South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Monday 17 January 1876, page 3

OUR GEMS FOR 187& BRAJTOON'S UNRIVALLED STOCK OP BOOTS AND SHOES ?OB THE NEW YEAR TB1DE. EVEEYTHHTG OF THE NEWEST AND LATEST STYLES. SVEBYTHnfG OF THB BEST OF ITS KIND. EVERYTHING AS CHEAP AS POSSIBLE. BRANDONS SHOE WAREHOUSES, 78 BUNDLE-STREET, ADELAIDE, AND COMMEBCIAL-ROAD, POBT ADELAIDE. ? 861c 15,18 V2.0 r\UNDLE STREET 'CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, KEW TEAR'S GIFTS, &c, IN GREAT VARIETY, At B. FOLllILL'S, 46, Bundle-street. 4C. Having considerably Enlarged Us Shop and Stock 8. Polhili is enabled to offer for the consideration of hia Friends, Customers, and the Public generally a Splendid Assortment of FANCY GOODS, and solicits the favour of an early call. The LARGEST STOCK of LADIES' BAGS, TRAVELLING BAGS, PORTMANTEAUS, &c^ hi the Colony. PisasbNote Addbess-46, RUNDLE-8TREET. 349mwfo — -MERRYCHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR WILL NOT BE THOROUGHLY ENJOYED WITHOUT A SUPPLY OF HAEDY'S'OOMOO' The WHITE OOMOO for the Ladies and Juveniles, who always like a nice pleasant Sweet Wice. The RED OOMOO for the Gentlemen, who like to enjoy a good Dry Win?, without any headaches to fallow. Price, 2is per dozen quarts ; 13^. do. pints. BANKSIDB VINEYARDS, Office, Carriestreet, and from advertised Agents. 345mac SELTZ Oft EKES. BEOWN & WOOD having still a few of these Invaluable HOUSEHOLD REQUISITES left would recommend intending Purchasers to GIVE THEIR ORDERS BARLY and save disappointment. 14ov OUR, STOCK OF CRICKETWARE 13 NOW UNPACKED, And comprises GOODS FROM ALL MAKERS. Dos regard has been paid to ths selection, which has been made by a L?ADING ENGLISH CBICKBT2R. The BAT3 are of WELL-SEASONED WOOD, and any weight can be obtained. £ COUNTRY CLUBS will be particular In winding as instructions as to WEIGHT of BATS udEUE of HANDLE. GOODFELLOW BROTHERS, 288o KING WILLLAM-STBEET. MILK PANS. THE CHEAPE3T, BEST MANUFACTURED, AND LARGEST STOCK of COLONIAL-MAPS TIN DAIBY UTENSILS AT A. SIMPSON & SON'S, --Gawleir-place & Orentelland Freeman streets* The IMPROVED METALLIC CHURN, in ?Which all the BEST QUALITIES of the SUSSEX and AMERICAN are COMBINED, may be had ?of all the Principal Ironmongers and Storekeepers, and from the Makers, A. SIMPSON & SON. ? 43mwfcTA - JACKMAN'S DINING ROOMS, 48 and GO, King 'Willinm-street. BILL OF1 FARE, SOUPS.;-©! TaD, Gravy, Kidney. ITSH.— Snapper, Murray Cod. JOINTS.— Boast Beef, Boast Lamb, Boast Pork, Boast Veal, Boiled Mutton, Corned Beef. ENTBEES.-StewedTrfpe, Cnrriod Veal, Bump. steak Pie, Sheep Tongues, Pork Sausages, 6BILLS.— Mutton Chops, Bumpsteak. POULTRY.-Boast Turkey, Bofled Fowl. - PASTBY.-Apple Pie, Plum Pudding, Jam Tart COLONIAL WINES, TEA, COFFEE, COCOA, Opkh fbom 8 a.h. tux 9 P.M. 141mwfo SEEING IS BELIEVING. Why be bald or let your hair go grey when by tiring Goddard's Hair Restorer J°« ^ have the hair restored and invigorated 2. ^ otbe lustr8 of y°ulh- T1? »* I bottles A and 3*. 8i each, Depot 85, Hindley-street, I and may be had of all Druggists and S*ore! keepeam the Colony. 358-j

