South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Friday 19 October 1883, page 2

RELIGIOUS NOTICES CONGREGATIONAL UNION AND HOME MISSION OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA, The HALF-YEARLY MEETING will ne held in GAWLER, on TUESDAY, October 23. Chairman Mr. Richard Searle. PROGRAMME. Chairman's Address. Paper on Sydney Jubilee Conference. Resolution on Proposed Jubilee Con-ference in Adelaide, 1887. Intercolonial News-paper. Reports.—Executtive Committee. Finance. Pro-perty. Lay Preachers' Association. Ministers' Provident Fund. Union College. Council of Reference. Ministers' Board of Advice. Training of Sunday-school Teachers. Note.- A SPECIAL TRAIN will leave Adelaide at 8.45 a.m.| returning from Gawler at 9.15 p.m. Return tickets, 7a. 6d. each, to be obtained from the Chair man, Secretary, Mr. G. P. Doolette, and Mr. J. Taster. Ladies are specially invited. J. C. HcfflCHAEL, 292'5 Corresponding and Minute Secretary. CITY MIDDAY PRAYER MEETING Daily (except Sundays), Y.M.C.A. Rooms' Gawler-place, at 12.30. PUBLIC NOTICES CITY OF ADELAIDE. GUY FAWKES' ANNIVERSARY, NOVEMBER 5, 1883. PUBLIC BEQUEST h hereby made to Citizens and others commemorating the ANNIVERSARY of the GUNPOWDER PLOT on the 5th day of November proximo to use every CAUTION in so doing, in order to prevent fire occurring in the Park Lands and other Reserves from the CARELESS USE of FIREWORKS ; and the Public generally are requested to render every assistance in their power to carry into practical effect this request. By order, THOMAS WORSNOP, Town Clerk. Town Clerk's Office, Town Hall, Adelaide, October 17, 1S83. 292,5,3,300,4,7.9 BRIGHTON POST-OFFICE.— A DEPUTATION will wait on the Hon. the MINISTER of EDUCATION This (Friday) Morning. 19th inst, at 10 o'clock, to give effect to the Resolution carried at a Public Meeting, object ing to the Site chosen for a Post-Office. Meet at the Post-Office, Adelaide, at 10 a.m. as SOUTH AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE. ART GALLERY. The GALLERY will be CLOSED on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, on account of some work to be done in tbe Vestibule. The Perspective Classes will be held as usual on Friday. By order, 990-2 ROBT. KAY, Secretary. mHE FUPJSfTTURE PROTECTION J- ASSOCIATION invite all Persons in favour of a REVISION of the PRESENT TARIFF to attend a MEETING to be held in RECHABITE HALL, Grote-street, on FRIDAY EVENING, the 19th inst, at 8 o'clock, to form a General Protection Association. Chairman— Mr. Alderman Bundey. 2S9-92 THE INTERNATIONAL FAIR WILL OPEN EVERY DAY THIS WEEK AT 12 O'CLOCK. a289cz STIRLING WEST. The FOUNDATION-STONE of the INSTITUTE will be laid by E. C. STIRLING, Esq., M.D., on SATURDAY, October 20, at 3.30 p.m. 286.9X-3 WORKING MEN'S CLUB PUBLIC MEETING in GARNER'S ASSEMBLY-ROOMS, on MONDAY, OCTOBER 22, at 8 o'clock. E. T. Smith. Esq., M.P., in the Chair, and a number of influential gentlemen will attend and address the meeting. Look out for Posters and Handbills. DONT FORGET— NEXT MONDAY. DOORS OPEN AT 7.30. 291*5 D. R. JONES, Hon. Sec. vro tern. FLOWER SHOW, TOWN HALL, OCTOBER 25, 18S3. THE ROSE SHOW OF THE SEASON. The Bouquets, Designs, &c, will be judged by the Visitors in the Barjqneting-room in the Afternoon and Evening. By order of the Committee, 291-3 W. HACKETr, Hon. Sec JEWISH HOLIDAYS. BRANDON'S SHOE WAREHOUSE will be CLOSED on TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, 23rd and 24th October. 233-97 I WISH to return my sincere THANKS to the NEIGHBOURS and FRIENDS at Laura, for the kindness shown to my late Husband, John Johns, during his illness in March, 1S32, and also for the kind attention attributed to him in his late illness in August, 1SS3. x MARY JOHNS. THOMAS POOLE, Deceased.— Pur-suant to the Property Act of 1860, NOTICE is hereby given that all CREDITORS and Persons having any Claims or Demands upon or against the Estate of Thomas Poole, late of Marion-road, in the Province of South Australia, formerly of the Provincial Hotel, Hindley-street, Adelaide, de-ceased, who died at Marion-road aforesaid on the 11th of July, 1883, are hereby rsquired to SEND in FULL PARTICULARS of their CLAIMS and Demands to the undersigned on or before the 12th day of December, 1883. And notice is hereby also given that after that day Agnes Brown, wife of James Brown, of Marion-road afore said, the Administratrix with the Will and Codocil annexed of the said deceased, will proceed to distribute the Assets of the deceased, having regard only to the Claims of which the said Administratrix shall then have notice. Dated this l6th day of October, 1883. SYDNEY C. TOLLEY, 65, King William-street, Adelaide, 292,5,7 Solicitor for the said Administratrix. rthe ASSIGNED ESTATE of JAMES POOLE, of Middleton, Storekeeper. A SECOND and FINAL DIVIDEND of Three Shillings asd Eightpence Three Farthings in the Pound (3s. SJd. in the £) will be payable at the Offices of the undersigned on and after Friday, the 19th day of October, 1SS3, to all Creditors who have proved their Claims, signed the Deed, or assented thereto in writinp. ? HARRY TURNER, THOMAS, & CO. Cavendish. Chambers, Grenfell-3treet, Adelaide. ^__ ? 