South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Tuesday 3 October 1876, page 7

? EDUCATION ? \ DELAIDE EDUCATIONAL 1\. INSTITUTION. The cert Quarter will commence on Monday, October P. Applications for Boarders to be made to John L. Young, Parkside. 277,9,S1,3 OUNG LADIES' COLLEGE, H ARDWICKK HOUSE, KENT TOWN. Conducted by Mrs. SHCTTLEWOBTi BOARDERS are requested to Return on Monday, the 9th inst. ;' DA* PUPILS on the 10th itst. ? 27fc EDUCATION.— The Advertiser is desirous of receiving Two Little GIRLS to EDUCATE along with her own ; age from six to nine years. The locality is very healthy— 18 miles from Town. References — Rev. J. Jeifcris, G. McEwin, EL-q , Glen E*in. Latters add'essed Juanita, P.O., Inglewood, will meet with prempt attention. 277,9,81 PRINCE ALFRED COLLEGE.— Mrs. C. W. BABBAGE (Daughter of C. H. Barton, M.A.), with the approval of the Committee and Head Master, is prepared to Receive BOYS to BOARD at her House, where they will have the advantage of a comfortable home, attend the College classes, and be assisted with their lessons in the evening. Prince Alfred House, Kent Town. 277,9,81 T ABIES' SCHOOL, Axgastox, OonJLJ ducted by Mrs. 1OD. Duties will be resumed October 9. Vacancies for Boarders. Beferencies kindly permitted to Rev. James Jcfferis, LL.B., North Adelaide. 277ths302 T5 UGBY 8CHOOL7brCo5lfELi-8TSEJ!T, JX NORTH ADELAIDE. Day Pupils and Boarders admitted at any tuco during the Quarter, and charged from date cf entrance. Evening Tuition for Pupils of either sex In ali Branches of Education. Separate Class-rooms. Four nights in tbe weok. Two Guineas per Quarter. Pupils can receive Privata Tuition from 4 to 6 p.m. daily. Terms— £3 8s. per Quarter. 214o W. g. DALRYMPLB. Head Master. f^iLENELU BDGOAT1ONAL IN8T1\JT TUTE.— School Duties will be Resumed on Mondav, October 2. £73cv ' J. MORDEY MliCBBLL. f^ LEKELG GRAMMAR SCHOOL — \JT Duties will be Resumed on Monday, October 2. ? 274-3vj MISS FOKSYTH, Ekskixe House, Glexelg. fccbool duties resumed on Monday, the 2od of October. ? 2747 TVJORWOUD GRAMMAR fcCflOOLi. X ' —The next Quarter will commence Monday, October 2. 273-7 ? T. CATERER. MRS. VV. HafcOUc, Palm-place, Hackney, intends OPfcNING a HIGHCLASS SCHOOL for YOUNG LADIE3. A linited number of Boirders will be received. The first Quarter to begin October 9, 1676. 2l2ths81v ANOIKG and H* GIENIC EXERCISES.— MR. WIVBLL'S SATURDAY MORNING CLASS will Resume in the Refreshment Ecom, Town Hall, October 7. 277 S3 DTSUBAffCE NOTICES rpBE UNIVERSAL MARINE JL INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Head Office, 35, CornhSL, London. Capital, One Million. L. A. JESSOP, Agent. y-c The Exchange, King Wiiliam-street QUEBN FIBB AJTD LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital, £2,000,000. L. A. JES8OP, AQHMt, 808 The Exchange, King Wflliam«8treet. TRAKSATLABTIC FIRE 1NSU-..^NCl COMPANY OF HAMBURG. TRANSATLANTIC MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY OF BERLIN. attokskys ahd Agents— 210c G. MUMME k CO., Grenfell-street. ^ FIRS AND LIFE. 73thao g. j. BECK k CO., Agents. KV7 SOUTH WALES MARINE ASSURANCE COMPANY. 234c JOSEPH STILLING k CO., Agenta. TMPERIAL FERE INSURANCE X COMPANY OP LONDON. Wthao EDMUND W. WEIGHT, Agent

INSURANCE NOTICES THE BR1TJ8H AND FOREIGN MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Capital— ONE MILLION Stehubs, Paid-up Capital and Reserve Fund. £321,348. Head Office — E3change-Building&, LIVERPOOL. MARINE RISKS upon Merchandise and Copper ta^en to all parts of the world at Current Rates. Losses Paid in the Colonies or at any of the established Agencies. Adelaide Agents — M. MARWOOD k CO., 32?o ? Waymouth-street. COUTH AUSTRALIAN INSURANCE WJ COMPANY, LIMITED. Capital, £6G0,GG0. Reserve Fc:;d, £25,000. iJOARD OF DIRECTORS. Hon. Sir Wm. Miine, President of the Legislative Council, Coairman. J. C. Verco, Esq.,J.P,, Deputy-Chairman. J. Counsell, Esq., J.P. Hon. A. Hay, M.L.C. Hon. P. Santc, M.L.C. FIRE »md MARINE RISKS at Current Rates. MONEY LENT ON MORTGAGE. Insurance-Chambers, Adelaide; and at every Township in the colony. lS2cv R. g. TAPLBY. Secretary. VICTORIA FIRE AND MARINE AND LIFE AND GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANIES, CAPITAL £2,200,000. FIRE and MARINE RISKS accepted at Lowest Current Rates. LOSSES promptly Settled in the Colonies or in London. GUARANTEE POLICIES issued with Annual Reduction of Premium. A considerable Saving effected by Combining Life Insurance with Guarantee. FREDK. WRIGHT, Agent for South Australia, Gresham-Chambers. 