South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Thursday 31 August 1882, page 2

PUBLIC KOTICES ttotvebsitf of Adelaide. CONYEBSAZIOXE THIS EYEXEJG. Carnages win enter by the western gate, leave bythe 'eastern gate, and drive eastward. ? ? j Carriages waitiDg to take np will drawn up In single rank on either aide of North-terrace 'to the vest of the University Worses' heads to the east ?? ™ ? J. WALTEB TYAS, Registrar. rtlTY OF ADELAIDE. PITBLIC^IEETING SETE NEW PAELIAMENT HOUSES. To His Worship the Slay or of Adelaide (E. T. Smith, Esq., M.PA We have the honour respectfully to request yonr Worship to CALL a MEETING of the CITIZENS to consider the resolution of the Legislature to erect tbe NEW PARLIAMENT HOUSES at the corner of /King.- William-road and North-terrace, your petitioners being of opinion that the citizens are opposed to this ate. ? Adelaide, Angnst 25,1582. !? :..? : (Here follow 609 signatures.) ? * In compliance with the above requisition, I hereby ~ convene a PUBLIC MEETING to be held in the Itown Wall, on WEDNESDAY EVENING, 6£h September next, at half-past 7 p.m. sharp. ? T'*'' ^ E.T. SMITH, Slayor. ?Mayor's Parlour, Adelaide, August 23, 1882. ? . 211ths50 rri T Y OF ADELAID1 ECGHT-HOUES DE3I0NSTBATI0N. '- On the occasion of the Eight-Hours Demonstration Procession on Friday, the 1st September, the Police are authorized to TURN all VEHICLES coming in an opposite direction into by-streets nntnthe procession has passed, also to prevent all encroachment upon it on the line of ntftwn, By order, THOMAS WORSNOP, Town Clerk. =. Town Clerk's Office, ? ? . ? Adelaide, August 29. 1832. ? 242'* GLENELG_RAILWAYS. / eight hours' Demonstration. ALTERATION OF TRAINS. On FKIDAY, the 1st September, the OBDINABY HME-TABLE will be SUSPENDED, and Trains -m both Lines will BUN as per SATURDAY'S TIME-TABLE. - &243-4 BICHD. ALLEN, Manager. Y.M.C.A. HALL. TO-NIGHT, JPEEE. ?;; liCAljVENINC; MR. JAS. SHAKESPEARE and FRIENDS. VERY ATTRACTIVE PROGRAMME All are Invited. ? COMMENCE AT 8 P.M. x - TOWN HALL. '~' TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12. ;;:;. STARTLING DISCOVERIES THE GREAT PYRAMID EGYPT. PUBLIC NOTICE.— As many of my kind friends who subscribed to the Testimo. jrial handed to me on their behalf last evening by ' Mr. C.H-Goode were unable to be present on that occasion, I wish to express my thanks to the (to me) unknown donors in this the only way of reaching alt .: . JAS. GRAY. Pastor Mitcham Baptist Church. Mitcham, August 30, 1S82. xz mHE COMMERCIAL AND TRADES JL DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. i Messrs. Morris Hayter, & Barry beg to take this opportunity of tendering their best thanks to their . numerous Advertisers and Subscribers to the above ?work for the liberal support they have received from them and the public generally, and respectfully in. form them that the Directory will be ready for publication on and after Monday, August 28 ; and at the . same time must crave their indulgence for any small . errors that may occur in this the first edition of . . 3,000, owing to the limited time they had for printing, 4c. and their desire to keep faith as to time of publication. - ' . .: , ' Any orders for Books will be promptly attended to, the Price being only 7s. 6d. ? ,?' : MOBRIS, HATTER, & BARRY. ? ' 41, King William-street, Adelaide/ ? August 23, 1882. - 236^53 ? . .-**-R. CHARLES CROSS 'IVl ? -? -~ wishes the _ ? ' ? PUBLIC VfiO Ha7£ *I*V PQ.UBTS ': i ' : whether his , ? INDIGESTION DB0P3 . i -' :.,??:.? will CUBE INDIGESTION to ~ BEAD HIS ADVERTISEMENT ' in another part of this paper. ? . . ? 192thaCT ADELAIDE EYE INFIRMARY.— Queen's Hospital for General Diseases. Private Residence for Married Ladies during con. finement These are private and distinct institutions under the Management of Dr. John F. Joyce, assisted by an efficient StaS of Consulting Physicians and Surgeons. Suites of Rooms can be had, and arrangements are made for the friends of patients . staying with them. Terms moderate. 2X7t£scv GEO. BARLOW. Sec /CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL.— DO-Kj NATIONS and SUBSCRIPTIONS wOl be thankfully RECEIVED by the Collector, Mr. E. M. MARTIN, Osmond-terrace, Norwood ; or the Hon. Treasurer, Mr. C. M. Todd, Port Adelaide- who alone ate authorized te gWe receipts. 162hafi *r|R. NORMAN, Surgeon Dentist, \j desires to intimate, in consequence of not residing on North-terrace, his Hours of Attendance at hhSUBGEBT, Bockville House, North-terrace, will for the future be from 9 till 6 p.m. ; Saturday, 9 till 2 p.m. Other hours by special appointment. Bockville House, North-terrace. 157thsc BRIDGE'S HAYDON ART GALLEBY, Melbourne, contains over 300 Original Works, value £50,000, including Needlework Specialities. Visitors invited. Full particulars from the Agent, 87, King 'William-street, Adelaide. ? 173-288 TN THE MATTER OF THE PATENT J. ACT, 1ST7.