South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Thursday 21 December 1882, page 2

BEUQIOITB NOTICES o T. &! s7 u! The nsaal CHRISTMAS MORNING SERVICE will be held in the TOWN HALL from 9 to 10 o'clock Ministers of various denominations have consented to take part, and Carols will be sung by Scholars and Teachers, Mr. J. Shakespeare presiding at the Grand Organ. The Final Rehearsal of the Carols frill tafes place in Bentham-stieet Schoolroom, Friday Evening, at half -past 7. 355 6 METHODIST NEW CONNEXION CHURCH, Frarilia-street.-LORD'S DAY, December 24, Rev. C. D. Waxd, D.D., Mominc and Evening FINAL SERVICES before Dr. WARD'S DEPARTURE for ENGLAND. Collection at each Service. 35572 ? PUBIIO UQ-HC15 ? THE BUSHMEN'S CLUB, INCORPO RATED.The The ANNUAL MEETING trill bo held at the Clnb premises on THURSDAY, the 21st December, 1882, at 7 o'clock P.B., to receive Report and Balance-Sheet All friends are cordially invited. Pro Board of Management, W iL HUGO, Superintendent. November 17, 1882. ? 325,53. 5yx29 -== NOTICE. mHE respective ESTABLISHMENTS JL of the mflasJAned WHOLESALE GROCERS win be CLOSED on MONDAY, 25th. THURSDAY, 28th, FEIDAY, 2Sth, SATURDAY, 30th inst , and MONDAy.lstpro^o^^^^ W. MORGAN & CO. 3355-61 ? WHV'iK, COUNSELL £ CO. /CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. The ESTABLISHMENTS of the undersigned vrin be CLOSED on December 25, 23, 29, SO, and January L SMITH & GRANT. X ? ? ? J. G. P. & MS AY a CO. QHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. We respectfully notify that our ESTABLISHMBNTSjwffl be CLOSED on MONDAY, December 25. THUESDAY, 28th, and MONDAY, January 1, 1883. Dosatdso-v, Andrews, Good, Toms, & Co. jun- Sharlaot. D. & w. Murray. Goose, Dubbaxt, & Co. G. & E. Wills & Co. Vf. GOODE & CO. ? 3517V pHEISTMAS HOLIDAYS. The ESTABLISHMENT of the undersigned will be CLOSED on 25th, 28th, 29th, and 30th December and 1st January. 3507 GEO. P. HARRIS, SCAHFB, & CO. OTJR OFFICES will be CLOSED during Christmas Week and New Year's Day. MATTERS & CO., 355-7 Adelaide, Port Adelaide, and Port Augusta. TO AECHITECTS.— The Directors of the NATIONAL MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALASIA, LIMITED, have AWAEDED FIRST PRIZE to Design, 'Austral-asia,' submitted by Messrs. CUMMTNU & DAVIES. JOHN W. RAIL, x ? Resident Secretary. GLENELG._CLEIELC. CHRISTMAS NIGHT. MILITARY BAHD CONCERT, By kind permission of Colonel M. F. Domes, B.A., on the Balcony of the Institute, on MONDAY NIGHT, Christmas Wight, commencing at 7-30. TRAINS LEAVE VlCTOBlA-EqUARE. NOBIH-TERKACE. 6.10 6.55 6.50 6.35 7.30 7.15 . ? 355Ta CLENELCJPORTS. AMTFERS1RT DAT, DECEMBER 28, 1382. FIREWORKS. For Sports Programme, 4c., see future advertisement. .'.'.. 348thse mHE MOUNT PLEASANT AGRIX CULTURAL SOCIETY will hold their ANNUAL SHOW on the 20th of Marchyi833. xv ? ? ? EDW. BRICE, Hon. See. TJUBLIC NOTICE. As many of our Friends would like during the summer months to take either BICKFOBD'S RASPBERRY VTNEGAB QUININE WINE, LIMEJUICE CORDIAL, GINGER WINE which are known to be the best in the market), we have made arrangements with the Retail Trades to supply on demand. ? 2Hc '\rOTICE is hereby given that I have _13l this day FILED with the Clerk of the Licensing Bench of Magistrates for the Northern District at Port Augusta PLANS of an HOTEL- to be erected by me on Allotments 169, 170, and 171, TOWNSHIP of DAWSON, and that I intend to apply for a Publican's Licence for the same in due course. Dated this twelfth day of December, 1882. 355-6V64 ? JOSEPH RICHARDSON. 'VTOTICE is hereby given that, pursuant _13l to Clause 2S of the Licensed Victuallers Act, 1SS0, 1 have this day DEPOSITED frith the Clerk of the Licensing Bench, Northern District. ±-LANS of an HOTEL proposed to be erected by me on Section 4*y, in the Hundred of Telowie, to bo called theTELOWTE HOTEL, and for which I intend in due course to apply for a Publican's Licence. JAMES WARD, Farmer, Nelshaby. December 13, 18S2. ? 354-5vct F' the ASSIGNED ESTATE of WALTER BROOKS, of Port Victoria, Storekeeper.— A THIRD and FINAL DIVIDEND of OXE SHIL1ISO ASD ElGHTPEXCE HALFPE.N.Nr in the Pound (Is. SJd. in the £) will be payable at the Offices of the undersigned on and after Friday, the 22nd day of December, 1SS2. HARRY TURNER, THOMAS, & CO., Cavendish Chambers, Grenfell-street, Adelaide. ? 354-6 PUBLIC NOTICE. CAMERON'S TOBACCOS. RAVEN, ST. ANDREWS, . OUR GAME, SIGNET, EUREKA, AND I.X.L. BRANDS OF TOBACCO, Manufactured by VVM. CAMERON & CO., LIMITED, ADELAIDE. Still maintain their wide-spread reputation of being THE BEST OFFERED to the AUSTRALIAN PUBLIC, the superiority of these Tobaccos being freely admitted by all competent judges. The fac that attempts are mads to injure the reputation o these well-known and appreciated Brands is sufficient proof that they are in greater demand than any ether Tobaccos. ? 