BUSME33 NOTICES EAST-TEEEACE STEAMSAWMILLS. DEALS, DEALS, DEALS. FIooring,FIooring,FIooring. PALING; PALING, PALING. POSTS, RAILS, &c, &c. Fimber of every Description, AT TEE LOWEST MAKKET PRICES. SOL BAKER & HUfflBLEY. 347mhcv TO PARTIES FUMISHINQ. WM. BENBOW, Cabinetmaker & Undertaker, 119, Hindley-street, SAB ON SALE AT LOWEST POSSIBLB PBICES— Every description of Tables, Chairs, Sofas, Chests of Drawers, Chiflfonnieree, Mirrors, Waahstands, Bedsteads, Ceta, Mattressss, Palliasses, Pillows. All kinds of Staffed Work and all kinds of Furniture always on hand or made to order. N.B. — DRAWING-BOOM- 8UITBS. jrood Material and Workmanship guaranteed, from £27. The Trade supplied. HEARSES and MOURNIHG-COACHES LET ON HIRE, lmwfor LEA & PERRINS' CILBBEaTED WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE, DECLABED BY CONNOISSEUBS TO BB THE ONLY GOOD SAUCE. In consequence of Spurious Imitations of Lea & retrins Satice, which an calculated to deceive the Public, LEA li PERRINS have adopted A New Label, bearing their Signature, thus— which will be placed on every bottle of Worcestershire Sauce, after this date, and without which none is genuine. November 1874. \* This does not apply to shipmenh made prior to the date given. Ask for LEA & PERRINS' Sauce, and see Name on Wrapper, Label, Bottle and Stopper. Wholesale and for Export by tk Proprietors, Worcester; Crossed 'Blachoel\ London, &c, &c; and by Grocers and Oilmen throughout the World. To be obtained of ? ? Messrs. MARTIN & MUKCH, ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA. CHANGE OF PREMISES. hugh'frasee, OF THE DELABOLE SLATE YARD, Begs to announce that he has Removed his Working premises from Way mouth-street to the CORNER of BENTSASI and FBANKLIN STREETS (next Duncan & Fraser's), whereby strict attention to business he hopes to merit a continuance of the liberal support hitherto accorded to him. A splendid assortment of best Italian Marble now in stock and to arrive. Gravestones carefully packed and forwarded to any part of the Colony. Tombs, MoHumente, Iron Ra£ing3, always in Stock. MINTABO FLAGGING, WILLUNGA FLAGGING. ROOFING SLATE. ROOFING SLATE. MARBLE and SLATsTmaNTLEPIECES in great variety ; own make, and much superior to imported. BATHS, TANKS, SINKS, fee. AIB BBICKS. DBAIN PIPE3. Orders punctually attended to. _____^ ? a352mwfo A. D. TASSIE & CO., Importers, General Storekeepers, WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS. SHIPPING, FORWARDING, AND INSURANCE AGENTS, PORT AUGUSTA. ON SALEGALVANIZED IRON, FENCING WISE. SUGABS,TJEA8,B0TTLED ALE andPOBTBB. WINES and SPIRITS of all kinds, and erary requisite for Station and Farm use. Advances made on Wheat for Shipment. Wool, Tallow, and Skins Purchased. ? 802mhov ffifllfff^l nni f SIMPSON & SON'S ADELAIDE PATENT FIREPROOF SATES, ? which have SUCCESSFULLY WITHSTOOD A MORE SEVERE TEST as to their FIRE-RESISTING QUALmEB than any yst manufactured, are now being supplied by them at LONDON PRICES. Maotfactobt— GRENFELL-STBEET and GAWLER-PLACB, leOmho

BITBIIIM IOTIOSS VALENTINES. CUNNINGHAM'S HAVE NOW UNPACKED A SPLENDID STOCK EXPRESSLY FOB THE PRESENT SEASON, OF VALENTINES Sentimental, VALENTINES Sensational, VALENTINES Satirical, VALENTINES Comical, VALENTINES Gold and Silver Laced, VALENTINES Worked in SQk, , VALENTINES Lilliputian, VALENTINES Moveable. VALENTINE ENVELOPES, all kinds, AFFECTIONATE SOUVENIR CARDS, PERFUMED SACHETS, POETRY CARDS, BOOKMARKS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. TH0USAND3 TO SELBCT FROM. STOREKEEPERS and the TRADE SUPPLIED npon the