13 bhtls. (55 pts).

Goal kicke-s-Coburg-ColK-t O), Proudfoort (3) »rige« (2), Mears (2) hie-1 t «J, and Rogers Port Melbournes-uhiß U.», I edford (2), DarneB,

ail Kees

In Mil-shall Coburg had the list min on the ground Jle showed cxtrionlimrj speed and cleverness in snatching the Kill out of crushes and his long, low kicks shot straight to a team mate Mears (roving mel forward) was too smart 1er heavv e j porent limi iHir time with his swift turning and elusive dashes Colbert (for ward) cuni through well and kicked accurately B.ltram (full lack) difended lils goal ablj

Lou« with his sure mirking and Stockdale, with welljutlgei dishes w re the other mainstajs of tin d fine Jenkins anl Crifllth (following) funnel i verv solid combination in the ruck Martin (wing) md Uah} (c ntr. ) both fast, rcll

able men, initiateel manv att ickrf Cooi games weie also given I v Troildloot (forward) ind Rogers (half forw i rel)

Ihr, t min- Stanbridge L Perrett, uri Lahifl w.ri in i eliss bv themselves m Por! s team sianbrielgi (follownig anil defending), owing to his treuer conslstenev in the linal stipes when IJlillI lid Terrett wire nomewhit quitt, was the b-st of the thr i lils cool cilcuUting work in the ruck an I sure marking wini h repuísid mmv nttiiks nu te him inv iluuble J emit (following and defeiiline) m irke 1 w 11 luled well, lame though hell« mil muli the best usi of lils

oiioiiunili J.ihilf (roving) v« is the most dish , ii g ihvir oi thi ground His low stall pisn-s

wen a Í inn if tin cune Uuiklev (forward I uni buk) gue i stead« sihd emu Uroi ker I duli) was iin«i iiuvus mili] Injured, but he ma' a minder m mistake« lulim (wing), who was re eiving a tin! In fort's «enlor temi gave l erdltible illsjln against Minni His -ititi i patien wis good anl h placed his kicks well

llvde gue Ins usuil sprct icul ir, hi"h niirilng gum both when it lentre luilf fonvarel mid it iiiitn hilf bael Hiker (defending) pkive-d with good dash nil Murihv (half bick) difenlel solidh Hellion! (full talk and full ion«ard) pi iv t 1 a useful game


Two goals adeled in the list few minutes of plav eiiableel Brunswick to draw its m itch with Brighton at 1 lsternwlck l*ark on s-iturlav, when it siimid ecrtiln if debit Tin match vvib ex tri mel« Inril i night, uni in the last quirtcr mun ol the Brighton min were obviouslv tiring hilch sidi score-el the high total of 17-14 When the wind was blowing stronglv phvers were able to kick almost from the centre to the goal month Brighton was strong in the nick and marked well in thi ear v stages of the gime, while Brunswick spoilt ita chance through iiiaciiiritt kiiking in the pocond quarter Brunsw ick imparted plentj of dash into tlie p av. anil millie the match Interest

'nj to witch The tennis wire fairl} cvenlv matchid, iltlnugh at times Brighton wa» the most

n «oura ful

kicking with the wind Brighton opened smirtlv

The forwards maikul well and proud sujerior to the oppositlin s lucks Brunswick plivid with out svsteni and the plavcrs made poor use of liniiv op] ortunities in the second quarter Time ifter time e isv shots resulteel onlv in hi hinds, of which 11 were kicked Brighton fought back dcsperitel«, but the strong wind nude it hard to reich goal At hilf time Brunswick was le-idlng bv five joints

Brunswick increased the pace in the third qu ir ter, but Jlrlghton waB ngiin assisted bv the wind ind drew nhcu 1 Brunswick rillled just I eforc the tinil chingc and Howling snapped 1 cluer geil Brighton hld illfliulllv m munta!» II g the pile in th list quirter, ispeenlllv »s it lil le,t two useful ni n in Hunt ml Cuni bell through Injuries With al out three minute«! to go Uruiiimk wan two goils bihm I Then Chap man elastic«! down the wing, and a long punt r-iluced the lead to one goal «.Imost imme dlatih the Brighton backs were again taken bv surprise, and Jones kicked another goal Bruns vvleli plnved a man short in the last 10 minutes winn Binl left the ground rinal scores were -

Brighton. 17 gls. 14 bhds. (116 pts). Brunswick, 17 gls. 14 bhds. (116 pts.).

Oonl kickers -Brighton-Johnson («.), Poulter (4) itevvirt (2) Hunt, I Minime, W Ilkina Unms «ilk-Innes (a) Howling 4), «.nderson (4), Ht7 gerild (2), Chapmin and Mimes

tor Unghloli Piultir plav ni his best game of Hie seism Ills judgment ivis perfect and lils k1 1 mg mist uciiirjti lohnson, who kicked light geils ins il-o at the top of lils form He lins u i unikal le rai mt« (or kicking coils from iiwkwii I ingles but often fulled on n stnight for vi ird shot. «- lu nit (half back) mid W Johnstone (full luck) bore the brunt of the defence with -redit Hunt i laved splendidlv In the first half,

id ins much missel when he was forced to leave the ground Clots was a valuable forward

Itiuiiswiik's lust pliijers were Dowling, \ndcr .oii, mil Penman Dowling (forward) was con Bplcunus nt everv stage In the game while Ander «on (hilf forvvnid) kicked well and showell good anticipation Penman Is a tlrelis« follower, who vvorkel well with Mtrgcrild (roving) Pole) did fist work mi the wings, while Reid defended «olldlv .Ionia (forwurd) made few mistakes


After an unpromising fir* quarter against Cara berwcll, Yarraville made u tino recoven In tho remaining quarter«, and kept Camberwell nt top pressure» to maintain it* lead It Jewcr cb»ncw

I had been missed forward the result înlght baie been different, as the f-cofes obtainel were not a I true indication oí the form disp-avcd bv .arraville

CambervM.ll wai favoured willi the wind m the first quarter and mcde good _¡*e of iU opportuni


Nut until Camben eil h k1 score J 4-*) d d Yarri

ville bring the I "11 b-vond ti r c n(r line Its fffort« wert uiiaviihri, camst th*» d termired tactics rf CamWrwell, and tarraville niled to ncorp for the quart r Vt tlif> b 11 Camberwell bid score J 5-S Comberve't mamtiined ita at

tacks "gain-it th*° v ind ind U a drop V Cn« cn 1 hi» dball nndc th Mde f' o to adv» tage ^arra ville w_s not long how» T in tnklng charge, and piv*> Camberwell I cks few resp tea for the reft nf the term but vretehrd licking spoilt Hi elnnc*«; Pleven b«-hirds were kuxid and onlv thre* gi^aK Ki half tim** Camberwell led 7-10 to V-11 .\1thouf.b Cambe-wcll Ind the ad vantige rf th*» wind in the next quirter it met with a particularly strong defence bj _arra\lllc, which nlavfl dahbing fnetball The form dis phied bj Camberwell for most of the term wv not eqtnl to that of th*» oppomtion \ssictfd bv the wind hovevn it had the b'tter of the scoring and at thr*e quarter time led Iv 11-li to r- li CtmWruell d folders w»-e kept "X trenvh Inn. in the final quarter when "iamvlllc ma ntaincd a conmuouH bomlnrlmrit Cambar well w_h efld'-m able i~* cirr\ iho g me bevnnd its half forwird line iinal ficores -

Camberwell 12 gls 13 bhds. (85 pts). Yarraville, 8 gls 14 bhds (62 pts).

Goal kickers --Cimbtrwell - Luft (o). Trotter, strachan, Coffin Collins Petrie, Lawn anlWiwn . arraville-,1 Buckle* (1) V, Buck'ev, Mitchell, Quigg, Mieehan aniPrewett

Among the best for Camberwell were W Jones whose went in ê.o.1 in defence was of the utmost sen ice at critic ii _uurt«s lathlain and Dvball ab=o did much \aluable work In this part of the field L Williams "s rover «aras untiring, and Luff (for ward) veis abh af-p'sted bj Lawn and Petrie

"\aluible work for _amvllle along the forward wing was performed bv Milburn, J Buckle was notiblc for his accurate kicking and good mark ng forward One of the most .serviceable games won pl.jed bv Evans in the centre Peters (ruck ind defending) was useful and asaisted Coppock Quigg, Fullwood, and White, who proved in e Cf-llcnt combination in defence Mitchell (i ne pi iver) shoved p-omteing form


Although Oikbich phved a losing (.amp there were minv interesting (xhibitions of football on Saturdiv when it met San kingham at Hamp ton where ^indrtnçham waB more uf-od to the fiimll sandv groun I Both teams hld to mike last minute chant,es C "\oung (Sjndringbam), who wta uñar le to plav for business rcü&ons wti re pi iced h\ Goddr«? In the Oakleigh team Hutch inson replaced Rudolph suffering from an injured


Sandringham hid the beucfit of the wind in the first quarter, Iwit it pliv ed the batter football throughout and withstood the attick which the visiting tcim made with the wind In the first quartei Sandringhim rarelj allowed the ball to lass bejond tho centre of the ground Oakleigh reco ered in the second quarter, and during that terra gave some of ltfi btst football fur the dav It addel apprcciablj to its score and at haif time bandrliifelum led by 7-6, to Oatleigh,

After the interval Sandringham again established itself md forced ahea 1 It used Jamison (the centre man) is a second rover with marked sue ces«; for Oakleigh made no attempt to counter the move It« marking was more accurate, and its Kam w ur w ii* Fuperior Forbes 1 icked three goals m succession and placed his team in a sound pomtlon Oakleigh was not aVe to withstand the challenge, ind even in cpite of the w ind in the 1 i5t quirter it could not brea* down Satidrmglim offensive* By fhctr force Sandringham add d to its wore and although the scoring wie uneven the irterest in the home teams consistent scoring was so keen that a brief incident between two plajerB in the lift quarter, was hirdlv noticed It wau an intereBt inft' f,irne thronjiout, because, although Oal leigh wif, soundlv d feated it was inertly de fea ted on sjpenor tact e». Final scorcf -

Sandringham, 16 gls ID bhds. (114 pts )

Oakleigh, 9 gls IO bhds (64 pts). God kiel tr**. - Sandringham - forbes (0 Gimbat. O) Rivmeiit (2), anderson (2), Challis B_*>h l>o I wea Beckton Oakleigh-Fra^r (3)

Mohr (2; \mt" Wilson Steuart Smith, and


Beclun the captain of Sandringham, was one of the, Fourdest ) livers for his team end with De Luca, shared honours of being the fairest pbner on the ground Gambetta (forward), Ita\

ment (rover), and Thmms (hilf forward) were others who gave good service I orlxs was a fcuc

ce«» as a forward

Mohr and Crimen were conspicuous among the Oikleigh plavers ni Ik ming (following). Hector (wing), Mcalister (back), ard Baker (half for

wird) ga\c good exhibitions


Ltcept for th* la<-t quarter Northcote m Toorak _irk outplaved Prjhran in everj department its 6j eed and festem and heavier ruck complet h overwhelmii g 1 ni rin In the list quarter Pnhran provided a remarkible recover} using some <f the m {.tem with which îs ¡rUieote had been so kuccc-kiuI ar d w orrv in,r the opj osing de.fend rs bv itr pcrsiBtencv and daph Some of the decisions of the umpire (i. son) appeared to cjusp the pli^crs considei ii le confitPion md most of the crowd noisih disigrcd with t>everal of his ruling«? He improved to vards tho cnl ef the kJini- how eve- lor Pral ran, It nnie replaced

Be nch lev

Sj (s. I an J p\stcm and Its domii atinu nick give \orthrctf» a strong advantab*3 in *"<* fif-t quarter but wretched kicking l\ itn forwards j rcvenKd it from estai lulunt, a bid ». otnmensurate with iU euperoritv In th*> second quarter dashing plav on the wings nurked tmporiontv in tlio ruck and improved kicking Iv the forwirds cmbk-d North cote to estibli h a winning leid I rahrjn plajed the mm too much ind failed to shepherd m con trist with Isorth otes effective cohesion At half time Northcote led by 10-13 to 5-3

Maintiining it« dish and team work Northcote went further aheid in the third quarter, outclass Ing Prahran in everv depirtment The list quart r trovidod a Furrrisinf, chinde, after Gough bid repldcr-d Ko p full bick, to enable linn to ero into the nick for Prahran Ob\Iouslv tired Northcote could nit meet Pnhran s dash and effeq tive use of svstem for th first time and its de fen Jers hid mich hird work to do Hid Prahran reproiucd this finishing effort earlie1" the list quirter would have been much more interesting lb final scores according to the goal umpires

were -

Northcote, 16 gls 24 bhds (120 pts). Prahran, 13 gis. 8 bhds (8G pts).