233,90,2 TN the ASSIGNED ESTATE of JOHN JL HARVEY, of East Adelaide, in the Province of South Australia, Agent.— NOTICE is hereby (riven that the Trustee in this Estate will not acknowledge anj CLAIMS unless proved on or before the 24th October, 1SS3. AUGUSIE DAYLES, Waymouth-stTeet, Solicitor to the Trustee. October 17, 1SS3. x JOHN HORGAN, Deceased. — All Persons having any CLAIMS against the Estate of John Horgan, late of Linwood, near Tarlee, who died on the 21st day of June, 1883, are requested to send the same in at once to the Execu tors, David O'Leary, John Hogan, and Daniel Horgan, of near Tarlee. HARDY & DAVIS. Kapunda, 292-3 Solicitors to the Executors. ALL OUTSTAYING ACCOUNTS against the late S. BLOMFIELD to be sent to W. Kither, Rundle-street. 291c Woods and Forests Department, October IS, 1SS3. ALL DOGS, PIGS, GOATS, GEESE, and POULTRY found within the plantation enclosure on the Port-road, at Hindmarsh and Woodville, will be DESTROYED after this date. J. E. BROWN, 292*5 Conservator of Forests. MORGAN, of 104, Rundle-street, ? havinc retired from Business, all COM MUNICATIONS to be addressed, and all Accounts paid, at No. 2 OEce, Birfcs Chambers, corner of Bundle-street and Gawler-place. O3ce hours from 10 to 3. ? 274-334 W' A. WOOD haa REMOVED his ? OFFICE to No. 7 (ground Soori, GLADSTONE CHAMBERS, PIBIE-STHEET. Attends Tattersall's Club every evening from 3 to 10. Private Address— Assyrian Lodge, Bamsida. 177c

? PITBLIC NOTICES ? Koyal Agricultural and Horticul tural Society of S. Australia. GRANDTRIAL OP HAY-HARVESTING MACHINERY, SALISBURY, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, Osborne's, Wood's, Homsby's, Samueison's, McCormicfs, Buckeye, and other Celebrated Twine-binders Competing. EXCURSION FABES. 291-6 C0MPA3TIES AND SOCIETIES fTIHE PARKSIDE TRAMWAY JL COMPANY, LIMITED. NOTICE is hereby riven that an EXTRAORDI NARY GENERAL MEETING of the PARKSIDE TRAMWAY COMPANY, LIMITED, will be held at the Office of the Company, at No. 2, Pirie-street, Adelaide, on MONDAY, the twenty-ninth day of October, 1SS3, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, when the subjoined Resolution, which waa passed at the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company held on the twelfth day of October, 1883, will be submitted for confirmation as a special Resolution. Resolution. That the Articles of Association be, and the same are hereby, altered injmanner following, namely : — Article No. 123 shall be and is cancelled, and the followinRArticle shallbe and is substituted thsrefor, that is to say — ' 125. The Directors may at such time or times as they shall think fit declare a Divi dend to be paid to the members in proportion to their shares, and in proportion to the_ amount paid up or agreed to be considered a3 paid up on such snares, subject to any provisions for the payment of fixed or preferential Dividends on any shares, or for any other special privileges or advantages in relation thereto that may nave been made under the powera hereinbefore contained.' Dated the 17th day of October, 1883. By order of the Board of Directors, A. F. SCAMMELL, Secretary. No. 2, Pirie-street, Adelaide. ? 291-2 TpORTPIBIE SHIPPINGCOMPA1ST. The FIFTEENTH HALF-YEARLY MEETING of the POET PIRIE SHIPPING COMPANY will be held at Knapman'3 Hotel on TUESDAY, October 23, at 8.30 p.m.— To receive Directors' Report and Balance-sheet, elect Three Directors, and transact any other busi ness brought forward. 2S6B2 FRED. GREY, Secretary. OHN BTTJj & CO. (LIMITED).— NOTICE is hereby given that a CALL of Three Shillings asd Sixpence per Share has been this day made by the Directors of the above Company, and is payable to the Secretary, at the Registered Office of the Company, on or before the 29th October, 1883 ; and all Shares in respect of which the said Call remains unpaid at or after the said date will be liable to be absolutely forfeited to the Company. Dated October 19, 1SS3. JOHN HILL, Secretary, 292,5 Company's Yards, Pine-street. ESWICK, ASHFOKD, RICH MOND, EDWARDSTOWN, AND SOUTH-ROAD TRAMWAY COMPANY, LIMITED. IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION. All CREDITORS of above Company are requested to SEND in PARTICULARS of their CLAIMS to the undersigned on or before Monday, 22nd inst. R. C. CORNISH, Liquidator. 