South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Wednesday 18 October 1876, page 2

gmraBAL H0TICE3 THB Friends of thelate Mr. WILLIAM HUMDY are reepectfully informed that Im REMAINS will be Removed from his late Residence, George- street, Norwood, Thia Day {Wednesday), at 2 o'clock, for the West-terraoe Cemetery. ax P. GAY, Undertaker. ? PUBLIC NOTICES ? ^ Council of Education OSca. Adelaide, October 17, 1876. PUPIL TEACHERS' EXAMINA TION. Mean. MADLEY and CLARKE having kindly volunteered to give instructions in the Pmdplee of Teaching and in Singing, arrange ments have been made for holding Classes at the Training Schfl on Saturday Mornings. Toe Fpedal object of tbe Classes is to prepare candi dates for the next Examination. An allowance for travelling expenses will be made by the Council of Education to all pupil teachers who attend regularly. The dames will also be open to principal and assistant teachers on certain eonditions. All who wish to attend are requested tc present themselves at the Training School on Saturday next, the 21st inst, at 10 o'clock a.m. JOHN A. HARTLEY, 292*4 President Council of Education. DELAIDB WESLEY AN MUTUAL IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION. POPULAR LECTURE by the Rev. D. O'Don WHXon'TQM HOOD,' with Illustrations from his writirgs, next Friday Evening, in the Pirie Btreet Lecture-HalL Chair to bs taken at half past 7. Collection in aid of funds, 292 1 ALFRED ODGERS, Swretary. FLOWER SHOW, TOWN HALL, OCTOBER 26th. s:peciaI7:pis,iz;e By Mr. C. B. HARDY fob WINDOW BOX. SECOND PRIZE for Ditto, Bound Volume of Oardtn and Field, by the Proprietors. For particulars, see Prize-list. ALSO, SPECIAL 2PRIZES FOR 12 CUT FANCY PELiKGOlVieiS, FIRST, 7a. 6U; SECOND, 5s. W. HACKETT, Hon. Sec. 290,2,4 I^HAMBBR OF MANUFACTURES. TO MECHANICS, APPRENTICES, YOUTHS, AMAT1URS, CONDUCTORS OP EDU CATIONAL ESTABLISHMENTS, AND OTHERS, The SECOND INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION of MECHANICAL MODELS and DRiWING8 of SKILLED WORKMANSHIP will be held in Norember next, and Prizes are offered under the following Groups, viz. :— Agricultural, Pastoral, Engineering, Mining, Manufacturing, Building, and Miscellaneous. Special Prizes are offered to Youths for Models aad Drawings, and Certificates of Merit to Educational Establish ments for high-class Mechanical and Architec tural Drawings and Designs. Prize Money has also been allotted for Workmanship in Iron forging1, Engine-Fitters' Work, Castings, ko., in mews, and work in wood, stone, plaster, leather, and textile fabrics. Forms of Entry, Conditions of Competition, and every requisite information can be obtained from the undersigned. KA— The Chamber will be prepared to receive from Manufacturers Exhibits not for competi tion. The Exhibits must be manufactured in the colony, and must possess special merit JNO. .FAIRFAX CONIGRAVE, 162rrl66wo Secretary. AS the PARTNERSHIP between DBS. CAWLEY and FERGUSSON, of Glenelg, CEASES on the 31st December, by cffluxlon of time, all ACCOUNTS MUST BE PAID one month from this date. Glenelg, October 17, 1876. 291 -305 T\fOTIOE.-The CO-PARTNERSHIP JLl hitherto exiting between 8fiTH FERRY and BEBNHARDT C. F. DORNWELL, carry ing on business under the style of Ferry, Dorn weD, & Co., Auctioneers, kc, wa3 DISSOLVED by mutual consent on the eleventh day of October. All Aoooonta due by the late Firm will bs settled jointly by them, and all amounts due the late Firm wiU be received by Mr. S. Ferry or Mr. DornweH, either of whose receipts will be a sufficient discharge. ? SETH FERRY. BERNHARDT DORNWELL. Witness— G. Zschobk. This Hth day of October, 1S76. 292k NOTICE —The BUSINESS CON. NECTION which has hitherto existed between Mr. GABRIEL BENNETI1 and myself has TERMINATED. E. M, BAGOT. Gresham-street, October 9, 187d. fWVIB Undersigned, having RFSUMED J. the BUSINESS of STOCK AGENT and BALXSMAN, is now prepared to transact all buacess entrusted to him, and hopes for a share of support from bis late constituents and others, S. M. BAGOT. Gresham-street, October 9, 1876. 2Simwf jv \BSIGNED ESTATES OF _JL E. M. BAGOT and G. BENNETT. A11DKBTS DUE to the above Eatates MUST be PAID IMMEDIATELY to E. W. Aldridge, otherwise legal proceedings will be taken. The undersigned will attend daily from 11 till 12 o'clock at the offices in Grssham-atreet lately occupied by Bagot and Bennett. JAMES T. TURNBULL, £83c Agent for the Trustees. RE EDWARD NEWLYN'S ESTATE. - —All CREDITORS are requested on or before the 21st October, 1S7S, to 3END their FAMES and ADDRESSES and fall particulars of their Claims to Mr. Thorns Drew, Koorinza, THOMAS DREW, -T. .. , W. H. BANKS, 'p^ators. Bated the 7th October, 1876. 