— XOTICE U hereby given that the BRUSH ELECTRIC LIGHT and POWER COMPANY of AUSTRALASIA, LIMITED, of London, in England, has APPLIED FOR a PATENT for ' Improvements in and connected with the distribution and application of energy by electricity for Kg»tinp or other purposes, and in the means or apparatus employed therein,' and that the specification of sucn invention may be inspected at the ; Patent Office in Adelaide. CONIORAVE -£ COLLISON, Patent Agents. Santo Buildings, Waymouth-stteet. 211,3,5 -TN the Matter of the 'PATENT ACT, JL 1877.' — NOTICE is hereby given that ? ANTONIS BCZOLICH, of Nicholson.street, North Cariton, in the Colony of Victoria, Decorator, and 'THOMAS KING SMITH, of Hoddle street, Prahran, in the said colony, Manufacturing Chemist. have APPLIED FOHa PATENT for ' An improved Composition to be used as a Paint either with or without the ordinary pigments,' and that the Specification of such Invention may be inspected at the Patent Office in Adelaide. CONIGRAVE & COLLISON, Patent Agents, 24(fL3 Santo Buildings, waymouth-street V. &§& R. ADELAIDE SEWERS AOT. NOTICB TO HOUSEHOLDERS. Gbnae U-1T. Bales andKe|ruIaUoa»-' At the head of every house-drain a piopsrve*. ?Bating pipe shall be provided and carried up above theeav«iofbuadmgs,4c.. 4c In order to aoM the natural current set up by the difference between the temperateie of the air inside and outside tbe drain an efficient form of cowl should be fixed oa the top of each ventilating pipe.' J^CUUJfTENTILATOR' fa the most effective known. A working model can be seen and the ? ' VenHJalora* (of uj size) obtained at GRATS, ^*Jgi-lM^where a Sample-room of SANITARY WARES can be inspectad andorden taken foran work is connection with aame. iSUae JJ' O T ? I C R T. RICHARDS,having BETIRED from his BOOT and SHOE BUSINESS, 57, Bundle-street, hereby returns his sincere thanks to his numerous Customers for the very liberal support accorded him. AB ACCOUNTS to be paid forthwith at his Office, No. 7, Birks' Chambers, Gawler-place. flOthsc I HATE this day APPOINTED Messrs. MOULDEN & SONS, of No. 102, King William-street, Adelaide, my ATTORNIES t. act for rue during my absence from the Colony. DAVID MUNDY. Xochiel Park, Avxast SO, 1SS2. 213 5v

^ ^ #, I^SEpON 1882-1883. 4 ^^ T04HE WOOLCROWERS OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA }~Sz-J$c RIVIMUDISTRICTS. ; [ - : LUXMOOEFS WOOL WAEEHOUSE^ -J ADELAIDE AND PORT ADELAIDE. LUXMOORE & 'COMPANY, LIMITED, CAPITAL, £50,000, WTTH POWER TO, INCREASE. ' ' MANAGING DIRECTORS: JOHN LUXMOORE. : ; ARTHUR LUCAS! HARROLD. J. Dw SUHLING, Secretary. ' ; ' ,f - -We fa^to Infoim the Woolgrowers of Sooth Australia and Eiverina Districts that we are prepared to make liberal Cash Advances on the Growing Clip 61 Wool at lowest rates orfaitewst,' and -also to advance on all kinds of Prodace, ? -. -— ''W0^ BAR& SHEEPSKINS, TALLOW, GRAIN, FLOUR, &c, either for Sale in THISSLARKET orfor Shipment to LONDON, ANTWERP, or other ^^FIRST WOOL SALEof the present Season will take place on the -» FIRST OR SECOND THURSDAY IN OCTOBER NEXT. The facilities offered by ns to Growers desirous of selling their Wool in this Colony . are unsurpassed. Our large, well-known, and centrally situated Warehouses both at /Adelaide and Port Adelaide hare been expressly, constructed for the Sale of W00L1The Gilbert-place Warehouses in the City are moat centrally situated, and the new» - additions,- now nearly finished, will enable us to displaytSamples of from 8,000 to 10,000 Bales Wool atfone Sale. THE SAMPLE-ROOM, covering the whole of the Upper Floor of the Warehouses, has been constructed and lighted on the most approved principles, the light being admitted from the south. ' THE LARGE PORT WAREHOUSES, covering nearly half an .acre of ground, are situated on the WHARF, CLOSE to the RAILWAY STATION, and have been built specially for the Receiving of Wool and ' fitted with STEAM-PRESSES and every necessary appliance, and are directly connected with the Government Main Line of Railway, so that Wool can be discharged from Trucks into the Store. SALES of WOOL will CONTINUE to be held at our WOOL SALE-ROOM, THE OLD EXCHANGE, ADELAIDE, under the same system as is in vogue in London, Melbourne, &c. We CONTINUE to SELL in THE CITY, as in OUR OPINION a BETTER ATTENDANCE of BUYERS is SECURED THAN if SALES WERE HELD AT THE PORT. The CHARGES WILL BE THE SAME AS if SOLD at THE PORT, as NO CHARGE WILL be MADE for CARTAGE TO or FROM THE PORT to EITHER 'GROWER or BUYER. . EVERY LOT of WOOL, NO MATTER HOW SMALL, will be SORTED and CAREFULLY VALUED PRIOR to SALE by thoroughly experienced Valuers, so that ?Growers, even if theydo not give ns fixed limits, may rest assured that NO WOOL will be SOLD UNDER ITS FULLEST MARKET VALUE. - ? \ : -ON NO ACCOUNT do we sell Clips of Wool placed in our hands for sale with a ' limit under such limit without first communicating with the owner. «?' ?' -.- WE ACT as SELLING BROKERS on COMMISSION only, and being neither : PRODUCERS nor DEALERS, can give our impartial efibrts'to further the' interest oiour constituents. ' .'';?' : WOOLis FULLY COVERED BY INSURANCE under Open Policies immediately: : it enters ocr City or Port Adelaide TV arehouses. ? ' RIVER or SEA-BORNE Consignments will bellNSURED immediately instructions ! .from owners are received. ??:?'