45, Exchange, Adelaide, October 12, 18S3. ? g96,9,92,5 ADELAIDE, KENSINGTON, AND NORWOOD BUILDING AND INVEST MENT SOCIETY. DEPOSITS.— Highest Rates given for DEPOSITS. Commercial Chambers, Gilbert-place, Adelaide. ? 251c CITY OF ADELAIDE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO. (LIMITED). Bftectors : William Everard, Esq., J.P., Chairman. T. Graves, Esq., J.P. I 8. Newknd, Esq., M.P. Eon. John Crozter, J.P. | Walter Beynell, Esq., J.P DEPQ8IT8 RECEIVeTaT CALL OR FIXED PERIODS. BATES ON APPLICATION. H. Y. SPARKS, Secretary, No. 10, Exchange. MINING NOTICES ETHEETDGE GOLD-MINING AND CRUSHING COMPANY, NO LIABILITY. NOTICE is hereby given that an EXTRA ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING of the SHAREHOLDERS cf the above Company will be held at the Office of the said Company, Beacons&eld Buildings, King William-street, Adelaide, on FRI DAY, the nineteenth day of October, 1883, at 11.30 o'clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of autho rizing the said Company to give security to the Directors by a Mortgage and Bill of Sale of the Company's Claims, Machinery, and all other Pro perty belonging to the Company, to secure the sum of £635 18s. 2d., and interest at £8 per centum per annum, liability already incurred by the Directors on behalf of the said Company ; and also to secure to the Directors of the Company, or such of them as shall enter into the guarantee, the further sum of £600, being amount which the said Directors or some of them purpose to guarantee to the Bank of New South Wales, Adelaide, on behalf of the said Company. Dated the third day of October, 18S3. 277,84,92 ? T. S. HORN, Manager. HAMLEY MIKING COMPANY, LIMITED. EIGHTEENTH DIVIDEND. NOTICE is hereby given that a DIVIDEND of Two Shillings and Sixpence per Share has been declared by the Directors, and will ,be payable on the 1st November ensuing to Registered Share holders. JAS. S. SCOTT, Manager. Alfred Chamber, Cunie street, October 17, 18S3. The Transfer-books will be Closed from October 23 to November 1. 291-2,5-6,303,5vs93 UNION REEF GOLD - MINING COMPANY, LIMITED. NOTICE is hereby given that an ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING ot the above-named Com panywill be held at its Registered Office, Eagle Chambers, King William— treet, Adelaide, on MONDAY, the 29th day of October, 1883, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, for the transaction of ordi nary business. By order of the Board, W. L. WARE, Secretary. Eagle Chambers, Adelaide, October 18, 1SS3. 292,7,302v93 DTSURAlf CE NOTICES SOUTH AUSTRALIAN INSUEANOB COMPANY, LDCTIED. OAPITAL-£1,OOO,O0O. BOARD OF DIRECTORS I James Counsell, Esq., J.P., Chairman. James C. Verco, Esq., J.P., Deputy-Chairman. Hon. Alexander Hay, M.L.C. George Scarfe, Esq. Luther Scammell, Esq. FIRE AND MARINE RISKS at Current Bates. MONEY LENT ON MORTGAGE. Insurance Chambers, Adelaide, and at every Township in the Colony. 82cvd ? R. E. TAPLEY. Secretary. THE COMMEKCIAL UNION ASSURANCE COMPANY. FIRE AND~MABINE. CAPITAL, £2,500,000. Annual Revenue, £1,114, ooo; Reserves and etler Funds, £2,194,000. AUSTRALIAN BRANCH: ? Province of South Australia. OFFICES: OLD EXCHANGE, KING WTXIIAM. &TREET, ADELAIDE. LOCALBOARD: W. H. CHARNOCK, ESQ., j.p., Coalman. W. B. 'SELLS, ESQ.' J.P. F W. STOKES, ESQ., J.P. ANDREW TENNANT, ESQ., M.P. LOUIS GILES, ESQ. ^ EIRE RISKS in Town and Country . and MARINE BISKS of all descriptions Insured at Current Rates. F. W. FEAMPTON, 7c ? Acting- Resident Secretary. THE /COLONIAL INSURANCE OOM \J PANY OF NEW ZEALAND (FlSE AND MASEiB). Capital-£2,000,000. Bankers— The Bank of Adelaide. Bisks accepted at Lowest Current Rates. OLDHAM & WOODFORDE, Managers, 45mwfc Royal Chambers, Cume-street. COMMERCIAL MARINE \j INSURANCE COMPANY, LOOTED. Capital, £300,000. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. W. Hm, Esq., J.P., Chairman. Samuel D. Glyde, Esq., J.P., Deputy-ChaimaiL Caleb Peacock E3q.,J.P. W. B. Gave, Esq. H. C. E. Muecke, Esq., J.P. Marine Bisks taken on Hulls, Cargoes, Specie Freight, ic, at current rates. L. A. JESSOP. Manage*. Offices— Universal Buildings, Qrenfell-street. 238m wfc ITT OF LONDON FIRE INSU BANCE COMPANY, IJMTIED. Capital, £2,000,000 ; Eesem Fane, £50,000. The undersigned has been appointed Agent- and Attornev for ^outh Australia, and is prepared to Accept ilre Bisks at lowest current rarea. Assu rances and Cairns settled in the colas;. ARETAS YOUNG, 8c 60, King ?Wil^am-street, Adelaide.

