Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Wednesday 10 June 1931, page 1


ni order to puard arainst imposition. Birth. Mirria-« D*-"1' mi In 1Iemomm notices niuit J, aatbcDti»tcd bi- «onie rcputaialc perron to

asare their insertion.]

«rth Mama« Death Perca» ement, In Memo

ra«. 'rd J""0"1 Noticc up t0 G llncs. 3^'

otu line) at ed

Tjrjird apair t error, advertisers are ron,ucstt.d

lo write all came» clear!» io block letters.


BAUMGARTNER (nee Searle). — On the 30th

May, at Windemere private hospital, the wife of Frank Baumgartner, Alta street, Canterbury—

a daughter.

HALL.—On the 8th June, at Quisisana, Dande-

nong road, to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hall, 93 Clare mont avenue, Malvern—a daughter (June Marian.)

MUSTAR (nee Margot Munro).—On the 5th June, at Madeline, Royal parade, Royal Park, to Captain and Mrs. Mustar - a daughter (Helen Paula. (Both well.)

TROUP.—On the 7th June, at private hospital,

Perth, W.A., the wife of Dr. Gilbert Troup—a daughter.


MATHESON-COBURN.—[Ruby Wedding.]—On the 10th June, 1891, at the Presbyterian Church, Linton, by the Rev. J. Drummond, William, second son of James Matheson and the late Mar-garet Mathesen, Mortlake, to Emily, third daugh-ter of the late D. and E. Coburn, Linton. (Present

address, 107 Albert street, Geelong West.)

MATTHEWS—RUDD.—[Ruby Wedding.]. — On the 18th June, 1891, at Horsham, by the Rev. J. O'Brien, James Matthews to Mary Ellen Rudd, late of Horsham. (Present address, 315 Glen-huntly road, Caulfied) (Adelaide papers please copy.)


SHALLBERG.—The Rev. J. H. and Mrs. Shall-

berg desire to Thank all their frie-nds for their loving congratulations on the

occasion of their golden wedding which were too

numerous to answer

individually. Will they kindly accept this



BARBER.—On the 8th June at Melbourne, Alexander, 1 ! ii » 1 of le in lou! ~ IVd '-<» I '""ri- of ''"> ^ "lorian pol»

-« (lnate intiind) -TI.» «ill le-


BARBER.—On ti' Mil lui e Aloa: in 1er, dcarl» ma lather c! Jao lu» d father ni h»» of Snne, loirs fra Ipi t ' 1 ind '<a» -u re t

BARRETT-On tie 'tli lune 3 '"31, Jlichard M iM ludan 1 f Manrarct 11 llrett o{ Tulla

E n Kane t- re t V t I re ton loved brother of Varr (Mrs. Ma lomiclt PuWin Inland), Martin Jim« (decra i 1) \\ illiam (deceased) \.nni (Wrt lluon It« ' ' H l'on (Mr« M icantoçatt

jditr) »nd Willili i of Dublin Irclin) -S.Ir dublin m«i, pi isc con )

BURGESS.—On the 9th June, at the vicarage, Willaura, Harvey Lambert, dearly loved infant son of the Rev. L. and Mrs. Burgess, baby brother of Gregory (deceased) and Beatrice, aged 1 year and 9 months.

CANNON.—On ti til bine, at the re-tdence (1 Itr St.rddl "I er (Mr* W It ti -.11) 11 HAl Itr t 1 l Malt em T«alicll 1 » 1 lo« ot JnmUnn ol Uni fi Id aged ' o »cir - St

i it.

CANTY.—On the 9th June, 1931, at the Woman's Hospital, Carlton, Hilda May, dearly beloved wife of John Canty, of Lancefield, loved mother of Alan, Gladys, John (deceased), Alma, John, Joyce, Mavis, Olive (deceased), Lorna, and Ivan, aged 42 years.