-''? CHARGES.— The Regular Adelaide Seale, as charged by all Brokers. f ? On WOOLS OFFERED HERE AND NOT SOLD NO CHARGE of any sort will be made, and should owners wish us to SHIP their Wool we shalLplace it on . - Board at LOWEST RATES. SALES of WOOL will be held EVERY THURSDAY throughout the Season, and ACCOUNT SALES and PROCEEDS RENDERED IMMEDIATELY AFTER SALE. WOOLPACKS, STATION, and SHEARING REQUISITES of every description i forwarded immediately on receipt of order at LOWEST RATES. ' All LETTERS and COMMUNICATIONS to be Addressed to the HEAD OFFICE, *****'? . AGENCIES: i ? The following Agents have been appointed to facilitate the dispatch of Wool and Produce to our Warehouses, and to give every information to Woolgrowers and others. They will also receive applications for advances and supply Woolpacks, -fcc: — G.Toseland ... ... Alma W. E. Giles ... ... Mintarb : J. & E. Hague ... Angaston Moody & Furner ... Moonta Jas. Daly ... ... Appila-Yarrowie A.H. Landseer ? Morgan : . J.F. Langlois&Son..; Auburn Cornelius & Williams... Mount Barker ? E. French & Son ..... Beachport Hush H. Barrett ... Mount Gambler C. L. Klisser ... ... Beltana ? ?? \ C. Pflaum ... ... Nairne ? D. MacFarlane ... Blinman v'; ; John Grice & Co. ? ._ Narracoorte ' Bath&Pearce ... Burra ' . ~ J. Porter ? Narridy C. Sturm ... ... Blumberg ' i J. H. Champness ... Noarlnnga J. G. Brown ..; 7. ~ Bordertown ? ;; VV. Strother ? JMuriobtpa t«^;= t-».;i ;».» J Brewarinna, River Brockmann & Asher ... Orroroo Louis PhiLips -t Darling :i; William Paech ... ™ Palmer J. Dunstane ... ... Caltowie ^ M. Dufij ... .....- ... Pekina ; Lanrenti & Basedow Caltowie . . : A. McKeand ... - ... Penola / L. Viotorsen ... . ... Clare ' 7 ?; J. S. Croft ... ... Petersburg Jackson Bros... ... Cradock 1 Bignell & Young .... Port Augusta Reid Bros.- -...- ^.-Carrieton ... : Dowdy &Lafian ... PortGermein Kneese&Son ... Crystal Brook ; E. French & Son .....Port McDonnell W. T. Waterhouse ... Curramulka 5 ! A. Thomson & Co. ... Port Lincoln B. Smith* Sons ... Custori, S.K ' i Adelaide Milling Co. .„ PorfcPirie ? Geo._Hart ? Edithburgh . AJ H. Landseer... ... Port Victor r: Lebnard &~Cb; ' '?' ..'. Eudunda- ? ~— |. R. L. Dean ^ ... Port Vincent : Wm. Hudson.;.;'^.:..: Farrell's Flat | J.Johnstone .„ ..^ PortWakefield I ~~ A. AVyljr&rCo. ; .-..Farina ? ? - ; Adelaide Milling Co.; ... .Quoin' ? .- ? JaS,Fergu8on&Co;.., -(Jawler. .? O i C. F. Claridge&Son8..i| Redhill ' si \ P. Murrie ... '.-.... GefitiiStown ft I G. Guxner ? Riverton ' ' j Adelaide Milling Co. Gladstone .1 , J°^nGnce&Co.- ? ... Robe ; A. Graham .' .''Goolwa ! r J- F. Langlois & Son ... Saddlewprth A.H. Landseer -. ::: Goolwa ?'' -. | E. NerTBSB /?.';.„...? Stansbury' ' B. M. Twopenny ... Gordon '.-?'? j ] -S. :x.3iamfield.*.?- « Stoqkpori : , -. i r.WiWitfcwer r ..; ^HahnSorf ? ': | B. Smith* Sons _ Strathaiija '; J.Tiver ... ... :..„- HaHett, -- ; A. Jensen.- . ? Tanunda . -~' ?; T. Griffia ...u ;...- Hamley Bridge ! J.Tayler... ...,, .... Tarlee ' . j Jackson Bros:.. ... Hanker ? L Roach ... .. ?...''?'... Terowie *' i Treleaven &-Brown... Huddleston j Arthur D. Cotton ;.. Tilpa, R. Darling L.Levine -...-? ... Jamestown ; _,'? i G. 'Harris... * ..: ...-Truro ; Alex. McDonald ... Kangarilla ! : ; H. Nelson & Co. ... Walgett -Austin,Davidson,and ) ?ga_un)j^ J.Bath ... ? Wal&roo J-i^ee&Co.::::;Kingston ,: Vicary&Co. ... ...{Wearing, Paroo A. G. Abbot ... ... Kingston : Treleaven & Brown ... Warnertown G. Badger ... ....Lancelot ', Tredlgas, Mason, & Co. Wellington B. Smith & Sons ... Langhorne's Bridge Tonkin, Fuller,* Martin Wentworth W. Wilson ... ... Laura' T. & G. Marshall ... Wilmington Pearson & McCullow Louth . '? ' W. L. Daniels ? Whyte-Yarcowie ' A. W.Webb&Co. ... Lyhdoch W. a Palmer & Co. ... Wilcannia : Warn Bros. ... ... Maitland - E. A. Stocks ... ... Willochra. F. E. Scheutze ... Alannum : Gadd & Mason ... .:. Wilson * : S. Robinson .v. - ... Mannanarie H. Malpas . ? Wfllonga; G. G. Sanders - ... Manoora - - B. Smith & Sons ... Woodchester * : W. C. Young... ... Meniudie ' . J. Fenton ? Woodside A.H. Lanaseer' ... Milang A. Smith ? Yankalilla Pascoe &Day... ... Millicent F. Hodby ? Yongala ; Ford&Baker... ... Minlaton jW. Riddle ... ... Yorketown i TO JVOKTHiM WOOLGROWERS. ; Messrs. TRELEAVEN & BROWN will act as our FORWARDING AGENTS' ad all the-Stations between the BURRA and PORT PIRIE. * ';- I FOR LUXMOORE & CO., LIMITED, j ADELAIDE AND PORT ADELAIDE, ; ^ i xvk . ? '? rs%. . jr.- D. SUHMNfi, Secretary.: AUSTRALASIAN IMPLEMENT COMPANY' NORTH-TERBACE. . MOWERS, TWINE-BJNDERS, MOWERS.! Horserakes, SWEEPRAKE REAPERS, Horserakek WOOD'S TWINE-BINDER. j There is no denyingthe fact that with the improvements made on this very popular Machine for the years 1882-3, that it cannot be beaten. - . ? ~ I 'IT IS SIMPLY PERFECTION.' ? | MOWER FITTINGS, RIVETS, SECTIONS, AND KNIVES COMPLETE, FOR EVERY MAKE OF MACHINE.