DTSURAaCE NOTICES THE AUSTRALIAN GENERAL ASSURANCE COMPANY. Established in 1836. TTBtn office, Stdnet. MABINE BISKS on Hulls, Cargoes, or Freights taken at lowest current rates. CLAIMS PAYABLE in Adelaide or at any of tbe ^P^wffiT^TBR'OTHERS, U, Currie-street, 296mwfc Agents for South Australia1 AUSTRALIAN ALLIANCE ASSURANCE COMPANY. FIRE, MARINE, LIFE, & GUARANTEE, AGENTS FOB ADELAIDE FRANCIS CLARK & SONS, GRENFELL-STREET. 93mwfc ]y£ TJ T U A L FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA, LIMITED. TTt?»n Office— 71, KING WILLIAM-STREET. Capital— £100,000. Bisks Accepted at Lowest Current Bates. 228mfc S. J. McCALLUM, Manager. SUN FIRE OFFICE, LONDON. ESTABLISHED 1710. _ INSURANCES effected upon almost every descrip tion of Property at the Current Rates of Premium. Total sum insured in 1882, £291,300,000. # Claims arranged by Local Agents, And paid with p'ronjptitnde and liberality. T. D. PEABSON, Agent, Queen's Chambers, Pirie-street, Adelaide. 221fc VICTORIA INSURANCE COMPANY, LD. CAPITAL, £1,000,000 STERLING. FTBE and MABINE EISKS.accepted at Lowest Current Kates. CLAIMS promptlv Settled In the Colonies or in London, at option of assured. WOOL Insured with average on each bale. HAYSTACKS ^'STANDING CROPS INSURED AGAINST FIRE. DAMAGES BY IJGHTNING PAID. For Bates of Premium and Conditions apply to the undermentioned Country Agents :— Ardrossan ? J. Henderson. Caltowie ? N. O'Hallorao. Crystal Brook .. .. J. Patterson. Carrie ton ? Victoraen & Co. Cbapmanton .. .. J. L. Whitaker. Carramulka .. .. Louis Wurm. Clare ? E.C. Rix. Elliston ? J. H. Crowe, jnn. Edithburgh .. .. Geo. Hart. Goolwa ? T.B.Somner. Gawler ? J. N. Richards. Gladstone ? O. Homer. Glenelg ? G. W. Padman, Georgetown .. .. A. A. Bnce. Hammond..' .. .. F. H-Rix. Jamestown .. .. W. Niebonr Kapunda ? Liston, Shakes, -6 Co. Kensington .. .. F. C. Aldridge. Eooringa ? J. A. Fry. Kingston .. .. .. A. G.Abbott. Koolnnga .. .. .. O. W. Stockham. Eadina .. .. .. John Styles. Laura .. .. .. Laura Brewery Co. Mount Barker .. .. Cornelius & Williams. Mount Gambler ... .. G. A. Pritchard. Moonta .. ..' .. B. H..Derringtoa Maitland/ ?? ?? ' ' ?? J. B Yenning. Minlaton .. ' .. .. F. E. Baker. Mannanarie '.. .. A. K Goajing. Mallala- .. .. ' ? .. T. E. Fisher. . Millicent .. .. - ..-Aler. Cassela, Millbrook .. .. .. J. Butler. Narracoorte .. .. A.DeBeer. Nairne .. .. .. Clinch Bros. O'HalloranHfll .. .. J. Began. Plympton .. _ ? .. G. W. Padman, Petersburg ? .. T. Hosking. Port Adelaide .. .. W. S. Jones. PortPirie .. .. - .. Robertson & Pfearea. PortAnguBta ? Thos. Sara, . PortGermein .. .. N. Simons. PortWakefleld .. .. G. C. Hubble. Port Victor „ ... P. Wheaton. PortMacDonnell.. .. J. Badenock. Quora ? - .. A.M. Jaffrey. Redhill .. ..' .. G.W. Stockham. Robe .. :.' ' ..? DIGrosse. ? ? . . ; Stansbury .. ....- ... FredVWnrm. Strathalbyn .. .. J.Sanders. Tanunda .. .. .. B-S.Molle'a. Wirrabara ? J. Yxctorsen. Wallaroo .. .. .. North & Harman. Yorketown ? Marcus & Co. FEEDK. WBIGHT, Agent for South Australia. Gresham Chambers, Adelaide. 289-90mwfcT NORTH CHINA INSURANCE COMPANY. Paid-up Capita 7. .: £150,000. Reserve Fund „ .. „ £100,000. Marine Risks taken to all parts of the world at Lowest Current Bates. Wool covered from sheep's back to England or Continent. JOSEPH STILLING & CO., 202-93 ? Agents' THE ADELAIDE MARINE AND FTRE ASSURANCE COMPANY. Subscribed Capital, £400,000. DIRECTORS : Sir William Morgan, K.C.M.G., Chairman. Joseph Fishes, J.P., Deputy-Chairman, James Smith, J.P. I Frank Maki.n, J.P. W. J. Magaret, J.P. I Thomas Graves, J.P Head Office, Eagle Chambers, Blng William street. Marine and Fire Risks taken at Lowest Current Bates. Z62mwfcvd E. M. ASHWIN, Secretary. HE COLONIAL MUTUAL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Office— 94, King William-street, Adelaide. FIRE, MARINE, and GUARANTEE Risks taken at lowest rates. WOOL Covered from Sheep's back to United Kingdom or Continent. MAR1NH CLAIMS Settled in London or the Colonies, at option of Assured. 274mwfc W. BURNET, Acting Resident Secretary ? MONEY 4?£L(\(M\ T0 LENr- op g°od d&&\JV-\J security, by THE AUSTRALIAN ALLIANCE ASSURANCE COMPANY. 292-300 FRANCIS CLARK & EONS, Agents. USTRALTAN MUTUAL PROVI DENT SOCIETY. MONEY TO LEND AT CURRENT RATES. NO COMMISSION. JOSEPH HERRING, Resident Secretary. Branch Offices— 91, King William-street. 274c £5. UNION LOAN £10. AND FINANCE COMPANY, NO. 3, LEIGH BUILDINGS, LEIGH-STBEET. MONEY TO LEND in Sums from £1 npwards on any available security. Weekly payments or otherwise. nt-A Apply J. B. CARRUTHERS, O K A A dbOU. Manager. SZ/OWt ? 159mwfc MONEY TO be LENT at Lowest Current Bates. COTTON & OPIB, ISScTd ? Queen's Chambers, Adelaide. MONEY TO LEND on Freeho ? Security at Current Bates. MOULDEN & SONS, Solicitors, lTlmwfc 102, King William-street ONEY TO LEND on Freehold Security, whether under Real Property Ad or otherwise'. W. BENNY, Solicitor, Watkrhouse Chambers, Herd ? Kmo William-strkbt. BILLS DISCOUNTED DAILY. £5, £10, £30, to £500, ©N WEEKLY PAYMENTS or otherwise. SAUNDERS, 2, GAWLEB-PLACB. BILLS DISCOUNTED DAILY. 852mwfe ONEY TO LEND A~f lowest Current Bates. DAVID TWEEDI1 »CTd ? Alfred Chambers, Currie-street. £5 T° ™» £10 PERSONAL or any AVAILABLE SECUB1TY Weekly payments taken. Applj ? W. B. DICKINSON 21, Flinders-street, opposite Stow Manse. Office Hours: 10 to i, Saturdays, 10 to 1, and OKA Monday Evenings, from ni A A ? 329c MONEY TO LEND on Freehold Securities at Current Rates. ENOX, GWYNNE, & HAKGRAVE, 79c Windsor Chambers, Victoria-square.

