South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Tuesday 14 December 1880, page 7

DJSUBAHCE tf 0TICB3 VICTORIA INSURANCE COMPACT, LIMITED. CAPITAL, £1,000,000 STERLING. FIRE and MAEINE Risks accepted at Lowest r Current Rates. CLAIMS promptly Settled in the Colonies or in London, at option of assured. 'WOOL Insured with average on each bale. HAYSTACKS AXD STANDING CROPS Insured against Fire. DAMAGES BY LIGHTNING PAID. For Rat« of Premium and Conditions apply to the undermentioned Country Agents: ? ArditMsan ._ _. John Henderson Edithburgh... ... Gco. Hut Gawler ~ ... B. £. Deland Georgetown... ... A. Hardy & Son Gladstone _ _ W. Moorhouse 4 Co. Jamestown „ ~. B. W. O'Halloraa Kapund* ... m Listen, Shakes, & Co. Lanra _ _ Laura Brewery Co. Monnt Barker ... Cornelias k Williams Mount Gambier _ O. A. F. Bolte Moonta ~. ... E-ILDerrington, J.P. Maitland _ -M Warn Bros. Minlaton ? ... Fredk.C. Baker Mannanarie ? J.Stephens Narracoorte.^ _ A.DeBeer Port Adelaide _ Chaa. H. Warren PortPirie „ «. F.O. Crocker Fort Angusta ... Thos. Sara Port Germein ... N.Simons FortWakefield „ J. Styles Redhill M ._ Cleiy & Stockham Stansbury ... „ Fredk. Worm Wilmington ... J. G. Gibson Wirrabara „ _ J.Yictorsen Wallaroo ... — North 4 Harman Yorketown _ _ Marcos 4 Co. Or FREDK. WRIGHT, Agent for South Australia. Gresham Chambers. Adelaide. 302cvd CO11MEK0IAL UNION ASSURANOB COMPANY, Oatitsx-- £2,500,000. AUSTRALIAN BRANCH Head Offices— 80, Collins-street west, Melbourne. W. H. Jarrett, General Manager. PROVINOB OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. Dibeciorb: W. H. Charnock. Esq., J.P, Chairman. W. B. Sells, Esq , J.P., F. W. Stokes, Esq , M.P. Aoditob : H. Stodart. Esq. ShCBBTABT: Louis Giles, Esq. MARINE BISKS on Goods, Halls, Freight, and other interests, and FIKE RISKS of ail dwses in Town and Country assured at Current rates. The Old Exchange, King William-street. ? 2903I8thcTd SOUTH AUSTRALIAN INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. CAPITAL, £1 000,000. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. J. O. Verco, Esq., J.P., Chairman. J. CounselL Esq., J.P., Deputy-Chairman. Hon. Alexander Hay, M.L.O. Hod. Philip Santo, M.L C. Geo. Scarfe, Esq., of Messrs. Geo.P. Harris, Scarfe 4 Co. FIRE AND MARINE RISKS at Current Bates. MONEY LENT ON MORTGAGE. Insurance Chambers, Adelaide, and at every Township in the Colony. S2crd R, E. TAPLEY, Secretary. COLONIAL MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, LIMITED. POLICIES absolutely INDEFEASIBLE and UNCHALLENGEABLE on any ground whaterer. NEW POLICIES issued during year ending 31st March, 3^5S ; assuring £310,881. Present annual income £100,3S7 13s. Id. For the convenience of candidates for Life Assurance, DOCTOR CAMPBELL will ATTEND at the OFFICES of the above SOCIETY. 87, King William-street, Adelaide, EVERY TUESDAY at 4 p.m. MONEY to LEND on Freehold Mortgage. THOS. E. BURY, Secretary. 87, King William-street, Adelaide. 87thso fTIRANSATLANTIO FIRE INSURANCE -L COMPANY, OF HAMBURG. Represents a Capital of 6,000,000 Marks, and a combined Capital in English money of £3,232,500. Accepts Int 'fances in any part of the Colony ot South Aostiilia at Lowest Rates. Policies for South Australia issued in Adelaide. Claims for losses promptly settled in the said Colony, and for all other insurance business connected with the agency of this Company, Apply to M. KINGSBOROUGH, King William-street, Adelaide, Attornej and General Agent in South Australia. 242thso ISTE'VT ZEAX.AND NSURANCE COMPANY (Established 1859). CAPITAL— ONE MILLION. PAID-UP Capital, £200000. Reserve and Reinsurance Funds, £140,000. Unlimited Liability of Shareholders. ADELAIDE BRANCH, Universal Buildings, Grenfell-street. MARINE end FIRE RISKS of every description taken at Lowest Current Rates, CLAIMS made Payable in London, New Zealand, Australia (or any of the Company's Agencies), at the option of the Insured. STRhsYcT F.WILTOK GARDE* ER. Manager. OYAL FIRE AND LIFE INSURANcI COMPANY. CAPITAL-TWO MILLIONS. Fire Premiums (netj for 1879— £779,318 6 5 Life Premiums (net) do. ... 247,194 1 4 Reserve Fond _ .- — 900,000 0 0 Fire Fund ? 500,000 0 0 Life Fund - „. „. 2,449,615 19 3 FIRE RIEKS taken at reduced rates. Losses promptly settled here. LIFE INSURANCE in various forms effected at moderate rates combined with perfect security. No extra charge for voyage to Europe. AORAMAN, MAIN, 4 CO., 311thscv Agents. IRE, LIFE, AND MARINE INSURANCE AGENCY. NICHOLSON MAORIS, 54, Eichasqb BciLDUfoa, Adhlaidb. POLICIES inspected Free oE Charge, and Insurances on Haystacks, Stores, Dwellings, and MERCANTILE Risks effected at Lowest Current Rates. Reference, if required, permitted to leading business booses in Adelaide. 32Sthso HU B O H O~F E N G LA N D AND GENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE INSTITUTION. Capitax, Ojth Miixiok. Aesttbascss definitely completed, and Ouuxs promptly settled in the Colony. LOANS GRANTED at from SIX to BIGHT per cent, according to Security, and combined with life Assurance. 