usual Trade terms. CUNNINGHAM'S, AIXEXjAXDE. lOmwfova JOHN W. DAVIS, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, GOLD AND SILVERSMITH, &C, 3S, RTXNIXLE-SXItEEX, ADELAIDE, Would respectfully inform his Customers and the Public generally, that he has just finished ENLARGING HIS PREMISES, On purpose to make room for recent arrivals of NEW GOODS, Imported expressly for this Season's Trade. These Goods have been Bought partly by bis Agent in the European Markets, and partly selected by himself during his recent visit to Sydney, and will be found to be replete in NOVELTIES Of all kinds, especially in Electroplated Ware, Gold and Silver Watches, Suite Brooch and Earrings, Necklets, Opera and Ladies' Alberts, Studs, Lockets, Ring3, &c, &c, &o. Note tee Address— J. W. DAVIS, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, 82, BUNDLE-STREET, ADELAIDE. December, 1875. 347mwfo FRMCIS CLARK & SONS, IMPORTERS of ENGINES (Gas and Steam), Boilers and Steam Fittings, Windmills, Pumps, Lathes, Drilling Machines (for hand or power), Saw Mill Machinery, Belting, Sheet Rubber, Patent Engine Packing, Pig and Plate Iron Coke, Steel, &c, &c Apply J. H. HOB WOOD, MACHINERY DEPARTMENT, NOBTH-TBBBACB. 293mwfcV TARPAULINS. BEST MACHINE OIL. BEST SEAMING TWINE. SACK TRUCKS. DECIMAL WEIGHING MACHINES. At JAMES SCOTT & SONS, 337mwfc 13S, P.UNDLE-STREET. aiawio BY APPOINTMENT TO H.B.H. THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH AND THEIR EXCELLENCIES THE GOVERNORS OF THE PROVINCE. DURYEA'8 PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO, KING WILLIAM-STREET, Has been Rebuilt on the most Modern and best* known Principles, with special Care in the Construction ana Arrangement of the Light, and is now rnplete and OPEN for BUSINESS. Under the Management and able Supervision of Mr. CHAS. H. MANNING, from^ the Firm ef Messrs. Hughes Brothers, the eminent Artists of Madras, India, and also of Johnson, O'Shannasey, & Co., Melbourne, tin Public may feel assured that the reputation of the Old Establishment for high-class and well-finished work will be fully sustained. Mb. K. BULL, Abtist. N.B. — A Fireproof Boom, has been especially constructed for the safe keeping of my future Negatives. Any Negative destroyed by the late Fire will be Replaced Free of Charge. 316mwfov NORRIS'S CONDITION SPICE. Tie best Article of its kind ever Invented for Horses, Cattle, Pigs, Doga, Poultry, &c. Will give an appetite when everything else has failed. WOl improve condition, health, and appearance of horses. Will increase quantity and Improve quality of milk in cows. Will fatten pigs in one-half the usual time. Will fatten geese, turkeys, duck*, fowls, &c, very quickly, and increase their laying. Will prevent diseases in dogs. Colonial references may be obtained from the Sole Agent for Adelaide and South Australia, E. B.HIYNS, Bundle-street, opposite York Hotel

