South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Wednesday 25 October 1876, page 4

BUSINESS NOTICES ggggnie HIGHEST CLASS m$m MEDAL fjJggHfS ? AWARDED AT THE Vienna Universal Exhibition FOB ADA3ISS PATENT Central-Fire RREECIILOADIXG REVOLVERS, As exclusively adopted by H.M. War Department, the New Zealand and New 8outh Wales Governments, &e. ; and Rerrinta of speoial Articles from the Tina and ^ther leading Journals on competitive trials of this Revolver, with Prize- Lists, can be obtained on application Sole Manufacturers, ADAMS'SPATENT SMALL ARM3C0MPAN7, LIMITED, 391, Strand, London, W.C. (the only address). * Diagram of 24 Shots at 30 yards' distance made at Woolwich with this revolver at a Target one foot square. BREECH-LOADING GUNS, RIFLES, fee, with all necessary Appurtenancea. 2S3a+225 MILK PANS. THE CHEAPEST, BEST MANUFACTURED. AND ZARGEST STOCK of COLONIAL-MADE TIN DAIRY UTENSILS AT A. SIMPSON & SON'S, Gawler-place Sc Grenf elland Freeman streets. The IMPROVED METALLIC CHURN, In which all the BEST QUALITIES of the SUSSEX and AMERICAN are COMBINED, may be had of all the Principal Ironmongers and Store* keepers, and from the Makers, A. SIMTSOI* & SON. 43mwfcvA Hawfe HAY HARVEST BROWN & WOOD, WAYMOUTH-STREET, HAVING IMPORTED AND MADE A FULL SUPPLY OF HAY IMPLEMENTS AND TOOLS, and finding unfortunately that the harvest Is to be a small ono, they, to reduce stock and to meet the restricted means of the Farmers, offer them AT VERY LOW PRICES. THE STOCK CONSISTS OF SAMl'ELSON'S CELEBRATED E C L I I? S E ONE AND TWO HORSE 3IOWERS. SIMl'ELSOrS I-.OYaL SELF-RAKER. BURGESS ifc KEY'S popular balance: draught do., AND FULL SUPPLY OF FITTINGS. HOWARD'S IIORSERAKES. BROWN & WOOD'S IMPROVED DO. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN HAY TOOLS. BROWN & WOOD, Waymouth-strcet, Adelaide. ' 274cv WOOD AND COAL DEPOT.— The Cheapest Supply can be obtained at R, JOHNSTON'S, Cpbbie-stbeet, Opposite the Shamrock. Wood, Is. 3d. per cwt ; Coal, 2s, 3d. ; delivered at the shortest notice in the City or Suburbs. 235ths323

? BUSINESS NOTICES ? PIANOS' ORGANS. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOB THE BALE OP Ernst Kaps' Prize Medal SHORT IROX GRAXDS, And have now a Large Ftock on haad. GEO. WOODS «Sc CO.'S CELEBRATED ORGANS from ^2O. ' The most Useful as well as the most Elegant of the American Organs.' THE PI AX OR GIN1, ' A Chamber Organ with a Stop producing exquisite harplike tones.' Alexandras Harmoniums, ASCHERBERG'3 Sliort Iron Grand Pianos. P. FALK & CO., 262mwfc ? GAWLER-PrjACB. FURNISH YOUR HOUSE AT FLINT'S Fnmiture Mattresses Bedsteads Ea.-thenware Ironmongery Glassware Tinware Brushware Clooka Ornament FLINT'S 87, HI N D LE Y-ST R BET. ? 317wbot 20, UIXDLEY-STREET. Mrs. S. BICKFORD, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Saddle and Harness Manufactory Mrs. S. B. thanks her customers and friend* fer past favours, and begs to inform them that she has on hand ''Sydney-made Saddles' from £3 2s. 6d. complete ; also, a very Superior Assortment of Saddles own make, which can be guaranteed for material and workmanship to be unequalled in the Colonies. Buggy and every description of Harness, Whips, Bits, Spurs, and Stable requisites ; also, a large assortment of Kersey, all patterns, for Horse Clothing, on hand. Inspection invited. }Ir.