2?cvd JAMES HILL, Agent, Grenfell-street THE SOUTH BRITISH FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND. Local. Directors: Messrs. John Whyte (Whyte, Counsel!. & Co.) M. O. Jacobs (Charles Jacobs & Sons). L. A. JESSOP, Agent, 26c UmvBBSAL Buildcigs, GaesFHix-STaMT NATIONAL FIBS ass MARINE INSURANCE CO. ot NEW ZEALAND. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BRANCH— Mentefiore Chambers, Waymouth-street. F. S. €. DBIFFIELD, U4thsc MANAGES. TTNION INSURANCE SOCIETY OF U CANTON. Hsuu- Oinca: Hosrososo. Subscribed Capital „ ~ 3.1250,000 Paid-up Capitals _ ~ 250,000 Reserve Fund _ .. ~ 810,878 Marine Risks taken at Current Rates. Agents — 327c FANNING k CO, Grenf ell-ffSreei. t iverpool and london and Xj globe insurance company. FIRS AND LIFE. 73thse ? F. J. BECK 4 CO, Agents. 'KTBW SOUTH WALES MARINB ±1 ASSURANCE COMPANY. Ma JOSEPH STILLING & CO. Agent*. HAMBURG MAGDEBURG FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Guaranteed capital— £3,500,000. NORTH. GERMAN FIRE INSUKAN0B COMPANY. Guaranteed Capital— £3,000,000. Fire risks taken at lowest current rates. .Losses promptly paid in the Colony. ? B. AMSBERG 4 CO., General Agents for S.A. 24Stso

Df SXTBASCE NOTICES TTNION FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE U COMPANY OF NSW ZEALAND. Capital— £2.000,000. Head Office— Christchurch, N 2. Adelaide Agency— 27, Grenfell-street. Risks accepted at Lowest Carrent Rates. 82Othso W. HERBERT PHILLIPPS, Agent fTTOE UNITED INSURANCE GOMPANx' JL OF SYDNEY. Capital, £500,000 (Unlimited Liability). Exchange Buildings, Adelaide. Marine Risks accepted at Current Rates. 208c G. W. COTTON, Agent NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY. PACIFIC MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. gthso J. GILBERT BOOTHBY Agent. IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF LONDON. 182-7thsc WRIGHT k SOUTHWELL, Agent* ? PB0FE88I0HAL ? DR GORGER has RESUMED his PRACTICE, and may be consulted at 58, Rundle-street, as usual. a349 50 [A Oabd.J DB. CCONNBLL'S HOURS and PLACES for CONSULTATION :-At his Residence, King William-street south.— Mornings, 9 to 10 aan.; Evenings, after 6 p.m. MITCHAM.— Daily at the Post-Office (Mr. aylor's), from 10 30 to 11.30 a.m. CTTYw— At Messrs. BiekfordV, 19, Hindleystreet,from2to3pjn. daily. 332thso DE. SEABROOK, ECLECTIC, MAY BE CONSULTED AtGLENELG .,. ... ... 9 a.m., 6 p.m., AndatYI0TORIA-SQUARB,lFrom 1 to 4 ADELAIDE, 3 p.m. ? 331c [A O&BD.J 'VTOTIOE OF REMOVAL. MR. ALFRED BIOKFORD, M.R.O.V.S, VETERINARY SURGEON, Begs to inform the Public that his Office is now at 107, CURRLE-STfiEET, opposite Messrs. Formby k Boase's Horse Bazaar, where he can be consulted daily betweeB the hours of 9 30 a.m. and 6 p.m., on all diseases incidental to the Horse, Ox, Sheep, acd Dog. Veterinary preparations of every description kept in Stock. Telegrams and letters promptly attended to. N.B. — 107, Carrie-street; private residence, Palmer-place, North Adelaide. 2T2thscv Dr. NORMAN, SURGEOy DENTIST, ROCKVILLE HOUSE, NORTH TERRACE (Thna door, tut ot Menn. 'Wills' «&xthcmM.) Honrs-9 till 5 ; Sattrd ats, 9 till 2 r ji. MB. COOPER, DENTIST Tbmtoraby Officbs BIRES'S OHAMBSRS, GAWLER-PLAOE. ? 287-tll MR. GURNER has REMOVED his DENTAL PRACTICE from King William-street to RAMSAY HOUSE (late Madame Marval's), North-terrace. 293thscv PIZEI & REED, LICENSED LAM) BROKERS UyLBR THB SEAL PROPERTY ACT. LOAW ADHD ESTATB AGENTS. Money in various earns to be Lent at Lowest Current Rates. All Deeds connected with the Real Property Act carefully prepared. Government Salee attended. Selectors assisted to complete purchase. Agents for National Insurance Company ol Australasia. Offices — Nos. 5 and fl, Water house Chambers. ? 873thsCT FREDK. WRIGHT, LICENSED BROKER Under the Act, LAND, LOAN, Airo FINANCIAL AGENT. TRANSFERS, LEASES, MORTGAGES, and all Business under the Real Property Act promptly prepared and attended to. SELECTIONS TAKEN UP, Purchases Completed. MONEY TO LEND, with option of Payment by Instalments and corresponding Reduction of Interest. Offices— GRESHAM CHAMBERS, Adelaide. ? 276evd LOUIS GILES LICENSED LAND BROKER, LAND, HOUSE, AND COMMISSION AGENT LAND AND HOUSE VALUATOR. Government and other Lana Sales attended Selectors assisted to complete purchase. Transfers, Mortgages, Leases, 4c, prepared,* Honey to Lend. Loans negotiated. The Old Exchange, King William-street. ? 322tfcr M. KINGSBOROUGH, ACCOUNTANT, ESTATE AGENT. FARMERS represented at LAND OFFICE. LAND purchased at GOVERNMENT SALES. HONEY advanced to purchase Selections when due. TRANSFERS, MORTGAGES, and all RJP. ACT Business attended to. MONEY TO LEND. M. KINGSBOROUGH, Advertiser Buildings, 5cvd King William-street, Adelaide. AS. O. HAWKER, LICENSED LAND BROKER, STOCK. 8TATION, AND COMMISSION AGENT. Purchase of Credit Selections completed. All Business under Real Property Act transacted. MONEY TO LEND AT CURRENT RATES. JO. HAWKER, JUN., LICENSED ? SURVEYOR, 4c. (Late of Government Survey Department). Surveys and Subdivisions made. Plans prepared, Gresham Chambers, King William-street. ? 216thscT JOHN H. PACKARD LICENSED SURVEYOR EJA, LAND AGENT, AND DRAUGHTSMAN (Late Government Surveyor). An kinds of Surveys undertaken in any part of the Colony, and every description of Plan prepared on the shortest notice. Land Sales attended. Offices— Victoria Chambers, Victoria-square. ? 