267c BKITANNIA FIRE AND BRITON LIFE ASSOCIATIONS OF LONDON. Insurances taken at Lowest Current Rates. Losses settled in the Cclony. Agent for South Australia— E. P. MEREDITH, _3c ? 1, Register-Chambers, Adelaide. pHDROfl OF ENGLAND V/ AKD GENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE INSTITUTION Capital, One Million. ABBUBA5CES definitely completed and CLAIMB promptly settled in the colony. LOANS GRANTED at from BIX to EIGHT per cent., according to security, and combined with Life Assurance. 22ov JAMSS HILL, Agent, Grenfell-streo*. THE SOUTH BRITISH FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND. Capital-£750,000, in 37,500 Shares of £20 each. Head Office — Queen-street, Auckland. Bankers— The Union Bank of Australia. Marine and Fire Risks of every description taken at Lowest Current Rates. L. A. JESSOP, Agent, 351o The Exchange, Kin;; William-street. 'mosey PORT ADELAIDE. — MOSEY to L&ND on Securities under Real Property Act or otherwise. A. J. EDMUNDS, Solicitor and Notary, 277ths305 Sawtell's Buildings. -i?O KAA*t6per cent WANTED dt'/w«OvF' for three or four years, upon First-class Freehold City Property. Wm. Paddock, 63, King William-street. 267c MONEY TO LEND on Freehold Security, whether under Real Property Act or otherwise. W. BENNY, Solicitor, WATEBHOUSK-BUTLDmoS, 15CT KlNQ WlUJAM-STBSBT. ONEY TO LEND on Freehold Security. Business transacted under the Real Property Act. WM. S. DOUGLAS, Licensed Land Broker, Insurance Chambers (Pirie-Btreot entranse). ? 334ov SIX PER CENT.— MONEY TO LEND at this rate in Large Sums, and at equally moderate rates on smaller amounts. All business transacted under the Real Property Act. BAYNTON & PIZEY. Waterhou8e-Chamber8, corner of King William-street and Rundle-street. 217cv MONEY to LEND, in Large or Small Sums. Loans and Guarantees Negotiated. . ARTHUR CHAPMAN, Licensed Land Broker and Estate Agent, 129cv Advertiser-Buildings. jlyf ONEY to LEND on Freehold and 1YX 8quattiog Securities at 6 per cent and upwards, according to amount and valueof security. M. KINGSBOROUGH, Licensed Land Broker, Estate and General 25cv Agent, Currie-Etreet, Adelaide. ONEY to LEND at Lowest Current Bates, according to Security. FREDK. WRIGHT, Gresham-Chambers. 276cv M0KBi ' 6, 6*, 'a 7 per cent, per annum— Several Thousand Pounds to be Lent — according to amount, margin, and nature of security. G. W. COTTON, 227cv Queen's-Chambers, Adelaide. ONEY TO LEND~~on 'Freehold Security. P. FRED BONNIN, Solicitor, 2I0«r26v 67, King WUliam.street. MONEY TO LEND on Freehold Security. ANDREWS k BONNIN, 136cv ? Waymouth-street. MONEY TO LEND, In Large or Small Sums, at lowest Current Ratos, Real Property Act business of all kin if transacted* J. C. PHILIPS, licensed Land BrokerAgent, fee., 218ov 41, King William-street. ONEY TO LEND on Freehold Securities at Current Ratos. F. R, k F. AYERS, Solicitors, 94c Waymouth-street, Adelaide. LARGE or Small SUMS at from 6 per Cent to be LENT on First-class Security. 198c G. MUMME k CO., Grenfeil-straet. ONEY to be LENT at Current Rates on Freehold Securities. All Real Property Act business transacted. B. N. COLLEY, Licensed Land Broker, 75c 22^1 King William-street. MONEY TO LEND on Freehold Security, at Current Rates. C. C. KINGSTON, Solicitor, 242*332 Eajjle-Chaoibera, Pirie-street Entrance. MONEY TO LEND on Mortgage All Business under the Real Propert Act transacted. NATHL. OLDHAM, Licensed Land Broker. Imperial-Chambers, King William-street. 232ov

? MOHEY ? MONEY TO LEND on First-claaa Freehold or Squatting Securities. HENRY SCOTT, Cornwall Fire and Marine and Eagle Iifo Insurance Offices. II9tfcv] Eagle-Ceambebs, Pihib- street. OBEY TO 'be LENT on Freehold Securities, under the Real Propeity Act or otherwise, at lowest rates. KNOX k GWYNNB, 210tfc 92, King William-street. T\EPOSITS AT 6 PER CENT. The NATIONAL BUILDING SOCIETY u preiared to receive Fixed Deposits from £25 upwards at Six Per Cent, per annum. Apply W. A. CAWTflORNE, Secretary. Office— No. 3, Franklin-street. 235thc TVJ ATIONAL LOAN AND DISCOUNT XX OFFICE, GILBERT-PLACE, off HINDLEY-STRBET. uiils Discounted. Loans from £5 upwards oc Pereenal or other Security, repayable by Weekly Instalments. 