South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Tuesday 20 January 1880, page 4


Considerable attention is being devoted in England to the lighthouse system now in force, which is asserted by more than one high authority to possess

many serious defects The most ardent among the advocates for reform is Sir William Thomson, who is not merely a man of science but an accomplished amateur sailor also. For Borne years past Sir William Thomson has been urging the question on the notice of the com munity, but so far with but little success. It is unfortunate that the public can never be induced to devote attention to great national questions of this sort un less they are brought prominently forward by some unusual occurrence. Hence it is that Sir William Thomson's pleadings have been passed over with little or no notice, and have not even enlisted the sympathies of those who cannot have failed to appreciate the correctness of his premises and the cogency of his argu ments. At the present time, however, there is some ground for hope that his good counsel will not fall altogether on barren ground. The reconstruc tion of the famous edifice on the Eddystone rock, which has been rendered necessary by the action of the wind and the weather, has kindled an interest among the thinking portion of the British community in the whole question of light houses and the present system of lighting the coast. Sir William Thomson has, however, another good reason for return ing to the breach once more. Not content with private expeditions to test the value of the lights on the coast of England, Sir William Thomson recently availed himself of an opportunity to inspect those on the south coast in a ten days' experimental cruise on board Her Majesty's Bhip Northampton. In a highly interesting account of this tour, written by him to the Times, he adduces, as the result of hk observations, a number of facts which too plainly point to glaring defects in the lighting system. The alterations advocated by Sir William Thomson are best described in his own words :— ' A great quickening of nearly all revolving lights ; the applica tion of a group of dot-dash eclipses to every fixed light ; and the aboli tion of colour as a distinction of lighthouse lights, except for showing dangers and channels and ports by red and white and green sectors.' These recommendations have the advantage of being eminently simple and practical, and it only remains to be considered whether they are worthy of adoption. From long and careful observation Sir William Thomson is able to show that slowly revolving lights are extremely diffi cult to 'pickup' — to use his own very expressive phrase. There are in all 623 lights on the British and Irish coasts, and of these 110 are revolving lights. All revolve slowly with on'? exception — the Dungenes3 low light, which flashes every five seconds. The length of time for which the majority of the lights are extinct to the mariner is out of all reasonable proportion to the period

{or which they «re visible. Thus, to take ?one notable instance mentioned by Sir William Thomson, the Start light is only visible for Bix secoads out of every sixty. With what this observer happily describes as 'its fifty-four seconds of extinction and ita niggardly six seconds of visibility' sailors, expe rience great difficuly in sighting the light The absurdity of such a system is too o-bvious to need much illustration. But it has been well said that ' the object is that a look-out man may see something, and yot that something is ?concealed from bis view for nine-tenth* of his period of observation. ' What is wanted is a sufficiently distinctive light which can easily be made out from a dis tance, and not a light which can only be caught sight of with the most careful and searching scrutiny. The quick re volving light has thiB advantage— that while it maintains its distinctive character it is seldom lost to view, and is to all intents and pur poses a fixed light, and it is generally conceded that in some respects the fixed light is superior to the revolving light. It is true that it has this great disadvan tage — that it is difficult on a coast where there are a number of stationary lights to discern one from another ; but for mere purposes of observation the fixed light ia better. Thus, while great difficulty was experienced by Sir William Thomson in making out the Start light, to which we have already re referred, the fixed Eddystone light' was picked up, and its compass bearing taken by inspection to less than a quarter of a point, when the light was so faint on the horizon that it could scarcely be seen, or not be seen at all without a little motion of the eye to refresh its sensibility. ' In the case of another light, the Wolf— a half minute revolving light — the same diffi