126o EDWARD LIPSETt, DRAPERS' BUYER, VALUATOR, ? asd GENERAL AGENT, REGISTER CHAMBERS, GRENFELL-SrREET, f 334c ADELAIDE. PARSONS k MINNS, LICENSED LAND BROKERS, HOUSE, LAND, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS, Watxocth-gtbbbt, AosxAina. Government Auction Sales attended. Money to Lend in Large or Small Amounts. ? 108thse T.I.ONERGAN - PIBIE-STRISET (Opposite Union Bank), HOUSE, LAND, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT.Government Government Land Sales Attended. Rents Collected. ?S' MONEY TO LEND AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES. 346thsc jo1Tn~'tassie (Late of D. & W. Murray's Counting-house), ACCOUNTANT, ESTATE AND GENERAL AGENT, No. 5, MELVIN CHAMBERS, Knra Willluc-streit. MONEY TO LEND. S37Uwe TT A. J E S S O P, INSURANCE AND GENERAL AGENT. UNIVERSAL BUILDINGS. GRENFELL-STREET. ADELAIDE. THB UNIVERSAL MARINB INSUBAN0K COMPANY, LIMITED. Head Office, 35, Cornhill, London. THE QUEEN FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF LONDON AND LIVERPOOL. THE SOUTH BRITISH FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, UNLIMITED. Subscribed Capital, £1,000,000. Paid-up Capital, £100,000. 220c

? JBOFBSSIOBAL ? NO'HALIOEAN, VALUATOR and ? STCCK AGENT. Stock and Properties inspected and reported upon in any part of the colony. Address— Care F. Wright, Ssq., Gre»ham Chambers, Adelaide. 349a lfT~L. W A R~E, Accountant, Official Liquidator, Agent for Trustees. Accounts inspected and made up. LICENSED LAND BROKER, Kina William-street, Adelaide. 208thscv C W. PRIEST, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Printed Terms, 4c, on application. East side Victoria-square, Adelaide. Has large Experience in Land, Houses, Furnitnrc&c. ? 350thsc A Cabs. MATHBWS k OO X. SOLICITORS, KlUG WmUAK-STBBBT, have REMOVED to their New Offices, NBW EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, PlBia-STBEST. 185CV SMITH, DOSWELL, & CO., LICENSED SURVEYORS AMD LAND BROKERS, Real Pbofebtt Aof. 71, XING WILLIAM-STREET. Buns Surveyed, Townships Laid Out, Surveys Conducted in any part of the Colony. Transfers, Leases, and Mortgages Prepared. Roads Closed and Opened under ' Roads Amendment Act, 1863.' Government acd other Sales Attended. lOlthscv W. B. LETCIIFORD, Licbxsed Lasd Bbokbb, Laxd, Loan, Hocsb, a*d Estath Agkjit, Waterhouse Baildings, King William-street, 3IOAEY TO LEND AT LOWEST RATES. Mortgages, Leases, Transfers, fco, prepared under the Real Property Act. Government Land Sales attended. Selections taken up Sale and Purchase of Land and House Property negotiated. 185cvd NOTE.- A SPECIAL SUM for BORROWERS requiring Small Loans. 321cvd HERBERT JAMES, LICENSED LAND BROKER AND ESTATE AGENT. MONiSY TO LEND AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES. Montefiore Chambers, Waymoutn-street. ? 275thsc XT ATHL. OLDHAM & SON, J3I LAND AND FINANCIAL AGKNT3. Money I*nt in any Sums on Freehold and other Securities. Land Selected from the Government and Advances made for completion of purchase. Mortgage*, Leases, Transfers, and all Real Property Act business attended to. Trust Moneys in large sums ready for investment at lowest rates. Offices— Imperial Chambers. King Williamstreet (between National and Savings Banks). ? 24oths365v ADDISON -$; BOULT, AUCTIONEERS, LAND BROKERS, AND SURVEYORS. MONEY TO LEND. Watkrbotoi Ghaksxbs, Adhlatdb. ? 133cvd CONIGRAVE k OOLLISON, AGENTS, LICENSED LAND BROKERS, PATENT TRADE MARK AGENCY. Transfers, Mortgages, &c, prepared. Patents applied for. Copies or abstracts from existing Patents supplied. Preliminary advice to Inventors gratis. MONEY TO LEND AT LOWEST RATES. Next Chamber of Manufactures, Waymouthstreet. 321cvCOTTON COTTON & OPIE, LICENSED LAND BROKERS, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, Qtkek'8 Chambers, Adbxaidb. MONEY to bs LENT on Freehold Securities at Lowest Current Rates. Government Land Sales and other Sales attended, and Selections taken up. Mortgages. Leases, Transfers, 4c, kc, prepared. Immigrants' Land Orders Purchased. 63cvd _TtAMPBBLL ft HAMILTON \J ARCHITECTS AND LICENSED SURVEYORS. Chief Office— Opposite Union Bank. Piriestreet. Branch Offices— Town Hall, Port Adelaide; College-road, Kent Town. Townships Surveyed. Plans, &c, forwarded to any part of the Colony. Real Property Act business transacted. Contractors' Agency undertakes. IZlthso (Latb R. B. Coixbt), LICENSED LAND BROKER AND AGENT. Leases, Transfers, tad Mortgages Prepared, and all Real Property Aft Business transacted. Money to Lend on Freehold Security _} Current Rates. Government and other Land Sales attended. Mori&lta Chambers, Victoria-square west. ? 344thcr AND CO., LICENSED LAND BROKERS, House, Land, & Loan Agents, 'VTOTORIA-SQUABE, ADELAIDE, UPSON-STREET, PORT ADELAIDE. ? 