293thso J. DANIELS, Manager. ? MERCHANDISE ? ON SALE— FENCING WIRE, Best Qualities, Nos. 4, 5, 6, Rolled, and Nos. 6, 7, 8, 9, Drawn. Galvanized Iron, 24 and 26 gauge, 5 to 9 ft— Orb, Emu, and other brands. Galvanized Plain Iron, Sheet Zinc, Screws, Rivets, Washes, kc. Portland Cement — White's, Knight's, Goatlings, and other best brands. Plaster of Paris, Flooriccr Boards, kc., ko. 47tscvA PHILIP SANTO & CO. ON SALE, by the UndersignedHorse Clippers— Clark's patent Patent Roofing Cement— White Bros.' best Portland Hops — Fine Kent, Sussex, and Mount Gambier Malt— -English, in large and small tanks Bottles— (Jingerbeer (stone) and Sodawater (glass) Corks^ — Gingeroeer Ale— Ind Coope k Co.'e, quarts and pints Wines and Spirits — Port, Sherry, Lemon Hart's Rum (in bulk), and Marcellaine Brandy ACETIC ACID— in half-hogsheads. FRANCIS CLARK k SONS, 242thscv ? Grenfell-street. ON SALE, by the Undersigned— MELODY SUBSTITUTE ORGANS, with from 9 to 20 stopu, Pedal Substitute, and 2 Knee Swells. The Melody Substitute Organ possesses a power of adaptation to Choir Singing that the most expensive Organs do not possess. Reference to those places of worship and also private families in this colony who have been supplied therewith will be furnished by the Agent of the Manufacturer. ROBERT B. LUCAS, 165tc Peel-street, Adelaide. ON S A L E by the Undersigned, HENNEBSY'S PALE BRANDY in Cases, Lemon Hart's Rum in Quarters 10 o.p., in Hhds. 30 o.p.; Glenlivet Whisky in Octaves; Booth's No. 1 Old Tom; Geneva, JDKZ Anchor, in Cases; Finest Prize Pale Malt in 200-gallon tanks; Yahl Paddock Hops; Garteherria Pig Iron; No. 1 Cbaffcutters, by Ashby, Jaffery, & Luke; and New Zealand Oats. JOHN MITCHELL & CO., 237ths326 Gawler and Georgetown. ON SALE, Lemon Hart's and Lownde's RUMS, Sherry in qrs., Glenlivet and Beith Rosa'a Whisky, Hennessys 3-fctar, JDKZ ind Key Geneva, FANNING k CO.. 141c 23, Currie-street. lLBEY'S WINES AND SPIRITS. —The undersigned have been APPOINTED SOLE AGENTS for SOUTH AUSTRALIA for these WINES and SPIRITS, which are of guaranteed quality and purity. The extent to which Messrs. W. k A. Gflbey's Wines and Spirits have been appreciated in England is shown by their sales, which in 1S75 amounted to 17,000 dozen weekly— representing one-twentieth of the entire Wine Trade of the United Kingdom. First Shipment now to hand, consfating of CLARETS. HOCKS, SHERRIE3, POUTS, CHAMPAGNES, and SPIRITS of all descriptions. Orders will be taken for THREE CASES and upwards. PRICE LIST forwarded on application to FANNING k CO., 23, Currie-street Above Wines and Spirits can be obtained in any quantity from J. Lamjiey, Tynta-street, North Adelaide. ? 234c iT W I G G ? Solicits Obders fob the Following SEASONABLE WINES, &c:— MARSALA, a beautiful Light Wine like Sherry. CHATEAU MARGAUX and ST. JULIEN CLARETS. SHERRIES - AMONTILLADO and good generous Samples. TOCHINEAL WHISKY. GEI8LER & CO. Jules, Mumm, & Co., POMMERY b FILS, LOUIS ROEDERER, CLICQUOT, and MOET k CHANDONS . SUPERB CHAMPAGNES. APOLLINARIS WATER, superior to Seltzer landing ex Glenavon. 79, KING WILLIAM.STREET. ? 273thso GAS and STEAM ENGINES White Lead, Zinc, and Window Glass Brandy, Jules Robin's, in bulk and case Port, Sherry, Cement, Sporting Powder Special Agencies. Crossley's Gas-Engines, Mander's Varnishes Ransome's Builders' Machinery, ko. Flatau's and Snow k Bennett's Boots and Shoes Burgoyne's Drugs, Rlundell's Oils, ko. 223thBo JAME8 HILL, Grenfell-street. BISQUIT, DUBOUCHE, & CO.'S SUPERIOR BRANDY.-ON BALK by the undersigned — Hogsheads, Dark and Pale. Qr. -Casks, do. do. Case*, One, Two, and Four 8tar Flasks and Half Flasks Glass Barrels and Crystal Vats ELDER, SMITH, k CO. 253thscv Adelaide Agents. N G L I S H A L E.— ASHBY'S BULK ALB, in Hhda. Ashby's Bottled do., in cases Tennent's do. do., do. Shipment's ot NEW BREW, Just Arrived. ELDER, SMITH, k CO., 193o ? Adelaide Agents. C1UINNESS' STOUT, Bottled by W O'Brien— the celebrated DAGGER Brand. Sole Agents for South Australia, M. MARWOOD k CO., 327o ? Waymouth-street. I^URVOISIER'S SUPERIOR PA Lie \J BRANDY, Bulk and Case. FANNING k CO., 113c Adelaide, Agents, ENADLT'S PALE BRAND?, in Bulk and Case. FANNING k CO., Sole Agenta, 185c 23, Currie-street. SALT, SALT. —PRIME LIVERPOOL SALT for 5: ale. Apply to H. H. Ranford, Port Adelaide, ? I23o YDNBY-MADE STOCK SADDLES, complete, for 62s. 6cL, at J. A. HOLDEN k CO.'S, 186c ? Rundle-street. COALS and COKE.— Best Newcastle Coals and Coke for Sale, at lowest market prices, by the South Australian Coal Company, Limited, 87, King William-Btreet. T. E. Buby, Secretary ; G, H. Paqualin, Port Agent. lMthso ,