culty was felt as with the Start. Although there are these drawbacks to the re volving-light Bystem, it is too valu able to be given up. In the first place, the light can, as a rule, be seen from a greater distance than the fixed light, and the flsshes which it throws out as it revolves are more bright and intense. All that is wanted is that the flashes should be sufficiently frequent to enable sailors to ' pick them up' with ease, which is an easy matter of mecha nical arrangement It is noteworthy, however, that Sir William Thomson dis covered that many of the revolving lights flashed irregularly. It is obviously of the last importance that this should be remedied, inasmuch as the maintenance of the distinctive character of the light depends almost entirely upon this. It would be satisfactory to know whether the revolving lights on the Aus tralian coast, including those on our own seaboard, are all that could be desired in this respect In time to come, when the increase of our shipping trade will render necessary an increase in our coast lights, the question will assume great impor tance. Sir William Thomson's suggestion for distinguishing fixed lights by means of what he terms ' dot-dash eclipses' is receiving consideration. It has already been put in force in one light in Ireland, and has the merit ef being exceedingly Bimple. The light is marked by three eclipses, two dots, and a dash, repi'esent ing the letter ' h,' by which it can be identified. The dot ia represented by a flash of half a second duration, and the dash by another three times as long. The light in question is now ' recognised with absolute certainty as soon as it is seen in ordinary weather' at a distance of ten miles. The Morse flashing alphabet is so simple of application and so easily learnt that there are no practical diffi culties in the way of its introduction into the lighthouse system. As to the abolition of coloured lights, there can be no two opinions of its desirability. Apart from the fact that they can be mistaken by colour-blind people, there is the greater danger that they are apt to be taken for vessels' lights. The colours chiefly used are red and green, and as a fact many lights exhibiting these colours have been mistaken for vessels. The light at South Sea Castle is very dangerous in this re spect. It exhibits red and green port and starboard lights, and the most careful mariner acting upon the nautical axiom, u Green to green, and red to red : Perfect safety, go ahead,' would in this case come to woeful grief. The reforms suggested by Sir William Thomson are of world-wide importance, and of special interest to a country which has so extensive a seaboard as has South Australia.

Street-lighting. — To-day the poll on the subject of street-lighting is to take place. The issue before the ratepayers is an exceedingly simple one. It is a three penny rate and gas or a twopenny rate and kerosine. It is no use blinking the matter. The citizens have to declare whether they are willing to submit to the indignity of having their thoroughfares lined — it is a contradiction in terms to say illuminated — with kerosine lamps, which at their best give out a sickly yellowish light, and which at their worst are not only offensive to the eye and the nose of the passer-by, but are a source of positive danger. It is quite a common thing for the light to get the better of all the provision for keeping it in order, and either to blaze up in a fitful alarming way or to Bink down sulkily, and pour forth volumes of black smoke, through which its expiring gleam is only faintly visible. We do not wish to blame the contractor for this. Considering the nature of the task he undertook he has done wonders, but the simple fact is that keroaine is utterly unsuited to modern street illumination. As an improvement upon the tallow' candle or train oil ite virtues are undeniable, but as a substi tute for gas it ib a conspicuous failure. And this brings us back to the point with which we started, that it now resta with, the citizens to say whether Adelaide shall remain a laughing stock to its neighbours or revert to one of the commonest requirements of civiliza tion. It is not now a question as between gaa and the electric light or between the gas manufactured here and some article that may be manufactured hereafter. What has to be done is to provide credit ably for the present, and for one or two years at least the prodvict of the Bowden gasometers is what we must depend upon for illumination. It may be said that according to the figures sub mitted by His Worship the Mayor the other night the whole amount raised by a threepenny rate will not be needed, but that will be raising an utterly false issue. The money can all be most advantage