3O5tso /I E O R G S LAUGHTON AUCTIONEER, LIVE STOCK SALESMAN, AND COMMISSION AGENT.CURRIE-STRBET. CURRIE-STRBET. I6o HOTELS AJTD SE8TATTRAHT8 VICTORIA RESTAIRAXT AND CAFE, German Club Buildings, PHUE-STEEET, ADELAIDE. G. V. SCHULTZ, Providore of Government Steamers, and Caterer to the German Club, begs to inform his friends and the public in general that he has Opened those Spacious Premises on the ground floor of the German Clnb Buildings as a Firstclass Restaurant and C&fe, where he trusts to receive a share of their support. Dinners ii. la carte from 12 to 2. Refreshments, Hot or Cold, at sJI hours. Banquets Catered for in first-class style and at moderate prices. SdOthac PARISIAN RESTAURANT, CAFE, AND SHADES, No. G9 13. vmdle- street (Under Wivell'a Art Gallery). The Proprietors beg to announce Ithat they purpose OPENING the above PREMISES on MONDAY, December 6, as a first-class RESTAURANT, &c. They will supply an excellent Bepwt at all hoars of the day at the current rates. The Shades will be the coolest and most comfortable resort during this season. An experienced and well-known French Cook has been eDgaged, and the Proprietors guarantee an excellent cnieine and good attendance. COETOFLY & 3IUGGERIDGE, PaoPHii-roBS. 335-65 SEVERAL good HOTELS TO L^T. Apply I. F. Sabine, 10, Melvin Chambers, 272tbso

H0TEL8 A3D EESTAUBA1TT8 EXCHANGE HOTEL. BASVS XO. 4 ALE AXD TRUMAN'S I.O.T. STOCT. BENNESSYS ♦ and *** STAB BRAXDIES (Imported). Prime BILL, RBODERICK Dill1, CATTO'S, and MITCHELL'S OLD SCOTCH WHISKY. WAVERLEY COLONIAL ALES. ? 300thsc RO1AL ADMIMlThOTEL. HUNDLEY-STREET. R. PECK, Proprietor (Late of Port Pirie, and Launceston Hotel, Adelaide). GOOD ACCOMMODATION FOB COUNTRY VISITORS AND TRAVELLING PUBLIC. ALES, BEER, SPIRITS, WINES, &c, of the best Brands. ORDINARY DAILY AT ONE O'CLOCK. TERMS MODERATE. 325Uuc The Commercial Hotel, WHYTE YAROOWIE, 'Within one minute's walk of the Railway Platform. E D W A R D~ll ARTIX (Late of the Gladstone Hotel), Having erected the above first-class Hotel at Wbyte Yarcowie, will be glad to see bis old friends, commercial travellers, and the public in general, and provide for their comfort in his usual well-known style. A liberal Table will always be laid, and none bnt the choicest Wines, Spirits, Malt Liquors, ic, kept. Lofty, well- ventilated, commodious Bedrooms, and excellent Bath. Superior Stabling. E. M. assures his friends that they will find the advantages of a home at the Commercial Hotel. ? 343cv COHEN'S FAMILY HOTEL, CORNER OF RFXDLE AND BE\T STREETS. E. OOKDEIV Begs to inform his numerous Friends and the Public generally that he bag opened the above Commodious and Elegantly Furnished Hotel with accommodation second to none in the colony for Families and Visitors, where they can have every attention paid to their wants and comforts, and trusts to merit a share of their patronage. None but the Beet Wires, Spirits, Beers, ko^ kept in Stock, and supplied to Families at Wholesale Prices. A First-class Table d'Hote at 1 o'alock. ? #83thso Prince Albert Hotel. A. C. STONEHAM, Late of Royal Oak Hotel, North Adelaide, Begs to aBnounce to the Public that he has taken the above old-cstablishe&and well-known House, and trusts by civility and the excellent class of Liquors in stock to secure publio patronage. Extensive alterations have been made, and everything done to ensure the comfort of Visitors. Good Accommodation for Travellers. ONLY THE BEST LIQUOR KEPT. ? 295o_ T^ERMIftUS H0TEL~ STRATH ALBYN F. J. DECDERT, Proprietor. F. J. D., having taken the above Hotel,! prepared to cater for the comfort of his Patron and Visitors in a way that must ensure success.. Every convenience for Commercial Travellers (including Sample Rooms), and their comfort made an especial study. Horses and Traps on hire. Travellers and Parties conveyed to any part of the country at most reasonable rates. Careful and reliable drivers! provided. The best Wines, Spirits, Beers, and Cordials supplied, either Wholesale or Retail. Commodious Stock and Sale Yards. 167thsc TiR^™~H0TEL^ YARROWIE. JXO. P. JACKSON, Proprietor. J. P. J. begs most respectfully to inform his numerous Frisnds and the Public that, having obtained the Sole Proprietorship of the above Hotel, he is now in a position to cater for their comfort in a way that will command patronage. Every convenience for Commercial Gentlemen, and tbeir comfort made an especial duty. A Liberal Table will always ba laid, and none bnt the Choices Wines, Spirits, Malt Liquors, 4c, kept. Telegrams promptly attended to. Superior Stabling and Stockyards. Horses and Traps on Hire. Terms moderate. 346c TERMIMS HOTEL, J. G. GIBBS, Proprietor. This Hotel having recently been Enlarged and thoroughly Renovated, cow offers even greater Advantages to Travellers and the Public generally than hitherto. Its close proximity to the Murray renders it an a-3mirable- place for Sportsmen, a good day's Shooting being obtainable within easy distance. The disciples of Isaak Walton may also gratify their Fishing proclivities to the fullest degree. None but the beat brands of Wines, Spirits, Beers, and Cordials kept. 8UPERI0R ACCOMMODATION FOE ?ATT. CLASSES. Horses, Traps, and Boats on Hire. Excellent Stabling Accommodation. ? 