CARROLL—On the "tri lune at 5 Merton it*, til «rl Puk Irtei Pavid late or Moor «ra í irlv I dill nid of Neill Man ind let-i (litter M M i i an! Dave -1. I P

CARROLL.—On ti <th line nt o Merton UKI Mh.tL ar. Vrai i llntd (ii ink) lovel ij<M[-. I l. anl the late II ( irroll ii«-) ¡».rd hell cr rt 1 and the lite W Carroll


CHURCH.—On the 4th 1m e at T route,, I aV ll-ouf S-V. Claries i bun Church, tollu

r c1 \c a tie

COLEMAN-On tie Mi lune it Heidelberg tar tie did I o,I wife of toi Colcimn vi'rars -\ r iticit «iiflcrir at rest (Wen J en!» I n i« i ! j e c pi )

COLLIN-On the 9th June, at her residence, 5

t'-tlt tr 1 lia ! let Ol - Mer tie deirlv /«j ml (I tie lae \itlur Collin in her Suth

COTTER -0 le "»til line Jinn- Tielvn < tbio»«l diisltt'U Irlinaul Marv Cottn r'1 fhatlcî >h t \« tvale lo# 1 M II r o ïratt Oír llalli) lohn William ind A in it. red *> veir -lil 1'

COTTER-On the 1lli line *nne thebelrvil «ictMr and Mr. ileah, of J Vrgvlc Mnet I-«lend« -lill

"w «[SWELL-On tie 1" Mu, nt Top=e Hill

t'lcV ciirrei °olrnel i Iniund W t_neivell

î»iî Erçîneen (Iletd ) 1 rother of \ ice \ Itinral e 1 R Cres veil aped SI kit

EDWARDS-Oi the ith lui" at lu« - -i I nee M-sdal «trrtt \rnn lal W liter durlv «ibJ'banl of »hi J) and lovn"' fallet u Il r ijcd a veir*

FLANAGAN-Û Ile H lune at Donald \iy rlansan lou I miller M Dr William harm ol Donald a ed ii ¿is -Pe^t m


MiDON-On the 'ih lune it \rnat =aiah t 1 ti the late ( reto don Mo mt C le cWeMcai (Mr 1 i let) ( hirlotf (Mrs lu > K) Bril» (Mr< r rollet) \iini (Mr Warren etl»d) «tevc (deeei«td) Charlie (deceit.)), J Wt stan!ei ai d H llfrcd -UIKI

WILL - On Me "rd lune at Chinkapook fi ii k Ro 1 lot I b in. father of Tun and lihn ipi Fl i ar« latefrl'O Me I ourne - Y I I Utft'l V|4n rRitaii, L nweri )

HOLDSWORTH-O i the Mh Tun" at o Simuarenie }j«t Mil ein I iroline <-irih be 1 red vlf» of II nrv t odfrcv ii d lov inri motin r ' Dorotlei .r 1 Sal -No* lost but ¿on t fee »nlerrerl rnvalelv )

HOWLING-On the °th Time at Melbourne Ï1 pltrt li tle-ilv lelovel vite of Utluir 1 «j mother of t lenwlle agel JO ains -


HOWLING-Ol tie 1th line at M II rnme lr Uo c1 n of II II and I \ Uavi 1 on

iralule - a U nil« e 1

JEWELL-0 tie Ith lune («ulieilv) at hi ^dm« ol Wai r'ev t 1 « l don 1 rai k t!

eortd hrotler nf Mi 1 I Hil ill (Neuport)

'J ed vírele o( \if Ile- e (Mr« (force) Chatio« líewtd) Ihm and Hill -MIK t «t memories

LINDSAY _ Oi tie Mh lune (fuéllenla) at In«!« Mr iii tink (\ ) Mini i 1 ereiMl lador Mo el lu«bii I of le si Manon and Hlri (aller f Min i md M nu ne

MARSHMAN - On the 9th June, 1931, at the Mel-

bourne Hospital, Margaret Sarah, dearly beloved wife of Robert Marshman, of Archies Creek, via Wonthaggi, and loving mother of Albert, Wil-liam and Alfred, aged 37 years.