ously qpeat in giving Adelaide light. Even if it is thought unnecessary to keep the lamps burning after 1 o'clock— a most mistaken notion, as it aeems to us— the number of lights, especially in the prin cipal streets, may with great benefit bo supplemented. Such lamps as wo havo *re few and far between aa compared with the needs of this important and growing city, and the sooner the Corporation can turn thoir attention to this aspect of the subject the better. It is worthy of remark that the twopenny rate will not bo suflicient even for kerosine, and it will bo universally felt that to incroaso the rate in order to supply the city with kerosine would be a grotesque blunder. What wo would urge is that ratepayers should on no account fail to exercise the right of voting they posses?, and We Woujd ^ that for their own credit's sako they should not render possible by their apathy a triumph at tho poll to the cause of re trogressiou and darkuoea. Gas Batk. — A poll of the citizens will bs taken in the Town Hall Exchange Kootn to-day to decide as to what rato shou'd be adopted to enable the city to be lighted with gaa. We append the scale of voting for tho guidance of ratepayers : —Annual B«»e*sment within one or more wards up to £25, one voUi ; to £35, tw -votes ; to £45. three vouwt ; to £35, four votes £65, five votes ; and to £75, sii votes and uo more. Poht Railway Ohos-isos.— No part of the public roads require* to be', kept in a better state of repair than the crossiugs over tho railway lines, on acconut of the low bridges. In Chief-street, Urompton, and Gibson-street, P.owdeD, a good portion of traiiie is diverted to East-street, and siveral liuj-g of metal higher than the roadway have to Ik: crossed. The con sequences are oft«-ntimea unfortunate. Oa Saturday last a butcher's cart going over tho crossing at an ordinary pace came to grief, the jerk shaking ont the tailboard pins, the result beiDg that joint* of nu-ht w«.re caat ubout in all directions on to the line. Stabbu*q Cask.— A bunhman named Williams stabbed a girl of loose character named Annie Oahill, with a knife, iu the back, during a row in the Shamrock Hotel, on Monday eveuiug. Although a La6ty wouud was iutlicted the girl is in no danger. Williams was arreetwd. Fire at Kanciaroo Island.— Ouptaiu Martin, of the ketch Napperby, reports a bush fire to b«) burning at Stokes IJay, Kaugaroo LtUud, on Baturday. The police- trooper stationed at Yank&lilla went scrota, and was ass in tod by five Dr sLx men in trying to subdue the flames, which bad possession of a large area of ground. Mr. Stokes wa« bornt out duriug the day, and several farmers narrowly escaped a similar mis Fortune. Though partially got under, tbe fire was not mastered at 6 e'clook in the evening, when he sailed for Port Adelaide. Suspicion resta upon a man having set the place on fire, and an inquest will be ht-ld to-day by Mr. J. W. ' Daw, J.P. Sudden Deaths.— On Monday morning Dr. Sprod and the City Coroner went to the house of Mary Margaret Wood, who had died sud-denly at Clifton on Sunday afternoon. They found that her health had been shattered by intemperance, and that lately she had been suffering from dysentery. Under these circum-stances the Coroner considered an inquest un-necessary. The City Coroner also made enquiries as to the cause of the death of Christie Charles Boyce, at Third Creek, Norton's Sum-mit, on January 18, and, in this case, considered an inquest unnecessary also, as the child had been suffering from diarrhœa. THE WANTABADGERY BUSHRANGERS — This morning the condemned men, Scott and Rogan, . will pay the last penalty of the law for the Wantabadgery bushranging outrage, the Out come of which was the murder of Constable Bowen. Numerous petitions have boeo pre sented to the Governor of New South Wales for the reprieve of the convicts, but it hai most wisely been decided to let the law take its course. Babtebn Extension Aubtbalaria and Phika THLBOBAni Oomi'Ant.— Mr. Knevetr, who represents this Company in Adelaide, has handed us a copy of the report and balance sheet which were presented at tho half-yearly meeting held in London »m October 22. From the report we quote the following: — 'Tho Directors herewith submit the usual Btatemout of accounts for the hilf-yeur ending 30th June, 1879. The gross receipts for that period havo amounted to £150,107 lls. 5d., against £135,482 ]5». lid. for the corresponding half-veiir ef 1878, giving au increase of £14,624 15s. Od. Tha working and other expenses, including a sum of £11,185 18s. for cost of n pairs and iminton ince of cables, together with interest on debentures ami income tax, absorb £65,509 14s. 8d , leaving £84,597 10i. 9J. is the net profit for tho half-year. Pwo quarterly interim dividends of 1^ peroont, ?ach, amounting to £40,937 10s , have been paid, leaving a bianco of £34,660 di. 0d. to be carried