Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Friday 8 April 1932, page 7




Tributes to Great Horse.

Remains to be Preserved.

MENLO PARK (Cal.), April 6.

Mr. D. J. Davis, part-owner of Phar Lap, arrived by air from Los Angeles, and he was greatly moved when he viewed Phar Lap's remains in the stable, over w hich an attendant had kept an all night »lgil l'nends suggested that the tincase should be mounted and plated on displaj b» some joikej club Mi

Neilson, the »etcnnaii suigeon, said that the gastt ic disordei noticed on faiindnj was probablj caused lij the hoise nibbling foxtail ot damp alfalfa Mi Dans ad-mitted that the journcj tiom Austiah.i might baie weakened the gelding Tie added that be » alticd Phar L.ip ,it 500,000 dolíais (£100,000)

I intim liiicstig.itiou of I'll i r Laps death was ot dei oil on W'ednesdij bj his ow net (Mi Dans), although ícpoits that the hoi se had been poisoned aie discounted 'Hie c.nise of de ith »».is diagnosed on Tuesday as »elie, induced b> giecti feed nibbled ft ou a Californian held Mi Lil

Penj, the wealth} laang mm, .it whoso stables Phill Lap dud, said that in addi tion to coln, a liai el lump ot feed »».is found in the hoi«e's stomach Pen j ex pressed the belief that Phot Lap's hie might lia»e been sa» ed if colic alone had caused lu? illness Mt Dans said -' 1 can not conccne anj bend who might baie been i icious enough to poison Ph ir l^ap, but I baie neiei heaid ol a horse djmg fiom colic m just such a waj ns Phar Lap did, and I belieie 1 owe it lo othei racing men to make a tbotough miestigation Thcie is .1 chance that Phai Lap poisoned accidental!} If that was so we »»ant to know about it "

No Further Inquiry.


Speaking of turnout s that poisoning is suspected to be the cause of Ph ii Lap s dcuth, Mr Dans announced on W cdnesdo» that the fiist findings which attiibtitcd it to colic had been dehnitel» accepted Aftci haling confeired with the jockcj \V Llliol

he sud that theie would le no tuither


Remains Being Mounted.

A taxulcimist began on the woik of mounting Pim Laps icninm» on \\ cdncs da» Although lobe is geneiall» accepted as the lause ot lils death, limioiiis in some quaitcis hinted tint the hoise died f-om the effects of poison plaicd in his feed bn. It is lepoited that the Coieiiiments of Austiaha and Now /elland lime icqiiestel that the remains be shipped to those tonn


Regret in America.

How News Was Received

NL\V AOhlx A pi ii o

Deaths of fimous hoiscs line since nntiquitj otfcied occasion foi lemnkible eulogies but it is salo to sij that the eino tional appeal made to the American people by Thai Laps tingle enduit, is exttnouli uni j When iii st the neus xi is flished oiei the mies to gi cat Ameiican IICAIS agencies it ins m the foi m of an mix ended lepott and oxen aftei the news xias xeiified details of the citeiinistanees weie not anil ible foi i eonstdei tble time ITicii tin dlj xihen the stoij nas mitten it Aias bnef His illness n is sudden ind the end carne quieklj All night howcAei theie ins the task of communicitine, with luif îep lesentatnes xi ho xieie in some AIUV con eel ned xnth Pim Laps Ameiican A enture oí n hose intciist in thoioui,hbreds cn abled them to speik nith authoritA 1 hu-. bl ti uni line telephone telegraph ml mcssongci tomment pouied in list

an 1 to du

AlniiA neii'P ipeis iniispieuousli nc1 the news of Phil I ip s deilh n li nt pages xesteuln ind to d ij Ile Vc.u i Caliente ncwsiecl Illili UAIII" ixtensiic news of the i ice mil close up« ct the liol se with his ti nnei has also been show ti tin iinJiotit the countij It unused cien ni these lei t inteiistcd in inclue, i close i ii Iciest in Phu I ip md soniethin. ot this i iclleeted in the fut that one Vinci lean uiiiguinc with i xnde eiieulition will erny in it. issue next week cibled iccounts of how the news of the boises deith was lecened m Australn

