South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Saturday 19 July 1879, page 4


There are few English ecclesiastics who have so powerfully influenced the religious thought of the nation in modern times as Dr. John Henry Newman, and

his elevation to the rank of Cardinal is a fitting recognition of his ability and zeaL His direct personal influence has been immense. The position he held for many years at Oxford was one of great power ; and by printed lectures, sermons, and other products of his pen he has commanded the attention of a vast and intelligent audience. To iiu3 must be added the effect of his example. Not only by his famous tract No. 90, but by th£ whole tenor of his teaching and life, did he become a leader of the High Church party forty years ago. His secession from the Anglican Communion to that of Rome, which followed not long afterwards, created a profound sensation]

and in each position he has had numerous followers. But the indirect or secondary influence he has exerted has been by far the greatest. He has taught those whose function it is to teach. His writings are to bo found in the libraries of ministers of all denominations. Almost unconsciously to themselves orthodox divines reproduce his views of Christian dogma in their pulpit utterances, as they do those of Maurice, Kinpley, F. W. Robertson, and other master-minds of the period. Thi3 influence has not been exclusively wielded on behalf of the Church of Rome. It is written of him that with the exception of Bishop Butler no English writer has reconciled so many keen and cultivated intellects to the claims of Revelation. On this account partly he is held in respect by the Protestants as well as the Roman Catholics of England, and it was rightly judged that his elevation would be favourably regarded by all classes. In thus honouring him Leo XIIL has done himself especial honour. He ha3 shown himself large-hearted enough to recognise a higher standard of merit than servile subserviency to the authority of the Holy See, and blind and unreasoning adherence to Papal Dogmas. The highest type of refinement and culture, the subtlest order of intellect, and the grandest exemplification of humble loyalty to conscience and conviction — all receive recognition in the elevation of Dr. Newman to the Cardinalate. The distinction comes to him late in life. He 13 verging on fourscore years of age, and lib infirmities are such that the ceremonies attending his elevation almost overpowered him with fatigue, The formal announcement was made in the presence of nearly all the English residents at Rome, to whom Dr. Newman delivered a brief and very characteristic address. Commencing in Italian, he very soon glided into his ' own dear mother tongue,' as he called it, of which he is such a perfect master that even while differing from his sentiments it is impossible for one not to be charmed with his felicity of expression. Nor is this the only thing to admire. Whatever he may be as a Churchman, Dr. Newman, is a thorough Englishman. He has a sincere and fervent regard for his native country, and a just appreciation of its moral condition. The one great aim of his life has been to regenerate England ; but, unfortunately for his cause, he has sought to do so by an utterly mistaken method. For half a century, he states, he has resisted to the utmost of his power ' the spirit of liberalism in religion.' This is no vain boast. Throughout Dr. Newman's writings the protest he repeated the other day has been made again and again. He has persistently and with all the energy of his nature inveighed against the exercise of private judgment in religion. He would reform England by establishing religion on the basis of a distinctive creed concerning the accuracy and authority of which no man should dare to cherish a solitary doubt or form an independent opinion. We have called his method mistaken, for experience teaches that where it has had the best chance of success it has proved a failure. When judgment is held in abeyance, and assent is given without enquiry, though there may be mechanical conformity to spiritual authority, the higher branches of moral culture are perforce interfered with, if not altogether suspended. On the other hand, Dr. Newman admits that 'there is much in the liberalistic theory which is good and true ; for example, not to say more, the principles of justice, truthfulness, self-command, sobriety, benevolence, are among its avowed principles.' We do not pretend to enter into the theological argument, but that which embodies such principles as these surely cannot be very reprehensible. There is something painful, almost pitiful, in Dr. Newman's complaint that 'this array of principle is intended to supersede, to block out religion,' and in his declaration that he must therefore ' pronounce it an evil.' Assuredly the creed, or the collection of dogmas which finds such an ' array of principles' standing in its way is little likely to find a supreme place in the minds of the generality of thinking men. Dr. Newman defines liberalism in religion as ' the doctrine that there is no positive truth in religion, but that one creed is as good as another.' This is the characteristic exaggeration of a contro-versialist. Religious people of all denominations will repudiate it, and those who have no thought of religion at all are not within the field of view. One of the outgrowths of religious liberalism has been to increase charity and a broader toleration of individual opinion. Most people regard it as a sign as well as a consequence of human progress, but Dr. Newman views it with distress. Religion has ceased to be the bond of human society, the Church's authority and teaching are thrown off, and Christianity is losing its hold on the State. These are among the evils Dr. Newman described and deplored. According to him the religious outlook in England is peculiarly gloomy, though he has no fear for the final result. The comprehensive survey which from his position he was induced to take must have been disheartening. After all his energetic and long-continued efforts the principle he most strenuously protested against was steadily gaining ground, and he predicted that it would be the ruin of many souls. Others, however, may taka a more cheerful view of the matter. If it be true that the liberalism the new Cardinal deprecated is 'sweeping into its own ranks great numbers of able, earnest, virtuous men — elderly men of approved antecedents, young men with a career before them," there must be a good deal to be said in its favour. If, again, it inculcates an education. ' calculated to bring home to every individual that to be orderly, industrious, and sober is his personal interest' there is still more cause for approbation. Dr. Newman says that among the great working principles provided for the use of the masses are ' the broad fundamental ethical truths of justice, benevolence, veracity, and the like, and if liberalism does this it assuredly lays a good foundation for morality and

the cultivation of the social virtues, what- ever it may do with questions of dogmatic theology. On the whole, therefore, the condition of English religious life as Dr. Newman represents it has in it much that is hopeful However unsatisfactory it may be to the theologian, the ecclesiastic, or the upholder of Papal infallibility, the philanthropist and the humanitarian will be rather encouraged than otherwise by the growth of a system which, according to the great Oratorian, is so pregnant of mischief to religion and to society.