Coal 1 ickers -Northcote-¡seamour (() Sim mon li (3) Humphries (3), Cole (2), Jlois (2)

Honi^ Smith and Brow» Prihnn s goal kickers weie -»lordin (1) Rennie (2), Trim (J), Salter (9)

Hirrli (2) tnd Fiman

tor Nurtheo to Simmonds piuvc-d a fast, clever game, worrying the Prahran defender« bj his nluslvenesess Humphries Smith and Seymour also did well forward, but Koop checked Seymour, who scored his four goals in the second quarter MeSwain was excellent fullback, _iving Hawkins no chineo to score, although Hawkin* was bindi

ripped bj usuallv having two opponents against him J Woods Garrett, Brown, nnd Boss also plaved well Goullct and Rowe domina*ed the


With the exception of Koop, Jordan, and halter, none of the Prahran plavers was up to form Koop effectively checked Sejmour except in Uns Fécond quarter, while Jordan plaved a fust scientific game, using the ball to ndvantage and making few mistakes In the last quarter Fanian wns excellent, while Salter, when roving, worked hard, and did much good work Harris at tinus phi ed well while Mason, Thompson, and Tubuteau struck form in the list qtiiittr White v,n* brilliant

i the wing where he had manv even rout**ts with ( trrett Gough who plavel his first uame wif

1im| pointing but at times gave glim) s s oí omi He was non) lu sed bv the um] irmg



Petéis (University Blacks) 12 Goals

_ in vue A 6 ctl n of th Mitropo Han \mi

tcum li-niilteil as tMvt u in Sulurtliv til.. Lui« reity JJlu iltu-ti liearlj hiin ri wl (. ol lt-"iau« lllftlu IJotli IK kui.,« Oil S trh and , MUturnuiw v >i ««, li »lill ti p t ni.arils Waa-,

'--- fnrlncr cukiit t nu ci ii nt li klckii g

. i«. acailM ( .«.! u I (r. ti i if tlio ilul

-till «v: tch (»inn. f - ) lill Vlellunilnnj

Stan --lill S3 Uauk 110 «i li

....».« ,.,ul. (HI 1 iradian3 (1(M Jl .4 Lu! . ,itj lllickn 1114 1») Ul VHI«ini IH«.S7 lUtomvock (HU I it, i.ucl ns (HjTJI 12 lu icr-iu lillies (lKiJII J

In 11 Mtt on st I mil i

for fee omi i lace Ji-aUen. _ ..._._"..

ton T« linii 1 OU Ho«" anl llritttton« ile lull f tlrtll lineo lroiu Ilninsuick J'osltiolik -Hilitlen.Ii

Jl St l'Jill b (ii Wet Hawtlioni IlnihUunale. ^s llmus««i k Sims Illili UnUinn Jechuieal lill Ki ,0 Mlimillibcina 12 li art ere Collide

«i Ilin.iiif nil

diet \a« nuns tlifeited Dnndiiioii«: in tlio pnii Il il t S-.IIOH gani anl i usitloiii are -(anterluri I n till Jl Oil ?«. auinai i I Hil

I «-anlmml «li VIil («-I lill tolli.:

St luaum h\ Ho Nstknal Itank 1 oslli_ -Wtat Itmiisvvi k St. Itnitltt3 3^ North Melbourne CUL Nntl nal limk 2S Olif Ilrluhtonia

' ? . ni A Kal.

-" - Hrdlu

f««o I rinelnal poll kirkiiiR pcrforuianics ««ire ti one if I«etcra (un vent« itlackb) J_ and 1 rarson (OH Slitill) 10 Utllcr» «ire- Sune. (Ifacllcnl, ? li Silicrs (tamorbiirj) 8 J llTlton llleiiliilBli) ( anlncr (Oil li uloilnnj I Coney (N rth«ouni I I uatc (Old \ iliiriaiu,) anl Ouct (Mebt llnins

l Irk (

lte»ults -

A Section

Oil) MI LULItM VNÍ5 1 -II « n i mi rtabl« frum lill Old 1 ira lui a l-l, at Melbounii ' -? mar s li x>l Millurnlaiw «.an id n g til le

tht vv ititi in Ho lint iiiurter but lu tlio _... linn tlio 1 nnldiuns fallid to niaki lue of it and kickcl uni} «3 beliluiLi At tin final ehangi Mi .-..... lc(1 by nK toa|a wjlin iaral|"K raiiioil . great to

_.. I hurchm (folloi\iiiK) (. iinpliejl. Iforliardsl, anl Vlllih li «,oil kiektr -«.Wiitin,, (41, Lamibell (J) Vtkinson (2) Mclrai (.lurcliu« anl lark (.miine Mil« ioui.1i ind VU Ñamara (half J ii ki,! v ere toiisj kiinm for ile Irwers «thib 1 arrett (wiilßl Wolfl ni 1 ( it? (firnardt.) anl Vrtl ur ni o lil « li (. <>.il kirktr»-<,o r (>i Quinn (>) Wolli

(_l Vnlreis Ilarkir. '

COILIuHNfe 7-6

al Wink« JJlu «lill

"trC "lut

ir and

_ tt> iii) _ .... ._.. _ Is three quarter time tho Mite*. Merv two twlnts ahead Although they nttatkt^l fur hilf the next term the detenco of the Collegians «as eicellint and lill« tvio lwlnt» «ere fcorel linn tin Coll clan» broke avias and added two goals Blues replied with

' - "' ' li Hie «vlnnera had thne cxcolleut

o Id McAlp n and llelsea while O Donnell (following) and Israel Goal kicHom-Pen-s (21 Grccntioud Jlead Although they nttatked fur hilf the next term the detenco of the Collegians «as eicellint and

? - point» «ere fcorel linn tin Collei«

. _ -s and «tided t\«o goals Bluen replied wi." _ goal on the hell Hie «vinnera had Hine cxcollcut dofenilora in JJo Id McAlp n and llelsea while

' ~ O Donnell (following) and Israel

......... __. " -vs 12} Green«

u . ..ti.".», n... in., lient for the lont-n,

, l'sko (back) Kidd (roilug) J \ ollnui, Ungi nui Bennett Goal klrkers-K \ollui; {>). Mirrik (,|. Iionald'in and MeGreeor

SI VT1 SV\ÍN(.S l!\\k 9-12 d JartMalvom S-11 at C.hnirii«. In Hie flrat Qiiarler la-it Mali un klrked »-7 to -1 minn ne the ihinci of an eirly le ul, anl after lint pli« v««s viry eien lh« Hank li 1 1 s a pou t with a m ruto to go and In Hut time adilo I niluther g al. Ita ilifeneo in tilt last quaittr « n tho tarni although Malum marked Vtrs «ill all ti is Beat for On winnora «ero -ltobertson (lentri ) (.allihtor. Bromlts, and Cocks (backs) .. .-, "...,i__.. ooal kitkirs-Clianiller (4)

and Ilo«-«o In Itogors

OJ^n SCOTCH COH.r01\\<! 20-H over

«helmed llsteni« lik. S-S at a arra Tark In tho llrst three quarters the eiore «a» 17-p to 0-j and it was uot until Scott li eiscd ni in tie last quarter that MsUmvvick fi oreti a goal Si itch «on In every department Itn best 7neu «ere -I earaim (liest on i-roiiml) G Uvvv (centre), \ I>iw and Sloan (half back») and Iljson Pearn n kicked 10 goal» and other« were -ltoblnson H) Coulson (21 Hsson 121

" ' and Harnett risternwick. had hard triera In

n (rovlngl .'"

oaeh kicked a (roal

BMVUiSlIv n s tt university

! K-arnblm-; l-l the first half which -va» crea The

»lacks aa'ned a good lead in tho third term and i settled tho ¡sane bj adding three coal«, in the UM. I few minutes of the last quarter The feature o' the

Fame was the play of Peter-i (full forward for tie Marks) who kicked ]2 souls. Others who did well we e M Vi|i]!Te (followingl Macfarlon (halfbacitl

Rulilmun and Smith Other Boals were scored h) It bert-ou Molhson S-mlth La I-ontaine and Halb nail "liest for the losers asure Warren (wini-) I'o.le and Quick (backs) J a rd Palm cr anl "Wzc avhile coal kickers arere - Ila rd (31 S-iiy* i (a W

Wheelc- I.) aid Hassett.

B Section

, ST I'llh« S-12 took rccud pla as bv def al in«; ^«t Hawthorn 7-3*1 ia A-cotv-Je With « mirum» to co M est Hawthorn led by a point, but St Paul» kicked a soil Ra best plasors arere hen- little lardwcll, Watton J Kins and Brown Goal "ticker-- Smith (21 C Cameron Brown J King Neltss Watson and Bell Best for the losers «ere Norris lawson Enan. I und. Cocks and Hard. Ooal klckew-Uw-on (3! Tully Killeen «ard and

w nu _

Brunsa-Ick, 11-1' -" . ..-ti wren« mion (best on ground) Boland Christie rantau Walker and Padfleld Coal kickers-1 Graydon (1) Cuthbert (3), lort- aA Bryne h Brjlie Parro« Walker »nd Wattman liest for the !o«cra were Masters, H, Delbndge, T wea Semmens McDonald ana Jtííbrp (,oo.f klckcxs-W Hickox (SI, lone* " Mahlook (21 tlexwilr 12) Bishop (2)

, TI- Arm- RS" COU 1*0 I 20-11 surpri'Cl Brich ton Technical Old Itojs lo-l] at Itoaal Park Itcvst for the wmne-s we*«- Du Bourne (best on around) Brock-tt Ftncrson nrow-n Stsncs and Soutar Coal klckers-SUn-s (?) Brown (4) Soutar (31, «wan (¿) Çmc-ron, and, ril**slmoi*5 Boat for the lo«ers were i*c-ie.rf . Hindson. Macauley, Nell, and Anderson Coal kickere-Woolfe (6) Sliaw (3) Andrews (31

Hare (21 Walker and Neil

HENIL!-IGH 19-Ï8 won comfortably front Mur umbeeni 12-16 at Bentleigh Be»t for the winners -ere Bunning I Mcculloch, Anthon* Coudie 3 Dalton and Blundell Goal k ckt-rs-3 Dalton (71 ltoheruon, (31 í Dalton (2) L JfeCulloeh (2)

Powell (J) Pcr-aton Ga-dlner. and Illumine Best for the losers aiere Jaspe- Lolller Hopkins Ben nett Trancis and lülwards Goal kickers- Greening <4t_ tollisur (4) Jasper Hopkin» Barker and

c1 Bin-rood 7-9 at

«*-»'»« lil ?mu'i, l-ilu-* r'l° lol . ian

- , . " I y*e and llesl Best for the losers were Moore Neate Hill Nrebattt Hodgson and Wire Goal Kickers-Sehwabb (2) Moore Nea.t Hill G fcaycr, and Daniels

C Section

Ackland (umpires vote!. Mcpherson Trewin W11 Hams nancy Goal kicker« -Old \atrlerians -Coate« (6) t ollin« (4) Kell« 131 hennedl (2 O Halloran (2) Httrren Dandenong- Fairbank (3) llaney (2) McPherson Waller Ackland

Iles de

CANTl-RBLn-t LN1TED 10-22 d Sandringham 11-11 Best Ptajer-1-Ci.ntetbiiry-WHsou lutnplre« aotel K Silvers Piper Shores Peters io Sandrlng ham-Kjan Hards Mccormack Noseda \ in Pelt Goal kickers.-Canletburj - Iv Siller« (S) Wilson '21 Wenker Lamtdon Piper Shores Mt ' ' - O Mata (3) Mccormack (2) kerri» (»I Itoberis Noseda, ".an Pelt Bogie

South i


Chtpmau Goal kickers -itintavllle - I«, llonev "., BtroûL Hassett . Kenny Thompson and leonard South Cattlfleld - Poolo (2) Glass

Pickett. Peterson and Marshall

MI LÏtOUBM HIGH S( HOOL OLD BOTS IT-IS d Old Haileybury Trinity S-13 Best Player«-MHS Dunlop (nmplr. a rite) Trus cotl Anderson O Amos Old Hall 3 tin ty-I or rest. Thavaitea Jenkins Gardner Goal kicker« -M II fe - Truscott di Mcatee (31. Dunlop (Â)

McAlpIn» (2) O Amos W Amos Hamilton Cle-ments Old Hall Trinity - Gardner (71 Thwaites

Í,LFNHINI*L\ 10-16 d Oil < aulfle-d Cram iranans. 5-16 Best Players-Glenhuntly - Barn field Higgins, 1-vans Pool, Forty O ti Caulfield -L>all (umpire s vole), Douglns «-haw Muries Croi cr Goal kickers,-Glenhuntly-Pool (5) Pea cock (4) Mclean (2) Hsland IJ), Aiton (2) Hunt