Forward. The s.s. Edinburgh, being no longer required, has, since her return to England, boon sold for £10,000. The contract* with the Go vernments of New S uith Wales and Victoria, referred to in paragraph 8 of tho last report, was signed and scaled on the 6th May last, and the additional capital authorised by a resolution passed at the extraordinary general meeting, held on December 4, 187N, has been raised by the issue of £6,400 debentures of £100 each, bearing Interest at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum, and redeemable within twenty years. The Directors have the pleasure to announce tho successful laying by the Telegraph Oonntruction . and Maintenance. Company of the first section of the duplicate cable to Australia — viz., between Penang and Singapore, connecting Malacca on the 10th Aigust last. The manu facture of th« remaining portion of tho cablo required to connect Singapore with Australia in nearly completed, and a considerable amount ban been shipped. A concession from tho Spanish Government for connecting Manila with HongkoDg is ofTered to this Company. Tho concession is exclusive for 40 years, and grants an annual subsidy of S48.OOO, or about £9 (J00 for 10 years. The coRt of Requiring and cirrying oat the concession will tw? £120,000. The e*H mate of revenue shows the concession to be ad vantageous, and resolutions will be submittt) 1 to the extraordinary general meeting, to btf held at the conclusiou/-f the ordinary general meeting, authorizing the Board to take tho necessary steps for Acquiring and carrying out the same.' United Aj«cihnt Oedeb of Druids, Adb« laidb District. — The annnal meeting took place on Thursday, January 15, at the Duko c£ Brunswick Lodgeroom, when the following officers and delegates were present :— Provincial President, B. Gould ; Provincial VicePresi dent, J. Pickering ; Provincial Secretary Mitt hews ; Tyler, P. A. Teaklo ; P.P.P. Hurst and P. A. Lewis, from the Allied Lodge; P.P.P. Stroud and P.A. Coulthard, from the Peace; PA's Krrington, Pellew, and V. A. Down?, from the Duke of Brunswick ; P.A's Benden, Breaker, and Secretary Foale, from the Duke of Loinster; P.A. Stokes, from the Prince of Wales ; P.A's Eowe and Stoakley. from the Albert ; P.P.P. Perry, and P.A's Conlin and Topham, from tho Sir James Fergusson ; P.A. Ilehir and Brother G Hall, from the Adelaide ; and P.A. Turner and A. D. Veitch from the Royal Oak. Tho committee having duly opened the proceedings, tbe Becretary called over the roll ef delegates. P.P.P. Horet read the balftnoe-sheot and Audi tors' report, which showed that tho funds had increased steadily. The latter recommended that the levies for the ensuing quarter should be 2s. 3d. to tho General Fnnd and Sa. to tho Incidental Euud. The balance-sheet and audi tors' report were receded and adopted. I no Chairman of'Trustees reported that the sum of £'10 bad been paid off as principal on mort Mces and the s«m of £600 hid boen invested on freehold securities, making the total sum now lent on mortgage £2.000, which tho tnwteea considered highly satisfactory. The arrears ot interest at the audit amounted to £35 1--s , i-(J of which had since been paid. Two trusteed bad been appointed to audit the annual returns. The report was received and ordered to bo printed. The Provincial President gave In his annnal report, congratulating the Order on tho opening of the Royal Oak and Gawler Lodges during the year, and on the steady progress tho Order was making both numerically anu finan cially. He alco reported a case of a brother from tbePeace Lodge which had been brought under the notice of the Provincial officers, who, after careful consideration, had granted the sum oE £10 aa a temporary relief, at the same time ?tating the matter would ho brought under tho notice of the delegates. The action of tho Pro vincial officers was confirmed. Prov. Vico President J. Pickering was elected President ; P.A. Lewis, of the Allied Lodge, Vice-President ; Prov. Secretary Mathews ro-eiectod. The re muneration to the Prurinrial officers, Trustee*, BDd the various Committeeo were fixe 1 at tho same amount as hitherto. P.P. Gould and P.A. Teakle were elected Auditors. Dr. VM wih appointed District Surgeon. CopicH ??{ th-i reported proceedings were ordered to \n- prin'-il and circulated. The further sum of /J--5 w :a voted as a gift to the widow of the bro'h t n« ferred to by the Provincial o'licors. An appli cation was made by tlm Sir Jhuips Fei^i-*'! Lodge to readmit a brother, but it wan refiM-'d. Votes of thanks were recorded to the rf!iritiij officers, and the usual tentimoiih] was vot.'ilto the retiring President, utter which tie tueetiug closed. )j.~x