2S4-95 B ROBERTHU5TER, Deceased.— All DEBTS owing to the above Estate must be paid without delay to Mr. R. Threlfall, D. k W. Murray's, Waymouth -street, whose receipt will be sufficient discharge. 29Q'2 JULIA HUNTER, Sole Executrix. OTICK— The OFFICE of the 'LANTERN' Is REMOVED to WAY MOUTH-STREET (next to Lorinier, Marwood, and Rome'B), 280o ? F. 3. CARROLL. NOTICE. — I will NOT be RE SPONSIBLE for any DEBT1? contracted by my 'WIFE, ELIZABETH ANN MITCHELL, after this date. JOHN MITCHELL, Green Dragon Hotel. October 16, 1876. 291-3 HnnuQ notices TBE PARARA MINING AND SMELTING COMPANY, LIMITED. NOTICE is hereby given that a CALL of Ons Shilling per Share has this day been made by the Directors, and all Share3 in respect of which the said Call U not paid within 21 days will be liable to forfeiture. JAS. 8. SCOTT, Secretary. Temple-Chambers, Currie-street, September 26, 1876. 271,6,S3,90,2v74 J

? MINING NOTICES ? DEVON CONSOLS MINING COMPANY, LIMITED. NOTICE ia hereby given that a CALL of Two Shillings and Sixpence par Bhare has been dtclared by the Director* on the third issue of Bharee, numbered 9,601 to 14,400, payable to the Secretary, at the Office of the Company, Greeham-Chambers, King William-street; and all Shares in tb.9 said Company in respect of which the said Call remains unpaid after the expiration of twenty-one days from the date hereof shall be absolutely forfeited. WM. S. WHITINGTON, Secretary. A delude, October 16, 1675. N.B.— The twenty-one days expire on Monday, November 6, 1876. 29l,2v5 COMPANIES AND SOCIETIES WINE AND SPIRIT COMPANY, LIMITED. NOTICE is hereby given that a CALL of Fivb Shillings per Share has been this day made by the Directors of the above Company, and is payable to the Secretary at the Registered Office of the Company, Grenfeli-street, Adelaide. Two shillings and sixpence (2a. 6d.) on or before the the 15th November, 1876; and two shilling and sixpence (2s. 6d.)on or before the 30th Decem ber, 1676; and all Shares in respect of which the f aid call remains unpaid at or after the said dates will be liable to be absolutely forfeited to the Company. Dated the 6th day of October, 1873. By order of the Board, GEttALD JAY, Secretary. Grenfell-street, Adelaide, October 6, 1876, 281,92,311,207x283 ? TEKDEB8 ? Office of the Minister of Agriculture and Education, Adelaide, October 11, 1876. SEALED TENDERS will be received, at thi3 Office up to noon of Monday, November the 20th, for the CONVEYANCE of HER MAJESTY'S MAILS from PORT ADE LAIDE to PORT DARWIN and BACK, for One Voyage only. The Tenders to state the name, tonnage, and horse«power of the Steamer to be employed, and to specify the ports at which the Vessel will call en route, and probable time occupied each way. The space allotted for tho Mails must be sub ject to the approval of the Postmaster-General, and no person must be allowed access to the place in which the Mails are deposited unless authorized by the Postmaater-General. Six complete working lay days to be allowed at Port DarwiD, exclusive of days of arrival and departure; any detention caused by the Govern ment beyond that time to be subject to demur rage, the amount of which per diem is to be stated in the Tender. The Vessel to be ready to embark the Mails at Port Adelaide oh Wednesday, the 20th Decem ber, and to proceed on her voyage without delay. A fine of £10 per day will be inflicted for any detention beyond the date of departure finally agreed upon. If from any cause the Steamer shall fail to carry the Mails tho Contractor will be liable to a penalty not exceeding £200, in addition to for feiture of the amount of the Contract Tho Contractor will be required to execute an agreement for the due performance of the Con tract. Payment will be made on completion of the voyage (to Port Darwin and back) in accordance with Treasury Regulations. Tenders to be addressed to the Hon. the Minister of Agriculture and Education, marked on the outside ' Tender for the Conveyance of Mails between Adelaide and Pore Darwin.' The Government do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any Testier. EBRNEZER WARD, Minister of Agriculture and Education. ? 