3-Sthsc A DELAIDE SEWERS ACT. NOTICE TO HOUSEHOLDERS. Clause 15-17. Soles and Regulations— ' At the head of every house-drain a proper ventilating pipe shall be provided and carried up above the eaves of buildings, Ac, -tc In order to assist the natural current set up by the difference between the temperature of the air inside and outside the drain an efficient form of cowl should be fixed on the top of each ventilating pipe.' To comply with the above the 'PATENT VACUUM VENTILATOR' U the most effective known. A ' working model can be seen and the 'Ventilators' (of any size) obtained at GRAY'S, Oawler-place, where a Sample-room of SANITARY WARES can be inspected and orders taken for any work in connection with same. 4?thsc AGILL QUARRIES, Ksows as Bizet's. All PERSONS INDEBTED for STONE from the above Quarries are hereby CAUTIONED from paying the amounts to any person except the undersigned, who is the sole Owner. All accounts must bo paid to him at the OSes of H. Vivian, Beaconsfleld Buildings, King Williamstreet BOSS T. REID, 340cv Rostrevor, MagilL IVE POUNDS REWARD. — The above Reward will be paid for INFORMATION leading to the CONVICTION of the PERSON or Persons who Broke Open the Basin the Norwood and -Register Clubs' Shed on the North Park Lands, and SMASHED THREE BATS, the property of the Register Club. i ? S. J. CROSS, Hon. Sec ?\TOTICE.— I have APPOINTED Sir JLl RICHARD HONEY, of Port Adelaide, Timber Merchant, my ATTORNEY during my absence from the colony. 3507 ? DAVID BOWER. - fTlHIS is to give NOTICE that Mr. A. CHARLES SAUNDERS is NO LONGER AUTHORIZED to COLLECT ACCOUNTS for the GLOBE HOTEL, YONGALA. HENRY SKEWES, Proprietor. December 16, ISS2- ? 353-6 ALL DOGS, GOATS, &c., found . TRESPASSING on Section 436, Hundred ol Tatala. will be DESTROYED, and all HORSES, CATTLE, and SHEEP IMPOUNDED. 355-6VC4 T. H. PARSES.

PROSPECTUS OF THE ADELAIDE AUCTION COMPANY, LIMITED, INCORPORATED UNDER 'THE COMPANIES ACT, 1864.' CAPITAL— £4,00®, in 2,000 Sliares of £2 Each, WITH POWEE TO INCREASE. Payable 2s. 6d. on Application, 23. Gd. on Allotment, and the balance in Calls of not more than 2s. (id. per Share, at intervals of not less than three months. DIRECTORS : THOMAS EATON BURY. | GEORGE A. FARE. THOMAS HARRY. BANKERS : ENGLISH, SCOTTISH, AND AUSTRALIAN CHARTE RED BANK. SOLICITORS : INGLEBY, GRUNDY, AND NESBIT. BROKERS : STOCK AND SHARE INVESTMENT COMPANY, LIMITED. 58, Exchange, Adelaide. TEMPORARY OFFICES : 58, EXCHANGE, ADELAIDE. OBJECTS OF THE COMPANY. This Company is formed for the purpose of carrying on a GENERAL AUCTION AND AGENCY BUSINESS in the well-known premises lately occupied by Messrs. P. Levi & Co., Pixie-street. The want of suitable central premises, where persona having goods to dispose of could be certain of sufficient space for the proper exhibition and display of the samej has been long felt in Adelaide, The above-mentioned premises are of sufficient magnitude to facilitate the carrying on of a larger Auction Business than any other available building so centrally situated in the city, their capacity being three floors, each about 40 x 100 feet, with a rightofway to the side entrance of the width of about 30 feet. The Directors have already received promises of substantial support from shareholders who are importing goods from Europe and America, which they propose to sell through the Company. The' Company propose to act as agent3 for various English and American houses who from time to time desire to consign good3 to this market for sale, and in thi3 way they believe an exceedingly remunerative business can be established and maintained. An agreement dated the 28th November, 1882, has been entered into between George Henry Ca^geeg and Edwin Sawle Hughes, of the one part, and George Alexander Farr, on behalf of the Company of the other part, and together with a copy of the Memorandum of Association can be seen at the Offices of the Company. One Thousand Shares have already been subscribed for. The balance of 1,000 Shares is now offered to the public. The usual preliminary expenses, including brokerago of sixpence per share, will be paid out of the funds of the Company. The Share-list will close on Saturday, 23rd December, at noon. , Adelaide, 15th December, 1882. FORM OF APPLICATION FOR SHARES. TO THE DIRECTORS ADELAIDE AUCTION COMPANY, LIMITED. Herewith I beg to hand you £ ? being 2s. 6d. per Share deposit on application for ? Shares, wliich I request you to allot me in the Adelaide Auction Company, Limited, and I agree to take such Shares or any less number you may allot me in terms of the Prospectus, and I authorize you to place my name on the Register of Shareholders, and agree to be bound by the Memorandum and Articles of Association. Full Name ? Address ? x Number of Shares applied for ? '. ? WILLS & GO, ?: ':; ? - - : -?? ? ' o ? ...'