ICE. )RDER3 respectfully jolbited at the Works, Franklin-street J54mwfo IT. C. RUSSELL. LION ALE. LION ALE, The Proprietors of the Lion Brewery are low prepared to Supply their Customers and the Public generally with BOTTLSD ALE and POBTBK at the followbg prices :— Pale Ale, 8s. 6d. per dozen ; Pints, 5a. Porter, 8a. 6d. per dozen ; Pints, 5s. An allowance made for empty Bottles returned. 284mwfoYSTEKS. YSTEKS. — WILLIAM MOORE, OYSTER MERCHANT, POBT ADELAIDE. Orders punctually attended to. 335*158 Htt TWO of LIFE'S SDPUEMEST JOYS Are COFFEE and CIGARS, my Boys.l Coffee from Araby the blest To every blessing adds a zest. The wearied mind that seeks repose From the world's pleasures and its woes In that finds solace— fragrant seed, Congenial with tobacco's weed. How the two potent friends sublime Make us oblivious to all time, And as then* incense curls and blends, And to the heaven above ascends, Bo thitherward our fancy tends— Cigabs then smoke and Coffee quaff ; The best of both is sold by GBAFE. . . EXJCHANGE COFFEE SALOON, Opposite Bake, of Australasia. COFFEE DIVAN, Opposite Town Halu 258mwfo 1M ITATI0JX8 OFOTJB BIPHTHJ5RIA POWDER Being numerous, Purchasers are requested to see tbnt our Name and Labbl are OK bach Bottle, WITHOUT WBICH NONE IS GENUINE. F. H. FAULDING & CO. PDEL. FUEL. FUEL. TWENTY PER CENT. SAVED BY USING THB PATENT BOILER FLUID for ERADICATING AND PREVENTING INCRUSTATION IN STEAM-BOILERS. Supplied, with full directions for use, by 135mwfcv F. H. FAULDING & CO. piSOATORT. « 0 the gallant fisher? life It is the best of any ; Tib full of pleasure, void of strife, And 'tis beloved of many. Other joys Are but toys, Only this Lawful is, For our skill Breeds no HI, But content and pleasure.' JOSEPH ALLEN, IMPORTER of all descriptions of FISHING TACKLE, has just received ex Orient a very Choice Lot, consisting of every, article requisite to an Angler. N.B.— Live Bait every Morning. JOSEPH~ALLEN 81, KING WILLIAM-STREET, ADELAIDE. ? 8IO0 ESTABLISHED 175L GOLDSMITHS' ALLIANCE XX LIMITED. (LaU A.B. Savory and Sont), manufacturing silversmiths, -11 & 12, cornhill, london, england ' exportation'price.list. Stiver Spoons and Fobks,)^ lnj 1' . . Fiddle Pattern ? „. f69* 1W* P*r ?«?? Ditto ditto, Queen's do. 6s. „?« The following are tht weights recommended:— FIDDLE PATTERN. #. d. £ ».i: 12 Table Spoons ... 30 ozs. at 6 2 -, 9 5 0. 12 Dessert ditto ...20 ' at 6 2 ...'6 3 4 12 Table Forks ...30 ' at 6 2... 9 5 0. 12 Dessert ditto ... 20 ' at 6 2... 6 3 4 2 Gravy Spoons ... 10 ' at 6 2 ... 3 18 1 Soup Ladle ...10 'at 6 2 ... 2 15 6 4 Sauce ditto ... 10 ' at 6 8 ... 3 6 8 4SaltSnooas ... ? 12 0 12 Tea ditto ? 10oz3.at6 8 ... 3 6 8 1 Pair bugar longs ? ...... 0 15 U £45 i 2 QUEEN'S PATTERN. The same service ? ... £61 19 0 Freight, Insurance and Shippiag expenses are charged. O^ers should be accompanied by a remit* bnodf a pamphlet, illustrated with 800 Engravings, and containing the Prices of Silver Plate, Platedware, 'Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery, will be forwarded gratis and post free on application. Orders addressed to the Goldsmiths' Alliance, Limited, 11 and 12, Cornhill, London, can be forwarded through their AgentsMessrs. Francis & McPherson, Melbourne; Messrs. Scott, Henderson, & Co., Sydney; Slessrs. Joseph Stilling & Co., Adelaide; from wb*m Pamphlets of prices ft^d othflr infor. mation can be obtained. ? 35lmwfat343 GOOOH t HAYWABD. GENERAL STOREKEEPERS, SHIPPING AND FORWARDING AGENTS, PORT AUGUSTA. Wheat Bought or Sold on Commission. Cornsacks, Fencing Wire, Fanning Implements, &c, kept in supply. 230mhcv (Suoohssob to Jeneim Coles), AUCT1OKKER, STOCK SALESMAN, Jto., ? ^APUNDA. ? 