290,2,4 ALBERT ROAD BOARD. Offioe, Narracoorte, October 4, 1876. NOTICE is hereby given that sealed TENDERS will be received at the Albert Road Board Office, Narracoorte, until 10 o'clock aMn. of Monday, October 23rd instant, for the follow* ing Works: — No. 25. For Making a Castiron Road- Roller complete. Specifications can be Been at the Offioe of the Board, and also at the Commissioner of Public Works' Office, Adelaide; and all Tenders must be made according to the form of schedule annexed to the specification, and have the words ' Tender' and the number of the advertise ment to which the Tender refers legibly written thereon, as also on the outside. Neither the lowest nor any Tender necessarily 231-94* ? S. FARMER, Secretary. O MERCHANTS AND OTBfcRS. THE ADELAIDE AND SUBURBAN TRAMWAY COMPANY, LIMITED. TENDERS will be received by the under signed until Saturday, 23th October instant, from persons willing to Contract for supplying RAILS and other IRONWORK to the above named Company. Specifications and all other information can be obtained at my Office. No Tender necessarily accepted, EDMUND W. WRIGHT, Architect, Engineer to the Company. Imperial-Chambers, Adelaide, October 12. ? 287-302 ADELAIDE AND SUBURBAN £L TRAMWAY COMPANY, LIMITED. TENDERS will be received by the under signed up to Saturday, the 2Sth inst., at noon, for the AGENCY for the PURCHASE of the Plant required. Particulars of Plant, kc, at the Office of Mr. E. W. Wright, Engineer, Imperial-Chambers, King William-street. JA8. S. SCOTT, Secretary. Temple-Chambers, Currie-etreet, October 12, 1876. ? 292fmw301,2 TO SHIPBUILDERS AND CAB PENTER3.— TENDERS will be received up to peon of Wednesday, the 18th October, by Captain Beyer, of the Barque Carl Max, for BUILDING a DECKHOUSE. Plans and Specifications to be seen on board. Port Adelaide, October 14, 1876. 290-2 npENDERS will be received by the JL undersigned to Elst October for Supply of Nine Hundred Sound Split REDGUM POSTS, six feet long by five inches square, delivered where directed on Section 1144, Belair. W. C. .BUIK, _ 292ws302,5v Rnndle-street, Adelaide. HPENDERS WANTED for the supplj JL of 1,000 9-ffc bTRINGYBARK RAILS, immediate delivery, at Port Adelaide. CHAS. M. TODD, Port Adelaide. ? 292mwf30* IN the ASSIGNED ESTATE of W. B. DELANO, of Wallaroo, Draper. TENDERS FOR DRAPERY STOCK. TENDERS are invited until noon of Saturday, 21st October, for the Purchase of the Whole of the Drapery Stock in the above Estate. STOCK SHEETS may be inspected at my Offioe, Gresham - Chambers, Adelaide, and on the Premises, Wallaroo. No Tender necessarily accepted. Tenders to be addressed— FRANK HANN, Greeham-Chanibers, 235mwf 97 Agent for the Trustees, C0HTETAHCE8. URRA AND BLINMAN.— The NORTHERN STAGE COMPANY are now RUNNING COACHES BETWEEN BURRA and BLLNMAN. Leaving Burra at 11 p.m. every Friday. Leaving Blinman at 4 a.m. every Tuesday. BURRA AND SLIDING SOCK. Leaving BURRA at 11 p.m. on 1st Septembe and every alternate Friiday, Leaving Sliding Rock every alternate Monday, BURRA AND LAURA. Leaving Laura at 5 a. in. every Moad3y, Wed nesday, and Friday, and returning same days, leaving Burra at 2 p.m. Passengers and Parcels can be booked at John Hill k Co.'s, Adelaide, or at Booking Office, Burra. All Parcels must be prepaid. 243or .

THE FOUNTAIN OF SUMMER DRINKS OF EVERY VARIETY SPRINGS FROM THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN CORDIAL AND AERATED WATER FACTORY, WAYMOUTH-STREET. A. M. BICKFORD & SONS HAVE much pleasure in thanking their Customers and the Public for the past and present favours, and in consequence of the steadily-increasing demand for their Cordials have found it necessary to make Extensive Alterations to their 'Premises, and in doing so have added the Manufacture of AERATED DRINKS in all its. Branches, under the Management of Mons. H. FOUREUR, late of Paris. The Factory « now replete with the 'most modem appliances for Manufacturing Bitters, Syrups, Liqueurs, etc, etc, with the greatest degree of Purity and Cleanliness. Special attention is called to our LIMEJUICE CORDIAL CLOVES LIMETTA GINGER CORDIAL PEPPERMINT RA8PBERKY VINEGAR GINGER WINE RASPBERRY BALM PINEAPPLE LEMON SYRUP, The ORIGINAL and MOST WHOLESOME SUMMER TONIC, and recommended by ia* Medical Profession, is . . : : : . BICKFORD'S QUININE WINE. THE GREAT BLOOD-PURIFIER, BICKFORD'S SARSAPARILLA. IN AERATED WATERS for the Summer we specially recommend GINGER ALE, LEMONADE, SODAWATER, POTASH, LITTICA, and EAU DE SELTZ. STOMACH BITTERS, ORANGE BITTERS. CANADIAN BITTERS, DOCTOR BITTERS. PRIZE MEDAL8 were Awarded to A. M. BICKFORD & SONS in the INTERCOLONIAL EXHIBITIONS of GREAT BRITAIN and VICTORIA for tbeir 8UPERIOR CORDIALS and BITTERS. Orders received at the Factory, in Waymouth-street; or A. M. BICKFORD & SOXSf, 19, HINDLEY-STREET. 