?? SPEC I A L . ..;. -. ? ' 0 HAVING MADE EXTENSIVE PURCHASES OF SILK AND CASHMERE MANTLES, '. '? , - :'~' HD1JNERT BONNETS, PBINT COSTUMES, AND KID GLOVES, We are now Offering the above Goods at ? 0 ? See our KID GLOVES at Is. 3d. '?V. . :; Splendid SATEEN COSTUMES 18s. lid. WILLS & CO. 80, RUNDLE-STREET. WILLS & CO, 336thsc THE CHAMPION SEWING MtfHINL THE WHITE TREADLE THE WHITE PEEELESS HAND. ; SIXTyThOUSAND Of these Sewing Machines were made in 1880, and over 1,500 of them were sold in South Australia the fir3t year they were introduced. These Machines were not exhibited at the Melbourne or Adelaide Exhibitions, as they do not require medals to introduce them to the public. FORCSEAPNESS, LIGHT RUNNING, AND DURABILITY UNEQUALLED ? o ? ? . The following testimonials will be a sufficient guarantee as to their adaptability for amily and manufacturing purposes :— Sir— The WHITE Machine we bought of you on the 11th August Is, I believe, one of the best I ever worked, and I would recommend them to any one requiringa machine. August 22, 1881. WILLIAM THOMAS, East Auburn. Sir— The WHITE Machine you supplied me with is giving every satisfaction. I have no difficulty in doing any kind of work with it, and I find it the lightest running machine I ever used. I shall be happy to recommend it to any one, either for manufacturing or domestic work. September 29, 1SS1. A. HASTE, Brown-street. As regards the WHITE Machine I purchased from you, I am happy to say it is giving every possible satisfaction. I only -egret that I did not know of this Machine sooner. October 13, 1881. J. LEAVER, Hatter, 83, Rundle-street. Sir— I am pleised to say the WHITE Machine you su pplied me with is giving the greatest satisfaction, being very easily worked and perfectly noiseles3. November 11, 1881. G. CORNELIUS, Kent Town. Sir— I take this opportunity to testify to the excellence of the WHITE Sewing Machine I bought from you. The variety of work done by thi3 Machine without alteration or adjustment is quite extraordinary,' and my knowledge of Sewing Machines convinces me that this will be an everlasting one, I shall be most happy to recommend the White Machine to any one. April 27, 1SS2. G. GURR, East Adelaide, Sir— I have much pleasure in adding my testimony to the excellence of the WHITE Machine, We have ha'd it in daily use for twelve months, and have not had the slightest difficulty with it. I have no hesitation in saying that it is the best machine I have seen. May 9, 18S2. J. H. GARNER, Cutter for R. N. Gault & Co., Rundle-street. Sir— The WHITE Sewing Machine you sent me on approval I am in every way pleased with. For simplicity and ease in working it is perfection. May 22, 1882. E , HAMMER, Rundle-street. Dear Sir— Hating for many years used several machines, I was induced to try the WHITE Machine, and would recommend it as being superior to other makes, both for lightness and durability. Ounel, 18S2, W. CLISBY, Edward-street, Norwood, ? o ? DEPOT AUSTRALASIA!! IMPLEMENT COMPANY, North-terrace, opposite Railway Passenger Station. AGENTS IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL TOWNS IN THE COLONIES. 168thsc BURTON & SHQRWEY, WHOLESALE Hi RETAIL Ilillil&ERS, COMMERCIAL-ROAD, PORT ADELAIDE, Desire respectfully to inform the General Public that they have opened business as above, with an entirely New Stock, selected from best Engliahj American, and Continental markets ; and are now prepared to execute orders for UEIn ERAL HARDWARE, FURNITURE, and EOUSEHOLD REQUISITES of every description, on the very best terms. MECHANICS' TOOLS, a lar-e assortment, by all the best makers. Also, PLOUGH FTTTIXGS, GALVANIZED IRON, FENCING WIRE, CEMENT, PLASTES, PAINTS, OILS, COLOURS, VARNISHES, BUILDERS' IRONMONGERY, &s. PRICES LOWEST CURRENT. All Shipping Orders personally supervised and put free on board. ' Bsothsc ? BURTON & SHOBJTEY. 1 I m a til £=a a B \J vjxs-ja IesS'' u \i Vxssy vSss?i ft-*-^ 0 d INTIMATE TO THE PCLLIC THAI THY HAVE PSRGKASED THE BUSINESS OF J. WITKQWSKi, IMPORTER, 103, RUNDLE.STREET. ' They now offer the Large andWdl-assorted Stock at prices that mnsi command a ready sale, in ordei to make room for other larce Importations. The Stock comprises— PIANOS (by the best makers)! CABINET ORGANS fhy various maker?), BRASS and HEED INSTRUMENTS, VIOLINS an: GUITARS, ACCORDIONS and CONCERTINAS (lane Sto;k and must be cleared). PICTURES (and endless variety, Framed and Unframed OLEOGRAPHS (Sne collection). PICTCHE-FBAMING don: on the Premises at REDUCED RATES. PAPEEHANGINGS.— The latest English Cesignes, indudinz JEsth'ti: Dados, Ceilins Centres, -£c Ladies ivill do well to call and see these. SOLE'AGENTS for the celebrated BEATTY GOLDEN. 1ONGUFD ORGANS, the Cheapest in the colcries. -'ote— We siull take pleasure in ahowinc visitors cut Stock, ?she'.hcr Pur:ta:crs cr not. 311thse