- .1 For further particulars, see Observer, Page 3. ? - — 243thc PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. ON TERMS TO SUIT EVERYBODY, Vii.: ' Po^WoJ By 13 Monthly By 18 Monthly By 34 Monthly — P»rable{ iautaientg, fi»»talmenta. . Listihneirta. A PIANO, Value £36 .„ £300 _ £230 . £1136 per Month Do., ? do. 42 ~ 3 10 0 „ 2 10 0 _ 2 0 0 do. Do. da 48 . 4 0 0 ._ 2 17 0 ... 2 5 0 do. Da: da 64 _ . 4 10 0 - S S 0 ... 2 8 6 da Do.! do. SO _ .'500 _ 310 0 ... 2 15 0 do. Da, da 72 _. 6 0 0 „. 4 4 0 ... 3 5 0 do. CABINET ORGANS by MASON k HAMLIN, the SMITH COMPANY. WOODS & CO., Mid PKESCE & CO., anv of which may be had on the TIME PAYMENT SYSTEM. ALL TBE NEWEST MUSIC AT HALF-PRICE. ?OOLUKTEEB BANDS COMPLETELY FITTED OUT. 'T7 nANOFOR'^S TUNED IN TOWN AND COUNTRY. PIANOS REMOVED. w o o 'd°1m a n f s ; :~ MUSIC WAREHOUSE, ADELA.IOE. 226thsc ! I ... CLOSED AT 6 O'CLOCK ON SATURDAYS. -^ i WOBWOOD TIMBER-YARrig. Evwy ono will Admit tiiG BupciiontT of - - — ? * — ?-- DRY WELL-SEASONED^ TIMBER. q ? As tht Winter ia approaching it will be an advantage to many to know that they caa procure every description of the best .-. : BUILDING MATERIALS and GENERAL IRONMONGERY C O W E L L BROS? NORWOOD STEAM SAW AND MOULDING MILLS, : They having spared no expense to enable them to keep their Urge and varied Stock sheltered from the weather. Any orders they may be favoured with will receive prompt attention. . lfflthao

W PUBLIC gQTICEB ? JESAMARITAN FUND, ADELAIDE ® V-;v -.-??.: tfbSPKTAL. — - ,- ~i, ?Iiste- Sutecriptioeii reotfred by tlH Ckwnittce; oltheS«MritanFtmd, AdrfaideBo^tol, together ?with the expMiditnra to dote ;— ' .1 £S5—i Barr Smith. *aK-T. H. Angus... k' -£10 10s.— D. Garlick, per Hugh Fraaer, M.P. ; Messrs. C. and E. Millar. £10— Jno. Eiddoch : W. -L, per S. A. Register. £6— Henry Field, Dashwood Gully. £5 5s.— C. VT. Bowman. £5.— Sir Henry Avers, Adelaide Society New. Jerusalem Church, per Eer. E. G. Day, Leonard G. Browne, Edmund Bowman, Mrs. D. Fowler, Lady Jervois. £1 6s.— St Paul's Church, Ailelaide, Christinas collection. £4— A-Kaye. ' £3 3s. — J. G. Boothby, Mrs. Wm. Longbottom, K. St. Barbe-MOler, Messrs. W. K. Thomas & Co., Messrs. G. & R. Wills -fc Co. £3— Collected by Miss Williams. £2 2s.— Dr. T. W. Corbin, Delta, Walter Duffield, Dr. C. Gosse, Mrs. S. Hornabrook, Joseph Jactanan, jua., Wm. Either, Sir Wm. Milne, E. Pariss Nesbit, Messrs. Walker & Swan, His Honor the Chief Justice, Jno. Wishart. £1 10s.— Captain E. H. Bandell, s.s. Ariel. £1 5s.— Mrs. E. I. Stow. £1 Is.— Eichard Allen, M. Brandon, W. H. Bundey. Dr. W. L Cleland, Dr. J. A. Cockbnra, Mra. Jno. Colton, Mrs. SamL Cornish, A. S Devenish, IMrs. Walter Duffield, Mrs. Wm. Everard, Eev. S. French, Mrs. Wm. Gardner, Trios. Giles, Geo. F. Hallett. Dr. T. K. Hamilton, Mrs. E. W. Hitchin, Mrs. Walter Howard, Mr. Walter Howard, Her. H Hossey, Mrs. Wm. Kay, Bxibt. Kay, Wm. Listen, Jno. Lowaon, Mrs. F. Makin, Geo. McEwin, Hiram Mildred, Wm. Neill, Mrs. H. D. O'HaUoran, B. C. Patterson, Mrs. F. EymvU, Mis.Wm. Sanders, James Shakes, Mrs. E. T. Smith, H. M. Smith, M. J. Solomon, F. W. Stokes, Mrs. Davies Thomas, Messrs. Harry Turner, Thomas, & Co., J. T. Turnbull, Miss B. Williams. £1— A Friend, per Eobt. Kay; Mr. Justice Andrews, Walter Barratt, Mrs. T. H. Bowen, C. G. a, Mrs. J. Dunn, sen., Mrs. Wm. Everard, Henry C. Fletcher, Friend ' The Love of Christ Oonstraineth,' Mrs. W. C. Gosse, Rev. E. T. Howell, Geo. McEwin, Eev. a W. Morse, Mrs. Alex. Murray, Hon. Wm. Sandover, Dr. Schomborgfc, F. C. Singleton, Fred. Geo. Waterhouse, Mrs. White, Kapunda. 10s. 6d.— Mrs. Henry, Gawler ; Miss Nesbit, North Adelaide (collected by). . 10s. — Wm. Dean, Mrs. S. it. Kingston. Miss Korff, ; Gawler; Bev. Bichardson Beid, Herr Eeyher, the Misses Scott, Avenue-road, K.A.; Miss Starton, Glenelg ; Miss M. Shawyer. 5s. — Joseph Bowden, Jan., Eudunda; Miss Morgan, M. H. Prior, Mount Pleasant; Miss Ph«ebe ' Stanton ; A. Waddy. Bundle-street. 2s.6d.— D.C. F.Moodie. Total amount received to date _ .. £249 13 0 Expenditure .. „ . w ..30156 Balance in hand ? .£21818 0 E. DATIES THOMAS,) Members of M. E. WILLIAMS, j Committee. . £. H. HALLACK, Hon. Treasurer. August 30, 1882. ? . . x : CHAMBER OF MANUFACTURES. VJ — FLAX-MACHINEBY COMPETITION. FRIZES, £100 ASD £50. A competition of Flax-Harvestang Machines will ake place about October or November, for Prizes which have been voted by Parliament. ENTBIES to be made .to the undersigned on or before 9th SKPi'KMBF.B, with entrance-fee of 10a. 6d. For conditions of competition, &c, vide Govern ment Gazette. JNO. FAIBFAX CONIGEAVE, Secretary. ' ? 