292w3V DRAPERY AffD CLOTHCTQ I BUSINESS NOTICES HTT A T-T TTQ 'DTDTZ'Q THE CELEBRATED I^HAJK-Llcjo J51xv±_o, eldorado 38, SMOKING MIXTURE EUNDLE-STREET, SOLD at F. H. OTTO'S, TOBACCONIST, ? 38, HINDLEY-STREBr. 288-98 I^RANGB TREES, ALMONDTREES. V/ —A Large Stock of the above; also a IS NOW SHOWING A SPECIAL MAKE Large Choice Collection of Useful and Orna OJ mental Trees, Bhrubs, and Plants, Fruit Trees, v 1 ikW¥-£i» *w AtTri^,r Arnnr Vines, Mulberries, Olives, Osagrf Plants (for LADIES 4LO11 1 GCLOTH, fe™*-. **. ^^p^'' ***»- ** .*?»?*?'? 1 At 5s. per DozenTB ^**-- 30, king william-street, and felix ? ? ^ STOW NUESERYi UNDOUBTEDLYiJ ITHEIJJ BEST RVALUE catalogues on ^hand 133mwfer _tOFFERlJDj8INCEITHE|YEAR 1864.' | M I T A T IONS JL OFOUB DIPHTHERIA POWDER Being numerous, Purchase™ are requested to see that our Name and Labkl are os kach Bottle, /Yl 1 TV1 OOT» Jl i. WITHOUT WHICH HONE 18 GKHU1HH. Charles Bilks, 38, Kundle-st., f. h. t aulding & co. IS NOW SHOWH G A SPECIAL LOT DUEL FUEL, FUEL. OF -» ? — — ? 4 lift PIFflW Af Pit I XT TWBNTY PER CENT- SAVED BY usmQ '4UU i *Ei vlio VI A Hill 1 9 patent BOILER FLUID for ERADICATING CHOICE PATTERNS AND FAST COLOURS, AND PREVENTING INCRUSTATION IN * * *i ^ -- i „ «. STEAM-BOILERS. At 7*U. per Yard, rCaJJy ^neap. Supplied, with full directions for use, by =*='=£- -*» _n ^^ 135mwf-jv F. H. FAULDING & CO. ? ??%j%l_) o M U T I~N WHEAT. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Charles Birks, 38, Rundle-st., dollmah's farmer's friend. IS NOW SHOWING A SPECIAL LOT ^ _derdgned ha'vTBought theRedpe of OF the above from the Family of the late Pro JfaDTCJCJ HI A TT1?O¥ AT €1 prietor, and are now the sole makers of this irliHiJS^ III /ft I Wi WX I /I JJJS. well-known and favourite preparation, which — T CHOICE GOODS. K* ^^ ''' ^ ' 280 Pieces, at is. per Yard. nnfct ». a iiramre * oa. *-'™^l ***£? 8U8'tS' ' J1DMAKSH ^ 0O.'S TOILET 11 Messrs. J. Tidmarah k Co., Adelaide. ?'Gentlemen — Having made a chemlca examination of your Toilet Hohby Soap, I can testify that it is mild, emollient, lathers well, _. and is a superior article, free from eioesa of Charles Birk?, 38, Kundle-st., fi& » «y io_^»nt at an ukeiy to be 3 ' injurious to the most delicate nHn. I consider it IB'NOW SHOWING A|SPICIAL LOT OP1 very pure Soap. — — — — ? — — - ?? Gentlemen, faithfully yours, HUltTPI l?Sfl?ll7-* UTRfff^f? 'GEOBCfflFBAKCIB.'' tFC/ll 1 liFvifl JCill A I? HI 1 ti 'Laboratory, S.A. Institute, filllDTC Ootober 12, 1875.' ? 328mwfo ^llllil^5 OUT ONLY THE ADELAIDE SOAP THE MOST APPROVED SHAPE, JD ? POWDERS. ? 192wo And a GOOD QUALITY, at 6a. each, or ^ ITY BATHS Sft« thp H;ili-DA7on v^ to parents and guardians. OWN Ult/ nail l/UALll. Before you allow YOUNG FOLKS to Bathe at BETTER QUALITIES EQUALLY GOOD Gl-nelg, have them TAUGHT TO SWIVI. VALUE. The SWIMMING 8CH00L will be OPEN for tb* Season the first week in November. Ladies— Tuesdays aad Fridays. Instructress ? . - —Miss A. Bastard. Boys— Wednesdays and Saturdays. Instructor -T. Bastard. Private Lessons per arrangement. Charles Birks, 38, Eundle-st., '' m.^dk __»__ IS NOW SE OWING ^* BASTARD, Master by Appointment ,,,_', 276mwfo and always has on Hand, ? THE LARGEST ANB CHEAPEST STOCK THB GLEN&LG BATHS. in thfl ritv of ??? TJCKETS from 1st October, 1876. in the City of w ^^ _d ^^ IITA'A J T IF 1? 1? A €! Yearly Ticket ... ...£3 0 0 £2 0 0 If IV Vli llf£i£iJf)3 Three months' do. ... 1 0 0 0 15 0 a *? - F0B Monthly do ? 0 10 0 0 7 0 ... , - , ,- , r., ,, . Single do ? ' ... 0 0 6 0 0 4 BOVSw and Meil'S tlotblUff, a^gle Tickets per doz. ... 0 6 0 0 3 0 TWEEDS ARE BSING SOLD DAILY LaDIE8- HoUB' STBlCTH KbPT' BkE^ at this Establishment at Is. lid., 2s. lid., 3s. ? lid., and 4s. lid. per Yard, all worth from Is. l^OR SAL*, » TOOK, LEASE, and to 2f. per Yard more. ^ G°^ YtrSe°-f ' „? iS££f ^SSn?^ PATTBRNS POST FBBE. prhtorleavu^throSfaflkig'health!63611 Pr°' Apply to 271mwfo ? D. & J. FOWLER. rwm& ADELAIDE PHOTOGRAPHIC . X COMPANY, King Wtt.t.tam.etbk— , riTT ADT T? C! 