«. B. calls attention to the fact of her taking First Prizes at the three last S. A. Society's .fhowa as a guarantee of the excellence of her manufactures. 245mwfo A.o SIMPSON &' SON'S IMPROVED PERAMBULATORS, Better Adapted for this Climate, and CHEAPER THAN THE IMPORTED. May be had of trie principal Cabinetmakers, Ironmongers, and Storekeeper! in South Australia, and of the Makers. GRENFELL-STREET and GAWLER-PLACE. ? 146wo FORTHE WINTER SEASON. ASH PANS, VARIOUS 'PATTERNS, MADE TO FIT ANY GRATE. FEXDURS AND FIREIROXS IN GREAT VARIETY. REGISTER ORATES IN ALL SIZES AND PRICES. We are now Showing some really Elegant Designs. FLAVEL'S RANGES, OVENS, AND AMERICAN COOKING STOVES, With Utensils Complete, W. &: T. RHODES, GENERAL IRONMONGERS, 124mwfc No. 7, BUNDLE-STREET. T. R Y A. TV, IHORPHETT-STREET BOTTLIXG ESTABLISHMENT. T. RYAN having left the Firm of Messrs. Simms k Chapman, begs respectfully to inform his numerous Customers and 7riendB that he has RETAKEN his OLD PREMISES in MORPHETT-STREET, and to thank them for past favours, and also trusts by strict attention to Business to continue to receive their favours as heretofore. lS5mwfa IVE & IVE, Wine* Spirit, and Beer Merchants, Hare been Appointed BOTTLERS of the Celebrated SLUMS & CHAPMAN'S Pale and Dark Ales and Stout Porter. Orders left at the BOTTLING E9TAABLISHMENT, Grey-rtreet, the BREWERY, or at their CELLARS, Gilbert-place, will have their prompt and careful attention. ISOmwfc WE the Undersized, having DISPOSED OF our BOTTLING BUSINESS to Messrs. IVE k IVE, bez; to thank our numerous Cutemers and the Public for their past support, and tn;st they will continue the same to our successors. 182mwfc SIMMS k CHAPMAN. 5. RONDE, FIRXITIJRE SHOWROOMS, 110 and 113, Rundle-street, Haa now on view a Large Stock of Elegant DRAWIXG-ROOM SUITES, FURNITURE for DINING-ROOMS and PARLOURS; all other Appointments of Best Quality and Lowest Prices. Most Extensive Stock of IRON BEDSTEADS, all Sizes, at Low Prices. MATTRESS and B8DS, SPRING MATTRESSES. Best London-made VENETIAN BLINDS, al] Sizes, at Greatly Reduced Prices. Oil, Floor, and Passage Cloth. FUNERALS Economically Undertaken. ZlQmwfo

BUSINESS NOTICES Furnishing IRONMONGERY. ? « ? — BEDSTEADS, MATTBESSES, KITCHEN REQUISITES, EABTHENWARE, GLASSWARE, OHLNAWABF, AND ALL KIND3 of USEFUL AND ORNAMENTAL ARTICLES.THE THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE COLONY AND THE LOWEST PRICES, AT W. C. BUIR & CO.'S, 47 and 49, RUNDLE-STREET. ^* ? 194wcv CITY STEAM MABBLB AND SLATE WORKS. E. H. HERRING, Latb L. Kellett. GRANITE MONUMENTS AND TOMBSTONES. ITALIAN MARBLE in Blocks and Slabs. MARBLE CIIDLNEYPIECES. A very Choice Selection is now on view at E. H. Herring's Marble Works, and is of Superior Quality and Design, direct from Italy. 