MARSHMAN - On the 9th June, Margaret (Dolly), dearly beloved youngest daughter of Peter and Margaret Whittet, and loving sister of Jessie (Mrs. Laing, Poowong East) and Annie (Women's

Hospital, Carlton.

McINTOSH-On the 9th June, at private hospital Richmond, Peter Henry, dearly beloved hus-

band of Margaret V. McIntosh, and devoted daddy of Maggie, of 12 Cunningham street, Northcote South, aged 57 years. —One of the best.

McINTOSH.—On the 9th June, at private hos-pital, Richmond, Peter Henry, beloved brother-in-law of Isabella M. Richards, Ravenswood, Belgrave. —Some day we'll understand.

MELDE.- On ti» St h lune

r-cC-tr. r « I'ne "M Clenfcrno Ii 1 Partían 1 rln«: little ! > \ tli» late Waller Molle a Iftlirol Mai ti i~fi ä icar«

'«. irletment )

MELDE-On (lie Mh lime at 114 (.lenferne "4 Malvern 1 anl Itanlhan larln g littb "aivhou ni (ni i? ( |t1| 1n(] "epheiv of Will Jaira» (Mis Oreen) Winnie (Mi Mtileahv) *llv Molli» (s,«lcr M i,,,,,,!!,, ) j ,]v, Hank > «er ail Doll a~ej vears -K11

tniINEST°" ,1<' ntl1 June at In, residence 'imam TI omis the deirlv loved v ounce t son «rdrard and Caroline Riine« of New Gi bettie a«d25iein -teaeefulli ulecpintr

«.u,ELL,r0n ,hc Stn Jl""i (Middenlv) at Caul »<M hoi llhmlre liti.l ji,d of Dorothv ^vvcll

SHUREY -On the Mh June at his residence 27 ¡tin li,,'ct ^ndon Ml ert belo» e 1 hu I an I ¡!.i, r ,lr" 'M"' Moved son of Mfred ind ^..'"''arah Miurev tcloved brother of \lfred U.Ï.J1" Jart' ^laS »-mil» 1 ileen - \ i«, o,im,e"r,al rctt Cnteired Ilnchton Cerne

im stti j m« v,

SINCLAIR - On the 8th June (result of motor accident), at Alfred Hospital, Alexander Sinclair, loving brother of William (Ascotvale), David,

Robert, Maggie (deceased), Jessie (deceased), aged 30 years. A colonist of 76 years. (Remains at

Sent ) 8 r,1rloure' Moonee Pond Pri» ate USHER - On the 9th June, 1931, at his resi-

Vim«."1!! 1î,,on s,r",t Oeelone, Willi ina 1 k, »"-ihp, ,1<",rh '««1 husband of Horn efrlÄfrK,°' clni-hon) anl lo»lue; brother tn^oree T ",, s ll|a , s h


\od lr

Bel g m c

t his

pr mel

oíd M

ihorrt of i

irr ii' il at

little I! I 1



ÄER^CNr'" ]ml' f mentor» of otu dear ones ft,So1 ',"*' "lh >'">' "»', it HrlRhton Sll« living tithe, \rtliur (11 it) loti, lune »oled ¿»I5"i0"? ,r,ln,c 'ospltal M Kilda de ¿«, thal»'1 ic,rv ~MI 5«' f1 «'«"» from the C da» ,en"'"] ,vlth thc,r Prince and lo»o ¿>T day ne 11 undiwiml (ln.erted 1 j L , II ,

üí>¿nE!i5'~íD lwIn«T memor» of Oscar William

t. i liJ'î,;lcd tllls '"c J""« '0. 1J23 « 1 Imcd him so I ml«, him, iii..?* mctnwy he is dear

I. ., rt'nenibereü longed for alwajs -(A p v S'1119 ""other »ear

BUCKIE ,' 2I! Unils ou:""c. S0"»» "»«T )