tea Drc sb Qbam#i»t,— Out telegram* this morning announce the death of the Due ; de Gramoni. We take the folio wing pirtiealars from ' Men of the Time':—' Antoine Agenor Alfred Dae de Gramont, diplomatist, formerly Dae do Gaiche, since the death of his father (March 3, 1854) Prince de Bidache, bom at Paria, August 14, 1819. He entered the Polytechnic School in 1837, but two years afterwards declined to join the artillery, to which service be had feeen appointed. He made his dihU in public life December 2, 185Z, and was sent as Minister Plenipotentiary to Gassel, to Stuttgard in 1852, to Turin in Apr H. 1853, and as Ambassador to Rome in 1857, which post be held till 1661, when he w&a nominated Ambassador to Vienna. Whilst at Turia he used his influence to induce the Sardinians to enter into the alliance of the Western Powers against Russia. He was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs in April, 1870, and held that office until the downfall of the empire in Sep tember following. He was promoted to the rank of General of Division in 1873. He was made Commander of the Legion of Honour, June 3, 1S57, Grand Cross of the Order of Frederick of Wiirtemburg, aad of that of St Maurice and St. Lazarus -rf Sardinia^ He marrifd in 1843 a daughter of Mr. Mackinnon, by whom he haa four children.' Thb Semaphore Jetty— The repairs which are so much needed to this structure have beea ?commenced. For a time the traffic will neces sarily be obstructed to some extent, but in order -to provide for pressing contingencies another -truck will be provided, so as to run the mails up to the pile-engine and then transfer to the secend truck- A matter for regret is that some thing could not have been done to increase the width of the pier before going on with the work, as the traffic has of late become so exceedingly .great that at such times as holidays, Saturdays, and Sundays it is almost impossible .to move along. The water supply, too, during this very hot time of the year is inadequate to tbe re quirements of those visiting the jetty, *nd while under repair it would be well if some larger pipes could be laid down to increase the pressure. Ibish Relief Fciro. — A public meeting was held at the Eureka Hotel, Kedhill, on Friday evening, January 10, to raise fands in aid of the Irish Distress Belief Fond- The meeting was not very large, but moat enthusiastic Mr. G. F. Cl&ridge, J.P.,*occupiad the chair, and, after referring to the famine and its attendant horrors, expressed the hope that something would be done in Kedhill that would reflect credit upon the district. The following gentlemen were appointed a committee, with power to add to their number : — Rev. H. J. Pope, Messrs. Hayes, Hopkins, Reynolds, Pearoe, Gregory, and McNally. Subscription-lists were distributed amongst the committee, and lady collectors were appointed to canvass the district. £20 has already been promised. Irish Bhlihf Fckd.— A meeting was held in the District Hall, Little Adelaide, on Monday evening, January 19, for the purpose of bringing before the residents the objects of the Irish Relief Fnnd. Mr. Daviea, the Chairman of the Dis trict Council, presided. The Chairman, in open ing the proceedings, alluded to the famine that now existed in Ireland, and to the necessity for sending relief to the distressed pocr. Extracts were read which proved the dreadful state of affairs in Ireland, and it was ultimately decided that a local committee sheald be appointed to canvasa the district for subscriptions. Mr. Montgomery was present as a delegate from the Central Committee. Thb Firb vx Pebct-stbeet. — The City Coroner, having visited the premises of Mr. Alexander Gurr, where a fire occurred on Sunday, and mao- enquiries, did not consider an inquest necessary. It should have been . stated that Mr. A. J. Baker, the Brigade Super intendent, and No. 3 Reel were present at the fire, not three reals, ae mentioned in yesterday's B't/ister. Thb Fihh w Frhekah-stbeht.— The City Coroner began an inquest at the Freemasons' Tavern on Monday afternoon on the fire which occurred at Mr Thomas's, in Freeman-street, oa Saturday morning. After the evidence of Mr and Mrs. Thomas and the constable on duty-had , been taken the enquiry was adjourned till Wednesday morning. Wrbckagb Fockd.