'DT'DTZ'C! Are prepared to take any description of CARTE VHixXiJ--Ej£} JL-±XiJ\.O3 DB VI8ITE or CABINET PORTRAIT, also q^ every description of ENLARGED PORTRAIT, tS8j for which they have Special Lenses for each ?n itxttvT Tt C?rr-nTiT3«rn separate kind of work, from their own negatives, XVU-WJJJjili-uXxi-CiJli J. . or copied and coloured in any style. A Larpre nenn Collection of VIEWS alway on hand, the best in ^w the Colony. H. DAVIS, Proprietor. ? 271mwfc AA~RC!TT Rr DO (X&Q^ F0R SALB- conta'na oat ? XU.VV/J_L tAf V/Vy»3 \J xn_nalandBepa»t3pedtlorgan,8*tos)s. ninn i\m riin Hf 117 HOC! enclosed in general swell, handsome Gotm II A 1 Aill/ llr iUAil.Cilii39 case, and illuminated l'ront pipes, suiiablo fo T?'CTVT#'^'\n7'T~fc Cburch or ChapeL Price, £160. x^/JiiiTXV^ y XLiA-r Further particulars on application to TO VIRGO 8, SON, & CD., 41, RIDDLE-STREET, mm™ w*-****. OPPOSITE STEPHENS-PLACE. \X7^ ^S *° i^orm our Friends and 20So tV the Customers of th- lat* Firm rf . JACKSON & HARWOOD, COACHBUILDERS, __«_.„ bfcOEIKG and GENERAL SMITHS, H-dt-8T0EAQB strtet, KENSINGTON, that wa have SUC ? CEIDED that FIRM in the BUSINESS, and lo ^TORAGE.— The Undersign ?d beg to c ure them that nothing shall be wanting on our O intimate to their Friends and the Publio part to deserve their patronage. that in addition to their other bu'U.e?s they JAMES & JOStPfl B'JNNE T. have opened their central premises for Storage October 17, 1^76. ? '^-17 302 of Dry Goods, and respectfully solicit a sharo of TTBTrPQ' Tl ATT? WOT? QATTT ;« their favours, to whhh every care will be given T)LA ' EREKS HAIK FOB. bALB in and instruction a^endnd to. JL any quantity, well thrashed, at reduced PETER CUMMING & SON. rates. J. Clark & Co., Horn and Bone Mer G:cnfell-street. oygc chants, Thebarton Bridge. 288,90,2

MERCHANDISE ON SALE, Lemon Hart's and Lownde'a BUMd, 8herry in qra., fflen livet and Beith Ross's Whisky, Hennessys 3-star, JDKZ _d Key Geneva. FANNING & CO., Mlo 23, Currie-atreet. GILBEY'S WINES AND SPIRITS. —The undersigned have been APPOINTED SOLE AGENTS for 8OUTH AUSTRALIA for these WINES and SPIRITS, which are of guaranteed quality and purity. The extent to which Messrs. W. & A. GQbey's Wines and Spirits have been appreciated in England is shown by their sales, which in 1875 amounted to 17,000 down weekly— representing one-twentieth of the entire Wine Trade of the United Kingdom. First Shipment now to hand, consisting of CLARETS, HOCKS, SHERRIES, POKTS, CHAMPAGNES, and SPIRITS of all descrip tions. Orders will be taken for THREE CASES and upwards. PRICE LIST forwarded on application to FANNING k CO., 23, Currie-street. Above Wines asd Spirits can be obtained in any quantity from J. Laiulet, Tynte-street, North Adelaide. 234o /^lORNSACKS, WoolpackB, Tarpaulins, VJ Canvas, Twine, Malt, Blue, Black Lead, Glue, Fenoe Wire, Pig Iron, Millstones, Mill-silks, White Lead, Zino, Brushware, Cadbury's Cocoa and Chocolate, Brandy, Rum, Whisky, Plymouth Gin, Sherry, Port, Champagne, Claret, Cider, flhds.Ale. ?_*! )m. B. Foster & Sons, Bass, Byass, Porter J '*en?r8y» Allsopp, Bridges Johnson, HENRY SCOTT, 152wB— Eagle-Chambers, Pirie-street. ENGLISH AL E.— ABHBY'S BULK ALE, in Hhda. Ashby's Bottled do., in cases Tennent'B do. do., do. Shipment's ot NEW BREW, Just Arrived. ELDER, SMITH, & CO., 193a ? Adelaide Agents. P|N SALE, MATCHES, Bavarian \J Hops, Fencing Wire, Galvanized Iron, fine Salt. THOMAS GRAVES, Currie-street. March 18, 1876. ? 248mwfo GUINNESS' BTOOT, Bottled by O'Brien— the celebrated DAGGER Brand. Sole Agents for South Australia, M. MABWOOD k CO., 827o ? Waymouth-street. P1UBVOI81ER'S SUPERIOR PALE V^ BRANDY, Bulk and Case. FANNING k CO., 116-98 ? Adelaide, Agents. RENAULT'S PALE BRANDY, in Bulk and Case. FANNING k CO., Sole Agents, 185o ? 23, Currie-atreet. LA GRANDE MARQUE BRANDY In Quarter-Casks (pale and dark), Cases, Flasks, and Half-Flasks. 224mwfo PHILIP LEVI k CO., Agenta. SALT, SALT.— PRIME LIVERPOOL SALT for Sale. Apply to H. H. Ranford, Port Adelaide. ? 123o Q YDNEY-MADE STOCK SADDLES, O complete, for 623. 6U, at J. A. HOLDBN k CO.'S, I860 ? Bundle-street. LITHOFRACTEUR ON SALE, by FRANCIS CLARK k 8ONS, 23ImwfcT ? Qrenfell-Btreet. COALS. COALS. Best New South Wales Household Steam and Blacksmiths' Coals may be had In any quantity, delivered in Adelaide and Suburbs, also to Gleaelg or elsewhere, if required, at Lowest Prices. ? HENRY SIMPSON. Coal Depots— Currie-street, Adelaide; and Queen's Wharf, Port. August 27. 