South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Saturday 27 March 1880, page 6


[From a Correspondent.]

Having heard many of my business friends talking about a town called Terowie, and feeling curious to know a little of the place, I decided to take a trip up-country

and pay it a visit. Having arrived there after a very pleasant drive behind four of Mr. Terry's spanking coachers, the sun being so bright and the air so clear and bracing as to make one entirely forget that the country we were passing through was rather uninteresting, I found it to be a very thriving though small and rather one-sided township, with the inhabitants, as a whole, very busy. I resolved to take up quarters at Host Eglinton's hotel for a day or two, and see what was to be seen and hear what was to be heard ; and the result is the following infor-mation, which I think may possibly be of some interest to your readers. The first objects which arrest the attention of a traveller as he enters the township of Terowie from the Adelaide side are the build-ings that are furthest away from him, viz., the Institute and the Railway Station, both of which are new, and have a very neat appearance. The former is a striking-looking building, being a lofty erection of two stories, with a very pretty front built of white stone, and having cement cornices, quoins, and parapet coloured French-grey, but relieved a little with white. On closer examination I became still more pleased with the building. It his throughout the appearance of having been well and carefully built ; and this is to the credit of the contractor, Mr. Sparnon, as I understand he took it at a very low price. The Institute is also a credit to the architect, Mr. Garlick, and an honour to the people of Terowie, who, though few and scattered, have had the energy and spirit to build so handsome and capacious an edifice. On entering the front door yon find yourself in a broad and neat hall, at the other end of which you will perceive sliding doors, it being tbe intention of the committee at some future time to and to the building a concert-room to suit the increasing require-ments of the district. On the left-hand side there is a very handy-sized room, intended for a reading-room. The inside end of this room has been partitioned-off, so as to form a commodious and private office for the Clerk of the Local Court. This office is let to the Govern-ment at a rental of ten shillings per week. A large and well-lighted room on the right hand side of the building on the ground-floor is intended for the office and library. At the inside end of the hall on the right-hand side is the staircase, which leads to the concert-room. This room covers the whole area of the build-ing, being 34 feet long by 30 feet wide, and is 14 feet in height. It is ornamented with a deep and handsome cornice, and two neat and useful centrepieces, from which depend chandeliers bearing three lamps each. On the platform is a handsome grand piano, by Lipp & Sohn, which was obtained for the institution by a few ener-getic bachelors. The Railway Station next attracted my atten-tion, and I directed my steps thither. It is a nice-looking building, covering a considerable space of ground. The public apartments are commodious and convenient, but the private apartments seem to be unnecessarily small. The great secret of the interest which this little country village is exciting in the minds of the public was then explained to me, namely, the break of gauge on the railway line. Now, I saw not long ago in your columns a statement that the break of gauge was to be at Section 216, Hundred of Yongala, where the junction with tbe Port Pirie line is to be ; but I find this is a mistake. The break of gauge is to be at Terowie, and that for reasons obvious t0 any one who will visit the country and study the maps. Therein lies the chief foundation for the growing public interest which this township is exciting. Terowie is so situated as to drain the commerce of an im-mense tract of country to the eastward and north-eastward right into the New South Wales and Queensland country. Terowie must also be the depot of supplies for this great stretch of country, until the population so increases, and the farming interests so extend, as to make it advisable to carry the broad-gauge line into the north-east country. Turning towards the township again, I found that I had an excellent view of the frontage to the main north-east road, which contains all the business places of importance, prominent among which are two capa-cious general stores, three blacksmiths, two saddlers, a greengrocer and baker, a bootmaker, two butchers, two agents, two chapels, the Government school, and, besides, Host Eglinton's Hotel. Another hotel of much larger size is being erected in a very good position at the north end of the township. The background is fast filling up with cottages, which appear to be improving in architecture as they increase in number. Business seems to be thriving with every one in the town ; indeed, so much so that the people do not seem to have time to look after matters which evidently require attention. For Terowie has its faults and its wants. The absence of a policeman is very conspicuous, and from what I could gather is beginning to be felt a good deal. A little attention from the Board of Health would also be advantageous to the residents, as slaughter-yards and piggeries, and all places of like nature, should be excluded from the town ships. If, too, the owners of land were to plant trees on their properties the township and the surrounding country would soon become very much beautified and improved as regards health-fulness. It is a mistake to imagine that it is a difficult matter to grow trees on this great bare plain, for I have seen some strong healthy gums which were planted by the late Mr. Mitchell, the founder of this town, only two years ago, and they have attained the height of from eight to ten feet. I have also seen some trees and shrubs which I am assured were re-moved very late in the last winter, but which, owing to a little care, are now strong healthy plants. Lastly, but by no means least in importance, I have to mention the agricultural lands round Terowie, from which crops have been taken yielding as much as twenty-five and thirty bushells to the acre. The sample of wheat is equal to anything to be found in the colony, as I can myself bear witness. The improvement which is gradually taking place in the style of the farmers' houses is a strong evidence that so far wheat-growing has been fairly successful in the Terowie district. Some of your readers may want to know where Terowie is. To old colonists I need simply say it is on the old Gottlieb's Well Run, about two miles north-east of the original head station. To newer colonists, I say take the morning train to Hallett, and book a seat on the outside of one of Mr. Terry's coaches, and in little over two hours after leaving Hallett he will know better than I can tell him, and will never regret having taken the trip.