The Accidbht to MiS3 Jbbvois. — On enquiry at Government House, on Friday evening, we ascertained that Miss Jervoi?, who was thrown from her horse on 'Wednesday, was progressing favourably towards recovery. Teb Vice-Admiralty Cocbt. — The ViceAdmiralty Court will sit on Monday next, at 11 o'clock, to hear an application to admit the libel in re the Courier. Sydxet Istbbxational Exhibition. — Mr. Coatcs, Secretary to the Commission for tho Sydney Exhibition, has received the following telegram from Mr. Augustus Morris, Secretary to the Sydney Exhibition Commissioners:— 'Sydney, July 18. — Ko authority for statement in Press that Exhibition not open till 1st October. Impossible at preseut to fix date. Probably towards end September. Wire expected total live-stock exhibits, especially sheep.1' To-day's Football Match. — The Geelong footballers play their first match in the colony to-day against the Victorians. The following are the teams :— Geelong— Christey, De Little, Fairbairn, Kirk, McArthur, Noble, Hall, Pearson, Reid, Robertson, Smith, Sommers, Sharpe, Stiffe, Sandilands (vice-captain), Speed, Stephen, Watt, J. Wilson (captain), W. Wilson ; emergency, Whitelaw. Victorians— O. E. Warren (captain), W. Knill (vice-captain), A. Miller, W. Osborn, S. Furnell, W. Davis, J. Beesley, R. Wills, J. Brophy, H. Barry, J. Atkinson, G. Brown, A. Slight, H. Allen, A. Frayne, F. A. Fiveash, A. Shawyer, J. Sharp, C. Bail, J. Davis ; emergency, A. Bothwell. Mr. W. H. J. Dedman has been appointed field umpire. We understand that the Geelong men will only play against the Victorians, Ports, and Norwoods, and not against the Association, as they will not be able to stay long enough. The Murray Bridge. — A report reached us on Friday night that some of the cylinders of this structure had shown signs of settlement. We learn, however, that no tidings of this have reached the Engineer-in-Chiefs Office. It so happens that Mr. Mais is now on a visit to the bridge, having taken a photographer with him to obtain views of the work for the Sydney Exhibition, and it is more than probable that the fact of his going down has given rise to the rumour referred to. It may be of interest to state that this bridge was first utilized for horse traffic last week, when a mob of seventy unbroken horses were safely conveyed across the structure. The horses belonged to Messrs. Formby & Boase, and were bound for the interior. Gk»vEB»ME5T Tesdeus. — Three tenders were received on Friday at the Surveyor-General's office for clearing road Hundred of Para Wurlie, the lowest being that of D. O'Shanassy. Public School Appointments and Resigna-tions.— The following appointments have been made by the Minister of Education on the recommendation of the Inspector-General of Schools :— Provisional Teachers— Caroline Forster, Green's Plains West, transferred from Franklin-street ; Emma Cameron, Pinewood; Isabella McLeod, Curramulka ; Florence HamberstOD, Mount Eat; Marion Newnham, Wellington ; Sarah L. Abbott, Port Victoria. Sewing Mistresses— J. Longstaff, Kedhill; S. Hawke, Callington. Monitors— R. L. Neale, Eapunda ; Isabella Wright, do. ; F. N. Leak, Gladstone ; A. Putland. Edwardstown ; Elizabeth Naulty, Armagh; Alice Hoeking, Terowie; Mary A. Kniver, Callingtcn. The following resignations have been accepted: — Pnpil Teachers— Ruth McDongal], Compton Downs; Clara J. Harry, Saddle worth. Monitors — Annie Mitchell, Terowie ; Rosa A. Middleton, Kangarilla. The Bet. C. B. Simes.— The friends of the Rev. Colmer B. Symes, BA., formerly pastor of Stow Ohurcb, will be sorry to learn that news was received by the last mail stating that since the death of his wife his health has broken down, and that having obtained three months' leave of absence he had gone to Madeira for a change. Basximo Conveniesce — We understand that an agetcy of the Bank of South Australia will be op eaed tc-day at Millicent. Voltnteeb Items. — The Captain for the ensuing week is Captain Madley, and the subaltern Lieutenant Ward. Bugler Stephens, of B Company Adelaide Rifles, has been promoted to bugler, corporal, and commanding officers' bugler. D. Company. Adelaide Rifles, goes to Dry Creek to-day for target practice aud claesfiring. During the last fortnight some of the companies have been exercised in tent-pitching and aiming drill. Reception of the Geeloso Footbail Team. — A public reception was given to the Geelong football team at noon on Friday, July 18, at the Town HalL They were awarded musical honours on ascending the platform, where they were met by the Mayor and several members of the Corporal ion, Mr. E. T. Smith, M.P., and some leading footballers. The Mayor aaid he had much pleasure in welcoming the team to South Australia, and that if the reception could have taken place on the preriona day he was sure there would have been a much larger attendance of the public. An adjournment to the Refreshment-room then took place, where the health of the guests was proposed in bumpers of champagne. In the afternoon several of the visitors made their way to the top of the Post-Offico tower, and were much pleased with the fine view to be obtained from it. The team practised on the Adelaide ground later in 'the afternoon. Moorta Bat Ratzway Works.— There are now about sixty men employed in raising and breaking stone and making the necessary cattings for the extension of the Moonta Bay Railway to the jetty, and at the present rate of progress the work will probably be completed in time for the summer traffic The prices given for the work (says the YorkeU Peninsula Advertiser) are not such as will allow the men to get very rich, bat the men find that it is belter to earn what they can than to keep idle, as they would be obliged to do had not the work been set on at the present time. The Mayor of Moonta, seeing that most of the men had to walk a distance of from three to four miles to and from their work, interested himf elf on their behalf and obtained the consent of the Commissioner of Public Works for them to have a free ride on the bus in tha evenings as far aa Moonta, which roost of those concerned will consider a boon, and no doubt will accept gratefully. ; Mtjsso Faba East DisTBicr Cotwcti.. — Our Gawler correspondent states that for many years past the District Council of Mcnno Para Eaat has permitted bnilders, carters, and others to remove sand from the roads in Gawler South free of charge, and even without making application. This practice, he says, is very dangerous, as the streets are rendered uneven, and sometimes holes are ltft. On Thursday, July 17, a horse, having a spring-cart attached to it, was being driven past the Gasworks, when the animal put bis foot into one of these holes, causing it to stumble and fall. As it so happened, no serious damage was done, but under some circumstances alarruing accidents might occur. _ A Criminal Cbi-ebbitt.