189Trhc T-E CHARLES SIMEON HARE, late XV of Pirie-street, Adelaide, South Australia, gentleman, deceased,— Pursuant to the Property Act, I860, NOTICE is hereby given that the CBEDITOBS of the above-named Charles Simeon Hare, who died on the 22nd day of July, 1882, and whose Will has been duly proved by Henry Robert Fuller and Henry John Hill, of Adelaide, coach proprietors, the Executors, are on or before the 1st day of December, 1S82, to SEND in writing to the said Executors, at the office of the undersigned, their Christian and Surnames, Addresses, and Description, a STATEMENT of their ACCOUNTS and the nature of tbe securities (if any) held by them, and that after the said 1st day of December, 1882, the said Executors wul proceed to distribute the Assets of the deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the Claims of which they shall then have had notice. : -Dated the 29th day of August, 1882. W. M. SANDFOED, 17, Waymouth-street, Adelaide, 243ha71 Solicitor to the Executors. ' the Goods of GEORGE BAIN JOHNSTON, late of Goolwa, in the Province of South Australia, Master Mariner and Steamboat Proprietor, Deceased.— Pursuant to the Property Act, No. 6 of 1860, NOTICE is hereby Riven that all CBEDITOBS and other persons having Claims or Demands upon or against the Estate of the said George Bain Johnston, deceased, who died on the 29th day of May last, are hereby required to SEND in writing, on or before the 11th day of October next, to the undersigned, Solicitors for Alexander Andrew Scott, of Adelaide, in the said Province, agent, one of tflfi-Executors of the Will of the said deceased, to whom Probate was granted on the 12th day of July last, their Christian and Surnames, Addresses, Descriptions, and the FULL PARTICULARS of theirCLAlMS. And notice is also hereby given that after the said 11th day of October the said Execntor will be at liberty to distribute the Assets of the said George Bain Johnston, deceased, amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the Claims of which he shall then have had notice. And the said Executor will not after that time be liable for tbe Asset3 so distributed, or any part thereof, to any person of whose Claim he shall not then have had notice. Dated the 4th day of August, 18S2. AYEES & AYEES, 222h43v8l Of Waymouth-street, Adelaide. COMPANIES A2TD SOCIETIES i H ILLS LAND AND INVESTMENT COMPANY, LIMITED. ?: NOTICE is hereby given that the GENEEAL ANNUAL MEETING of the above Company will be held' at the Arbitration-room, Marlborough Chambers, Waymouth-street, on FEIDAY, the ash day. of September, 1882, at 3 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of receiving the Directors' Eeport and Balance-sheet ; electing three Directors in the room of the Hon. John Carr, M.P., Messrs. J. M. Anderson; onJO.P. Doolette, wuO retire In T^, with the Articles s£ AS50-::i..oU, out are eligible for re-election, and offer themselves accordingly ; Electing Two Auditors, and fixing the amount of Auditors' remuneration for the past half-year's services. Any Shareholder intending to propose a candidate for the office of Director nrest give notice in writing to the Secretary not later than the 15th September. Proxies must be lodged at the Office of the Company before the meeting. The Transfer Books will be Closed from the 15th to the 29th September inclusive. o . ^ ,« C. N. COLLISON, Secretary. Santo Buildings, Waymouth-street, Adelaide. 243,57,64,70 TK)RT ADELAIDE AND W00DJ. VILLE LAND AND INVESTMENT COMPANY. LIMITED.The The SECOND OEOINAEY GENEEAL MEETING of SHAREHOLDERS will be held at the Offices of the Company, Town Hall, Port Adelaide on SATURDAY, September 2, 1882, at 11.30 in the forenoon, when the Directors' Eeport and Balancesheet will be received and considered. Two Directors (Messrs. A. P. Hall and James Mitchell) and one Auditor (Mr. J. W. Parsons) retire through effluxion of time, but are eligible for re-election, and offer themselves accordingly. ' ^ 238:44 ' JAME3 bIlNSDEN, Secretary mHE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN COAL JL . COMPANY, LIMITED. The ANNUAL OBDINABY GENERAL MEETING will be held at the Registered Office of the Company, 85, King William-street, Adelaide, at 2 p'm. on MONDAY, September 4, 1882. . ..Special Business — To fix the remuneration of the Auditors for the past year ; to Elect Two Directors for the current year in place of Messrs. David Bower, M.P., and James Smith, J.P. (who retire in accordance with the Articles of Association, but are eligible for re-election, and offer themselves accordingly}, and one or more Auditors. Any Shareholder intending to offer himself as a Director must give seven, days' previous notice in writing to the Secretary. THOS. E. BUBY, Secretary. Adelaide, August 18, 1882. ? 231ths45 A DELAIDE AND SUBURBAN -OL TRAMWAY COMPANY, LIMITED. ' : ' SIXTH DIVIDEND. I NOTICE is hereby given that a DIVIDEND of Five Shillings per Share, on: Shares numbered 1 to 13,000, and One Shilling akd Sixpence per Share on Shares in NEW ISSUE. Nos. 13,001 to' 26,000 has been declared by the- Directors, and is payable on the 1st September ensuing to ' Registered Shareholders.' ! By order of the Board, ; JAS. S. SCOTT, SecretaiyAlfred Chambers, Currie-street, : August 19, 1882. The Books of Transfer will be Closed from August 2S to September 1. 233mirf40,3-*v ADELAIDE AND HINDMAESH TRAMWAY COMPANY, LIMITED. NOTICE is hereby given that a CALL of Five Shillings (5s.) per Share on Shares numbered 5,091 to 10,000, both inclusive, has been made by the Directors of the above Company, and is payable to the Secretary at the Registered Office of the Company on or before the 31at day of August, 1SS2 : and all Shires in respect of which the said Call remains unpaid at or after the said date will be liable to be absolutely forfeited to the Company. C. J. COATES, Secretary. Register Chambers, Grenfell-street, Adelaide: ? August 7, 1S82. ? 