1875. 239mwtot f^ r\ ANCHOR IRON FOR SALE. 5 feet, 8a. 3d.; 6 feet, 3s. lid.; 6 feet 6, 4s. 3d.; 7 feet, 4b. 6d. ; 8 feet, 5s. 3d. ; 9 feet, 6s. 3d. DOORS— 6 feet 10 1 2 feet 10, 1| thick, 23s. DOOR8-6 feet 6 x 2 feet 6, D.M., 18s. DOORS— 7 x 3, If thick, 21s. PICKETS, 16s. per 100. At S. HARVEY'S TIMBER YARD, FLINDERS-STREET, Opposite the London Inn. Bashes and Frames and Building Materials of every description always on hand. 231mwfo SCARBOROUGH & SON § ARE NOW OFFEKING FOR SALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Good strong All-over HOGSKIN SADDLES complete, with Fittings, at £3 10s. COLONIAL-MADE SADDLES, In Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, Queensland, and Mudgee Shapes, a very large assortment. BACIHG, HUNTING, AND EXERCISING SADDLES, any weight. FOR LADIES' USE— Side-Saddlee, Bridles, Whips, Spurs, and every requisite In almost endless variety, Colonial and English Make. BITS O? ALL KINDS for Biding, Driving, and Colt Breaking. HARNESS OF ALL KINDS and Qualities, for Carriage, Buggy, Gig, Spring-Cart, or Dray. WHIPS of every description, ASHFOBJyS TRADE MABK. SPURS, Valises, Pouohes, Saddle-Cloths, Rugs, Horse Clothing, Brushes, asd Stable Tools of all sorts. The whole of the goods are marked at such prices as cannot fail to give satisfaction to the purchaser, and as they are made frem the very Best Materials, they can be confidently recom mended for wearing welL Note the Addresa — JOHN SCARBOROUGH -b SON, SADDLERS, &o.y 316mwfo 21, RtTNDLE-STEEET. OATENT WROUGHT NAILS. J. J. CORDBS & CO., the Patentees and Sole Manufacturers of the well-known Patent Wrought Nails, commonly known as 'EWBANK'S NAILS,' desire to make it known that they have adopted a 'Star' or 'Cross' as their Trade Mark, and that all Nails now made aud sent out by them (except clasp) bear this mark upon their heads, and that within every package sent from their Works is also placed a card bearing their name and address. Any NaDs therefore which are not dis tinguished as above must not be confounded with 'EWBANK'S NAILS,' tho quality of which is so well appreciated as being far superior to that of any other make. D03 Works, Newport, MoBmouthshiro, England. 117w+103 TO'INNOWING MACHINES. EASOM'S NEW PATENT MACHETES are fitted with IMPROVED PATENT FORKS For separating the Corn before it f alb on the sieves. They have an arrangement for altering the shake, are well made, and MODERATE in PRICE. Apply to 196mwfc7 D. F. EASOM, Eafield.

? EDUCATION ? RUGBY SCHOOL, O'OosiiELL-STBEsr, NORTH ADELAIDE. Day Pupils and Boarders admitted at any time during the Quarter, and charged from date of entrance. Evening Tuftfon for Pupils of either sex In all Branohes of Education. Separate Class-rooms. Four Eights in the week. Two Guineas per Quarter. Pupils can receive Private Tuition from 4 to 6 p.m. daily. Terms— £3 3s. per Quarter. 214o W. E. DALRYMPLE, Head Master. f BSSONS IN GERMAN.— A Lady JlJ who has been teaching in Germany for several years wishes to give Lessons in the Afternoons. Terms moderate. Refer to Mrs. Farr, St. Peter's. 290,2,4. ? PROFESSIONAL ? DB. SEABROOK may be CON SULTED at Mr. BOCK'S, Chemist, 50, Rundle street, Daily at noon. 290,2,4 MR. TBOS. CHALWIN, Legally QUALIFIED VErEBINABT 8UBGBON, three years an Articled Pupil to Mr. J. B. JONKS, M.R.C.V.S., Ludlow, Salop. 1847 to 1850; three years' subsequent study at the Royal Veterinary Colleges, London and Edinburgh, 1850 to 1853. Diploma dated April 23, 1853; 29 years' practical experience, 21 years of which have been devoted to the treatment of disease as it affects Horses and Cattle in this Climate. Loose Boxes and Paddocks, at his private residence, St. John's, Adelaide. Veterinary Surgeon to His Excel lenoy and the Government. Offioe and Sursrerj —John Bull Yards, Currie-street. 223o R. N O R M A N, DENTAL SURGEON BOCKVILLE HOUSI, NORTH-TERRACE. 85mwfo ARTIFICIAL TEETH AM) MODERN DENTISTRY PAINLESS. Late fkom London. Twenty-three years' practical experience. Mr. BLACKMORE, SURGEON DENTIST, North-terrace, Adelaide, opposite the Railway Station, was for seven years Surgeon Dentist to the Barnstaple and North Devon Hospital by appointment; constructs Artificial Teeth from One to a Complete Set. Misfits rectified and satisfaction guaranteed to all those who have as yet been unsuccessfully treated. A Set of Teeth made and fitted to the mouth in a day. Two visits only repaired. N.B. — Mr. Blaok more's only address in South Australia is North terrace, opposite the Railway Station and corner of Bank-street. 