— Reference has been made during the past week in the Victorian telegrams to Andrew G. Scott, a notorious criminal better known as Ciptain Moonlight. Ihe Argus states that since Scott's release from Pentridge, at the conclusion of a term of imprisonment in connection with the E^erton Bank robbery, he has appeared in public as a lecturer upon the defects of the Victorian penal system ; bnt this uncongenial task appears to have been a ruie to cover the plans which he had in view, and which he even attempted to put into execution. For some purpose or other of his own he seems to have desired the co-operation of a prisoner named Johnson, who is at present confined in the gaol at the battery at Williaicstown ; and on the lOtn inst., in company with other well-known criminals, he visited the dormitories in which the prisoners were confined, smashed in a window, and put a loaded revolver through the aperture thus made, at the s«ne time calling on Johnson to endeavour to effect his escape. The prisoners were too much alarmed at the probable result of any conspiracy in the direction indicated, and roused the warders. Upon this Scott and his confreres made good their escape. Warrants were issued for the arrest of Cspbin Moonlight and three other criminals upon the charge of attempting to convey a pistol to assist Johnson in making his escape. Scott and his associates left Melbourne, and the wildest rumours were afloat as to their ultimata intentions, bat generally it was believed that they were simply endeavouring to keep out of the way of the police. The freedom of Scott acd one of his mates was of short duration, however, as it will be recollected they trerp arrested at Claaes - on morning la»t.

Diamonds in South Australia.— Just now, as there is some interest felt in the question ol the possibility of a diamond field being discovered in South Auatralia, it maybe mentioned that there are now in the colony two gentlemen who have had considerable experience in the diamond-fields of South Africa— we refer to Mr. George Bean and Mr. A. von Doussa, The latter gentleman, who was formerly a resident; here, has spent six years at Kimberley searching for the precious stones, and while there he in-vented the first diamond-washing machine, which appears to have lessened the work of the diggers in much the same way as Ridley's reaper lessened the work of the agriculturists here. Unfortunately Mr. von Doussa did not protect himself by taking out a patent, and thus he lost, we are told, what would have been a handsome fortune; but he has the satis-faction of knowing that he has done much to develop the particular industry to which of late years he has directed his attention. His washing machine separates tho diamonds from the debris by the application of the principle of specific gravity, the diamonds being heavier than other stones and sinking to the bottom of tho apparatus. Lato in tho j eir 1S77 Mr. von Doussa visited England, aud tori out a patent for an improved mochiae tot crushing 'diamondiferous' soil, for the purpose of extracting diamonds therefrom, and wa have been informed that he refused £2,500) for his rights over that patent. He intended returniug to South Africa; but on the war breaking out there ho determined to come to South Australia, where many of his relatives and friends reside. A few days ago he paid a visit to Echunga, and was very favourably impressed with its appearance ; and he thinks it not at all improbable that a diamond-field will be dis-covered there. It is thought that the Govern-ment might very fairly undertake to expend a moderate amount of money to test the grouud in the way indicated by Mr. Dodd in his letter to Mr. Boothby on the subject of diamonds. HINDMARSH Model School— On Thursday, July 17, tho members of the Board of Advice, consisting of Mr. John Pickering, J.P. (Chairman), G. A. Connor, Trapmann, and Hunwick, met in the Board-room and disposed of several cases that had been brought forward by the School Visitor (Mr. Maddisou) of parents not sending their children to school. The Board then adjourned to the large schoolroom, which on this occasion was filled with boys and girls and a large number of parents and friends — amongst the latter, Messrs. Josiah Mittou (Mayor of HinJmarsh) and Mr. Thoruas Iiee«. The Chairman of the Board, wko presided, said that the occasion of their meeting together was to him a very pleasing one; it was for tha purpose of presenting certificates of merit (about 200) to tbe scholars that had pissed tho examination in their respective classes. Tho idea had been suggested to the Board by tha matter (Mr. Youug) and mistress (Mrs. Maddison), and they readily fell in with tho suggestion. He (the Chairman) could say that tho Board ftlt proud of the spacious school building, and of the efficient manner in which the school was conducted.. The percentage of tha examination last mouth was aa hifih as any public school in the colony. (Loud cheers.) And when it was considered how short a tune the school had been in existence and the large number of young children, he thought tha parents had every reason for congratulation. Mr. Pickering mentioned instances of successful professional and business men in the colony— many of whom, he said, had not had any greater advantages than many of those preseut. He would impress on them the importance of taking due care of their presentation cuds, that in after years they might look oa them with pride and pleasure. Mr. You eg ro tuned thanks, tmd ou behalf of Mrs. Maddison and the assistant teachers oE the school, fill of whom had worked hard to bring the children up to tbe present ?tandartJ, he would take the opportunity oE pointing out to parents the necessity of regular attendance on the part of the children, aud tbo importance of home lessons to children could not be over-estimated. He would be happy to meet the parents at any time respecting anything in reference to the school, and would sny that parents should never speak disrerpectf ally of school teachers. Children had very quick hearing and impressions were soon formed on their mind. He thanked tbe Board of Advica for their ready assistance on all occasion*, aud was pleased to sit so many parents and friends present. The Chairman then presented tho . certificates to the children, whs severally came up to the table to receive them. Dunns the afternoon the children sang several pieces very effectively, showing that their teacher, Mr. Kennedy, had not worked in vain. The Chairman called for three cheers for the master and mistress with the assistant teachers, and Mr, Young called for the same compliment to tha members of the Board of Advice, which were given in true schoolboy style. The National Anthem brought the proceedings to a close. iKQrEST at Port Adelaide. — Thj City Coroner (Mr. T. Ward, J.P.) held an inquest at the Port Admiral Hotel, Port Adelaide, on Friday afternoon, July 18, on the body believed to be that of William Hicking, seaman of the ship] Laju, who was missed from the vessel on Jane 20 last. Mr. H. Hanson wai chosen fore* man. Charles Henry WaUon, master mariner, deposed that while crowing the Jervois Bridge at 7 o'clock that morning he saw a body passing underneath with the tide. Hailed a ' boat, attached the body, and informed the police. John Rae, Water-policc-conatable, stated that he arrested Hicking for unlawful absence from his ship on June 24. Believed the body, from