23K34.43 SOUTH AUSTRALIAN INSURANCE ? CONPANY. LIMITED. ? DIVIDEND NOW PAYABLE at the Office, 98, King William-street . Adelaide, August 29, 1882. 242-4T -CITY ^-F ADELAIDE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO, (LIMITED.) 7 - Stmtot3: i William Ererard, Egq^ J.p CImbmta. I t. Graves, Esq.. JJ». I S. Newland En Jt»Hoo.JoUnCKMuer.JJ-. 1 WiUarB4ya«a:ftq^jr.r. DEPOSITS RECEIVED AT CALL OR FIXEU - PERIODS. | ATCAU. „ „ .. 8J PERCENT. 3 MONTHS - - 4 - . ' 6 MONTHS — .. 4| ' ' 12 MOMTHS — ;~ 5 ' : RyTIpARKS, Secratay,

ERPRIESTLYiStCa'S Wool Warehouses, 84, Currie-street, ; ? -Kir : f ' : A3MBL. AIDE^. ' ; ' s '' :-.' a /- :. o ' . ? For the accommodation of onr increasing trade, we have this year added largely to our premises both for Showing and Storing Wool, and are now in a position to exh ibit - upwards of 3,000 Bales of Wool at a time, besides having the most Commodious oE City Warehouaea for rapid handling of Large Parcels of Produce. WOOLGROWERS will find our system of conducting the Auction Badness eminently suited to their requirements, whether they desire to Sell their Clips here with at without reserve, or to test the market, and subsequently ship to London, should bidding not approach their estimates of values. We give the whole routine of the business our personal attention, being convinced that in no other way can the interests of our clients be adequately cared for. Every Parcel sent to our care, LARGE OR SMALL. i3 carefully valued and scrupulously protected to that or the owner's reserve. Withdrawn lots are offered again at subsequent sales if desired, aud if not then quitted WE MAKE NO CHARGE WHATEVER, but are prepared to ship the Wool to London on the most favourable terms under a liberal cash advance, owners having the option of naming the London Brokers ; or we can tecure freight at the lowest rates, and deliver Bills of Lading in Adelaide if desired. Wool arriving at Port Adelaide will be stored there free of charge, and samples Belling Bales brought up to our City Warehouses without cost to owners, thus saving all unnecessary expenses and still retaining the many advantages of selling in Adelaide. FOREIGN BUYERS again announce themselves in increasing number, and the opening season promises to be very favourable for -those who mean to submit their Wool in the colony, CASH ADVANCES MADE on the ENSUING CLIP. WOOLPACKS, TWINE, &c, forwarded immediately on receipt of order. ACCOUNT SALES and REMITTANCE promptly forwarded within four days r after sale. . — —?? OUR SALE DAYS ARE WOOL— Every WEDNESDAY during the Season. ,, ; . SHEEPSKINS, TALLOW, &c— Every WEDNESDAY W^.v^.,. tIl_ WM HIDES, KANGAROO SKINS, &c-Every FRIDAY J Throughout the year. ^ .--:r:cr c?; the following agents ::-,-, -;- Will receive and forward Goods for us, supply Woolpacks, and entertain applica- - tions for Advances :— Aldinga^. M F. Hart Port Ar/or/STA „. Gooch & Hayward . Bubka ._ _ J. M. Hunt Pobt Lincoln m Anderson &Bartlett' -? ? CbystalBeook J.Patterson Poet Victoeia ~ W. Brooks Edithbtjbgh... M. Aldenhoven - Robs .„ _ ?.„ J. Grice & Co * Farina ... ... E. Davey & Co. Stansbckt ... George Beatton Fbema5TLE,w.a, J. F. Gerner Strathat.byk w J. MI McFarlane . Gladstone ^. W. Hitchin Tastoda ... „. E. Homborg --Kingston «. J. Grice & Co. Wextworth ... \V. Gunn :': Kadina ... „. J.J.Christmas Wtxcajhoa... .„ T.Luke & Co. ?'?'?^-^'--KErsETo^ ^. M. Partridge & Co. ' Whtte-Yakcowib W. S. Daniel EoosrxGA ... AustiiLDavisonj&Jafirey Woodchestek ^ A. McDonald Maitland „ F. A. Cane Gawler ^ .» H. E. Bright, Jun. Mejiatok ... Jas. Abbott - Morgait „ ^. George Brunakill Mount Gahbieb Holtze & Rischbieth ;i Terowie ... _ Austin, Davison.&JaflSey MouxtPleasantH. & H. A. Giles t ? ?? * ? .-:^=tj. ; And TEELEAVEN & BROWN at all their Railway Station Offices. i E R, PRIESTLY & CO:, -243th83v.i ; r ;:_.! AUCTIONEERS. j PROSPECTUS BEAN BROTHERS, LIMITED, WOOL AND PRODUCE BROKERS. TO; BE DTCOBPORA.TEI) UNDER THE COMPANIES ACT, 1864. CAPITAL— £100,000 (with Power to Increase). FIRST ISSUE— 6,000 SHARES. .''-«, - - Th6 Second Issue will te allotted at a premium, to be decided upon when' . considered advisable by the Directors. - . . ' . ...?? ??? ??' ??:'.'. ' ' J--0 '.' ''' ' -- PROVISIONAL DIRECTORS : W. K. SIMMS, Esq., J.P. ; GEORGE CHURCH, Esq. F. E. BUCKNALL, Esq., M.P. J. B. JONES, Esq., J.P. WM. BLACKLER, Esq. SETH FERRY, Esq. W. B. ROUNSEVELL, Esq., M.P. JOHN HILL, Esq. WM. WHINHAM, Esq. WILLIAM HUTCHINSON, Esq., J-. BANKERS: ^ . THE BANK OF AUSTRALASIA. ' ; ' 'SOLICITORS: Messrs. MANN & THORNTON. BROKERS : Messes. FERRY, MOORE, & WILKINSON. ; ' ' ' ' ? ? ? o ? ' ...'.. ??'?