202thscv VICTOR HARBOUR HOTEL, PORT VICTOR. JAMES BRAY, Proprietor. This newly built Seaside Hotel offers to the public every accommodation. Visitors to this favourite watering-place will find it replete with every comfort and convenience. Telegrams promptly attended to. Terms Moderate. Spacious Balconv, Baths, kc. Bathing Houses for Lady Visitors. 342fchsc GLADSTONE HOTEL, GLADSTOIsE. JAMES DEXXI3, Proprietor (late of Auburn for 12 years), Begs to inform his old and new Friends that he has taken the above Hotel, where he is prepared to cater for their comfort in a way that will command patronage. A FIRST-CLASS COMMERCIAL ROOM. BEST WINES, BEEES, AND SPIRITS Always kept. HORSES AND TRAPS ON HIRB. GOOD STABLE ACCOMMODATION. 15tkso COMMERCIAL HOTEL, j^3xje st crvvrsf . HARK SAFXDERS, Proprietor. This Hotel (having since the late fire been entirely rebuilt) contains 31 Rooms, including two Dining-rooms, and is now open for the accommodation of Travellers aad Visitors generally. First-rlass Sample, Billiard, and Bath rooms. Superior Wices, Spirits, Beer, and Cordials. Horees and Traps on Hire. Telegrams promptly attended to. 13th3cvd THE 1 AUCOWIE HOTEL Affords the Best Accommodation to Travellers. Strict attention paid to the Table, Wines, and Liquors. R. BULMAN, Proprietor, Late of the Clarendon HoteL Clarendon. 290-tSr97th»fia

HOTELS AJTD SEBTATTRAHTB COllMEKtllL HOTEL, GBENFELL-STREET. ADELAIDE. JAHES ALLEX, late of the Yoaog Eileen IuD- begs to inform his Friends and old Patrons tha*. he has taken the above Hotel. &t-d to &ssare them tbit us in the past so in the future, do efforts on his put wiH be spared to supply tbeir wants. An Ordinary daily at 1 o'clock.* 337thae THE IMPERIAL HOTEL, ORROROO, Affording the Accommodation of a First* class Hotel. HM. FOBSYTH, Proprietor. ? 25S-fl3th3C nnENDERS will be received by the underJL signed up to the 17th inst.. for the PURCHASE of the whole of LESSEE'S INTEREST in an unezpired term of about 11 years in all that valuable Property at PORT ADELAIDE, known as the EXCHANGE HOTEL, the licence of which Hotel is about to be transferred to the new premises ; or alternative Tenders will be received by the undersigned to the above date for Lease of fire ye&rs of one, two, or three Shops to be erected on above premises. Plans can be teen at the Exchange Hotel, Port Adelaide, and full particulars obtained at the Kent Town Brewery on application. 339ths51 ? R. A STOCK. SOUTH AUSTBALIAN OLUB HOTEL, NORTH-TERRACE. The UNDERSIGNED are dow prepared to BEOEIVB OFFERS for the LEASE, GOODWILL, and FURNITURE of the above. CHAMBERS k BLADES, 303c Dragon Brewery. T70R SALE, LEASE of two of the very best X? CITY HOTELS in the colony. Apply to O. BANBtTRT, Exchange. No use applying unless with capital of £3,000 or more. ' 337thsfl HOTELS, Town and Country; easy terms. S. L SOLOMON k CO., 14, Hindley-street TTNICORN HOTEL, Hallett, seven (7) \J years' lease, good business ; easy terms. S. I. SOLOMON k CO., 14, Hindley-street. /'I LENELG.— TO LBT, Furnished Six-roomed U Cottage, close to Bath, Jetty, and Railway Stations. S. I. SOLOMON, Augusta-street. Glenelg; S. I. SOLOMON & UO., 14, Hindley-street. ? 3469 TO be LET, the BRIOGBWATER HOTEL, on the MOUNT BARKER ROAD. Apply to John Paltridge, Auctioneer, Mount Barker. ? 323o TO LET, on LEASE, CRAFERS HOTEL. 345s CHAMBERS & BLADES. PUBLICATIONS A1TD STATIOffEBY NEW SERIALS AND CHILDREN'S BOOKS, 1880. s. d. Chatterbox „ _ ? 3 0 Little Wideawake, cloth gilt, 5s. ; boards _. 3 0 Sunday, cloth gilt, 5s. ; boards ... _ 3 0 Beys' Own Annual, cloth gilt, 9s. ; cloth 7 6 Girls' Own Annual, cloth gilt, 7s. 6d.; cloth 6 0 Every Boy's Annual, cloth gilt ... „ 6 0 Every Girls' Annual, cloth gilt ... _. 6 0 Voucg England ... _ ? 6 8 Child's Companion, 2s. 6d., 2s. ... «. 1 6 Child's Own Magazine, cloth, 2s. ; boards 1 0 Tract Magazine, 1880 ... ~ . ... 1 6 Sunday-School Teacher, vol. 0, new series 3 0 Day Dawn Album, cloth, 3s. 6d.; boards™ 2 6 Prince Darling's Story Book, 3s. 6d. and 2 6 Little Wideawake Poetry Book, 2s. 6d. and 8 0 Boys' Own Paper, Division 7 ... ...16 Girls' Own Paper, Division 3 ... — 1 6 Kingston's Dick Ohevely ? ^.7 6 Kingston's Heir ot Kil&nnau _ „ 7 6 Knatcbbull-Hugpssen's Mountain Sprite's Kingdom ... ... ... — ...6 0 Frith's (H } Schoolboys all the World over 3 6 Adventures in Far West ._ „. ..2 0 Hoodin'a Stage Conjuring ... ._ .„ 3 6 Oraik's (C. M.) Mark Dennison's Charge „. 5 0 Leslie's Silver Key to a Golden Palace _ 2 6 Sargent's Philip Gainsford's Profit and Loss 3 6 Little Buttercup's Picture Book ? 5 0 Kate Greenawav's Birthday Book_ _ 2 6 W. 0. RIGBY, Bookseller and Stationer, 325 thw ? 64, King William-street. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR CARDS KJ AND SACHETS, For the Season 18S1. Just unpacked, a Large and Magnificent Variety, unsurpassed by any arrivals of former years, including the LATEST NOVELTIB3 from all the leading Manufacturers. W. O. RIGBY, Importer Fancy Stationery, 64, King William-street. N.B.— The Trade and Storekeepers supplied on the most favourable terms. 303c I^OLLEGE AND SCHOOL PRIZES.-The V^ largest, best-assorted, and most comprehensive Stock in the City to select from. Liberal discount off English prices. W. O. RIGBY, Wholesale and Retail Bookseller, 338c 64, King William-street. XTBW'SPA-P38118. MAGAZINES, and .131 QUARTERLIES for 1881. Subscriptions now received. Price-list on application. W. O. RIGBY, News Agent, _803o ? 