the appearance and particularly the dress, to be that et Hicking, who was missed from the ship on the 26th and supposed to have been drowned. The river had been often dragged to find the body. The mate told him that Hicking wm fighting at 1 a.m. on the 23th ultimo. He thought that Hicking turned in, but learnt that he went ashore. The watchman heard a splash about: the time that he was enppoHed to have left the vessel, but took no notice, believing that the halyard of the tender had given way. John Ennson, licensed victualler, identified the body as that of a seaman of the Laju. Did not know ' his name. He was ' fond of his glass.' John T. Toll, surgeon, deposed that he had made a thorough external examination of the body, which was in an advanced state of decomposition. It had been immersed in water two or three weeks. Found no external marks of violence ror fractures. From the appearance of the body judged the cause of death to have beea asphyxia from drowning. Deceased was of medium height, stont, strong, and healthy, with long black hair, bushy whiskers, and a slight dark-brown moustache. The Coroner thought that where a seaman was missed from a ship the police should take a statement of the circumstances from those on board before it left the harbour, as in the case of the Laju. The Jury returned an open verdict— ?? That WiltU-n Hicking, seaman of the Laju, was found drowned under tbe Jervois Bridge.' Mouirr Babkkr Brass Band.— Within the last twelve months what promises to become an excellent brass band lies been organised by Mr. T. Palttidge, J.P., of Mount Barker, who with two of his sons has succeeded in getting several well-known yourg men in the township to join them. Their determination is to bo purely hot orary musicians, they having simply banded together fot their -mutual pleasure and advancement in music, while the/ hope to be able to contribute on various occasions — and especially on summer evenings — to the harmony and enjoyment of their fellow-townsfolks. By wsy of encouragement to them, and as showing his appreciation of their enterprise, Mr. W. WeidemarjD, the popular landlord of the Barker Hotel, invited them to spend Wednesday evening at his bouae. A number of influential residents and other friends were also among the guesta. The »pacious balcony was gaily illnmizwted with Chinese lantern*, and at intervals between 8 and 10 o'clock tbe band played selections of dance, operatic, and other music, to the delight of a large number of the residents. A variety of amusement was provided for the visitors, who after the concert sat down to a snmptuous repast, at the conclusion of which a number of toasts congenial to. the occasion were duly honoured. The members of the band— ninn in number— were .highly complimented on the progress they had made, and the folks of Mount Barker congratulated on having in their midst a band which on various occasions would be able to contribute largely to tbe interest and aoccess of their: social and other gatherings. The health of Host Weidemann for his generous hospitality was very heartily responded to, and the company separated at the small bourn, having spent « most enjoyable evening. TBAirsATLAirnc Uabihb Ihsttbakce Compaky of Bbbxim.— We have received from Messrs. G. Mnmme it Co.. the local sgenta of this Marine Company, a copy of the report which, was presented at the meeting of shareholders held at Berlin on April 80. The net profit for the year amounted to 200,420 marks, the losses exceeding by 40 per cent, those of the previous year. This great increase it, it appears, chiefly attributable) to some exceptional losses. The assets of the Company new Teach the large sum of 5,434,181 marks. ^St.' Fbtbb'6 Coixhgiatb Association.— Ths annnaldinner will be held at the Town Hall Refreshment Room next Friday evening, July 25. An advertisement elsewhere indicates where tickets may be obtained. Poet Adilaidb Beambs'b Mission. — In another column will be found published tho arrangements for the conduct of the next fot r Sunday sf ternoon services. Nixt I'EivMAiiKET MEZiiaa.— Tbe nominations for tho Newmarket Meeting to take pUco en August-C will cloee ftt 4 o'clock on Mondsy afternoon. ,q^

Thh Citx Model Schools.— - Citizen' writes as follows :— ' A few dajs since I went over the Flinders-street Model School, and with your leate I would like to state my conclusions, I was vastly pleased with the general management of this large institution, numbering some SOO scholar*. The assiduous deration to their work of the three principals, with their numerous — bnt cot too many — assistants, produced a most favourable impression. Order, attention, industry, with one solitary exception, prevailed throughout the schooL 'As a unit in the communitv I incline to think that there is justifiable reason' for believing that good work is being done, and that some portion of the £80,000— large amount — voted yearlyfor educational purposes is being effectively and wisely dispensed. I had on a previous occasion been over the Primary— Grote-street— Model School, in company with the Hon. Mr. (now Judge) Boucaut, and two other gentlemen since dead. I then thought that the complete and perfect teaching arrangements of that establishment must be the exception, and not the rule ; but this opinion I frankly confess is not snpported by my visit to Flinders-street. There is, however, I vetture to suggest, some room for improvement in the mechanical arrangements of this splendid building. The day was cool, and although the sun shone with acceptable warmth and rerreshiog grandeur, its cheering rays were — so it appeared to me— purposely and therefore colrably excluded by nearly closed shatters The seating arrangements are excellent — i decided improvement upon Grote-street — spao ? appears to be left between each iwo or thre titters. This with other advantages afford -facility to the teachers to overlook each scholar. Backs are also provided to the forms, which I take to be a real boon to the rising generation, and should assist us in becoming an upright people. Now, all these conveniences I noticed with some regret were in cruel contrast to the arrangements obtaining in what, I understand, is termed the ' babies' room.' Here some sixty infants, whose ages wonld reach below three and certainly not above five years, were seated upon long-backless forms, which would have been greatly improved, I thought, if placed in tiers, say six inches above each other. Bat for the fact of these tiny ones being presided over by an animated and cheerful teacher— under the direction of the principal teachers — ' I felt that my delight would have been considerably darkened. Watching for some fifteen minutes the brightened countenances of this wee company as they were pat through a coarse of drill, 'eyes fiont,' &&, with military accuracy, the finding of certain letters from a scattered alphabet, the counting from one to thirty, and the singing in well-adjusted time 'Two eyes had little Kitty,' kc, were enough to charm the heart of a matured bachelor, and almost induce him to form a committee of 'two, &c. I can oily hope that this establishment is in no