— The Marine Board have received a letter from Police-trooper Richards Receiver of Wrecks at Fowler's Bay, dated January 4, in which he says :— ' From informa tion received relative to a lot of wreckage having been seen some few miles above the head of the Great Australian Bight, I proceeded there and found a name-board with the letter* * Craigendbroch.' painted bine. The letters had been gold. The board was broken in three E laces. I am pretty oertain, however, that I ave correctly made the letters oat. The board wit about twelve feet long. I also found part of a royalm&st, upper topsail yardarm, tbick wood rails from quarter-deok, lower deadeye, wooden fender, and a lot of pieces of timber, evidently masts split np. I also found on the rocks the stern of longboat, painted white inside and out, boat's rudder, some broken oars, staves of harness cask, painted blue, few pieces of guttapercha and indiarubber, and part of figure head^uncertain whether of man or woman. The place is situated about four and a half miles from the Bight to the westward, which is at the commencement of the cliffs, or ?! should say a few hundred yards above where the cliffs com mence. They are quite 25G feet high, and almost perpendicular, making it most difficult to make further search. A few spars are lying on the beach to the eastward of the cliffs.'' The Secretary of the Marine EoarJ espressos some doubt whether the Receiver has accurately read the name, because neither the Craigendbroch nor anything like it appears in the list edition of the Mercantile Navy-list. The nearest approach to it is the Craigendarroch, a well-known vesjel to this colony, which was sold lately in London. Messrs. Elder, Smith, k Co., the agents, have bo (information ef her whereabouts. We&lbtan Mbthoihst C«-kfehekcb. — Tho seventh annual Wesleyan Methodist Conference will be commenced this evening in the Pirie atreet Church. -Presentation to Ma. S. Good. — About twenty employ 6s of the firm ot Messrs. Good, Toms, & Co. met at the Clarence Hotel, on Monday evening, January Id, for the purpose of making a presentation to Mr. S. Good, prior to his departure for England by tho Orient. Mr. G. H. Peters occupied the chair, and said that during the past seven and a half years they hul all worked in harmony with Mr. Good. He wished him a pleasant voyage, happiness in England, and a safe return. Mr. P. Fiober, the oldest employe', then presented Mr. Good with a handsome gold locket, on which was inscribed —'Presented to S. Good by his fellcw employea as a token of esteem.' Mr. Fisher in making the presentation said he hoped Mr. Good would not take it for its value, but as a token of the esteem and respect in which he had been held by them for the past seven and a half years. He trusted that he would have a safe journey, and concluded by proposing Mr. Good's health. Mr. Good briefly responded, and in thanking them said when he looked back on tbe past seven years he found them to have been the happiest of his life. He hoped that when he returned he would find all present that night still in the firm's employ, and risen to higher positions. Mr. Chambers pro posed the health of the firm—' Messrs. Good, Toms, k Co.,' which was responded to by Mr. S. Good, in the absence of any of the partners. Short Time at tub Sairnso Office.— As to a'letter in Saturday's RtyLter signed by James Punch, matter of the brig Argot*, complaining of short time at the shipping office, the Superin tendent of Mercantile Marine has reported to tbeMarine Board that the master was greatly mistaken in stating that the office was closed at 3.40 p.m. on the l(5th inst. On the day in ques tion Captain Punch came at 3.30 p m., and not having small cash he went out and procured the same, returning at exactly 3.56 p.m. Oue man was paid his account, and the rest stated that their accounts were incorrect, and that they had only received them £ve minutes before entering the office. The master was told that the office would be closed in a few minutes, and he would have to ©ay overtime if the office was continued open after 4 o'clock on his behalf. The master went away protesting, but came next morning with the men's accounts corrected, and they were paid off. The Superintendent then pointed out to the captain the inaccuracies of his letter, and he made an apology for being hasty, saying if the Superintendent would let the matter rest he would Dike the amexde honorable in the same paper. The ship, it is added, was not detained. Thhatrh Eotai..— There waa a thin attendance at the Theatre on Monday evening, probably owing to the very oppressive weather. ** Dearer than Life' is to be repeated to-night. ItfAKHTB Board.— This body sat on Monday January 19, and dieposadof general btuiaess, the meet important having reference to the wreck of the Southern Cross. It appeared that through some misunderstanding the prelimi nary enquiry at Port MacDonnell had been fol lowed by a Court of Enquiry without any charge having been properly laid. Dissatisfac tion was also found with the undated docu ment?, which omitted reference to the master. were without recommendation of any kind, and neither blamed nor exonerated the certifisated ffficera. The Board will probably take advice from the law officers of the Crown in the matter. Tbe circumstance was regarded as sufficient to justifiy the attendance of the President or Secretary at all ouUide preliminary enquirifs, for the purpose of having them pro tdj couovczta.