294ov JAS. SPICER, AUCTIONEER, VALUER, and COMMISSION AGENT, LAURA. Loans Negotiated. Leases, Transfers, Mortgatreb, Bills of Bale, &c. promptly attended to. Land brought under Real Property Act. Office— Main-street, Laura. 327c* IS TO N & SHAKES, STOCK SALESMEN k AUCTIONEERq. ? KAPUNDA. 320«t46 T1DMAESH & OO.'S TOILET SOAP. '* Messrs. J. Tidmarsh & Co., Adelaide. 'Gentlemen — Having made a chemical examination of your Toilet Honet Soap, I can testify that it is mild, emollient, lathers well, and is a superior article, free from excess of alkali or any ingredient at all likely to be injurious to the most delicate «1'ti. I consider it a very pure Soap. ' Gentlemen, faithfully yours, ' Geobgb Fbascb.' 'Laboratory, S.A. Institute, October 12, 1875.' 328mwfo ID ZINC BOUGHT, Highest Price. A. Simpson & Son, Galvanizers, (Hwlerplace. ? 172o TRY THE ADELAIDE SOAP ? POWDEB3. ? 197mo ORH5TING MACHINES. — FOB i SALE, Two Socondhaad News Printing Machines, which hare been usad for printing z sheet 44 x 31 inches; in good working order, and will run 1,500 per hour. ANDREWS, THOMAS, h CLARE, Register Office, Adelaide. 271 or OR SALE, Cheap, a GUILLOTINE CUTTING PRESS, suitable for a Printer, Bookbinder, or Paperbag-maker. Apply to W. Vandifeee, Grenfell-street. 358cv PAIR DISSOLVING LANTERNS, Argand Oil Burners, FOR SALE, including about 130 of the Best Views and 81ides that can be obtained ; will be sold separately or together. Apply W. P. Featherstoae, Brigrhfon, Ik

?UBJjf»i lOTIOH. NOTIOE.— In reference to a Letter published in the Lantern on Saturday, July lvtb, the undersigned bees to state that he BUPPLJiD to the GOTHENBURG BELIEF FUND COMMITTEE the THREE GOLD ENGLISH PATENT LEVER WATCHE3, and GAVE the GOLD-PLATED ALBERTS referred to in without charge. & J. M. W. informs his Customers and the public generally that until further notice to any person PURCHASING from him a WATCH he will be most happy to PRESENT a GOLDPLATED ALBERT FBEE of CHARGE. Prices as usual : — Silver Watches, £2 and upwards. Silver Levers, £4 and upwards. English Silver Levers, £6 10s. and upwards. Ladies' Gold Watcher, £3 10s. and upwards; J. M. WENDT, WATCHMAKER and JEWELLER, 2Q3mho 70, Rtodlk-stbext, Adelaide. i^OLONIAL IRON W0RK& forwood,'dowk, & co., ENGINEERS, FOUNDERS, MILLWRIGHTS, AOT Makers of Vertical Boilers with attached Engines, , Machine Castings, Ornamental Castings, ' for Houses, Crestinsr, Fences, &c, AT LOWEST PRICES. ' HINDLEY-STRHET~WEST, ADELAIDE. ? ? . ? 203o A SHANTEE HAMMOCKS, i\ JUST RECIIVED, PER -MAIL. A Very Superior Lot of the above. Prices Moderate. JOSEPH ALLEN, TENTMAKEB, &0., 28Po 31, King William-stems. EDWIN SMITH, Clifton Nxjbsbbt. WALKERVILLE. WHOLESALE and RETAIL NURSERYMAN AND FLORIST. Bpring-Bedding and other Plants on Sale at Reduced Prices. Orders promptly attended to. 211mf ct JOHN F. PA8COB, in returning thanks to his Friends and Patrons for their liberal Support during the time he has been In Business, begs to inform them of his REMOVAL frcm Hindley-etreet to more Commodious and Convenient Premises in RUNDLE-STREET, CORNER of EAST-END MARKET, and wul Open his Place of Business there on December 13. ? 3f3o_ PORT VICTOR.-FOR SALE, the BUSINESS of a PAINKER, PLUMBER, and GALVANIZED IRON WORKER, together with Three-roomed COTTAGE and WORKSHOP. The business is given up on account of continued ill-health. Apply to 12-18 JE8SE MIS3EN, Port Viotor. FOR SALE, the OLDESTABLISHED BUSINESS of GROS9E & Co., Grocers and Ironmongers, Port Adelaide, and the Lease of the Premises. JOHN STUAfiT SANDERS, 17mwfo Liquidator, Adelaide. KSECHAJTDISB fpO BREWERS, CORDIAL MANUX FACTUBERS, &0.