Fran«, Parnlcld t aBl in Old Caulfield-Potitjlas

(3) Warren (2)

U Section

National Bank 11-21 ti St Iaaaatii s 11- 0 Best Plasors -National Kana-J 0 Har«, Fyans Camerera, Missen. Smith St Ignatius-Shippick. Gilligan Milliard Bersc- Mathews Çampncld

West Brunswick 1i-°1 a V S and A Bank 11-11 Best Plascrs -W est Brunswick - Darllson tump re s rote), G Haia-art Snell Napier r

and \ - Blrnstihl e oftey. Turner Kennedy G

kickers-West Brunswick-Guest (61 -Mitton (21 -Hnggart (2> A Hard Tmanson Carter Snell I* S and A - Blrnstlhl (2) Barrett (2) A Martin (2) Bn-ker Elsivorths llardo- roberta


Old Hnghtonlana IS-IS d 1 ootsctny Tochtilral School Old Boss li-C Best 1 brier«-Old Uriah ton-Parvisslen Archer Fairway Nicholson loots cray Tech - McDonBith Turner Joice Goal kickers -Old «rishton-trebor (41 Mils <«) Snell (?) [?arrlssien (°) McNaughton (2) Buzollch (2) Fair ;iaa* rootscray-Turner Cal Lnson (2) Cleaies (2) MrDonngh (') Mason (2)

North MelBonmo CDC Old Boya lo-1; d Uni rersity High Old Bola, 15-16 Best Plasors -North Melbourne - Méllale Gregal.? Casey McDonald Stuckey DUS -fetocks Ilees pharp Cousland Vickers Turner Goal kickers - North Melbourne-Caaey (7* Mcïlale (2) Grep-or* C>1 McDonald (2> U II S - James Cli Volk (21 ", ickers (2) Inslls (21 Stocks Robinson Sharp

Ormond l8-Í d Gardiner 8-,12- "est Players -Onaionr"-Baker (iimpm* a tote) 1- lits N McNamara D MtNnmara Gardiner-Ferrari. Lane F Taylor Shmklkld Goal klekera-Ormond - D McNamara M1 Took (S) Oakes tV Mnnnlns (2) Martin (>) Markham (2> T-irsen Brown Gardiner -Kemp (3) MeKellar (3) R Tajlo- (2)



Victoua Brewery Defeats Layçols.

By annninu their matches o*i Katllnla-* Carlton Broiaen »nd Diinlop are still at tlfe head of the premiership list in the Satur l-e, Momlnc Industrial I Hiplcí competition By dereatina I ajtols at tho Moti-nlrcme \ c'oria ltrewer> ntrt Occupies equal hird position with that cub

Continuous rffensli-e- started from a ftust com bmation in the nick enabled Mctnria Brewery to defeat L-iaircls Both team« played cowl football and the cliaiitrlri-r fortunes of the game wore siloam bj the faet that In the second auartcv I aje-ola '-Hod to score and in the noit Quajtcr Mctoria Blewcr* dil not score , .

Co-operat on and s!*ilful rcouti-irr by its forwards enalled victoria Brewery to kick 4-4 to 1-2 in tho first quarter The Brewon was superior in the air and hwcepinc down tho field with a series tai tho-t passes it left ita oppontanta far behind in tho second term f. otmi* Tr-i to m1 PlayinR I'ko

Dunntt tlie quarter Lascóla acot-ed 5-3 to nil. The last ejuarter saw \ letorla Brewers rallyins and It held La-sols until tho ho'l The final acorM

e*~\ictora Brewery li (toals 14 beliinds (SO points), IjusoIs 7 (rouis 7 behinds (41) points)

Gmlklrkers - \ letona Brewery- Ohlien (1)

Torphy (li J Doherta iV Kent. Laysols-Hook (4) I Heathcote (2) . Mildrcn

lest Plas ern.-Mctoria B real ory-Kent (rorcr) V

Doherty (centre) J Doherty (forwiard) Lanning ' (half back) Bnclcy (half forward) Connors (con trtl Oblsen (forward). Knott (back) Laysols Haiies (half foia«ard) O Heathcote (followerl J Heathcote (half forwartl). Patterson (half bück).

Holme» (cent-t) Dowuca (roa-er)

Abbotsford Brewery Kicks Well I

... a clean altho**-,h unlntercstlnfi gamo Abbots-ford Brewers defeated Harold felloe at Hlcbmond City Tbtre sra-i much fumbling the only bright feature of the game being the excellent kicking of tho Abbotsford Brewers forwards.

Although at tile end of tho first oatarter Abbots-ford Brewery led by 11 points the sco-ass did no1 reflect tho general tenor of tlio i lay Inferior in the tank Brewers rarely took the ball forward When it did break through hoarever, sure kicking be tho forwanls and Shannon (full fonrar.1) in particular, lieacr fa-led to score goals with ti e re-sult that at the end of tlio quarter Brewers s score was 5-0 ¡-trcnett- of the back lines o' both teams mad» the second tcr-n devoid of Incitent. Vhl-ot*-f->rd Bltnery scored 1-2 to Harold Sho; nil

The standard of football ImproTCd In the second half but although the speed Increased there was not much system on olthcr side Honoiir« went to Harold Shoe which added 4-1 to 2 points in the third term Harold Shoe fade) out in the last quarter and kicked only one po nt. Tlio Una! cores were -A! botsfonl Brewers 9 gas!« ft behinds (CO points) Harold Shoe 7 goals a behinds d7 P nts>

G al kickers - Vbbotsfoitl Brewer) - Shannon (4), Itowlanl« nereri'UJ*, West Tipping Wilson Harold ""re-Thorpe 13) >mt h 12), Hallston Menaeh

lt-st rlaaers-XbtK-tsford Bn wen - Hollands (half back) Hiutlir-. (centre) De.ertn« (ni k1 Shan nrn (full fru-arl) Wilson (half ton ard I. and Mclellan (roacrl Harold Shoe-I unlio wlo at half 1 a k ans ti e best plaie- on the ground I" torro (lorn id) Wauch limit forward! Stral au (t ver)

anl Smith (half fcrward)

Raymonds Narrowly Defeated

1 oiling on ti e forward lino in the last quarter lias-monds after putting up a gowl light i is çi

iiasinuniis uiver imiin's ni' a -.«,«?-« «>*.

feite-d Is Dunlop in a kcenls cometed i

'? lick I Dunlop) «vas leportcil Is tu« n

Kinson) on a. cbarga of hanng disputed

Itasanrnrls force,! the I ace In t! e ilnet quarter and estai hsl 1 ti lead of live point». lUnncnil« was haine the better of tie plas its rails inila* bung hiaccurato li king cn Die forward line Wanning ill sloitli I) u bp took the offensivo in the M\ond titan on! klckeil l-l to two pjint«. Bs lard

n lac-t « lUymouds forced tia way t tlio n Ile ti Ird tenn and at the final c1 inpe ? -a i-ci -Itasnionds G-ll Dunlop a

ein 1 li tie experienced Dunlop corni ma i tie lest quarter Itasanontl« fought dogs 11« . ." . .nu. t fail ts kicking the sMc falle 1 to score Tie lit al tco-c-, were-Dunlop S goals S bclilnda I laint«) Haemouds b goals 11 behli ds (Oi

t cul kickers -Dunlop - Homer (1) Nesbit (2)

Smith 1 clem trine Itasmonds- Carter Ul Moore,

"/lie B Dunstone

hat 1 laser-.-Dunlop-Hann Simmon La Homer Honiood Vnlrson Nesbitt. Jihnbon Shiiiilek llayntr 11 - Warmi Moore 1- Dtinstone vrtt

Ineodi Loi e Bowe

Miro Falls at Finish

\pparentli tie faster team an«! m Die n a n i a« it, a tlgllir s u dnr.1 of fwt« «11 than t atlt i lit w ?i Miro i is lefijitcl bs nine points Is Caite«

hol f ti ... .... - ..._.

-icd b« o Btima lack line Mito Uaiel _ inruking all loi g Kicking game Hld til brew -ra wa« ali ais b hind In the lias and the he ring With ti o advantage cf a following brew win 1 ireh

««1 in the last quartor tarlton Bnu rs elr iv

al of M na whi li was unable to tatt it tie Itrewtrs s tlni-fi The final score«

rou kicker« - Carlton Brew rs-Pann-m (: "lilt-oak tarter Mire-Muir lthali lever

list I lasers-Cnrlti n Bre era - Barrett Ile

lien llnrr \ Pnnnnm W alsh Kells L. 1 -mi Min-Cclr« l-astma-i Btan hilu «r I t

*ll lleblira Tunk«.

Good Game at Prahran

Hs gc«od understanding and tciniwcrk Har le defente I Gcaxloh Id« at Prahran le pitu ti d

" mitjig nf luiving begun the t.

Both teams a loi tel aggresslro n thcnis lut i hen GoolchlH« iclul to n large esMlt on I r Iii.n ndiiilual tllorts Havclcvk worked tcvplhn

" ._. . .nlHlilllg strongls Hovel xk k ki«! tlio tc-al« In the last live inniiiU« of Ule iintih iho final s<-ivr « were - Hatcloik 12 g als ,1 I lut« I«.] peints) t.oixlcliil Is 7 goals S be! It 1 (50 '"tri»! klckcr«.-Co.vl I tltls-W ¡Ison (2) sn. tj (2)

Tnor l omi 11 /eli eil

iles« I User -t.oev c1 ills-B Wcsthi- 7 rt ruriitull -in ti n« Obrer llacki c


Pr-tiierslip 1 t ~( eel n. " i-oh tb ist 2 Millounie 2> loot«rra« 21 1 « n 1 i o l li i s wild 20 Iltchmonl li Soitl Mellsune 12 1 it-re a \2 st ledi" !i North Mell »uri S )! ii

Horn nil

Geelong IS II 1 Hawthorn 1 10 i a rame that was onesided until Hi ec-qu irter tine With thi wini Geelong showed nice t, im woik t li k 5-S to nil in the first quarte

Ge lout, had to plus with 17 _. \auelir having to leaie tie field li n Um them h forwnnl work was weak Goal ki kits -Geelong-Mcthercll <7> Mcleav C1 li lu« ( >) Tur ir (21 Iaier Lnicrv (.ole« (2) lliiilorn tltcheson (V Clarke lan/«! t.nimluk I ran I« Meihan anl Ble« t.eelont s lost l Insers « r -

! «sen Ion-O Mica Carlftnd bimi «on Calala t onie2 Milne laeobson O Brien lllclun nl-t «li c1 nm 1 tone Saunders i-lcnhouso 0 Hallorau Colllnsou


HtzrOY 14-7 d «-outh Melboume I0-!0 at Fit-TO\ after a fine came 1 Itzros in tie Ilrst half hal the I otter of tho game seorli s, 10-3 to C-0 After half time South kiiked l i, i j-i Goal kickers -I ¡t-roj-Beni uni ('I Hcintr I |

Burns (2) Slinrp (2) \u-tin li inline -»outli Cumc (4) Haue (2) Smith II i Ion Mittltn-,

McKeon law Moioo« Best plisers f 1 li/ros wire-A Slinrp \ Taggnrtt Btnham Well« t m ttiway Unintj. McKae nnd Armit lor Ssuth -fatthews 1 ollard llearn I alllek Ileg^ nnd


Colilngwooil d North Melbourne North Mel

bounioa for»anl« failed against Collingwood ni tim first three quarters and with a leciins of moro 1 thijn four goals «gainst the wind In the final tem did not teeni to have a. chance , In a »tlrrlug flnl.h howtier, it went -rithln fl»« J-olnts, after a ter«

. eventful last te-m. Collingwood a experience m the j

close flnish ennhled it to atare off the last I minute rush Best players -Collingwood-Harvey

. Goal MikerB -North Melboll "lie- Trcvaskl3 Moore 1 ranke. Mc \rdle Johns Cronin Bnckin The ñild umpire (Woosnanl has reported VV ilson »Coll 1 on a charge of havu g 1-ckel Mccann (Nor li Melb ) and Bracken (North Melb J on a charge of I having kicke 1 Giln"-ur (Coll ) Th« boun 1-iry umpire

(i.races) 1 as repor-ed J raeken on a clia-ge of having

truck Bates (Collingwood!