»other Fltr,~r " ,ovl"(i ra<,mor> of our dear

Jtnnle Jîr« c,Sr ,0llnK mornorj of dear Atintlo

Auntie AhJ.-I1 Io,inl:: memorj of our denr H JMtj ' ° p1KC<1 0H^ !lt Belmont, Juno

TJA1»' ,<!l!tn tmi T¿ true,

S«aÄurric)U11S Mmle' TX JUM Cm°n>

»lo l??11,-111 '"î'1 niemorv of mj dent sls'er,' ni. L?£ "wrr m< ,un«. 1"^ -I"» <l«v re i*Ä£)no " (lnKrtcJ byhn «"'J' *st*c>


DAVIS-In fond memorv of our dear mother «ho passed away on tho 1th June 1127 - Uvvavs remembered (Inserted bv her losing daughter '?adie son Johr, and grandson Godfiev )

FAIRLEY-In loving memorj of Rollt who was accidentally killed on the 10th June 1%0 (In «ortrd bj Mr and Mr« Orchard Dot , and Keith )

HEDLEY -In loving memoir of our dear mother Mice Hedley who cassod aw i> at her r sid«.! ce Bridgenater on loddon lune 10 1129 -To mern orj e\erdear (Inserted by her ton and two dalith


HOWIE-In loving memory of my dearlv loved husband and our dear daddy, who passed away on June 10, 1930 (Inserted bv his wife and family, Jean, Ailsa, Kelvin and Jack, Box Hill)

HOWIE-In loving memory of Robert Adams who passed awav on the 10th June, 1930, dearly loved brother- in- law of J.M. and E. Smith, loved uncle of Bruce, Jean and Marjorie.

Loving and true in all his ways

Upright and just to the end of his days Sincere and kind in heart and mind

What a beautiful memory to leave behind.

HOWIE-In memory of Mr Robert A. Howie

of Kilmarnock , Albion road Box Hill, who died June 10 1930. Faithful friend of Chris Ingram, wife, and family, Canterbury.

LYSAGHT -In fond ana u v mg memory of James lysaght who pi^d away at E »endon on the 10th Tune 1110 -Ke»t in peace (In en ni tv In loving sin Harold daughter in Hw, and grandson

Bernard )

MEARS-In loving memory of our dear mother who die 1 on 10th lune H27 al«o our d ar fitber who died on 2l«t Fel ruin 1122 -Iver rein ra bercd (Inserted bv their lovirg elllldrin )

MEYEPS-In loving memory of niv deir hue

bind and our dc3r father Chark» vrho passe 1

10th June 1"26. (Inserted Iv hi» ¡ovin,,

wife and familv )

NEYLAND - In loving memory of my dear hus-band and our dear father who passed away at Sunshine on the 10th June 1922 -Memories (Inserted by his loving wife and family.)

PARKER -In loy big memory of our deir mother who passed awiv on the 10th lune 1°"0 at Glenoin toa I Caulflell -Our sweetest gift remembrance (Ins rted bv her loving famijv )

QUINN-In lovirg memory of mv deir wif

«tolla Mirv \s-tlov vhoiasol ivnv on the lOtb lune Vs 1 vite I mother of Mat ml Netta ml Jeir v lovr I in I onlv rhil 1 of HtrUit ni 1 1 lilli to! of Mylvcn ii 1 ii 1 Chapel str et

lulu i -Tin «ii] I*, don

SLOUGH-In loy ina- memo v of mv loir lus Kind and fither Fry dene» Moiuh v ho )as.ed awaj on the 10th lune 11"0

\« we loy M1 you so we mies j ou

Thoig'its of vol are alwai« neir

remember d longed for al ay s

u ^

it di


and diuglitei -(Incite 1 Iv his 1< BllCx Rook )

STURROCK-In loving memon of our deir fither alexander who depirted til Hie 10th lune pi"0 ?-Mer remembered (1 isrrted bv ii daughter Kitty and son in hw Claries)

TERDICH - In loving memory of our den moth r who pissc I awiv on lune 1 l^O -Iver remembered (In erted bv the familv )