way an exception to the rest of oar national schools.' Port Corpoeatiok. — At the meeting of the Port Town Council on Friday night, July 18, the proposed sewage farm at Islington was discussed in the interests of Port Adelaide, and it was resolved that a Commission should urge upon the Government the necessity for protecting the health of the inhabitants of the district. Tub Beees Subscription. — A meeting of the subscribers to the fond being raised on behalf of the widow of Breen, the jockey killed at the hunt on Saturday last, was held at TattersalTs IT corns on Friday afternoon, July 13. The Hon. Secretary (Sir. Price; reported a total subscription of £2£J Ms., including a donation of £35 from Mr. Thomas Walker, the contractor for the Port Dock» The committee of Tattersall's were authorized to pay the amount into the Savings Bank on behalf of Breen's widow in the names of Messrs. Thomas 'Walker, D. Grant, nndB. M. Bagot (Chairman of. TattersalTs.) Mention was made of the efforts of Messrs. A. B. Malcolm and CoIIey in raising subscriptions. Piblic Meetiso at Thebartow.— A wellattended meeting of the inhabitants of- Thebarton and that vicinity was held at the Wheatsheaf Inn, Thebarton, on Friday night, July 13 when it was unanimously resolved to send a imputation to the Hon. Commissioner of Public Works and represent the urgent necessity which exists for giving proper footpath accommodation along the new piece ef road on the Portroul,atthe point where the crossing is being m ide for the Nairne Bailway ; and also to ask for a permanent footbridge on the Park Lands to the south of the Port-road. School Keqctresibxts of - Salisbury. — A numerous deputation of residents of Salisbury waited on the Minister of Education ou Friday morning and asked that the school accommoda- ' tion at that place should be increased, and that further teaching assistance should be given. Mr. K. Verco read a petition signed by over 90 residents, in which it was set forth that when the present room was built the residents were promised that when tiie utccndnnca of scholars reached lit) the building should be enlarged. There were now 150 scholars on the roll, and the number wns steadily increasing. Evenduringthe rough weatherof the last few days the attendance bad been orer 120, and for want of sufficient ream the muster had been forced to make use of the passage. The Minister said that Mr. Hartley had left him a memorandum, in which be stated that the attendance at the school was steadily increasing. The school was built to accommodate 120, but would hold twelve or fifteen more on a pinch. The present staff: consisted of the master and two pupil teachers. If the attendance continued up to the June standard and one pupil teacher left an assistant wonld be sent to the school. The difficulty experienced by the department was to build schools that would be Jarge enough and jet not too large. There was a certain school which had been built a certain size on the representations of the inhabitants, at a. cost of between £6,000 and £7,000, and he had recently received an application from the teacher and the Board of Advice to be allowed to close half of it. He wished to avoid throwing away money in that manner. He would have a special report made respecting the Salisbury School, and if the statements of the deputationweresabstantiatedhe would promise that the school should be enlarged. If he could possibly manage it, he would visit tte school in company with Mr. Hartley. With respect to the leaching staff, he promised that the school should be provided in accordance with the regulations. Thb Rabbit Pest.— Our correspondent at Eudunda, writirg en July 17, makes the following remarks :— ' I see in the report of the proceedings of the Legislative Council (published in Wednesday's IUyi*tcr) that several hon. members have been making a great fuss over the Rabbit Suppression Bill. I think if some of them were to make proper enquiries before they make such statements as reported it would be better. It is all very well to hear one side of the question, but I have no doubt if proper -?»nquiri«i were made of the Inspector that he wculd be able to give quite a different t 'tsicn about it, and I believe nearer the truth. It'is all very well for those who will not destroy the rabbits on their land to growl because the Chief Inspector compels them to do so, and I have no doubt if he did not a good many more would growl. In all cases the owner* or occupiers get due notice to clear, and ample time is given them to commence, and if they do not take any steps or only make use of insufficient means to clear their land the Inspector then puts men on and charges the owner of the land with all expenses, and quite right too. I knotv for a fsct that in both cues stated by the hoes. J. Fisher and J. Pearee that due and proper notice was given. Although we have not quite^ got rid of all the rabbits in this district we naveT very nearly done so. Where we could last year see thonsands of them there are not now as many single ones; in fact, sometimes one can travel all over the district without seeiu; any. A party from this township'~were out a booting last week, and went down the travelling rrservg_beyond Hansboroagh some six miles, but did not see one. They then went into the Anlaby Estate and shot as many as they could carry home ; yet the manager is continually romplainicg to the Chief Inspector about rabbits in other places. The worst places that the Government have to clear are the railway embank-, ments, which will take some considerable time to do, the rabbits being able to run in and out between the stones of which the embankments is composed. Taking this district altogether the settlers are well satisfied with the manner in which the Government party have- done their work. Of course there are exceptions ; some pejple cannot help grumbling.' Trust asd Agej«ct Cojcfawt of SorjH Australia, Lohted.— An adjourned meeting of those interested in the formation of this Company was held at White's Rooms on Friday afternoon— the Hon Dr. Campbell in the chair — whea —resolutions were unanimously passed determining to establish the Company, to reserve power to increase the number of shareholders to 100, to only call up capital necessary for working expenses, and appointing Messrs. Basedow, M.P, A. Abrahams, Ja*. Smith, and Wm. Kay an interim committee to consult the Company's solicitor as to the preparation cf a. deed of settlement. The interim committee were farther instructed to call the shareholders together when the dted of settlement was prepared, in ord«r that its provisions might be considtred, the tiecdful officials appointed, and any additional shareholders be balloted for. The meetiDg closed with a vote of thanks to the Chairman. Socth - East Expemmkstai. Farm. — TheOverseer of the farm at Millicent South reports that at the end of June he had 169 acres under c iltiratkffi, the crops on which were looking healthy. The rai-afsll for the month had been 23COT the highest temperature 6S% the lowest «'2C, and the average 65°. He had sown 160 arres durirp June, and another hundred arres wcra rtauy for sowing.

