Barrier Miner (Broken Hill, NSW : 1888 - 1954), Thursday 30 March 1899, page 3


THEKE is news from the West that Mr. Isaac Lloyd has died at the Kalgooilie Hos aital of peritonitis, after a few days' illness.

lMr. Lloyd was one of the pioneers of Broken Hill. He was very early in business in partnership with Mr. J. J. Williams, on the site now occupied by Messrs. Lucas and Co., D. D. Murray, and others. Later on he began to build what is now the Crystal Theatre ; the walls were put up with the intention of having n horse bazaar", & etc, there. Then the skating boom came along, und the place was converted into a rink. Mr. Lloyd had been away from Broken Hill for six or seven


A pleasing ceremony took pince on Mondny evening at tho establishment of Mr, F, \V. Wiekes, of Oxide-street, when his employees met and presented Mr. Wiekes (who was married yesterday) with a handsomo travel-ling bag for himself and a set of sliver knives and forks for the future Mis. Wiekes. The senior employee made the presentation on be-half ot his fellow-workmen, and, in n neat speech, expressed the esteem in which nil held Mr. Wiekes. Ile also pointed out with pleasure tho good feeliug which existed be-tween employer and employees. Mr. Wiekes heartily thanked the donors for their gifts, and expressed his pleasure nt having BO won

their esteem.

In January Inst a tnblo was unveiled in Broad Hembury Church, Devonshire, lang-land, to tho memory of the Bey. Augustus Toplady, who wroto " Bock of Ages," ono of thu best-known hy ms in thc English language. The rev. gentleman first published his im-mortal hymn in 17TG in the "Gospol Magazine," which he edited.

Dr. George Macdonald, thc author, says an English correspondent, bas been removed to Iiis home nt Botdighera. ITe bore the journey fairly well. He wns in a very weak state of health. He still, however, greatly enjoys music, and is thc loving care of his family. The story by Dr. Macdonald published in the Christmas Sketch is in nil probability thc last thing ho will write.

Tho death Is reported from Adelaide of Mr. George Lockwood, a colonist of CO years.

A valedictory social lins been tendered by tho Mount Bryan people to Mr. George Hnrry nnd family, who aro leaving there for Broken Hil!. "For ninny years past," the Burra Record says, " Mr. Harry has taken n veiy active patt In the welfare of the district." Hu luis been n prominent worker in connection with tho Bible Christian Church.

Mr. P. J. O'Driscoll, who for nine years has been resident secretary of the Citizens' Lifo Assurance Company In Adelaide, baa been transferred lo n similar position in the head office, Sydney. Tho new secictary, Mr. A. G. Copeland, has been ll years in the company's service, nnd has just tilled the position of acting resident secretary of thc Sydney branch. Ho is reported to hnve n perfect knowledge of the industrial brunell


Tho friends of Mr. Daniel Massey, brother of Messrs. Hugh nnd J, C. Massey, will be sorry to hear of his death, which occurred at Fremantle, West Australia, on tho 2Sth


Mr. Frank Horwood, a brother ot Mr. E. J. Horwood, of the Proprietary, tins been appointed manager of thu Great Boulder Junction Beefs. The nntoriouJ Butler worked on some of F. Horwood's credentials.

Tho will of tho late Mr. John Frew, of Hedley Park, Mount Gambler, hus been filed Jor probate, the estate being sworn at under £31,000. The bequests ate all to members of deceased's family.

Mr. John Plumper Hoolan has issued a writ against the Charters Towers Eagle for libel. Mr. Lesina, the lately elected member for Clermont, is the editor of the paper men-tioned. Mr. Hoolan used to belong to the Labor Party. But he doesn't now.

Miss Christina L. Goode, daughter of Mr. Matthew Goode, of Adelaide, who went to Melbourne two years ago to continue her studies at the Melbourne University, has successfully completed her medical course, having obtained honors in medicine, surgery,

and obstetrics.

Mr. John Low, thc .Chief Inspector of Public Watering Places, left by steamer on

Thursday afternoon for Mcnlndle, eu route for South Australia. This gentleman ia on sick leave, but is now much improved in health and is seeking thc benefit of n change. During his nbience Mr. J. B, Cnhill will administer the duties of his office.-Wil-

cannia Grazier._