PUBLIC NOTICES ? filTY OF ADELAIDE. j ? PUBLIC NOTICE, CHRISTMAS EVE. NOTICE is hereby given that between the hours )f 7 p.m. and 11 p m. on Christmas Eve, the 23rd December inst., ALL VEHICULAR and HORSE TRAFFIC passing westward up Rundle-street will be DIVERTED by the police at the York Hotel into Grenfell-street or North-terrace, and all VEHICULAR and HORSE TRAFFIC passing eastward along Rundle-Etreet must pas3 at a walking pace. All persons so travelling are respectfully requested to assist and carry into effect tuis notice, so as to preyent any accidents happening in Bundle-street luring the above hours. By order, THOMAS WORSNOP, Town Clerk. Town Clerk's Office, Town Hall, Adelaide, December, 1SS2. ? 3557 TraT.ATTVrc VYV. rNTRTRMARV — Queen's Hospital for General Diseases. Private Residence for Married Ladies during con. Hnement. Those are private and distinct institutions under the Management of Dr. John F. Joyce, assisted by an efficient Staff of Consulting Physicians md Surgeons. Suites of Rootas can ba hid, and urangements are made for the friends of patients staying with them. Terms moderate. aiTthscv ? GEO. BABLOW. Sac f^ONYALESCENT HOSPITAL.— DO-*U NATIONS and SUBSCRIPTIONS will be thankfully RECEIVED by the Collector, Mr. E. M. MABTIN, Osmond-terrace, Norwood ; or the Hon. Treasurer, Mr. C. M. Todd, Port Adelaide, who alone are authorized to (rive receipts. 162hao READ IT ALL.— Of all the remedies required in such a climate- as South Australia possesses, we think the most important is that for Indigestion and its attendant ills. We are very pleased to be able to welcome such in Cross's Indigestion Drops. We are in receipt of a bottle, and judging from the evidence of the numerous testimonials, copies of which lie before U3, wa feel justified in believing these Drop3 to be a genuino cure for the many diseases of the digestive organs. We certainly intend to pive them a trial the first time the necessity arises. We wish Mr. Cross every success. 323tnscv ELECTORAL NOTICES TO THE ELECTORS OF 1 j JL Jln JLJf JfcL* ioiL S9-« Gentlemen— The result of the poll is against me. I, notwithstanding, most heartily thank those Electors who recorded their votes in my favour; and although to a certain extent disappointed that the election was decided on PERSONAL grounds rather than on PRINCIPLES, I am yet glad to find SO MANY of you could recognise the importance of the alterations I proposed to effect in the Land Laws, and I feel that when I again solicit your suffrages yon will rally ronnd mo and HELP me to carry to a successful issue the plan I have thus initiated, and which if carried would make a FINAL and complete system of Land Legislation. Gentlemen, again I thank you for your support. Yours faithfully, xt ? W. C. GREENSLADE. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE DISTRICT OF FLINDERS. Gentlemen— I beg to tender my thanks to the Electors who kindly recorded their votes in my favonr. Although not returned on the present occasion, yet should another vacancy occur in tho representation of the District I shall do myself the honour of again soliciting the suffrages of tho Electors. In the meantime I shall continue to devote my attention and geological knowledge to tho exploration and development of the vast mineral resources of this colony, and especially of the Flinders District. I have the honour to be, Gentlemen, Yours faithfully, T. A. MASEY. Walkerville. Adelaide, December 10, 1SS2. 