Jo'e«e \t St. Fun's Gathbwax*— We have been aapplied by the Choirmaster of St. Peter*! Cathedral with the appended list of music performed in the Cathedral during the ecclesiastical year, beginning on Advent Sunday, 1878, and ending an 25th Sunday after Trinity, 167*. Tbe list speaks for itself, and will doubt less be of interest to the musical public of all denominations. Much of the musio is quite new to the colonies, it being carefully selected in England by the organist's brother. It is almost impossible for the uninitiated to realize the enormous amount of work entailed in teaching a number of boys this quantity of music. All we can say is that those who undertake it de serve the highest credit for the excellence with which every service is stamped. The list is as follows : — Kyrie — Mendelssohn, in G ; Parry, in D ; Willing, in D ; Redhead, in 0 ; aad Dykes, in F. Offertory Sentences — Bamby. Cantata and Dens Misereatur — Bonnett, in F ; and Goss, in C Te Deums— Bunnett, in G ; Wesley, in F ; Bamby, in B flat ; Tours, in F ; Jackson, in F ; and Dykes, in F. Jubilate— Toms, in B flat; and Wesley, in F. Benedictua— Steggall, in G ; and Stainer, in £ flat. Benedicite — Hoyte, in S fiat ; and Best, in G. Communion Office — Parry, in D. Kyries — Mendelssohn, in G ; Field, in A; Hopkins, in F; and Dykes, in F. Mag nificat and Nunc Dimittis (unison)— Calkin, in D; Goss, in A ; Parry, in D ; Stainer, in A; Garrett, in D; Gounod, in D; and Bunnett, in F. Anthems—' As pants the heart,' Spohr ; ' How lovely are the messengers,' Mendelssohn; 'Blessed be the God and Father,' Wesley; a Lord of all power and might,' Mason ; u It came even to pass,' Ouseley ; u What are these,' Stainer ; ' Sing a song of praise,' do. ; ' Ho sauna in the highest,' do. ; *? They have taken away my Lord,' do. ; ' It is high time to awake,' Bamby ; ' O, risen Lord,' do. ; ' Sing and re joice,' do.; ' I will give thanks,' -do. ; ' O, taste and see,' Go«s ; ' Come and let us return,' do. ; 'Rejoice greatly,' Gadsby ; ' O love the Lord,' Sullivan ; 'Lift np your heads,' Hopkins; 'The Lord is my light,' Hiles ; ' Rejoice in the Lord,' Elvey ; ' All ye who weep,' Gounod ; ' Turn thy face,' Attwood; ul know that my Redeemer liveth,' and other selections from the Messiah, Handel; ' Hallelujah,' do.; 'The eyes o! all wait on Thee,' Haydn-Keeton. Accidbst with a Trap. — Our Mallala corre spondent, under date January lfi, writes : — ' An accident which might have ended more seriously happened to Mr. J. Forbes, J.P., on Friday sight, January 16. It appears that he was returning from Crawler in his boggy, which wai laden with goods, when the wheel of his trap went unexpectedly into a hole near the town ship of Mallala. The sudden jerk unseated Mr. Forbes and caused him to fall heavily on to the ground. He remained there from half-past 9 o'clock till half-past 12 o'clock before he re gained consciousness, and when he did he managed to walk home, having escaped with only a few bruises. His escape, however, was miraculous ; and it will be a relief to his friends to bear he is able to get about, although a little lame. The horses and trap were found early next morning a short distance from where the accident happened, having got fixed in the fence.' Hastlht Bridgh -and Balaklava Railway. — Our Hamley Bridge correspondent writes: — ' The Hamley Bridge and Balaklava line is being well patronised. Every train has arrived with all the carriages well filled, and on Satur day they brought the first wheat that has been conveyed over the line, viz., six truckloads from Stockyard Creek, consigned from Mr. Thomas Bartlett to Messrs. W. Duffield & Co.'s Hamley Bridge Branch.' Wanton Destruction— On Sunday, while Mr. Bilney, of Athelstone, was away at church, some larrikins got into bis garden and robbed it of a great quantity of fruit, which they wantonly cast about on the adjoining land and road. A reward is offered for their apprehension. Racing Yachts. — It ia stated that the owner of the Edith is not quite satisfied with the result of last Saturday's spin at Glenelg, and that arrangements are in progress for another match between his craft and the Enchantress. The course spoken of is between Glenelg and the Semaphore. Death of Mr. H. C. Palmer.