? MOHEY ? THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN LAND MORTGAGE AND AGENCY COMPANY, LIMITED. Capital, £1,000,000, with power to Increase. LOCAL DIRECTORS: Thomas Graves, Esq., J.P., Chairman. Hon. Alex. Hay, M.L.C. Hon. Sir Wm. Morgan, K.C.M.G. M.L.C TO FARMERS, LANDOWNERS, WOOL. GBOWEBS, AND MERCHANTS. CASH ADVANCES AT CURRENT BATES FREEHOLD ANJ- LEASEHOLD TQWN AH» COUNTRY LANDS. ON SQUATTING PROPERTIES, and on GROWING CLIPS OF WOOL. All Loans (including Completing Purchase from Government) FBEE OF COMMISSION. BepayTnents by Annual Instalments allowed, CONSIGNMENTS of WOOL, WHEAT, and GENERAL PBODUCE received for Sale in London at Low Bates o Commission. Liberal Advances made to Shippers. ISDZNTsUxBCUTSD. FINANCIAL ANd'aGENCY BUSINESS , ot every description transacted. Terms Teiy Moderate. E. M0BGAN~KAWKE8, Manager. Commercial Chambers, Gilbert-place, ? Adelaide. ? lSOmTTfcrd THE MORTGAGE COMPANY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA, LIMITED. Capital, £1,000,000, with power ioincreat* Hon. Sir William Milne, Chairman. 81r Thoxuu Elfcr I B, Barr Smith, Esq. JJb JoMpa K»ner,Hsq, JJ. I wm. Kay, «i, iS, Manager, E. T. Spark* J.P. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES, At lowest rates, to Farmers, Sheepfarmen, and Landowners. NO COMMISSION CHARGED, Either for loan or completing purchase of Credit Selections. REPAYMENTS During the currency of the Mortgage allowed on terms. COST OF MORTGAGE is the only charge made. H, JTSPARKS, MANAGES. Offlees, Plrie Street. Adelaide. £1200 TO LEND'' In one Sum on first-class Security, also other Sums. COMGRAYE & COLLISON, Licensed Land Brokers, SANTO BUILDINGS, WAYMOUTH-STBBET. Immigrants' Land Orders Purchased. 257cvd ONEY TO LEND on Freehold Security at from 6} per cent. Advances made to Credit Selectors. B. W. O'HALLOBAN, Solicitor, SSSmwfo Waymouth-street. £5 ™ £500 TO LEND On; Personal Security, Bills of Sale, Deposit of DeedB, Bonded Certificates, Mortgage, Trade Bills, or any available Security. Bills Discounted. BOSISTO & SOX, nSmwfc Opposite Union Bank, Freeman-street. MONEY TO LEND, in Small Sums. B. H. W. HUMBLEY, ?276m wfc ? 8, Unity Chambers. ; LARGE AND SMALL SUMS OP MONF.Y TO LEND ON MORTGAGE, AX LOWEST CURRENT KATES OP INTEREST. A. G. SCHRODER, Licensed Land Broker, Gilbert-place, Adelaide. 82mwfcrd ADELAIDE LOAN AND DISCOUNT COMPANY, BEACONSFTELD BUILDINGS, Kino William-street, LENDS MONEY. £6, £10, to £1,000, On weekly or monthly repayments. Bills discounted daily. tSOftnwfc ASHEE & RING, Manatrers. HOTELS AND RESTAUBAITTS CKAFEES HOTEL, CHAFERS. JAMES GRIMES PROPRIETOR. This Hotel provides Superior Accommodation for Families, &c Every endeavour made to make Visitors comfortable. The House is situated in close proximity to Mount Lofty Station. A Vehicle in attendance to convey Passengers upon arrival of Trains. 243mwfc A~~U -T'li A N ' S BOTANIC HOTEL opposite tbe Botanic Gardens (corner of North and East terraces). This most elegant and delightfully situated Hotei la now ready for occupation, and affords superior accommodation to gentlemen and families, being replete with every comfort and convenience which should appertain to every first-class HoteL A liberal Table, and the best Wines and Spirits kept only. N.B.— All letters and telegrams promptly attended tO; ? 150c TO LET, VICTORIA HOTEL, BELT ANA. Posssssion can be had at once For particulars apply on the premises ; or to WALTER D. HEED, Auctioneer, Land and Loan Agent, 6, Mutual Chambers, 211mwfcv King William-street. Adelaide. TO LET, CRITERION HOTEL, QUOBN. Apply to Mr. G. West, on the premises, or CHAMBEES & BLADES, 222mwfcv Dragon Brewery. BUSINESS NOTICES ROBIN & HACK, TIMBER MERCHANTS, BUILDERS, AMD CONTRACTORS SAEOTA TIMBER YARD, PORT ADELAIDE, AND . NORTH-TERRACE, ADELAIDE. 53MBBB OF ALL.J3ND8. CEMENT, PLASTER, &a GALVANIZED EBON, GUTTERING A& MOULDING, SB3BTING, and TUBNBBT. BUELDKBS1 IBONMONGBBY. WOODEN HOUSES FRAMED ON PREMISES ? KSTIMATBS SUPPUKP. 818mwfcrd 4NDERS0N & ROBERTSON LORNE VINEGAR, OIL, AND CORDIAL WORKS, HALIFAX-STREET. This Seasons OLIVE OIL Now Beady for Delivery. 282m wfc HALL & SONS1 SUPEEIOB Aerated Waters, Cordials, Bitters, &c, MANCFACTORY 81mwf EDWAED-STBEET, NOHWOOD 'OECOM3VIEND ONLY THE JL\i ADELAIDE SOAP POWDEBS 134fc