17mwfc OLDEST PLUMBING, PAINTING, AND PAPERHANGLNG ESTABLISHMENT IN ADELAIDE, LEIOH-SXKEEX, (Obiginally S. R. Hall's). The undersigned, for many years connoctec1with the Firm of th-i late DoDGSON & SON, beg *o intimate to their Frienda and the Public in general that they have taken the above Premises, and intend carrying on tbe Plumbing, Gasfitting, and Bouse-Painting in all the different branches, 3rd hope by strict attention and moderate ctarges to secure a fair share of support. PAINTS, OILS, BRUSHES, PAPERHANGINGS AND COLOURS OP ALL SORTS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BOT, COLD, AND SHOWBK BATH3, PUMPS, 4c., JTade and fitted to order. MIXED PAINTS OF ALL COLOURS AND TINTS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. FR ASER, nroOES, & WHITE 236mwfo ROBIN & HACK, LATE THEOPHILUS ROBIN, 8arnl3 Timber Yard and Steam Sawmills, POET ADELAIDE, Cheap Deals. Cheap Iron. Cheap Flooring, Galvanized Iron, 24 and 23 gauge, all lengths and brands. Doors, Window Sashes, &c, all sizes and de scriptions. Architraves, Mouldings, Skirting, and Turnery of best quality. T. and G. Flooring, Weatherboards, and Beaded Matchboards in large shipmenti, just to hand, Jarrah, Redgum, and V.D.L. Hardwood. Cedar for Counter-tops or general use. Kauri, Califoniian, Clear, and Huon Pines. Palings, 5 and 6* ft., Launceston and Hobart Town. Cement and Plaster of Paris. Builders' Ironmongery of all kinds. Estimates given for all classes of Houses. Wooden Houses Framed on the Premises Sawing with Vertical or Circular 8aws. Orders promptly executed and forwarded to ?11 parts of the colony. All interested are requested to call at 2mwfor ROBEV & HACK'S. TO PARTIES FURNISHING. WM. BENBOW, Cabinetmaker & Undertakei, 119, Hindley- street, Ji8 ON BALE AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES description of Tables, Chairs, Sofas, Cheett of Drawers, ChJffonnieres, Mirrors, Washstands, Bedsteads, Cets, Mattresses, Palliasses, Pillows, 411 kinds of Stuffed Work and all kinds of Furniture always on hand or made to order. N.B. — DRAWING-ROOM SUITES. Rood Material and Workmanship guaranteed, from £27. The Trade supplied. HEARSES and MOURNING-COACHES LB3 ON HIRS. lmwfor BAUSSEN & CO., KDkDMARSH BREWERY. FIRST-CLASS UFS A\[- PORTER. From this date the above Bott'od Ales atr Porter are to be obtained from the Broker only. Or ers will be received by ALBION E. TOLLBY, Wine and Spirit Merchant, Currie-3treet. HAUSSEN & CO., 27ti Browers, Hindmarsh. SUMMER DEINKS. -;eorge hall & soxs, A* RATED WATER, GINGER BEER, AND CORDIAL MANUFACTURERS, EDWARD-STREET, NORWOOD, Beg to thank their numerous customers for past faviurs, and inform them that they have En^a^-ed an experienced Cordial Manufacturer from Melbourne, and hope by strict attention to bi-s'ness, and keeping a Good Stock of Superior Goods, to merit a continuance of their patronage. LIST OF MANUFACTURES. I in- ejuice Cordial Orange Bitters Sj naparflla Stomach do. Pt ppermint Cordial Doctor do. ( ' eves do. Rum Punch Lemon Syrup Ginger Brandy Raspberry Balm Ginger Wine Raspberry Vinegar Quinine Wine - erated Drinks, Ginger Ale, Lemonade, 8odav ater, Tonic Water, Sarsaparilla, GineerBeer. P.S.— Their Iimejuice Cordial and First Prize :i rsaparilla are specially recommended. ? 2S5mwfc THE INDIA AND CHINA TEA WAREHOUSE, WAYMOUTH-BTREET, ADELAIDE. MESSES. STOBIE & MELVILLE Would remind FARMERS, their COUNTRY FRIENDS, and the PUBLIC generally that their stock of TEAS, SUGARS, SPICES, BISCUITS, HAMB, BACON, CHEESE, English and Colonial, is of the primest description. 8. & B. would call special attention to a magnificent lot cf Fresh Herring? now opening. 2S9awfcT