354'5v mnriciPAL coTmciLs mOWN OF GLENELG. ASSESSMENT. The Town Council have caused an ASSESSMENT of all the Rateable Property within the Town to be prepared for the year 1SS3, and that the same has been by them allowed. The Book of this Assessment may be inspected daily at the Corporation Office between the honrs of 10 a.m. nnd 3 o'clock p.m., except on Saturdays, when the office closes at L2 odock noon. Appeals against any poition of this Assessment must be made within ten (10) days of the date of tho first publication of Urn notice, and are to set forth the grounds upon which such appeal is based in the Form of Schedule E to the Municipal Corporations Act, 1SS0. The appeal may be to the Town Council or direct to the Local Court of Full Jurisdiction, Adelaide. The Council will sit as a Court of Appeal on Friday, the 5th day of January, 1883, at 7.30 o'clock p.m., and will hear and consider any Appeal that may be made to them on or before the 2nd day of January, and givo their decision thereon. Appeals to the Local Court direct will be heard at the First Sittings of the Local Court of Full Jurisdiction next V ter sixteen days from the date of this notice. Further appeal may be made from the decision of the Council within ten (10) days thereafter to the Local Court of Full Jurisdiction by notice in the Form of Schedule F in the above-named Act ; and such last Appeal will be heard at the Sittings of the Local Court next after seven (7) days from notice being given thereof. Forms of Appeal can be obtained at the Corporation Office, and any information relating thereto from the Town Clerk. By order, JOHN SOAL, Town Clerk. Glenelg, 20th December, 1S8-1 ? 355-7 ?ft/J-UNICIPALITY OF UKLEY. NOTICE TO COWKEEPERS, DAIRYMEN, AND PURVEYORS OF MILK. No Persons are allowed to carry on any of tho above-mentioned Trades unless they are Licensed as such in tho Officp of the Town Clerk. Licences are annual, and expire on the first of January. Penalty not less than One nor more than Ten Pounds. By order, JOHN MILLER, Town Clerk. December 20, 1SS2. 355-62 TI/rUNICLPALITY OF UNLEY. NOTICE.— On and after the first of January next DOGS described as follows will be DESTROYED : —All Unregistered Dogs, all Dogs found at largonot having collars round their necks as directed by the Dog Act. By order, JOHN MILLER, Town Clerk. December 20, 188-2. ? H55-CZ COMPANIES A3TO SOCIETIES THE : ADELAIDE, PAYNEHAM, AND PARADISE TRAMWAY COMPANY, LIMITED. NOTICE is hereby given that the ORDINARY Half-yearly general meeting of this Company will be held at the Exchange Arbitrationroom, Adelaide, on THURSDAY, tho 21st day of December, at the hour of 11 o'clock noon, for the following purposes : — 1. To receive the Acconnts, Balance-sheet, and Report of the Directors, and the Auditors' Renort. 2. To elect Two Directors for the next ensuing year in the place of Messrs. William Everard and James F. Wigley, who retire by ballot, but who are eligible, and hereby offer themselves for re-election. 3. To elect Two Auditors for the next ensuing year in the place of Messr?. Henry Stodart and E. J. E. Warburton, who retire, but who are eligible, and hereby offer themselves for re-election. i. To fix the remuneration of the Directors and Auditors for the next ensuing year. 5. To transact all other necessary ordinary business of the Company. By order, JOSIAH BOOTHBY, Secretary. 21, Exchange, Pirie-street, Adelaide, ? December 6, 18S2. ? 34lh55 AEGS BAY LAND AND HSVESTMENT COMPANY, LIMITED. NOTICE is hereby given that the Directors of the above Company have this day declared a DIVIDEND at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum, payable at the Registered Office of the said Company on and after the 4th day of January, 1SS3. The Transfer Books will be Closed from 1st to Sth January, 1SS3, inclusive. By order, JOSIAH BOOTHBY, Secretary. 21, Exchange, Pirie-street, Adelaide, ? 18th December, 18S2. ? 355.61.t4 CITY OF ADELAIDE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO. (LIMITED). Binders : William Everard, Esq., J.P., Chairman. T. Graves, Esq., J.P. I S. Newland, E q., M.P. ? Hon. John Crozier, J.P. | Walter ReyneU, Esq., J.P DEP0SIT8 RECEIVED~AT CALL OR FIXED PERIODS. AT CALL ?? - - ?*?* PER CENT. ' 3 MONTHS - - 5 ' ' ' 6 MONTHS - - 5j ' ' ' 12 MONTHS ~ - 6 ' ' H. Y. SPARKS, Secretary, NO. 10, EXCHANGB. PEODTTCE SPECIAL NOTICE. — TO LAEGE AND SMALL GARDENERS. We are PURCHASERS of all kinds of FRUIT for Cash. We can either take Delivery at the Garden or at our Stores in the East-End Market. All letters and telegrams promptly attended to. H; B. HANTON & DALTON, Wholesale Jammakers and Fruiterere, S56thsc ? Adelaide and Fqllarton. ? UCEENE. LUCERNE. LUCERNE. — ON SALE by the Undersigned— Prime sample NEW LUCEENE SEED, just arrived. Bye and Prairie Grass Seed. Linseed, Barley, Oats, Field Peas. Potatoes, Colonial Salt, and Fcraee. AT LOWEST CURRENT PRICES. W. PRLDMORE, 257thse ? 11, Cnrrie-street, Adelaide ATS. OATS. OATS Superior New Zealand Milling and Feed Oata on Sale in quantities to suit rjurchasera. N. A. LORD, Barnard Chambers, Cnrrie-street, Adelaide. HE Highest Market Price paid for FlRST-tXASS FRUIT of all kinds. Purchased in large or small quantities. 23Sthsc JOHN F. PASCOE, East-End Market.