Spiritualistic Lbcttbh.— Mr. J. Tyerman deliTered'a lecture at the Liedertafel Hill, Flinders-street, on Friday evening,' on 'Popular objections to Spiritualism answered.' The first objection was that there wm nodiing in spiritualism, but that was being less frequently urged as the dimensions of the movement increased. The same, argument might also be applied to the objection that spiritualism was a gigantic imposture. The objection that mediums were persons suffering under delusions was also losing force in proportion to the increasing number of examples. The objection of novelty had no weight, and might as well be urged against electricity and other new discoveries, which had always existed, although mankind had been ignorant of their principles. He further argued that it was not opposed to the teachings of the Bible, as alleged by another class of objectors, nor to Christianity, but only to various interpretations of the former and to the sectarian views of the latter. Spiritualism also did not tend to subvert morality, as argued by its opponents. In reply to other objections, he maintained that spirits would naturally desire to revisit their friends upon earth, and that facilities would be afforded them of following that natural instinct in obedience to a well-known law of nature; that many of the spiritual phenomena were not of a trivial and degrading character, and even if they were could be explained by the fact that the spirits wera finite beings held in subjection by certain laws and conditions, in obedience to which only they could communicate with mortals; that spiritualism per se did not tend to produce insanity in many persons ; that all the phenomena could not be explained as the result of an unknown natural law or force, though many of them could; that although many spirit messages were contradictory to each other on minor points the same might be said of Christianity, while all spiritualists were agreed on certain fundamental principles, and that the phenomena were certainly not produced by Satan and a host of evil spirits. A Kew FraL-sAvnra Frames.— Mr. George Burnell, the manager of Messrs. Peacock & Co.'s wool-preparing establishment at Hindmarsh, has invented a fuel-saving farnace, which has been in operation at the works fer.about a fortnight, and which promises to be of some value to owners of works where steam-power is requisite. The principle on which the patent is constructed is the creation of a better draught than is usually obtained in the ordinary tube-boiler farnace. The great difficulty to be overcome in these furnaces is the introduction' of sufficient air to contume the disintegrated particles of carbon, a great proportion of which is volatilized in an unconsumed condition with the smoke, the maximum of heat obtained being therefore not in a ratio with the quantity of fuel consumed. Messrs. Peacock and Co. have at times experienced a difficulty in keeping up steam, and with a view to remedying the evil they obtained the advice of a local engineering firm, who reported that the defect in the draught was owing to the want of height in the chimney, to which they recommended some 20 or 30 feet should be added. Mr. Burnell has given considerable attention to the subject, and as the result of experiments ha has perfected a very 'simple yet ingenious expedient, which seems to overcome the difficulties, thetnecessary improvement being effected without any alteration of the chimney or fines. He has .constructed a com-tustion chamber six feet long and three feet wide in front of the boiler at the works, which is ono of the ordinary Cornish pattern. The fire is placed in the chamber, which is supplied with an ordinary underneath draught, in addition to which a namber of small apertures have been made in the sides of the chamber, at a little height above the surface of the burning fuel. These small openings produce a roaring draught, the flames being carried along in the direction of the tube of the boiler, at the entrance to which there is a slotted bridge, which obstructs about two-thirds of the passage. This slotted bridge may be better understood by describing it as consisting of two separate arches, having between them an air passage of some inches in width. As the flames pass over the bridge into the tube of the boiler they are met by a strong current of air, which rushes up through the slot, which thus forms a natural sort of a blowpipe. No fuel enters the tube of the boiler, which only contains the white-heat flames, which are spread equally over the inner surface of tlie-tube by means ofifee bridge. The draught in the furnuice is very powerful, and since it has been in use no difficulty has been experienced in generating sufficient steam to keep the whole of the machinery constantly in motion. With the ordinary furnace fixed in the boiler it was occasionally found impossible to keep up steam ; and since the alteration has been made a new ' blowing' contrivance has been introduced, to work which three or four horsepower extra is required. A record is kept showing the quantity of coal consumed every month, so that it will be an easy matter to determine the value of the new invention from a fuel-saving point of view. Thb Waterloo Gup.— This valuable stake has this year gone to Sydney, the winner being Mr. G. L. Lord's Lelex, which on Friday in tae deciding course defeated Haste, a Victorian dog. It is interesting to note that five of the eight dogs left in at the finish are all good performers. Lelex won the Bathurst Derby of 1879, Haste the Victorian Oaks of 1878, Rippling Avon the Victorian St. Leger of 1879, Rosy Fawn the Victorian Oaks of 1879, and Lethe the Bathurst Oaks of 1879. The victory of Lelex was well received. The Waterloo Purse was won by Sew Lass and the Plate by Chester. Academy' of Music— The rare well benefit of the Lynch Family of bellringers was a pronounced success. The Academy of Music was filled in every part, prominent amongst the audience being the Geelong team of footballers and several of the Vies. Almost every exhibition with the bells given by the troupe was encored, and the audience also frequently expressed their sense of approbation of the other portions of the programme, which was the same as thsffcubmitted on Thursday night Tonight a burlesque on 'Henry V.' is announced to be produced at the Academy, with Miss Maggie Liddle in the title-role. Great preparations, we understand, have been made during the past week to put the piece on the stage in an efficient manner, and no doubt the enterprise of the manager-will be rewarded by a good house. Hajlley Mixing: Compart.