WALTER (nee scott) -In loving memorj of otu ?ir «i ter who died 10th June 110ij (J in I r

Coffey )


TSAAC-.-The '¡ons anl Daughters of tie lite

Mrs \NNIV Is-WCs desire to THWk th ii lelitives in I frl nds for their kin 1 c\|ri"Mois cf .-vinpithv in their recent sill r aicmcnt I iH

12 Burnett street St Kild:

MI and Mrs M \H-I-~rlONI

Be lilli wish to THvAK tie IÎ ( lo » their minv kind fnenls ind rf th r kindness in their leeent sid lerra

id li



\ tun I -Mrc I NOW y

-* return sincere TIUNKs ty relit. . _ lour ti »ni ml f Hov employe s (or ovares M ns of (.vmiathv pei^onal visits tel grims Jet

t*r nils in I floral tribute in their rennt liereavrment "Will all plea e accept thi is our I cr omi gratitide .0 Min street Itichmoil I

T 1


B\nn - Tío Pemiin« of the lite Mr« T

.-TODD MÎT B Utlt of Biri«sie Lower =indv l!iv Hoi art will be cremated at fawkner after a service conducted in the Meltourne Crematorium Chapel THIS D\» (Welnesdiv the 10th lune) it 11 i ni 1 v the Rev Di V Borland of N.OU Chuich Melbourne

\ A >LLIGH r I TI LTD Cent 410


BUiRETT - The Friend« of the lite Mr

I ICH \HI) r \RItFTT ar mt rmed tint li » luneial will leave ins T silence Tullamore Tí ne street West I reston Ulis im (Wednesday)

ii " o clock I ni for th Pov. Hill Lcm ten arriving it lo dull

I \ > HOI LJ> runeril Director« only Millern addre <* op station Malvern Phono LU ~

CANTY.-The Friends of Mr. JOHN CANTY,

of Lancefield, are respectfully informed that the remains of his dearly beloved wife, Hilda

May, will be interred in the Lancefield Cemetery.

The funeral will arrive at Lancefield THIS DAY (Wednesday, 10th June, 1931), at 2.30 p.m.

JOSIAH HOLDSWORTH, Funeral Director, 380

Lvgon street, Carlton. 'Phone F1292.

COIIIN - The rriend« of the late U ICF

COI I IN ire re«p etfullv t ohfied that lei , f nierai «ill leave her resin j Clem nt

treet Dindrnoi g TIiI-«I>\i (Wc]nc«Jiv 10th I lure) at i clock ni pine d to st James

t hurch of 1 ¡(.Inn I Lol gliorne «trcet wl ere a «er vice will le held thci co to pliec of ntcriiicnt in the Dindenong C meterv

I V ILIUM I OvRWr r« nil 1) reetor It

Milk r «tr et Dindenong ind i*" O míname

11 oi Dan 1 "O'

f Ile late Mi 1/V IMNNOCK ne infoimel ti at li

tumral will airive at the Brighton Ccmeterj Till D \.\ (W edne-dav ), at 2 o oloc* p m

- The Friends of the lite Mr«

IAN M *N ne informel that lei funeral «ill lene the Church of Merri Heart (iv street ^t Killi lo morro v (Tlir'div) it 10 oclock a ni f r the loy. Hill Cemetery arnviui, at al out li o clock

1! v. 11)01 1 DS 1 mrral üiicctu> onh Malvern a I 1res* St ition street op Malvern et ition I hone I 11." _

HOWI1NU - Hie friends cf Mi \l Till I '

HOW UNO of Iikenhim ire inforn I ilia

tie rem lis of ILS late leloycd wife, Ivv y 111 |

be uitiired in the st Kilda lemcter}

The funeral i» ni inted to move fiom ti . res lente of her | aret ts (Mr 1 1 lav ii on) " Wilgah street 1 ist st Kilda 1 HIS DU (Wei nesdav loth June) at 4 i m