T' important' PRELIMINARY JiNNOUNCEMENT. HAH % ipfttl! 12 H I N D L E Y°ST R E ET AND 87 RS IMni P-QTRPFT Of, nUi^ULLOifiELill, HAVING PURCHASED BY TENDER THE ENTIRE STOCK OF lif If R0BIV, of &% ffiindley-street, Consisting of SEVERAL THOUSANDS of P0UND3 WORTH of NEW, FASHIONABLE, and SEP.VICEABLE DRAPERY and CLOTHING, at on MMENSE DISCOUNT (considerably less than One-Half Mr. Robin's marked prices), frill offer the same to -the Public in a FEW DAYS at PRICES which shall ASTONISH and ATTRACT ALL BUYERS of DRAPERY, thereby ensarinR a SPEEDY CLEARANCE. Mr. Robin's sound jndpment and well-known business ability are sufficient cparantee that the Stock is well assorted, and contains the HE WEST and BEST GOODS. But these Goods, always admitted to have been cheap, will be offered in a few days at LESS THAI ONE-HALF THEIR YALUE BY HALL ik MoLEAN AT 12, ffindley-streei, and 8T? Rundle-street. PREPARATIONS BEING PUSHED FORWARD. WATCH FOR ADVERTISEMENT AND PRICE-LIST IN A DAY OR TWO. 354c Vertical - Feed_Sejjving- Maghine. Extract from ' The London Journal of Domestic Appliances.' TjlHE majority of onr readers located in this ' tight little island, ' know nothing about JL the above machine ; the majority of those living in our Colonies know more about It than any other machine. Therefore, as our home readers are greatest in number, wo ihink it only right to place before their notice a description of one of the most excellent machines it was ever our lot to examine. We may, too, perhaps, be able to give 60318 information respecting it that will not be stale even to our colonial subscribers. The Davi3 Company is one of the largest manufacturing concerns in America, and having ramifications in most towns in the United States, have_ just opened offices at 54, Queen Victoria-street. London, and are now determined on pushing an English trade. That they will succeed there is not the slightest doubt ; indeed, it seems to us that the machine only requires to be known and tried to ensure a large sale. Its mechanical arrangements are very different to those of other machines. We will first take its feed. The Vertical fftn*~\ Pre33er-bar is raised. Feed i3 above the cb ! ' l ,. \ When tho needle bed of the iiiachine. ^n ? ^p^» ki fit ]-\\ has reached its The goods rest upon f^fe* ?xi%lr W / iT^il lo^est point, the a perfectly smooth fyl^^r^M=^^%s=^9ri \ffc \\ ?! Ml pressure has Bnrface, being held QK«J[-'' ~ '»-fiij£iJ*-- ' Hi*''- ''i been transmitted to firmly by the presser- ?1 %gg ' ~'s^'^- VlUT ' ' W H'-Ithe feed- and lt and foot until the feed ''JS-iif 'N' Cf / the middle bar are bas 'stepped' for- siSaL ) J W I moved together the ward. At this time Wj'3 / q\]f\ ' J desired length of the needle penetrates [ra /^is~ 1 ^— ^* stitch, both moving the fabrics, the pres- ^—-^w*1 %«''»'? i ? '? '' ''W& i -!-\ iQ unison at their sure is automatically rjV^^^«_j^ '?-;,' ^it^j- 1 highest and lowest transmitted to the ^t*^::^^ -— ^sp^^**?.^ points. feed (which comes v^Sb^^^*''1 'j'^^^T . ./ti down on the goods Til11 ' ' jj From the above close behind the head of the ' davis' vertical feed description it will be ueedle), and the sewing machine. seen that — 1st. The presser-foot is always raised from the fabric when the feed takes place, and presents no resistance to seams or ridges. 2nd. The needle being on the fabric, moving with the Vertical Feed with its full pressure on the goods, renders the feed sure and strong, and tho stitches uniform in length. 3rd. The needle being in the goods at the time the feed takes place renders it impossible to full one piece while the other is stretched. 4th. The Vertical Feed being behind the needle, the machine is capable of sewing elastic goods, making a smooth and flexible seam with stitch alike on both sides ; also of sewing any number of thicknesses without basting, operating with equal facility on the heaviest as well as the lightest fabrics. . The 'Davis' has /-«, ..,,.__ ? ^ -c\ of a less number of no underworks to be ls'~in-. 4' ^..''^'Z^'t-^-^nJ^A f \ working parts than looked after or to get ;? ^'^y-T ''^TS^TT -'',, \ J t 1 any other shuttle maputof order; the work- '? s_£/.jT ^ l ^ ~»)S-U jn/ U chine; its use is more ing parts being con- '% |r f- T-^lTii* ' Ju- , lt e^ily an.d quickly fined in the heacTof the «,,'* ,rj, ' - i «-*'i ;''— i^r^ jss&*&$ 1 learned; it is espemachine, requiring no ? t '~\Ccf ^ V%:*«s^fc_'C_r™7 f\ ** cially adapted to the other attention or ad- ** \ \ Vff^?' A * ~ ~ *'f I ^ diversified wants of justing than occasion- j_ °\?-L\ f- i*t- \ * / farnjty sewing, and is ally putting a drop of \.^jjl-JI ^.~- *. ? «^.^._iV'l( \ ../ so simple that it can oil in the holes pro- feVSS^ISS^^^ ' -s. ''' ' ^ggl *?