-ON SALE, NEW KENT and SUSSEX HOPS ; Tasmanian 1875*8, various qualities] Corks and Bungs of all descriptions. FANNING & CO., 855c . 23, Currfe-street, N G L I 8 H A L K.~ AflHBY'S BULK ALI, in Hhds. Ashby's Bottled do., in casee ,'?-?? .-1 Tennent's do. _ do., do. ? Shipments of NEW BREW, Just Arrived. ELDER, SMITH, & CO. . 5 95 ? Adelaide Agenta, C« BLTERSWATER. BELTERS O - WATER. This Year's BottKng. On Sale at W. CHRISTEN & CO.'S, 321mwf+45 . Grenfell-stroet, Adolaide. ! ,r' U1HNESS' 8TODT, Bottled' by O'Brien— the celebrated DAGGER Brand. Sole Agents for South Australia, LORIMEB, MARWOOD, & ROME, 327o Waymouth-street. ., OR SALE— Whale OU, Ood Oil, Ckret ' SparkHng Moeelle, Sparkling Hock, Real Havana Cigars, Herrings, Wooden Corn^Shcvels, Truffles. A. TILEMANN & CO., 29, Grenfell-stroet. _ ? 321mwft45 LITHOFRAOTEUR ON SALS, by FBANC1S CLARK h BON3, 231mwfo7 GrenfeU-streeti J8CAEBOROUGH & SON ? ABS NOW OFFERING FOB SALS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Good strong All-over HOGSKIN SADDLES complete, with Fittings, at £3 10b. COLONIAL-MADS SADDLES, in Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, Queensland, and Mudgee Shapes, a very large assortment. RACING, HUNTING, AND EXERCISING SADDLES, any weight. FOB LADIES' USE— Side-Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Spurs, and every requisite in almost endless variety, Colonial and English Make. BITS OF ALL KINDS for Ridiag, Driving, and Colt Breaking.' -HARNESS OF ALL KINDS and Qualities, for Carriage, Buggy, Gig, Spring-Cart, or Dray. WHIP3 of every description, ASHFORD'S TRADE MARK. SPURS, Valises, Pouches, Saddle-Cloths, Rugs, Horse Clothing, Brushes, and Stable Tools of all sorts. - ' The whole of the goods are marked at such prices as cannot fail to (rive satisfaction (0 the purchaser, and as they are made from the very Best Materials, they can be confidently recommended for wearing well. Note the Address— JOHN SCARBOROUGH & SON,. SADDLERS, &c, 316mwfo 21, RUNDLE.STEEET. WIRE. WIRE. WIRE. Johnston's Best Drawn Wire, Noa. 6/7, 8,9,10, ON SALE by I 7c CHARLES JACOBS & SONS. . f^ f\ ANCHOR IRON FOR SALE. 6-Feet.at4a.3d. 7-Feet, at 4s. 10d. 8-Feot, at 5s. 6d. GALVANIZED IRON. JUST ARRIVED-5-f6et, 3s. Id.; 6-feet, 3s. 10d.;7-i«t,4s.6d.;8-feet, 4s. lld.;9-feet,5s.9d. DOOR3-6 ft 6 x 2 ft. 6, D.M., 15s. AliO 12 x 12, 10 x 10, 30 to 75 ft. Oregon. - At S. HARVEY'S TIMBEB YARD, FLINDERS-STREET, Opposite the London Inn. Sashes and Frames and Building Materials of every description always on hand. ? 232mwfo O A L S. O O A L S.Best New South Wales Household Steam and Blacksmiths' Coals may be had in any quantity, delivered in Adelaide and Suburbs, a! so to GleEelg or elsewhere, if required, at Lowest Prices. HENRY SIMPSON. Coal Depots— Currie-street, Adelaide; and Queen'a Wharf, Port. August 27, 1876. 239a rfcr