\I1* \ND MJNs in LTD Inlertakcrs vt Kil H Phone 71 W Tv _

T1ND-W - The Friend« of the lite Mr

-VrWLEi rtnen M, LIND'U of Hume Park, ' Strath Creek, arc informed that 1 is re nmns will IK interred in the Brighton Cemetery

TI e funeral will leave B Matthews Ttv His Mortuary Chapel 102 Toora road soutli 'iirra Tills DW (Wcdnesr'aj, 10th June) at 2 o clock


AÍ'iIi^'lMSN - The 1 riends of Mr ROBIRT -'J- MiRsilMVN of, archie «. Creek via Won thaggl are rs|octfilltv informel that the le nmns of hit, deirlj beloved wife Margaret sirih will be lnterrc 1 In the Nccupolis string ile

The funeral will leave the l-uneial Parlour of T Holdsworth "SO 0S2 Lvgon street Cirlton lomoirow (Th ir=lnv, June 11) at 10 o clock

lite I ni-II _ .. -.d tint ins r milni will bt. iiiKrud in the Melbourne Cemetery


The fiincril will leave hi« re idenc» Cunning ham street Northcote south To morro v Ohm> div thy 11th lune) at 2 30 p m

I URO! «ON and SON Funeral Duectors 712 Ililli street Ihorulurv (iel JW303"), 110 John

pton stteet Collingyyood

MCINTOSH-Tuscan lodge No .41 A V ai 1

\ Masons of victoria- The Brethren of th

above Lodge and the Cinft in genera] aro invited to attend the funeral of the late W or Bro 111LU


Tin- funeral will leave lils late i i lenee 12 Cunninghim street Northcote Siuth To morro« (Thurslav the 11th lum) fir the MeUoiimc Ueneral Cemetery Cirlton it 2 30 p m

C N JOM s Master

TllOS M K1 FN 1 M Sorrel iri

McIN TOSH -City of Melbourne Hov 1 \rch

Chapter î-o 8- The Companions of the above Chapter and the Oidir in general ire united ti attend the funeral of our late Companion I'LTLR


The funeral will leave his late residenrc 12 Cunningham street Tsortlicote bouth, To morro« (Thunda j, the 11th lune) for Melbourne Cemeterj Carlton, at 2 30 p m


F C IF vXI! senhe 1

RUWS _ The Friends of the lite Will UM

ri!0\tv.S RUMS are rrspecttnllv invited to follow his l em lins to OUburnc Cemel IJ

Hie funeral will leave his patents residence Ne« Gisborne. THIS DU (Wednesday), at 3

p ni

ii. MURRAY, UndetUke*, -phone Gisboro» KU


CLMMFRS-V rienda of the late Miss S*.R\H ?-> SUMMERS are respectfully invited to folio« her reunin« to the place of interment, the Borooi.

dara Cemetery Kew

The inner ii will moie from the residence of her sister (Mrc Nellie \ndisnn), 7> Manningtroc roid, II ivy thora Tills Dil (Wednesday, 10th June) nt 2 30 p ni

llfcRUERr hl\G ind SON« tunera] Director«, Burwood road Hawthorn 'Phone Hav ISao

UsiiLIl - The Friends of the late Mr «A ILI1 \\l

MVITIDW LMII 1. (of Geelong nnd formerly of Chirlton) ar respectfully informed tint his Kinains will be interred in t lie New (»nierai Cerne

cn, (»edon,.

Hie fuiioril i« appointed to leave his residence 3 Swanston «trat, l.ulomr, Tomorrow (Iltur« ii the lilli .Inn , 1131), it 2 o clock pin

MEN MONRO, riincri] Directoi, Jl llvrie tri t Geelong Thone 1"^ti_

WIMAJND - The 1 riend« of Mr IOHN

" WIIULM) arc informed tint the luneial of 1 ins tleirlv beloiul «in David lionel will le

his re«idiiia, >3 ( hde stieir, ()iklin,li lill» (Wednesday) MORNING it 10 o i lock for th Brighton Cemetery, arriving at 10 "0

10 \therton