64, King William-street /CHURCH DECORATIONS. — Ban^rs, Kj Shields, Texts, kc., at greatly reduced orices. W. C. RIGBY, Importer, 338c 64, King William-street FDEX TO LICENSED VICTUALLERS ACT, compiled by H. W. Vahlht. Price, Is. ; per post, Is. Id. W. O. RIGBY. 344,6,9 64, King William-street. DISCOUNT OF 2d. IN THE SHILLING On all Cash Purchases of 5s. and upwards during this month of December. ROBERTS & WOOD, Stationers, Booksellers, &c, 105, KING WILLIAM-STREET, in following up the custom introduced by W. G. Roberts (and which has been so freely taken advantage of by hia Customers for some years past), of returning 2d. in the Is. on all Cash Purchases of 5s. and upwards during this month, wish to remind the Public that this may be the Last Opportunity of obtaining the Discount, as THE END OF THE WORLD L\ 1881 has been foretold by Mother Shipton. Shop open till 9 every evening, and the Finest Assortment of Christmas Cards aud Christmas Presents in ot out of Adelaide to select from. The Discount is taken off the English Published Prices of Books. Discount positively ceases with the year 1880 ? 337thsc SCOTTISH BALLADS SCOTTISH SONG, Bl AL8X. WHITBXJ.W. 2 Vols., each 5s., or posted 6s. There volumes, which have had an exceedingly large sale, are most comprehensive and excellent compilations of the Popular Ballads and Songs of Scotland, ancient and modern. Handsomely bound in cloth. 324c E. S. WIGG & SON. BEATRICE MELTON'S DLSCIPLINE. by Maude Jeanne Frenc, Astboress of 'Marian, or the Light of Some One's Home,' and otber Australian Stories, all of which are increasingly popular. Price 4s , posted 4s. 8d. The Author's other WorkB in stock. 324c E. S. WIGG k 8ON. PRIZES, REWARDS CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Oar Stock is replete with elegant Gift Books for juveniles and adults, handsome Presentation and Fine- Art Volumes. ALSO, Fancy Goods of a!l descriptions, of the higher class, ail caxfcfully and t&stefally selected. S24c E. S. WIGG & SOH. CHRISTMAS CARDS.— A most magrii&eent assortment, carefully selected from the best English and Foreign Manufacturers, including every variety of design, and highly finished, hand-worked, kc. 324c E. S. WIGG k SON. USINESS CARDS, all Sizes REGISTER, OBSERVER, and EVENING JOURNAL OFFICES.

PUBLICATIONS A1TO STATIONER! GEOEGB KOBKKTSOM'8 NEW LIST OF BOSKS. Gainget's Physiological Chemistry, vol. 1, l&j. Spercer's Descriptive Sociology, div. 2, folio, 21s. Itammuir's Vid» : * Dovel, Co. ~ Attwood's Practical Blowpipe Analysis, 13». 6d. Markham's Peru, 3*. CJ. Wilson's A B O Poultry Book, Is. Brsssej's Vcytge in the Sunbeam, schcol edit, 2s. Massoa's St. Loais, 2s. 6 1. Kay's Aostria-Huogary, 3s. 6d*. Faith and Freethought, Is. fid. Credentials of Christianity, Is. Popular Objections to Revealed Truth, la. 2d. Strivings for the Faith, Is Franc's (Maud J.) Beatrice Melton's Discipline, 4s. Gibbon's Queen of the Meadow, 3a. 6d. Collins's ( Wilkie) Jezebel's Daughter, 3s. 6*d. Burdett's Cottage Hospitals, new edit, 14s. Havergsll's My Bible Study, 3s. 6d. Weatherley's Ambulance Lectures, Is. Lawson's Physiography, 2s. 6d. Cooper's The Atonement, 5s. Kate Greenawav's Birthday Book, gilt, 3s. 6M. Tract Magazine, 1SSU, Is. 6d. Sbakspeare's Richard III., by Aldls Wright (Clarendon Press), 2s. 6d. Germ8n Pictures, 8s. GEORGE ROBERTSON. Wholesale and Retail, 32-Ufe Opposite the Town HalL T-EWARDS, PRIZES. AND GIBT-BOOKS JLi FOR CHRISTMAS AND NBW YBAB SEASONS. GEORGE ROBERTSON desires to call the attention of Teachers and the Pnblic generally to his splendid Stock of ILLIISIRATED AND HANDSOMELY BOUND BOOKS, Comprising History, Poetry, Travel and Advecture. Fiction, Essays, biography, Sicence, Theclogy. ke. JUVENILE BOOKS, in great variety, beautifully illustrated and elegantly bound. Catalogues gratis on application. Very liberal terms to schools. GEORGE ROBERTSON, , 103, King William-street, 348 flO ? Opposite the Town HalL G. K. & W. H. CHRISTMAS CARDS. The best selection of the above we have ever had to offer are cow open. CIIEISTMAS CARD ALBUMS LADIES' FANS. Black and White. Plain and Flowered. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS A thorough good stock both in quality and quantity to choose from. BASKETWARE. The favourite Palm Leaf or Indian Gran Basket in all sizes. A large variety of other kinds. NEW ANNUAL VOLUMES. The Child's Own Magazine, Is. and 2s. The Cottager and Artisan, Is. 6d. The Boys' Own Annual, 7s. 6d. The Girls' Own Annual, 6s. Every Boy's Annual, 6s. Every Girl's Annual, 6s. Wedding Bells, vol. 20, 4s. 6d. . The Child's Companion, Is. 6d., 2s., and2s.6d. The Tract Magazine, Is. 6d. The Chatterbox, 3s. Sunday, 3s. and 5s. Little Wide Awake, 3a. and Ss. -Young England, 6s. 6d. (The new form of Kind Words.) Others expected by every Orient Steamer. BIRTHDAY TEXT BOOKS. BIBLES. NEW FANCY GOODS. French Flowerpots and Stands. Ohina Candlesticks in a variety of patterns. Wedgewood and Floral Flower Spills. Afternoon Tea Sets and Toilet Sets. Branch Flowerstands on Mirrured Plate. Stag Head acd otber Brackets. Bronze Ewers. iXSO, An Assortment of Electroplatedware. 