? LAND AND HOUSES TO LET, inNuRWUOD, Six-Roomed HOUSE, with Bath; Low Kent. K. St. Barbe.Miller, Alfred-Chambers, Currie-strest. ? 277c -I A PER CENT. RENTS.— SIX _l4r COTTAGES FOR S\LB, South Adelaide, £1,200. KNOX BROTHERS, Exchange. x SPLENDID INVESTMENT. —FOR SALE, TWO HOUSES, Shop and Six Rcoxns. ANGAS-8TREET ; £1.400. x KNOX BROTHERS, Exchange. SBMAPfluRF.— TO LET, COTTAGE of Six Rocme, partly furnished, with Bath and till ccnvecience3 attached. Apply at Ford's, Port. ? 277-9 SUPERIOR FARM FOR SALE, BROUGHTON EXTENSION, containing 640 Acres— between 300 and 400 Acres under crOp_with Two (2) Roomed HOUSE, Outbuilding, Tank, &c. Known as the late Andrew U. Moar's. Fcr further particular?, apply to Mrs. A. U. Moar, Broughton Extension. 272'8v31 TO be LET in NORTH-TERRACE, the Comfortable RESIDENCE knowa as Mr. H. L. Voez'b. Apply Bundle-street, No. 82. ? 237o r|^O be LET, the HOUSE and Garden M lately in tbe occupation of the Rev. J. Davidson, PENNINGTON-TERRACE, North Adelaide. Apply to WRIGHT BROTHERS, £74,7 Imperial-Chambers. FOR SALE Cheap, Substantial Stone HOUSE of Six Rooms and Dry Cellar, Grenfeli-street, Kent Town. Apply to Thos. Baldane, Kent Tcwn ; or Charles Birks, 38, Rundlcstreet. ? a252c O be LE.T, Commodious OFFICES In WAYMODTH - STREET in Buildings nearly completed, adjoining Messrs. Cullen and Wieley's offices. W. WADHAM k CO., 217c King William-street. FOR SALE, at HOPE VALLEY, Piece of LAND, containing 20 Acres, being part of Section 8!i4, Hundred Yatala. Also, Section 5403, containing % Acres, distant from Adelaide about 11 miles, on the Anstoy'a Hill-road. Apply to A. BART ELS & MEYER, Grenfell-street; or H. BOTHE, Bremen Hotel, Hope Valley. ? 265ath77v67 FOR SALE, Cheap, Comfortable HOUSE, Six Rooms, Passage, Cellar, and Kitchen, ceitre of NORWOOD, close to Parade. K. St. Barbe-Miller, Alfred-Chambers, Currie-street. 251o 0 be LET, in HALIFAX-STREET, Two Semi-detached HOUSES, Five and Six Rooms. Possession of ono can ba had immediately; the other on the 1st October. Apply to C. Temple, College Town. 266c RUNDLB-STREET.— TO LET, FIRST-CLASS BUSINESS PREMISES —the valuable Shop and Premises lately in the occupation of Messrs. Dedgson k Son, with or without Back Premises. For full particulars, apply to Messrs. Townsend, Botting, k Co., Auctioneers. King William-street; or to W. M. Letchford, Esq., King William-street. 272c FOR SALE, HOUSE of Four Rooms in Selby-street ; Land 22 feet by 80 feet, with right-of-way. Ako, Two Allotments of Land in Gilbert-street, each 30 feet by 90 feet, with right-of-way. AIRLAND in Carringtcn-street, 46 feat by ICO feet, with right-of-way. Three-fourths of the purchase-money can remain on mortgage at 7 per cent. W. H. WADEY, 274,7 Solicitor, Central-Chambers, INDLEY-STREET, One Acre West of Morphett-street.— FOR SALE, EIGHT ALLOTMENTS— four facing Hindley-street and four facing Register-street. Apply to GREEN and Co., L&nd Agents, King William-street. ? 211thso FOR SALE, on the MITOHAMROAD, a SPLENDID BLOCK of LAND, 10 Acres, opposite the residence of G. Church, Esq. First-rate Soil, Beautiful Views, Waterworks main runs past the property. Apply to A. G. Chapman, Builder, Hutt-street. ? 251thso A SPLENDID BLOCK of LAND FOR SALE at PARKSIDE, eight minutes' walk from Green Dragon ; 3S2 feet frontage by 241 feet deep ; planted with nearly 100 Orange Treea and various other Fruit Trees, also Gums. Apply to A. G. Chamnan, Builder, Hutt-street. 251thsc O LET, in O'CONNELL-STREET' North Adelaide, the BUTCHER'S SHOP lately occupied by Mr. Harman. Apply to W. Dixon, College Park. 262c TO be LET, in RUNDLE-STREET, TWO COMMODIOUS SHOP3, with DWELLINGS, just finished, near East-End Market, close to Exeter Hotel. A. Bartels and Meyer, Grenfell-street. 273'BO pi LENELG.— HOUSE' of Six Rooms, VJT comfortably Furnished, TO be LET for Six Months from tho 1st September. Particulars on application to BAYNTON k PIZEY, 249tfc Waterhoudes-Cuainbers. HE PORT ADELAIDE INSTITUTE COMMITTEE are prepared to receive offers for tha RENTAGB of the UNDERGROUND ROOil recently vacated by Young k Mortis, Printers, until Wednesday, 4th proximo, at 4 p.m. Oilers to be lodged with the Librarian, who will show the promises. GEO. W. SMITH, Hon. 8ec September 30, 1876. ? 276_8 TO be LET or SOLD, SECTION No. 6131, containing 84 Acres, 18 Miles from Adelaide, on the N.E. Main Road, consisting of about 18 Acres of Vineyard, 1$ Acres various Fruit Trees, Walnuts, kc, the remainder in Pasture; Two Large Wine Cellars, a DweL'inaj-House of Four Rooms, and One Large Room with Fixtures and Counters, suitable for a Country Store, for which it is well situated. Three-fourths of the Purchase-money may remain on Mortgage. 