-. . ThifrCompany has been formed to purchase the Wool and Produce Broking, - Auctioneering, Financial, Land, and General Agency Business of Messrs. Bean Brothers, carried on by them at Grenfell-street, Adelaide, together with a lease with a right to purchase their extensive freehold and leasehold properties situated in Grenfell-street, Coromandel-place, and French-street, and the rights and easements connected therewith, together with all warehouses, stores, buildings, and appurtenances upon or belonging thereto, and all stock and plant therein, and to conduct and carry on and extend that business in all its branches ; and in connection therewith to undertake any other business or branch or kind of business wldch may be specified in the Memorandum of Association, . or which the Shareholders may from time to time agree upon. The terms of the purchase are contained in an agreement dated twentyninth day of July, 1882, and made between William Henry Bean (representing the firm of Bean Brothers) of the one part, and Seth Ferry, of Adelaide, on behalf of the Promoters, of the other part. . ^' ? . The great swsess which has attended the formation of ^, , p,_ : vS£ ^f*^ — *d k&P-«k'k the ndghbTu^ Sy S CunSSham t *% ^ 6* kessrs' Goldsbrough & Co., aril MeSk HastinJ, ' bmLin- °°-- i^08*1 Messrs. Bean Brothers to agree to their Wool- . 4 -*g and Agency, business being formed into a similar Company to those i mentioned. ., ?-' : . ;r ; ?? \ The business has been established after much expense, .labour, and perseverance on the part of Messrs. Bean Brothers, and is' in full Working order; but I there is scope for almost unlimited extension, as the woolbroking business in South Australia is still in its infancy and must develop into a large and lucrative . one. ?.' '?: '' . ', ' ,' ?''. . : . _..'_;_ v,. j '?; . '. ??; '? .. An opportunity is afforded .by this Company to woolgrowers and other; producers to become Shareholders, so that the. business wHTbe of a co-operative character.- . '. | ' ? 'i. .^ ?;.?.. :--:-t-.,.; -.'. . '.?.-?.??: ' As the business will be conducted 'purely, on commission, there can be no losses from speculation or bad debts, and therefore large dividends may be confidently looked forward to. ';. ? ? v : Arrangements have been made for storing wool at Port Adelaide, and also * - for holding sales there if necessary. ? ? ? ' : ..: ?'?? ? - : * ' ? xk GOODE, DURRANT & CO., BEG TO INFORM THEIR FRD3NDS, AND THE TRADE GENERALLY. THAT THEY ARE NOW UNPACKING THEIR aaa-ajJljX'^^ FIRST SHIPMENTS OF SUMMER GOODS, IN THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS, AS UNDERMANCHESTER, CLOTHING, WOOLLENS, SHIRTS, HATS, &o.f STUFFS, MANTLES, 8lg., -3 ., :r HABERDASHERY; ,;, ;,; ^ FANCY GOODS; &b. These broods have been selected with great care in the home markets hj their Buyers, assisted by Mr. DTJRRANT, who has had a large experience in the Manufacturing Districts of England. \ ? ' o AN EARLY CALL WILL; BE ESTEEMED A FAVO JR Leigh-street, Adelaide, Angnst, 1882. . ' ...... . . jgj.^-T THE OLDEST ~^~~ PLVMBraCt, PAI\TI\G, & PAPERHAWIVG ESTABLISHMEM I\ ADELAIDE. | ; LEIGH-STREET, ' ' ?-?'. HAS BEEN TAKEN OVER BY . ' ' ! Q. SANDERS & CO., ? 5Pho now possess INCREASED FACILITIES for executing ALL KINDS OF WORK - - , appertaining to the Trade at most REASONABLE TERS13T '«*»? .' Hot-Water Services and Pump- work— a Speciality. AUTHORIZED PLUMBERS UNDER THE NEW SEWERAGE REGULATIONS WALL-PAPERS, OILS, PAINTS, GLASS, &c, ; Always on hand in very Variety and to Arrive. DEEP DRAINAGE. ' Onr Mr. HUGHES, of tbe late firm, can now be consulted on behalf of tin Sewerage Regulations in all its ianaches. 192thsc

?-- MULBIg H0TICE8 /NOLDEN REEF MINING COMV-r PANY, NO LIABILITY. NOTICE is hereby riven that the FIRST ORDK NABY GENERAL MEETING of the above-named Company will be held at the R«glstere-l Office o( tbu Conmmy, EaRle Cluunliers, King William-street. Adelaide, on THURSDAY, the Slst day ot August, 1B82, at 12 o'clock noon, to receive the Reports and Balance Sheet, elect Directors and Auditors, and transact such other business as may be proper to tho occasion. W. L. -WARE, Manager Eagle Chambers, King William-street, Adelaide, August 21, ISsi 234,8,43 XTTrrTTABRIXNA SOUTH QUARTZTT MIXING COMPANY, NO LIABILITY. NOTICE. The SHARES from Nos. 1 to 22,600 IN ARHEAB with the first Call mill bo SOLD, according to the Act, by Public Auction at the Town Hull, by H. M. Admsoo, on FBIOAY, the 6th day -of September, 1882, at 12 o'clock noon. P. A. HORN, Legal Manager. Gladstone Chambers, Pirio-street, August 30, ISj-J. X MAB0HI0, 0PDFELL0W8HIP, Jte. mt A LBERT HALL, PIRIECM J\. STREET. &9# TUCESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1882. WO A CONCERT MSM VTill be given, nndor the Patronage ol Hta USV Worship the Mayor of Adelaide, in the above Hall, in aid of the Widow and Orphans of a late Brother of the Loyal S. A. Lodee. No. 1, I.O.O.F., consisting of Songs and Duets by wellknown Amateurs. Selections by the Aael&ida O'chestra, under the direction of JCr. Chas. O»ir« th'ome ; Leader, Mr. G. Roberts ; and tMJtaMrtap room Minstrels will perform. Pianoforte -tinal* lent by Mr. Kuhnel. Brothets of the Order niB please attend in Regalia. „._„.. Admission- Fionfieata. U. 66..; Bade Seftto, !». Brother Henry Taylor will take the Chair. Psora open at 7.30 ; Commence at 8 p.m. sharp. G. HOLLIS, Chairman. % G. PRIESTLY, Secretary. .Ill T OYAL SOUTH AUSTRALIA Mfl JLi LODGE No. , X.O.O.F. — Brothera BB-of above Lodge are requested to attend in W7 recalia at the Concert In the Albert Hall £? on behalf of the Widow and Children ol out ?'