Melbourne lo-19 d St K11 la n-7 vt Kilda lei bs tlTe points at half time but in- the last half was outpaced Melbourne s beut plas ers ~ Steele Davidson Collin« Streeter (4 goalsl Mcinnes (2 goal«) Green Goal kicker* - Rutherford (3)

Nolan IS) Dengue Buchanan Ogden St Kilda s best players - lordham (2 goals) Uo«d Jones O Keefe Loveless Bourne Les Jones (2 goa*s)

Goal kickers -Dermody, Richardson, ha« Lo-e



Positions of clubs -Coburg, 44 points Brursirick 32 Northcote 2S Port Melbourne gS larnviHo ¿b Oikleigh 21, Sandringham 21 Preston 20 WH liarastown IG. Prahran 12 Brighton g Cambe

«ell ni)

Coburg n-11 <S0 îwlnti) d Port Melbourne n-li (69) BnuifirlcÄ 12-14 (S>) ti Bngnton o- ; (J7) Oakleigh 1S-24 (l"2l d «anlnrgham e-la (Ml I reston IJ-20 (1041 d VV illHm«town «V-<l (G1) Northcote 17-1.2 1114) d rrahran S-fi (Ml larraviiu, 30-lj (7j) d Camberwell n-s

I oburg n-11 d Tort Melbourne 8-13 afte- i. fast clean and open contest both aides being fairly evenly matched I'ort ovs ita defeat to too much short passes wherea« Coburg resorted to long straight kick!, and ita forwards were more accurate Best Slavers-Coburg Henderson, Lines Glover O Keefe

oyle and Conley Ports Bolman Keating Atkin son 1*. are Malloy and Hurley Goal kickers -Coburg Henderson (3! Broom (2J. lindsay (21

Lined (2) Mearns (2) Conley and O Keefs Port Melbourne Keating (3) Hurley (2), lthodda (2)

«.tklnson aud Holwell

Brunswick 12-14 d Brighton 5-7 Brunswick sho«ed marked superiority in all departments and was always In the lead Best for Brunswick were Sheldon Geary Peck Pringle Lewis anti Thomp-son Brighton Aminda Smethimt Gibba Gold* worthy Harrison and Archibald Goal kickere Bnw'witk Kennett (SI tleabiim (21. McG-ath (2

J'nngle Doa,t and Gillon Brighton Scates (3!.

Harrison and Marks

Oikleigh 18-24 d Sindrlngham 8-15 Com-pletely dominating the play Oakleigh showed splen did form Best players-Oakleigh Clarke Westley O Halloran Mathrick Smith and D Day Sand lingham Rowley Neville Dudfleld, Laver Tohn6on nnd Boyd Goal kickers-Oakleigh \au_in (fil Henr«;, ¡4) O Halloran (4) ^Campbell _(2l_ Denning

. i....« « .. ....UU...V..1. ;.-,. ... a hattl hut fair game Preston was the dominating team f

liigh marking in the first half nnd establish1*«! .. handy liad In the second half \\ tlliamatown played hotter and showed better st-tmfna hut was nn Me to reduce the lead Best nlayprs-Preston Keleher Wa'sh Spargo Stafford Johnson and Thompson Williamstown Drew Williams Taylo- Hill Grant and McGrath Goal kickers-Preston Doyle (2) Tohnaon (2). Csmc-on (21 O Leary (21 Walsh Tucker Cox Keleher Stafford and Thompson Williamstown Grant (5) Williams (2) Butler and


}>ortlicote 17-12 d rrahran 8-f It was too strong for Prahran its marking pas^ng an 1 nick work being a feature Best plasers - Northcote strong for Prahran its marking passing an 1 nick work being a feature Best plasers - Northcote Dilslelsh Ackland Cornell (.len Underhlll and

rons (3>, and Waite

"larravUle Iff-lo c . ... .. _. _ - jiost interesting content hoth sides playing clean smart and fast football Tho result was in doubt to the final heil Camberwell showed its best form thl«s ßea««on anl wai unlucky not to score it« first ««in Best playe-i-larraville Rust Maloney I nker Russell, McGrath and Milburn Camberwell Cofhn Kell« Hart Magrath Guest and Campbell Goal kickers - Yarraville Belgrave (li Butler C1

Mi.Cr»th (21 Smith anl Birrell Camberwell Mor-gan (li) Guest (3) Waterhouse Magrath and


The following permits have ben granted -Mr-Grain Coburg Seconds to Coburg Amateurs R Irving Brighton Seconds to nawthn-n Seconds C Spain Oakleigh to second IS as coach H Hamilton St Kilda Disitrlct to Brunswick Seconds P Foster rrigliton Seconds to St Klllv District T Mum rnery Prahran Seconds to bouth Melbourne (VT I




Position of Club- - South Melbourne District. 36 points Kew and Fairfield 32 laoh Auburn 2S> Ivanhoe 24 Richmond and vjphingion 16 tai li

I ant Brunswick and Darling S each St, Kilda Dis-

trict .ml

_ Richmond District 11-15 J Alphington 0-5 Goal "tickers, - BlclimonJ - Wraith (41 Harnior. («JJ If Makin 12) Smelley Firle Alphinpton Bndgford (2) Mcclintock Robinson (21. Reidy Ileagley Alexander. Strevens, Beat Players -Richmond - Cartledge Harrison Wraith. McNilly Smedley Tadgell Alnhinrtnn - Howard Wilker Edwards Barker Reidy Beasley

Ivanhoe 23-21 d fast Bmnswlck 5-11 Goal

kickers - Ivanhoe - Sharp d21 Baker (4) Thomp-son (2) Piper Rutherford Mooney. Stott nnd Quinn Bmnsnlck - L Smith (2) Rcitrhell (2) Kerles _ Best Players. - Ivanhoe - Whitburn Stott Rutherford L Thomson Baker Moones AV ood and Sharp Brunswick - L. Smith Mcintosh Browning McNamara lïeitchell, Ward

Auburn 12-14 d Kew 6-17 Goal kickers -Auburn - Fuller («JJ. Sellers (31, Lei (2> Irecke \eitóh Bell, McGcnnls. Kew - Hams (2) Latham (2«. Ciul«elt Answerth Best Plasers - Auburn -^Veitch Bill Bennett Salvas I eucock McVIahon 1 ullcr Kow - Outen Coulsell Igtham caden Sullivan Answerth Reekie

I nlrileld 12-19 d. Darling 10-9 Ceri kickers. -1-airJlelil - Seller (4) lates Slierer Kopke eil

Vrmstrong (2). Murphy Darling - Rouso (21. Stark Dennis Oswald, Curtain Askew Moore Lord. W Hilson Best Players - tairlleld - Sevior W intlc Murphy Kopke Powell Havsom Darling

Rouse Latham Dennis laisley Tootle WilU

n W oodward Oswald

South Melboumo DtstnU 25-14 d St Kilda Distntt o-12


Position of Clubs. - I airfield Distnc. 30 points, Thornbury CMC 2S North Htrruy 26 Last Brunswick Kew District and Abbotsford 24 er-* lairflold Juniors. 22 Murrumbeena and Glen Wa

les, S each

Kew District 10-13 d. Thornbury CMC 10

Goal kickers - Kew - Finnegan (SI J Seedsman (21 Knott (2), J An-her (21 Taylor Thornlury - J Gibson (oJ. Brown Aslward Kean Bloom Large Best Players - Kew - Perks, Shacklock Lean Fiunegan McGiUre J \rcber ihonibury -Bahcn, Asluard Gibson, O Kcc«e O Cornell, Brown Fgan captain, of Kew had to bo carmd from tile field suffering from concussion. Hie result of a collision. Ile was taken to the hospital for observation _ _

J-airfield District, 7-9 d. East Brunswick, 6-11 Goal-klckere - Fairfield - lowell (2). Demsey 12) Harris Elev Bolger Brunswick - Bosd 12)

Dawson (2), Robinson, Norman Best plasers. -J airfield - Craven Turnbull S Hams, smith Sutherland and J owcll Brunsivick - VicDermott Hartney. Truscott Ityau llobiuson Jenkinson


Abbotsfonl 10-S4, d Fairfield Junio s 10-15 -Goal kickers - .vbbotsford - Jordan ("Í Douglas (2) JJ Pannam (2) Gange Holman, Kay O Con nor I airfield - Mo_ (4i Iraner (3), Greenland Cuthbert (2) Best Players - vbbotsford - Mer

:an B Pannam, Pov eil Jooes Hart Uathiian -lammond. I-airtlcld - Mcintosh Johnstoie Mosh Martin, I1 raser J L. Dunn

Norlii lluroj, 19^-16 d Murrumbeena, 9-21 -Goal kickors. - Í itooy - J- Clarkson (5) D Healy

" Short (31. J Stephens (31 Johnson Haigh

kes List li Steihens. vlurrunibieua - Taslor

Escott (2) Howe Lee Archer Halfpenny Guunlnsham JJ Clark Bist. I lasers - Htrxuy -Healy brothers, W hite J Stephens. Clarkson Short Murrumbeena - Gunning! am Lei Archer Rowe Halfpenns I otter laslor


Newport, «J-17 (best plasers Hump ric«, Tliher Rivett Andrews Suhen Roberti-on J'urtle toal

kickers Watkins J laiey J (.rubb 2 Miles, and Lyons) d spotswood l> .> (be^t plasers rands

Whitford, Willi tt Giles, BliiTons losI kicken Gaul 1 ton J ChUholm ' Dilks 2 Vddlson, and Co_)

l\«t Coburg la-li (bon piase» I lay lenns

so-i Brown Barker goal k ckcrs Barker 7. J-Hard l8 tar Crown, and L»ur>l d Tast St Kilda

12-9 (be*t 1 lasers Gnuie Luttri.ll Bourne Nicholls. Bil. tow goalkitkirs Gracie 6 Bturne j BarcJes. Cojer and Sommervillo)

Burnies 1.Í-U (Uo«e Bro« u Boar, Symons Rodln t-oal kicl-crs Itadln t, Wyatt 2 Mawson > t-pong Howe and Sivnoni,) d Rewrvoir o-11 (best I lasers Kran? Manchester E l-islier Peter. J Irwin goal kicker« J Inter 2 Cameron 3

Mam hester 2 S lishcrl

West VIcltourue 11-17 (best plaje-s I caree Baltlun Grn« (Toniu Whit». Kills Gleeson coal kickers H-ildmn J Gray Oortj " Walker \ Scott J MilarlereU d I a«t Oakleigh 4-7 li, t pH\errt Godin« I)o«Ie- Jlolmt-« Hicks ^fu^Jly^ I iltoon goal kickers Calltsol . MiDe-mott and m°^ h Ginne.

W llllamston DI tncts 13-10 d Northcote 7-1G S lilli Melboun e 2 - V a Hampón, 11-11 I rt stou G-lo d t rahum 6-..

Norlh Carlton 0-12 d West I reston 7-14




I'lalraii Jlistnct 1"-1G d Mphing-oa Juniors

9-1 '

Msirs 10-12 d s SUnhen d 7-7

Burnies Illulia lO-l 1' Br "Mon Strtit Old Scholar-. G-12 ...

Coburi, Auatcurs io 17 ii I> epdene 10-12


rrai»ii t ll-lo d Norm Vlclbyurno D strict

"Siii June S-17 d W est Riel r-ond G-^

Weat Brtuwiiik Juniors 11-U d. Coburs Dis

St, l7i!_ C1 M G 24-20 d 41th Battery

lhomburs lo-23 d. Ueicrvoir 0-5



Monliall , 10 1" I Chtltuiham p-12 Mo diillüí- t.0.1! kltkirs Sliari« J Cxkran 2 Rowe ' Killen Kaiana"!i 11 imv Bftt plan = 1 Kel lan Hirns A sill VV I Oiki-111, Hurki O lion mil tilillllhs fhiltinlnm koal kickirs Wsr«I 4

Bil Innan Mill JU-st llasirs Taslor rl Cillstcm Sh-iw «.lim Rollt.

Io rabbin U- ].> d It gints rant 0-15 Mooni bin kicked lj-4 ti l-l iii the llrst quarter atter «Inch Regent s I ark icored point fur point viooribV in m al Mikt-re W hltflcld 0 Merrick >; Mrtllo J Sharp 2 Caion. Bi«t plasers Whitfield

I inch Hasho\« Srssikinan McDonald Regent 3 lark toni kickers It Cburgwln J k, Chergnln 2 J riser (udfriy Price JJuuein Marks. Be»t plasirs R Chcrgwin Lpson Barber Wllliama

Duncan rhornton

Mentone 111-1" d Black Rock 7-1« Mcii I tom goal kiclirs Staff 6 BeU 4 C ollkh Hist

lluser^ O Brien Brice Rees UarrIni,ton Black Hoik r al kicker« Water» 4 1 belan VV irnn '1 rr« Btst lasers Ii Nuc-iu Warnn VIcMabon

lim 1 Iwarls Millar

1 is Bun « 1 b-lo d Caulilcltl Ç-15 En>t Bur.« wl kickers Zander -, R Coraill It Tilnton Tickle 1 Mulliiu. 1 «in«on Beat plasers

Hunter Iltkl It an i C Bml Martin L Tain ton Caulfield coal kickers Nolin > Saber 2 Iv Vdlistn Jennings. Best plajers Bates, «tevens Gag. Vhh Vd llson , " , ,

1 ark Hie d can «gie in a most cicltinr finish bj a margin of ti rw points.