PROSPECTUS OF BONANZA SILVER-LEAD MINING COMPANY, TKACKARINGA, NO LIABILITY. CAPITAI-£23,5OO. in 45,000 Shares of 10s. each. Of which 15,000, paid up to 33. Gd. each, are to be issued to the vendora or their nominees, and the remainder offered to tho public on the following term3 :— Is. per Share on application, and Is. Cd. per Share on allotment ; balance in Calls not exceeding 3d. each at intervals of not less than one calendar month. ? o ? PROMOTERS : W. A. HORN. | C.O.KINGSTON. W. G. MAGRATH (of Magrath and party, Thackaringa). BANKERS: : .; . BANK OP SOUTH AUSTRALIA. . SOLICITORS : ? KINGSTON & KINGSTON. .' : -? ?'???-?? BROKERS: ? : T. S. & P. A. HORN, Beaconsfield Buildings. LAWRANCE & BROOK, King Willia n-street. MANAGER: T. S. HORN. : The Company is formed to purchase and work the Bonanza Silver-Lead Mine, Thackaringa, New South Wales, at present held under application for mineral lease, and containing an area of about forty acres, together with the ore at grass, estimated at about 130 tons. The reports at foot of Captain Hetherington, of the Gipsy Girl Mine, and of Mr. Edward Thomson (the South Australian representative of Noble's Explosives Company), who has had a long and varied experience in connection with mining, justify the promoters in recom mending this mine aa probably the most valuable in the Thackaringa district, not even excluding the celebrated Gipsy Girl disputed block. In fact, when it i3 considered that the lode has in some parts reached a width of over four feet of valuable ore, its great worth is self-evident. The ' ore varies in quality. Three specimens lately taken from the claim averaged over fifty-seven ounces of silver and 62 per cent, of lead per ton, and it is anticipated that aa a greater depth is reached the ore will prove of even greater value. The Promoters have every confidence in the success of the mine, and in proof thereof take up 5,000 contributing shares themselves. The promoters ?with others are the vendors of the mine, and exclusive of Magrath and Company own about one-seventh of the property. The mine is sold to the Company on the terms of an agreement dated the 15th day of October, and made between 'William George Magrath and Thomas Sutherland Horn. In addition to the paid-np shares, the vendors are to receive the sum of £3,000 in payment for the property. The vendors are to a great extent induced to part with their interest in the mine to the Company by the consideration that by eo doing they will procure the assistance of the public in securing a line of railway to the Barrier, which will of course very much increase the profits to be derived from the working of the mine. It is not anticipated that there will be any necessity for making calls, as tho ore at grass, with tho balance of the application and allotment fees, ought to be sufficient to work the property until it becomes & dividend-paying concern. Attention is called to the fact that it is improbable any machinery will be required for a considerable time, as the only process necessary to get the ore ready for sale is the breaking out, raising, and bagging. Winding-gear and a small engine will, it is believed, be tho most that will be required for a con siderable time. After the Shares are allotted, a Meeting of Shareholders will be called to settle the Rules and appoint Directors, each Shareholder at such meeting to be entitled to one vote in respect to each Share held by him. If all the Shares are not applied for, all money paid will be returned to the applicants in full ; and in the event of the formation of the Company, the only expenses chargeable to the Company will be the usual preliminary and professional charges and a brokerage of 3d. per Share on all Shares offered to the public. Application for Shares to be made to the Brokers. list Closes for Town Applications at 5 o'clock p.m. on Friday, 19th ; Country, 5 o'clock p.m. Monday, 33nd» CAPTAIN HETHERINGTON'S REPORT. Gipsy Girl Silver-Lead Mine, October 4, 1883. The Bonanza Mine is situated aboui one and a half miles in a north-east direction from the well-known disputed 7-6 block, and also the rich 6-6 blocfc. On visiting the Bonanza property owned by Messrs. Magrath and Company, and consisting of 40 acres (at present unsurvey ed), I found a shaft had been sunk about nine feet, where a very rich lode of silver-lead was discovered about 18inches wide. This shaft was then continued on the underlie to a depth of about 24 feet, and from this depth they have stoped in a southerly direction for about eight or nine feet and about 24 feet high, the lode at this point varying in width from 18 inches to three feet. The ore raised from this stope I estimate at 40 tons of superior ore. In an easterly direction from the No. 1 Shaft a second one waa sunk, is No. 2 Shaft, and is on the same lode ; and at a depth of 20 feet they have holed