BUSINESS NOTTORg ? FRANCIS CLARK & SONS, IMPORTERS of ENGINES (Gas and 8team), Boilers and Steam Fittings, Windmills, Pumps, Lathes, Drilling Machines (for hand or power). Saw Mill Machinery, Belting, Sheet Rubber, Patent Fngme FacHog, Pig and Plate Iron, Coke, Steel, &c, & Apply J. H. H0RW00D, MACHINERY DEPARTMENT, NOBTH-TEBRAOl, 293mwfov J. MORGAN, Importer and Manufacturer OF BOOTS AND SHOES, HAS RETURNED to his NEW PREMISE3, 104, RUNDLESTREET, where Customers will find the CHEAPEST and BEST STOCK in ADELAIDE to select from. Note the Address— MORGAN 'SC0RNER, 104, RUNDLE-STREET. BRANCH ESTABLISHMENT NORTH-PARADE, FORT ADELAIDE. 280mwfc HPHB GOSPEL OAJK. IRON AND A GALVANIZED IRON AND WIRE COMPANY. IRON MANUFACTURERS AND GALVANIZE RS. First Brand. Second Brand. Gf'O TRADE MARKS. ^6^ FIBST QUAUTT. EaGLS QUALMft. The GOSPEL OAK is tho Oldest Manufacture of GALVANIZED IRON in England. The original Galvanized Tinned Iron was first made at those WorkB in the year 1842. This Iron obtained the Prize Medal for 'EXCELLENT QUALITY' at the Great Exhibition of 1862, it being the ONLY PRIZE MEDAL awarded in the Trade. THE PRICE IS NOW GREATLY REDUCED. Works— Gospel Oak Ibon Wohks, Tuton. ' Mitre Works, Wolverhajipton. ' Regent's Canal, Llmkhoosb, London; Warehouse— 66, Upfeb Thames-street, London. Export Office — 110, Cannon-street. London. 19imwf8 EBING IS BELIEVING. Why be bald or let your HAIR go QRBY when by using Goddard's Haix* Restorer you may have the hair restored and invigorated with all the lustre of youth. Try It ; bottle, 2b. and 3s. 6d. each. Depot 85, Hindleystreetand may be had of all Druggists and Store* keepers in the Colony. 858c SINGER, HOUSEHOLD, HOWE, WHEELER & WILSON. SWIFTS1JBE, DOLLY VARDOX, Or any other Good Maker's Machine can be got at LOW PRICES. Liberal Time-payment Terms, and with a Two Years' Guarantee, from W. & T. RHODES, SEWING-MACHINE DEPOT, No. 7, RUNDLE-STREET. A VERY LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. ? 124mwfo BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. SINGAPORE CEOAR, SINGAPORE CEDAR, CHEAPER THAN DEAL, 5Jd. as 9 x 3. GOOD AND SOUND. BAKER &TEOIBLEY, 297m wfcv E A8T:TERR AC «. TO PERSONS ABOUT TO MARRY. PARLOUR.— Good Round Table, Handsome Spring-seated Carved Couch, Six Chairs, ( Chiffonniere, 14 Yards Kidderminster Carpet : (best), Hearthrug, Fender, IroDS, Curtain. ? pole, £23 IPs. 6d. ; with goods cf less value, £12 19s. BEDROOM.— First-class Half-tester Bed- ; itead, Pair Palliasses, Flock Mattress, Bolster, Cwo Feather Pillows, Two Chain, Tablo, : Washfitand, Toilet Set. Looking-Glass, Bottle -ind Turn filer, Six Yards Matting, Chest Drawere, £20 14p. 3d. ; with good? of less value, £14 Us. 9d. KITCHEN.