Clcirs o-ji (b, t ¡iisen Sh le v«ihs Hall II 1 SuilhiH Misxli 1 r tillan Goal 11 k ra lui 11 iii.«. 1 Ililli . Mill 1 2 II «ill 1 B j Hill »-10 lt> t lli«irs nts. VV -ollard IJn«^. I omer 1 riLg Villes S nilli ( «1 k ik rs Smith " Grici, Z

IL111Ï ! W oil rl "and S WixUsril

S Uli ( imliTiiell 11-21 (lest pla in. Davlt-i

linn«."", Dnitrs Smith, Juill Mtiliic" (latiiin Ctalkikirs Div «4 1 aur 1 J \touk. Hunting, Methv 11 ln«liT Moore) d C ul field < It«, JO-IO (liest nlisers Mills (. iltn Jins, M iu I Cllland Nu Illira G il kickers Giles 3 Clough 3 Le Giller

' " ( aiiteriiurv 17-9 (best plavers Self, Williams Wickham Brown. Munji lrdni Goal k11 ken .William» 7 Clorke, 3 Biveriili.e 2 W k1 ham 2 Horner Br wn Miketuiel d lfrf-rongu 4-.7 (best

I lotta J«nkin . S\liiioii Sunn ens Goal k ckcrs



V\ i*t 1 ootstns r-17 (J Colo G goals) d. Yarra «ill Hturs li-12 , , " , ,

s outs 11-11 (Horner ti goals) d Puislcj s

"park Blues 12-17 d. hwltlon Roiors 2-9

1 arksluc f-14 Ibest plistn V Sharp les' on (-round G m1 klikirs J Siiusbiio J Loala) ¡i L 1 VI S 3-S _


Warrandyte U-10 d Klliyth 7-7

It iiFwater, 11-11 d Doncaster 7-ld

Mllchaiil Vermont b-12 d ltinmood Fast, Rinn ood Is-1"*. d Blackburn G-á Lrtndon 9-11 d. lunslall 4-8


St Thomas s Grammar 9-I d Norllieni Gram mar School, b-7 Best pi 13 cr» -St. Thomas -Stott Charlton Black Goiidlv.iniil>. Stionginan Nnrthmi- l*hlic \stlo>, McNicholl hdwirds Whilehcad Itoscnthnll

Box Hill Grammar. 23-20. d M«nU>nB,_'i-f Best play«n«-Box JÎ111-Wntoa (7), Bocv«, Btnui


Myer s 7-14 (best players Swift Smith Duncan Sesaaaour goal "rlckeraa Seymour 3 II Smith 2 W Smith Simmons) d Craigs 3-11 (best plas ers W Ba hock J Bradshnw P O Neill!

los s 12-17 (best players Latham Ellis Bottn son Glcest-i gea! kickers Lilla 3 Trebilco 2 r n chard 2 Robinson ( ornish G-avril) d I ayne s 1-lb (befit plasers Mahady Owens Hope goal

Ucker Beat1

tolo s B_ii d Sno-v e 5-6.


lank New South Wa. as 10-6 d Cotraercfal

ik S-7

nion Bank 11-16 d T & and K 8-6

a uum Compans lo-11 d theil Company 5-13


North Melbourne 10-11 d Box HI 1 5-7

Noah I ltzros 11-2'' d South Melbourne 7-1 W indsor 22-2ti d Malvern 4-3

FOOTSCRAY CHURCHES Torcían f-ireet 1,--14 c' So-ial 11-7

Basvlew Road la-12 d Pal'lss Stre-t 13-1 ,be«t pase« L Rogers t, "lawson goal kicken Raison o í os'er 2 Rodgers 2i

PROTESTANT CHURCHES Kcn«int"ton o-S d Erndon S-7

St. Cuthbert « Jo-16 d loimg Street 10 7 North Carlton S-9 d. Maribyrnong 7-10 Penders IO-It d- Burnley 6-12 Moreland 1.5-1! d Carlton o-S

S- Georges 15-24 d Prest/m 4-11 St. Michael s b-12 d Oroxton 6-11


Tto-y Trm ty Po t Melbourne 14-11 (be«' plieacrs Stirling SmPh lovell Bennet Allp -r- Kent. G ail kickers Smith 5 J Porritt 4 F Porri't Watt 2 tec-able Pip-Mr 1 Ths-»erahl d Holv Trlnlts Kew 70-la (tau.' plasers Jab Ulan McAilan Slieldnelt Brettsn,! Cunningham Klno-s. Goal ki ker« Job 3 Har ill If Plumridge G Plumridge Motilan 2 she] r ck Cunnlnghnrr)

St Thoms« « U«*nee Peri's al)-IS (best p nsc « R McD«ansld B 1 ogsrthv D 1 iiomte-n T_ Davis II Ben-ill J Dean Goal kickers-G Charlton 2 B Hanllng 2 K Pallint It Matthews B Fngar-hs 2 R Bendall D Thomtcn) A Ht Mirk n Htaroy 7-1 (best nlasers Drsdon Parker Ready Dnnds Ruthven Dunn Goal kickers Gar-iwsy Ball 3 Heady 2 Tayla-)



llov Hill T n ted 7-1 Hartwell 4-10

Mll-rumlvcna 14-18 d Burke Road 1-10

I stamivtck IT-14 d South Haw brrn, 1 17

II ghflrld Road it-11 d Balwyn Baptl«ts 7-u Dev Hill rrmblnrd 20-22 d 1 tahran 7-4 Surres Hüls 9-17 ? f "terbarj 7-8


Bra Hill Combino»! I lb-'l d bt Marys "Church of Christ. Hawthorn 13-14 d Hatrthorn Collegians united 8-13 t" Rathmines United

(Ilcndearg Grove 12-14, d Mont A1h*rt 12-5 Kew Inlted, 10-23 d Spring Poad 2-2. Ormond Inlted 21-9 d. Oakleigh 5-10


I f-nmea in the Catholic Ttung Mens Societs Foot

bail Association resulted -

A Grade - Northcote 7--> (Colo 5 goals), d Po-t Melbourne 5-«3 benth larra. 4-10 d Fair field 2-6 »lemington 1V-10 (Mcinerney 71 d Carlton. 3-10 W lllnrostown 8-13 d Pre«ton f-12 Asootrale 15-19 (Ramsay 13) A Cathedral, " B Grade-North Section - Clifton Hill 17-14 d North Fitzroy 11-13 (Ro 5) Last Brunswick 14-20 d West Melbourne b-6, Lssondon 17-14 d West Footscray 1-14 No-th Brunswick. 12-IS

d North Fssendon 0-4

B Grade -South Section - Malven 8-11 «3 Kew, 6-14 Glenina 6-13 d Halacla-a (r-12

South Melbourne U-1S d Ha-rthor-i 4-6 Oak-leigh 24-31 (McCarthy 10) d No-th Melbourne

5-1 _


B tLLAR «.T -Golden Point t-ontlnued Its FU-ce-ij, whc*i ft defeated Ballsrat on the Cits Oval bs 8-1" to 5-5 Point took tho load in the first quarter and held it throughout although Ballarat made» a. good light In the t-scond quar-er and -e cluced Ita deficiency to five points Hearn and Beames each ' " --..---.

_jt-d Imperial having a two point« lead euch side having had nine -renng « io.s. louth vent ahead after the Interval and wen bs 10-'2 to 4-11 Healey «?»"Ted three goals for houtn laws«- (¡sou h! leads in goal kick ng with 2rt aganst M Dennett (Uni larat) and Hnsmes (Point) 2.» each

Po'nt has ir, points lear- from Ba lara.« 'o- t' e nremlership with Imperial 4 points further awar

i third place

League Seconds.-Imn-nal 3-7 d CTM3 3 -4 Golden I omt, 7-1, f Ballarat 3-2

District A«w> iatiou --.ebas»opol 1--a; t- East fi-lÇ Son h ( t>, K-21 d Dunnstcwi C-10 North City o-15 c1 Bunins one 5-12


BFSDICO-In tie lc-a»ue matches Rochc-ste tho leader in the premiership was defeated by «-ruth Bendigo The natch i a.« playc-J at the Cit« Oval

ti o receipts amounting to £103 South Bc-idlgo outshone m the al- and was ti*e fastest side Its forward 1 ne wies siso stronger and obtaining a a eel lead earls in the game its pos lion a as l eve erieiuay thread ird rlnal score-« -South ne-ncigo

of tho match, nnl oller gool plas era -«" Du

Clements. Wellington and Smith and for Rr»cr~.

ter Currie W a*t Watson Meldrun Copeland and


Faaleba «:**, by dc'eatlng Lchma Jo ned Roches ter in the lean f k the premiership Taking the lead earls Eaglebar* at half tine was 3-7 to 1-S Play was ruir"cd but fast and In the third term LnglehawL increased its lead S-S to 3-1 E<huca showed to advantage in the last qaarter but could not make up tho lee-vas. tho game enil

I*»n -LnRlchai k «1-13 Le h ira 7-14 Crapper, -.eil 5 L/a « 'o- "enUehni k Its bert players l wc-ro Harvty Har-aa Tre-vrrn edward-, Bnd (rap I per and for Lchtlra Ci mc 7e«IIs Pnce k.i ming and laslo

Ksaacton improved its po-- tio-i by defen ing bann

hurst. The game wa splen Urila contested each I side giving a good chbllioa of hi*,h markin : srd teamwork Ki half time score« wire 8-7 to 6-, In favour of Ksaa&ton The last I alf was strenu ous but Kynetean playiac with groat dash w*ro

">y 11-11 to 10-10

Mary borough having strencthered its team by tl*o Inclusion o' some of tho rlayers of last year c*e feated Castlemaine and scored Its second succès si-o win \t hal** time Maryborough led by two Sat« and lucxea-tng 1 s lead finished avith 13-«2


Pu-ltir o' clubs Lsglehawk nn 1 Rochester each 28 ponts Sandhurst *>4 Ks-ne-on 20 South Bcr

digo li, Marsh iioti-r 12 Echuca anl Ca"*lc

aauie em S

In the Bendigo Jurior Teague rratehfes South Ben digo S-ll d WhiU» Hill« 5-13 (rolden Square t^-io d Bendigo East 1.-7 Calif -nla Gully h-ll d Htmtlj f-0 -«t- Klhans o S d Goa-org


CTFLONG - Distrae League re nits -W ernbe 1S-2, d North Geelone 10-If Barwon 12-«) d i,.-.,... ,.._-. -, .« 'C^fon-\-"t j_]6 a New

.. _ " _ 1=-17 d. East Geelong,


Amateur athletic Soo eties Com-etltlo-i -Qi cliff 11-» d Oeolong West n-n Drssdole 20-17

' ? -Inrys. 1D-10 1 ortarlmgton 10-6 d Bel mont " li Railwass 13-10 d lara 8-12

On tho Co-io Oval 23.-d Bat ali -n d ts'iby


ARVBAT - In tho Wimmert I esfrue Att-a«

14-13 d Horsham 10-16 for ti e third t me this «esson trarat has now won six matches his sear Cood fast football was plosod tboUkh both teams were without leading plaacr« «.rant -n'ste-i Seo in, Wills Arti mo adu lleenan Brown (2) and Alcock were absent from Hor&h-tn but the nee men prove I ti eir mitti especially Copéis who

. great s-Aet to the home team Piny ng ailtli I >ng north avlrd Ararat began well willi 4-3

. ..a g >al in tho 'irst quarte In the seco-ict t

quarter Arar.t 'ailcal to r^ore and Horsham bco

mg 3--». gained the lead trarat s tc-amwovk H ' the thtrd quarter when It score 1 7-1 to nil and m the last q -arter In soeuring ihrer» goals against tho wind ni- «plena d Josce Block Copéis and Bell i-en» tratst s beat players and Horsham ins h,-5t serre! bj Lee Huf Davie« Wood G Alcock Lawson lsuske nn 1 Baker Goal kickers for Ararat

- ("ape* (4 rowler (2) Clarmgbold ('I Bell

v. erdon. Byrne Shiels and Eckhardt nnd _o for Horsham wer-» I awson (5) Baker (2)

Sawyer l£c anl Wood Allen ump red the game, and the gate taking« amounted to i.4o

t-TAW » LI -In the W mmcra Leaguo Stawell and

Warracknabeal piase I at Stawell under perfect con «1 tiona Stawell was without Hart (strained ten (lota), anl Warracknabeal missed Houan and loting (le-. Injuries) Tho l lss «vas uninteresting and W arracknabeal was defeated lu every department. Both w th and against tho wind Stawell had the nd

scores --»lawcii ij-.v -

kickers-S'aivtll-I oner (ti Broun ... _ 13), Jobo (3) Hall Cilchrliit ali 1 1 obson W or racknnbenl - I ogary 12) I eterson (21 Hampton Nusko and White Beat 1 layerä.-Stawell-Earle 1 cwler Mas Gilchrist Jobo, 11 La c1 for! Maddock« Olareishnw Warracknabeal - Noske Pctcncm, Schneider Trs Hami ton Rowlands Laten and «.tnlth The tate takings were £12.