to No. 1 Shaft for air, and they then continued Binking on the lode to a depth of 50 feet, passing through a magnificent show of ore, varying in width, from 15 inches to 4 feet 6 inches of solid ore ; in fact, every particle between the walls is argentiferous. And to give you an idea of the quantity of the ore taken out of this shaft, which is six feet long, I should esti mate it to be 95 tons, which, added to the ore taken out of the stope, will make the total amount at grass 135 tons. Going further to the eastward, there is a perpendicular shaft sunk to a depth of about 18 feet with a view of cutting the lode at a greater depth, which will greatly facilitate the working of the mine, Judging by the lode and the walls, I have every confidence in its permanency, it havine been proved at a depth which demonstrates it is something more than a surface show ; and the lode running nearly through the middle of the block will give good room for further development. In conclusion, I consider it the easiest-worked and one of the best mining proper ties in the district, it being one of the best discoveries that has been made. Conse quently, good returns will be made for very little outlay. M. CHAS. HETHERINGTON. MR. E. THOMSON'S REPORT. Unued Service Hotel, King William-street, Adelaide, October 12, 18S3. Having lately visited the Thackaringa district for the purpose of reporting on the Bilver mines, I can confidently say that I think very highly of them. My mining experience enables me to Btate that there is a great resemblance between the district and the country in which the richest American mines exist, and I think that money invested in these mines will give highly profitable results, even at the present time, to Bay nothing of the returns when the means of communication between Thackaringa and the South Australian Eailways are improved. Referring particularly to the Bonanza Mine, I thoroughly agree with Captain Hetherington's report. I carefully examined the mine myBelf, and have seldom seen such a show of ore. E. THOMSON. APPLICATION FOR SHARES. TO THE PROMOTERS OF THE BONANZA SILVER-LEAD MINING :.??:. COMPANY, THACKARDJGA. .... ...' (Tojae incorporated under the Mining Companies Act, 1881, as a ?i V . No-Liability Company). Gentlemen — Herewith I hand you the sum of £ , being Application Fee of Is. per Share, and request you to allot me Shares in the above Company, and I agree to accept the same, or any less number you may allot me, in terms of the Prospectus of the said Company issued by you, and dated 15th October, 1883, and I agree to pay to you the Allotment Fee of Is. 6d. per Share immediately after allotment, and to be bound by the decision of the majority of the shareholders present at the meeting to be called for settling the rules of the Company, and I authorize you to pay all necessary expenses out of the funds of the Company, and upon the Company being incorporated under the Mining Companies Act, 1881, to place my name on the Register of the members of the said Company for the number of Shares allotted to me. In the event of my making default in payment of the Allotment Fee in respect of any Share, or any part of any such allotment, for forty-eight hours after written notice of the allotment addressed to me shall have been posted in the General Post-Office at Adelaide, you may forfeit thejApplication Fee paid in respect of such Share, and cancel the allotment and contract. Dated this day of October, 1883. xk NOTICE TO BUILDERS, CONTRACTORS, ANDJTHERS. SIMON HARVEY& WM. KING, 1I1BER AND YAM MERCHANTS, FLINDERS-STREET, ADELAIDE, AND NEW DOCK, PORT ADELAIDE, Have pleasure n intimating to their Customers and the Publio generally that they have this day entered into Partnership as TIMBER MERCHANTS, &o. The joint Businesses of SIMON HARVEY and WM. KING, JDN., & CO., will in future be carried on at FLINDERS-STREET, ADELAIDE, AND THE NEW DOCK, PORT ADELAIDE, 1 Where they hope to receive a c6ntinuance of the liberal support enjoyed by them -individually for the last 14 and 25 years respectively. ? N.B.— S. H. & W. K. do NOT intend to ent«r into COMPETITION with CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS, but to give their SOLE ATTENTION to the Business of TIMBER and IRON MERCHANTS. SISIOft MAEVEY. WILLIAM KING, JUN. October 1,1883. 27-5o ~~¥. H A G E D O R N, 61, HINDLEY-STREET, 61, .. . - ESTABLISHED 1849, MPORTER OF OILS, COLOURS, GLASS, VARNISHES, BRUSHWARE PAPERHANGINGS, ETC., ETC., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ? o ? Just Arrived per C, P. Drson, from New York, s large Assortment of JOHNSTON KALSOMINE FRESCO PAINTS, ALL COLOURS. ? 5mwfo MESSES. BAELOW BEOS., COACHBUILDERS, FLINDERS-STREET, ADELAIDE, Are prepared to Execute Orders [or Xew Work of any description. Repairs of all kind-neatly and expeditiously executed, and at Moderate Charges, Traps Bought, Sold, o.1 Exchanged. NOTE THE ADDRESS FLINDERS-STREET, AI^EX^IDE, OPPOSITE HARVEY'S TIMBER-YARD. 212niwfc