-Table, Two Chairs, Dinner Set, Breakfast Set, Safe, Tuba, Saucopans, Settle, Boiler, and usual other sundries too numerous to mention, £11 2s. ; other goods, £7 13s. 4d. WALNUT DRAWING-ROOM SUITES In ;he Beet Rop and First-class Workmanship— Six Chairs, Two Easy Chairs, and Couch, £37 10a, Suite worth £45. NOTE THE ADDRESS— HOOPER'S, CORNER LEIGH-STREET AND HINDLEYSTREET. 75wcKANGAROO KANGAROO BREWERY, IIIjVI-MARSH. The Undersigced beg to announce to tbeir Friends and the Public generally that they have become PROPRIETORS of thoee Extensive Premises known as CRAWFORD'S OLD BREWERY, HINDMARSH, and after making sitensive alterations and additions have opened the same under the above title, and trust by supplying a REALLY FIRST-CLASS A-P.TICLE to merit a share of their patronage. Orders for Pale and other Ales and Porter, either in buik or bottle, promptly executed. STRFTTOX &'TIUPMAXx\, BREWERS AND BOTTLERS. October 2, 1876. IN reference to the above, B. STRUTTON, in thanking bis numerous Customers for their liberal support during the paat nine years, begs to inform them that he has ENTERED into PARTNERSHIP with Mr. C. W. F. TRAPMANN, under the style of STRUTTON k TRAPMANN, and hopes that the long and practical experience they (the new Firm) have had in the Brewing and Bottling Business will ensure them a continuance of their favours. Town Office and Bottling Establishment at the Cellars, Blyth-street, Adelaide, as before. N.B.— A Qnautity of HAUSSEN & CO.'S BOTTLED ALES and PORTER rtul on hand. 27omwfo

BUSINESS ITOTICSS CUNNINGHAM'S NEW SHIPMENTS FOR CHRISTMAS AND THE NEW 1EAR. NOVELTIES in WORKBOXES NOVELTIE8 in WRITING-DESKS NOVELTIES in DRESSING CASES NOVELTIES in TEA CADDIES NOVELTIES in PHOTO ALBUMS NOVELTIES in PURSES and WALLETS NOVELTIES in SILK BASKETS NOVELTIES in PERFUMERY NOVELTIES in PARISIAN FANS NOVELTIES in GOLD and SILVER JEWELLERY NOVELTIES in LADIES COLLAR-LINKS NOVELTIES in SOLITAIRES and STUDS NOVELTIES in BROOCHES and EARRINGS NOVELTIES in GOLD FINGER RINGS NOVELTIES in SILVER BOUQUETHOLDBBS NOVELTIES in SILVER CARD CASES NOVELTIES in SILVER NAPKIN RING3 NOVELTIES in SILVER CIGAR CASES NOVELTIES in SILVER CUPS and COHALS NOVELTIES in MEERSCHAUM PIPES NOVELTIES in SMOKERS' COMPANIONS NOVELTIES in MECHANICAL TOYS NOVELTIE3 in LUSTRES and VASES NOVELTIES in FLOWER-STANDS NOVELTIES in LADIES' RETICULE BAGS NOVELTIES in NECKLETS, CHARMS, PENDANTS NOVELTIES in EGYPTIAN EMBROIDERY NOVELTiES in OLEOGRAPHS FRAMED NOVELTIES in FRENCH NIC NACS NOVELTIES in TABLE FLOWER-STANDS NOVELTIES in SILVER.MOUNTIfiO WALKING-STICKS, NOVELTIES in DRESSING-CASES, with SILVER FITTINGS, Price Twenty to Sixty Guineas NOVELTIES in TRAVELLING BAGS, with SILVER FIT LINGS, Price, Fifteen to Thirty Guineas. WITH A VAST QUANTITY OF NE N AND CHOICE ARTICLES TOO NUMER0U3 TO PARTICULARIZE, | SUITABLE FOR PRESENTATION. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. CUNNINGHAM'S, ADELAIDE. 209wc PHILIP AT KIM, Boot Manufacturer, HAS R E 31 O V E D TO 27, HIXDLEY-STREET, Opposite J. Rove, Plumber. 