Ingh ly 11-17 to 10-1 Best plasc-s for Has Ings WTO Wilson I errott Mlnbello, Mentiplas

Storey and Li lses I-or frrank<ton the best plasers i ero Peters W McComb Clapton D Cameron Walsh and Kemieds Goal kickers - Hastings Barclnv (,). Ii ises 13) ««tore». Horsburgh b"riink st« n-Webstcr lo) "sawyer (¿) Legge Kennels

II anton

sorrento, 10-13 d Naval Depot 4-13 at to rei to The best piaseis for Sorrento were Jol n «t u Clark 1 Watson W ilhamfi Hutchins and Blackwell Tho liest plasers for Natal Depot wore 1 x-kaioc« Ctlest Hollar 1 and Galvin Coal kicker»-bon-ento-P Watson (01, J McDrnald U) (, Watson Natal Depot-Calvin (3) Gloury

Mc -?- -- * ' " '- " " - . ' ville

Momhii.ton 11-l-j d Someta* Ile Ç-13 at S m»

jili-c-iiiii-, >, iiuienilLS lie-au li rice- aiiipii*. -tue

Harrap The btst for yomerville were J Unthank, li Thomell N lhoruell Nelson \rmstroni. and

Goal kickirs -Mornington - Harrap (41

1 I..*-.. ,.,, ^ Il..In*.1nn /Ol O',,, .n

Si rrenio 9-5

CENTRAL GIPPSLAND ASSOCIATION WABRAGLI-The best day for the season « experienced on Saturdns last The Moe Mor

game attracted a good nttentlsnce Morne!] went atirs with a rush In the first quarter nn 1 «cored 5 to 2 goals U half time Morwell let! hy Ç-0

\w - IO le» O--IO «ui Jtu«: ,.!,,u, ..uu.i.ouu .,1.11...

Kells and W alker were the best Goak kickers Itl hards (31 Kollv 12' Crane 121 Milne Beek ( arter Robinson snd Vrcber Morwell s beat wen Bond Vary, Russel Daves Rowley Goal kickers 1 honip«on (2) Amict I ago (21 Davey R| hard.«



uinplr« s selection as the best and fairest . this match

.nfalc-ir 11-7 d Tarragon 6-11 George Brown (Trafnlgarl was the beast of the G-, (his scvond

roto for the -ensoul

W a msrul 17-11 <1 Thorpdale 1-11 Dun can (Warragai!) wus the best of tt e 36 with \ndre«v« elise up tamur scortai 4 goals mssltu his total IS tillers eonsplcurii« for Warragul were Strange (cat tain) Burkett Ley I arlington and Holman Coil kc ers-rurnt-r ¡I) Duncan (,*?

(21 suirocter (21 Icy ("I Partingt,.., ,,.«..,,« No1 elms tndrews and Willan rhorplales best were Mi Ililli Crispin Burvll Gunn Tatterson Hammond elalie« \ ernon an 1 bhatkleton Crispin

score 1 Its onls goal

I osltlons now nre - Warragail (undefeated)

wins 40 points Moe J2 lnrragon 20 Trafalgar IS Morwell 10 Thorpdale I


WANOUtATTV -The main match was bo tiict-n Msrtleford and Beechworth at Myrtle for 1 Beech« orth had the belter of the first lalf scoring 6-5 to 1-2 In the third qunrter the visiting team coull se ore only a goal to «V-a Ihe home temi pre lominatt-c!. qun tet nnd wo i li) 10 " to R-7

\t Milman tie- w s anilhcr close contest the bom t am defeating Whorouly hy 10-8 to 9-9 II Iel eui! lut Wh muH bal a good 1 n I at half time nnrl looked to b the bitter si le With a great

n I the thirl ter i Milawa kicked 4-4 to 1 point td hell the opp-sltion In a har I final qunrter

Wancatatta was at home to Ti orton which has won only one match but is qui kls Improving Mark ing oier Wangaratta in the first half Fvr-rton was a point or tivo h hind at the Interval Then Wan Karatta went nwas to win by 14-11 to 5-,1 th» op position falling to acoro in the second half Carey

kirke 1 10 goals

Most u was at home to North Wangaratta, a In nlng by 7-8 to 5-13 North was fast but Ita ftr ward work has been poor in th«» Inst few malchi« Wangaratta now lends with Msrtleford and Beech worth nest foltmved I) Whorouly whlrh leads Mt »hu on peri outage« for fourth

Bert Cares the Wangaratta forward has been with the to un for four season«, playing In


faAI V. -Maffra maintained its run of Tictorles by

hoe and Maffra missed Its captain, S Barrett

through iniurie« Stritford was much the .better team In tho first nuarter Maffra kicking poorly and funbllng \t half time Maffra led by five points and gaining ground finished the stronger to win bs J2-11 to 7-9 Maffra «as bc-1 «erveif bs R, Kerr BirrcII Iliclnn «-la« Batchelor Stratforls best «ere ( and V. W nggles vorth Higgins Schumann McQuillan and S May (! goa si Silo 19-ln (lester 7 coaU), d Triralcou Hr-1> (Burnett 8 goals) llilnsdnl 20-11 (I Melvin S goals! d lar-am li-I4 lalíourn 2o-Cl I Turne 12 goals)

I Rosedale 11-S


... .. .. . -DavWor Ii ti I led 1 _

hen it comfortabl« lefcated i 1 VI S aft

KIN! TON -Dailesforl i tinedl» mini, nil . ,ien it comfortabl« lefcated i 1 VI S aft r a hard fought game in wh ch the «inner s greater evperi ". _ told n its favour f 1 M S di not display th« form «hich led to its first victory the pre rous week anl It ml «ed n un rous opportunities ci «fonnc The Miluishurv Trentham m-itch was mest ev nly -ontcal* I and until the last few m nute-i tie result was m ti ibt V strong finishing effort

y Malmsburs hoi e e »ar it a win Is 10 punts Trent tam as « o' iel thr«u-h loss cf irrend plavers anl the m t re t in tho la of Vlilmsturs

-cmibined « ith a c mu. g *l kicking gaine.1 it the verdict. Set rea -Daslesford 9-«S d f 1 VI S 2-7 Malmsbuiy 11-9 d Trentham <v-ll


COI VC - In the Cor ngamite Login. ? lrron Tallock 10-0 d. Coronoke S-16 Colac 19-11

d Dean Maish, 9-IG Birregurra 13-13 d Gell! brand, fi-9 «arnon 13-11 d Beeac ,J-18 Chunhes1 Association - Lutmlnst, 8-6 d St Andrews 3-6 Irrewarra 9-1» d lleeic 3-6 St Brendan s S-13 ti St. Vfjry s 7-n


W UIRN IMBOOI -In tho Western District League South \\ arTnambo-u and Koroit met for the second Hine on the Showgrounds oial and a strenu ous game resulted in a win for South Warrnambool b, 10-7 to 7-7 Goal kickers-South Warrnambool

suffering from sligl t concussion and McKenzie Sou h Warrnambool) retired at half time with an e i nijiirs Ptrt I airy 13-20 d Warrnambool 13-° Hamilton 17-17 d Portland 10-9 1

Coutts kick ii teven goals for Hamilton tarli In the game II Pasnc had one of Ills thumbs Irokcn

J Bl anahan (captain of Portland! injured his right leg an 1 M Howies (1 ortland) iniurnl his hip

South Western Lengue-Allansfo-d, 20-12 d Gras mere 5-6 C1 M S 10-9 d Woolsthorpe 6-7 Bushfeld 13-13 d Warrnambool City 5-0

inir im District League - Ellerslie 10-21 d Garvoc 4-3 Nirranda 8-9 d Wangoom 4-11 Inmlingham 12-8 d Cooramook 7-6 Purnim 7-14 d Panmure 2-S


v.R«.R tr-Dl«trct Association - Uolj Jrlnits 7-6 I Mell o 1 t 5-13

READI-OItT-Dlstnil Competition - Waterloo 6-8 J Beaufort 0-, Raklan 6-13, d Middle Creek Buang r 0-5 Lardner (Beaufort s captain!

bri It "

_ I reik Association-Natte lallock 13-11. d Joel Rovers 4-6 Navarre d Vmi>hltlicitre Moon ambel d landsborough

BILL\N -Ballan 8-5 d. Moiton 4-17

BALLARAT -Rokewood Association-Illabarook 4-9 d Capo Clear 3-3, Skipton 10-10 d Sears

dale 8-9 Rokewood 7-8 d («argnbam 4-8 Col-lege Jfatch-St Patricks College 10-10 «1 St Kevin a 10-5

BJ-1 GBAVF-Mountain District Association -Lilydale 14-11 d Bclg-ave U-S Borona, U-l1

d Ferntree Gullv 4-7 Mt Ivclsn 8-12 « i'ri'V

ti retnirce uun» i-I lit i ii-,j,i &-1¿ u jeu.

Creek 7-12 Emerald 10-20 d Gembrook 3-4 Silvan .17-10 _d .Monbulk, 6-j

BRIGHT -Dtftnit Association - Brig! .. ._ ti Ms-tleford Wandern 9-It) Porepunkah 10-14 d Rostrevor 7-S Gapsted 10-IG d Whoroaly

BRbTIIFN -In the Bairnsdale Bruthen Teague lindenow 13-1 » d Bnilhen 10-9

CASTFRION - District league-Rainbow 12-7 d Coleraine 10-10 ledrral 12-18 d Sandford 7-13 Merino 13-14 d Bahgallah 10-6- ,_ _ "

CaMPtRDOVVN-Mortlake d Cobden by 10-13 to 8-5 and still hoi Is first lilace Terang rose tt) second bs defeating Camperdown by 13-13 to 7-12 Parker k eked sit goals for lc-ang _ . .

COHUNA-«.ssoclitlon matches -Union , 7-19 d Cohunn, 7-10 Border. 6-13 d Bolsheviks, 7-3, Leitchville. 11-15 d Cnnbower 5-1 ,

CKLSW ICI«. -Association matches-Clunes ä Donn Is 4 goals Creswick 6-7 d Springmount 3-1 ( lunis Assoclatlon-Newlyn 8-lll o Cres -lek G-10, Clunes and Ne«vstead tied Smeaton, 11-Ji J ('nmpbeJJ own 5-10

CLIfMlHN (NSW )-Albury District League Iiolbrook, 1,-10, d Cul aim 7-1« Albury Rovers 1 -11 d lirocklcäbj 9-9

DV.1I I SI-OHD - Davlesford Astoolallon - Hep bum 5-3 d Glenlyon 4-7 "

DIMBOOLV -West Wimmera. League - Dim boon 0-19, d redorai« 5-13 I Himnr 7-9, d ¡lane --S Nhill Seconds 14-14 d Kaniva

11-12. Central Wimmera Loauie- Horsham SecondB ip-14 d Dimboola Seconds 10-15 Pimpinio d


S. Jenant and Dlstrct league-Pepre

ir .{ ...1- r._0 A SVll!.

Hams 12-15 d Aubrey 9-S Aisla d willen

laura G-8 d Dnnkeld 4-7 Lake Bolac 12-16 d Clinthomison 9-21

y CHI c V. -Moama 12-18 d Echuca Imperials 13-5 J-Imore 11-12 d Fcbnca East 7-S Ma t jours «V-13, d Rochester 7-8

I URO *. -District Association-Luroa 7-lo. d -o J 8-7, I-uroa Imperiils «3-11 d Glen - 10-13 Benalla A d Miepoll Benalla Im penáis d 1 lolet To

longwool S-7, I-uroa Imperiils 23-11 d Glen

win 10-13 Benalla A d Miepoll Benall --nais d \ lolet

FOsTl R -Ramblers 4-0 t* roster 4-5.

HOPETOUN.—Mallee Association—Watchupga 8— 4, d Hopetoun 7-14 Woomelang d Lascelles.