*' ^e used efficiently by vided for that pur- ^ ? IJ = ? ' ? '' '^ any one with facility. pose ; it is composed showing tiie ttnderpart ok the 'davis ' SEWING MACHINE. Its working parts are made of the best material, are compact, strong and durable, each point of friction oeing case-hardened, insaring the longest wear with tho least expense for repairs. It will do the greatest variety of stitching, from the lightest cambric through all grades of fabric to harness leather, The vertical feed enables the operator to tarn the work at any curve or angle while the machine iB in motion, without changing the tension or length of stitch ; consequently it can easily do in a given time one-third rrore work than any under-feed machine. The shuttle holds a large amount of thread, and gives an easy tension in the most simple manner. ? o ? 329fchsc SOIjE AGENTS FOR SOUTH AirSTIMMA— McLEAN BROS., RIQG, & CO., 84, 86, 88, and 80, ffiindley-street, Adelaide. SPLENDID NEW DEALS, W®W and W W M9 AT NORWOOD TIMBER YARDS AND STEAM SAW AND TOBLDfiW MILLS. ? 262th3c : HAND'* TREADLE .SL^^^J Hi ITO ^mMi^ fTPST ILL accomplish, Kithoct any tacHng or preparation, nil binds of pkia ana fancy ? ¥ work witn the appliances given with each Machine. Patent Loose fflndlnB Wheel, Automatic Bobbin Winder. Free Instructions. MOST LIBERAL 1IME PAYMENT. Every description 01 SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED on the Promises. WERTHEIM SEWING MACHINE DEPOT. 101 RUNDLE-STREET, ADELAIDE. Agents: GEO P. Harris, Scarfe, & Co., Ga^rlei-placa Jko. HiJlTnt & Co., Bundle-street. Staarj TEDS Ol^lD)ia@T PIiUMBEVO, PlIITII^ & Pif MIAKIIC! lOTlAlSiiliSliMlari II illvi ia.IFIalL/fi.lliPliiie D ^' B ^\ B R /f'^i e2^83 E™^ S™51 IF50 EBspsa I Flf^Hra5*%i RF h S II i \% m u i ii ll t j HAS BEEN TAKEN OVER BY 'Who now possess INCREASED FACILITIES for execrating ALL KINDS OF WORK appertaining to the Trade at most REASONABLE TERMS. Hot-Water Services and Pomp-worls— a Speciality^ AUTHORIZED PLUMBERS UNDER THE HEW SEWERAGE REGlMTiOfiS WALL-PAPERS, OILS, PAINTS, GLASS, &c., Always on hand in very Variety and to Arrive. DEEP DRAINAGE. Onr Mr. HUGHES, of the late firm, can now be consulted on behalf of the Sewerage £«gnlations in all its branches. 192thRQ ,1 I V/ITCOMBE, UNDERTAKER, 1 ; 162, RUNDLE-STREET, OPPOSITE YORK HOTEL -j I desire remect! nHy to notify to the Public that aa I f oUow no other occupation, I devote ., the whole of my attention to the Undertaking Bnrine33, and personally superintend eTery j Funeral entrusted to my care, and perfoimedat two hours' notice, at the lowest possible prices. J fell.1, i: ? 'Z^V^l^Z^^lz-,..:. ? ' ??: ?„ ? , ? :? :?.:, ? ? ') THE ABOVE OLD-ESTABLISHED BUSINESS AND LEASE FOE SALE.

MIHING NOTICES ? K0HIN00R GOLD-MMNG COMPANY, NO LIABILITY. KOTICB is hereby piven that an EXTHAORMNARY MEF.TING of SHAREHOLDERS of the Company \riil be held at the Offices of the Company, IE, Exchange, Pirie-street, Adelaide, at 3 p.m. on THURSDAY, 4th January, 1SS3, to pass the folowing resolution :— '? That the Kohinoor Gold* nininc Company, No Liability, be voluntarily ftound np.' R. C. CORNISH. Manager. Adelaide, December 20, 1S-S2. ? 355.63.H OUNT WELLS NORTHERN TERRITORY TIN-MIMNG CO JPANY, LIMITED. NOTICE.— A CALL of Sixpence per Sliara upon Shares Noa. 1 to 40.KO inclusive has this day been iiado, and is payable at the Registered office of the 'ompany, Gladstone Chambers, Pirit-street, Ade» aideVon Friday, tho 22nrt day of Dere:nb-r, 1SS2. By order, P. A. HORN, Secretary. Adelaide, November SO, ISS2. ? 344,55-6 THE COOTAMUNDRA GOLDMINING COMPANY, NO LIABILITY. NOTICE is hereby given that a CALL, theSecond, of One Siiilunu per Share Ins been mada ipon Shares Numbered 8,001 to 30,000 inclusive,, layablo at the Registered Offices of ihe Company, !, MonteSore Chambers, Waymqnth street, Adeaide, on tho second Wednesday in the month of' January ensuing. T. P. FENNER, Manner. December IS, ISS2. ? 3HS MALAKOFF GOLD-MINING COMPANY, NO LIABILITY. NOTICE is herebv niven that the ORDINARY GENERAL HALV-VeARLY 1IKETING of' SHAREHOLDERS will t-a hold on THURSDAY, 21st inst, at 3 p.m., at Arbitration-room, Exchange, . ?. Pine-street, to rectivo Report and Bilance-sheet, to Elect Five Directors in terms of Rules_ and' Benilations of the Company, to Elect Auditors, md to transact such other Business aa may ba ? bronght forward. R. C. CORNISH, Manager. 45, Exchange, December 11, 1SS2. 343,53,5 ? H0HEY ? m TO CAPITALISTS OR PERSONSSEEKING INVESTMENT. -The Advertiser wishes to BORROW £500 for purpose of joining an old-estalilished Business in City. Borrower will give £50 per annum interest and an igreed bonus on declared dividends half-yearly ; . ubo approved security for amount advanced! Address Principal, Renter Office. 