Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Friday 3 October 1924, page 13


His Excellency the Governor yesterday morning presided at a meeting of the Executive Council. Lady Bridges yesterday afternoon pre-

sented the prizes at the Queen's School sports hc-W at the Adelaide Oval. IBs \ Kscellency the Governor and Mis* Alvilde Bridges, accompanied by Mrs. Gunn, and attended by Captain C. B. Duncan, were ia?t evening at the performance of the- opera "La Bohemc" Lady Bridges will attend the musical festival in the Exhibition Building under the auspices of the Adelaide Harmony Society tomorrow evening.Mr. Mr. R. G. Peake, S.M. (Accountant ?f the Harbors Board Deportment) Las beea appointed secretary to the board in place of Mr. \V. J. P. Taylor, recently appointed :i Harbors Board Commissioner. Mr. Peake, who is a son of Mr. E. R. Peake, and a nephew of the Hon. A. H. Peake, was boru ai NarracoorU, and received liis early education in the local Slate school, under Mr. Charles Wainwrigbt. His later education was suiiervised privately. In 1891 he entered the Railway Department

rfS a junior clerk in the office of the Resident Engineer at Xarracoorte. Seven years later Mr. Peake, while still in the Bail tray Department, was transferred to the Northern Territory! which was then under the control of South Australia. He was promoted to be auditor and paymaster at Darwin' in 1893, and also held several other Government positions. In 1905 he was appointed a representative of the State Commissioner of Audit and the Commopwealth Auditor-General, and in 1910 was made a special magistrate. Mr. Peake staved in Darwin for 12 months after the Commonwealth took over the Territory. Upon his return to South Australia he resumed duty with, the Railway-Department, but in 1914 was transferred to the Harbors Board, and appointed Port ?Superintendent at Wallaroo. In 1919 he came to Adelaide as Superintendent ~{ Outports, and two years later was made Accountant of the Harbors Board Department. Mr. Peake is a member of the Federal Institute of Accountants. In the Executive Council on Thursday, Mr. A. A. Edwards, M.P., was appointed a member of the State Children's Council, in succession to Sir. F. W. Birrell, ALP-, who has resigned. The following were appointed official visitors to the Mental Hospital, Parkside:—Dr. Gertrude Halley, Mrs. A. K. Goode, and Messrs. R. G. Peake, S.M., F. W. Lundie, and L. Sampson. A company of boys from the Salvation Army Home at Mount Barker, who have been touring the State as a concert party, were entertained by the Lady Mayoress at the Adelaide Town Hall yesterday. Sir. G. O. Pejin.' who left by'tfie Moldavia yesterday afternoon for India, where lie will spend six months investigating the possibilities of trade in Australian jam and canned fruit for Sir Henry

Jones, was in the Executive Council on Thursday appointed an honorary commissioner to enquire on behalf *>f the Slate Government into the possibilities of the dried fruit trade with India. The General Traffic Manager of the Boilway Department (Mr. A. X. Day) returned to Adelaide by the Melbourne express on Thursifav mnrninv

Mr. G. P. Peake.

Mr. G. O. Perm. I