K£llCHA3n?ISR ON SALE—CHAMPAGNE 'Im-perial' Geneva, key brand, underproof spirit Do., do., proof do. Bum, Lownde's and L. Hart's, 10 and 30 o.p. Whisky, ' Glenlivet' and ' Beith Bow' Sherry Wine, in qr.-caaks Finest White Crystal Sugar, Mauritius and West Indian French Crushed Loaf Sugar, in barrels Fencing Wire Curry Powders . - ? ? . . Table Salt, in 2-lb. bettles ' Condensed Mflk, 'Eagle' brand Compressed Vegetables, ' CholletV . Bjass's Bottled Stout, cases and barrels Petits Pois, in Mb. tins . '' ; ,. . Quebec Pipe Staves ..'?--?.??-Corks— Lemonade, Gingerbeer, Sodawater, Long Wines, Ale and Porter; Bungs, ic and in. Hops— New Kents and Sussex, and Tasmanian 1875's, all qualities. ? FANNING & CO., 7c 23, Currie-street, Adelaide. ON SALE— Coffee, West Icdia Suga; Salt, Earthenware, Tumbltu», Groceis* Paper, Fencing Wire, Roubaix's Candles, Freah Herrings. THOMAS GRAVES. Currie-street, August 17, 1875. 295mwfo ON SALE, Superior TEAS, Fencing Wire, WoolpackB, and Claret. 26/mwfo GILES & SMITH, Pirie-street. EDUCATION 'PRINCE ALFRED COLLEGE will JL REOPEN on Monday, the 24th instant. Satkfactory arrangements have been made for carrying on the work of the School till the arrival of the new Head Master from England. JAMES 5ICKF0RD, President. 8-15rl0mvff21 ? ^ THE COLLEGIATE SCHOOL of ST. PETER will REOPEN on MONDAY, January 17. 12,14-17 W. S. DOUGLAS, Hon. See. ADELAIDE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION. ; ..'? The next Quarter will commence on Monday, January 17. Applications for Boarders to be made to John L. Young, Parkside. ? 10,12,14,17 NORWOOD GRAMMAR SCHOOL. STUDIES will be BE3UMED on MONDAY, January 17. Prospectus for Boarders, &c, on application. 10,12,14,17 THOMAS CATERER, Principal. DULTENEY-STBEBT CENTRAL L SCHOOLS will REOPEN on MONDAY, the 17th inst Vacancies for Two Weekly Boarders. 14-17 ? WM, 8. MOORE. /COMMERCIAL SCHOOL, \J PORT ADELAIDE. This School has been conducted by the present Master during 18 years. A sound, practical and commercial education has ever been aimed at. German and French Classes by Herr Nootnagel. Two certificated teachers are employed. Terms on application. 8,11,13,14,17 T. J. KING, Principal. «m HE A O A D E M Y ' X GOUGEB-STREET, ADELAIDE (NEAR VlCTOBIA-SQUARB). . The Education imparted at this Establishment is thoroughly practical, and is adapted to qualify pupils for the duties of active business life. j Terms— From £1 10s. to £3 3s. per Quarter. ,.: 1 Pupils admitted at any date, and charge made from time of entrance. Latin, German, French, and Drawing by viciting Professors. . A Claab for the Civil Service Examinations. RICHMOND BAKER, Principal. , N.B.— Duties will be Resumed on Monday, 17th inst ^ - 8,10^15,17^ MISS » WYLY, Jeffcott-street, will Receive » her Pupils for MUSIC and URA WING on Tuesday, January 18, 1876. OME LODGE, KENSINGTON.— MI8S BERBY intends COMMENCING a PRSPABATOBY SCHOOL on Wednesday, the 19th instant. . . . , 17-19 SEASIDE. -Miss AYLLPFE'S SCHOOL, SALTRAM, GLENELG, will Beopen on Thursday, 27th instant. 17,19,21 MISS MITCHELL/ Childers-street West, North Adelaide.— PUPILS will REASSEMBLE on MONDAY, the 17th inst. ?? ? 10-17v GLENJELG GRAMMAR SCHOOL will Beopen on Monday, January 17. allov FREDERICK CATERER. ORTH ADELAIDE YODNG LADIES' INSTITUTION, WelUmrtonsquare.— Mrs. C. F. HEATH'S PUPILS wfll REASSEMBLE on MONDAY, the 17th inst. ? 12-17 YOUNG LADIES' COLLEGE, HABDWICKB HOUSE, KENT TOWN, Conducted by Mrs. Bhuitlewobth. BOABDEB3 are requested to return on Monday, 17th instant. DAY PUPILS on Tuesday, the 18th instant. ? allo ENGLISH and GERMAN SCHOOL for YOUNG LADIES, Pultenoy-street, opposite the Scotch Church. Miss BEYER'S Pupils will reassemble on Wednesday, January 19. ? 