60, RUNDLfrSTREET. 330o AUCTIONS ? RICHARDSON'S YARD3, KOORINGA. On MONDAY, December 20. IObIs'b WELL-BRED STORE M.A\9\J OATTLB. WM. GEO GOODOHILD k COMPT. are favoured with instructions from Messrs. Hamlyn k Co. to sell as above, at 1 O-1^00~ Well-bred- CATTLE, balance of the well-known 8truan House Herd, comprising —160 160 Bullocks and Steers, a few fat 500 Cows, some very fat 340 three-year-old Steers and Heifers -200 two-year-old do. All in good store condition, and for Positive Sale. Terms— Approved bills. 349,51,3 FURTHER POSTPONED TO TUESDAY, December 21. AT KAPUNDA. Osflcflsfk REALLY FIRST - CLASS tfUVV STORE WETHERS. WM. GEO. GOODCHILD k OOMPY. are favoured with instructions to sell, as above, at 1 ©'cloak— ? 9,000 Good STORE WETHERS, about equally 4, 6, and 8 tooth, from Mildura Station, Went worth, and being the whole of the Wethers on the station. The above are a -really first-class lot of Sheep and in fair store condition: none over 4 years old. In lots to suit buyers. Terms — Approved bills. N.B. — In consequence of the bad state of the stock routes, unavoidable delays have occurred, but the Sheep will be in for sale positively on the date above mentioned. 345,9,51v On WEDNESDAY, 15th, and THURSDAY, 16th December, at 11 o'clock each day. at the residence of the late mr. thos. Marshall, willunga. by order of the executors. 650 acres valuable freehold land — 160 Acres held under Scrub Lands Act, 80 ACRES LEASEHOLD LAND. ABOUT 120 ACRES STANDING CROP OF WHEAT. ALL THE LIVE AND DEAD FARM STOCK, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, &c., &c. THE LAND, STOCK. AND IMPLEMENTS ON 15th, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, 4c, ON 16th. PAVY & HACK are favoured with instructions to sell by auction, as above — All that Valuable FREEHOLD FARM, of about £50 Acres, known as the late Mr. Marshall's, close to the TOWNSHIP of WILLUNGA; also, 160 Acres land, held under Scrub Lands Act, and 80 Acres Leasehold, with about 120 Acres Standing Crop of Wheat. LIVE 8TOOK, IMPLEMENTS, &c. 7 Draught Mwes, 3 with Foals at Joot 2 Draught Geldings, 2 three-ye-x-old Fillies, 2 two-year-old Fillies, 2 Yearlingt, 3 Saddle and Light Harness Horses 15 Head Dairy and Fat Cattle 400 Fat Sheep, miied 2 Rams, 25 Pip Reaping Machine, Wagon, 2 Horse Drays, Double and SiDgle Ploughs Winnowing Machine, 2 sets of Harraws, 2 Bcari&ers, Rollers, Horeerake Mowing Machine. 4 horeepower Chaffcutter (complete), Spring-Dray Weighing Machine, Pagnell and Harness, Shaft, Leading, and Plough Harness. 3 8tacks Hay Sheep Hurdles, Swingletrees, &c., and usual Sundries. Also, all toe Household Furniture and Effects Dairy Utensils, kc, ke. Terms— For the Stock, kc., approved bills st three months for amounts over £30. Lunch provided. To parties seeking a comfortable and permanent homestead the Sale of this Property offers an opportunity seldom met with. Good soil, good water, running all the year, secure fences, and substantial improvements. 339-43:44-50

Auctions TOMORROW (Wednesday). December 15, at 2 o'clock sharp. AT THE CORPORATION YARDS. 100 HEAD PRIME FAT CATTLE. G & H. BENNETT have* received instruc tions from Edgar Chapman, Esq., to sell by auction— 100 Head of Prime FAT CATTLE, from Mundowdna. 349 50 On THURSDAY, December 16. at 2 o'clock sharp. AT BARNFIELD'S YARDS, WILLASTON. 50 HEAD PRIME FAT CATTLE. G & H. BENNETT have received instruc tions from Edgar Chapman, Esq., to sell by auction— 50 Head Prime FAT CATTLE, from Mundowdna, 34951 WHEAT AND FLOUR. TO FARMERS. MlLf.KBS, AND OTHERS. ELDER, SMITH, k OO beg to announce to Farmer*, Millers, and others that they are prepared to make LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES ON FAVOURABLE TERMS upon WHEAT, FLOUR, 4c. either for Shipment to Europe or for Storage or Sale in the Colony. WHEAT and FLOUR for Shipment to Europe will be forwarded by Fint-clas* Vessels from Pert Adelaide, Port Pirie, Wallaroo, Port Augusta, Port Germein, Port Victoria, or any other Outport, 00 the best obtainable terms; and upon all such shipments Adranoes will be m&de/m of interest —say, on Wheat, at 12s. per bag ; on superfine Flour, £8 ; and on seconds Floor, £7 per ten. Freight at 40s. per ton. Commission, Insurance, Sale Charges in Europe, and all other expenses included, will not exceed Is. 10d. per bushel on Wheat, or 65s. per ton of 2,000 lb. on Flour, shippers getting the benefit of any reduction in Freight, or paying for an increase in like pro- ? portion. ' We are now erecting, at the Port Adelaide new Dock, very extensive Warehouses, which are well adapted for the proper storage, display, and sale of all kinds of Produce ; and as they are situated on the Wharf, and directly connected with the Government Railways, Wheat, kc, can be eipeditiously shipped from them, and much expense of Cartage will be saved. j We will hold periodical ! SALES OF WHEAT BY AUCTION, and sell by Sample, as is so advantageously done in other large markets. i Charges fob Sa£sj os Stobagb in thbi Ooioht. I Commission for Advertising, Belling, and Collecting and Remitting net Cash to Producer : — i On Bums of £100 or under ... 