BUSIHESS NOTICES JOHN MOIK& SON, Limited, OF LONDON, ABERDEEN, SEVILLE, JLND WILMINGTON, U.S.A. HAVE BEEN AWARDED A GOLD MEDAL, AT THE GRAND INTERNATIONAL FISHERIES EXHIBITION, 1883. 892-3 E. B. PRIESTLY & CO., WOOLBROKEItS, WAEEHOUSES-S4, CURRIE-STBEBT, ADELAIDE, HOLD AUCTION SALES as follows :— WOOL and SHEEPSKINS every WEDNESDAY HIDES. KANGAE00, K.I. WALLABY ever? MONDAY TALLOW and FAT every MONDAY. CASH ADVANCES made on WOOL for Auction or Shipment. Wool and Produce coastwise received by our Agents. R. Cleland & Sons. Port. ? 807crd BEN WYVIS WHISKY, Bulk and Case. JULES HUM! & CO/S . CHAMPAGNE. ASHBY'S ALE, Bottled and Bulk. WICKSTEED~BROTHEHS, 24, CURRIE-STREET, ? SOLE AGENTS. AGENTS— OBTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INST7] BANCE COMPANY. AUSTRALIAN GENERAL ASSURANCE ? COMPANY (MARINE1 269mwfe MELLOR BROS. MOWERS, HOBSERAKES, CORNSCREENS, FONT REAPERS, SCSTB CULTIVATORS, PALISADING, ; IMPLEMENTS, In Great Variety. Carriage and Field Gates. OLD METAL BOUGHT. ADELAIDE, \ KAPUNDA, JAMESTOWN, and mwfet ? . ? QUOBN. WORTHY THE ATTENTION of all WISHINa TO ACQUIRE HAPPINESS AND COMFORT. To such it is here made known THAT ? y HOUSES of Three Booms are i nmiahed tat £39 and upwards, ? AT HOOPER'S. HOUSES of Four Booms are famished for £3& and upwards, ? AT HOOPER'S. BEDSTEADS to the number of 800 are kept la Stock ? AT HOOPER'S. THE STOCK is larger than any other in West Adelaide ? AT HOOPER'S. NUMEROUS LETTERS acknowledging 'com-plete satisfaction' are received ? AT HOOPER'S* NEARLY 20 years' unvarying Buccess proves that you are ' well advised' when told to furnish ? AT HOOPER'S. A LIBERAL DISCOUNT for Cash is riven, ? AT HOOPErfs. HOBSEJBAIR-SEATED CHAIRS are sold at 16s.9d. ? AT HOOPER'S. PERAMBULATORS for ' the dear babies' are kept in great variety, from 18a. Gd. each, ? AT HOOPER'S. TRICYCLES, 'the boys' delight,' in sis Bizes, aa presents not to be beaten, ? AT HOOPER'S. TEA SETS, 'really nice,' from fa. 6d. npwarda ? AT HOOPER'S. DINNER SETS, ' a great variety ;' some quitenew. ? AT HOOPER'S. TERMS— By payment of part in Cash, and balance periodically, involving no bother, and no 1 paying through the nose.' ? AT HOOPER'S. ' THE FURNISHING EMPORIUM;1 40, HINDLEY-STREET, AND LEIGH-STREET, ADELAIDE. Please tal and be courteously shown through, BSfimwfc BAILEY'S HOT AIR ENGINES,. J to 5 Horse Power, requite only half the fuel of a Steatn-Engine, and but little attendance. SCOTTISH ASBESTOS CO.'S MANUFACTURES, Millboard, Fibre, Yarn, Plaited Rope, Packing. Putty, Paint, -tc. 'LUX CALOR' GAS STOYE& (Ritchie's Patent); very suitable for Offices, perfectly free from ang smell of Gas. Similar Stoves for Kerosine. AIR BURNING CO.'S RADIANT: (GA&) IRONS, for Laundry purposes. Avoid any need for Firo for heating. WBI. CDBZBIING, Agent for the above, MATTERS' BUILDINGS, VICTORIASQUARE One of BAILEY'S HOT AIR ENGINES may be SEEN at Messrs. FORWOOD & DOWNS FOUNDRY, Hindley-street. . 2fl2mwf351 FORWOOD, DOWN, & CO,, HINDLEY-STREET, ADELAIDE. Maters of Improved RACK WOOLPRESSES, Boring Tools, Whim Bows, Water Valves, and Station Requisites. Plain and Ornamental Castings. Girders, Columns, and Contractors' Ironwork of all descriptions, both wrought and cast, at lowest prices. Bakers' Ovenwork. 210mwfcv MESSRS. J. R. DOBSON & CO. ARTISTIC DECORATORS, Having PURCHASED the whole of their former EXTENSIVE PAINTING PLANT, beg to inform, their Patrons and the Public that they are now pre-pared to execute PAINTING AND DECORATING IN THE LATEST STYLES. Specialities in Drawing and Dining Room Decors-tions. Plain Painting executed with promptness and dispatch. Splendid class of Wall Papers in the newest designs] Customers waited on, and Estimates given for all descriptions [of] painting. Offices — Victoria Chambers, comer Flinders-street and Victoria-square, Adelaide. al44mwfc SOUTH AUSTRALIA!! FISH AND POULTRY COMPANY, NO. 206, RUNDLE-STREET (Three doors east of G. Wood, Son, & Co.). All kinds of Fish and Poultry kept on hand. N.B. — The above Company are also Buyers of any quantity of Poultry and Gamo for Cash. 213mwfc OLD ZINC BOUGHT ; Highest Price. A. SIMPSON & SON, Galvanizers, Gawler-place. 112c