40mwlo AINLESS DENTISTRY. MR. L. N. BLACKMORE, SURGICAL AND MECHANICAL DENTIST, VICTORIA-SQUARE, ADELAIDE, Begs to announce to his Friends and the Publio in general that he is now prepared to Extract Teeth without the slightest pain or inoonvenlence to the patient uuder the induenoe of NITROUS OXIDE GAS. Artificial Teeth supplied on the latest im proved principle and at strictly moderate price. Mr. L. N. B. at home daily from 9 a,m. to 5.86 p.m. N.B. —No connection with any Firm of the dame name. 119mwfo NOTICE. MKINGSBORO UGH. ? ESTATE AGENT, LIQUIDATOR AND ACCOUNTANT, Trubtee for Assigned Estates. Agent for Trustees. Trade Assignee in Insolvent Estates. May be consulted on all matters of Business aad Financial Difiiculty. Loans Negotiated from 6 per cent, and upwards, according to amount and value of security. HaviDg arranged a separate department for the above branches of my business, which will be under my own immediate supervision, assisted by competent Clerks, I am prepared to give prompt attention to all business entrusted tome. M. KINGSBOROUGH, 140mwfcvA Currie-street, Adelaide. WM. PEIRCE (late of the firm of Green k Co.) desires to notify that he has COMMENCED BUSINESS as LAND, LOAN, COMMISSION AGENT, and GENERAL AUCTIONEER; ateo, that he will conduct all matters connected with Finance. Loans nego tiated at current rates; Government Land Vales attended; Selections made in Agricultural Areas. WM. PEIRCE, Exchange Colonnade, 283mwfoT King William-street. EYNELL & REINEOKEJ (Late Waltkb Reynkll), LAND AND FINANCIAL AGENTS, &c, 92a, Kma Wtt.tiam-stbket. BEVERAL Thousand Pounds to Lend. Sections Purchased from Government under the cash or credit system. All deeds and doou menta under the Real Property Aot prepared. ? 835mwfo M. PADDOCK, LAND AGENT. Sections Purchased or Selected at Government Sales in the Areas under the Cash or Credit Systems at a Reasonable Charge. Money to Lend on Mortgage of Freehold Property of approved security. Office— 63, King William-street, opposite Gooa, Toms, & Co.'s. 205mwfoT M. LETCHFORD, LICENSED e LAND BROKER, WATERHOUSE-BUILDINGS. Government Land Salea attended. Money to Lend at Current Rates. Transfers, Mortgages, Leases, &c, prepared, and Land brought under the Real Property Act. 150mwfoy HM. ADD 1 SON, LICENSED ? LAND BROKER and LICENSED SURVEYOR. MONEY tobe LENT. GOVERN MENT SALE8 ATTENDED. OFFICE— WATEBHOUSE-CHAMBERS, ADELAIDE. ? 99or JO. PHILIPS, LICENSED ? LAlfD BROKER, AGENT, ko. Transfers, Mortgages, and Leases prepared. Property brought under the Real Pbopsbit Act. Lahd Purchased at Government and other Sales, and Selections made in the Nhw Abbas. 41, King William-street. 218cr R E D K. W R I G H T, GRESHAM.CHAMBER3, LlCKKSKD LAM) BBOKEB AND LAND AoiOT. All Real Property Office Business transacted with dispatch. Selections taken up in New Areas. Purchases of Credit Selections completed. ? 276sv CTARVEY & FENN, 90, KING WILLI AM-BTBEET, ADELAIDE. MlNntAL, AGEICULTUBAI,andPASTOBAL LANDS Taken up. Loans Negotiated. 187wscv GMUGG & CO., AUCTIONEERS ? and COMMISSION AGENT3, GEORGE TOWN. Every description of Land and General Agency business transacted. Money to Lend. Credit Selection Purchases completed. IP '335 H. GEO. GOODOHILD (SUCOESSOB TO JSNBJN COLES), AUCTIONEER, STOCK SALESMAN, *c, ? KAPUNDA. ? 294oT LISTON, SHAKES, & CO., STOCK AND STATION SALESMEN and AUCnOKEEES, KAPUNDA & KOORINGA,

?«MMMM—a.—M— —??-???— M—IM— ——?**??» ? fflOHBY ? M0HKXat@9 6inK*7*ar cent, per annum— 8everal Thousand Pounds to be Lent — accordirg to amount, margin, and' nature of security, G. W. COTTON, 227cv Qneou'a-Chambera, Adelaide. MONEY TO LEND on 'Freehold-Becurity. P. FRED BONNIN, Solicitor, 210J-26T 67, King WiUiam-rtreet. MONEY TO LEND on Freehold 8eourity. ANDREWS & BONNIN, lS6ov Waymouth-street. ONSY TO LEND on Freehold 8eourity. Business transacted nnda© the Real Property Act. WM. a DOUGLAS, Licensed Land Broker, Insurance Chambers (Pirie-street entranced. ? 884OT SIX PEK CENT.— MOflEY TO LEND at this rate in Large Sums, and at equally moderate rates on smaller amounts.. All business transacted under the Real Property Act. BAYNTON & PIZEY. Waterhouee-Chambers, corner of King William-street and Bundle-street. 