39tc ROBT. B. LUCAS, Feel-street. TO be LET or SOLD, a BLACKSMITH and WHEELWRIGHT'S SHOP in MELROSE, situation the best in the township. Apply to John Harris, sen., Rookwood, near MelroEO. 276-83 TO be LET, a Healthy and Commodious RESIDENCE fitted with every convenience, situated on tho western side of North Adelaide, Living a fine view of the Gulf, Plains, and Hills. Apply to H. Dittmer, Bundey and Pashwood's, Eagle-Chambers, King Williamstreet, Adelaide. 274c TO LET, at WtODVILLB. the Housa formerlj o:cupied by R. R, Torrens, Esq., with about 36 acres Land. Apply to Mr. Baker, Railway Station, Wcodville. 249tbsc OR SALE or TO LET, H008E in ARCHER - STREET, Adelaide, formerly occupied by Dr. Hardy. FENN k HARDY, J49thsc 62, King William-street. RE MARSHALL, a Lunatic— TO be LET. the MILL aid Two WHEAT STORES at WALLAROO. Tenant will have to put tbe premisei ia orcer and keop them in repair. Apply to Mr. Hetry A. Wood, Victoriasquare, Adelaide. a256thsav HpO be SOLD, on Easy Teims, tne JL MACLAREN VALE MILL. S61o G. W. COTTON. Quean's-Chambors. WANTED, SMART BOYS as RUNNERS. Apply to Evening Journal t Publisher, at this office.

HOTELS AND LIVERY STABLES W. PECK, MORAN's HOTEL, W. P. wishes to inform his Friends, Commercial Travellers, and others that he has Enlarged and Improved this well-known Hotel. Parties can now be accommodated with Private Rooms at Moderate Charges, FIRBT-CLAS8 SAMPLE ROOM for COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS.WINE8, WINE8, SPIRITS, 'aid' ALE3, best brands. HORSES and BUGGIES ON HIRE. Telegrams will receive prompt attention* ? 335o THE GLADSTONE HOTEL, GLADSTONE. Patronised by His Excellency Sir A. Mubgbavb. edward'martes Beg to inform his Friends and Traveller! through the Northern Areas that the above Hotel, which for Accommodation Is not to be surpassed bj any Hotel out of Adelaide, is now open. Commodious and lofty well.vontflated Bedrooms, eiutes of Apartments for visitors, with private attendance ; none but the best brands in Ales, Spirits, kc, kept, either for wholesale or retail: superior Stable Accommodation, Sheds, ana Savoyards; Horses, Traps, kc, always on hire at the shortest notice. Commercial Travellers will find every convenience, and a Commercial Room expressly fo: their use. Orders by post or telegram punctually attended to. ? 323o OAKFIELD HOTEL, MOUNT BARKER J. OYSTON, JUN., Late Second Engineer s.s. Governor Musgrave, begs to inform his Friends and the Puolic in general that he has taken the above Hotel, and offers the best accommodation to Visitors and Travellers. Commodious and well-ventilated Bedrooms. Every attention paid to Visitors. N.B.— Hill k Co. 'a Busses leave Adelaide twice a day for Mount Barker. Visitors leaving the Port by the 1 p.m. train on Saturday can return by II a.m. on Monday morning. 202thso THE WILLUNGA HOTEL, WILLTJjVG-A. williajTnorris Begs to inform bis Fritnda and the Public generally that he has taken the above wellknown commodious Hotel, and offers the beat accommodation to visitors and travellers. Commodious and well-ventilated Bedrooms. Every attention paid to visitors. All Wines, Spirits, and Beers best brands. Good Stabling for Horses. Horses and Traps on hire. 259s ORK LIVERY AND BAIT STABLES. Mrs. THOMAS DENNY wishes to inform the public and the patrons of her late husband tiiat she is now prepared to undertake the business which has been carried on for bo many years at the above well-known place, and trusts by strict attention to the wants of those who favour har with their patronage to merit the same measure of success which was obtained by the late Mr. T. Denny. BUGGY and SADDLE HORSE3 constantly on Hire. Horses Shod on the Premises. A first-clacs Foreman and General Smith have been engaged, and those who may entrust her with orders in this branch of the business may bo assured of having the work performed well and satisfactorily. 253thso A SMALL ROADSIDE INN on the MANNUM ROAD TO LET. Apply to 274cv J. k A. G. JOHNSTON. BUSINESS NOTICES I~'1OR SALE, an Old-Established and prosperous BOOKSELLING, MUSIC, and STATIONERY BU3INE3S, in the bast thoroughfare in Sydney. It haa been successfully carried on by the present Proprietor for 16 years, and failing health ia his only reason for desiring to part with it The Stock 13 well selected, new, in good order, and every way suitable for a first-class trade; in fact, such an eligible opportunity for a man of eaergy, with a fair capital, rarely offers. PRINCIPALS only dealt with. For further particulars, apply to Mesfrs. James Reading & Co., 356, Georgestreet, Sydney. 