— From the balance-sheet of this Company we note that the proceeds of copper ore sold for the half-year amounted to £7,691 17s. 5d, while the mine costs were £7,253 Ss. 4d. The assets are set down at £18,768 0s. 4d., against £1,236 ISs. 6d. worth of liabilities. The Directors report that owing to the continued low price of copper they nave been compelled to make reductions in the workings and expenditure, keeping in view, however, the creation of reserves of ore. From Captain Cowling's report we quote the following : — ' The future course I recommend you to adopt in working the mine is, continue the sinking of No. 1 Shaft, and as soon as the shaft is of a sufficient depth drive a 60-fathom level noith and south of the shaft; at the same time continue the sinking of the two winzes, which are just started at the 45-fathom level ; get thtm down by the time the 60-fathom level gets under them. Continue the driving of the 45 end nottb, and resume the driving of the 45 end -south. Drive the 75 ends- north and south of No. 2 Shaft ; and as soon as the ends are properly extended resume the sinking of the shaft. Continue the driving of the 65 end north, and resume the driving ot the 45 end north. The driving of this end I consider to be a work of great importance, and should be carried on without delay. Sink two winzes in the bottom of the 65-fathom level, one north and the other «outh of the shaft. This will open up the ground between the 65 and the 75 fathom levels. Continue the driving~of the crosscut west at the 45-fathom level for the purpose of cutting the western lodes, and carry oat any other work which may be thought practicable for the welfare of the mine. Take away the ore standing at the various levels on tutwork or tribute, as -may be thought most profitable. During the past six months we have delivered *o the Ecglish and Australian Copper Company of Port Adelaide, and to the Wallaroo Smelting Company, 1,297 'tons 9 cwt. of copper ore, averaging 175 per cent, and 96 tons 3 cwt. of slimes, worth 12| per cent, making a total of 1,593 tons 12 cwtM gross weight. We have now 150 tons of ore on the miiae, worth about 17§ per cent., and 70 tons of slimes, worth say 11 per cent. Th?s pile was sampled to-day, and the 150 tons we intend to sample in the latter part of the week. We have also 50 tons more at surface, worth 17 per cent., not dressed, and 600 tons of slimes on the mine, worth 4 per csnt. The quantity of ore raised during the last six menths is 1,403 tons 13 cwt, gross weight. The number of persons now employed on the mine is 128— namely, 46 on tutwork, 29 on tribute, and 53 at surface, 'employed on sundry work.' Fort Tramwat Compart.— The half-yearly meeting of this Company was largely attended on Friday afternoon, July 18. The report and balance-sheet showed that the venture promised to be very successful, and it was resolved to torrew £2,500, out of which another steam-motor wonld be purchased. It was stated that the line— two miles and a quarter in length— had Veen constructed lor £5,600, while the cost of tte Government tramway at Gawler, a mile less in length, was within £200 of the same amount. Theatre Kotal. — On Friday night Mr. Bignold's impersonation of the valiant English monarch, H«sry V., together with the elaborate scenic and stsge appointments, was rewarded by another crowded and appreciative house. The continued run of the play is a guarantee of the . exeellence of the performance. ; , Scprhhb Coe*t.— The Full Court will sit on Tuesday next at the usual time.

Civil Service Eitlb Coscpaxt.— In response to a notice calling a special meeting, about onethird of the members of the Civil Service Rifle Company met at the headquarters (Prince Alfred Hotel) en Thursday afternoon, July IV, to discuss the question of throwing open the company to others than officers of the Civil Service, a question which had been agitated by several prominent members of the company for some time past. Captain Wicksteed occupied the chair, and in the course of his remarks explained the reason of the suggested alteration of Rule 1 (Qualification of Members), which limited the field from which recruits could be drawn, though the Civil Service was undoubtedly a numerous body. There were only about twenty-five of the members who constantly attended drill, and about a. dozen were very apathetic, consequently a feeling of dissatisfaction had gradually been growing — but he had no doubt that there would be a much better attendance and increased membership when all were in uniform. A lively and lengthy discussion arose over the question, chiefly as to letting in Bank officers, several members thought that the rules and discipline were not sufficiently strict, the Rifle Companies Act not giving the. officers sufficient command over the members. A suggestion made by one of the speakers, that every member should be bound to attend two drills every month, unless he bad leave of absence from the commanding officer, or gave a reasonable excuse for not doing »o, met with the approval of nearly every member present. Ultimately Lieut. Coffee proposed and Private Mann seconded^-'* That the question- of throwing open the company to the Banks be set aside sine die' which was carried by a majority of ten. A hope was expressed by several members now that it had been affirmed that the company should be continued on the same basis as formed, that every member would do his best to advance its interests, and turn out a company which would be a credit to itself, the Association, and the Civil Service. Adktatdb Life Asstbancb ajto Gcabahteb CoirPAin. — From the thirteenth annual report of the Directors of this Company we quote the following:— 'The business during the past year has been quite as successful as during any former period of the Company's career, and the Directors propose appropriating the balance at credit of profit and loss (£2,473 3s.) as follows: £1,250 to the payment of the usual dividend of lOper cent, with a bonus of 2£per cent. ; £1,000 to be added to the Life Reserve Fond; £223 3s. to be carried forward to .next year's account. The Directors regret that failing health compelled Mr. John Brown, the Manager of the Company since its formation, to send in his resignation, in accepting which they felt that bis long and valuable services warranted them in proposing to give him a pension of £200 per annum. The Directors appointed as Mr. Brown's successor, Mr. John Lindsay, and by amalgamating the offices of the National Marine Insuranca Company of South Australia (of which Mr. Lindsay is also Secretary) with those of this Company, a saving has been effected which more than counterbalances the proposed pension to Mr. Brown.' The Company have £39,007 8s. 5d. invested on mortgages and other securities. Forcro Dead at Glemblg.