235mwfc O. KEIDEL, BOOKBINDER, MACHINERULER, AND ACCOUNT-BOOK MAKER, MACHINE RULINgTfOR THE TRADE. Register Buildings, GRENFELL-STREET. Entrancb at West Sibb. lOmwfc ESTABLISHED 1751. P10LD SMITH S' ALLIANCE \Jf LIMITED. (Late A. B. Savory arul Sont), MANUFACTURING SILVERSMITHS, 11 k 12, CORNHILL, LONDON, ENGLAND EXPORTATION PRICE-LIST. Sixveb Spoons and Fobks,). 10(L naro, Fiddle Pattern ? ^ 5s. 10d. per oz. Ditto ditto, Queen's do. 6b. ' The following are ike weights recommended : — FIDDLE PATTERN. I. d. £ I. d. 12 Table Spoons ... 30 ozs. at 6 2 ... 9 5 0 12 Dessert ditto ... 20 ' at 6 2 ... 6 3 4 12 Table Forks ... 30 ' at 6 2 ... 9 5 0 12 Dessert ditto ... 20 ' at 6 2 ... 6 3 4 2 Gravy Spoons ... 10 ' at 6 2 ... 3 1 6 ISc up Ladle ...10 ' at 6 2 ... 2 15 6 4 & nee ditto ... 10 « at 6 8 ... 3 6 8 4 & It Spoons ? 1 2 C 12 T« a ditto ? lOois. at6 8 ... 3 6 8 1 P: ir Sugar Tongs ? 0 15 0 £45 4 i QUEEN'S PATTERN. The same service ? £61 19 0 Freight, Insurance and Shipping expense* re charged. Orders should be accompanied by a remitt;nce. A Pamphlet, illustrated with 300 Engravings, bi d containing the Prices of Silver Plate, Platedware, Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery, will b-fciwarded gratis and post free on application. Oiders addressed to the Goldsmiths' Alliance, limited, 11 and 12, Cornhill, London, can bt ftrwarded through then- Agents— MeEsrs. Francis k McPherson, Melbourne; Merar8. Scott, Henderson, k Co., Sydney; Messrs. Joseph Stilling & Co., Adelaide; from whom Pamphlets of prices and other infortration can be obtained. 354mwfaf313 T^ O W (T~N VT~E~W, 44, RUNDLE-STREET, THE IRON GRAND PIANOFORTE, by Kaps, ? AND ONF FULL-SIZED CONCERT PIANOFORTE. A VISIT is respectfully SOLICITED, as thej are both worthy of inspection. J. WITKOWSKI, leOthsc 44, RUNDLE-STREET. THE ADELAIDE PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY, King William-stbeet, Are prepared to take any description of CARTE DE VISITE or CABINET PORTRAIT, also every description of ENLARGED PORTP.AIT, for which they have Special Lenses for each separate kind of work, from their own negatives, or copied and coloured in any style. A Larpe Collection of VIEW8 alway on hand, the best in the Colony. H. DAVIS, Proprietor. 271mwfo (COLONIAL IRON WORKS, J HINDLEY-STREET WEST, ADELAIDE, FORWOOD, DOWN, & CO., Engineers, Iron and Brasa Founders, Millwrights, and Smiths. Bteam-Engines, and Mil] Machinery, Specialities. Weighbridges, Stampiccr Machinery, and extra-strong Horsapowera on hand or made to order. Castings ofall kinds supplied on shortest notice at lowest prices. 115mwfc7 O^INNOWINtf MACHINES. EASOM'S NEW PATENT MACHINES are fitted with IMPROVED PATENT FORKS For separating the Corn before it falla on the Hoves. They have an arrangement for altering the shake, are well made, and MODERATE in PRICE. Apply to ,„-,:, 196mwfcv D. F. EASOM, Enfield. RGAN FOR SALE, contains one manual and separate pedal organ, 8 stops, enclosed in general swell, handsome Gothic case, and illuminated front pipes, suitable for Church or ChapeL Price, £160. _ Further uarticularB on application to - VIRGOE, 80N, k CO., ' 278wbct Advertiser-Buildings.