272,4,7,8,80 FOR SALE, GENERAL STORE in NORTHERN SEAPORT. Returns, about £600 per month; Stock, £2,000. Property either on lease or purcbase. A good chance fora man with about £1,000. The Business is to a great extent reariy-money, and has paid welL Apply tc W. C. Pledge, Green's Exchange, Adelaide. ? 274-80 TEE ADELAIDE SOAP POWDERS ARE SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. ? 191to MEDICAL WESTOiVS WIZARD. OIL. The Gbsat Ahericas Remedy for RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, GOUT, And all Nervous and Inflammatory Aches and Paint. In all canes where pain or discomfort Is experienced, or If seised with Influenza, Diphtheria, Sore Throat, Bad Coughs, Hoarseness, Bilioui CoIIo, Inflammation of the Eowels, Stomach, Lungs, liver, Kidneys, or with Croup, Quinsy, Fever and Ague, or with Nejralcia, Headache, Tio-Doloreux, Toothache, Earache, or with Lumbago, Pain In the Back, or Rheumatism. or with DIarrhosa, Cholera Morbus, or Dysentery, or with Bums, Scalds, or Bruises, or with Strains, Cramps, or Spasms, the application ol WESTON'S WIZARD OIL will oure you of the warst of these oomplaints. THE GREAT AMERICAN BLOOD PORIFIEB WESTOX'S MAGIC PILLS, Bo2ar-coat9d,[p«rfectly tasteless: for the Curt of all Disordars of tho Stomach, LIvar, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Diseases, Headache, Constipation, Cosuveness, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, BOloumeas, Bilious Fever, Inflammation of the Bowels, Piles, and all derangements of the Internal rboera. Warranted to effect & positive euro. WESTWS WIZARD OIL MAGIC PILLS. Bold by all Druggfeti and Btorekeepem Pbici.— fixur-A-CEOwa. I. ft FAULDIHG * CO,, Wlulml* Axenta. 212gsp MAUD'S CELEBRATED Cockroach Exterminator. PBEPABED ONL* BY EDWARD MAUD, CHEMIST ANJD DRUGGIST, GAWLER PLACE, ADELAIDE. To be obtained of all Storekeepers. 155bhsc T^Y DUMAS' COUGH MIXTURE, A CERTAIN CURE for COUGHS, COLD8, ASTHMA, and all BRONCHIAL AFFEC. TIONS. Bold In 2s. Bottle* by V. B. B. DUMASSmccs*, 4o., 182thso Kfrg Wfli&m-Btreet south, '

? MSDICAL ? A UETOTATHY MESSRS. F. COUTTS k SONS' ACETIC ACID. A safe and permanent cure for Asthma, Colds, Rheumatisms, Spinal Complaints, Neuralgia, Fevers, and all Acute and Chronic Diseases. Sponges, Sprays, Flesh Brushes, Extra Tubing, ' Acetopathy' 4d., per post 5d.; Acid Cure 3d., post 4d. : Book for Mothers 6d.f post 7d. Wholesale Agent and Sole Csnsignee for S. A,, W. C. RIGBY, 64, King William-street, Opposite Bank of Australasia. North Adelaide, Mr. J. Mason, O'Connell-Bt. Gawler, Mr. Jaxes Habbis, Gawler Stores. IYEE COMPLAINTS.— T. O. DUNSTONE'S COMPOUND ESSENCE of DANDELION, taken with his Liver Pills, will cure cor pested liver, bilious complaints, costiveness, indigestion, nervous debility, weakness in the legs and sinking sensation in the stomaoh, loss of appetite, headache, pains in the side or under the shoulder-blade, soreness along the lower edge of the ribs, spasmodic asthma, ko. It is a complete renovator of the system — a restorer of the vital functions of health. Thousands of cures have already been made, and testimonials, unsolicited, are constantly being received.— Prepared only by T. O. Dunstone, chemist, Hi|jh-8treefc, St. Kilda, Melbourne. AGENTS FOR ADELAIDE: F. H. F^XJLDIIVO & CO., Clarence-place, and 5, Rundle-strset ; and at North-parade, Port Adelaide. 227-318 \T0 MORE DOCTORS! It Is generally admitted that DR. TOWNSEND'S Is the very best Furlfier ol the Blood, combining as It does a mild Aperient with tba more Invigorating properties of the most efficacious Tonic and Stimulant. The great beanty and superiority of this Sarsaparilla over all other Medicines 1b that while It eradicate disease it invigorates the body. It is, in fact, THE VERY BEST MEDL CINE EVER KKOWNj aa it not only Purifies the whole system and strengthen! the body, but creates New, Pure, and Rich Blood — a power possessedby no other Medicine, in which liea the grand secret of Its wonderful success. To be had of all respectable Chemists and Storekeepers throughout the Colony. 72tfc?A 'TVINNEFORD'S FLUID MAGNESIA. ±J —The Great Remedy for AciDm OF thb Stomach, Headache, Heabtburn, Indigestion, Soub Ebtjctations, and Brxioua ATFXCTICO'S. It is THE PHYSICIAN'S CURE for GOUT, RHEUMATIC GOUT, GRAVEL, and all other Complaints of the Bladder. And as a safe and gentle medicine for Infants, Children, Delicate Females, and for the sickboss of Pregnancy, Dbwefobd'8 Magnesia is indispensable. Sold by all Druggista and Storekeepers. N.B.