12,14,17 MRS. WHITBY'S PUPILS are expected to BE ASSEMBLE on MONDAY, 17th January, 1878. Two Vacancies for Boarders. Carrineton-street, South Adelaide. ? Il,13,17rl5 rriBK CLASSES of % the MISSES X SHERIDAN REASSEMBLE on MONDAY, January 17. English, Music, Drawing, Languages. Mackinnon*parade, North Adelaide. ? 10,12,14,17 nPHE MISSES BULL, PALM-PLACE, X HACKNEY.— School will REOPEN on Monday, 17. Vacancies for Boarders. ar RS. HEKRY DAViS and MISS Dd.VIS'8 SCHOOL, Vine Cottage, Ptotexetstbekt. Dnties will ba Resumed Tuesday, January 18. A Pbepabatort Class for Youag Gentlemen. ? 11,13,17 MRS. MARTIN, Palm - Place, HACKNET.-School wOl REOPENMONDAY, January 17. 12,13,15,17 fflHE PUPILS of the MIS8E8 JL BURGAN will BEASSEMBLS on MONDAY. January 17. Gilies street, January 10,'1876. 11,3,?,7 TITISSGREGSON, Wakefijsld-stbee^ lXL Fourth House east of St. Andrew's Church. Sshool Duties commence Monday, January 17. Two Vacancies for Boarders. 14*17 RS. and M183 GILES, Osmondtebbace, Norwood. SCHOOL. BEOPENS January 18. ? 13,15,17 WATERLOO-STREET, GLENBLG. — Mre. JOHN ROE will be prepared to receive a few B0ARDER8 and DAY PUPILS on Monday, 17th January, at the above address. ? 11,13,15,17 DALMER-PLACE, NorthtAdelalde.— U Mrs. WOODCOCK'S PUPILS will BEASSEMBLE on MONDAY, 17th inst. ? 11,13,15,17 Tl/f ISS GRAY Intends COMMENCING 1TX a SCHOOL for YOUNG LADIES at HUTT-STREET, ADELAIDE, on January 17, 1876. Terms on application to Miss Gray, Carrington-street. 1017

MONSIEUR and MADAME MARVAL'S 8CHOOL for YOUNG LADIES REOPENS January 17. Bambay House, North-terrace. 10'17 MISS YALE, TEACHER of MUSIC, Grote-streot, corner Victoria-place. — Duties will be resumed on Monday, 17th instant. Reference to Herr von Reyher. 11,13,15,17 RS. HOGARTH'S SCHOOL, Hanson-street.— DUTIES will be RBaUMED TUESDAY, 18th inst. ? 14-17 A NGASTuN HuUSE ISTABLISH£X MENT, Buxton-street, North Adelaide. Mre. E. EVANS'S PUPILS will REA83EMBLE on WEDNESDAY, January 19th. 13-19 iTITRS. THORNBER, UNLEYPARK. 'XtX —The School will be Reopened on Tuesday, the 18th of January. 8,12,15,17vl5 ISS FORSAYTH. ERSKINB HOUSE, GLENELG.-SCHOOL DUTIES RESUMED on MONDAY, the 17th of January. ? 18-17 THE MISSES BORROW, of Finnissstreet and Ward-street, North Adelaide. The ensuing Term will commence on Monday, the 17th January, 1S76. ? 8'18 DORSETTA ? TERRACE, Flindersstreet.— Mrs. FKRNELEY requests the Young Ladies of her Establishment to Assemble Monday, the 17th inst. ? 6-17 MES. BILLIATT is prepared to give LESSONS in SINGING at Pupils' own Residences. Terms on application, Glenelg. lo TjsXCHANGE OF PUPILS. — The JCi Principal of a Ladies' School in Adelaide will be glad to exchange her son for the daughter of the principal of a good Country School. Address, at ones, to E. J. W., General PostOffice, Adelaide. 15,17vj . TBE PINES, Ward street, North Adelaide. — MISSES SHAWYER and MOORE will REOPEN SCHOOL on MONDAY, January 24. GRAMMAR CLAS3 for ADULTS en Tuesdays from 2.80 to 4.30. ? 15-18 MISS PHILLIPS'S SEMINARY for YOUNG LADIES, ; 3 and 4. Boward's-Buildinos, Pulteney-street north. PUPILS are requested to ASSEMBLE on TUESDAY, January 18. ? 13,15,17 BOWDEN DAY SCHOOLS.— The Duties ot Mr. and Mrs. LAWTON'S SCHOOLS will be Resumed on Monday, January 10. alO17