BUSINESS NOTICES JUST BECK1VKD, ex Law Arrival*— PRUIfc CHESHIRE CHEESE HUME fcKOL13B d.A.MS Alto SUPEK1OK GRO;:ER1B3 and OILMEN'S 8TORES, a&d the NEW SEASON'S TEAS. Gocds delivered daily in HitT »ad Suburbs. R. F. 'LOUTIT, OROOER AND TE\ DEALER. 6, HlNDLSY-STBRKT. 24imwfo LION ALE. LION ALB. The Proprietors of the Lion Brewery »ro uow prepared to Supply thair Customers and the Public generally with BOTTLED ALB and PORTER at the following prices :— Pale Ale, 8s. 6d. por dozeu ; Pfcita, be. Porter, 8s. 6d. per dozeu ; Pints, 5s. An allowance made for empty Bottles returned^ ? 234awfo 1M 1 T A T I O N 8 OFOUB DIPHTHERIA POWDER Being numerous, Purchasers are requested to aae that our Name and Labkl are on each Bottlk, WITHOUT WHICH NONK IB QEmjlNS. F. H. fAULDINQ & CO. DUEL, FUEL. FUEL. TWENTY PER CENT. SAVED BY USING THB PATENT BOILER FLUID for ERADICATING. AND PREVENTING INCRUSTATION IN 8TBAM-B0ILER3. Supplied, with full directions for uas, by 185mwfCT F. H. FAULDINQ & CO. HPIDMARSH & OO.'S TOILET Jt SOAP. 'Messrs. J. Tidmarsh k Co., Adelaide. 'Gentlemen — Having made a chemica examination of your Toilkt Honbt Soap, I can testify that it is «uld, emollient, lathers well, and is a 6uperioi article, free from excess of alkali or any ingredient at all likely to bo 'sjuriouB to the most delicate akin. I consider it very pure Soap. 11 Gentlemen, faithfully yours, 'GE0BQ8 FBAtiQIS,' 'Laboratory, 8. A. Institute, Ootober 12. 1875.' ? 828mwfo f\RANGE TREES, ALMONDTREES. \J —A Large Stock of tho above; also a Large Choice Collection of Useful and Ornamental TreeB, Shrubs, and Plants, Fruit Trees, Vines, Mulberries, Olives, Oaage PUnta (for fences), &c., Vegetable and Flower Seeds, &o. C. PITT, 30, KING WILLIAM-STREET, and FELIX STOW NURSERY, Catalogues on hand 133mwfcv UY ONLY THE ADELAIDE SOAP ? POWDERS. ? 192wo RIHTING MAUJIINE. — FOB SALE, A Secondhand News Printing Maohlne, which has been used for printing a shoot 44 x 81 inches; in good working ordor, K2.d wDl run 1,500 per hour. ANDREWS, THOMAS, k CLARK. Register Office. Adelaide. ? 271or LD ZINO BOUGHT, Highest Prioe. A. Simpson k Son. Oalvanizera, Gawlsrplace. I72oOOR OOR SALE, STOCK, LEA8E. and 1 GOODWILL of an Old-Eitablished STORE, doing a large trade; good district. Present proprietor leaving through failing health. Apply to 271mwfc ? D. k J. FOWLKR, TO SQUATTERS AND OTHERS.— IMPROVED BORING TOOLS ; also Two Five Horse- Power and One Ten Horse-Power Steam-Engines for Sale. FORWOOD, DOWN, k CO., Hindi ey-atreet. ? 