? late respected Brother, H. Bevon, on Thuw day Eveaingnext. By order N.G., 848-8 GEORGE HOLLIS. Socretary. ? MOHEY ? THE MORTGAGE COMPANY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA, LIMITED. Capital, £500,000, with power te Incnam Jimiors : Xob. tiz WiUUm KUm, Chtirmaa. 7e^k JUha, bq-. / P- | Wm- Sty. b|- '?'? ': LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES,, At lowest rates, to Farmen, 8hoepfamw% and Landowner*. NO COMMISSION CHARGED. -Either for loan or completing purchase at Credit Selection*. . REPAYMENTS During the currency of tht Mortgage — — allowed on term*. COST OF MORTGAGE It the only charge mad*. H.TTSPARKS, . ? «MfcBML Q0I0M. Pflrfe fffeMt. jUUZmUU. EAST ADELAIDE INVESTMENT COMPANY, LIMITED. CAPITAL7£2O,O0O. To be increased to £40,000^ DmECToRs : Hon. W. C. Bulk, MX C. ; Hon. John Carr, M.P. W. N. Crowder, Esq. Joseph Jackman, Bag. Hon. J. B. Spence, M.L.C. This Company in prepared to receive deposit* of BumB, not less than £100, for periods not less than Six Months at 5 per cent, and not less than Twelve Months at 6 per cent, per annum. Applj ARTHUR HABVKY, Managing Director. Commercial Chambers, Gilbert-place. 238c MONEY TO LEND on Freehold Security at Lowest Current Rates on Free* hold Security. BICHD. B. COX, Solicitor and Notary, , Beaconsfield Buildings, King William-street, Opposite Bank of. South Australia, 192thsc And at Hindmarsh. SEVERAL THOUSAND POUNDS TO LEND AT FROM SIX PER CENT., according to value of freehold security. Sections Purchased from Government under the Cash or Credit system. All Deeds and Documents nnderthe Real Property Act prepared. Selectors purchases copylst^d and the money advanced,, REYNELL &'~REINECKE\ LAND AND FINANCIAL AGENTS, *C, Torrens Chambers, Victoria-square west. N.B.— We can LEND MONEY ONE PER CENT, LOWER than those who charge no commission. ? 828OW. MONEY TO LEND, At from 6 per cent., Upon ' FJEST-CLASS FREEHOLD SECURITIES. . Selectors' purchases completed, and tbe money advanced. Government and other Land Sales attended. All Beal Property Act business transacted. R. N. COLLEY, Land and Financial Agent, &c.» MORIALTA CHAMBERS, 169thscr VICTOBIA-SQUARE WEST, MONEY TO LEND at Low Rates. GRANVILLE 8. PRICE. Gilbert-place, Adelaide. 191mh278z MONEY TO LEND In Large or Small Sums, on Mortgage ol Freehold oi Leasehold Property, at the Lowest Current Bate*. FENN * HARDY, Pthscv ? ? 82. King Wii.iam-atreet. MOSSY ADVANCED on Notetof Hand* SiUt iff Sale (idthout removal). Trade Bitltr Bonded Certificates, Expected Remittance!* Gentlemen called upon at their private retU denee*. Advance/ made without delay. Strictest ««erery observed. Bomrweri can nut thenucltet at to repayment weekly, vumthl% or otherwise. Large amount of Trust Money, to Lend on Mortgage at Current Bates. Building Societies paid off. Pentns astisted to Build. For further information apply, f)ntonally or by letter, to Ivan Henry, Financier, 87, King William-street. lMc £8000 SL1^ at o™* KNOX, GWYJWE, & HABQRAVg, Windsor Chambers, Victoria-square, Adelaide. 196e MONEY TO LEND AT (J PER CENT. SHbmEWORTH&LETCHFORL), JLAND, LOAN. AND ESTATE AGENTS, Waterhouse Buildings Hlng William-street. . ? loethse MONEY TO LBWD AT lowest Current Rates. DAVID TWEEDIK Icrd Alfred CbMnbere, OurrU-rtreet. MONEY TO LEND on Freehold Security, whether n»der Beal Property Act oroUMrwise. W. BEKRY, 8olicttor, W1TK&BO08B B(mj)iiaOa IBevd Kino WauAM-STBKR. MONEY to bo LENT at Lowest Current Rates. COTTON * OPUL UScTd Queen's Chambers, Adelaide. mRUST MONEY TO LEND on unexJL eeptionable secority at Lew B*te» ALFRED BONNCi (l*te Andrews ft Eonnin), TOc ? Warmoath street Adelaide T 0ND0N LOAN AND DISCOUNT PIRIE-STREET, OPPOSITE UNION BANK. Head Office— London Discount and Mortsae* Bank, Iimit«d, Little Collins-street, Melbourne A Branch of this Dank is now opened with the object of employing ife capital in making immediate Cufc Advances (from £i to £s,DO0) tepeniOM on their own note of hand on Furniture, without removal, Mortfiape, Deponit of »©?-&, K,il« of Sale Bonded Certificates, Trade BUla, &«., at very mode' rate rates of interest. ' '?*''-Persons borrowing £6 receive £4 10s. Cash. ' ' £ii- ' £0 ' ' ' £VO ?' £18 ?? The Bank bavins a larpe Capital at it* command are now prepared fo a«l*»nc* bn Freehold Securitj -at 6 per cent, per anaua, or aa in Building SociePersons having Ijind and being darirons to build eanarmngeaLosnaiwlhaveauRnuwUate advance nppn Uie vahie of their land, and the balance as the building prop-ease*. '' on'tdetay'aCtiOM entertailred ?ntl concluded withBills msco jnteel dnily. For fnrther information apply to th-s Manaeer. Office bOBTS-» to 5 ; MonAtji art TbwwlaysVoE ,d laetbsc r/g