— A telegram from Port Pirie informs us that Mr. Hamilton C. Palmer, the lawyer, was found dead in his bed at the Pilot Boat Hotel on Monday morn-ing. The deceased gentleman was called to the Bar at Middle Temple in 1854, and three or four years afterwards he arrived in South Aus-tralia, following his brother, who was then a Congregational minister in charge of the Church at Glenelg. Shortly after he came here he con-tributed a series of admirably written sketches to the Register under the signature of ' Tem-plar" and he took an important part in the management of Mr. J. L. Young's school during that gentleman's absence in England. He prac-tised at his profession for a while in Adelaide ; but the bulk of his time he spent in the Northern districts, where at one time he had a very large business. The deceased was never married. Wheat Glut in the North. — One of the local papers writes: — 'The railway officials at the various stations along the line from Port Pirie to Gladstone and Jamestown are, as may be expected, experiencing an exceedingly busy time of it. At Gladstone throughout the week wheat continued to pour in, and on Saturday no less than 120 trucks, heavily laden with grain, were dispatched to Port Pirie, keeping the staff hard at work, not only all day, but part of the night also. Notwithstanding this substantial indication of the amount of business being done in the wheat market it forms but a fraction of what may be expected, as we have only recently entered on the beginning of what, if we may be allowed to use the expression, we designate our annual wheat carnival.' ThbAmkrioak War Diorama.— The company connected with this entertainment returned to Adelaide last evening, after a most successful trip through- Yorke's Peninsula, under the management of Lieutenant Herman. They in tend exhibiting in Clarendon on Thursday next, and after visiting a few of the Southern towns will travel the South-East en route for Mel bourne, whence they proceed to New Zealand. Gch Accident.— We quote the following from the Fort Augusta Dispatch of January 17 : — ' On Sunday afternoon last a serious acci dent occurred at Horrocks's Pass to a man named Walter Taylor, who waa, together with his mate, Richard Hawkins, on his way down to Port Augusta. It appears that Hawkins and Taylor had been working in the neighbourhood of Picda, and at the settlement they took a double-barrelled fowliag-piece as part of their wages. On their way through the Pass, while walking down to the Port, they saw some rock wallaby, and, taking tbe gun out of their swag, Hawkins fired two shots at them, after which Taylor also loaded the gun and had a shot. Hawkins, who was some distance away from his companion, noticed that the explosion was a most extraordinarily leud one, and immediately afterwards saw his friend coming towards him with his left hand held close to his body by the other hand. He then saw that the gun had burst, the barrel having -split up in several directions, while the stock was shattered to pieces, as was alao Taylor's left hand. Hawkins then borrowed a horse and cart from Mr. Barrett in the Pass, and took the wounded man back to Wilmington, where .the hand was dref sed and bandaged so as to stop the bleeding by Mr. Higgs, chemist, tc Hawkins then brcucbt tbe patient down to Port Augusta, and he was admitted to the Hospital. He was seen on Monday by Drs. Cotter and Markham, and it was decided that amputation was necessary. This was done by Dr. Markham on Tuesday morning, the patient being put ander the inilnence of ether during the operation. He is getting on as well as may be expected under tfce circumstances ' ' Ibish Relief Fnro.- A public meetiag was held in the Council Chamber, Teatree Gully, on January 17, to take into consideration the dis tress in Ireland. Mr. T. G. McPharlin, the Chairman of the district, presided. There was a moderate attendance. A letter was read from Mr. Montgomery, stating that he and Mr. J. O. Bray would be in attendance, but they did not pHt in an appearaice. Mr. Wm. Haineo, M.P., proposed, and Mr. Ephraim Haines seconded— ' That the district be divided into four parts, and that collectors be appointed so as to have a house-to-bouse canvas.' Carried, and the fol lowing collectors were appointed : — Messrs. Possingham, Ewers, W. Haines. H. Bdwarda, McPharlio, Tilley, H. and E. Haines. Mr. T. G. McPharlin was appointed Treasurer of the fond. The Chairman received a vote of thanks for calling the meeting. Death bt Dsowmisg.— A sad accident hap pened at Macclesfield on Saturday, January 17 by which a fine little girl, aged about 5 years and daughter of John and Emma Chester, lost her life. The child was playing with several other children on the banks o£ the MacclesSeld Creek wben she slipped and fell into a water hole, which near the bank k nearly six feet deep. The spot is just south of the township atd away from the toad, so that prompt assistance could not be procured. A little boy, a trille older than the deceased, at once ran off to the township, and severs! folks were quickly at the waterhole, and the body, which had sunk some minutes, was got out. Strenuous efforts were used to- restore animation bat without avail. Trooper Newenham, of Echunga, was communicated with and saw Mr. R. Davenport, J.P., relative to the necessity or otherwise of holding an iDqnest. Mr. Davenport, on hearing tfce circumstarees, thought it unnecessary to hold an enquiry.