355,7,60 WANTED, £20.000 on Mortgage, atC per cent. Good security. Addre33 Principia, G.P.O., Adelaide. 350-2,5,7 ONEY TO LEND on Freehold Security, whether under Real Property Act ? or otherwise. W. BENNY, Solicitor, Watekhouse Chambers, I5cvd King William-street. THE MORTGAGE COMPANY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA, LIMITED. Capital, MQiJ.000, with power to /nc/ou*. ' §mtiax$i T Hon. Sir William Milne, ChViimto. . ? Six Thorn* j Elder I E. Birr Smith . Em. J.fc. -Jowph rUhor. 5iq . l-t. \ Wm- K«J. E««- Jr. r : ?' M«i»tcr. H. T. Spulu. J.I LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES, At lowest rates, to Farmers, Sheepfarmert^. and Landotanera. NO COMMISSION CHARQEO, Either for loan or completing purchase of~ Credit Selections. REPAYMENTS ' During the currency of the Mortgage, ; allowed on terms. COST OF MORTGAGE ~ T' Is the only charge made- -h.~yTspark$, Offleei. fMe Sired. Adelaide ipITY PERMANENT BUILDING'-\J AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY, INCORPORATED. MONEY received on DEPOSIT at call or short periods. Liberal term3. Apply at tho Office, Gresham Chamber. HARRY D. GELL, 3JSthsOO ? Secretary. SEVERAL THOUSAND POUNDS TO LEND AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST. according to value of freehold security. Sections Purchased from Government under the Cash or Credit system. All Deeds and Documentsunder the Real Property Act prepared. Selectors purchases completed and tho money advanced. Surveys undertaken. REYNELL sTrEINECKE, LAND AND FINANCIAL AGENTS, -fcc, Torrens Chambers, Victoria-square west. ? S23thso MONEYTO LEN Dr. At from G per cent., FIRST-CLASS FREEHOLD SECUP.ITTES. Selectors' purchases completed, and tho money advanced. Government and other Land Sales attended. All Real Property Act business transacted. 1. m COLLEY, Land and Financial Agent, &c. . MORIALTA CHAMBERS, ISOthscvd VICTORIA-SQUARE WEST. ?' MONEY TO LEND in Large or -Small Sum.H, on Mortgage of Freenold OT'. Leasehold Property, at the Lowest Current Rates. FENN & HARDY. Othscvd 02, King William-street ''? MONEY TO be LENT at Lowest Current Rates. ' COTTON & OPIE, 125cvd Queen's Chambers, Adelaide. ? ? ? MONEY TOLEND AT' lowest Current Rates. DAVID TWEEDIB 2cvd Alfred Chambers, Currie-street. ONEY TO LEND on Freehold! Security at Lowest Current Rates. EICHD. B. 'JOX, Solicitor and Notary, BeaconsSeld Buildings, King William-street Opposite Bank of South Australia, 102thsc And at Hindmarsh. MONEY TO LEND AT LOV/EST CURRENT RATES. SHlflTLEWORTH & LETGHFORD, LAND, LOAN, AND ESTATE AGENTS, ?Waterbouse Buildings King William-street. ? loathsc JP& OR £10 SUMS LENT' 3&O- PRIVATELY. Apply Owl. Jlsgisler Office. 2D3thst23 jgi^ mo lend jgiTjL 3&tP JL on dfes/JLvF PERSONAL or any AVAILABLE SECURITY. Weekly payments taken. Apply W. R. DICKINSON, 21, Flinders-street, opposite Stow Manse. Office Houits: 10 to 4, Saturdays, 10 to 1, and nrn Monday Evening, from Ol AA S,5U. 7 to 8 p.m.' JblUO. ? 829-1277 * jp-K. £10, £20, and upwards AdSs^vj'a vanced immediately on own Note of Hand, Personal Security, Deposit of Deed3 TrithoutMortgage, or Valuables or any kind, at a very moderate rate of interest, to be repaid weekly or asagreed upon. Tradesmen's bills discounted. All transactions strictly confidential. S. SAUNDERS, Manager, South Australian Loon Office, 353thsc Gavfler-placo T ONDON LOAN AKD DISCOUNTJ-J BANK,PIRIE-STREET, PIRIE-STREET, OPPOSITE UNION BANK. Head Office— London Discount and Mortgage Bant, Limited, Little Collins-street, Melbourne. A Branch of this Bank Is now opened with ths object of employing it3 capital in making immediate; Cash Advances (from £5 to £5,000) to persons ontheir ovm note of hand on Furniture, Tritboutremoval, Mortgage, Deposit of Deeds, Bills of Sale, Bonded Certificates, Trade Bills, &c., at very mode* rate rates of interest. Persons borrotring £5 receive £4 103. Cash. ' ' £10 ' £9 ' ' ' £20 ' £18 ' The Bank having a large Capital at its command sue now prepared to advance on Freehold Security at 6 per cent, per annum, or as in Building Societies. Persona having Land and being desirous to build can arrange a Loan and have an imma'uate advanceupon the value of their land, and the balance as the building progresses. All transactions entertained and concluded with-out delay. Bills discoanted daily. For further information apply to the Manager. Office hours— 9 to 6 ; Mondays and Thursdays, 9 to 8 ^ ? ~ ? lasthsc r BUH3 AUD STOCK ?WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Valuable PASTORAL LEASES in the Kimberley District FOR SALE. Principals only. DE MOLE & FARKAR, Civil Engineers, &c, SSSthscv Torres Chambers, Vietoria-sqnare ?west. ? SHAKES ? C PROUD, Broker. Office near O ' The Comer.' Orders promptly attended to. Association brokeraje rates charged 2WC