2k per oent, ! From £100 to £150 - ... 2 do. do. I From £150 to £200 ... .- U do. do. i Over £200 _ - - 1 do. do. I Storage on Wheat, Jd. per bushel per month. Storage on Floor, 2d. per ton per week. Housing and TJnhousing, Is. Od. per too. Insurance, Is. per £100 worth per month. Weighing, Sampling, Shippiug, tc, actual expense incurred. ADvmcaa ox Whbat akd Floub Stobio. We Advance on Wb«*»t aad Flour stored with as at Ports of shipment- 12s. per bag on Wheat, and £8 and £7 per ton respectively on Supornna and Household Flour; such Advances being subject to Bank Interest ; bnt the interest immediately stops when the Produce is either sold or shipped. CORNSACKS supplied at current rates, and resold at best rates obtainable, ou account of the owners of Produce. Cornsacks will immediately be forwarded to any Address on receipt of instructions, or can be had from our Agents. INSURANCE.— All Produce Stored or Shipped through oe is covered by Insurance under our Open Policies. BAIL CARRIAGE, FREIGHT, &c, is paid by us when necessary. LIST OF AGENTS. The following Agents will supply Woolpacks and Consacks on our account, and facilitate thsj delivery of Wool, Wheat, Flour, 4c., to us : — , Aldisga ... ... ... Angaston ... ... Mr. James Heggie. Appila Yarrowie «. Mr. O. Cranston. Ardrossan _ ... Mr. A. Waterman. . Auburn ... ... Messrs. J. IE. Bleeobmor* and Son. Balaklava ... w Mr. D. M. Peak. Barang&Gap ... r~,i,™»+ J Mr. G. K. Mlldwaters. Beacbport -. ... j Mt.Q»mb}er steamship Co. Beltana ... ... Mewrs. A. Wjly * Co. Blumberg... ... Mr. P. Hynes. Bourke ... ~ Messrs. A. Kirkpitrick . . and Co. Brewarrina ... Messrs. Thompson, Vaugban k Co. Blytb ... ... Mr. T. Wiltshire. Burra - ... Messrs. Lis ton, Shakes, and Co. Oaltowie ... — Messrs.Treleaven k Terrill Carrieton ... ... Mr. O. du Barry. -Clare ? Mr. J. W. Gleeson. n—.+-.i tj-^v 5 Mr- Andrew Ferguson Crystal Brook ... J Messrs.Treleaven& Terrell Edithburgh .- Mr. A. J. W. Gottsohalck. Eudunda ... ~ Mr. 0. F. W. PfiUner. Farrell's Flat — Fold's Grossing ... Franklin Harbour.. Freeling ...... Gawler ? Mr. J. O. Wilkinson. Georgetown ~ Mr. H.A. Mogg. , f Messrs. Thos. Smith, Jun., Gladstone ... ...- and Co. (. Messrs. Treleavenfc Terrell Goolwa ... ~ Messrs W.McCullooh& Co. Gieen's Plains East Mr. John Reid. Gumeracna ... Mr. John Blue, Hallett « Hamley Bridge .„ Hojleton „. ... Mr. T. Wiltshire. t._-.»--_* i Mr. Jame* Wilkinson. Jamestown .„ | u^n^^^^ k XemlI Kadina ? Mr. T. H. HalL Kapunda .„ ... Messrs. Listen, Shakes, and Co.' Kingston i Messrs. J. k A. Oooke. ajngstcn. _ ~\MfcGambler8teamsbipCo, Koolunga ... ... Messrs. Olf zy k Stockham Kulpara „ .„ Mr. John Reid. Laura ™ ... Messrs. Davey k Farrar. Lucindale ... Lyndoch „ ... Mr. F. L. Bevilaqua. MacDonnell Bay .„ Messrs. B. French k Son. Maitland .„ — Messrs. Warn Brothers. Mallala .„' ... Mr. B. Knowles. Mannanarie „ Mannnm _ „ Messrs. B. Walker k Son. Manoora ... ^. Mr. Wm. Sanders. Melrose _ ... Mr. B. G. Williams. Menindie ... ... Mr. 8. McKenzie. Milacg „ _ Mr. A. H. Landseei. Minlaton ... _ Mr. W. H. Qoartly. Mintaro „ _ Messrs. EL D. Jolly k Co. Morgan, N.W. Bend Messrs. W. McOulloch and Co. Moonta _ ... Messrs. Warn Bros. Mount Barker _ Mr. John Paltridge. Mount Bryan _ Mount Gambier ._ Mr. Ohas. Bolte. Narracoorte ... Mr. W. Butler. Nermanville ... Messrs. J. Cornish k Co. Nuriootpa... „ Mr.W. Strother. fMr. O. H. Basther. Orrorco .„ .„-- Messrs. Truslove k Addi( sou.Pekina Pekina _ „ Mr. M. Duffy. Petersburg... „ Messrs.Treleaven& Terrell Port Augu«ta _. Messrs. A: D. Tassie k Co. Port Bronghton ... Port Germein ... Mr. N. Simons. Port Lincoln ... Mr. D. M. McFatlane. Port Pirie _ ... ELDER, SMITH, k CO. Port Victor _ Mr. G. S. ReadFort Victoria „. Messrs. Warn Brothers. Port Wakefield „ Mr. John Styles. Quorn «. _ Messrs. Oottrell & Fyffa. Redhill ... „. Messrs. Olezy & Stockham, Biverton M M Messrs B. Norton, Jan., and Co. BivoliBsy... Kobe ~ .J Mr. David Grone. Boseworthy -. Saddlewortb _ Salisbury ... „. Smithfield_ _. Mr. H. Desbief . Snowtown ... „ Mr. Joseph Turner. St&nsbury _. _ Mr. George Beatton. Stockport ... ... Mr. George Rhodes. Stockyard Creek ~ Strathalbyn „. Mr. John Oheriton. Tanunda _ .„ Messrs. S. Kramer k Son. Tsrcowie ? Mr. Samuel Martin. Tarlee ? Mr. Thomas HilL T«rowi« fMr.FrederickMattey. Terowie ... ~{ Messrs. TreleaVen 4 Terrell Two Wells ... Messrs. Jss. Cowan k Co. Venus Bay — 1 Walgett ... _ Messrs. Thompson, Vanghan, and Co. Wallaroo ... - Mr. H. Ward. Warooka -. Wasleys ? Waterloo Bay „ Wentworth ~ Mr. J.S.Upton. Wilcatmla ™ Messrs. A. Kirkp»t*ick and Co. Wilmington .- Mr. Jotn Brett. Woodside ... — Mr. Thomas Hutcbens.; Yarcowie ... .« Messrs. Barker & Co. Yarrowie _ ... Mr. O. Cranston. , Yatina -. «. Mr.J.B.Oarr. f Yongals. — — Messrs. Treleavent Terrell Yorketown ™ Mr. C. T. Lohrmaan. * Further information can be obtained on application. . . ELDER, SMITH, 4 CO.. AmEUisB, Pobt Adblaiuk, axo Port Pran. November 17, 1880. 309the (For remainder of Auctions see Eighth Pagt.)