JIP VRÏJ* - North Wimmera League - Jcj»rit 7-13 d Nctlerby 11-13. Jeparit District Asso-ira t on - Ieppir Plains 12-li d Aubn-J 7-2 VII a fl-9 d Willenabrina "(1-2 , , . ,

KORLMBLRR V- Bass Valles Assotriatlon-Loch '-S 1 st to 1 oowong 7-13, Konimburra Rovers I -"-11 lost to Konimbu-ra V-4 Bena 8-16 d

stn 6-5 Nso n b-i d Pooivong Last 5-5

IRR ».M - ". . - -' -. d rongala , ~ . Irgirre --(î

I I VNl I MFI D - Rlllell Dlstnct Association -

rnncffeld (level for third i lace) d Gisborne Second bs 13-1" to 10-10 Lancefield Seconds 6-S d Gisbon e Second* 7-11

I ANC LVNG -West Gippsland Association longwarry 12-17 (W Toy S goals) d Lang Lang 12-6, Pakenham 9-16 d Koo wee rup A G-20, Drouin 11-5 d Nar nar goon 10-9 Officer Toomuc 10-17 d lona 9-11 Beaconsfield and District association-Pakenham Juniors 13-15 d Koo wee rup B, 3-5 Catani 14-9 (M W aish 9 goals) d Berwick K S D 5-5 Bass V alley Asso elation-Poowong 7-13 d Loch 7-S Nyora 7-5 1 Tnl olm b-3

liri DAII -Mountain District Aisoo!at!on-Llly dale 14-11 d Belgrave H-S

I1SMORI- - Wc.tern Plains Associât on - Lis-more "-M d Cress} 5-13 Derrinallum 0-7 d BerrvJsnk 1-8

rlONCVriIA - Woorayl Association - Leon -atha Imperials 29-21 (R Bowden 14 goalsl d Nerrena S points. Mardan "-10 d Mount Eccles, o-S Koon« arra o-fj d Rubs. F-ft

M «.ri DON-Woodend 9-1S c1 Macedon 5-13.

M4.FFRV -North Gippsland J cague - Maffra Povera 13-21 d Briagolong 3-3, Boisdale S-12 d Newry 5-11

M \R1 BOROUCH -Maryborough r cague-Mary borough 11-8 d Cansbrook 10-12 Duuolly S-21 d Bealiba 8-1 Junior Association-Temper mee S-12 d 1 rimrose 4-7 Talbot S-12 d Dnnoll« 2-10

MU DDR V -Seniors-South Merbein, 11-14. d Mil lura 9-15 Red Cliffs 24-26 d Curlwaa 5-S Juniors-Rene ook 8-6 d Mildura. 6-10 Im ¡unala 29-2» d Irymple 5-4 Merbein 5-7 d (urlwaa 3-12 Under l8 lears-Mcrbein 6-10 d Mildura 4-Í»

ViniiMV TON -Peninsula Association-Camira 10-13 d Rosebud 7-0 Dromana 10-14 d Sea ford 's-7, I Under* G-15 d Langwarrin G-4 Red Hill 'o-'o d Pearce laie 1-5

MORTLAKF - Mortlake 10-13 d. Cobden

~MT G VMB1FR IS A 1 - South Eastern Associa

i tlon -A ( n Io - Millicent 10-9 (Thompson 4 goal» 1 MrDonal 1 3 ) d Penola 5-10 (Johnson 3 goals)

? Naracoorte 12-13 fl-dvanls Í* goals J Gldding«

41 d Cambier North 7-8 B Grade - Glencoe 117-12 d Penola 6-G Gambier North B 12-10 d Tantanoola 5-7 Yahl G-15 d Rosaville. 4-6 Claraville S-J5 ti' Ramblers C-9 Wandilo b-6

d ( omnton 3-r,

MURRAYVILLE.—North West Mallee Association -Mulca 4 G 1 Dud in 4-o Pallarang S-8 d B Hon >-7 Pnnso S-17 d Murrayville 2-1 Chants Match-I*innaroo League 13-8 d Lameroo

NHILL.—West Wimmera League-"Chill Seconds 14-14 d lian va U-l> Dlmlmola 9-19 d ledenls «i-11 Yanac --S d, lillimur 7-9

ORBOST-1-ast Cippsnnd Association-Buchan S-1" d Orbost 3-8 Newmerella 1"-li, d lake Tscrs I»-li Tsirs attacking on the 1 eil had a lina] shot 20 sards in front bu* ft went out of


OllFN -Onsen «.FTK-lalion - Ouyui Hovers 16-12 I Bronzewing J-12 Kiamal 5-<) d Ouson Imp nais 3-0. 1 steh «voJIcck Io-9 d T empy S-" len io d Walpeup 2-10.

PAKFNHWI - We«t Gipprland Association Pik-nhim 9 It, d Koo «vi-o-run T-20 lÄiigwarrj* 12-17 d La ig Lane 12-4 N ir nar goon 10-19 d Drouin n-3 Oilier Toomuc 10-17 d lo

tuite 1 --14

I ORT I URI -Dlstrct «.«so lation-Maenrthur 11-r 1 lara! ik lO-S 1 is ¡clxll d Orford I ort F » « 1 Tow-r Hill

RAINBOW - North Wimmera League - Yaa peet 9-t d Runhov 7-1 Jci arlt Ho poi its d.

Netl e-hi "o pom


ii amst Mur*o

1 tit after ti interval Murlcn r-om m e 1 til» pla in tie li irl q nrt r n-üstering 10-3 io nil m final scores wer Murtoa 1-13 M Dip R-9 f Bl e« Mek-M sir r als. Reen Is - Itupamnp R-14 d C lei ore! s "-1" Mu s n If, 21 d Viur tm 4-4 TI ».ml finals v« 11 bv plaved ue\t

'2-8 _d Slanhopi 12-5 Colb nal bin 5-12

10-6 d _lwarthn r.- m tie (.intern Ilistrict ' tion

"IK -Junior \ssi _ _ .

Metho lists b- h d stnt Bomawarthn o- in ti e

SALE - Junior Associa-tion-St. Paul's 7-14 d. Long-

ford 3-4 College 12-8 d Rovers 7-14. North Gippsland League - Maffra Rovers 13-21 d Bria-golong 3-3; Boisdale 8-12 d Newry 5-11. Cow-warr Association - Cowwarr 9-12 d Gormandale 5-5; Traralgon Creek d. Glengarry.

SF,1. I VKF - 111 a d nrt«. i itch li - Milan D strict Vsoi tioi (earn U-s 1 sea I ak Bern willock corni u el team 10-11 Msall --1 1 Sra Lake Juniors u-]3

SI TMOI It - Waranga North Tastcm Vss <? n tlon - Seyn our 13-10 1 «st to ISroadforl 1~-1

Avenel 8- 0 lost to Tea «i-f N ican b c «-" Jost to Alivanlri ll-oo II ime Hlih ti« VsshI, Hnn - lallarook 13-11 d BrouIforl In kt«.n lents

'"sPltlNCVMF-Snnnirnl 1 Mulgrave Sprln,

v'e Inn nrs losr to Dsn H Bncoi

STAWELL.—South Wimmera League — Stawell Wnmors «7-1 d stawell Imivnal G-7

KINBin\ - Riddell \s.ocation - «unlurv

10-13 1 KPnore Í.-13

RW'AN lilli - Pra I"-!' d lores --1"

Fit mn 1-J-ir d I ilberl C-lr

WAITCniF - r-ler-l I istr t V« lato -rhllllneollal J--1I d Bolt -i f t; Witt II r-e J Chlnkn lok 4 S 'Iamrkataig 1 Vi ii. iii

bs e ch rsilnt«

WARRACKNABEAL.—Southern Mallee Associa-tion - Ben» , I'-ll W»rrrJ,ri!Ml j. )

W'tRRA'"!! -Ne m Jlnl«-I» As c1!

Warragul Rovers ll-li d r Un 1 lin 10 Neerim ti Jin Hvlck, Nrrm Jiucllm 1-0 1 Nooico. 3-fi Neerim South 14-" d Harri n "-«,

WPRRIBIF - Dlstrl I VsMclntln - \ftmi 10-11 d Me'rnprllfin Farm l 1" Jj rert n

i1-" ,? ^e1lbP,",.,,>*':' "-» ^h «illira"

town 11-1!> d, IlttI« Rire- r-8 Junior \ so. elation - St \nlrc«s Á-\ 1 W rril» IOl

2-1 IVhIJe pKvlm, in a curtain nil, r bit ven

St. A«iJr« s »ni WernWe J o It Fr. 1 ncs. O Mal

ley age I 15 «enrs br Re li» arm Ile « is tre tel at ts« Mell i.-«,» !? si Hal

. w nin r i si v-Pm i inn Asso-inti n - w i

tlosen JlV-23 d 1 anton 11 11 1-r Klnglak l-l»

d](0 ri'j n 3 - Hirslrdgi " <; d la-ri

WlVfllr 1 Sr V - To vnvtt «.s o. i ti i-, _ I or. s

y '0 1 Dean Marsh 0- r l^rne s-*> d Win chelsea 7-«! lu lor VssoHHInn - Molo nrre H-'« ' Wlnchelsn 1-4 Guarwnrri d I Irre


WODONÇ«.-Chiltern sill Dlstrict-Wolonga r, -11 d Chiltern 9-15 Rutherglen 9-6 1 Bama

waltha 5-7

UONTHvGGI - Tccln'rul School 29-b d Inverloch 2-4, , North Wonlhaggl 12-17, d

Meihndlst.'1 N-l7 EMi """""«"î' X4-3-1 d

WinciU PROOF _ in the annuat inter associa-

tion match at Wycheproof between Southern Mallee League team and lvnromt I^agite the gato ncehts yere £ n divided eiiunllv botiveen Wye! et roof mil Inglewoo! hospll-ils The match provided one of the best games seen. Southern Mallee winning by lrr-2S to 15-11 Best I lasers - Korong - Tasl r ( ameren McAliece Jackson. Collison, Clarke Mut loon. Ritchie Cross mid Stell lr« Snithern M il

Tv Ho M"-cleJJnnI. WaJJnce au 1 Mclennan

IACKANDANDAh _ Vssociatlon result" -

Orama 10-- ,1 1 iickandandah a~-\ Mitta Mitta 11-15 d Kcnrunsah 5-12 Sands Creek 9-12 d bethanga S-D. Tallangatta 12-8 dKlewu Roi ere

_i__HAM - Albfrtgri AejocUtlon - larra« Bon*», 10-U, i WeUhpool, 6-101 Woodside,

S-9d -Deron, 4-Uí North Devon &?-$ dTïfc^l

Warri, 4-14



Metropolitan Contests Draim

Tho results of the third roun 1 of llockrr,. re.a

^\e i* Tt ärsM -ft-T-T ^»M

representamos \lanclifc>t*.r In t> anl Th dut-alu í>¿ iiat-tropoJiUu » lubs Ihe gar

bourne .«re drawn ann «iu \y_ rcpUjeu on Sa7',TI

: . ul t> . «i not ron lie i ia ihe fin,] Cf th, t* ? tup be ween Hrunw *.k and iin^hten anl it bo rtpíajtd at a tlaU mJ [trenn, io be ar-vi

of Uit forthcoming mu-niauotial _~?

arouse _

1-1 tea J ng4i^ü v fcco -and _ ._ .

i quirters in tho formation nf . the wish o' the promo orí to

of the intimation ii but in at % "li- \J¿__t

triangular um cal m future jetrs

Melbourne Fortunato to Draw

I Tht, ö KiltU Mclbourn I hi »le te »r*

dio i alto lion in aietruiwht-ui a-e-i Mebí

luHbctl its tvual funnatioit m thû f -wa ri i7«-rc pultin¿ laulaeu u, Hie centre ttn 1 t ruis ocTÍ» J he resuit was the complete Uisgrsin ¿tion of £ attack and in tead ot bat ins a useful leid (¿w it denned, at the luUrtal. it was fortunate t0 ill scored one tuai St Kilda. pla>i g acairx.ii wind and uphill beean with a heuj attack t_*f

torunj. Iiitinliam to concede Eliot Se. eral badly placed

and Keiwo although mt« kitr. ?.>(-, a hkh, neal n ablo to clear Melbourne g cjal caine ou _* ¿ lApectedly Cu*npbe I t "minta) twins robbe i \\<X of the ball Hie kick «as a little too s nie S e\er and FoIIeik n turned it low mo theV£

" " e net Jollowinji this succès* Mfclbourca^u

1er advance which Mile* ¡nillired »nd tí _ açatnst 1 ruser spoil other dianas S|¿ bad »ereral opuiintr* but failed to use tlutn izi ü -mis flhots of ment came from I ord from brg v-T

The wornl lialf opt ned taraelj with I aul«i]*% Craii: baut to their aocustonud positions The hi? work and Knocks of the first half, howtre- _____ their mark and neither plajed x\\h h s usual di¿ St. Kilda did most of Ihe atiackinc and tcore-d i)> 12 minu'es when F Thorpe passed to the unmi*k¿ centro forward. Sewell Melbourne *as thentiS subjected to a lonç period of attack Btncham aia splendidls from 1 Thorpe Sewell and Lm$ Penalised for * carryhie ' the ball Ringb&m nain fluty sare at the «expense of a corner and altoer-i Melbourne Thi tie was fortnnite to mtb tbelm Tho renlaj will be ot Middle Tark on «Saturdij

I or S* Kilda Ford waa be t. Mckell?) w tx iplmdidly and Campbe 1 cave «p-eit support. î Thorps (former Nan forw rd) via deter __ Retell and Grenfell workid Inri Tor Melbrv-s bingham (in coal) \ale Majno pollock --*-"."*

here conspicuous

Even Game at Box Hill

Hot Hill and South \im proruJed an îniemi-j ncoiinter in th*» othir metropolitan tie Tbe a» opened remnrkablj an not Hill scored in tbel*


Box'Hill attiek ft^dmchisforwirii* well EveitS «OtuT. combmin« tilth McArthur bbtd Stevenson ii other easy Ronl Although in arrears Roi BJ plnjel tho better football, Itrown Heine Pirticuii danserons when near goal Shincles fared t¿ howtTer, hut capí* dated to a low hird shot br C'a coinc full lengtu on the eronnd to sart Roi fij

tho equalifclng coal tpainst i Ftror^ ("efen

rewnrded after S5 minutes when Sh t c e-, » ir-wd failed to dear a «hot I j li rown i'atot 'olb-r' .