217ct MONEY to LEND, in Large or Small!. SutKS. Loans ana Guarantees Negotiated. AKTHJR CHAPAIAN, licensed Land Broker aud Estate Agent, 129cv Aavflrtiser-Buildings. MONEY to LEND on Freehold and.. Squatting Securities at 6 per cent, and up wards, according to amount and valueof security* M. KINGSBOROUGH, Licensed Land Broker, Estate and General 25ot Agent. Currie-stroot, Adelaide. MONEY to LEND- at Lowest Current Rates, according to Security. FREDK. WRIGHT, Grosham-Chamberfl. ? 276Q7 MONEY TO LEND on Freehold; Securities at Current Rates. F. R. k F. AYERS, Solicitors, 94o Waymouth-str&et, Adelaide. ARtiE or Small SUMS at from 6 pe» Cent to be LENT on First-olos3 Security.'. lP8c G. MUMMfi & CO., Qrenfell-straet. ' MONEY to be LENT at Current Rates on Freehold Securities. All Real Property Act buBinees transacted, R. N. COLLEY, Licensed Land Broker, 75o ? P2a, King William-Btreet. ???-MONEY TO LEND on Freehold Security, at Current Rates. C. C. KINGSTON, Solicitor, 2i2'332 Eagle-Cbamberrf, Pirie-street fintranoey MONEY TO LEND, In Large or Small Snmfl, at lowest Current Rates, and Real Property Act business of all Idnl* traBsactod. J. C. PHILIPS, LIoe_ed Land Broker, Agent, &«,, H8ot ? 41, King Wifliam-atreet. MONKY TO LEND on Mortgage^. All Business under the Real Propert Act 'nuusaoted. NATHL. OLDHAM, licensed Land Broker. Imperial-Chambers, King WOliam-street. ? 232-rf MONEY TO LEND on Freehold. Becurity, whether under Real Property Aot or otherwise. W. BENNY, Solicitor, WATHBHOUSB-BUILDINaB, 150T ? KlNQ WrLLlAJH-BTBSHg, ITY LOAN OFFICE,. 9, HlNnLEY-STBKET, OVKB MjJH & G£T_.'a, NO FINES ur ENQUIRY IEE3, Persons requiring the Loan of Five Poundo and upwards can have the eamo on deposit of. Deeds, Shares, or Merchandise, or on Personal. Security. Repayable by Weakly or Monthly Instalments. Strictly confidential For further particulars, apply to the Manager. 42wso R. RAPHAELS ? PRODUCE, ? HAY-FOR SALE-HAY.— TENDERS will bo received by under signed till 19th October for tho PURCHASE of' 3TACK of OLD HAY. Lump aim, aa it lays ia Faylor Brothers' paddock, Torreuside Mill,. Ihebaiton. Removal at once. JAME3 T. TURNBULL. 10, Currie-street, Adelaide, October 14, 1876. ? 283-93 TO FARMERS AND OTHERS.-* TENDERS are Invited by tho undorsigned for the supply of One Hundred Tons of good Sound Clean HAY, Chaffed to a quarter of an inch pauge, and delivered as required at Auburn Corn and Chaff Store, in tons of 2,240 lbs. to the ton. W. J. MoDONALD. September 21, 1876, ? 267oT GILLE8 PLAIN8 STEAM CHAFF* MILLS. Mesfrs. B. k R. H. EMERY have pleasure la Tiforming their customers and the publio (tone ally tbat they nro not compelled to CHAFF 3 BEEN FEKD, but have an AMPLE SUPPLY jf GOOD WHEATEN HAY. (Storekeepers supplied upon reasonable terms. Please addret-B Uampbelltown. 29Q'5v OR SAL E.—Th8 Undersigned Is prepared to receive offers for the Purohasa Df 200 Acres (more er less) of a Fine CROP of HAY, all Wheat (fallow land), and equal to 1%, to 2 Tons to tbe Acre. Crop can be seen at Mr., Edmund Bart'ett'e, near Mallala. 280oy 1^0 8BEEPFARMERS AND' OTHERS.— We beg to inform our Friends that we aro prepared to PURCHASE WOOL for the present Season at highest Market; . Price. We are also prepared to Scour their Wool in o «ir usual style at very moderate rates, with the utmoBt diepatch. We should feel obliged if Orders for Scouring were sent as BOOa, as possible. Terms apply TAYLOR BROTHERS, TorrenBeide Mills, Thebarton. BkinB bought aa usual. October 9, 1676. ? 283cr JOHN DENOH it CO., TANNERS. CURRIERS, FELLMONGERS, ko. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE GIVEN lot. HIDES, 8KLN8, TALLOW. &S. ON BALE, LEATHER of every description^ Bret quality. GLUE, Colonial, equal to Imported, and Mf 8OO0 f ^ HINPMARBH TANNEBTV OOL, HIDES, SHEEPS_raa*J BARK, GUM, SHAKE-BONES, TAL LOW, &c, PURCHASED bj the Undersigned* kgffi'* W. PEACOCK & BON, TT700L, SHEEPSKINS, HIDES,, W TALLOW, BARK, 8HANKBONE8* H0BN8 OPOSSUM and KANGAROO SK1N8, to., PURCHABED by E. R, Priestly k Co., 92,. [hirrie-street, Adelaide. 271'3fll : OTICK N O TI C E.— MOWING-MACHINE3 FOR SALE, very Cheap, ind H0R3ERAKE. ;uiJC At JOHN HEED'8, Morphett-street. OLONIAL' IRON W0RK8, HINDLEY-STREET WEST, ADELAIDE^ F0RW00D, DOWN, & CO., Sn-nneere, Iron and Bra38 Founders, MD1 frights, and Smiths. Steam-Engines, and Mill -, ilachinory, Specialities. Weighbridges, Btamp ng Machinery, and extra-Btrong Horsspowera! m i hand or made to order. Castings of all kinds rapplied on ehortcat notice at lowest prices. llSmwfc?