Pi ess Eulogies

V leiding utielc in the loionti t lebe

sij s - l?cgisuä had the poAvci ol t iiising with the blows of his hoofs i spun,, ot poetic imagination to flow fiom the liiuuii tuinsidc J he thundei of Phu Lips hoofs caine is neal to inspiring poctn m the bieasts of i ice.oeis ns «n\ sound can ind the emotions lie ciokcd in loieis of his kind weie as sincere i tubute to Ins Uice power and speed as anj that mere poet ton Id pioduce

"Death a Great Blow"

Hie man undei »»hose tegis Phai Lap ian his onlj Vinci ii in ince (Ali James Crofton) said in an interne»» with a leptc sentatne of the Vustralim 1' Associa tion - Pliat Laps death is n gi eat blow to the lint 1 slnic the icgict of -Vus tullian turf folloiveis nt the Iocs of a super horse Colonel Winn of the Ai Illiston Pmk íacecouisc Chitado »»beic a lace foi Pliai Lap hid bein aiuingcd said - His loss is gieat to ming inteiests in the Cnited "states Ile would line been

womliifiil stimuliut lu i nmg hcic lins


1 i oin li ei lights of the \inii i an I in f ionic tile most pictmesqiie leictions One such sus- \ll the »»mid inouins to d lj the i lssnig ot Austinhis wonder hoi»e whose silks hn\c bien low ned ni the tin final ihiptci of a nicer is "Minorons,

is mj in the biston of i nmg Vnothci ex[iesses teeret at the de ith which slmck lc»en bcfoie the wicath of roses non mug

the opening ot bus cireci in Ameuci had


? A arious newspipcis carn loading in tules

leiounting the hoi se s nihieicments and iipicssing ligiet at his death Hie New Yotk Sun'SHS- The big gcldtug ins to Austiahiins what Afano War was to Vinciicans ' llic New Yoik rimes' sins

- 1 bous mils not connected w ith the I uri wcic nttiacled to Phar Lap bj stones of Ins icninikablc good temper and plajful

ness '

Spcakiii" of Pinn Lips deitli Will Rogers the humorist said - it is too bul \ustiaht Pliai J lp »»is just a hoise but he bi ought »on hoiioui mil icpicsentcd jon nobl» foi lou nc»ci sn» a i,ood hoi se gio»» »»hcic a good man did

not gio»»

No Insuiance

All \LO PVKK (California) Api Ü

Mis PHIS »»ife of the ownn ot 1'liiu lap said that her husband hid ícluscd in nttrnitne nffn foi Phar Lap She dod ned tint tin (.elding was not in m..1 We no»cr eonsidcied the lommeinil is petts of Bobb» With us the spoiling phise »»as cieiiilunB That is »»h»

nciei instiled lum '


Wanted by Institute of Anatomy

CVINBI III A Ihmsdai -Hie dnectoi if the Commonwealth Institute of Aiintomj (bu Cohn Alnckcn/ie) suggests that Plnr I np s hellt ns nell as his skeleton shmll be sent to Cinbeua foi peiiniineiit pie e Aatiou Apiti fiom its sentimental mtei est the impôt I mee of the hciut to un Hi mists and biccdeis in studjing tile exoil ti u of inechoiscs was empli isistd bl ^ i ( i lui Alnckemio to d u I luoui,li Di bte i mt Alack IA of biilnij bn Cohn Alnekcn /le hopes ti negotiate with the owneis of Pim Lip Messis lelfoid und OUAIS foi the skeleton Phar lap is Viistmlins national hcio he said and his i dies should be housed at the national Capital '

The skeletons of two othei famous lace boises Ataltstci and Comedí King will be set np at the Institute of Anntomx I he bones of Comedy King bax o ilieadj been recen ed and aie being set up and those of Alnltstei aie expected m a fcAi xxceks