. host Rcrred by Arrowsmith Willis Po* G -*

*i* Brown «,

Footscray Wins Hard Game

Footscray Thistle waa at fall tnreneth tintm? __ Manchester Lnity team at "UonthaKct creitinzcK ?turprise in tho tirst minuto oí the rime bj «mi

i rmI It was the result of a fine run and cría by Bobb J Lions contertinr with a «plecdid in rootecray had manj scorinii opportnmtK-s m tit remainder of tho first half, but lacked pace h h

shoot i nR

Shortlj arter the interTal another hnlluat Ed-ment from Bobb saro J leonis his Écconi joai, i particularli fine effort bt un't> s front line rmltí in Scrauçhan reducintr the deni it and a fie-s« o cow ter h the Footscray eoal mouth in the lu minute eirned a corner kirk Time expi el Mci the kick was taken WotilliiiKr. Lnity had a c?»ti¡ defence, but was wcai In attach

Wonthaggi Thistle Fails

A'ter d.«featiue Wontliaetn Maci'ea (cap-bíHíi in the second round \\ontliapci Thistle vu c perted fullj to extend Brunswick which lu ^ poor leaciiß record It failed utterly howoie- vurtu only once and Bmnawick showinc otcellent binaMon it the front Une scored ihe time*.

Junior Cup Final.

Tho junior cup final, placed at «Tiwkr - P<vi,£n fiupportersa thrlllinç display On recent fc Brunsw ck had mu li the better team and beac k well thtt the result appeared certain Its tint p*. «une through Coles after 15 minutes of pliy do I raser eoon CQualised with a snapshot fron 30 jtíi


In the accord hdlf Tninswick attacW consislíEti until a lend of two Goals was obtained D-j¡U foncht desperatelj to retricrc ita ad^ant-aso. le found the defence diíllcult to pas? h cfct zamu from tune however broueht a comer kick rt

placed bj rt,*an and Lrowle stored ard stn¿i from the centre Crowie adi'el anotlcr "Ml after i solo run, mabins the score three goals ca-^b

League Games.

Cnrobc-well had a mmtorlons v^in a:aa«tVW in Rrade 3 rising from sixth to four*h petition t: tho premiership Hat. \\ indfior iinproied its p'ojpcei for proraotiou bj ctaily defeating Kinïsrile L

erado 4

Besults -

Dockerty Cup-Bound 3-Brunswick 5 {Le\r< Bikt.r OeddtB C bemple £) Wontbarsi TbuJe I tCnmpbcll) Fout«tra> Thistle J (T Ijom * Wontnaïgi Manchest-er Lnt>, ] (Scr¿uclan) 6. Kilda 1 {Sewell) Melbourne Thistle 1 ilo-i^l Bot JW! t (Baton Giles, Cobb) vrnth Tt-*, «J IfetevciL-on j)

Bescrres Lup - Round 2 (replaj) - Melbo\r« Thistle, ¿ (Uannan, Holdiiif Mate-) Pi>otsTr»i


Junior Cup -Final-Brunswick 3 (Col^ Tiru ton, \\nchti RrigUton ¿ ( trow le 2 Fran-1

League - Oradt 3.-Cftmben\ell, 2 tB-muchiE W oodstovk), Nobol, 1 Grade 4-Uindsor 6, «kia» Tillo, 2. Bawoetale A, 2 {Hutchison Le flretoa

Heidolberg A, 2 (Wilson 2* Restires -Gide S Prahran 4 (Goldfinch, Smith 2 ¿lorrs) St, Ul

Junior \psociatlon.-Footecray Thistle 1, (Jib-een), lleh'elbcre, 1

Games in Brisbane

BRISBANE Sunda) - The first inUr-eU? .* cer ctmes rIuco 1329 were played «t. M crab ey ju terday, when tuo matches were plas* '

représentée Brisbane and Ipswich. ... -match Ipswich led by 2 «coals to one at baJ-iit* and eight minutes frrT *'-* «-i»«*-T«- ««tVi»«

In the minor ti"" bj 3 coals to

fihenparlon drew with Shei.,T.- .-, -,

"ila forfeited to Shepparton F-ast B Katiccn ifr

foactcd Mooroopm, 5 0


Melbourne Defeats Eastern Snburli

Hie two iii*rt!nt-* oí li-adlne team« cn Satedu both ended lil dedsiro ricione* aud furth« tK Blicati-d Die iiosition at the heal of ion Ut*

tory orer tnia«*r3Ít>, and îia-' iraproTed iu pac tton by a victory oitr a. i-caker team Coi «encrtw the leadcrehip is aeain in doubt anr- tut:««-" tton for fourth plai.o becomes keene- ttian ve University «hlcli haB never had ans »»«"SS-T roachlni; the flnaU in forner sear« Is no* ff«W for fourth place aittli Navy and l-ootscrar To»»

without :

.nil Doone and JfeUo

hard and cien the forward« kecpin». hold

halt for most of tin. time and prt-renttnir -nf lot-».

Ine play Melbourno wa« -»nicker and it« for-n*'; were aiorkinc hardor than nsiiallv but ".»i»" kept to the ball in the loose and p-i"» no.«T» to the Melbourne backs. At half time afellwí; led 3 a In the second half Melbourne keepipil' ball arnon-; the foraaarda. waa too Hood for i**<¡ SuhurlK at its own ïamo, and, without any icnl bat-l> pla* ran up a soo«! score Porter ra.IK* (2). Tas lor and Lonlaail seorctl tri«

converted two For Kastern i-uburw» ~-.., - . , the DalBlelsh brothers Boyd and, Sinclair -tn», best tor Melbonmi. Tiuslcj. Phelan lo/ Taylor «vere toiu-pliuoua

Footscray Defeats University

Tor the Ilrst timo In Ita history rrotscrsj ¿.M Cniversltj In a hard, UioubIi ncraml lint Fame rr .,_...,.. ._ .... . - .. ..-."(^uy lla(- ,ort ^ ya |

".tlntr a shchtl) ni»!:,-:« it fiiiececded at last in innniij

... _ . _ emity pack stood up the tattle» EUt-u-eded lîliiiersity . ridge Pearson aud Lanrii Lni'ersitj tta

,. .. «'«'S ,." ".= -.tboutPjr ... """ _. and lost Hopkin «co concussion 1 ootacray lacked Bridle nut otaraM« had a full team Unlrersita was smsrter brtlnd ¡» pack bul the back» were not «veil protectetl tr" tori« arils and in tbe absence of Sturl-idre "7 incllncal to hann on too loi»- ami lofo tb"* «5' ' inities Bick and Pearson «corod for FooW»!

ul Beyers converted both tne« nobineon titi" a penalty «.oal for Universitj Bick 1 earsoii, Boj» Cuthrle heiraiau »nd Leech »tro taa-in!) «JSp-"" for rootscraa t victory For RobirJJ. Butcher anil Hopkins (until Injurell pi'«"1 alter their alueuce from tho team tlirou-li tniiir? 'trembath Hayden, and Dunlop w«'e ^'-o «='-*? cnttj cockI , . . (V(^

By Sol-Ilntr Navy at bay for a ça*-at pi t of U» match HarKauins confirmed the fsicurabi in*"" sion which it ma le la-t week Althousti it Hi I' to win Its tirst mntih the team i« u v -Une-'1, niore coheidûn anl there 1* some inn roiec* r»

the contre Man r»od Hood-t and ltoltej «.»»' be«t of llarlfquins topvurds Tor Var- Pl"f»7

Cole and Lindsay scored ties and líjan ti»'«« "' pcnalt} coabi Ma«e« fcoreil Harteriiiin s r


and Byan were ¡

in* thr "oiíier* first grade mtitth Gce m ttveiiKini- Hn enrltor d<-feat b> wini

Kilda on the C c lout, ground The nr., -

and trie- lu i all m jnd -.f-Allst.r for Ce. *nf-?

the only score«. I or St K11 la 1 'are (on ti » a*I Twi s, in«' Galil (irunutei from th ivial«) r-*? heit M«.Alisl«r (.ii hnst mil lalla« » relut-1 front of ei-tu lui nu nita k , ,. . r.

-.tUboumt. an 1 «-t Kilda ion nu *J <?.«"",. torieus raivrra in si» onl cr iii« it tlio e'ren*» .»

- - - - ni ¿¡(-»ni Batt-.ll n loo-îSS

rslti No ilp.1 In «

.. j.a'atcfn sill"uria." also loti to Mc!l>oil i »J**

returned to Its nrl> ßood lirra til « »' ."

0 Nnij 12 d llirlii-uin« 3 I

O.iloiii; i ii St Kild

c aioiiouni 11. d Lou si J "j

I ii la teni -mburb- 0 ¡st W11


"All Blacks" Dofcrttcri

*1DM a. Sun la» -In fli

i «-.Wi«. . 1« C

-J 1 lill« to 17 in ti i llr

Uri li llu i, onl

mi Julj li ni th Ihe nl*«ii limn, m i lanl r. Na. ill « Hil « ruin Irm i s< nin< the I ill went t n ii ir burst tliroliK full haik lint hi« i i uni a cliamc mtli

di-, m ith u 1 rilli i

7 dan 1 Ml B1«.1-«

s, on iel

- It » riinnl

s out to i-turtril. roi ?.nar*'

,t Hi, Ml Ul i» era-n-J < ' it tra Hie Vu r lia liri

rllt. ruiinliii. will lilt ni n i tr n areil c«-!»

I/ii In Iront filial to h 11 a illili t Pi", '." tin took a limits ki k lilt the lad I 1 «lT1;, ..JJ

Brill« d h»l int morlliL. c1 >«e lo ti r \t half tim Sen / alii np pul th «e onl hulf

tink» I rom u PLiiulty I

1 (ti-al from ' ' '

from mar th > Inn 1 , ' "'?* ",

at i, all st,!,»,ill « a» «mili s I-», -r,.,."1!, .... lut c utiimc-r t« 1 liibt ni ir-vl «ii»," literprlsllll- rhu .\liilrnlli -.alni«! Il e 1 s«l >'-! .ailinn from ueiir th. Ifft nins I ! 1, i-".?*,"?

At lill the lisltor.

caine -ifciiin

eoniertel «ann i but Linton fuile i

l (inía to ¿ern in He .'»?' K

is,! I.e.oal Ile S ; -"«''».I

d I tirrill-« sum-d a tr' i«I i-b roll'

nni&nVM Smiliy - lu th« ?»"'"}rBi?ia crude piouil rship IUIiiiyj if the Uiisbv jf-y\ far tot ii roonwrou b> li. iwmi-t ,.'' .li!1 SnS Urothers, IS to li und '\arsit* d ,"'"i'T*:8« urb» by l'l to 9 In "twby Lnlon Ixtiir-j JJ»,j d 'Van, ty 1 y S to S und Brother», ami '.rut \?3, Schools'Old Boas drew 12 all The M___ JT» 1 lia-nto Umrlst», with almost a Te«t 13 .f,''*«!~ , .tren« Ipawl-h team yesterday by 10 Solnl» v> J