295ths32l CITY BATHS. TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS. Before you allow YOUNG FOLKS to Bathe at Glenelg, have them TAUGHT TO BWItf. The BWIMMING BCHOOL will be OPEN for the Season the first week in November. Ladies— Tuesdays and Fridays. Instructress — Miss A. Bastard. Boys— Wednesdays and Saturdays. Instructor -T. Bastard. Private Lessons per arrangement. MISS ADELAIDE BASTARD, Swimming Mistress. T. BASTARD, Master by Appointment ? 276mwfc THE GLENELG BATHS. TICKETS from let Ootober, 1876. 1st Class. 2nd Class. Yearly Ticket ? £3 0 0 £2 0 0 Three months' do. ... 1 0 0 0 15 0 Monthly do ? 0 10 0 0 7 0 Single do ? 0 0 6 0 0 4 Single Tickets per doz. ... 0 6 0 0 3 0 Ladies' Houbs Strictly Kept. See Lists. ? 271W8O POSTING AND HANDBILLS in any quantity got out on the shortest notice by steam. Wood Enqbavihq and Stbheotthho: equal to London Houses. Farot pBcrrraa in Gold, Silver, and Bronze, in Inks of any and every Colour. REGISTER GENERAL PRINTING OFFICES STORAGE STORAGE.— The Undersigned beg to intimate to their Friends and the Publio that in addition to their othor business they have opened their central premises for Storage of Dry Goods, and respectfully solicit a share of their favours, to whioh every care will be given and instruction attended to. PETER CUMMING k SON. Grenfell-Btreet. 276o ? PRODUCE. ? PRIME NEW ZEALAND OATS on BALE. WHYTE, COUNSELL, k CO., 297c ? - ? Currie-rtreet. ROWING CROP OF WHEAT, at Kensington Park, about Six Acres, FOR. 8ALE. Apply to C. J. Pittard, Parade, Norwood. ? 293-300 WOOL, HIDE8, SHEEPSKINS BARK, GUM, 8HANK-BONES, TALLOW, &c, PURCHASED by the Undented In Adelaide. 277cv ? W. PEACOCK & BON, OOL, , SHEEPSKINS, HIDES, TALLOW, BARK, SHANKBONE3HORNS, OPOSSUM and KANGAROO SKINS, &c, PURCHASED by E. R, Priestly k Co., 92, Currie-street, Adelaide. 271 '301 (3 S~HEEPFARMERS AND OTHERS.— We beg to Inform our -Friends that we are prepared to PURCHA8JB WOOL for the present Season at highest Market Price. We are also prepared to Scour their Wool in oar usual style at very moderate rates, with the utmost dispatch. We should feel obliged if Orders for Scouring were Bent as soon as possible. Terms apply TAYLOR BROTHERS, TorrenBgide Mills, Thebarton. Skins bought as usual. October 9, 1876. 283ot OHN DENOH 4 OO., TANNERS, CURRIERS, FELLMONGER8, ka. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE GIVEN for HIDES, 8KINS, TALLOW, &s. ON BALE, LEATHER of every description, first quality. GLUE, Colonial, equal to imported, and at Lower Prlce8, 300o HINDMAR8H TANNERY. Printed and Published daily by the proprietors, Edwabd Wm. Ahdbkwb, Wm. Etfth Thomas, and Johk Howard Clark, at the Offices of the South Australian Register, Evening Journal, and Adelaide Obterver, Grenfell-Btreet, Adelaide, where advertisements, orders, ud. communications am received,