— ASK for DINNEFORD'S MAGNESIA. ? 67t+58v62 ON SALE by the Undersigned, In 14-lb. Jars and in cwt. Cases: — Howard's Acid Tart. Howard '8 Sodse Bicarb. Howard's Soda Tartarata, Howard's PotaKae Bicarb. Burgoyne's Tinctures and Spt. Etheris Nit. in 1-lb. bottles and 40-lb. cases. Howard's Quinine, Judson's Dyes, Nea-.e's Food. H. WATSON & €O., 160thso NORTH ADELAIDE. ** 'ClOE THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE.' CLARKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE. Trade Mask— 'Blood Mixture.' THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER, For cleansing and clearing the blood from all Impurities, c&nnc: be too highly recommended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin Diseases, and Sores of all kinds it is a nevar-failing and permanent oure. It Cures old Sores. Cures Ulcerated Sores on tho Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs. Cures Blackheads, or Pimples on the Face. Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings. Clears the Blood from all impure Macter, From whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex, the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. Thousands of Testimonials from all parta. Sold in Bottles, 2s. 6d. each, and in Cases, containing six times the quantity, 11s. eachsufficient to effect a permanent cure in the great majority of long-standing cases^ — BY ALL CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the world. Sole Proprietor, F. J. CLARKE, Chemist, APOTHECARIES1 HALL, LINCOLN, ENGLAND. EXPORT AGENTS. Burgoyne, Burbidges, k Co., Coleman-street, London. Nowbery k Sons, 37, Newgate-street, London, Barclay k Sons, 95, Farringdon-street, London. Sanger k Sons, Oxford-street, London. And all the London Wholesale Houses. ADELAIDE AGENTS. Faulding k Co., Wholesale Druggists. A. M. Bickford k Sons, Wholesale and Retail DrejrjdEti and Importers, Adelaide and Kadina, South Australia. MELBOURNE AGENTS. Felton, Grimwade, & Co., Wholesale Druggists, E. k M. Keogh, Wholesale Druggists. HemmoDB k Co., Wholesale Druggists, Fitch k French. SYDNEY AGENTS. EUIott Brothers k Co., Wholesale Druggists, Ed. Row k Co. BRISBANE AGENTS. Berkley k Taylor, Wholesale Agent*. 158t+150z ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is warranted to cure all Diseases of the Urinary OrgaEs, acquired or constitutional, Gravel, and Pains in the Back. Bold In Boxes, 4s. 6d. each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors. Sole Proprietor, F. J. Clabkb, APOTHECARIES' HALL, LINCOLN, ENGLAND. EXPORT AGENTS. Bnrgoyne, Burbidges, k Co., Coleman-street, London. Nawbery k Sens, 37, Newgate-street, London. Barclay k Sons, P5, Farringdon-street, London, 8anger k Sons, Oxford-street, London. And all the London Wholesale Houses. ADELAIDE AGENTS. Faulding k Co.. Wholesale Druggists. A, M. Bickford k Sons, Wholesale Drwg!st» and Importers, Adelaide and Kadina, South Australia. MELBOURNE AGENTS. Felton, Grim wade, k Co., Wholesale Druggist*. E. k M. Keogh, Wholesale Druggists. Hemmons k Co., Wholesale Druggists. Fitch k French. SYDNEY AGENTS. Elliott Brothers k Co., Wholesale Drugrfsta, Ed. Row k Co. BRISBANE AGENTS. Berkley & Taylor, Wholesale Druggists. lftttlWa '

PUBLICATIONS ART) STATIONERY TUOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. W. O. IlIGBY, Bookseller, Stationer, and News Agent, 64, King William-street, Desires to draw tho attention of his Subscribers and the Public to the Newspapers, Magazines, Quarterlies, ko., for 1877, having to be ordered by the Mail leaving Adelaide on October 7. Special attention is called to the New and Revised List just published, in whioh it will be found that the prices charged are lower than any other house in the colony. It can be had on application, or posted on receipt- of a 2d. stamp. ? 266o * JUST UNPACKED. T BUS'S DIARIES for 1877 at JLl English Prices, from 6d. to 14s., for office and private use. Letts's Medical Diary. Lette's Housekeeper. Letts's Office Calendars. W. C. RIGBY, Importer, 259c ? 61, Kiag William-street NOXiOE TO SUBSCRIBERS to tub SOUTH AUSTRALIAN ATLAS, 1878. The ATLASES are NOW READY, and being Delivered. The Delay was owing to several Additions being found neoessarr. 