— The dead body of a male child, tsro or three weeks old, was found on Friday morning on the Glenelg beach, about half a mile south of the Jetty. It was first seen by Mr. Hodgkiss's coachman, who reported the matter at the Police Station. Thb BBixHraoHHH. — The Lynch Family are to proceed northwards this morning, and will open at Biverton on Monday and at Saddle worth on Tuesday night. On their return it is their intention to reopen in Adelaide, when they purpose making some additions to their company. The Fatal Fight at Kaftosa. — From the Kapunda . Herald we extract the following deposition of James O'Leary, who died from the effects of a fight with Albert Stubing taken by Mr. W. G. Goadchild, J.P., at the local Hospital on Sunday, the 6th July:—' On Saturday, the 21st June, I recollect being in Hamilton at the hotel. Albert Stubing and myself had a few words ; this *as in the evening after tea. After this I met his brother Harry. We got righting outside tfieT house. I was fighting with Henry Stubing. We each had a few falls. Albert Stubing was present. I believe he assisted his brother, but I am not sure. The public-house was shut. I had been drinking, bat knew what I was doing. We were wrestling as well as fighting. I am quite sure I was on top at the last fall. I then felt quite stunned. A man named Robert Windebank was present. He assisted to carry me into the shed. A man named William Hamence was also present, and Timothy Kennedy, also Harry Horn. I was carried into Joe Player's buggy-shed. I then went to sleep. Some time afterwards Pat O'Halloran and two stonebreakers took me up to O'Halloran's house. Mick Sheen and Tom Riley are the names of {he stonebreakers. I believe I was not able to walk. They carried me. I don't remember who struck the first blow at the commencement of the row. There was no ill-feeling between Henry Stubing and myself. We were good chums. Do not remember any challenge being thrown down by either side. I had heard that Albert Stubing had had a row with the stonebreakers and threatened to use a knife a week before. It was talking to him about this that occasioned the row. I asked him why did he not take it out of him instead of using a knife. There was no illfeeling between Albert Stubing and -myself before the row with the stonebreakers. I believe I am going to die.' The evidence given at the adjourned inquest on Thursday, July 17, was in-the main similar to that given at the trial for assault. A verdict was returned, ' That the deceased James O'Leary, who died at the Kapunda Hospital on July 12, came to his death from concussion of the spine, followed by paralysis and its subsequent effects, but the Jury do not consider the Stubings blameable as to the cause of death,' adding the following rider—' That the lookers on, seeing the state deceased was in, are highly censurable for leaving him in a cold exposed shed.' Memorial for Releass of a Prisokbr. — It will be remembered (says the York&s Peninsula AJtertisir) that some time ago a memorial was extensively signed in this district, and by several other persons throughout the colony, praying for the release or further mitigation of the sentence passed upon John Roberts, who was convicted of the manslaughter of H. Crabb, on the Moonta Mines, in November, 1873. This memorial has been duly presented to His Excellency the Governor, and Mr. Furner, MP., has received the following answer from the Chief Secretary's Office, which he has forwarded to the Secretary of the Yorke's Peninsula Labour League : — ' Sir — With reference to the memorial presented by you praying for a remission of the sentence passed upon John Roberts, I am directed by the Chief Secretary to say that the whole of the circumstances connected with the case have been meat carefully and anxiously considered, but that His Excellency feels unable to interfere with the sentence of the Court. I am, however, to intimate that Roberts's case can be again brought under His Excellency's notice when he has served nine months of his sentence. — J. Boothbt, TJnder-Secretary.' Thb Peejiieb of New Zealand.— The Australasian asks — ' Was ever such an autocratic -Premier as this Sir George Grey known before ? For some time this erratic gentleman has- main-tained an entirely novel theory of constitutional government, by virtue of which his colleagues in the Ministry are responsible not to Parliament, but to him. He claims a veto on all their departmental decisions, and asserts a right of interference in every trivial matter. In fact, he has reduced Ministers to a position something resembling that of an'5fficial head of a department with a Black Wednesday always impending over him. All this has not only been done, but-done in a style of offensive arrogance such as no man of common courtesy would display to a footman. So that his colleagues had to snbmit to become either mere dependents, and something like valets, to Sir George Grey— aucb, for example, as poor Mr. Sheehan — or, if they had too much spirit to descend to this footing, to live in constant dread of being ' bullyragged' by 'their irascible chief. The farther particulars we have of the Ballance incident throw additional light on this strange state of things. It seems that the quarrel arose about an unimportant item in the Treasury departmental estimates. Mr. Billance tremblingly sought 'To explain and justify what he had done, but wss told by the New Zealand apostle of universal liberty and equality that he must not talk, but do as he was told. Subsequently the courteous Premier ordered^Jiis Treasurer out of the room, and threatened to send for a messenger to have him put out by force. If Sir George Grey continues to occupy his present official residence it will be necessary to construct a suite of cells for the accommodation of recalcitrant colleagues under lettres it eachtt. A handy 4dupgeon on board* is as necessary to Sir George Grey as to that other believer in human equality. Sir Joseph Porter. And when the dungeons were built and tenanted, the gentle She*han might flit about between the Premier and his imprisoned Ministers as an angel of peace, bearing tenders cf submission from the latter and returning with messages of mercy and forgiveness.'