205ct E. 3. W1GG k BO'N, Publishers, THROUGH THE FE RI, a New Australian 8tory, by R. P. Whitworth. Price 6d,, or per post 7d. The following Australian Stories are still in print :— 'Whitworth's 'Crushed,' Is., or posted l«u 2d. Whitworth's ' Lost and Found,' Is,, or posted ls.2d. Johnson's Christmas on Carringa. 6i., postad. 7d. ,.I Johnson's Over the Island, 6d., posted 7d. -Tbe above five books posted, 4s. = 274thsc E. S. WIQQ k SON, Publishers. . AUSTRALIAN READER, containing an Outline History of Aubtralia, Tasmania, and New Zealand, together with Chapters on the Explorations, Overland Telegraph, Natural History, kc By Sydney Marrett ; Revised by the late W. Harcus, Esq. Price, 9d. ; or posted, lid. - Discount to Teacher?. Sanctioned by the Council of Education for use in the Licenud Schools. 274thsc E. S. WIGG k SON, Publishers. A USTRALASIANTURFREGI8TER XJL for 1876. Price 63., posted 6s. 6i, 274thso ? E. S. WIGG k SOS. _ THE OITY LIFE: Its Trade and Finance, by Wm. Purdy. Price 7«. 6d. 274thao ? E. 8. W1GQ k 8ON. O ANKEY & BLISS— their SacredSopgs kJ and Solos. Words and musio, Is, each; words only, Is. per dozen. 274thsc ? E. 8. WIGG k SON. NEW HOVELS, Just Published.— Guy Waterman, by John Saunders, 6a. The Devil's Chain, by E. Jenkins, M.P., 53. Hostages to Fortune, by Miss Brad don, 2s. ' The Squanderers of Castle Squander, by W. Caileton, 2s. A Charming Fellow, by F. E. Trollops, 2*. Signa, by Ouida, 2s. 6d. i Parkwater, by Mrs. Wood, 6s. Leah: a Woman of Fasbn, by A. Edwardes, 63. GEORGE ROBERTSON, Wholesale and Retail Bookseller, 27Otsc 103, King William-street. C I ENTI FIO BOOK S. Just Published.— On Fermentation, by F. Sohutzeaberger, 5a. Chemistry, Inorganic and Organic, by Bloxam, 16s. Animals and Plants under Domestication, by C. Darwin, 2 vole., 18s. Evolution of tbe Human Race from Apes, by T. W. Jone?, F.R.8., 4s. Some Recent Advances in Physical Science, by Prof. Tait. GEORGE ROBERTSON, Wholesale and Retail Bookssller, 270tfc 103, King William-street. G. N. & W. H. BIRKS, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS & IMPORTERS 60, RUNDLE-STREET. Paul and the Primitive Church. Sir R. Hanson, 12s. The Hand of Ethelberta, 2 vols., T. Hardy, 21s, The Wise Woman, G. Maodonald, 103. 6d. Maid of Killeena, W. Black, 10s. 6d. The Inn Album, Robt. Browning, 7s. HanB Blinker, or the Silver Bkates, new ed,, 7b. 6d. Queen of Love (coloured illustrations), 7s. 6d. Doctrine of Retribution— Jackson, Bampton Lecture, 1875, 10s. 6d. Tales of Australian Life, Swan, 93. First Three Kings of Israel 2 vols., 4s. Letters and Social Aims, Emerson, 7s. 6d. Half-Length Portraits, Craig, 6s. French Political Leaders, E. King, 6a. Jack Afloat and Ashore, 6s. Zipporab, the Jewish Maiden, 4s. 6d. The Practical Draughtsman, W. Johnson, 30s. Examples of Modern Alphabets for Decorative Painters, kc, is. Young Seaman's Manual, approved by the Admiralty, 10s. 6d. The BoyB* Manual of Seamanship, 6a. City and the Castle, A. Luoao, 6s. 6d. Leoni and Within Iron Walk, 6s. 6d. Church Services with Hymns, A. and M., new edition, from 9d. to 17s. 6d. Sole Agents in South Australia for tha Arguit Australasian, and Australasian Skdchtr. ? 253o JU8T OPENED. FAMILY HERALD, VOL. 36. AT ENGLISH PBICE, 4a. 6d. G. N. & W. H. BIRKS. JUST OPENED. 1T7EDDING BELLS, VOL. 13, ENGLISH PRICF, 4a. €d. G. N. & W. H. BIRKS' 60, Rundle-street. Obdbes by Post Puhctually. Executed. ? 210oT THE NEW TARIF F— PLAYING CARDS.— The Government having fixed a DUTY of Thbee SrniilHM per Dozen on Plating Garbs we beg to announce that for Oxe Month from date we will sell at the old prices without any advance. Elegant Patterns, Gold Back?, from One Shilling per Paek to 2s. The Trade supplied as heretofore. S. P. C. K. A large assortment of tho Publications of tho Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge ; also to hand a shipment of the Books published by Thomas Nelson k Sons— all suitable for presents and school rewards — AT E.VGLISH PRICE3. An additional supply of CONCERTINAS of a very superior description. London-made Desks of the best workmanihlp in Mahogany, Rosewood, Walnut, kc, very neat and strong, brass bound. ACCOUNT BOOKS in great variety, suitable for Tradesmen, Merchants, Bankers, kc. Envelopes and eeneral Stationery at yerv moderate charges. * Jules Veres' wonderful Booka One Shilling per New Volumes-Family HeraldB, Wadding Bells, London Journal, kc, ko. Family Bibles, Pocket Bibles, School Bibles. Church Services, Prayer-books, Hymn-book** KC, &C, JNO. HOWELL & SON. Howell s Corner, September 1. 211o